Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, KNU Protein – protein interaction Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, KNU Modular Organization of Protein Interaction Network Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, KNU Biological Networks Biological Systems Made of many non-identical elements connected by diverse interactions. Biological Networks Biological networks as framework for the study of biological systems Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, KNU A Section of Module Network of 30 Largest Modules Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, KNU METHODS FOR SHOWING INTERACTIONS Between protein and another protein • immunoprecipitation (in vivo) • GST pull-down assay (in vitro) • yeast two-hybrid system (in yeast) Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, KNU GST pull down assay Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, KNU GST pull down assay Principle a simple technique to test interaction between a tagged protein or the bait (GST, His6, biotin ...) and another protein (test protein, or prey). Method Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, KNU |BamH1 | |EcoR1 ||SmaI ... ATC GAA GGT CGT GGG ATC CCC AGG AAT TCC CGG ... TAG CTT CCA GCA CCC TAG GGG TCC TTA AGG GCC ... Ile Glu Gly Arg Gly Ile Pro Arg Asn Ser Arg | Factor Xa | |SalI | GTC GAC CAG CTG Val Asp 1. Engineered protease site allows removal of fusion partner XhoI | TCG AGC AGC TCG Ser Ser NotI | GGC CGC ... CCG GCG ... Gly Arg ... Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, KNU GST pull-down assay Sepharose GSH GST “X” “Y” Sepharose GSH GST “Y” Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, KNU GST pull-down assay Sepharose GSH Sepharose GSH GST “X” “Y” GST Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, KNU GST pull-down assay Run Western blot Sepharose GSH Input anti-Y GST “X” “Y” GST-X GST Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, KNU Tracheae defective/Apontic is an MBF1 partner Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, KNU 2. Addition of a few residues should have minimal effect on recombinant protein His6 Tag • add 6 consecutive His to either end • binds metals Epitope Tag • 6-12 amino acids • mAb for detection or purification Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, KNU Immunoprecipitation Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, KNU Immunoprecipitation • affinity purification based on isolation of Ag-Ab complexes • analyze by gel electrophoresis • initially based on centrifugation of large supramolecular complexes • [high] and equal amounts • isolation of Ag-Ab complexes • fixed S. aureus • protein A-agarose • protein G-agarose Bacterial proteins that bind IgG (Fc): • protein A (Staphylococcus aureus) • protein G (Streptococcus) • binds more species and subclasses Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, KNU Immunoprecipitation(면역침강) Method Cell lysate 준비 Cell lysate Preclearing Immunoprecipitation과정 시 방해가 될 수 있는 chromosome이나 Proteins A or Proteins G에 친화성이 강해 antigen-antibody의 침전과정과 별개로 직접 the bead에 붙을 수 있는 것들을 없애주기 위함 Immunoprecipitation precleared lysate가 들어있는 tube에 1~10ug의 antibody을 넣어줍니다 Washing Ab와 결합하지 않은 상층액을 제거후 Washing buffer를 이용하여 washing 하여 줌 SDS-PAGE loading 후 wastern blotting 으로 확인 DNase foot printing method Figure. Immunoprecipitation Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, KNU Typical IP Protocol 1. Solubilize antigen • usually non-denaturing • SDS + excess of TX100 2. Mix extract and Ab 3. Add protein G-agarose, etc 4. Extensively wash 5. Elute with sample buffer 6. SDS-PAGE 7. Detection • protein stain • radioactivity agarose G Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, KNU Tracheae defective/Apontic is an MBF1 partner Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, KNU Example E2F ATP inactive p p 0 active Rb + E2F 20 E2F DNA replication 3 in Brij-35- (BRIJ), but not TX-100-solubilized platelets Detergent Strong : TritonX-100, NP-40 Mild : Brij, CHAPS : MIC-1 (ng/ml) Rb gene expression CD9 co-immunoprecipitates with aIIb 50 IP : Rb Rb Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, KNU Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, KNU Fusion Proteins partner • increase stability • affinity purification • detection/assay • spectrophotometric • binding assays • antibodies target • export signals Fusion Partner Affinity Ligand Glutathione-S-Transferase Thioredoxin Maltose Binding Protein Six Histidine Residues (His6) glutathione phenylarsine oxide amylose nickel Flag, Myc, HA, GFP… antibody Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, KNU Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, KNU Yeast two hybrid Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, KNU The yeast two hybrid system Principle protein-protein interactions 을 알아 보기 위한 방법 Eukaryote의 경우 complex를 이루어서 signal을 전달하는 경우가 많은데 이렇듯 complex를 이루어서 작용하는 protein을 찾아 낼 경우 사용 하는 방법 protein의 DNA binding domain과 activation domain 분리하여 각각에 binding 할 것이라 생각되는 protein을 붙인 후 yeast의 형질 전환을 통 해 protein의 binding을 예측 함 두가지 type의 hybrid를 만듬 Method DBD (DNA binding domain) – protein AD (activation domain) – protein : DBD와 AD가 동시에 존재할 경우만이 유전자의 promoter region에 binding 하여 유전자의 발현을 촉진 시킴 만들어진 두 가지 type의 protein을 세포 내에 도입시키고 유전자의 발현을 관찰 주로 reporter gene 을 통하여 간접적으 로 관찰함 yeast를 이용할 경우는 minimal medium 에서 자랄 수 없던 것이 형질이 전환되어 mm 에서도 자랄 수 있는 것과 같은 특징 이용 함 Figure. Yeast two hybrid system Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, KNU The yeast two hybrid system Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, KNU DBD AD + gene DBD bait AD fish + Measurable product reporter Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, KNU Yeast 2-Hybrid Assay HIS his- leu- trpbait DBD trp lacZ AD fish leu reporter his nucleus Measurable product Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, KNU Example Oncogene (2003) 22, 6151 - 6159 : Xiaoying Yin, Christine Giap and John S Lazo Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, KNU Example Figure. PIAS 와 Smad 간의 물리적인 결합 확인 Purpose PIAS가 Smad6, 7과 binding 하는지 알아 봄 yeast GAL4 DB - Smad7,6 MH2 yeast GAL4 AD - PIYS Result Smad 7과 PIYS가 함께 도입된 yeast 만이 생존 각각을 도입한 경우 자라지 않음. 즉 두 가지가Binding 함을 알 수 있음 mm medium 이용 – 두 가지의 결합 확인 가능 JBC. Vol, 278, pp 34253- 34258 : Swiyu Imoto, Kenji Sugiyama and Ryuta Muromoto Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, KNU Yeast two-hybrid assay Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, KNU protein - DNA interaction Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, KNU Gene expression이 왜 중요한가 세포의 성장 세포의 특성 세포의 변화 세포의 죽음 세포의 기능 세포의 역할 Signal Signal A cell B cell Behavior Behavior Behavior Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, KNU Structure of gene and its promoter promoter intron exon 1 5'-nontranslating region 5' intron exon 2 intron exon 3 open reading frame(ORF) AUG Met UGA UAG UAA intron exon 4 3'-nontranslating region AAAAAAAAAA-3' Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, KNU rat GLUT2 gene structure (1995) B SHS E E SS 4.3 kb EE S B S E SE 7.8 kb BHE H S X 9.3 kb X EHS SH B S X B S E SBE 4.2 kb 8.0 kb S EEHX 4.1 kb 10.0 kb * 1a1b 1a 1b1c 1c1d 1d 2 4a 3 4b 5 7 6 8 9 10 transcription factors J6 H6 P response elements A2 F&Pol4 D1 B3 E5 gene X P P ATP7 TATA spacer DNA E promoter RNA transcript Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, KNU DEFINITION Human mRNA for p53 cellular tumor antigen ACCESSION X02469 M60950 SOURCE human ORGANISM Homo sapiens AUTHORS Zakut-Houri,R., Bienz-Tadmor,B., Givol,D. and Oren,M. TITLE Human p53 cellular tumor antigen: cDNA sequence and expression in COS cells JOURNAL EMBO J. 4 (5), 1251-1255 (1985) FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..1317 /organism="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:9606" CDS 136..1317 /note="p53 tumor antigen (aa 1-?)" /codon_start=1 /protein_id="CAA26306.1" /db_xref="PID:g35210" /db_xref="GI:35210" /db_xref="SWISS-PROT:P04637" /translation="MEEPQSDPSVEPPLSQETFSDLWKLLPENNVLSPLPSQAMDDLM LSPDDIEQWFTEDPGPDEAPRMPEAAPPVAPAPAAPTPAAPAPAPSWPLSSSVPSQKT YQGSYGFRLGFLHSGTAKSVTCTYSPALNKMFCQLAKTCPVQLWVDSTPPPGTRVRAM AIYKQSQHMTEVVRRCPHHERCSDSDGLAPPQHLIRVEGNLRVEYLDDRNTFRHSVVV PYEPPEVGSDCTTIHYNYMCNSSCMGGMNRRPILTIITLEDSSGNLLGRNSFEVRVCA CPGRDRRTEEENLRKKGEPHHELPPGSTKRALPNNTSSSPQPKKKPLDGEYFTLQIRG RERFEMFRELNEALELKDAQAGKEPGGSRAHSSHLKSKKGQSTSRHKKLMFKTEGPDSD" Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, KNU CDS 136..1317 ORIGIN 1 61 121 181 241 301 361 421 481 541 601 661 721 781 841 901 961 1021 1081 1141 1201 1261 gtctagagcc ggctgggagc ttccgggtca caggaaacat ccgtcccaag gaagacccag gcaccagcag tctgtccctt tctgggacag caactggcca cgcgtccgcg tgcccccacc cgagtggaag gtggtggtgc tacatgtgta acactggaag gcctgtcctg caccacgagc ccccagccaa gagcgcttcg gggaaggagc tctacctccc accgtccagg gagcaggtag ctgctgggct ccggggacac tttgcgttcg gtgctttcca cgacggtgac acgcttccct ggattggcag ccagactgcc ctgccatgga ggagccgcag tcagatccta gcgtcgagcc ccctctgagt tttcagacct atggaaacta cttcctgaaa acaacgttct gtcccccttg caatggatga tttgatgctg tccccggacg atattgaaca atggttcact gtccagatga agctcccaga atgccagagg ctgctccccc cgtggcccct ctcctacacc ggcggcccct gcaccagccc cctcctggcc cctgtcatct cccagaaaac ctaccagggc agctacggtt tccgtctggg cttcttgcat ccaagtctgt gacttgcacg tactcccctg ccctcaacaa gatgttttgc 5'-nontranslating open reading frame(ORF) 3'-nontranslating region agacctgccc tgtgcagctg tgggttgatt ccacaccccc gcccggcacc region UGA ccatggccat ctacaagcag tcacagcaca tgacggaggt tgtgaggcgc UAG atgagcgctg gatggtctgg cccctcctca gcatcttatc AUG UAA 5' ctcagatagc AAAAAAAAAA-3' gaaatttgcg tgtggagtat ttggatgaca gaaacacttt tcgacatagt cctatgagcc gcctgaggtt ggctctgact gtaccaccat ccactacaac acagttcctg catgggcggc atgaaccgga ggcccatcct caccatcatc Met actccagtgg taatctactg ggacggaaca gctttgaggt gcgtgtttgt ggagagaccg gcgcacagag gaagagaatc tccgcaagaa aggggagcct tgcccccagg gagcactaag cgagcactgc ccaacaacac cagctcctct agaagaaacc actggatgga gaatatttca cccttcagat ccgtgggcgt agatgttccg agagctgaat gaggccttgg aactcaagga tgcccaggct caggggggag cagggctcac tccagccacc tgaagtccaa aaagggtcag gccataaaaa actcatgttc aagacagaag ggcctgactc agactga Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, KNU ATG? promoter exon 1 ATG? intron exon 2 intron intron exon 3 intron exon 4 5’ end of 1st exon missing when cDNA cloning can be determined by 1) Primer extension 2) RNase protection assay (RNase mapping) 3) S1 nuclease assay 4) 5’-RACE (Rapid Amplification of cDNA End) Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, KNU transcription factors J6 H6 P response elements A2 F&Pol4 D1 B3 E5 gene X P P ATP7 TATA spacer DNA promoter RNA transcript Trancription machinery components General (Basal) factors Upstream factors ubiquitous not regulated initiation efficiency Inducible factors similar to upstream factors regulatory role at specific time and specific tissue binding site is called "response element" Definition of promoter and enhancer Promoter : responsible for only initiation (~200 bp) Enhancer : enhance initiation, closely packed array (~100 bp) Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, KNU Promoter Characterization It is not possible to predict the DNA sequence recognized by proteins 1) Upstream factors Module Consensus Factor Comments TATA box TATAAAA TBP -25 ; initiation precision CAAT box GGCCAATCT CTF/NF1 CP1, 2, 3, 4 C/EBP, ACF -75 ; either orientation GC box GGGCGG Sp1 -90 ; either orientation, often multicopy Sp1 is a monomer, 105 kDa Octamer ATTTGCAT Oct-1 Oct-2 Oct-1 is ubiquitous Oct-2 is lymphoid specific factor B GGGACTTTCC NFB ATF GTGACGT ATF Basal factor (TATA, Inr) : initiation location Upstream factor (GC, CAAT) frequency of initiation (assembly) Conserved element does not inevitably imply binding of protein Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, KNU 2) Response elements Module Consensus Factor Regulatory agent HSE CNNGAANNTCCNNG HSTF heat shock GRE TGGTACAAATGTTCT Receptor glucocorticoid TRE TGACTCA AP1 phorbol ester SRE CCATATTAGG SRF serum May be located in promoters or enhancers Active protein is available only under certain condition Any one of several elements can independently activate the gene Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, KNU 3) Character of transcription factors Structure ① DNA-binding domain (usually basic) ② Activation domain (usually acidic) ③ Dimerization domain Domains are independent, interchangable Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, KNU Transactivation direct interaction or with coactivators contact with TFIID (most common, esp TAFs), TFIIB, TFIIA can influence to initiation complex by looping at a distance F&Pol4 D1 TATAA Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, KNU Categories of Transcription Activators according to DBD, [Gene VII] 1) 2) 3) 4) Helix-turn-helix (HTH) motif Zn finger motif Leucine zipper (Zip) motif, usually basic (bZip) Helix-loop-helix (HLH) motif, usually basic (bHLH) 1) Helix-Turn-Helix motif two or three helices and short chain (turn) can form dimer Homeodomain proteins found in proteins related to development originally found in Drosophila determine the identity of body structure also found in higher eukaryote Oct proteins ; 75 aa, called Pou domain C N Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, KNU 2) Zinc Finger motif helix - Zn - sheet helix contacts DNA H H Classic zinc finger proteins : Sp1 (3 fingers) Steroid receptors : 2 fingers steroid hormone : MR, AR, PR, ER -sheet -helix thyroid hormone : T3R retinoic acid (vitamin A) : RAR, RXR bind to a specific receptor that activates gene transcription "receptor" may be a misnomer recognize special consensus sequence, like GRE consist of central DNA binding domain N-terminal activation domain C-terminal ligand binding domain C Zn C H C Zn C H C Zn C H H Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, KNU Additional) -barrels two sheets contacts DNA Papilloma virus activator E2 3) Leucine Zipper motif two helices DNA binding and protein dimerization by same motif homodimer or heterodimer expand the repertoire of DNA-binding specificities basic region is DNA binding domain, bZip Leu Leu Leu Leu Leu Leu Leu Leu Leu Leu Leu Leu Leu Leu C/EBP Jun/Fos, JunB, JunD, Fra (Fos-related Antigen) Fos cannot homodimerize Jun/Fos can bind with an activity more 10 folds than Jun/Jun ++++ ++++ DNA Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, KNU 4) Helix-Loop-Helix motif short helix and long helix homodimer or heterodimer highly basic region can bind to DNA ; bHLH E12, E47 (Ig gene enhancer) MyoD, myogenin, Myf-5 (myogenesis), Myc (oncogene) bHLH fall into 2 groups class A : ubiquitously expressed (E12/E47) class B : tissue-specific manner (MyoD) some HLH protein lacks long helix can dimerize, unable to bind dominant negative way (Id proteins) DNA Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, KNU dominant negative fashion like HLH proteins repressor F&Pol4 D1 TATAA Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, KNU PROMOTER ANALYSIS 1) Oocyte system 2) Transfection system CAT assay Luciferase assay 3) Transgenic system 4) in vitro system EMSA (electrophoretic mobility shift assay) DNase I footprinting assay In vitro transcription assay 5) Transcription factor characterization Affinity chromatography Two hybrid 6) in vivo system in vivo DNase I footprinting assay ChIP assay (chromatin immunoprecipitation) Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, KNU How to measure gene activation in eukaryotic cells ? Transfection assays RAR reporter RXR nucleus Measurable product Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, KNU How to measure gene activation in eukaryotic cells ? Transfection assays Hormone (steroid) RAR reporter RXR nucleus Measurable product Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, KNU 0 2 Relative CAT activity (fold) 4 6 8 10 12 +189 no C/EBP C/EBP C/EBP C/EBP and C A T -503 H G F E D C B A +189 1x C A T +56 A +189 H 2.9x 2.6x C A T +56 A 9.1x +189 C A T +56 F A 2.2x 1.6x 3.8x 14 Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, KNU +1 LUC -890 LUC -389 LUC -283 LUC -166 LUC -57 d-283/-166 Control RXRPPAR 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 -1112 -890 -389 -283 45 LUC LUC Relative luciferase activity (fold) -1112 Relative luciferase activity (fold) 45 -166 Control RXRPPAR 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 -1112 -389 d-283/-166 -57 Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, KNU DNA foot printing Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, KNU DNase foot printing Principle protein과 DNA interaction을 알아 보기 위한 방법 protein이 DNA에 binding한 경우 protein에 의해 DNA가 보호 받으므로 DNase I를 처리한다 하여도 DNA가 잘리지 않고 그 결과 gel loading 시 DNA band가 생기지 않는 부위가 생김 이 부위를 foot print라 함 Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, KNU Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, KNU Fig. DNase foot printing Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, KNU Method 특정 protein binding site를 포함하고 있는 Restriction fragment 한쪽 끝을 방사선 동위 원소(주로 32P사용) 이용하여 labeling 힘 방사선 동위원소로 표지 된 DNA만 존재 하는 조건과 DNA Protein이 함께 존재하는 조건에 DNase I를 처리 DNase I : DNA상에 single brake를 생성함 주의 : 이 경우 DNase I은 mild하게 처리해야 함. 평균 하나의 strand 당 하나의 nick이 생성 됨 DNase I의 작용을 stop 시킴. DNA는 denatured 시킴 이것을 denaturing polyacrylamide gel running 시킴 위와 같이 running 시킨 DNA band는 autoradiography 또는 Phosphorimager를 이용하여 확인 함 결과로 나타난 band의 ladder는 DNasae I에 의해 잘린 다양한 site 를 의미 함 Control과 비교하여 Band가 생성되지 않은 부위가 바로 Protein이 DNA에 binding 한 부위이며 이곳의 sequence 및 size는 여러 sequencing 방법을 통해 알 수 있음 Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, KNU Example HA-NFATp binds DNA alone and cooperatively with cJun/cFos. DNase I footprinting assays were performed to investigate the binding of HA-NFATp to a region of the human IL-2 promoter in the absence (lanes 1-5) and presence (lanes 6-10) of recombinant human cJun/cFos (3.2 nM). HA-NFATp was added to reactions at the following final concentrations: 3 nM, lanes 2 and 7; 9 nM, lanes 3 and 8; 27 nM, lanes 4 and 9; and 54 nM, lanes 5 and 10. Footprinting reactions were resolved by denaturing PAGE and analyzed with a Molecular Dynamics PhosphorImager. Positions relative to the transcriptional start site (+1) of the human IL-2 promoter are indicated on the left. Locations of the previously characterized high affinity -45 NFAT site and composite element are indicated on the right. Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, KNU EMSA(electrophoretic mobility gel shift assay ) Principle Protein-DNA complex Protein-DNA complexes migrate more slowly than free DNA molecules when subjected to non-denaturing polyacrylamide or agarose gel electrophoresis Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, KNU Method Figure. EMSA protocol Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, KNU Nuclear extract preparation 1. Drug treatment 2. Washing 1 times with cold PBS (7ml) 3. Scrape with cold PBS 1ml 4. Centrifuge at3,000 rpm for 1min 5. Resuspend with buffer A 400ul 6. Incubate on ice for 15min 7. Add 25ul of 10% NP-400 (final conc’ 0.6%) 8. Vortexing or pipetting for 30sec (강하게) 9. Centrifuge at 14,000rpm for 2-5min in 4’C 10. Resuspend with buffer C 50ul 11. Incubate on ice for 30min 12. Centrifuge at 14,000rpm for 5min in 4’C 13. Transfer 50ul of the soup to fresh tube 14. Storage at -70’c in deep freezer Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, KNU Buffer A -10mM HEPES pH 7.9, 10mM KCL, 0.1mM EDTA, 0.1mM EGTA, 1mM DTT, 0.5mM PMSF, 0.5mM Leupeptin Buffer C -20mM HEPES pH 7.9, 0.4M NACL 1mM EDTA, 1mM EGTA, 1mM DTT, 1mM PMSF, 1mM Leupeptin protocol Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, KNU Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, KNU protocol Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, KNU protocol Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, KNU Free probe Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, KNU Example wt wt - - wt + mt wt + + + + - - + : probe (E2F) : Cold probe : Ab (α-E2F1) : MIC-1 - E2F + IgG E2F - wt wt mt - + + + - wt - + wt - + wt - + wt - + wt - + wt - + Fra-2 wt Fra1 wt Fos B - c-fos - Jun D - Jun B - cJun Free probe Free probe wt - + : Ab : Probe : Cold probe : FN * AP-1 + IgG AP-1 Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, KNU ChIP(chromatin immunoprecipitation) Principle Protein 이 어느 유전자 부위에 결합하는지를 알아보는 방법 Protein과 specific DNA region을 알아보기 위해 보고자 하는 protein Ab로 immunoprecifitation실시 후 primer를 이용, PCR을 수행하는 방법 Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, KNU Chromatin immunoprecipitation • Used to determine whether a given protein binds to a given DNA sequence in vivo • Like all protein analysis involving antibodies (including westerns) a specific antibody is required • If there is no specific antibody, then epitope tagging can be employed (FLAG, MYC, HIS) • An epitope is a portion of a molecule to which an antibody binds Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, KNU Method 포름알데하이드로 단백질(DNA에 결합된 단백질)과 DNA를 결합시킵니다. Sonication 시켜서 세포와 DNA를 잘게 부순다. Immunoprecipitation 과정 수행 DNA를 분리 정제 보고자 하는 유전자 의 프로모터 주변에서 primer를 디자인 하여 PCR을 수행. 만약 어떤 전사인자가 A라고 하는 유전자의 프로모터에 결합한다면 위의 과정을 거치면 대부분의 DNA는 제거되고 A 유전자 프로모터 부위는 남게됨, 그러면 A유전자 프로모터에 결합하는 primer를 이용, PCR을 수행하면 밴드를 얻게되고. 그래서 밴드가 진하게 나오면 결합하는 것이고 그렇지 않으면 결합하지 않는다고 봄 Figure. Yeast two hybrid system Chromatin ImmunoPrecipitation (ChIP) - Purification of nuclei from 0-16 hrs embryos - UV cross-linking - Sonication (0.1 - 3 Kb) - in vivo IP with anti-EN Ab -Addition of linkers PCR amplification - in vitro IP with anti-EN Ab PCR amplification. HindIII digestion and cloning in Ks+ 603 individual clones isolated and sequenced 315 independent clones Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, KNU Example Snail promoter 지역에는 MTA3와 MBD3분자가 Association되어 있음. MTA3와 MBD3분자는 Snail promoter Start 지점의 500bp 정도 떨어진 upstream 부분에서 강하게 Binding한다. ChIP analysis on estrogen target genes. Mol. Cell Biol. (2004) Knockdown of RIZ1 by siRNA affects expression and methylation of pS2 gene. Mol. Cell Biol. (2004) Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, KNU protocol Part A. Optimization of DNA Shearing Establish optimal conditions required for shearing cross-linked DNA to 200-1000 base pairs in length by following steps 1- 9 below. Vary the power setting and/or the number of 10-second pulses during sonication of the samples. Be sure to keep the sample on ice at all times (the sonication generates heat which will denature the DNA). Check the size of sonicated DNA by gel electrophoresis after reversion of cross-links. Our experience shows DNA is sheared to the appropriate length with 3-4 sets of 10-second pulses using a Cole Parmer, High Intensity Ultrasonic Processor/Sonicator, 50 watt model equipped with a 2mm tip and set to 30% of maximum power. Once sonication conditions have been optimized, keep cell number consistent for subsequent experiments. The protocol below for the optimization of DNA Shearing is for one Chip assay (~1 x 106 cells per condition). Note: Steps 3 - 7 should be done on ice 1. Stimulate or treat 1 x 106 cells on a 10cm dish as appropriate. (Cells should be treated under conditions for which transcriptional activation of the gene of interest has been demonstrated). Include one extra dish (1 x 106 ) to be used solely for estimation of cell number. 2. Cross link histones to DNA by adding formaldehyde directly to culture medium to a final concentration of 1% and incubate for 10 minutes at 37C. (For example, add 270 microliters 37% formaldehyde into 10mof growth medium on plate). 3. Aspirate medium, removing as much medium as possible. Wash cells twice using ice cold PBS containing protease inhibitors (1mM phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride (PMSF), 1microgram/ml aprotinin and 1microgram/ml pepstatin A). Note: Add protease inhibitors to PBS just prior to use. PMSF has a half-life of approximately 30 minutes in aqueous solutions. 4. Scrape cells into conical tube. Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, KNU 5. Pellet cells for 4 minutes at 2000 rpm at 4ºC. Warm SDS Lysis Buffer (Catalog # 20-163) to room temperature to dissolve precipitated SDS and add protease inhibitors (inhibitors: 1mM PMSF, 1microgram/ml aprotinin and 1microgram/ml pepstatin A). 6. Resuspend cell pellet in 200 microliters of SDS Lysis Buffer (Catalog # 20-163) and incubate for 10 minutes on ice. Note: The 200 microliters of SDS Lysis Buffer is per 1 X 106 cells; if more cells are used, the resuspended cell pellet should be divided into 200 microliters aliquots so that each 200ml aliquot contains ~1 X 106 cells. 7. Sonicate lysate to shear DNA to lengths between 200 and 1000 basepairs being sure to keep samples ice cold (Note: Once sonication conditions have been optimized following steps 1 to 9, proceed to Part B, step 1 below). 8. Add 8 microliters 5M NaCl (Catalog # 20-159) and reverse crosslinks at 65ºC for 4 hours. 9. Recover DNA by phenol/chloroform extraction and run sample (example 5 microliter, 10 microliter, and 20 microliter samples) in an agarose gel to visualize shearing efficiency. Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, KNU protocol Part B. Experimental protocol. If sonication conditions have been optimized (Part A), complete steps 1 through 7 and continue with the protocol below. For a negative/background control, prepare a sample to use as a no-antibody immunoprecipitation control in step 5 below. Additionally, transcriptionally unactivated DNA samples should be prepared as controls for PCR in section II. 1. Centrifuge samples (part A, step 7) for 10 minutes at 13,000 rpm at 4°C, and add 200 microliters of the sonicated cell pellet suspension to a new 2ml-microcentrifuge tube. 2. Dilute the sonicated cell pellet suspension 10 fold in ChIP Dilution Buffer (Catalog # 20153), adding protease inhibitors as above. This is done by adding 1800 microliters ChIP Dilution Buffer to the 200microliter sonicated cell pellet suspension for a final volume of 2ml in each immunoprecipitation condition. Note: If proceeding to PCR a portion of the diluted cell pellet suspension 1% (~20 microliters) can be kept to quantitate the amount of DNA present in different samples at the PCR protocol, Part B, section II, step 6. This sample is considered to be your input/starting material, andneeds to have the Histone-DNA crosslinks reversed by heating at 65C for 4 hours (see section II, step3.) 3. To reduce nonspecific background, pre-clear the 2ml diluted cell pellet suspension with 80 microlitersof Salmon Sperm DNA/Protein A Agarose-50% Slurry (Catalog # 16-157) for 30 minutes at 4ºC withagitation. 4. Pellet agarose by brief centrifugation and collect the supernatant fraction. Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, KNU 5. Add the immunoprecipitating antibody (the amount will vary per antibody) to the 2ml supernatant fraction and incubate overnight at 4ºC with rotation. For a negative control, perform a no-antibody immunoprecipitation by incubating the supernatant fraction with 60 microliters of Salmon SpermDNA/Protein A Agarose- 50% Slurry (Catalog # 16-157) for one hour at 4ºC with rotation and proceedto step 7. 6. Add 60 microliters of Salmon Sperm DNA/Protein A Agarose Slurry (Catalog # 16-157) for one hour at4ºC with rotation to collect the antibody/histone complex. 7. Pellet agarose by gentle centrifugation (700 to 1000 rpm at 4ºC, ~1min). Carefully remove thesupernatant that contains unbound, non-specific DNA. Wash the protein A agarose/antibody/histonecomplex for 3-5 minutes on a rotating platform with 1ml of each of the buffers listed in the order asgiven below: a) Low Salt Immune Complex Wash Buffer (Catalog # 20-154), one wash b) High Salt Immune Complex Wash Buffer (Catalog # 20-155), one wash c) LiCl Immune Complex Wash Buffer (Catalog # 20-156), one wash d) 1X TE (Catalog # 20-157), two washes After step 7 above, the sample is now a protein A/antibody/histone/DNA complex ready for either an Immunoprecipitation/Immunoblot assay (Section I) or Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) assay (Section II): Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, KNU protocol Section I. Immunoprecipitation/Immunoblot protocol to detect histone. 1 Following washing of the beads in part B, step 7, immunoprecipitated histones can be analyzed by immunoblot analysis. Add 25 microliters of 1X Laemmli buffer per sample and boil for 10 minutes. Load 20 microliters per lane and perform immunoblot procedure as described per appropriate antibody. Section II. PCR protocol to amplify DNA that is bound to the immunoprecipitated histone. 1. Freshly prepare elution buffer (1%SDS, 0.1M NaHCO3). 2. Elute the histone complex from the antibody by adding 250 microliter elution buffer to the pelleted protein A agarose/antibody/histone complex from step 7d above. Vortex briefly to mix and incubate at room temperature for 15 minutes with rotation. Spin down agarose, and carefully transfer the supernatant fraction (eluate) to another tube and repeat elution. Combine eluates (total volume= approximately 500 microliters.) 3. Add 20 microliters 5M NaCl (Catalog # 20-159) to the combined eluates (500 microliters) and reverse histone-DNA crosslinks by heating at 65ºC for 4 hours. At this step the sample can be stored and -20°C and the protocol continued the next day. Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, KNU Note: Include the input/starting material (the sample saved from Part B, step 2, which has had the Histone-DNA crosslinks reversed) as well as a transcriptionally-unactivated DNA sample as negative and background controls for the PCR reaction. Previously, a 5 microliter sample has been used in a nested PCR reaction. However, the amount of sample used per reaction must be determined empirically (e.g., titrate the sample at this step by using 1, 2, 5, or 10 microliters per PCR reaction). If PCR results are poor, complete steps 4, 5 and 6 below to purify the DNA sample. NOTE: Handle the samples carefully, some DNA may be lost during the purification steps. 4. Add 10 microliters of 0.5M EDTA (Catalog # 20-158), 20 microliters 1M Tris-HCl, pH 6.5 (Catalog # 20-160) and 2 microliters of 10mg/ml Proteinase K to the combined eluates and incubate for one hour at 45ºC. 5. Recover DNA by phenol/chloroform extraction and ethanol precipitation. Addition of an inert carrier,such as 20 micrograms glycogen or yeast tRNA, helps visualize the DNA pellet. Wash pellets with 70%ethanol and air dry. 6. Resuspend pellets in an appropriate buffer for PCR or slot-blot reactions. PCR or slot-blot conditionsmust be determined empirically. Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, KNU ChIP on Chip Chromatin immunopreciptation on a microarray Chip DNA from binding site Fluorescently label