Guía Metodológica para el mapeo regional de industrias

Methodological Guide
to the Development of Regional Maps of
Creative Industries
Bogotá, October 20th 2005
What is CRECE?
It is an independent research center, founded
almost 20 years ago, which works mainly on
themes related to regional development
Areas of Research:
 Regional development
 The coffee economy
 Education
 Social and institutional development
How did we write the guide?
Initial proposal in March 2005 (CEDE, CID,
Caribbean Observatory and Fedesarrollo).
Background reading: conceptual bibliography as
well as a significant number of national and
international experiences in the elaboration of
studies on the creative and cultural sectors
Deeper research into sources, choices of activities
and investigative methods
Work sessions with representatives of the
University of Leeds and the Ministry of Culture
Contents of the Guide
The guide is structured into four parts as well as
a section of Appendices
 Part I. Introduction and background
 Part II. Stages in the construction of maps
 Part III. Technical Considerations in the
construction of maps
 Part IV. Other key aspects in the construction
and publishing of maps
 Appendices
Contents of the Guide
• Introduction
• Purpose
 Of the guide
 Of the maps
• Background
 The experience of the United Kingdom
 Other international experiences
 The Colombian experience
• Basic Concepts: mapping, culture, creative
industries, cultural industries, cultural sector,
cultural activities
Contents of the Guide
• Evaluation of feasibility
• Definition of goals
• Planning
• Methodological design
• Reporting and publishing
Contents of the Guide
• Identification of the sectors
• Models or types of analysis
• Sources of information for maps and
industrial classification: limitationes y
• Finding primary information for the maps:
purposes y recommendations
Contents of the Guide
• Forming your work team
• Types of reports and techniques for
• Publication strategy
Contents of the Guide
• Glossary
• Legal Framework
• Review of some studies cited
• Charts
Key methodological aspects of cited studies
Secondary sources
Selection of Activities and CIIU
Alternatives for managing difficulties with
sources and their nomenclature
Content of Presentations
• The following four presentations will serve as a
guided tour of the suggested stages for the
construction of the regional maps of creative
 Presentation 1. Evaluation of feasibility
 Presentation 2. Definition of goals and
 Presentation 3. Design of methodology
 Presentation 4. Production and communication
Evaluation of Feasibility:
Social Context, Identification and
Recognition of Agents
Bogotá, October 20th, 2005
Evaluation of feasibility
• Identify the principal agents in the
creative sector of the region
• Educate agents about project
• Identify sources of information and
their availability
• Identify potential sources of financing
Identification of Agents
This stage is one of general characterization
of the sector, which includes creation of:
• A preliminary list of basic information
• A preliminary list of leaders and agents in
the cultural sector whom are to be
• A preliminary list of those who will form
the basis for the Support Group, which is
necessary for the elaboration and
distribution of the maps
Identification of Agents
The agents may be classified in two ways:
 Creative:
directly carry out production of
creative activities; to be found at the top of
the productive chain
 Support and Promotion: institutions, NGO´s,
guilds, public administration, academia.
This identification allows you to clarifygoals, financing, political backing, and the
type and characteristics of desired results.
Education of Agents
 Discover which agents are the most
committed and familiar with the sector
 Communicate the importance and
advantages of the mapping project
 Emphasize the importance of the maps as
a tool to discover the potential of the
sector in economic and social, local and
regional development
 Promote holding of a preliminary meeting
Education of Agents
• List of sectors to include
• List of existing sources: inventories,
studies, contacts, etc...
• List of possible sources of financing
Sources of Information
Limits on financial resources is a determining
factor, so:
• Keeping in mind what is possible, try to find
as many secondary sources for the maps as
you can
• However do not discount the collection of
primary information, especially in regions or
sectors where it is difficult to estimate
economic activity based on secondary
• As a reference, the guide offers a nonexhaustive inventory of possible local and
national information sources
Sources of Information
Be sure to explore the availability and pertinence
of information to be used in the elaboration of
the map
The help of agents within the sector is vital
Sources of Financing
Examine all the national and local sources for
support and financing
Initially explore those suggested by the agents
in the education stage and those known to the
regional teams
The regional team should go forward with
meetings to identify the type of support
available and the requirements for receiving it
Sources of Financing
Among the types of sources identified will be:
Cultural Foundations
Departmental and municipal secretaries of
Institutes of Culture
Programs put forward by regional
governments in support of culture
Guilds of different creative sectors
Companies which belong to or are related to
the creative sector
Sources of Financing
Financial entities with social development
Chambers of Commerce
Foundations for regional development
International agencies with development
programs in the country
Ministries for culture and business development
Multilateral bodies
Goals and Resources
Bogotá, October 21st 2005
The goal of the maps is defined by:
• The availability of secondary information and the
viability of gathering primary information
• The opinions of key agents in the creative sector
• The object of the study: is it structural or
What type of study
Structural: this term refers to activities of a
permanent character
• The creative sector or cultural sector as a
• One or more creative or cultural industries or
Conjunctural: refers to studies that respond to
specific needs or activities and which are carried
out until the end of said activity, without continuity
• Specific cultural events (fairs, celebrations or
• Projects, programs or policies oriented toward
the strengthening of the creative or cultural
Goals of first mapping attempts
These goals may be limited, not only due to a
lack of secondary information but because of
the need to “learn as you go.”
 Priorities must be established based on the
opinions of key agents and on existing
quantitative information
 Goals should concentrate on the most
important industries and activities in the
region, combining the previous two criteria
 Economic
potential may be used as an overall
criterion, keeping in mind such aspects as:
• Accumulated social capital and traditions
• The existence of activities with production
and distribution chains
• The possibility of creating employment
• Characteristics of the market
• The creative agents who require greater
technological and financial support
• The existence of guilds
Identification of sectors
Division into sectors is done in order to identify
the cultural and creative activities to be mapped.
This means a regrouping based on functional
 Creative Industries DCMS
 Cultural Industries and Activities Unesco
 Cultural field – discussion on the manual for
transfering knowledge gained from the
Satellite Account of Culture CAB-BID
Cultural sector
Cultural industries
Creative industries
Elaborate the technical and financial
proposals for the project. Once approved
formation of the Work Group and the
Support Group may take place.
Technical Proposal
 Goals
 Objectives
 Methodology
 Finished Products
 Expected Impact
 Group Experience
 Timeline
Financial Proposal
Evaluation of available and necessary
resources (financial, human, physical)
 Value of the resources
 Evaluation of expenses (hiring staff,
purchasing equipment, transportation,
printing, paper supplies, among others)
 Identification of additional financial needs
Work Group
A team of people with the necessary level of
capacity, ability, education and experience
 Should be interdisciplinary
• Economist or similar
• Professional familiar with the sector
• Assistants
• Professionals in specific fields (sampling,
information gathering, systems creation, etc...)
Support Group
The support group will accompany the
work team in the process of decision
making and will provide technical,
financial and academic support
The support group will be composed of:
Key agents: those who participated in the
evaluation of feasibility stage and the drafting
of the proposal
Those who sponsored the map: government,
secretaries of culture, mayors, guilds, artists
associations and academic entities
Those who elaborate the map: universities,
private research groups, work teams
designated by the institution(s) who
sponsored the mapping
Work Plan
The support group and research group
elaborate a plan for the mapping process
 Break down the activities in the proposal into
their individual components
 Include specific dates for meetings of the two
groups in which the work group presents its
 Anticipate the problems which may present
themselves in the mapping process and
propose solutions
Methodological Design
of the Maps of Creative Industries
Bogotá, October 21st 2005
Design of Methodology
This includes:
 Selection of method(s) of analysis
 Organization of secondary information
 Identification of categorization
problems and possible solutions
 Design and application of instruments
for the collection of primary information
 Selection and creation of variables and
 Analysis
Selection of method(s) of analysis
What is the goal of the map?
1. Analysis of the creative sector or the cultural sector in
 Evaluation of impact
 Analysis of Structures
 Analysis of Chains
2. Analysis of one or more creative or cultural
 Evaluation of impact
 Analysis of structure and composition
 Analysis of value chain
 Analysis of cluster
Selection of method(s) of analysis
What is the goal of the map?
3. Analysis of cultural events
 Evaluation of impact
 Documental Analysis (qualitative)
Compilation of Secondary Information
 Request for documents form the National
Department of Statistics (DANE) in the case
of surveys on production and distribution
(manufacturing, publicity and information
services, commercial, microestablishments)
 Request for or purchas of information from
other sources identified (Chambers of
Commerce, The National Department of
Taxes and Customs, Supervisory bodies, the
General Accountant of the Nation, others)
Compilation of Secondary
 Gathering of information specific to the
region (other studies, inventories,
directories, yellow pages)
 Relate information from secondary
sources to be identified
 Gaps
 Limits to comparability
 Need for primary information
BY THE CIIU (Extract)
Clase CIIU
1741 Confección de
artículos con materiales
textiles no producidos
en la misma unidad,
excepto prendas de
1742 Fabricación de
1742 tapices y alfombras para Artesanías
1750 Fabricación de
1750 tejidos y artículos de
punto y ganchillo
Problema en términos de
fuente para región
Posible solución o
Si por reserva
estadística no se puede
acceder, usar fuentes
alternas (Cámara de
Comercio para
identificación y DIAN
para medición)
Si por reserva
No hay con la encuesta
estadística no se puede
manufacturera (salvo por
acceder, usar fuentes
reserva estadística o no
alternas (Cámara de
producción); baja cobertura
Comercio para
de encuesta de
identificación y DIAN
para medición)
Si por reserva
No hay con la encuesta
estadística no se puede
manufacturera (salvo por
acceder, usar fuentes
reserva estadística o no
alternas (Cámara de
producción); baja cobertura
Comercio para
de encuesta de
identificación y DIAN
para medición)
No hay con la encuesta
manufacturera (salvo por
reserva estadística o no
producción); baja cobertura
de encuesta de
Problema en
términos de
Posible solución o
Sólo una porción
corresponde a
Estimar una proporción
con conocedores del
sector en la región
Sólo una porción
corresponde a
Estimar una proporción
con conocedores del
sector en la región
Sólo una porción
corresponde a
Estimar una proporción
con conocedores del
sector en la región
Design and application of
collection instruments
for primary sources
What type of instruments should be designed
and for what purpose?
Types of Instruments
• Surveys to those representative of creative
• Consultations or interviews with key agents
• Interviews with attendants at cultural events
• Focus groups
• In-depth interviews
Design and application of
collection instruments
for primary sources
• Rate quantitative information and better
characterize the sector
• Become familiar with factors related to the
development of the sector, needs, obstacles,
• Construction of case studies
• Measure economic information not available
in secondary sources
Design and application of
collection instruments
for primary sources
If the purpose of certain information is to measure
economic variables which are comparable to other
activities for which information comes from the
DANE, keep in mind:
• The need to calculate an unbiased,
representative sample
• The size of the sample should compensate for
low expected rates of response
Selection and creation
of variables and indicators
Based on:
• Secondary sources of information available
(some only permit the calculation of
revenue; others production, value added,
employment, etc)
• Predicted goals (sector in general, one or
more cultural/creative activity/industry,
cultural event)
• Selected model of analysis (evaluation of
impact, analysis of structure, links, value
chains, clusters, etc..)
Depending on goals, method and information
available, the analysis should include:
• Characterization of the regional creative sector
or of the creative activity(ies) selected
• Relationship between the creative sector (or
activities) and the regional economy
• Contribution of the sector to the regional
economy (in terms of revenue, production,
employment, value added, exports)
Chart of sectoral weaknesses, opportunities,
strengths and threats (DOFA) or analysis of one of
these components
• Needs of the sector
• Outstanding persons or companies - case studies
• Necessity of information/research for the
continuation,profundization of these studies
Production and Communication
Bogotá, October 21st, 2005
Sustainability of the mapping
Possibility of achieving greater
visibility for the sector
Affect decision making related to
promotion of the sector
 Facilitate decision making on
investment by private actors
Types of Results Expected
Contribution or participation of the sector in the
Level of development and inter-linkage of the
sector with respect to processes of production
and distribution of goods and services
Importance of the sector as a generator of
employment, wealth and well being
Potential of the sector for economic and social
Analysis of strength and weaknesses of the
sector, and recommendations to correspondingly
take advantage of or correct them
Types of reports and the
requirements of interested parties
Reports on research
Reports for decision making
Reports for promotion or support
Reports on Research
• Technical teams of governmental
bodies, guilds and other promotional
and support entities
• Academic communities (universities
and research centres)
 Characteristics
• Academic and technical characteristics
• Complete and detailed
• Emphasis on methodology and results
Research Reports
• Summary: methodology and important results.
• Introduction: description of the mapping, finalisation,
process of execution and give credit to the financiers,
promoters and collaborators in general
• Conceptual Framework: background on maps, studies
and legal framework
• Methodology: logical structure
• Results: variables, indicators, productive chains, cases,
• Conclusions: limitations on the availability of
information and goals for results
• Recommendations: need for research, policies, actions,
etc in the sector
• Appendices: tools, instruments, glossaries, details of
methodology, tools
Reports for Decision Making
Recipients: investors and state entities and
institutions for the formation of policies to
support and promote the creative and
cultural sectors
• Clear and concise
• Emphasis on the visual presentation of
results (charts, tables graphs).
• Introduction
• Justification
• Results
Reports for Promotion and
Recipients: potential financiers in the
sector, related agents and the general
• Clear and concise
• Simple, clear language, free
technical jargon
• Importance of the sector
• Synthesised introduction to results
• Successful cases
Communication Strategy
General Objective
Ensure that different cultural sectors and
agents, public and private, have
convenient access to the information
necessary for effective participation in the
cultural activities and decisions of the
region or the country
Communication Strategy
 Related to the objectives for mapping
 The determining factor in the design is the
identity of the target user
 Composed of concepts, objectives, protocol,
channels of communication and media
 The channels incorporated should allow the
recipients to give feedback on the
communicative process, adding information that
they consider pertinent to strengthening the
 Plan this strategy in conjunction with the
Support Group, with whom activities and
resources necessary for execution may be
Communication Strategy
Stages in the development of the strategy
Identify the recipients
 Determine the role that these recipients,
or actors, will play in the creative sector
 Establish what type of information will be
delivered to the respective actors
 Define what type of publication activities
to undertake based on the different actors
and their roles
Communication Strategy
Types of Strategies
Group or personal meetings
• Practical (promotion and support)
• Academic (technical)
 Social Events
 Distribution in mass circulation media or
 Distribution in written media or audiovisual