COMPARE AND CONTRAST How to write an essay of approximately 200 words in 45 minutes Rls 2001 COMPARE AND CONTRAST 2 Comparisons = Similarities Contrasts = Differences Start your essay with an introduction. eg X and Y are both cars. They have (some / a few / many) similarities. They also have differences. Let me start with the similarities. COMPARE AND CONTRAST 3 It is usual to start with the similarities but it is not essential. Useful terms to describe similarities: Both A and B . . . A and B both . . . Like A, B . . . Neither A nor B . . . COMPARE AND CONTRAST 4 Here are some examples of these expressions in use: Both cars and bicycles are forms of transport. They both have wheels, tyres and brakes. Like cars, bicycles have gears. Neither the former nor the latter can fly or float on the water. They are normally used to get from one place to another by road. Cars and bicycles are both popular ways of travelling. Compare and Contrast 5 Now we turn to the differences: contrasts. We can start a new paragraph with an expression like On the other hand there are several differences between them. or However, there are several differences between the two. Compare and contrast We can use comparatives to write about the differences. eg Cars are faster than bicycles and are more expensive. Bicycles are not as big as cars and do not carry passengers. Cars are also heavier. 6 Compare and contrast 7 We can also use these words to describe differences: while / whereas / whilst Eg Cars need fuel to run while bicycles do not. A car can drive from Abu Dhabi to Dubai in a short time whereas it would take hours to complete the journey by bike. A bike is ridden whilst a car is driven. Compare and Contrast 8 Your last paragraph will be a conclusion. It should be two or more sentences and summarize what you have written using different words. eg We have seen that cars and bicycles have a few things in common. However, there are more differences between them than similarities. Compare and Contrast 9 Review. Your finished essay should look something like this: Paragraph 1 Introduction Paragraph 2 Similarities Paragraph 3 Differences Paragraph 4 Conclusion. rls 2001