4MD_21_Ning Xiaowei - cchms-english-2014-4md

Introductory Statement
Ning Xiao Wei was a student of Chung Cheng High School (Main) from 2013 to 2014.
Intellectual Independence and Passion For Learning
Xiao Wei is effectively bilingual in English and Chinese Language, and consistently
scored distinctions in Higher Chinese Language in the two years of education in Chung
Cheng High School (Main). Her language proficiency is also evident from her
distinction in the 2013 GCE ‘O’ Level Chinese Language Examination. To challenge
herself, she also chose to take Chinese Literature as a humanity subject. Throughout the
two years of education in the school, she achieved commendable results for the Chinese
Xiao Wei possesses a keen interest in Mathematics and the Sciences, which enabled her
to attain several certificates in Singapore and Asian Schools Math Olympiads,
Singapore Mathematical Olympiad, Singapore Junior Physics Olympiad and Singapore
Junior Chemistry Olympiad. She scored several distinctions in subjects such as
Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Elective Mathematics and Additional Mathematics
throughout the two years of education in the school. She was also chosen by her Biology
teacher as a Biology representative.
Having a positive attitude towards studies, Xiao Wei worked hard to do consistently
well in all subjects. Thus, she would approach teachers after lessons to clarify her
doubts and accept feedback on weaknesses to work towards improvement.
Interpersonal Skills
As can be seen from her achievements in Co-Curricular Activities (CCA), Xiao Wei
was able to balance studies with her active involvement in CCA, in which her leadership
skills were clearly displayed. Thus, she was able to manage her time well in order to
put her full effort to contribute in both CCAs.
As the Vice-Chairperson in Chinese Culture Society in 2013, she demonstrated strong
leadership abilities in the compiling of school magazine ‘Hu Sheng’. She was able to
communicate well with CCA members and teacher-in-charge to ensure that the
magazine was well-organised and provided constructive knowledge for her fellow
schoolmates who would read it. She also has the moral courage to make unpopular
decisions as a Vice-Chairperson. She ensured that equal and ample opportunities were
given to each CCA member to develop their own skills, so when one of the CCA
member participated in the Sixth National Chinese Short Film Competition for
Secondary Schools as a director in 2013, she put her full support to the film making and
urged more members to participate in. Eventually, the team attained Second Prize with
their film ‘Liu Huo’.
In addition, Xiao Wei was also appointed as a committee member of the Chinese Drama
Club. Having a keen interest in drama, in 2013, she participated in the Singapore Youth
Festival (SYF) Arts Presentation and Chinese Drama Club achieved Distinction. She
also assisted in the presentation of ‘Hu Pan Liu Heng’, the Drama Night of Chung
Cheng High School (Main) in 2014. The drama ‘Qian Yan Wan Yu’ was really
successful and complimented among the audience. Her participation is evidence of her
strong determination to complete the tasks that she sets out to do.
She was also chosen by the teacher as one of the youth ambassadors in Sun Yat Sen
Nanyang memorial Hall in 2013, which is a School Community Involvement
Programme (CIP) provided by it. She attended this Student Guides Training Programme
and conducted special guided tours for her juniors in school. The juniors who visited
there were impressed by the ‘Sun Yat Sen Spirit’ and learned deeply about him after her
guiding. She was able to appreciate with the spirit as well and introduce it to the visitors
with her excellent expressive skills. She is personally conscious of the need to
contribute to the community. Her active participation in CIP shows that she is someone
who wants to bring back the spirit introduced by the celebrities to educate and impress
the public.
Personal Attributes
An optimistic and hard-working person, Xiao Wei encourages cooperation and
collaboration. With her good self-management, she is independent and prepared to face
all kinds of potential challenges. With her cheerful disposition and optimism, she does
not allow herself to be discouraged by setbacks and strives to surmount difficulties and
obstacles. She is mindful of the feelings of others and willing to lend a helping hand to
her friends. Responsible and adaptable to changes, Xiao Wei ensures that she does her
best in all the tasks entrusted to her.