Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic High School Course Overview COURSE TITLE: Grade 11 Physics – University COURSE CODE: SPH3U CREDIT VALUE: 1.0 SCHOOL YEAR: 2016 TEACHER: Ms. T. McKay Semester 2 COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course develops students’ understanding of the basic concepts of physics. Students will explore kinematics, with an emphasis on linear motion; different kinds of forces; energy transformations; the properties of mechanical waves and sound; and electricity and magnetism. They will enhance their scientific investigation skills as they test laws of physics. In addition, they will analyse the interrelationships between physics and technology, and consider the impact of technological applications of physics on society and the environment. HOW THIS COURSE SUPPORTS THE ONTARIO CATHOLIC GRADUATE EXPECTATIONS: Through the study of physics, students have the opportunity to “discover the laws which govern the universe, as well as their interrelationship.” They (scientists, and therefore students) can “stand in wonderment and humility before the created and feel drawn to the love of the Author of all things.”(address of Pope John Paul II to the Jubilee of Scientists May 25, 2000) The study of any science helps students to learn to be reflective, critical, and creative thinkers, as well as discerning believers, who can apply their knowledge to the world around them. They can then make appropriate decisions in light of Gospel values and Church teachings. Through the study of the techniques of science, particularly experimentation, students learn to be collaborative contributors to an interdependent team, respecting the rights, responsibilities, and contributions of others. Overall, students become aware of the spiritual, as well as the physical dimension of the world and of the need to respect the environment and to use resources wisely in order to fulfill their roles as stewards of God’s creation. “By increasing his knowledge of the universe ... man has a veiled perception ... of the presence of God....” (address of Pope John Paul II). Please see the Course Calendar/Agenda Book for a listing of the Ontario Catholic Graduate Expectations. Ministry Web site The overall course expectations can be found on the ministry website: http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/curriculum/secondary/science.html Unit Titles and Time Unit 1 Kinematics Unit 2 Forces Unit 3 Energy and Society Unit 4 Waves and Sound Unit 5 Electricity and Magnetism 22 hours 22 hours 22 hours 22 hours 22 hours EVALUATION: Evaluation is based on overall expectations of the course. These can be found at http:www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/curriculum/secondary/subjects.html COURSE GRADE WEIGHTING: CATEGORY WEIGHTING: Knowledge and Understanding 20% Term Work 70% Application 40% Final Assessment 30% Inquiry 30% Communication 10% Students will be assessed using a variety of techniques including: unit tests, assignments, lab investigations, culminating activities and a formal final exam. Science Department Cell Phone Policy No cell phones allowed in class. Students found with cell phones during evaluations (i.e. tests/quizzes) will receive an automatic mark of zero. Science Department Late Assignment Policy All late assignments will be required to be submitted with a completed late submission form. Assignments that do not have the form will not be accepted until the form is completed. All late assignments will lose 5% (1/3 level) per day after the scheduled due date for up to 6 days (30% or 2 levels). After the sixth day, the assignment will not be accepted and a mark of zero (M) will be recorded. Weekends will automatically be counted as two days. Problem solving to avoid late penalties is encouraged: ie. e-mail your assignment, submit before the due date, submit on time via a friend, sibling or parent… CHEATING AND PLAGIARISM: Please see information regarding this topic in the Student Handbook. Students have the responsibility to ensure that all work submitted is their own or appropriately attributed to its source. TEXT BOOK: Nelson Physics 11 University Preparation has an approximate replacement value of $80. GENERAL COURSE INFORMATION: · Learning skills will be evaluated throughout the course and include: regular attendance, working independently, teamwork, organization, work habits, initiative, risk-taking, time-management, perseverance, questioning, and curiosity. · A scientific calculator is required for this course. PARENT/GUARDIAN CONTACT Email: Email has become an efficient means of communication between parents and teacher and is the best way to contact me. My school email address is tmckay@wellingtoncdsb.ca and please feel free to send me an email at anytime. If you would like me to contact you this way, please supply a parent/guardian email address that is checked on a regular basis. Thank you. Phone: I do not check my phone messages. Please send me an email or a paper note with your student. COURSE WEBSITE: www.mckayphysics.com Parent / Guardian name:_____________________ Parent/Guardian Signature: _______________________ Parent / Guardian email :__________________________________________________ Student Name:_____________________________ Student Signature: _____________________________ Signatures indicate that you have read and understood the course overview. Other Information: Use the space below to describe anything you think that the teacher should be aware of (i.e. health issues, team involvement, work, vacations…). ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Why are you in this course? __________________________________________________________________ What is your goal for the course? ______________________________________________________________ Something about yourself: ___________________________________________________________________ Students: Please keep this sheet in your notebook. Good luck in the course!