Lesson Plan Template

2013-2014 Week of_12/2/13 to 12/11/13_ Student Page
Grade Level _6, 7, 8____Lesson Plan Template____
Lesson Title:
How to use Inventor 2013 for drawing multi-view drawings
Explain the engineering design process (GPS) (6ET_A2009-3)
Demonstrate engineering design and problem-solving skills (GPS)
Develop an understanding of how the design process is used to
develop a technological system (GPS) (8ET_A2009-2)
CC Objectives
Layout, Draw, and Dimension a simple rectangle and multi-drawing
using the Inventor2013 drawing software.
Open a new CAD drawing template to duplicate drawing practices
that were done on paper for creating the title block worksheet on
inventor 2013.
Essential Question:
How has computer aided drawing change the way we create
Standards of Learning :
Load inventor 2013 program/designkids worksheets and use both
for creating simple drawings.
Projector, White Screen, Computers, Printer, Assignment
worksheets, Textbook: Exploring Drafting, PowerPoint, Program
Software, Vocabulary worksheet, Discovery Video Streaming,
Notebook, and Pencil/Pen
Anticipatory Set :
Video: AutoCAD Demonstration:
Take a sheet of drawing paper ball it up and throw it in the trash
after making several mistakes trying to draw the title block.
Resizing the computer screen:
Arranging windows side by side
At end of class SWBAT:
Draw the selected title block from the textbook (Exploring
Drafting pg. #72) to the dimensions listed on the illustration.
Open two windows and arrange them to where both are on the same
screen, so that assignments can be completed.
Demonstrate the procedures necessary for applying grid squares to
a drawing template.
Teacher Input: (Model,
Background Knowledge
Identify/Demonstrate how to use simple drafting tools for creating
a formal drawing sheet. Textbook: Exploring Drafting- pg.# 72
Demonstrate how students will manipulate programs to start/finish
drawings using inventor 2013 and design kids program.
Read/Discuss procedures for starting and finishing Inventor 2013
Exercises such as: paper airplane, solid model drawing, and lego
brick construction.
Guided Practice: (whole
group, pair and share,
elbow partners, etc)
Selected students will demonstrate how to plot points necessary for
Laying out lines to finish the title block. They will use a simple
wooden ruler for measuring.
Allow students to mentor/practice resizing two open programs onto
the desktop screen, so that they can read the necessary material
for completing the assignments.
Observe a teacher demonstration to become aware of how to login
to AutoDesk Inventor 2013.
Teacher will have students demonstrate how to use the line, circle,
and dimension commands for completing a 2 x 6 rectangle.
Using the white screen explain and demonstrate how students will
Dimension a drawing using CAD commands.
Independent Practice:
(when you know you
Using simple drawing tools and his/her desktop students
will draw/dimension title block from the exploring drafting
Encourage students to explore collectively the different toolbar
functions necessary for starting/finishing selected assignments
using the inventor 2013 and design kids material.
Students will explore program setup so that they can prepare to use
the toolbar necessary for drawing and dimensioning a rectangle 2 x
6 inches .
Create a 2D/3D layout of a paper airplane, solid model object and
lego brick. Please follow these directions carefully. When you have a
question, reread the directions and try something.
Makeup Quiz: AutoDesk Inventor 2013
Circle Map/Double Bubble
Compare and contrast the difference from traditional
design/drafting and CADD.
Monitor students closely and address questions they may have to
provide a better understanding of drawing with the ruler, inventor
2013 and design kids programs.