Topologic quantum phases Pancharatnam phase The Indian physicist S. Pancharatnam in 1956 introduced the concept of a geometrical phase. Let H(ξ ) be an Hamiltonian which depends from some parameters, represented by ξ ; let |ψ(ξ )> be the ground state. Compute the phase difference Δϕij between |ψ(ξ i)> and |ψ(ξj)> defined by i i j e ij i j . This is gauge dependent and cannot have any physical meaning. Now consider 3 points ξ and compute the total phase γ in a closed circuit ξ1 → ξ2 → ξ3 → ξ1; remarkably, γ = Δϕ12 + Δϕ23 + Δϕ31 is gauge independent! Indeed, the phase of any ψ can be changed at will by a gauge transformation, but such arbitrary changes cancel out in computing γ. This clearly holds for any closed circuit with any number of ξ. Therefore γ is entitled to have physical meaning. There may be observables that are not given by Hermitean operators. 1 1 Adiabatic theorem and Berry phase Consider Evolution of a system when adiabatic theorem holds (discrete spectrum, no degeneracy, slow changes) i (t ) H[ R(t )](t ), R set of "slowly changing" parameters. t t , time-independent solutions : H[ R]an [ R] En [ R]an [ R] {an [ R(t )]} complete set of instantaneous eigenstates: Assume that at t 0 system is in instantaneous eigenstate, (t 0) an [ R(0)] ; then at time t (t ) n (t) is a wave-packet: n (t ) cn (t )an [ R(t )] cm am [ R(t )] with cn (0) 1 mn Then Kato adiabatic theorem cn (t ) 1 in adiabatic limit. 2 2 cn (t ) 1 cn (t ) ein (t )i n (t ) , where by definition t n (t ) dt 'En [ R(t ')] dynamical phase, while 0 n (t ) geometric phase = Berry phase. To find the Berry phase, we start from the expansion on instantaneous basis n (t) cn (t)an [ R(t)] cm am [ R(t)] m n and plug into i with cn (0) 1 and cm (t) small n H n . t in the L.H .S .: (cn (t )an [ R(t )]) cn (t ) an [ R(t )] cn (t ) an [ R (t )] t t cn (t ) ein (t ) i n (t ) cn (t ) i ( n (t ) n (t ))ein ( t ) i n ( t ) dR an (t ) R an t dt 3 i i i n (t ) 0 n (t ) En i n R R an e t t dt ' En [ R ( t ')] cm am cm am m n r.h.s. H n (t ) En an [ R(t )]cn (t ) cm (t ) Em am [ R(t )] m n Negligible because second order (derivative is small, in a small amplitude) All together, i t 0 ( n i R R )an e 0 dt '[ En [ R ( t ')] i n ( t )] [cm Em ]am [ R(t )] mn Now, scalar multiplication by an removes all other states! n iR an [ R(t )] R an [ R(t )] an [ R(t )] R an [ R(t )] Berry connection n (t ) phase collected at time t 4 Professor Sir Michael Berry 5 5 n iR an [ R(t )] R an [ R(t )] The matrix element looks similar to a momentum average, but the gradient is in parameter space. The overall phase change in the transformation is a line integral T T n i dt an R an .R i 0 an R an .dR 0 This has no physical meaning, it's a gauge, but if C is closed it becomes n (C ) i an R an dR which is gauge inveriant like a magnetic flux C C n (C ) i an R an dR is a topological phase C and vanishes in simply connected parameter spaces where C can collapse to a point but in a multiply connected spaces yields a quantum number 6 Relation of Berry to Pancharatnam phases Berry C n (C ) i an R an dR C Pancharatnam phase ij defined by : ij arg i j i j e iij i j Idea: discretize path C assuming regular variation of phase and compute Pancharatnam phase differences of neighboring ‘sites’. 7 7 Pancharatnam phase defined by: Pancharatnam for nearby points: e iij 1 i i j i j 1 We may conclude i 2 indeed denominator |1 i | 1 , thus neglecting second order, 2 Pancharatnam phase for nearby points: 1 i . Limit: i ,i 1 i 1 C d Im C 8 8 Continuous limit Discrete (Berry) (Pancharatnam) M 1 arg (i ) (i 1 ) i 1 i ( ) ( ) d C Berry’s connection i The Pancharatnam formulation is the most useful e.g. in numerics. Trajectory C is in parameter space: one needs at least 2 parameters. Among the Applications: Molecular Aharonov-Bohm effect Wannier-Stark ladders in solid state physics Polarization of solids Pumping 9 9 Vector Potential Analogy One naturally writes n (C ) An·dR, An ian | R | an . C introducing a sort of vector potential (which depends on n, however). The gauge invariance arises in the familiar way, that is, if we modify the basis with an [ R] ei ( R) an [ R], An An R , and the extra term, being a gradient in R space, does not contribute. The Berry phase is real since an | an 1 R an | an 0 R an | an an | R an 0 an | R an c, c. 0 an | R an is imaginary An ian | R | an is real, An Iman | R | an We prefer to work with a manifestly real and gauge independent integrand; going on with the electromagnetic analogy, we introduce the field as well, such that n (C ) rot An· ndS Bn· ndS. S S 10 An ian | R | an , Bn rot An and omitting n Bi Im (a | a)i Im ijk j (a | k a) Im[ ijk ( j a | k a) ijk (a | j k a)]. The last term vanishes, (a | a)i ijk j (a | k a) ijk ( j a | k a) (a | | a) i and, inserting a complete set, Bn Im (an | | an ) Im mn an am am an . To avoid confusion with the electromagnetic field in real space one often speaks about the Berry connection i and the gauge invariant antisymmetric curvature tensor with components Y In 3d parameter spaces, B1 Y23 , etc. 11 Formula for the curvature (alias B) Bn Im m n an am am an The m,n indices refer to adiabatic eigenstates of H ; the m=n term actually vanishes (vector product of a vector with itself). It is useful to make the Berry conections appearing here more explicit, by taking the gradient of the Schroedinger equation in parameter space: R H R a n R R E n R a n [R] ( R H R )a n R H R R a n R E n R R a n [R] ( R E n R )a n [R] Taking the scalar product with an orthogonal am a m R H a n a m H R a n E n a m R a n a m ( R E n ) a n a m R H a n Em a m R a n E n a m R a n a m R a n a m R H a n divergence if degeneracy occurs along C. Em E n A nontrivial topology of parameter space is associated to the Berry phase, and degeneracies lead to singular lines or surfaces 12 Quantum Transport in nanoscopic devices Ballistic conduction - no resistance. V=RI in not true Ballistic conductor between contacts W Classically, the conductance wolud be G= W L it should increase without limit for small L. This fails for L < mean free path k left electrode right electrode If all lengths are small compared to the electron mean free path the transport is ballistic (no scattering, no Ohm law). This occurs in experiments with Carbon Nanotubes (CNT), nanowires, Graphene,… A graphene nanoribbon field-effect transistor (GNRFET) from Wikipedia This makes problems a lot easier (if interactions can be neglected). In macroscopic conductors the electron wave functions that can be found by using quantum mechanics for particles moving in an external potential. 13 Number of conducting channels due to (k ) transverese degrees of freedom M k FW . Fermi level left electrode Fermi level right electrode Electrons available for conduction are those between the Fermi levels k Complication: quantum reflection at the contacts Particles lose coherence when travelling a mean free path because of scattering . Dissipative events obliterate the microscopic motion of the electrons . For nanoscopic objects we can do without the theory of dissipation (Caldeira-Leggett (1981). See Altland-Simons- Condensed Matter Field Theory page 130) 14 W k left electrode right electrode junction with M conduction modes, i.e. bands of the unbiased hamiltonian at the Fermi level If V is the bias, eV= difference of Fermi levels across the junction, How long does it take for an electron to cross the device? thop hopping time given by eV the current is i 2e2 Conductance quantum G= h e thop e2V h h thop . per spin per mode per mode resistance=G 1 12.9 M k This quantum can be measured! 15 B.J. Van Wees experiment (prl 1988) A negative gate voltage depletes and narrows down the constriction progressively Conductance is indeed quantized in units 2e2/h 16 Current-Voltage Characteristics J(V) of a junction : Landauer formula(1957) EF 2 2 EF 1 1 Phenomenological description of conductance at a junction Linear Response Current: I=G V, where: V 1 2 , 1 , 2 electrochemical potentials, Rolf Landauer Stutgart 1927-New York 1999 2e2 Conductance: G=M T , h M number of modes, T quantum transmission probability 2e 2 I= MT 1 2 h 17 Phenomenological description of conductance at a junction Extension to finite bias and temperature: Current-Voltage characteristics J(V) given by J= dEI ( E ), 2e 2 I(E)= [ M L ( E )TL ( E ) f L ( E ) M R ( E )TR ( E ) f R ( E )] h where f L , R ( E ) f ( E 1,2 ) f=Fermi function. More general formulation, describing the propagation inside a device. Quantum system EF EF leads with Fermi energy EF, Fermi function f(), density of states r 18 Quantum system Quantum System: eigenstates | m , retarded Green's gm( r,)n Quantum System-leads hopping: VmL ( ), VmR ( ) What is the transmission amplitude for electron incoming to eigenstate m and outgoing from eigenstate n? probability to find electron in left wire: r ( L ) ( ). hopping amplitude VnL* probability to find final state for electron in right wire: r ( R) ( ), hopping amplitude VnR amplitide to go from m to n : gm( r ,)n ( ) why VnL* ? It is the time reversal of VnL 19 19 probability to find electron in left wire: r ( L ) ( ) probability to find final state for electron in right wire: r ( R ) ( ) incoming to eigenstate m and outgoing from eigenstate n: tm ,n 2 r ( L) ( ) r ( R) ( )VmR VnL* gm( r ,)n ( ) Characteristics: e J d f L f R tm ,ntm* ,n with f L ,R ( E) f ( E 1,2 ) m ,n f=Fermi function. Linear response: J 2 e2 V tm ,ntm* ,n . m ,n This scheme was introduced phenomenologically by Landauer but later confirmed by rigorous quantum mechanical calculations for non-interacting models. 20 20 Multi-terminal extension (Büttiker formula) J e * d f f t t with f L ,R ( E) f ( E 1,2 ) becomes R m ,n m ,n L m ,n Ji e dE i,j Ti , j f E eVij f j E Vij voltage between contacts i and j Microscopic current operator device J Chain or wire Hamiltonian: H thopping (ci†1ci h.c.) i thopping hopping integral r dJ Continuity equation: divJ 0. Here divJ J m ,m 1 J m 1m t dx d A Heisenberg EOM: i A [ A(t ), H (t )] i dt t dnˆm ie e[nˆm , H ] ethopping [ cm† cm 1 cm† 1cm cm† 1cm cm† cm 1 ] dt i ( J m,m 1 J m 1m ) ethopping [ cm† cm 1 cm† 1cm cm† 1cm cm† cm 1 ] 22 22 Microscopic current operator device J Chain or wire Hamiltonian: H thopping (ci†1ci h.c.) i thopping hopping integral J m,m 1 i ethopping c c cm† cm 1 † m 1 m The current operator at site m (Caroli et al.,J.Phys.C(1970)) Jm ethopping i c c cm† 1cm is physically equivalent. † m 1 m 23 23 Pseudo-Hamiltonian Approach Time-independent partitioned framework for the calculation of characteristics et et Jˆm hopping cm† 1cm cm† 1cm J J m hopping i g (t ) c † (t ')c(t ) , g (t ) c(t )c † (t ') d g mm 1 ( ) g ( ) mm 1 , 2 Partitioned approach (Caroli 1970, Feuchtwang 1976): fictitious unperturbed biased system with left and right parts that obey special boundary conditions: allows to treat electron-electron and phonon interaction by Green’s functions. device =pseudo-Hamiltonian connecting left and right this is a perturbation (to be treated at all orders = left-right bond Drawback: separate parts obey strange bc and do not exist. 24 Simple junction-Static current-voltage characteristics J 1 chemical potential 1 -2 U=0 (no bias) U=1 no current current 0 2 U=2 Left wire DOS Right wire DOS no current 25 Static current-voltage characteristics: example 1d system left wire right wire Half-filled J hopping 1 g( ) 1 2 (1 2 ) J(V ) 8 e g( ) g( 0 d V 2 V ) 2 V 2 V2 ( g( ) g( )) 2 4 J 0.4 J(V ) 0.3 eU , U 0 e 0.2 quantum conductivity 0.1 J(V ) 0, U 4 bands mismatch V 1 2 3 4 26