By: Angelo Sangerman mportant.htm
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The mouth helps us chew food well, speak properly, and show expressions
The stomach is a large container that holds large meals.
The esophagus receives food from your mouth when you swallow.
The small intestine is the part of the body that takes place of most of the digestion.
The large intestine keeps us healthy.
The liver is one of the healthiest part of the body and is one of the largest.
The appendix is actually a part of the large intestine.
The pancreas is a gland organ that is located in the abdomen.
The gallbladder is a storage of vessel for liver bile.
The enzymes function is to brake down ingested food into usable nutrients.
A Bile/ Bile Duct is any of a number long tube like structures that carry bile.
Mucus keeps us from getting infections.
The chemical digestion is the breakdown of food into simpler compounds.
The mechanical digestion is the actual breakdown of food into smaller pieces.
The salivary amylase is an enzyme that catalyzes the break down of starches.
Absorption is the process by which the nutrients in food are passed onto the blood.
The function of the villi is to increase the surface area of the ingestion so as to increase its capacity to absorb nutrients
Gastric juices breaks down and dissolve the nutrients in food.
Using enzymes, the duodenum breaks down food in the small intestine.
Chyme is the semifluid mass of partly digested food expelled by the stomach into the duodenum.