IDEAL DEGREE COLLEGE FOR WOMEN MICROBIOLOGY FINAL YEAR [ PAPER-IV ] ASSIGNMENT UNIT – I ESSAY TYPE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. What is soil ?iGve a concise account of physical characerstics of soil What are rhizosphere and phyllosphere ? Give a detail account of various microbial activities What are PGPR?Write a note on cyanobacteria and phosphate solubulising microorganisms Explain the modes of biological nitrogen fixation Write in detail about concept of plant diseases Explain the different principles of plant diseases What are the symptoms of plant diseases What is biological control?Discuss various mode of action of BCA What are biofertilizers?Describe various types of bacterial biofertilizers and their mass production 10. Give a detail account of biopesticides SHORT TYPE 1 Chemical characters of soil 7 . Bt as biopesticide 2 8. Non symbiotic nitrogen fixation Mycorrhizae 3. Azotobacter 9. Koch postulate 4. Azospirillum 10. nif genes 5. 11. Disease cycle Frankia 6 Cyanobacteria nitrogen fixation 12. Plant diseases 13. NPV UNIT –II ESSAY TYPE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. What is biodeterioration? Discuss this process in detail Describe nitrogen cycle in detail Write about various microbial interactions Explain in detail about municipal water purification process What is sewage?Describe the municipal treatment process of sewage water What is water potaility determination?Describe multiple tube fermentation test Define biodegradation?Describe the process of biodegradation Give a concise account of composting ?Describe the process of composting in detail. What is air microbiology ? Explain air sampling techniques SHORT TYPE 1. Microorganisms of environment 6. Activated sludge process 2. Carbon cycle 7. BOD 3. Sulphur cycle 8. Xenobiotic compounds 4. Mutualism 9. Exploitation 5. composting 10. Airborne microorganisms UNIT-III ESSAY TYPE 1. What is food spoilage?Describe microorganisms of food spoilage and their sources? 2. Write an essay on food preservation 3. Define food intoxifiction?Describe major food intoxificants 4. Describe important food borne diseases 5. Explain various types of fermented foods in detail 6. What are probiotics ? Mention the significance of probiotics 7. What is single cell protein?Describe various microorganisms involved in production 8. What are mushrooms ?Explain the commercial production and its advantages SHORT TYPE 1. Factors of food spoilage 2. Blanching 3. Differences between food intoxification and food poisoning 4. Types of cheese 5. Yogurt 6. Biochemical changes of milk 7. Benificial effects of probiotics 8. Microorganisms as food 9. Edile mushroom UNIT-IV ESSAY TYPE 1. Why strain improvement of industrial microorganism is important 2. Describe the characteristic feature of any four industrially important microorganisms 3. Define fermentation and describe about various types of fermentation 4. Explain the deisgn of fermentor and its uses 5. Give a concise account of fermentation media components and formulation 6. What is beer? Give an account of commercial production 7. Give a brief account of penicillin antibiotic production 8. Describein detail about biogas production SHORT TYPE 1. Differentiate between primary and secondary screening 2. Microorganisms of industrial importance 3. Solid state fermentation[SSF] 4. Differences between chemostat and turbidostat 5. Batch fermentation 6. Antifoaming agents 7. Buffering agents 8. Molasses 9. Alcohol production 10 Citric acid 11. Glutamic acid 12. Amylase production