Review of King Corn

Review of King Corn:
King Corn is a documentary that examines the United States and its reliance on corn. The documentary
follows Ian Cheney and Curtis Ellis as they move to Greene, Iowa and purchase an acre of land to grow
and harvest corn for a season. I was aware that corn is used in many products other than just being a
vegetable, but I had no idea some form of a corn derivate was in a majority of all the food we eat. I
went through my pantry and was amazed to see how many products contained some form of corn
based substance.
With the advancement of technology and the manufacturing of better farm machinery Cheney and Ellis
were able to plant 31,000 kernels of corn in only 18 minutes. Their acre had the potential to yield
almost 5000 pounds of corn. One of the biggest arch-rival of any farmer trying to grow crops are
weeds. Cheney and Ellis were able to spray their crops in a 90 foot span at a time, but they also used a
genetically modified corn kernel to help the crop be resistant to weeds. Corn was a crop that originated
from Mexico. Over the years corn has been modified, and now contains less protein and more corn
starch. Like most crops now, once harvested it is nearly impossible to track where the crops go. Ellis and
Cheney did however know that their crop was being grown for industrial use.
It was interesting to see Cheney and Ellis go to a cattle farm and see how the corn was used for
feed. Most cattle are now corn-fed instead of grass-fed. Corn allows the cattle to bulk up at a rapid
pace so they can be slaughter for consumption faster. Cattle stomachs are not meant to be corn-fed;
because of this the cattle can develop a condition called acidosis which ultimately can lead to death. In
the last thirty years most Americans have only consumed corn-fed beef.
Ellis and Cheney also explored the fact that their corn would be developed into high fructose corn
syrup. High fructose corn syrup was developed because of the overproduction of corn. Since the 1970’s
corn syrup has now became the main sweetener in the American diet. Since Ellis and Cheney could not
tour a high fructose corn sugar plant they decided to produce their own. It was very scary to see that
sulfuric acid was an ingredient in the production.
As I watched the documentary King Corn, there were many hazards that were clearly represented. A
main physical hazard I noticed was the damage that was occurring with the cattle. The unnatural diet
they were being fed reminded me how humans are consuming unnatural processed foods. Just as the
cattle bulked up, Americans are becoming obese because we are consuming products that are bodies
cannot handle like high fructose corn syrup. The chemical dangers from pesticides also address another
health concern that plants, animals and humans are currently facing. The purpose on an Environmental
Health Scientist is to protect the public from environmental hazards that could potentially harm
people. Shifting back to a more natural diet will be challenging, because Americans have become
accustomed to eating a mass production of food that is cheaply produced. With the help of
environmental health advocates hopefully the American diet will shift back to a more natural and
healthier state.
Woolf, A. (producer). Woolf, A. (director). (2007). King Corn [motion picture]. United States. Balcony