
Comp Sci Co-op Meeting
June 12, 2014
Registering for courses
Work Term Reports / Expectations
Interview Review
Update – Out of Town Positions
3 students placed at Amazon (Seattle)
Patrick Murphy
Sam Massinon
Vanessa Reimer
• Levko Ivanchuk is going to Tokyo, Japan to work for
• Ryan Pope will be heading to CSEC in Ottawa
• EA conducted 1 interview, still in the process….
In-town Process
• In-town jobs will be posted in
careerCONNECT as they are received.
• Final copy of resume and cover letter? Have
you received feedback and go ahead to apply
for jobs?
Co-op Office Schedule
• Monday – Friday
9:00am – 2:00pm
• Dependent upon site visit schedule
• Away from June 23rd – 27th at conference
Transcript Issues?
• If you received any unfavorable grades or
had to VW courses, be prepared to discuss
this during interviews – employers will ask.
Registering for Courses
• Fall
• Winter
• Approval Forms
Opting In for Health & Dental
You won’t automatically be opted in for
coverage if you aren’t registered for Fall
courses. If you require this coverage, you will
need to go to www.ihaveaplan.ca and opt in.
Going out of Province?
• If you are leaving the Province for longer
than 90 days you need to inform Manitoba
Health. Details available at:
• You will need to obtain a letter from Co-op
office that is to be sent to Manitoba Health,
Ela can prepare this for you.
Going outside Canada?
• Check with your insurance provider
regarding your coverage outside of
• You will likely need to purchase
additional coverage.
• Be prepared to pay for Doctors visits up
front, and seek reimbursement later.
Aim for a Win/Win Work Term
What constitutes a win/win situation
during a Co-op Work Term?
During your first Work Term….
• Could you have done anything differently?
• Could your employer have done anything
differently? Were their expectations clear?
• What are you going to do to ensure a win/win
Work Term II & III Reports
• Work Term II & III Report (on-going
throughout the work term)
• Within the first two weeks you are required
to meet with your employer to discuss work
term expectations – duties, responsibilities,
project goals and what you will need to learn
to meet these expectations.
Work Term III
Reflection Exercise
• Must be completed prior to site visit
• Discussion here will help you think about
career options that will be the best fit for you
based on what you’ve learned during Co-op
Work Term I
• Completion of Work Term I Report, during
month four. No reporting required prior to site
• Begin July 9th, end July 24th
• Process for sign up yet to be determined
• What do you take with you?
• Samples/Portfolio/Website
• Key deliverables
• Software Engineering
• Attire
Feedback from Employers
• Prepare, prepare, prepare!
• Provide more detail in answers
• Come armed with questions
• Know what your strengths are and be able to
talk about them (What could you bring to the
Interview Questions
• Standard Questions
• Direct Questions
• Behavioural Descriptive Questions
Behavioural Descriptive Question
What employers are looking for in your answer:
• Relationship of your answer to the
performance description (have you chosen an
appropriate situation?).
• The recency of the performance (if the activity
was relatively recent the employer will believe it
is a true indicator of how you will react to a
similar situation during this work term).
Behavioural Descriptive Question
What employers are looking for in your answer:
• The frequency of the performance (“During my
last work term we were working within very tight
time-lines, we had a hard deadline every couple
of weeks, this one time …”)
• Confirmation of your story (“…on the Final
Evaluation for my first work term my employer
said …)
The Star Model
80% of your answer
should be based on
Sample Question
• Tell me about a time during your last
work term when you were unsure about
how to proceed with a task or
When during the work term did the “event” happen?
What was the task or assignment?
What was the portion that you were unsure of?
What action did you take?
What were the result of your actions?
• In-town Application Deadline – June 30th,
postings will come in right up until June 27th
• Interview practice session, Monday, July 7th
at 12:15 in E2 461
• Summer Co-op BBQ – July ???