Differentiated Instruction: What It
Means for Today’s Classroom
By Megan E. Marshall
University of New England
• Differentiated instruction is an approach to teaching
and learning that gives students multiple options for
taking in information and making sense of ideas
(Hall, Strangman, and Meyer, 2003)
• Differentiated instruction “provides different
avenues to acquiring content, to processing or
making sense of ideas, and to developing products
so each student can learn effectively”
(Tomlinson, 2001, p. 1)
• Carol Ann Tomlinson discusses the rationale behind
“In a differentiated classroom, the teacher
proactively plans and carries out varied
approaches to content, process and product
in anticipation of and response to student
differences in readiness, interest, and
learning needs.”
(Tomlinson, 2001, p. 7)
Classroom Elements to Differentiate
• Content – the same content can be taught to all students,
but the complexity should vary according to the
student’s needs
• Process or Sense-Making – the activities the students
engage in to learn the content should be varied through
interest, intelligence, grouping, graphic organizers,
independent studies, role-playing, and much more
• Product – the unit ‘exam’ should be varied so each
student can demonstrate their learning in a unique way
• Learning Environment – the way the classroom looks
and feels should contain areas for quiet learning,
partnered/group learning, varied materials, cultural
centers, etc., and reflect safety and positivity
(Hall, Strangman, and Meyer, 2003; Tomlinson, 2001)
• Teaching through Readiness – the task is
intended to extend a student’s knowledge,
understanding and skills just beyond their current
• Teaching through Interest – providing tasks
and topics that are genuinely interesting to the student
or piques his/her curiosity
• Teaching through Learning Needs/Profiles –
creating tasks based on the mode of learning that best
suits the student
(Tomlinson, 2001)
Theories Behind the
Differentiation Movement
• Howard Gardner’s Theory on Multiple
• Anthony Gregorc’s Thinking Styles
• David A. Kolb’s Learning Style Model
• Dunn and Dunn’s Learning Style Model http://0-
• Lev Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal Development
Teach within the Zone of Proximal
Development (ZPD)
• The ZPD is “the distance between the actual
developmental level as determined by independent
problem solving, and the level of potential
development as determined through problem
solving under adult guidance, or in collaboration
with more capable peers" (McLeod, 2010).
• In other words, do not frustrate the student
with something too hard, do not bore the
student with something too easy, but be sure
they are challenged enough to embrace the
task with some assistance.
Howard Gardner’s
Theory of Multiple Intelligences:
8 Ways of Being Smart – It is not how smart you are, but
how you are smart.
A Brief Definition of the
Eight Intelligences
• Linguistic intelligence - "word smart"
• Logical-mathematical intelligence “number/reasoning smart"
• Visual-Spatial intelligence - "picture smart"
• Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence - "body smart"
• Musical intelligence - "music smart"
• Interpersonal intelligence - "people smart"
• Intrapersonal intelligence - "self smart"
• Naturalist intelligence - "nature smart“
(Armstrong, 2010)
How do you learn best?
Click on the picture to take an intelligence test!
How Do You Begin to
• The most important part of differentiation is
assessing the students. You must understand
their interests, habits, learning styles, and
personalities in order to create tasks appropriate
for each individual student.
• “The primary purpose of assessment is for the teacher
to analyze student progress for the purpose of
modifying and refining the teaching/learning cycle to
better meet student needs“ (DiGesu, 2011).
Pre-assessment or
Diagnostic Assessment
• Pre-assessment allows the teacher to figure out
what a student knows about an upcoming topic
or skill. Once the teacher gathers this
knowledge he/she can address the student’s
strengths and needs throughout a unit.
(Chapman and King, 2005, p. 64)
Strong pre-assessments reveal the
• Knowledge base and background
• Interests and talents
• Attitudes, likes and dislikes
• Feelings and emotions
• Entry point for new information
(Chapman and King, 2005, p. 65)
Strategies for Pre-assessment
• Observation –observe the students and take detailed
• Varied Response Cards – the student can rate their
knowledge through number scales, verbal scales, or
facial expression scales
• Questionnaires and Surveys – the students answer
questions based on the upcoming topic
• Pretests – formal tests for assessment
• Details and other information:
• Excellent PowerPoint detailing pre-assessment
(Chapman and King, 2005; Preassessment, 2011)
Continuous Assessment, Formative
Assessment, or Assessing During
• “Continually assess students’ readiness to identify
the next steps in a procedure, to move to the next
level, or to approach new skills or concepts”
(Chapman and King, 2005, p. 64).
• “He who would learn to fly one day must first learn
to stand and walk and run and climb and dance; one
cannot fly into flying.”
(Friedrich Nietzsche)
• Teachers must assess students continuously to
ensure understanding and success, and avoid
frustration and failure.
Strategies for Assessing During Learning
• Baggie Tools – a variety of personal assessment tools students can
display to reveal their level of understanding
• Note-Taking – teach proper note-taking skills and observe if
students are identifying key information
• Self-Talk – encourage students to engage in internal dialogue to increase
metacognition and verbalize their understanding through personal
• Student Checklists – have students self-assess what they learned or
what is confusing
• Exit Slips – before students leave, have them write a summary of the
day’s lesson or the main idea of a topic
• One Sentence Summary – students answer in one sentence the “who,
what, where, when, why, and how” of the days’ lesson
(Alber, 2011; Chapman and King, 2005)
Post-assessment or
Summative Assessment
• Summative assessment is used to discover what the
students have learned from the previous lessons or
units. Just because it was taught doesn’t mean that it
was learned!!
• With differentiation, summative assessments should
not all be the same. Each student should be given the
option to demonstrate his/her learned knowledge
and/or skills in a way that best suits him/her.
• “Post-assessments are a crucial step because the results are
analyzed to see if the learned has reached the initial goals. If
the goals have not been reached, specific plans are
customized for this individual”
(Chapman and King, 2005, p. 91).
Strategies for Post-assessment
• Open-Ended Questions – ask questions that
give the students opportunities to elaborate
on their knowledge of a topic. Use words
such as “explain,” “describe,” “analyze,”
“discuss,” “interpret,” etc.
• Essays – the students write detailed reports
about their knowledge or skills
• Graphic Organizers, Pictures, Projects,
Portfolios, Debates, etc.
(Chapman and King, 2005)
The possibilities are endless!!!
• Design a web page
• Write a new law and plan
for its passage
• Lead a symposium
• Write a letter to an editor,
author, or character
• Present an interior
• Write a poem
• Make a movie or
• Design a political cartoon
• Design and teach a lesson
• Compile a pamphlet,
brochure, or booklet
• Design a costume
• Draw blueprints
• Present a news report
• Develop a solution to a
community problem
• Choreograph a dance
(Tomlinson, 2001, p. 89)
More about assessment…
• View this fabulous clip of differentiation
at work in a South Carolina school:
• What assessment means, why it is
important, and how to do it:
• Short article about formative assessment:
“Why Formative Assessments Matter”
Embrace Technology!!
• Technology can differentiate lessons simply because there are
so many tools available. It is possible for every student to use
technology in a different way, and have the choice to do what
they think is best. It is also possible to teach/assess all
students in ways that will optimize individual learning and
optimize the student’s ability to regurgitate the information
he/she has learned.
• “Technology tools can develop thinking skills, enhance problemsolving skills, and encourage collaboration…it must be embedded
into effective instruction - engaging, authentic, collaborative,
substantial lessons infused in best practice” (Owens, n.d.).
How to Use Technology and
• Create Blogs for students to
respond collaboratively
• Use Glogs instead of 3D
• Create Webquests for
students to discover
information independently
• Use virtual tours to explore
far away places
• Post assignments and
resources on a class website
• Skype with pen pals
• Use social networks for
discussing books and
• Use interactive white
boards to get students
moving and engaged
• Design websites dedicated
to the current unit of study
• Students can create
spreadsheets to compare
• And so much more!
Benefits of Differentiation
More engaging options for the unmotivated student
Opening doors for English Language Learners
Helping learning disabled students
Challenging gifted students
Meeting individual needs in mixed-ability classrooms
Instruction is student-centered, not teacher-centered
Differentiation is deeply rooted in long-lasting
educational theories and practices, as well as
sociological and psychological theories about learning
(Hall, Strangman and Meyer, 2003)
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