Summary of discussion paper on status, potential and challenges of promoting biomass gasification technologies for industrial applications in Africa S Dasappa Indian Institute of Science Bangalore 560 012 India Presented at the First High-level Biofuels Seminar in Africa Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, (July –Aug 2007) Contents Background Statement of the problem Biomass as a source of Electricity Biomass gasification technology Barriers to the technology Status on the technology Experience from India Suggested plan of action Background African region which accounts for 13 % of the world population generates about 3.1 % of the world electricity generation The per captia electricity utilization is about 515 kWh (WEC, IEA, 2002), which is probably the lowest compared with the world scenario Access to electricity ranges from greater than 90 % in the northern Africa to about 26 % in the sub- Saharan African region and in the rural area to less than 1 % It is evident that biomass has been a major source of energy in the region, amounting to about 60 % of the total energy consumption against a 14 % of the world energy scene. Renewable technologies in the African region Karekezi et al (2007), summaries that renewable energy resource for electricity generation has never been exploited due to policy and investment levels On the hydro only 7 % of the potential electricity generation is being practiced today. About 9 MWp of solar PV is being installed in Africa, with Kenya accounting for about 3.6 MWp On the wind power, very little has been exploited in the countries with high wind potential, while some of them land locked, with very little wind speed Biomass as a source of energy Biomass as an energy source is being used for non- electricity applications and accounts for about 50 % - 60 % of the primary energy source in Africa. Co-generation in sugar industry is an important biomass sector which is gaining importance in Africa, but currently accounting for about 15 % of the overall potential. Mauritius is an excellent example generating about 40 % of the total power using co-generation. Biomass for electricity Biomass as a source of generating electricity at small scale has not been explored in the African region except in South Africa. There have been attempts in the recent time by different countries in the region to establish demonstration projects. An example towards this is the recent tender by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development, Uganda for gasification system package to meet heat and power requirements at small capacity ( There have been many attempts by some of gasification development groups from various countries towards establishing demonstration gasification based electricity generation in the African region, but has not made any significant impact. Biomass to electricity in the region The Carbo Consult and Engineering (Pvt) Ltd, has established a gasification technology - System Johansson Gas Producers in South Africa. From the available information (, the company has a few installations in South Africa and has also been interacting with other countries outside the region. The technology package is to operate on dual fuel mode as well in the gas alone mode. There are very few systems in the region. Statement of problem Karekezi et al (2007) has highlighted various factors that influence the electricity generation including technology barrier and policy barrier. One of the statements in the paper suggests that use of small scale renewable as a means for poverty alleviation, using local material to meet the local energy needs. They suggest solar energy as an option. Biomass as a source of electricity It may be appropriate to mention that the biomass gasification technology, would meet the set objective of using local material to provide reliable grid quality electricity to meet the energy demand for both the rural as well as the urban sector. Provide employment potential – a mitigation option for poverty alleviation It is important to recognize that in Africa with sufficient land, water and sunshine, biomass is (can be made) available in abundance. Based on these potential and reserves, biomass gasification can also contribute towards providing a well-balanced energy generation mix in the continent. Biomass gasification technology is an option to replace/substitute the existing oil based electricity generation remote locations. It is also important to recognize this modern bio energy technology is a promising candidate for mitigating the climate change issues. Gasification process Process that converts solid fuel to gaseous fuel Used in an internal combustion engine for power generation to substitute fossil fuel Diesel engine – for dual fuel application Gas engine – for single fuel Used in heat application Low temperature – drying, etc High temperature – furnaces, kilns, etc Types of gasifiers Air (~ 50-70%) Biomass Exit to burner Volatile generation due to heat from burnt gases Grate 2. Stratification (upward propagation of flame front) B A Air Combustion zone Ash pit Updraft 1. A Broader than in closed-top. Generates tar Suitable for thermal application B Grate o 1200 - 1400 C o Hot gases (700 - 800 C) Down draft Generates clean gas Suitable for electricity application Gasification technology The elements Reactor Cooling and Cleaning system Producer gas CO: 20 + 1%; CH4 : 3 + 1%, H2 : 20 + 1%, CO2 : 12 + 1% and rest N2. Engine Performance Biomass consumption : 1 – 1.3 kg/kWh Some feature of Reactor geometries Combustion zone Storage bin for biomass Closed top down draft • World War II Design • Specific to wood chips • Material issues •Maintenance •Life Open top dual air entry • Recent developments at IISc • Agro residues can be used • Ceramic lined reactor •Like a furnace Status of gasification technology Various group in India and Europe are working in this area for over 2 decades There has been commercial operations in India to meet both heat and power applications Limited commercial operations in Europe Barriers for technology spread Like any new technology, even biomass gasification faces key barriers for the spread Technical Information Policy and Institutional Financial Human Resource Technical Barriers There are a number of technical barriers that need to be addressed on priority in order to enhance the credibility of technology packages in the local industry, and to build national capacity to manufacture, build, operate and maintain new renewable energy based mini-grids. Some of the key technical barriers are as follows: There is no comprehensive data on the requirement of the electricity demand country wise at village level. Information on the existing fossil fuel based power generation in the region is not available Norms and standards in terms of renewable energy performance, manufacture, installation and maintenance are weak and/or non-existent. Local manufacturing capacity and/or assembly of renewable energy technology components are currently lacking, although the knowledge, skills and expertise to operate renewable energy systems are available in the region. There is a limited technical capacity to design, install, operate, manage and maintain renewable energy based mini-grids Information Barriers Given the low connectivity and literacy levels, prevalent poverty and sparsely populated rural areas, information barriers have been identified as important barriers to renewable energy utilization and development in Africa. Some of key information barriers are as follows: There is no sufficient statistical data available on the renewable energy resources in terms of locations, sizes, and other characteristics to better define project opportunities for investors. A central information-clearing house on technologies does not exist. Instead, the information is scattered among various institutions and ministries. There is lack of information on comprehensive evaluation of renewable systems already installed in the country. Many potential investors and equipment suppliers are not fully informed about the relevant government policies and programs. Awareness level among public as well as decision-makers about the potential of renewable energy resources for providing electricity and energy services is low. Some inputs on the technology barriers Some of the barriers indicated earlier has been addressed in some detail in India, which can be an input to the region Brief history on the gasification technology at IISc Gasification research commenced in 1980’s Emphasis was on 5 hp diesel pump sets Over 450 Man-Years of R&D effort Evolved State-of-the art technology Undergone critical third party evaluation – by various groups Commercial applications ~ five years Ten manufacturers in the field (India and abroad) At IISc (Open top down draft technology - distinctly different from other designs) Technology package for agro residue as the fuel Power range 5 – 1000 kWe Both power and high quality thermal applications Over 350,000 hours of operational experience Gas cleaning system for turbo-charged engines Biomass used in IISc systems Typical applications serviced Electricity generation Village electrification Captive power generation Grid linked power generation Energy Service Company - ESCO Thermal application Low temperature (drying, etc., ) High temperature (furnaces, kilns, etc., ) Village electrification using gas engines – Kasai village, MP 1 MWe Grid Linked – Arashi Hi-tech bio power system EMISSION ~ Qualifies for CDM Benefits PRIME MOVER GASIFIER Producer gas Electricity @ 440 V Flue gas FEED STOCK Overall efficiency > 28% GRID LINKAGE 440 V to 11 kV DRIER EFFLUENT TREATMENT PROCESSOR Recycled water POWER EXPORT Hindustan pencils is a leading pencil manufacturer of the country. 2,000 1,800 1,600 1,400 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200 0 Jun-03 Jan-04 Aug-04 Feb-05 Month 500 1,400 450 1,200 1,000 350 300 800 250 600 200 150 400 100 200 50 0 Jun-03 Jan-04 Aug-04 Feb-05 Month Sep-05 0 Mar-06 Biomass, g/kWh Diesel, ml/kWh 400 Sep-05 100,000 90,000 80,000 70,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 Mar-06 Units generated per month Hours of operation per month •Generates saw dust during the process •Gasifier designed to operate on briquetted saw dust •Over 20000 hrs of operation JENIPAÚBA, CHIPAIÁ, Brazil Cliente: Governo do Estado, ELETRONORTE Electricity for community Project at various stages in the implementation Most of them would be operational by the end of this year 5 MW th for heat application Gasification system at M/S Tanfac industries, Cuddalore Total hours of operation > 30,000 Last 5 months summary Hours of operation Biomass FO Consumed replaced, Tonnes kL May-06 702 651 165 Jun-06 Jul-06 Aug-06 Sep-06 660 509 642 640 621 476 640 640 158 121 163 163 Hours of operation 3153 hrs Biomass used 3028 Tons Oil replaced 770 k Ltrs Savings 0.1 M USD Some economics Capital cost: Thermal 1 kg of fossil fuel replaced by 3.5 kg of biomass Biomass consumption, 1.0 – 1.4 kg/kWh Operating cost Fuel cost - 2.5 – 3 US c/kWh Maintenance cost ~ 2000 USD/kW ~ 1500 USD/kW Power Up to 100 kW capacity Beyond 100 kW Upto 100 kW capacity – 2.5 – 3 US c/kWh Beyond 100 kW – 1.0 – 2.0 US c /kWh Grid cost in India – 6 – 10 c Fossil fuel based captive generation - 12 – 20 US c/kWh On the biomass as a raw material Biomass Atlas for India SWOT analysis – fossil power Strengths Weakness Decentralised; Established technology, Significant research input to meet various end use, Centrally processed fuel available; Sales, service and other support network well established; Energy cost (was) a small fraction of the product cost; Ideal fuel for transport Fuel price linked to international market (now); Driven by governmental subsidy pattern; Global warning (now) ; Competition in product line – establish to reduce the fuel cost (now) Energy costs higher than grid cost Opportunities Threats Small scale industries growing rapidly; Gestation period nearly zero; Environmental ; Governmental dependence on the pricing SWOT analysis – Biomass power Strengths Weakness Decentralised; Strengthens selfreliance; Environmentally sound; Locally available fuel; Potentially adequate to replace fossil fuelled energy conversion Replicability not yet proven (Low visibility); Capital cost may (claimed) be too high; Fuel dispersed; Standardization of technology package with services, etc Opportunities Threats Costs are declining; Gestation period low; Power generation costs lower than fossil fuel system; Fossil fuel substitution very high; Potential very high; Power sector reforms may under emphasize biomass based systems Available for continuous duty operation Where is the biomass? Significant amount of biomass energy is currently used Issue to be addressed at various levels Charcoal is being used as a fuel extensively across the region 1 kg of charcoal needs 3 kgs of wood (good quality) about 40 % of the energy is lost An efficient biomass combustion system to meet the cooking needs would release the pressure on wood for charcoal One possible solution ! A device to use pellets A stove with efficiency in the range of 50 % using agro residue pellets Features • Smokeless • One hour burn time • Rugged, attractive, control Benefits • Clean air – Health, • Convenience – control, speed • Less dependency on external factors How much biomass for electricity? For a 100 house village Drinking water – 7.5 hp pumset Illumination – 2 light points per house (CFL) (5 hrs) Street lights – 10 nos 30 m3/day Total units per day – 35 kWh Biomass requirements – 50 kg/day Agricultural operations – 3000 hrs per year 45000 kWh – 150 kg/day – 45 tons per year Further on Biomass …… Like fossil fuel technology biomass also requires professional approach on collecting, processing and delivery mechanism This has happened in sugar and paper sectors Some biomass power plants are adapting this mechanism Costs can vary Nationally – all transactions within the country Locally – may have implications on the economics Suggested plan of action The typical flow of various activities towards the implementation program covering the technology and capacity building can divided into various activities as indicated below to be in place in the region; A mechanism to document the requirement of the country with details regarding communities (villages, hamlets, etc) without electricity and proximity to the grid. This information should be analyzed along with the country’s electrification program to establish the priority communities for further action. Establish the resource potential by generating biomass atlas which covers, agricultural area, forest plantations and waste lands. Ground level survey Agricultural ministry’s data Satellite images This would help in establishing the fuel availability Suggested plan of action Technology package evaluation Demonstration of technology packages Establish through an institutional mechanism to document available technology packages for the region Short list the technology package for implementation A structured demonstration based on the above information needs to be addressed at national level with a few clusters. Cluster based approach provides an scaling effect and facilitate appropriate service support Monitor the performance using institutional mechanism and document Capacity building An important component in the overall success of any implementation plan Training at various levels, technicians to planners on the aspects related to distributed power generation using biomass gasification system. Plan for Knowledge transfer rather and hardware transfer for the technology packages on the long run Establish R and D facilities for addressing issues related to adaptation of the technology to local condition Training of youth at schools and colleges as a part of curriculum Establish facilities for manufacturing, testing using standard engineering practices. Training of personnel for overall monitoring of the program ………………………..Thank you