Fourth Sunday of Easter

Fourth Sunday of Easter
May 3, 2009
Prayer of the Church
The Lord’s Prayer
Christ is risen! We take comfort in the care of our Good Shepherd
Today’s Worship
Opening Hymn
The Strife Is O’er, the Battle Done
Order of Worship: Page 15
Prayer of the Day
The Common Service
O Lord Jesus Christ, you are the Good Shepherd who laid down your life
for the sheep. Lead us now to the still waters of your life-giving Word
that we may abide in your Father’s house forevermore; for you live and
reign with him and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.
Song of Praise
Hymn 265 st. 4,5
First Lesson
Acts 4:23-33
The Lord’s My Shepherd; I’ll Not Want
Communion Hymn
Holy Communion
page 21
Our Communion Practice: In the sacrament of Holy Communion we celebrate our
unity of beliefs as we receive Jesus’ body and blood (1 Corinthians 10,11).
Therefore we ask our guests to wait to come to Holy Communion here until we can
discuss with you what we believe. We look forward with joy to the time when new
members join us for the sacrament.
Closing Hymn
May the Mind of Christ My Savior
This Is the Feast of Victory
In time of peril the early church trusted in the Lord and he made them
bold to proclaim the resurrection.
Psalm of the Day
Psalm 23, page 72
Second Lesson
1 John 3:1, 2
King of Kings Evangelical Lutheran Church
Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod
God has declared us to be his children. We will fully appreciate
this wonderful gift when Jesus comes again.
Verse of the Day
Alleluia. Alleluia. Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia. I am the Good
Shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep knows me. Alleluia.
Gospel of the Day
John 10:11-18
Jesus is the Good Shepherd.
454 I Gave My Life for Thee
Acts 4:23-33
Offering Hymn
Sing as the offering is brought forward to the altar:
“Why the Good Shepherd Protects Us”
I know that my Redeemer lives;
What comfort this sweet sentence gives!
He lives, he lives, who once was dead;
He lives, my ever-living Head!
Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Welcome in the name of our risen Lord Jesus! If you are
worshipping with us for the first time please sign our guest register before you leave.
If you would like more information about King of Kings Church, or if you are interested in membership,
please contact Pastor Kluball. A “Basic Bible Teachings” class meets on Mondays at 7:00pm. We invite
you to join this study in the church library.
Hymn of the Day
[Hymn 152 st. 1,3]
1593 Crescent Road + Clifton Park NY 12065
Church phone: 371-9544
Pastor Gary Kluball: 932-4693
He lives to bless me with his love;
He lives to plead for me above.
He lives, my hungry soul to feed;
He lives to help in time of need.
A staffed nursery is available during 10:45am worship. It is located down the hallway on the right side.
The mission of King of Kings Evangelical Lutheran Church, in accordance with the inspired and
inerrant Word of God, is to glorify the Lord God through worship, teaching, fellowship and sharing the
message of salvation with its members, the community and the world. [Mt 28:18-20]
Prayer of the Church
Good Shepherd Sunday
M Dear Jesus, our risen Savior, truly you are our Good Shepherd, for you gave your life for us,
your sheep. We praise you for your work of rescuing us from death and for your determined
love by which you take hold of us and guide us in the way of life, peace and eternal security.
Lord, in your mercy,
C hear our prayer.
M Yet we confess that we are wandering sheep. The stubborn and sinful nature that lives in
each of us continually leads us astray. We choose dangerous paths. We follow other voices.
We would perish on our way. Oh Lord,
C have mercy on us.
M Gracious Shepherd, do not leave us to ourselves and our ways. We need your loving patience
to protect us from our own foolishness and to forgive our many sins. We need you to take the
evils and dangers that threaten and cause them to work for our good. We need you to hear
and answer our prayers. We need to hear the sound of your voice as you speak to us through
your Holy Scriptures. Do not ever forsake us. Oh Lord,
C have mercy on us.
M Faithful Shepherd, continue to comfort and cheer us, especially in the dark and shadowy
valleys of this life. Nourish us in the green pastures of your Word. Quench our thirst for
righteousness in the refreshing streams of salvation. Preserve us until you gather us into the
safe pastures of heaven with those who made the journey before us. Lord, in your mercy,
C hear our prayer.
M Chief Shepherd, send faithful pastors, teachers and missionaries to feed and guide the souls of
your flock. Cause their compassionate care to lead many more into your fold. Lord, in your
C hear our prayer.
M Gentle Shepherd, extend your mercy especially to those lambs and sheep oppressed by
troubles, distress, depression, sickness, disease and heartache. When life seems too difficult
to endure, draw their eyes and ears and hearts to you, causing them to cast all their cares upon
you. Answer all our anxious cries, for only you know what is truly best for us all the time.
Lord, in your mercy,
C hear our prayer.
M Mighty Shepherd, in your care for your flock guide the affairs of our world that your peace
might be proclaimed far and wide. Cause our government leaders to serve with integrity, to
govern in justice, to care for all, especially mindful of the needy and oppressed. Stand guard
around the men and women of our military. Keep them mindful that even in times of severe
danger they rest in your abiding care. Lord, in your mercy,
C hear our prayer.
M Shepherd and Overseer of our souls, be with us and comfort us with your presence especially
when we walk through the valley of death. Dispel the gloom with the anticipation of
heaven’s eternal day. And bring us to that joy when we dwell in your house forever. Hear
us, risen Savior and Shepherd as we pray in your name, and join in the prayer you taught us,
All The Lord’s Prayer
The Altar flowers are given to the glory of God by Sharon Palmer for God’s blessing.
Thank you to Pastor Erich Waldek for preaching and teaching God’s Word today. Pastor Waldek
served over 20 years as the first resident pastor at King of Kings. Pastor Kluball is in New York City with
other youth and adults from the congregation on the Five Boro Bike Tour. He returns later this evening.
Today in Sunday School the children learned about when Jesus Appeared in Galilee. Jesus appeared to
his disciples for the third time after his resurrection. Next to the Sea of Galilee, he performed a miracle and
provided the disciples with a great catch of fish. He commissioned his disciples to preach the gospel and
baptize all people throughout the world. He promised to be with them and bless them.
Pioneer Leaders meeting today at 12:00 noon.
Pastor Kluball will be out-of-town from Monday to Wednesday this week attending the Spring
Pastors Conference in Orleans, Ontario.
There will be no Bible class held on Monday, May 4.
Youth confirmation will not be held this Tuesday, May 5.
The Women’s Group Bible study is this Wednesday, May 6th at 10:00am at Moca Lisa’s. If you have
questions, contact Heidi Larkin (899- 3129) or Nancy Paulsen (899-2607). There will be no 10:00am Bible
study at church that day.
Women’s Group book club will be meeting on Monday, May 11 at 7:00pm. The first gathering to
discuss the book Sarah’s Key will take place at church.
The youth group is scheduled for volunteer work at the Albany City Mission on May 16th from 10:30
to 1:00. We will be serving lunch, and the Mission also has some type of project that will need to be done.
If weather permits this project could be outdoors. Members of the congregation are also invited. A signup
sheet will be out this Sunday. Please note that we will need to know how many will be attending by the
13th.If you have any questions, please contact Mary Duncan (664-1243).
Women's Group ~ Craft Day! All are welcome to come, Saturday May 16 1-4 at the church. We will
be making jewelry, the cost is $10.00 per person for supplies. Please sign up if you plan to come. Any
questions, please see Donna Krause (383-5202)
WELS Lutherans for Life – We will be collecting baby items for the Pregnancy Counseling Center in
Mundelein, Il until the end of May. New clothing, baby personal care items, blankets, etc. can be
donated. Handmade items are also welcomed. A table is set up in the entryway for the items. Your gifts
are used to prepare gift packets to help the new mothers and their babies. The gifts will be packed and
mailed out the first week of June. Any questions? Please contact Jackie Oberle (372-2453).
There will be a free will offering for Christian Life Resources (formerly WELS Lutherans for Life) the
next two Sundays on the table by the coffee. We do not budget money to support this group. CLR exists
to speak on life issues and medical ethics, and to offer education, counsel, support and materials to
congregations. Pastor Rober tFleischmann from CLR spoke here one evening this past January. Next
Sunday you will receive in your mail tray the Clearly Caring magazine that CLR regularly sends.
Interested in Short Sunday Morning Bible Classes this Summer? If so, sign up on the sheet in the
entryway. We will plan a six week session of shortened and informal study.
 June 28 through August 2: 8:45-9:15am each Sunday
 Topics from the book This We Believe: Questions and Answers (one topic per week – your choice)
 Adults and teens led by pastor
 Younger kids attend children’s church led by youth volunteers
(no children’s church during services in the summer)
Highlights from Voters Assembly this past Thursday:
Voters approved the expenditure of special funds given for the construction of a 24 x 28 foot
garage. This is the garage specified in the master site plan completed a few years ago. There is
currently $11,700 in the fund. We expect this to cover costs to have a contractor do the concrete
foundation and slab, and the costs for materials for us to complete the construction with volunteer
This Week at King of Kings
Mon – Thurs
8:00 & 10:45am
Worship attendance last Sunday was 129 (41 at 8:00am, 88 at 10:45am)
General Offering – $2431 Sunday School – $18.75 Building Fund –$22.50 Flowers –$20
Debt Reduction –$2.50
Synod –$15 Mem & Special Gifts –$25 Library –$75.65
Worship with Holy Communion
Sunday School
Children’s Bell & Voice Choirs
Pioneer Leader’s Meeting
Adult Choir Practice
Spring Pastors Conference
Women’s Group Bible study at Moca Lisa’s
Sunday School
Children’s Bell & Voice Choirs
Adult Choir Practice
Serving God and Us Today
Altar Care:
WELS Report: at convention this summer, our Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod will need to
approve a budget of $8,000 less than previously expected. Deep cuts will take place in all areas.
The main cause of lost revenue is large gift donors whose ongoing gifts are impacted by the poor
conditions in the stock market.
Other items discussed: The parsonage windows are not in good shape; a recent inspection at the
Spring Workday prompted the suggestion that we make plans for replacement. We have received
information on sound absorbing panels and drapings of fabric that could possibly be used to
dampen the lively sound in the activity center.
8:00 & 10:45am
12:00 noon
Marlys Anderson
Mark Brumbaugh
Matthew Monthie
Steve Monthie,
Chuck Waterstram
Jen Waldek, Sandy Pudim
Marlys Anderson
Mark Brumbaugh
Eddy Pudim
Dan Englert, Robert Paulsen,
Chris Brown, Rodger Anderson
Lisa Deserre
Jen Waldek, Sandy Pudim
Curt Becker, Nancy Paulsen
Serving God and Us Next Sunday
Altar Care:
Marlys Anderson
Joshua Kluball
Kalvin Waldek,
Dave Waldek
Marlys Anderson
Kyle Chmela
Eric Krause, Jim Becker,
Steve Goodell, Alec Deserre
Mary Duncan
Mary Duncan, Elsa Kraus
Marc Rodrigue, William Smith
Mary Duncan, Elsa Kraus
Irwin and Oberle