The Challenge - Rob, Nick, and Mike A

By Robert Jablonski, Nick Mesibov,
and Michael Algert
Odysseus has returned to Ithaca, after 20 years
spent abroad traveling back home. Odysseus
learns that suitors are looking to take the hand
of Penelope, his wife, under the assumption
that Odysseus is dead. Telemachus is also
wanted dead by the suitors, so they can inherit
Ithaca. Odysseus is disguised as a beggar, and
makes his way back to his palace, where he is
greeted by several aggressive suitors,
attempting to win the affections of his wife
character, traveled
back home to Ithaca.
Penelope-Odysseus’ wife
Antinous-One of the
Penelope is pressed by the suitors to
choose a husband. Penelope
decides that she shall put up a
challenge for the suitors: she
will marry whoever can string
Odysseus’ bow and shoot and
arrow through 12 axe handle
sockets. Odysseus, still in
disguise as a beggar, decides to
take a try. He strings up his
bow, and shoots and arrow. It
flashes through the air,
whistling through every socket
ring. Then, Odysseus turns to
Telemachus, and addresses
those in the palace, insulting the
suitors. At the end, Odysseus
gives a little nod to Telemachus,
signifying that they are ready to
take on the suitors.
Disguise-Throughout all of Greek literature, disguise
and shape-shifting are common. Throughout the
poem, several characters are disguised and use
stealth to conquer foes. For example, Odysseus’
disguise as a beggar pays off, allowing him to
safely enter the palace and retake his land.
Cunning over Strength- Throughout the novel, wit
and cunning are shown to be more effective at
dispatching foes and avoiding obstacles than
strength. In The Challenge, Odysseus made sure to
round up all of the suitors in a controlled
environment before executing his plan with
Odysseus vs. Suitors- There are many suitors
throughout the palace attempted to gain
Odysseus’ land by marrying Penelope.
"Telemachus, the stranger you welcomed in your hall has not
disgraced you. I did not miss, niehter did I take all day stringing
the bow. My hand and eye are sound, not so contemptible as the
young men say. The hour has come to cooke their lordships'
mutton-supper by daylight. Other amusements later, with song
and harping that adorn a feast“
“He dropped his eyes and nodded, and the prince Telemachus, true
son of King Odysseus, belted his sword on, clapped hand ot his
spear, and with a clink and glitter of keen bronze stood by his
chair, in the forefront near his father.
What could happen next?
What is meant when “The hour has come to cook
their lordships’ mutton-supper by daylight” is
What was the purpose of Odysseus saying to
Telemachus that “the stranger you welcomed
in your hall has not disgraced you”?