GLF Schools Job Profile Job Title Business and Development

GLF Schools Job Profile
Job Title
Business and Development Leader
Glyn School
Job Reference
Travel required
Core purpose
To be responsible for the effective and efficient strategic leadership and management of:
procurement, site and facilities, administration, business planning, marketing, finance
(including benchmarking), human resources, payroll, legal and insurance.
To be a key member of the Leadership and Management Team (LMT), providing
professional leadership and management for the School, securing its success and
development and ensuring high quality education for all our students and improved
standards of personalised learning and achievement.
To raise aspiration, embed ambition and drive improvement by ensuring the highest quality
provision and outcomes.
To assist in the setting of the School’s aims and targets and the production and
implementation of the School’s Development Plan.
To provide accurate and timely reports on the School’s current and future financial position,
offering professional guidance and advice to the Local Governing Body (LGB) in liaison with
the Headteacher and Deputy Headteachers.
To play a full part in leading and supporting wider School functions including evening
events, conferences, working within GLF Schools and having responsibility for School
activity during School holidays.
Key Accountabilities
Strategic Leadership
As a member of LMT, the post holder will:
Lead on the development, management and implementation of effective financial
strategies and plans for the School, within the guidelines set by the Headteacher, Deputy
Headteachers and LGB.
Understand the effects and implications of government policies, legislation and directives
and develop effective strategies for long-term educational trends and development.
Provide clear information, advice and recommendations to the Headteacher, LMT, LGB
and/or GLF Schools regarding the strategic development of service support and the
utilisation of School assets.
Proactively seek, write and submit bids for additional projects and finance streams.
Attend all relevant governors’ meetings, providing expert advice to the committee,
including provision of required financial information.
Provide professional leadership and management of all support staff; ensure an efficient
and cohesive approach to the management of finance, human resource management,
premises management, whole-School administration and marketing. This to include all
matters within the management of the School which are supportive to, but do not involve,
the teaching function.
Interpret matters of policy, procedure and statute to ensure the School’s compliance, and
initiate appropriate action.
 Be responsible for the planning, development, design, organisation and monitoring of
support service and whole School systems, procedures and policies.
Take direct line management responsibility for Finance & Premises Teams & Administration
Manager, and ensure effective line management is delivered for all other support staff,
including recruitment, induction, Appraisal, CPD and development.
 Be responsible for the design and effective operation of administrative procedures.
Ensure the completion of relevant statistical returns to the EFA, DfE, Government
Departments and other relevant external bodies.
Motivate and facilitate teamwork and good practice in order to achieve excellent standards
of service delivery.
Ensure inventories of equipment and stock are maintained.
Monitor the effectiveness of the support staff line management structure and processes in
order to ensure the needs of the School are met.
Financial Management
 Business and budget planning to prepare the School’s 3-year budget plan for approval by
the LGB and provide specific expertise in long-term financial management.
Development and management of robust financial systems and processes, which includes
its on-going review and improvement. Ensuring accurate financial records are maintained,
and that reporting and financial deadlines are met.
Preparation of annual statutory accounts and audit in line with the Companies Act, Charity
Act and other regulations.
Liaison with GLF Schools and external auditors to ensure the effective audit of the School’s
business and the preparation of statutory financial accounts and assist in the interpretation
of the auditors’ recommendations and the actions to be taken.
Presentation of clear and timely financial reports to the Headteacher, LMT, LGB and/or GLF
Schools and budget holders so that all may discharge their roles effectively from a position
of secure financial awareness and understanding.
Management of reserves, ensuring that financial regulations and policies and procedures of
the School are observed.
Planning and submitting bids, monitoring and controlling of capital expenditure on
buildings and grounds, placing of contracts, the appointment and monitoring of contractor
Engage and support non-financial budget holders in the management of their budgets,
including provision of training.
Overall responsibility for cash flow management and banking.
Overall responsibility for the School’s fixed asset register.
Keep abreast of changes to, and comply with, the Academies Financial Handbook.
HR Management
 Ensure the appropriate controls are in place and checks made in relation to the School’s
monthly payroll.
Overall responsibility for employer pension matters.
Ensure the HR system is effective and complies with all relevant legislation.
Provide leadership and guidance for the induction, Appraisal, professional development and
training of all Support Staff
Work with and support the HR Manager in strategic review of workforce planning, advising
on implications of proposals.
Oversee the management and maintenance of accurate personnel records for all staff,
recruitment, induction, performance management and development and staff absence.
Ensure staff returns are completed and all queries are reconciled.
Report to governors on all aspects of HR policy and practice on a regular basis.
Oversee the completion and updating of the Single Central Record in accordance with the
latest legislation.
Contracts & Procurement
 Working with GLF Schools, manage the tendering and contracting of services including for
example grounds maintenance, catering, insurance, facilities management, HR,
communications, insurance, audit and educational support services in line with regulations
and in line with strategic deadlines.
Prepare and implement policies concerning the buying and ordering of all School supplies
and services.
Monitor and oversee the provision of services to the School, which includes the
performance management of contracts to ensure that services are delivered to a high
quality that supports the operation and performance of the School, its students and staff.
Take a proactive lead to ensure that value for money is continuously received for all
contracts entered into and that payments are timely.
Work closely and collaborate with other academies, Schools and connected organisations
to make use of best practices and achieving value for money.
Review regularly all contracts entered into on behalf of the School.
 Ensure that all contracts and Service Level Agreements entered into are sound and robust.
Premises Management
 Provide the Headteacher and LMT with all necessary financial information underpinning the
management, maintenance and security of the School site.
Developing and implementing strategies for premises management to ensure quality is
maintained and improved.
To be responsible for the School’s Asset Management Plan, ensuring that accurate data is
maintained and that the appropriate priorities are set, liaising with external organisations
and drawing up proposals as required.
The post-holder is required to respect the confidentiality of matters relating to students and other
members of staff. The post holder must be aware of and comply with the requirement of the Data
Protection Act (DPA).
The content of this Job Description represents an outline of the post only and is therefore not a
precise catalogue of duties and responsibilities. The Job Description is therefore intended to be
flexible and is subject to annual review and amendment in the light of changing circumstances,
following consultation with the post holder.