Ali Abdallah Faculty of Commerce - Assiut University --- April, 2015 Dear Mr.\Mrs., My objective is to exploit my multiple disciplines background to introduce feasible solutions to enhance economic development and help peoples to experience secured life. I believe in that breaking the poverty cycle needs an integrated approach to enhance suitable economic environment and make use of available chances. I am looking for an opportunity to not only use my past experience but also to contribute for the good of all. I worked for the ILO as national officer for the project Skills for Trade and Economic Diversification (STED) in Egypt as part of the Aid for Trade Initiative for Arab States (AFTIAS).The initiative targets inclusive economic growth with increased employment opportunities and greater competitiveness through trade policy reforms in the Arab states as an integral part of the regional trade and economic integration agenda. Duties implies desk research, sourcing and analysis of statistics, review and analyses of development plans and related skills needs, undertaking enterprises structured survey and in-depth interviews with social partners, consulting with ILO constituents and other stakeholders, organizing stakeholder steering groups, collaborating with ILO headquarters staff and monitoring, Establish and maintain strong working relations with the ILO's tripartite constituents and other relevant stakeholders in Egypt including representatives of concerned national government. Contribute creative ideas for project effective implementation, monitor progress in project implementation, final reports, identify problems and propose solutions and action and follow-up. My PhD research focused in introducing a new methodological approach to improve lifecycle income security through supporting human capabilities during young ages. The study introduces an integrated approach based on social risk management to propose an integrated income security plan. In my master degree thesis I focused on population aging phenomenon and its impact on retirement plan in Egypt. The study introduced retirement model that examines the fiscal impact of changes in the demographic factors on pension plans for retirement taking in consideration the economic and structural factors. My experience with Integrated Technology Transfer Unit (ITTU) in Assiut University -since it was established in 2009 using a one year European Egyptian Innovation Fund (EEIF). I worked as a projects manager and we as a team succeeded in running a sustainable self-financed unit that assist in developing the national economy and help the society through supporting businesses related to industry, agriculture, and trade. The most important experience I have got from ITTU and previous work experience are coordinating multidisciplinary team for the purpose of implementing research project, R&D and innovation support, and business owners’ support through consultancy and technical problem solving. I participated in designing and implementing practical soft skills and vocational training program based on market demand that increase the participant's chance to get a suitable job. Personally and professionally I have a long experience in implementing household and enterprises surveys for national international clients including series of R&D and national Innovation surveys. I have experienced supervising and participating in different stages starting with desk researches, recruiting teams, developing the questionnaire, supervising field work, statistical analysis, and report writing. I have a long experience with population studies and demographic techniques. I believe my skills enables me to help in 1)population analysis and policy recommendations 2)using different demographic techniques and developing demographic indicators 3)I have a broad experience in data collection starting with developing questionnaires and standard forms, recruiting and training data collectors, organizing and managing large numbers of data collectors during field work, implementing large sample size household surveys and polls, analysis of data and report writing 4)facilitation and cooperation with national related social partners 5) develop and improve possible ideas for capabilities building 6)I have a reliable experience in developing training material, and implementing training programs relate to population statistics and data collection 7) Analysing and recommending for current and future needs for data and information. Beyond that is mentioned in my resume, and on more personal level, I am persistent, and believe that people have much more capabilities than they are currently used. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, Ali Abdallah Ali Abdallah Personal Information Contact :ILO – DWT Cairo ofiice, 9, Dr Taha Hussein St., Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt. Tel: (202)27355176 Address: Date of Birth :10.03.1973 Place of Birth :Aswan. Nationality :Egyptian. Cairo - Elmaadi Email: Telephone : (+02) 0106 –9600152 (+02) 0115 –5233266 (+02) 25259729 Education & Qualification 2012 Cairo Unversity Faculty of Economics and Political Sciences. PhD Program in Statistics (Economic Demography). Title of The Dissertaion: Human Capabilities and Income Security: A New Methodological Approach. 2004 Cairo Unversity Faculty of Economics and Political Sciences. Department of Statistics. Master degree in Statistics (Economic Demography). Title of The Master Degree Thesis: Aging and Pension Plan in Egypt. 1990-1994 Cairo University Faculty of Economics and Political Sciences. Department of Statistics. B.Sc. In Statistics Graduation Project : Evaluating the Educational performance in the Faculty of Economics and Political Science. May 15 to October15,2014 Commonwealth of Learning, Canada Distance learning course: Writing Effectively for ILO 2005 TOEFL , International Computer-based Test, Score 250 ( Equivalent to 603 Paper-based Test ). Employment Assiut University,Faculty of Commerce, Statistics, Mathematics and Insurance Department, Assiut, Egypt. July 1997 to date Current Position : Lecturer Duties: Instructing undergraduate courses, post graduate Participate and supervise some student activities, Participate in holding Exams. ILO – DWT Cairo office, Cairo, Egypt, March 2014- Dec 2014 : National Project Officer –the project is under revission for extention Skill for Trade and Economic Diversification (STED)-Egypt. Duties: duties includes desk research, sourcing and analysis of statistics, review and analyse development plans and related skills needs, undertaking structured survey, consulting with ILO constituents and other stakeholders, organizing stakeholder steering groups, collaborating with ILO headquarters staff and monitoring, Establish and maintain strong working relations with the ILO’s tripartite constituents and other relevant stakeholders in Egypt including representatives of concerned national government such as trade and employer and worker organizations, Prepare draft reports and presentations on research findings and recommendations for the consideration of ILO technical specialists and project stakeholders, Contribute creative ideas for project effective implementation, serve as national advisor to the project, monitor progress in project implementation, final reports, identify problems and propose solutions and action and followup. Assiut University, Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (ASRT) Egypt October 2013 to date Position: Technology and Innovation Support Officer (TISO) Duties: Support Innovation and commercialization of research, Technology scanning, and Intellectual Proerty rights. Siemens Integrity Initiative & Uiversity of Cairo: Towards Transparent Economy Sept. 2012 to June 2013 Position: Project Cordinator in Assiut University Duties: Fighting corruption and fraud through collective action , education and training. Industrial Technology Transfer Unit (ITTU) Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt. 2010 to date Position: Project manager - Training programs coordinator Duties: Trainging programs coordinator Center for Economics and Financial Researchs and Studies (CEFRS)-Faculty of Economics and Political Scienc, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt. 2005 to 2012 Position Duties : Technical support and data analyst : prepare, supervise, analyse and report writing of surveys, polls, focus groups, field work management and data analysis. Free lancer Duties : Market research, Polls, and Surveys July. 2005 to date Al Chark Insurance Company, Head Office 15, Kasr El Nil street, Cairo, Egypt. Feb. 96 to July 97 Position Duties : Actuarial Analytic, Department of Actuary : Actuarial Evaluation of pension plans, Trained to be Technical Tupport for the Head Board. Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) 63, Mossadak street, Dokki, Giza, Egypt. July 95 – Feb. 96 Position Duties : Statistical Analyst : Field work managing. Working Experience Inter-agency survey project on skills needs anticipation - Egypt March-April, 2015 Project title: The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the ILO, the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP) and the European Training Foundation (ETF) jointly carry out the project in over 70 countries. Position: Expert Duties: Implementing the Project in Egypt. Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS) and Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (ASRT) - Egypt Oct. 2014 to date Project title: Egypt National Innovation Survey Position: Expert Duties: develop, Implement, and analyze the R&D and Innovation enterprises survey. Tasks include developing the tools and implementing 3000 interviews with working enterprises. The sample is designed to represent different economic sectors of enterprises and geographic distribution in addition to the size of enterprises. The objective is to highlights the current position, challenges and interventions to enhance R&D and Innovation activities in Egypt. May-Oct. 2014 2014 June-july 2013 World Fish Organization: Improving Employment and Income through Development of Egypt’s Aquaculture Sector (IEIDEAS) Project Project title: Research on the role of farmed fish in the diets of the poor in Egypt Position: Principal Statistician Duties: better understanding of the place of animal source foods (ASFs), and particularly fish, in the diets of the poor, The factors affecting consumer demand for different types and qualities of ASF among the poor, and How equitably ASF consumption is distributed within households. The sample is designed to represent the two main clusters; households near fish farms and households far from fish farms. ILO Project title: Preparing a Mapping Exercise for PES offices and Proposing Economic Indicators for Labor Market Performance Position: Consultant Duties: manage, revise, write and deliver field and office work Nile University Project title: NU100: An Entrepreneurship Driver’s License Position Duties : Coaching & Mentoring : Training IFC/DBACD 2012 Project title: Market Research for Home Improvement/Low Income Housing Loans Position : Principal Statistician - Assistant manager Duties : Conducting an IFC co-financed research to gauge the market potential for housing micro loans in Dakahlya in addition to Institutional Assessment of Dakahlya Business Association Capacity to launch this new product in case of demand. Social Fund for Development (SFD) 2011 Project title: survey of SMEs in Egypt Position Duties : Principal Statistician - Assistant manager : field work follow up , data analyist, delevering re UNESCO, EU, Ministry of Scientific Research Affairs, 2011 Project title: Innovation, R&D, and Industry needs assessment survey Position : Principal Statistician- Assistant manager Duties: surveying national represented 2000 sample of enterprises to assess the interest of enterprises working the in different fields of economic activities at R&D and innovation activities. In addition the cooperation with research centers and industry is analyzed for encouraging and recommendations. ILO 2010 Project title: Informal Apprenticeship in Egypt Position : Principal Statistician - Field work and Report Writting Duties: a field survey was conducted on a group of small enterprises in Cairo area to understand the features of the informal vocational apprenticeship, its mechanics, rules, inputs and output. World Bank 2008 Project title: Women in Informal Work Entrepreneurship in Selected Cities in MENA and Home-Based Position : Principal Statistician - Field work and Report Writting Duties : 3000 Household sample is surveyed to estimate the size of home based business in great Cairo. In addition to understanding and analysing difficulties and prospective for such activities. Ministry of of Higher Education 2008 Project title: Higher Education Enhancement Project, Impact study for measuring project’s return on beneficiaries. Position : Principal Statistician Duties: Tools design, field work supervision , data analyist, report writing. UNESCO, EU 2007 Project title: Innovation survey Position Duties : Principal Statistician : field work follow up , data analyist, delevering reports ILO and CAWTAR (Center for Arab Women for Training and Research) 2007 Project title: "Gender rights and social protection in Arab countries" Position Duties : Statisticsal researcher : writing a paper Training, Workshops, and Conferences November 2013 : 4 days’ workshop at Nile University about - Overview of Technology, Innovation and Commercialization - Technology Scouting: Understanding and Recognizing Innovation - Technology Scan & Assessments and IP rights May 2013 : TOT- Entrepreneurship Driver’s License 11-13 Oct., 2012 20-22 Nov., 2010 : Training on Strategic planning Faculty and Leadership Center, Cairo University. : Training on Credit Hours System, Faculty and Leadership Center, Cairo University. 18-20 Oct., 2010 : Training on International Publishing Research, Faculty and Leadership Center, Cairo University. 26 April-4 May, 2010 : Enhancing Teaching Skills for Teacher, College of Education, Fayum University. 10-12 Nov., 2007 : Analytic Thinking, Faculty and Leadership Center, Assiut University. 1-3 Oct., 2007 : Communication skills, Faculty and Leadership Center, Assiut University. December 2009 : Tenth Islamic Countries Conference on Statistical Sciences (ICCS-X) AUC, Cairo, Egypt. September 2009 :Sub-Regional Training Workshop on “Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators”, Cairo, Egypt. May 2008 :Training On Innovation and Industry Needs, Fraunhover Institute (Germany), and Ministry of of Scientific Research Affairs (Egypt), Cairo. August 2008 :Intellectual Property commercialization in the Higher Education and R&D Institution in Egypt, Ministry of Higher Education, Cairo. June 17-20 2007 :Gender and Work with the Population Council, at the Egypt Labor Market Panel Survey (ELMPS06) using STATA وStatistical Training Workshop, conducted by The Social Research Center at the American University in Cairo in cooperation, Cairo. :ILO and CAWTAR workshop "Gender rights and social protection in Arab countries" Tunisia. April 3-5 2007 Publications Forthcoming Abdallah A., etal “Skills for trade and economic diversification (STED) in Egypt”, International Labour Organization (ILO) . Forthcoming “Egyptian National Innovation Indication Survey”, Academy of Scientific Research and Technology and Centeral Agency for Population, Mobilizatoin, and Statistics (CAPMAS) . El Mahdi A., Abdallah A., etal; “The role of farmed fish in the diets of the resource-poor in Egypt”; (2015); WorldFish. Penang, Malaysia. Program Report: 2015-05. “Egyptian National Innovation Indication Survey” , (2012), Academy of Scientific Research and Technology. “Human Capabilities and Income Security: A New Methodological Approach", Tenth Islamic Countries Conferenc on Statistical Sciences (2009), The American University In Cairo, Egypt.. “Higher Education Enhancement Project, Survey for measuring project’s return on beneficiaries”, HEEP and CEFRS. "Gender rights and social protection in Arab countries" ILO and CAWTAR (Center for Arab Women for Training and Research), Tunisia 2015 2012 2010 2008 2007 March 2004 Septemper 1996 “ Aging and Pension Plan in Egypt”, The 17th Annual Conference On Statistics and Computer Modeling In Human and Social Science, 29-30 March 2004, Department of Statistics, Faculty of Economics and Political Sciences, Cairo University. "Egypt Demographic and Health Survey”, National Population Council, Cairo Egypt, Claverton, Maryland USA. Books 2012 “Human Capabilities and Income Security: A New Methodological Approach", LAMBERT Academic Publishing (LAP), German, ISBN 978-3-659-21337-3. Other Courses Attended June – July 2004 French course Centre Culturel Français, Egypte. May-jun 1997 - Insurance Terminology, The British Council Jun 96 – April 97 - Lectures in Actuarial Science – Department of Actuary, Cairo University May – Oct 1996 Insurance ( Specialized course in Business Environment ) The Chartered Insurance Institute and The Egyptian Institute of Management and Insurance. Summary of Skills Language Skills : English French : Fluent Spoken / written : Fair Computer Skills : Microdoft Office, Demographic Projections (Demo. Proj.), SPSS (PSAW) 20, S-plus 4.5, STATA (in progress), BSIC and Visual BASIC programming language. Interests & Activities Sports : Football, Squash. Literature Have a great interest in gaining knowledge by reading and absorbing many literally sources. Arts : Writing Arabic poetry, short stories and novels. Travel/Languages Interested in different cultures. Personal goal is to speak 3 languages fluently. References Available Upon Request