Ch.17 REVIEW (TEST tomorrow!) Westside v. Eastside - an increase in prices due to a decrease in the value of money… inflation I was paper currency that was issued in the North during the Civil War… Who am I? Greenbacks We were Northern Democrats that wanted peace with the South and caused problems to Lincoln? Copperheads I was offered to citizens who enlisted in the Union Army? Who am I? bounty Lincoln realized that without slave-labor, the South would grow weak and easier to defeat? So what did he issue? Emancipation Proclamation What battle was Lee forced to abandon the defense of Richmond? Battle of Petersburg My men and I charged and attempted to break through the center of the Union lines, but were badly beaten back? What was this called? Pickett’s Charge Grant’s success in this battle resulted in his appointment as the Commander of the Union Army? Siege of Vicksburg Lee’s army was outnumbered 2-1 and he still won this battle? Battle of Chancellorsville This battle & siege led to control of the Mississippi River? Siege of Vicksburg Because of this, Southern civilians were made to feel the full effect of the war? Sherman’s March As a result of this meeting, Confederate troops were allowed to keep their horses and go home in peace…? Lee & Grant meeting at Appomattox 16 charges up a hill against Johnny Reb’s stone wall cost the Union 12,600 casualties…. Battle of Fredericksburg “Stonewall” Jackson was wounded in the arm, and later died during this battle? Battle of Chancellorville This battle ended Lee’s second invasion of the North… Battle of Gettysburg After this terrible battle, Lincoln fired General Burnside. Battle of Fredericksburg This battle was General Lee’s FIRST major defeat of the war? Battle of Gettysburg This 300 mile ‘stroll’ actually helped President Lincoln to win re-election in 1865… Sherman’s March Even though this meeting didn’t technically end the war, it did bring a sense of finality to it… Lee & Grant at Appomattox - were caused by so many farmers being away fighting in the war… - led to riots in some cities… - were caused by planting cash crops instead of food crops… food shortages We were overjoyed that ending slavery was now a war goal Abolitionists We were angry that the war might be longer because of Lincoln’s proclamation Northern Democrats We were happy with Lincoln’s Proclamation since it would weaken the South and add Black troops to the Union Army Union Soldiers We were furious at Lincoln’s threat to end slavery, and at the thought of actually fighting Black troops! White Southerners We were often shot or returned to slavery if captured by Confederates? Black Soldiers I always believed that military service by Black soldiers would guarantee their rights to citizenship… Frederick Douglass Black soldiers suffered heavy losses attacking this Confederate fort? What regiment were they? What fort did they attack? th 54 Massachusetts, Fort Wagner Declared that AfricanAmerican men willing to fight “will be received into the armed service of the United States. Emancipation Proclamation - Weaken the Confederacy - add men to the Union Army - discourage England from giving aid to the Confederacy Emancipation Proclamation I freed all slaves in all the states… th 13 Amendment After the war, in the North, we grew rapidly… (hint: consequences of the war) new industries: steel, petroleum, food processing, manufacturing Lincoln had these protesting punks arrested, and he even suspended habeas corpus while doing it…. Who were these spineless cowards? Copperheads We’ve had it with this here darn war… we’re gonna desert and go home… who are we? Confederate soldier We rioted because of ‘The Draft’; we destroyed property, we attacked people on the streets, and we even killed over 100 Blacks… who was I? New York Riots Each state worked in its own interest, preventing the coordination of efforts. (What ‘principle’ am I) South’s principle of states’ rights In Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, which of Thomas Jefferson’s ‘self-evident truths’ did he mention? All men are created equal