D20 Trek My Way


D20 Trek My Way - Revised

(Roughly based on D20 Modern, D20 Aliens, the Modern System, Blood and Space, Starship Trooper,

Pathfinder, D20 Warp, Prime Directive PD20M and other excellent resources like Mr. Jay P. Hailey)


This material is Open Game Content, and is licensed for public use under the terms of the Open Game

License v1.0a.

Dice Notation

These rules use the following die notations: d4 = four sided die d6 = six sided die d8 = eight sided die d10 = ten sided die d12 = twelve sided die d20 = twenty sided die

D% = percentile dice

Die rolls are expressed in the format: [#] die type [+/- modifiers]

Example: 3d6+2 means: "Roll 3 six sided dice. Add the result of the three dice together. Add 2."

Rounding Fractions

In general, if you wind up with a fraction, round down, even if the fraction is one-half or larger.

Exception: Certain rolls, such as damage and hit points, have a minimum of 1.


Sometimes a special rule makes you multiply a number or a die roll. As long as you’re applying a single multiplier, multiply the number normally. When two or more multipliers apply, however, combine them into a single multiple, with each extra multiple adding 1 less than its value to the first multiple. Thus, a double (x2) and a double (x2) applied to the same number results in a triple (x3, because 2 + 1 = 3).

Basic Task Resolution System

These rules assume a standardized system for determining the success or failure of any given task.

That system is: d20 + Modifiers vs. Target Number. The Modifiers and Target Number are determined by the type of task. If the result of the d20 roll + the Modifiers equals or exceeds the

Target Number, the test is successful. Any other result is a failure. A "natural 20" on the die roll is not an automatic success. A "natural 1" on the die roll does not a constitute an automatic failure, unless the rules state otherwise.


Every character has six basic Ability Scores:

Strength (STR)

Dexterity (DEX)

Constitution (CON)

Intelligence (INT)

Wisdom (WIS)

Charisma (CHA)

The Score of these Abilities ranges from 0 to infinity. A limit, if any, will be specified in the rules. The normal human range is 3 to 18. It is possible for a creature to have a score of "none". A score of "none" is not the same as a score of "0". A score of "none" means that the creature does not possess the ability at all. The modifier for a score of "none" is +0. A character with a CON of 0 is dead. A 0 in any other score means the character is helpless and cannot move.

Keeping track of negative ability score points is never necessary. A character’s ability score can’t drop below 0.

Ability Modifiers

Each ability score will have a modifier. The modifier can be calculated using this formula: (ability/2) -

5 [round result down]. The modifier is the number you add to or subtract from the die roll when your character tries to do something related to that ability. A positive modifier is called a bonus, and a negative modifier is called a penalty.

Use of Ability Scores


Any creature that can physically manipulate other objects has at least 1 point of Strength. A creature with no Strength score can't exert force, usually because it has no physical body or because it doesn't move. The creature automatically fails Strength checks. If the creature can attack, it applies its

Dexterity modifier to its base attack instead of a Strength modifier.


Any creature that can move has at least 1 point of Dexterity. A creature with no Dexterity score can't move. If it can act, it applies its Intelligence modifier to initiative checks instead of a Dexterity modifier. The creature fails all Reflex saves and Dexterity checks.


If a character's Constitution changes enough to alter his or her Constitution modifier, his or her hit points also increase or decrease accordingly at the same time. Any living creature has at least 1 point of Constitution.

A creature with no Constitution has no body or no metabolism. It is immune to any effect that requires a Fortitude save unless the effect works on objects. The creature is also immune to ability damage, ability drain, energy drain, and massive damage, and always fails Constitution checks.


Any creature that can think, learn, or remember has at least 1 point of Intelligence. A creature with no

Intelligence score is an automaton, operating on simple instincts or programmed instructions. It is immune to all mind-influencing effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns and morale effects) and automatically fails Intelligence checks.


Any creature that can perceive its environment in any fashion has at least 1 point of Wisdom.

Anything with no Wisdom score is an object, not a creature. Anything without a Wisdom score also has no Charisma score, and vice versa.


Any creature capable of telling the difference between itself and things that are not it has at least 1 point of Charisma.

Changing Ability Scores

Ability scores can increase with no limit. Poisons, diseases, and other effects can cause temporary ability damage. Ability points lost to damage return naturally, typically at a rate of 1 point per day for each affected ability. As a character ages, some ability scores go up and others go down. When an ability scores changes, the modifier associated with that score also changes.

Generating Ability Scores

Ability score generation should be done with an eye toward the feel of the campaign. Characters with lower ability scores will tend to be more “human” and less heroic than a character with high ability scores. Each method below is given a descriptive name in keeping with the type of campaign that would use such a method. These names are only guideline to help the GM find the right ability generation method for his campaign.

Real Life

Life is cheap in the Real Life campaign and characters have to take what they get.

Ability Generation: Roll 3d6 for each ability and then assign the ability scores in the order that they were rolled.

Why do it? Use this method if you want the player characters to be normal men and women thrust into extraordinary circumstances of if you simply prefer a more realistic, difficult campaign.

Why not do it? Most of your players are ordinary people and game for an escape from the real world.

Some players will also find the lack of choice over their character classes frustrating (a character that loves Smart Heroes but rolls an 18 Strength and 7 Intelligence will have the dice steer him away from his preferred class).

Modern Cinema

The Modern Cinema is the style of most games where characters are clearly heroic but far from superhuman.

Ability Generation: Roll 4d6 for each ability score, drop the lowest die and then assign the ability scores in the order of your choice. If your total modifier is 0 or less, or if you do not have an ability over 13, you may roll again.

Why do it? Use this method if you want characters to be above average but still have a significant chance to have a below average ability or two. This gives each character a chance to have some strong ability scores but also some weak ones, which encourages role-playing and gives each character a better chance to find a niche.

Why not do it? The only reason not to use this method is if you want something more or less powerful in keeping with the campaign’s theme.

My Way

My way may sound like a power-gamers' way of rolling the dice, but it does reflect fairly of what I expect the players to generate as a character. I like to see characters that can survive a 1st or

2nd level game without need me as the GM taking it easy on them.

. I have two ways of rolling up characters. The first way is very simple, unvarnished. The play rolls 1d6+12 this gives Ability Scores that range from 13 to 18 and Ability Modifiers ranging from +1 to +4, without taking into account any racial or species bonuses or negatives. It also takes into account that there is built-in factor that increases Ability Scores, +1 every four levels per single Ability score. This might have its detractors, but it is close to what is expected in a game.

The Second way is rolling 2d6+12; this provides an Ability Score ranges of 14 to 20 and allows for Modifiers of +2 to +7. This way is for the more experienced d20 players and offers them to create a more powerful character without going overboard. This also takes into consideration racial modifiers too and gives the player a sense of power and control over their character.


Reputation is used to determine whether another character (a GM character) recognizes a character.

Those who recognize the hero are more likely to help the hero or do what he or she asks, provided the reputation has a positive connotation to the character that recognizes the hero. A high Reputation bonus also makes it difficult for the hero to mask his or her identity.

Most of the time, a hero doesn’t decide to use his or her reputation. The GM decides when a hero’s reputation can be relevant to a scene or encounter. At the moment it becomes relevant, the GM makes a Reputation check for a GM character that might be influenced in some fashion due to the hero’s fame or notoriety, as detailed below.

Fame and Infamy

Most characters with a high Reputation bonus (+4 or higher) are considered well known within their profession or social circle. Whether this has a positive or negative connotation depends on the point of view of the person who recognizes the hero. When a character has a positive opinion of a hero’s reputation, the hero is considered to be famous by that character. Fame, when recognized, provides a bonus to certain Charisma-based skill checks. When a character has a negative opinion of a hero’s reputation, the hero is considered to be infamous by that character. Also, at the GM’s option, a hero might be considered infamous in certain situations due to events that have transpired in the campaign. Infamy, when recognized, provides a penalty to certain Charisma-based skill checks.

Using the Reputation Bonus

Whenever the GM decides that a character’s reputation can be a factor in an encounter, the GM makes a Reputation check (DC 25) for the GM character involved. A Reputation check is 1d20 + the hero’s

Reputation bonus + the GM character’s Int modifier. (Some Knowledge skill modifiers might apply instead of the Int modifier, if the hero would be well known in the field covered by the Knowledge skill.) Modifiers to the Reputation check depend on the hero and the GM character in question, as shown below. Note that if the GM character has no possible way of recognizing a hero, then the

Reputation check automatically fails. If the GM character succeeds at the Reputation check, he or she recognizes the hero. This provides a +4 bonus or a –4 penalty on checks involving the following skills for the duration of the encounter: Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, and Perform.

Situation Modifier

Check Reputation

The hero is famous, known far and wide with either a positive or negative connotation

GM character is part of the hero’s professional or social circle



The hero has some small amount of fame or notoriety +2

The GM must decide that a character’s fame or infamy can come into play in a given situation to make a Reputation check necessary. A character that doesn’t know, or know of, the hero can’t be influenced by his or her reputation.

Federation Races

Alpha Centaurian

 Medium: As Medium creatures, Alpha Centaurians have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.

 Alpha Centaurian base land speed is 30 feet.

 Human-like Races: Alpha Centaurians go through character creation just like Humans.

 Automatic Languages: Centaurian.

 Bonus Languages: Galactic and those allowed by the characters class.


 +2 Strength; -2 Charisma. Andorians are stronger on average than Humans, but are less charismatic.

 Medium: As Medium creatures, Andorians have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.

 Andorian base land speed is 30 feet.

 +4 species bonus to Fortitude saves when dealing with cold and cold-based attacks.

 +4 species bonus to Perception checks. Andorian antennae are extremely sensitive to sound.

 Bonus Feat: Alertness.

 Danger Sense (Ex): Because of their antennae, Andorians have an extraordinary ability that allows them to have a sixth sense about things. Andorians can roll a Wisdom check against a DC

25; if they succeed then they know the general size, location, speed, and direction of movement of an object.

 An Andorian’s sixth sense will not usually reveal any information about the object’s shape. Once an Andorian has sensed something, he may target it with a ranged or melee attack (taking the same penalties on the attack roll as there were on the sense roll, but never a bonus). This ability is modified by the Alertness feat.

 Automatic Languages: Andorian.

 Bonus Languages: Galacta.


 +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence; -2 Strength. Arcadians are more agile than Humans and they are capable learners. Arcadians are not as strong as Humans.

 Medium: As Medium creatures, Arcadians have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.

 Arcadian base land speed is 15 feet; base swim speed is 30 feet.

 Arcadians gain a +8 species bonus on any Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. They can move through water at their swim speed without making Swim checks. An

Arcadian can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. An

Arcadian can use the run action while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line.

 Communal Consciousness, Arcadian (Psi-Like Ability): Arcadians gain a +1 species bonus on

Intelligence-based skill checks and Intelligence-based ability checks when in the presence of one other Arcadian, up to a maximum of +4 for four other Arcadians (Range: 60 feet).

 Hold Breath (Ex): An Arcadian can hold its breath for a number of rounds equal to 4 x its

Constitution score.

 Limited Photosynthesis (Ex): Arcadians can produce life-sustaining energy through photosynthesis. When carbon dioxide, water, and light are available, Arcadians can use photosynthesis to create carbohydrates for energy. Arcadians use this as a supplemental energy source, thereby reducing their daily energy requirement from ingested food by half. When photosynthesis cannot be used in this way, Arcadians have the same ingested food requirements as other humanoids. To benefit from the effects of limited photosynthesis, an Arcadian must be exposed to eight hours of artificial light or four hours of natural light per day.

 Low-Light Vision (Ex): Arcadians can see twice as far as a Human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of shadowy illumination. They retain the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.

 Automatic Languages: Arcadian.

 Bonus Languages: Galacta.


 +2 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Dexterity, -2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma. Arctuians are on average stronger and hardier than Humans. Their physiology, however, results in Arcturians being less agile and less charismatic. Due to their accelerated maturation, Arcturians have lower wisdom than average Humans.

 Medium: As Medium creatures, Arcturians have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.

 Arcturian base land speed is 30 feet.

 +4 species bonus on Fortitude saves when dealing with poisons (ingested, topical or inhaled) and radiation. Arcturians are exceptionally hardy.

 +2 skill points at 1st level. Due to all Arcturians being genetically similar, standardized education has resulted in efficient teaching.

 Bonus Feat: Improved Natural Healing.

 Dull Senses: Arcturians lack the sensory range of Humans. Smell, taste, touch, hearing, and vision are all well below Human average. Arcturians receive a –2 species penalty on all Perception and

Sense Motive skill checks. They also receive this penalty on all ranged attacks and Initiative checks.

 Regeneration: Arcturian (Ex): Arcturians can regenerate missing body parts over time (arms, legs, outer ear, etc.). The amount of time for complete regeneration depends on the body part being regenerated and should be determined by the GM, but generally would not exceed ten standard days for one limb.

 Tough Skin: Arcturian skin is tough, granting a damage reduction of 2/-.

 Automatic Languages: Arcturian.

 Bonus Languages: Galactic.


 +2 Strength, +2 Constitution; - 4 Dexterity, -2 Charisma.

 Large: As large creatures, Ariolo have a –1 penalty to attack and defense due to their size. They have a –4 species penalty to Stealth checks.

 Ariolo base land speed is 60 feet.

 Bonus Feat: Run and Fleet of Foot. Being quadrupeds, running comes naturally to Ariolo and should be able to turn and maneuver quickly when running at full speed.

 Scent (Ex): Ariolo can detect approaching enemies, sniff out hidden foes, and track by sense of smell. Ariolo can identify familiar odors just as Humans do familiar sights. Ariolo can detect opponents within 30 feet by sense of smell. If the opponent is upwind, the range increases to 60 feet; if downwind, it drops to 15 feet. Strong scents, such as smoke or rotting garbage, can be detected at twice the ranges noted above. Overpowering scents can be detected at triple normal range. When a scent is detected, the exact location of the source is not revealed—only its presence somewhere within range. An Ariolo can take a move action to note the direction of the scent.

 Whenever an Ariolo comes within 5 feet of the source, it pinpoints the source’s location.

 Low-Light Vision (Ex): Ariolo can see twice as far as a Human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of shadowy illumination. They retain the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.

 Automatic Languages: Ariolon.

 Bonus Languages: Galactic.


 +2 Dexterity; -2 Charisma. Arkenites are more agile than humans while in their native environment (see below). Certain engrained attitudes toward others make Arkenites less charismatic than Humans.

 Medium: As Medium creatures, Arkenites have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.

 Arkenite base land speed is 30 feet.

Anlac’ven: Arkenites suffer a –4 penalty to Dexterity when not on their homeworld of Arken II due to being so attuned to their own planet’s magnetic field. To counteract this negative effect,

Arkenites have developed the Anlca’ven. When this U-shaped device is worn over the head, it creates a tiny magnetic field that provides an Arkenite with a false sense of balance. As long as this device is worn, the –4 penalty to Dexterity is negated. The device is so sensitive that while worn it also grants an Arkenite a +2 bonus on Reflex saves, +2 bonus to Acrobatics skill checks, and a +2 bonus on Navigate skill checks and Survival skill checks used to keep from getting lost.

 Blindsense (Ex): Using non-visual senses based on specialized organs, an Arkenite notices things it cannot see. Arkenites usually do not need to make a Perception check to pinpoint the location of a creature within 60 feet, provided that it has line of effect to that creature. Any opponent an

Arkenite cannot see still has total concealment (50% miss chance) against the Arkenite and the

Arkenite still has the normal miss chance when attacking foes that have concealment. Visibility still affects the movement of an Arkenite. An Arkenite is still denied its Dexterity bonus to Defense against attacks from creatures it cannot see.

 Nearsighted: Arkenite vision loses focus 25 feet away. Arkenites can read large text at long distance and while they can still determine colors and distinct shapes, details are blurred.

 Social Grouping: To Arkenites, physiological differences between sentient species are meaningless. However, Arkenites as a race tend to mentally group together individuals with like social traits such as career, allegiance, social standing, etc. This grouping affects Arkenite social interactions with other species. An Arkenite suffers a –2 species penalty to all Diplomacy skill checks when dealing with a being that is not a member of its own group. Arkenites can mentally form more than one group and automatically consider members of the Federation as part of a

large, extended group. However, this causes Arkenites to be extremely suspicious of non-

Federation races. Arkenites receive a –4 species penalty to all Diplomacy skill checks when dealing with a non-Federation race.

 Automatic Languages: Arkenite.

 Bonus Languages: Galactic.


 +2 Charisma. As a whole, Betazoids are a friendly and open species.

 Medium: As Medium creatures, Betazoids have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.

 Betazoid base land speed is 30 feet.

 Bonus Skills: Empathy and Telepathy. Betazoids receive these skills as class skills regardless of whether they meet the prerequisites for the skills.

 Bonus Feat: Psionic Talent and Psionic Aptitude.

 Automatic Languages: Betazoid.

 Bonus Languages: Galactic.


 +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence. They are blue humanoids with a bifurcating ridge running across their read and halfway down their body. Bolians usually have a good disposition, though they are not known for their intelligence or their ambition. But they are excellent workers and crew, and excel at performing routine task.

 Medium Sized Beings: There in no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.

 Bolian base land speed is 30ft.

 Automatic Language: Bolian

 Bonus Languages: Galactic

Bzzit Khaht

 +2 Strength, +2 Constitution; -2 Dexterity, -2 Charisma. Bzzit Khaht is on average stronger and hardier than Humans. Their physiology, however, results in Bzzit Khaht being less agile and less charismatic.

 Medium: As Medium creatures, Bzzit Khaht has no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.

 Bzzit Khaht base land speed is 30 feet; base swim speed is 15 feet.

 Bonus Feat: Alertness and Latent Psychic. Bzzit Khaht has exceptionally keen hearing and olfactory senses.

 Amphibious: Bzzit Khaht can breathe air and water equally well. Bzzit Khaht gains a +8 species bonus on any Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. They can move through water at their swim speed without making Swim checks. Bzzit Khaht can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. A Bzzit Khaht can use the run action while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line.

 Empathy, Bzzit Khaht (Psi-Like Ability): Bzzit Khaht gains a +2 species bonus on Diplomacy and

Sense Motive checks when dealing with members of their own race.

 Low-Light Vision (Ex): Bzzit Khaht can see twice as far as a Human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of shadowy illumination. They retain the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.

 Dehydration: If a Bzzit Khaht does not soak its skin at least once a day for one hour in water other than salt or seawater, it suffers one point of Constitution damage each day until its skin is soaked.

In an especially dry environment, the Bzzit Khaht may suffer this damage more often.

 Automatic Languages: Bzzit Khaht.

 Bonus Languages: Galactic.


 +4 Dexterity, +2 Charisma. Caitians have remarkable agility and are more charismatic on average than Humans.

 Medium: As Medium creatures, Caitians have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.

 Caitian base land speed is 40 feet.

 +2 species bonus on Perception and Stealth skill checks.

 Bonus Feat: Alertness. Caitians have exceptional hearing and olfactory senses.

 Low-Light Vision (Ex): Caitians can see twice as far as a Human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of shadowy illumination. They retain the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.

 Automatic Languages: Caitian.

 Bonus Languages: Galactic.


 +4 Strength, +2 Charisma. Cygnians are the second strongest member race in the Federation behind Vulcans. Cygnians are also exotic and alluring to most humanoids. Their race is mostly female, and used to capture mates, before they joined the Federation.

 Medium: As Medium creatures, Cygnians have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.

 Cygnian base land speed is 30 feet.

 Bonus Feat: Gearhead. The natural technical inclination of Cygnans is a trait shared by the whole species.

 Technical Aptitude: Cygnians receive a +4 species bonus on Repair checks dealing with technological devices.

 Automatic Languages: Cygnian.

 Bonus Languages: Galactic


 +4 Will, +2 Charisma. Deltans are very charismatic and possess very strong wills.

 Medium: As Medium creatures, Deltans have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.

 Deltan base land speed is 30 feet.

 Deltan Talents: Regardless of class, a Deltan can choose from the following species specific talents anytime it can choose a new talent as long as it meets the prerequisites:

 Control Pain: As a full-round action, Deltans can attempt to remove the dazed, stunned, or unconscious condition from a creature and heal 1 hit point of damage (Wisdom check vs. DC 12).

A successful check removes the condition from the affected character. A Deltan cannot revive an unconscious character that is at –1 hit points or lower without first stabilizing the character.

Prerequisite: Character level 1.

 Mind Link, Deltan: Deltans may establish a psionic link with any mate. This link remains in effect until ended by either party. As a full round action, either party may transfer the emotions that he or she is experiencing to the other. Deltans receiving the emanations can actually identify people and events by the exact emotional reaction felt by the sender. The person receiving has no control over what is received and breaking the link requires a DC 15 Will save. The range of this ability is approximately 5,000 miles. Prerequisite: Character level 1.

 Psionic Charm: Deltan charisma is the result of a latent psionic effect coupled with complex phenomenal cues. Deltans have the ability to channel this charisma to influence, and in some cases manipulate, others. By spending one action point during this full round action, a Deltan can attempt to make a humanoid creature regard it as its trusted friend and ally (treat the target’s attitude as friendly). If the creature is currently being threatened or attacked by the Deltan or its allies, it receives a +5 bonus to its Will save (Will save negates; see GM Notes below). The charm doesn't not enable the Deltan to control the creature as if it were an automaton, but it perceives

the Delran’s words and actions in the most favorable way. A Deltan can try to give the subject orders, but it must win an opposed Charisma check to convince the creature to do anything it wouldn’t ordinarily do. (Retries are not allowed.) An affected creature never obeys any suicidal or obviously harmful orders. Any act by the Deltan or its apparent allies that threatens the affected creature breaks the effect. The Deltan must speak one of a creature’s known languages to communicate commands, or else be good at pantomiming. This special ability is one that is forbidden by the Oath of Celibacy– required to be taken by Deltans serving in Starfleet.

Prerequisite: Character level 2. GM Notes: If the targeted creature rolls a natural 1 on its Will save, it becomes obsessed with the Deltan. This obsession may manifest as stalking, kidnapping, murder-suicide, or similar pathological disorders.

 Terminus (Ex): Deltans can place themselves into a state that is impossible to distinguish from death, or they can appear to be in a coma or deep sleep. Although able to smell, hear, and know what is going on, the Deltan is blind and has no sense of touch or pain. The condition lasts for one hour per character level safely. However, for every 30 minutes that a Deltan exceeds the safe limit of the coma, sleep or deathlike state, it must make a DC 15 fortitude save. Each subsequent 30 minute extension increases the Difficulty Class by +4. Prerequisite: Character level 1.

 Automatic Languages: Deltan

 Bonus Language: Galactic


 +2 Intelligence, -2 Strength. They have facial ridges on their forehead as well as going down their back along their spine similar yet significantly larger than Vulcans. Denobulans have tongues approximately 8 inches long as well as a unique ability to expand their facial muscles on command such as an earth blow-fish. This ability is most likely a vestigial technique used when intimidated.

 Medium: As Medium sized species, Denobulans have no special bonuses or penalties do to their sized.

 Denobulan base land speed is 30ft

 Denobulans gain a +5 to any craft check due to their resourcefulness.

 Hibernation; Once a year (minimum), or on demand, a Denobulan may slow their metabolism to a near-death-like state of hibernation. This effect takes an hour of concentration to prepare and lasts for 1d4+2 days. Natural revival from the hibernating state takes 1+1d4 hours. Only a hormonal chemical injection can prematurely disturb the hibernation process, however, this makes them extremely delirious for 1d4 hours.

 Automatic Languages: Denobulan, and one extra language

 Bonus Languages: Galactic


 +4 Dexterity, -2 Constitution. Edosians are very dexterous, but are less hardy than Humans.

Edosians have three arms and three legs and that influences their speed and Dexterity.

 Medium: As Medium creatures, Edosians have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.

 Edosian base land speed is 35 feet.

 +2 species bonus on Craft (mechanical), Craft (structural), and Craft (visual arts) checks. Edosians are renowned for their aptitude in these skills.

 Bonus Feat: Multidexterity.

 Automatic Languages: Edosian.

 Bonus Languages: Galactic


 +2 Strength. Efrosians are stronger on average than Humans. Medium: As Medium creatures,

Efrosians have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.

 Efrosian base land speed is 30 feet.

 +4 species bonus to Fortitude saves when dealing with cold and cold based attacks.

 +4 species bonus to Navigate skill checks and Survival skill checks used to keep from getting lost.

Efrosians have a highly developed sense of direction and can instinctively know correct courses.

 Bonus Skills: Navigate. Efrosians receive this as a class skill regardless of class.

 Intuitive Healing (Ex): Efrosians receive a +4 species bonus on all Treat Injury skill checks. In addition, Efrosians may attempt a Treat Injury skill check at a –4 circumstance penalty, effectively nullifying the species bonus, when without a medical kit when one is usually necessary (thus the base target Difficulty Class would be the ones indicated in the Treat Injury skill description in the

d20 Modern Core Rulebook). This ability extends to surgery attempts using Treat Injury without a surgery kit, as long as an Efrosian has at least a medical kit.

 Automatic Languages: Efrosian.

 Bonus Languages: Galactic


 Dexterity -2, Wisdom +2, Charisma +2. Their facial features include a pronounced, deeply furrowed brow and a bovine snout. A layer of fine, downy fur covers their hide-thick skin.

 Medium: As Medium creatures, Grazerites have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.

 Grazerite base land speed is 30 feet.

 Grazerites receive a +2 bonus on all Perception checks.

 Grazerites gain a +2 bonus on all Bluff, Diplomacy, and Gather Information checks.

 After initiative is rolled but before they take their first action in combat, a Grazerite must make a

Will saving throw (DC 15). If you fail the Will save, they are shaken for the rest of the encounter, taking a –2 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks. If the save succeeds, they overcome their moment of fear and negate the ill effects.

 Gore Attack: If forced a Grazerite may use their horns in a gore attack that deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage. If they get multiple attacks in a round, they can gore multiple times. Their horns are treated as natural weapons and do not provoke attacks of opportunity.

 Automatic Languages: Grazerite.

 Bonus Languages: Galactic.


 Dexterity +2, Constitution+2, Will +2, Charisma +2. Externally, they are distinguished by the fact that their foreheads have a slight bulge above each eyebrow. They also have a distinctive crevice between the brows, on the bridge of the nose.

 Medium: As Medium creatures, Haitians have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.

 Haliian base land speed is 30 feet.

 Haliians gain a +2 bonus on all Handle Animal checks and Ride checks.

 Haliians can detect opponents by sense of smell, generally within 30 feet. If the opponent is upwind, the range is 60 feet. If it is downwind, the range is 15 feet. Strong scents, such as smoke or rotting garbage, can be detected at twice the ranges noted above. Overpowering scents can be detected at three times these ranges.

 The Haliian detects another creature’s presence but not its specific location. Noting the direction of the scent is a move action. If it moves within 5 feet of the scent’s source, the Haliian can pinpoint that source.

 Psionic Talent: Empathy

 Automatic Languages: Haliian.

 Bonus Languages: Galactic.


 Medium: As Medium creatures, Humans have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.

 Human base land speed is 30 feet.

 Human: Humans go through character creation without modification.

 Bonus Feat: Because Humans are so environmentally adaptable, that they receive one extra feat.

 Automatic Languages: Terran.

 Bonus Languages: Galactic.


 +2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma. Joridian psionic abilities make Joridians more insightful on average than

Humans. However, Joridians are reclusive as a whole and are not as well attuned socially to non-


 Medium: As Medium creatures, Joridians have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.

 Joridian base land speed is 30 feet.

 Bonus Feat: Non-Verbal Telepathy. Joridians receive this feat regardless of whether they meet the prerequisite for the feat.

 Bonus Skills: Empathy and Telepathy. Joridians receive these skills as class skills regardless of whether they meet the prerequisites for the skills.

 Mute: Joridians lack vocal chords and thus cannot speak verbally. They can, however, learn Speak

Language for any language normally accessible to humanoids, albeit the speaking is done telepathically.

 Automatic Languages: Joridian.

 Bonus Languages: Galactic


 +4 Strength. Kaferians are stronger than Humans and more resistant, DR +2/-.

 Medium: As medium being, Kaferians have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.

 Kaferian base land speed is 40 feet.

 +4 species bonus to Fortitude saves against poisons. Kaferian physiology is very resistant to poisons that affect humanoids.

 Blindsense (Ex): Using non-visual senses based on specialized organs, a Kaferian notices things it cannot see. Kaferians usually do not need to make Perception checks to pinpoint the location of a creature within 60 feet provided that it has line of effect to that creature. Any opponent a Kaferian cannot see still has total concealment (50% miss chance) against the Kaferian and the Kaferian still has the normal miss chance when attacking foes that have concealment. Visibility still affects the movement of a Kaferian. A Kaferian is still denied its Dexterity bonus to Defense against attacks from creatures it cannot see.

 Chemoreception (Ex): Via pheromones, Kaferians can automatically identify members of their own colony at up to 2,000 feet away and gain a +4 species bonus to Renown checks to identify other Kaferians not members of their colony. Even if the individual is not recognized, the individual’s colony will be recognized under normal circumstances as long as the Kaferian has had contact with a member of the other colony or otherwise been exposed to the other colony’s pheromones (90% base chance). Kaferians automatically succeed on any Survival skill check used to track another Kaferian due to phenomenal clues left behind on stationary objects such as walls, bushes, or even bare ground unless attempts have been made to cover up or remove those clues.

Kaferians can also signal danger to other Kaferians by emitting warning pheromones. Signaling danger is a free action. The pheromones travel at 150 feet each round and project outward in a radius centered on the Kaferian for up to 2,000 feet. Strong winds and adverse weather have little effect on the potent pheromones and often a Kaferian will leave pheromone markers on

stationary objects. Pheromones in calm air linger for 1d4+1 hours and can last up to 2d4 days on objects.

 Compound Eyes: This feature of Kaferian anatomy gives Kaferians a +2 species bonus on Spot checks.

 Scent (Ex): Kaferians can detect approaching enemies, sniff out hidden foes, and track by sense of smell via their antennae. Kaferians can identify familiar odors just as Humans do familiar sights.

 Kaferians can detect opponents within 30 feet by sense of smell. If the opponent is upwind, the range increases to 60 feet; if downwind, it drops to 15 feet. Strong scents, such as smoke or rotting garbage, can be detected at twice the ranges noted above. Overpowering scents can be detected at triple normal range. When a scent is detected, the exact location of the source is not revealed-only its presence somewhere within range. A Kaferian can take a move action to note the direction of the scent. Whenever a Kaferian comes within 5 feet of the source, it pinpoints the source’s location.

 Automatic Languages: Kaferian.

 Bonus Languages: Galactic (-10 to speaking in any other language besides their own.)


 +2 Strength, +2 Constitution. Rigellians are large humanoids, often reaching seven feet or more in height, and are renowned for their strength and stamina. Due to the unusually high UV output of their sun, Rigellians are darkly pigmented. Their skin features a kind of dermal tattooing which shows up as a network of blue lines covering the entire body in a random pattern, and their body hair is often a stark white in coloring.

 Rigellians base land speed is 30 feet.

 Bonus Feats: Rigellians gain the bonus feats of Combat Reflexes and Improved Natural Healing.

 Free Language Skills: Rigellian.

 Bonus Languages: Galactic, but any language the character can learn.

 Other Modifiers: Rigellians have a DR 12 vs. ultraviolet radiation. Rigellians are known for always telling the truth; it is against their culture to lie for any reason. It is possible for them to overcome this with a Will roll, but they have to beat a DC 22.


 +2 Strength, +2 Constitution. Saurians are stronger and hardier than Humans.

 Medium: As Medium creatures, Saurians have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.

 Saurian base land speed is 30 feet.

 +2 species bonus to Fortitude saves. With a cardiovascular system containing four hearts,

Saurians are extremely hardy.

 Immunities (Ex): Saurians can breathe several different types of gases that would be instantly fatal to most humanoids. This makes them extremely useful on exploratory missions and landing parties. Saurians can survive the atmospheric composition of Class C, E, F, G, H, K, L, M, N, and O worlds under most circumstances.

 Low-Light Vision (Ex): A Saurian can see twice as far as a Human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of shadowy illumination. They retain the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.

 Automatic Languages: Saurian.

 Bonus Languages: Galacta.


 +2 Strength; +2 Constitution; -2 Charisma.

 Medium: As Medium creatures, Tellarites have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.

 Tellarite base land speed is 25 feet.

 Tellarites gain a +4 species bonus on Will saves when faced with situations that would normally frighten others.

 Tellarites receive a +2 species bonus to Repair and Business skill checks.

 Furred Hide: The tough, furred skin of Tellarites grant a damage reduction of 1/-.

 Automatic Languages: Tellarite.

 Bonus Languages: Galacta.


 +2 to Charisma. Tiburonians are naturally easy-going and relate well with others.

 Tiburonians are very similar in appearance to humans, but slightly taller on average. They have scalloped, elaborately shaped ears. Males are often bald.

 Tiburonians are known for two things: hedonistic tendencies and great expertise with technology, particularly in the areas of robotics.

 Tiburonians tend to make good explorers, science officers and negotiators. They have a sly sense of humor and prefer to solve problems with the most labor-efficient solution possible. They don't consider themselves to be great fighters, only resorting to violence as a last resort.

 Technologically Adept: +2 bonus on all skill rolls involving technology, particularly in the area of robotics.

 Weak Immune System: Tiburonians are not as hardy as other species. -2 to all rolls to resist diseases, poisons and fatigue.

 Automatic Languages: Tiburonian.

 Bonus Languages: Galacta.


 +4 Strength, +2 Intelligence.

 Medium: As Medium creatures, Vulcans have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.

 Vulcan base land speed is 30 feet.

 +4 species bonus to Fortitude saves when dealing with heat and heat-based attacks. +4 species bonus to Will save when faced with any fear checks or modifiers.

 +2 species bonus on Mind Meld, Knowledge (all), Perception, Technology and Computer Use skill checks.

 Bonus Feats: Improved Natural Healing, Nerve Pinch and Psionic Talent. In addition, at any time a

Vulcan character is capable of learning a new feat, it may chose from Archaic Weapons

Proficiency and Photographic Memory regardless of the prerequisites required. This feat replaces the feat it would normally be able to gain for the level.

 Logical (Ex): Vulcans cannot be fazed and are allowed to take 20 on skill checks while under fire.

 Truthful: Vulcans are known for always telling the truth; it is against their cultural imperative to lie for any reason. It is possible for a Vulcan to overcome this with a Will roll, but it must beat a DC


 Automatic Languages: Vulcan.

 Bonus Languages: Galacta.


 +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom*. These adjustments reflect a Xelatian in its natural water medium. (Ability modifiers reflect a Xelatian in a water medium. Xelatians in an antigravity harness have the following adjustments, subtract from the modifiers above: -2 Strength, -

4 Dexterity, -2Constitution.)

 Medium: As Medium creatures, Xelatians have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.

Xelatian base land speed is 25 feet**; base swim speed is 60 feet.

 Xelatians gain a +8 species bonus on any Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. They can move through water at their swim speed without making Swim checks. A

Xelatian can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. An

Arcadian can use the run action while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line.

 Communal Consciousness, Xelatian (Psi-Like Ability): Xelatians gain Empathy as a class skill.

However, its use only applies to other Xelatians. The range of this special form of Empathy is not limited to line of sight; its range extends for approximately five miles.

 Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a Xelatian must hit an opponent of any size with its tentacles. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, the Xelatian establishes a hold and can conduct an attack, move, or full round action. This ability can only be used in a Xelatians natural water environment, free of its anti-gravity harness.

 Jet (Ex): A Xelatian can jet backward once per round in water as a full round action at a speed of

240 feet. It must move in a straight line, but does not provoke attacks of opportunity while jetting.

 Low-Light Vision (Ex): Arcadians can see twice as far as a Human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of shadowy illumination. They retain the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.

 Water Breather: Xelatians are aquatic and must have water to process oxygen. Xelatian antigravity harnesses provide recirculated, specially treated water for respiratory purposes.

However, a Xelatian must immerse itself in sea water for one hour for every seven hours it is in the antigravity harness. A Xelatian suffers one point of Constitution damage for each hour after the seventh it goes without sea water emersion. In an especially dry environment, the Bzzit Khaht may suffer this damage more often. Xelatians exposed to air without water to process oxygen begin to suffocate immediately.

 Automatic Languages: Xelatian.

 Bonus Languages: Galacta. Xelatians must train (spend 1 skill point) to learn Speak, Galacta.


 +2 Strength; -2 Charisma. Zaranites are stronger on average than Humans, but are an introverted species.

 Medium: As Medium creatures, Zaranites have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.

 Zaranite base land speed is 30 feet.

 Bonus Feat: Any.

 Bonus Skill Points: Zaranties receive 4 bonus skill points at first level and gain 1 additional skill point at each level beyond first.

 Fluorine Breather: Zaranites require small amounts of fluorine as a supplemental gas to their respiratory processes. As a result, a Zaranite wears an environmental mask on its face which is connected to a small, discrete tank of fluorine worn on its back. A typical tank as described above will provide sufficient fluorine for three days of continuous use. If a Zaranite is deprived of its supplemental fluorine, it suffers one point of Constitution damage every 12 hours.

 Through Federation science, some Zaranites have elected to surgically alter their physiology to remove their requirement for fluorine. Zaranite that goes through this surgery no longer requires supplemental fluorine to live. However, this procedure is very controversial within Zaranite culture. A Zaranite that has had this procedure done receives a –4 circumstance penalty to

Diplomacy skill checks when dealing with Zaranites who have not under-gone this procedure.

 Automatic Languages: Zaranite.

 Bonus Languages: Galacta.

Enemy Races

Klingon, Imperial

 +2 to Strength, +2 to Dexterity, +2 to Constitution, -4 to Charisma (treat their Charisma as -0 when dealing with other Klingons). Klingons are generally regarded as a brutal warrior species, but this characterization is not always fair or accurate. Klingons are humanoids very similar to terrestrial Humans, with only a small portion of their planetary populations becoming as warriors and later leaders. There are two primary Klingon social classes: warriors and civilians.

 Medium: As Medium creatures, Klingons have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.

 Klingon land base speed is 30 feet.

 Klingon Blood Rage: Klingons can fly into a rage once per encounter for 4 rounds. This rage causes -2 AC +4 to strength and -2 to wisdom, intelligence and charisma.

 +2 intimidate. Klingons regularly subject themselves to large amounts of pain. Klingons are as such experts at torture.

 Klingons are a survivalist culture and train from birth in survival, gaining +2 to all Survival checks.

 Klingons gain a +4 to Fortitude checks when making checks versus their alcohol intake and to resist pain.

 Skill Bonuses: +2 species bonus on Intimidation skill checks. Intimidation is a Klingons preferred method of diplomacy.

 Klingons also gain a +4 to Diplomacy skill checks when trying to impress others by their ability to drink alcohol.

 Automatic Language: Klingon.

 Bonus Languages: Galactic

Klingon/Human Fusion Hybrid

 +1 Strength, +1 Dexterity, +1 Constitution. Klingon/Human Fusion Hybrids are a genetic blending is the result of the Klingon augment virus was a modified form of Levodian flu that threatened to wipe out the Klingon race in the mid-22nd century. It was inadvertently created by Klingon researchers who were attempting to bio-engineer enhanced warriors using DNA from geneticallymodified human embryos left over from Earth's Eugenics Wars. Because afflicted Klingons' DNA had been altered by the virus, the Human appearance and genetic traits were passed onto the descendants of the infected. It feared that Klingons without ridges would become outcasts and lose their positions; making would no longer have a place in the Empire. But in the 2260’s, affected Klingons served as the captains and crews of front-line starships in the Klingon Defense


 Medium: As medium being, the Klingon/Human Fusions gain no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.

 Fusion Klingons base land speed is 30 feet.

 Skill Bonus: The Klingon/Human Fusions gain a +2 bonus to Disguise and Human Psychology.

 Automatic Languages: Klingon and Galactic

 Other Languages: Any they can learn.

Klingon/Romulan Fusion Hybrid

 +2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +1 Intelligence, +2 Constitution. The Klingon/Romulan Fusion Hybrid was genetically engineered by the Klingons to allow Intelligence forces to gather intelligence on the Romulans. Their Romulan physiology allows them to blend in with the Romulans and they have been highly trained in Romulan Psychology. The Klingon Operatives were all volunteers for this assignment.

 Medium: As a Medium being, the Klingon/Romulan Fusions gain no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.

 Fusion Romulans base land speed is 30 feet.

 Skill Bonus: The Klingon/Romulan Fusions gain a +2 bonus to Disguise and Romulan Psychology.

 Automatic Languages: Klingon and Romulan.

 Other Languages: Any they can learn.


 +2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, +2 Constitution. Romulans have an extreme loyalty and sense of honor to the Romulan Star Empire. It is possible to turn a Romulan, but for someone to do so would require a Diplomacy Skill check at a DC of 35. Romulans are also distant relations to

Vulcans that left the planet Vulcan before the Vulcan race learned how to control their emotions.

 Medium: As Medium creatures, Romulans gain no special penalties or bonuses due to their size.

 Romulan base land speed is 30 feet.

 Skill Bonuses: Romulans gain a +2 bonus on all Listen skill checks.

 Free Language Skills: Romulan.

 Other Languages: Galactic


 +4 to Strength, + 2 to Constitution, -2 to Dexterity. Gorns gain an additional 2d8 hit points at first level; these hit points are in addition to those given by class and Constitution modifiers. Gorns are covered in a thick scale hide that gives them a Natural Defense Bonus of +3 and DR 3/-.

 Medium: As Medium species, Gorns have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.

 Gorns have a base land speed of 20feet. However, Gorns are slow and steady, with their speed never modified by armor or encumbrance.

 Natural Weapons: A Gorn does 1d10 points of damage when using his sharp teeth as a weapon.

 Bonus Feats: Gorns gain the bonus feat of Endurance.

 Free Language Skills: Gorn.

 Bonus Languages: Any language, but they have a -20 to speaking any language they learn.


 Ability Modifiers: +4 to Intelligence. Tholians are covered in a thick crystalline structure that gives them a Natural Defense Bonus of+2 and DR 4/-. Tholians require a 400°F living environment; their native atmosphere is reported to be nitrogen. Oxygen is considered a toxin to the Tholians. If Tholians are somehow exposed to an oxygen environment, they lose all bonuses to their Defense and DR. In addition, they will lose 2 points of Constitution per minute until they are returned to their natural environment; at that time their Constitution points will return at the their normal rate of healing. Tholians also have a native immunity to all diseases that are of an organic nature.

 Medium: As Medium creatures, Tholians have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.

 Tholians have a base land speed of 30 feet.

 Skill Bonuses: Tholians gain a +4 species bonus on Navigate and Technology skill checks.

 Free Language: Tholian.

 Bonus Languages: Any language the character can learn.

Neutral Races


 Males: +2 Dexterity, +1 Intelligence. Females: +3 Dexterity, +2 Charisma. Orions (While not fully members of the Federation, some of their colonies in Federation space have independently joined the Federation.) actually had a larger and better organized economy. The Federation grew rapidly and engulfed the territory that surrounded the Orion space, which remained independent. There are three sub-races in the Orion Species, the Ruddies (mainly the business owners and officials), the Greens (the workers and slaves) and the Greys (the outcast).

 Medium: As Medium creatures, Orions have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.

 Orion base land speed is 30 feet.

 Bonus Skills: +2 to Business, Sense Motive and Subterfuge.

 Free Language: Orion and Galactic.

 Bonus Languages: Any language the character can learn.


In addition to the occupations provided in the d20 Modern Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook, the following starting occupations are available for characters in this setting.


Academics include librarians, archaeologists, scholars, professors, teachers, and other education professionals.

Prerequisite: Age 23+.

Skills: Choose three of the following skills as permanent class skills. If a skill the character selects is already a class skill, he or she receives a +1 competence bonus on checks using that skill. Computer

Use, Craft (writing), , Gather Information, Knowledge (arcane lore, art, behavioral sciences, business, civics, current events, earth and life sciences, history, medical science, physical sciences, popular culture, space science, tactics, technology, or theology and philosophy), Linguistics , Profession (Any),

Research and Treat Injury.

Wealth Bonus Increase: +3.


Adventurers include professional daredevils, big-game hunters, relic hunters, explorers, extreme sports enthusiasts, field scientists, thrill-seekers, and others called to face danger for a variety of reasons.

Prerequisite: Age 15+.

Skills: Choose two of the following skills as permanent class skills. If a skill the character selects is already a class skill, he or she receives a +1 competence bonus on checks using that skill. Acrobatics,

Bluff, Climb, Demolitions, Disable Device, Drive, Escape Artist, Intimidate, Knowledge (arcane lore, streetwise, tactics, or technology), Perception, Pilot, Ride, Stealth, Survival, Swim, Treat Injury.

Bonus Feat: Select one of the following: Archaic Weapons Proficiency, Brawl, or Personal Firearms


Wealth Bonus Increase: +1


Athletes include amateur athletes of Olympic quality and professional athletes of all types, including gymnasts, weight trainers, wrestlers, boxers, martial artists, swimmers, skaters, and those who engage in any type of competitive sport.

Prerequisite: Strength 13 or Dexterity 13.

Skills: Choose three of the following skills as permanent class skills. If a skill the character selects is already a class skill, he or she receives a +1 competence bonus on checks using that skill. Acrobatics,

Climb, Drive, Ride, Swim.

Bonus Feat: Select either Archaic Weapons Proficiency or Brawl.

Wealth Bonus Increase: +2

Blue Collar

Blue collar occupations include factory work, food service jobs, construction, service industry jobs, taxi drivers, postal workers, and other jobs that are usually not considered to be desk jobs.

Prerequisite: Age 18+.

Skills: Choose three of the following skills as permanent class skills. If a skill the character selects is already a class skill, he or she receives a +1 competence bonus on checks using that skill. Craft

(electronic, mechanical, or structural), Climb, Drive, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Repair, and Ride.

Wealth Bonus Increase: +2.


Elite members of a sophisticated space training program such as the Star Fleet Academy, cadets are waiting for the opportunity to hurl themselves into the void in order to advance humanity’s understanding of science and shed light on the mysteries of the universe.

Prerequisite: Age 21+.

Skills: Choose two of the following skills as permanent class skills. If a skill you select is already a class skill, you gain a +1 competence bonus on checks using that skill. Computer Use, Craft (electronic, mechanical, or pharmaceutical), Knowledge (earth and life sciences, military science, physical sciences, space science or technology), Navigate, Pilot, Repair, Survival.

Bonus Feat: Select either Starship Operation or Zero- G Training.

Wealth Bonus Increase: +1.


A celebrity is anyone who, for whatever reason, has been thrust into the spotlight of the public eye.

Actors, entertainers of all types, newscasters, radio and television personalities, and more fall under this starting occupation.

Prerequisite: Age 15+.

Skills: Choose one of the following skills as permanent class skills. If a skill the character selects is already a class skill, he or she receives a +1 competence bonus on checks using that skill. Bluff, Craft

(visual art or writing), Diplomacy, Disguise, Perform (act, dance, keyboards, percussion instruments, sing, stand-up, stringed instruments, or wind instruments).

Reputation Bonus Increase: +1.

Wealth Bonus Increase: +4.


Colonists are wayfaring pioneers who set the foundations of new societies on far-flung continents, planets, or moons. To survive in their new surroundings, they learn to live off the land and defend themselves against indigenous predatory life forms and hostile forces of nature.

Prerequisite: Age 15+.

Skills: Choose two of the following skills as permanent class skills. If a skill you select is already a class skill, you gain a +1 competence bonus on checks using that skill. Computer Use, Craft

(electronic, mechanical, or structural), Knowledge (earth and life sciences or physical sciences),

Navigate, Repair, Survival and Treat Injury.

Bonus Feat: Select Builder, Guide, or Planetary Adaptation.

Wealth Bonus Increase: +1.


The creative starting occupation covers artists of all types who fan their creative spark into a career.

Illustrators, copywriters, cartoonists, graphic artists, novelists, magazine columnists, actors, sculptors, game designers, musicians, screenwriters, photographers, and web designers all fall under this occupation.

Prerequisite: Age 15+.

Skills: Choose three of the following skills as permanent class skills. If a skill the character selects is already a class skill, he or she receives a +1 competence bonus on checks using that skill. Bluff,

Computer Use, Craft (visual art or writing), Disguise, Forgery, Knowledge (arcane lore or art),

Perception, and Perform (act, dance, keyboards, percussion instruments, sing, stand-up, stringed instruments, or wind instruments).

Wealth Bonus Increase: +2.


This illicit starting occupation reveals a background from the wrong side of the law. This occupation includes con artists, burglars, thieves, crime family soldiers, gang members, bank robbers, and other types of career criminals.

Prerequisite: Age 15+.

Skills: Choose two of the following skills as permanent class skills. If a skill the character selects is already a class skill, he or she receives a +1 competence bonus on checks using that skill. Disable

Device, Disguise, Forgery, Gamble, Knowledge (streetwise), Subterfuge, Sleight of Hand, Stealth.

Bonus Feat: Select either Brawl or Personal Firearms Proficiency.

Wealth Bonus Increase: +1.


Dilettantes usually get their wealth from family holdings and trust funds. The typical dilettante has no job, few responsibilities, and at least one driving passion that occupies his or her day. That passion might be a charity or philanthropic foundation, an ideal or cause worth fighting for, or a lust for living a fun and carefree existence.

Prerequisite: Age 18+.

Skills: Choose one of the following skills as permanent class skills. If a skill the character selects is already a class skill, he or she receives a +1 competence bonus on checks using that skill. Gamble,

Intimidate, Knowledge (current events or popular culture), Linguistics and Ride.

Reputation Bonus Increase: +1.

Wealth Bonus Increase: +6.


A doctor can be a physician (general practitioner or specialist), a surgeon, or a psychiatrist.

Prerequisite: Age 25+.

Skills: Choose two of the following skills as permanent class skills. If a skill the character selects is already a class skill, he or she receives a +1 competence bonus on checks using that skill. Craft

(pharmaceutical), Computer Use, Knowledge (behavioral sciences, earth and life sciences, medical science or technology), Perception, Treat Injury.

Wealth Bonus Increase: +4.


Domestic workers include maids, butlers, nannies, personal drivers, valets, cooks, waiters, gardeners, and anyone else who makes a living by performing routine but vital household duties for a wealthy patron.

Prerequisites: Age 15+

Bonus Skills: Choose three (3) from: Bluff, Concentration, Diplomacy, Gather information,

Handle Animal, Knowledge (business, current events earth and life sciences, streetwise), Linguistics,

Perception, Pilot, Repair, Sense Motive and Stealth.

Bonus Feats: Domestics have a wide array of interests their masters often know nothing about, and much untapped potential. They may select any non-combat focused feat as a bonus feat.

Weapon Proficiency: Simple Weapons Proficiency

Wealth Bonus Increase: +1

Reputation Bonus: -1


Drifters are aimless wanderers and world-wise jacks-of all- trades who move between cities or star systems, working odd jobs until boredom or fate leads them elsewhere. Along the way, they learn strange customs and pick up interesting and diverse skills.

Prerequisite: Age 15+.

Skills: Choose three of the following skills as permanent class skills. If a skill you select is already a class skill, you gain a +1 competence bonus on checks using that skill. Bluff, Disable Device, Disguise,

Forgery, Gamble, Gather Information, Knowledge (streetwise), Linguistics, Navigate, Sleight of Hand,


Wealth Bonus Increase: +2.


Heirs are the elite sons and daughters of powerful magnates, influential nobles, and imperial monarchs. Unlike dilettantes, however, they are bound by their lineage to certain responsibilities, with the assumption that they might someday rise to lead their families into the future . . . assuming the stars are properly aligned and they do nothing to jeopardize their birthright.

Prerequisite: Age 21+.

Skills: Choose two of the following skills as permanent class skills. If a skill you select is already a class skill, you gain a +1 competence bonus on checks using that skill. Craft (visual art or writing),

Knowledge (art, business, civics, current events, or history) , Perform (act, dance, keyboards, percussion instruments, sing, stringed instruments, or wind instruments), Ride and Sense Motive .

Pre-Selected Feat: An heir must choose the Educated feat as one of her starting feats at 1st level.

Reputation Bonus Increase: +1.

Wealth Bonus Increase: +6. An heir may permanently reduce her Reputation bonus by 1 to increase her starting wealth bonus by an additional +1d6; this expenditure must be made before the character begins play. As long as her Reputation bonus is +1 or higher, an heir’s wealth bonus can never drop below 10.

Emergency Services

Rescue workers, firefighters, paramedics, hazardous material handlers, and emergency medical technicians fall under this category.

Prerequisite: Age 18+.

Skills: Choose two of the following skills as permanent class skills. If a skill the character selects is already a class skill, he or she receives a +1 competence bonus on checks using that skill. Balance,

Climb, Computer Use, Drive, Jump, Knowledge (behavioral sciences, earth and life sciences, medical science or technology), Search, Treat Injury, and Swim.

Wealth Bonus Increase: +2.


Entrepreneurs have an obsession about being their own boss. They believe in themselves, have an abundance of confidence, and the ability to acquire the funds necessary to bankroll their newest moneymaking venture. These small to large business owners have a knack for putting together business plans, gathering resources, and getting a new venture off the ground. They rarely want to stick around after the launch, however, as they prefer to put their energies into the next big thing.

Prerequisite: Age 18+.

Skills: Choose two of the following skills as permanent class skills. If a skill the character selects is already a class skill, he or she receives a +1 competence bonus on checks using that skill. Bluff,

Diplomacy, Gamble, Knowledge (business, current events, or technology), Linguistics and Research.

Reputation Bonus Increase: +1.

Wealth Bonus Increase: +4.


There are a number of jobs that fit within this occupation, including investigative reporters, photojournalists, private investigators, police detectives, criminologists, criminal profilers, espionage agents, and others who use their skills to gather evidence and analyze clues.

Prerequisite: Age 23+.

Skills: Choose two of the following skills as permanent class skills. If a skill the character selects is already a class skill, he or she receives a +1 competence bonus on checks using that skill. Computer

Use, Craft (visual art or writing), Forgery, Gather Information, Intimidation, Investigate, Knowledge

(behavioral sciences, civics, earth and life sciences, or streetwise), Perception, Research and Sense


Bonus Feat: Select either Brawl or Personal Firearms Proficiency.

Wealth Bonus Increase: +2.

Klingon Warrior

The Klingon Warrior is the Ultimate Master of Bladed Weaponry and armor including all forms of

Klingon Martial Arts.

Prerequisite: Age 15+

Skills: Choose two of the following skills. If a skill the character selects is already a class skill, he or she receives a +1 competence bonus on checks using that skill. Acrobatics, Intimidate, Knowledge

(History, Military Science, Tactics), Perception and Survival.

Bonus Feats: Select two of the following: Personal Weapons Proficiency, Archaic Weapons

Proficiency, Weapons Focus: Bat' Leth, or Armor Proficiency (Light)

Wealth Bonus Increase: +2

Law Enforcement

Law enforcement personnel include uniformed police, state troopers, federal police, federal agents,

SWAT team members, and military police.

Prerequisite: Age 20+.

Skills: Choose two of the following skills as permanent class skills. If a skill the character selects is already a class skill, he or she receives a +1 competence bonus on checks using that skill. Diplomacy,

Drive, Gather Information, Intimidate, Knowledge (civics, earth and life sciences, Law streetwise, or tactics) and Perception .

Bonus Feat: Select one of the following: Combat Martial Arts, Light Armor Proficiency, Personal

Firearms Proficiency or Zero-G Training.

Wealth Bonus Increase: +1.

Marine Auxiliary Branch

Marines wield the latest in weapons technology. In the battlefield, weapons jam, armor cracks, and vehicles break down. That's where the Auxiliary Branch comes in. Its primary purpose is to repair and maintain weapons and vehicles that support the Marine Line Infantry. In a pinch, they can act as infantry.

Prerequisite: Age 18+.

Skills: Choose two of the following skills as permanent class skills. If a skill you select is already a class skill, you receive a +1 competence bonus on checks using that skill: Computer Use, Disable

Device, Craft (electronic, mechanical or structural), Drive, Knowledge (physical science, military science and technology), Pilot, Repair and Research.

Bonus Feat: Select one of the following: Aircraft Operation, Builder, Gearhead, Personal Firearms

Proficiency, Surface Vehicle Operation, or Vehicle Expert.

Wealth Bonus Increase: +2.

Marine Line Infantry

Line Infantry Marines are what most civilians encounter when they encounter Marines. They are deployed in small units called Strike Teams. The Auxiliary Branch supports Line Infantry Marines.

Line Infantry Marines are the first ones in, last ones out, and sometimes have a shorter-than average lifespan as a result.

Prerequisite: Age 18+.

Skills: Choose two of the following skills as permanent class skills. If a skill you select is already a class skill, you receive a +1 competence bonus on checks using that skill: Acrobatics, Climb, Drive,

Intimidate, Stealth, Survival, Swim and Treat Injury.

Marine Officer

Marine Officers are upper class, highly educated tactical strategists. Marines must have completed a tour of duty and served previously in both the Auxiliary and the Line Infantry. Officers are inducted at the Officer Candidates School at in San Francisco, CA, Earth. The Marines continue the ancient tradition of accepting officers from the "Blue Water" naval academy at Annapolis. After basic training, officers pursue their specialty.

Prerequisite: Auxiliary and Marines Line Infantry occupations; Age 30+.

Skills: Choose two of the following skills as permanent class skills. If a skill you select is already a class skill, you receive a +1 competence bonus on checks using that skill: Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather

Information, Knowledge (military science and tactics), and Sense Motive.

Bonus Feat: Select one of the following: Light Armor Proficiency, Personal Firearms Proficiency,

Renown, or Trustworthy.

Reputation Bonus Increase: +2.

Wealth Bonus Increase: +2.

Mega-corps. Trainee

Any near future campaign, Instead of a going to a traditional high school, you apprenticed with one of the world’s most important and influential mega-corps. You studied on a corporation run campus, learned the basics of your future career path and served as an intern since your early teens. You have knowledge of business and corporate science that is second to none.

Prerequisites: Age 23+

Preselected Feat: Mega-corps. apprenticeship emphasizes extensive financial planning and wealth management. All Mega-corps. Trainees must select Windfall as one of their starting feats at 1st level.

Bonus Skills: Choose three (3) from: Computer use, Craft (chemical, electronic, mechanical, pharmaceutical, structural), Diplomacy, Knowledge (business, civics, earth & life sciences, physical sciences, technology), Profession (any white collar or scientific), Linguistics, Research,

Bonus Feat: Choose one (1) from: Builder, Educated, Gearhead, Medical Expert, Renown, and


Wealth Bonus Increase: +4

Reputation Bonus: +2


These rules do not cover contracts, pay, and other aspects of life working for a Corporation or a

Planetary Government.

Skills: Choose two of the following skills as permanent class skills. If a skill the character selects is already a class skill, he or she receives a +1 competence bonus on checks using that skill. Acrobatics,

Climb, Drive, Forgery,

Gamble, , Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (streetwise), Stealth, Survival and Swim.

Bonus Feat: Select one of the following: Brawl, Combat Martial Arts, Light Armor Proficiency, or

Personal Firearms Proficiency.

Wealth Bonus Increase: +3.


Military covers any of the branches of the armed forces, including army, navy, air force, and marines, as well as the various elite training units such as Seals, Rangers, and Special Forces.

Prerequisite: Age 18+.

Skills: Choose two of the following skills as permanent class skills. If a skill the character selects is already a class skill, he or she receives a +1 competence bonus on checks using that skill. Climb,

Demolitions, Drive, Hide, Knowledge (tactics), Move Silently, Navigate, Pilot, Survival and Swim.

Bonus Feat: Select one of the following: Brawl, Combat Martial Arts, Light Armor Proficiency,

Personal Firearms Proficiency or Zero-G Training.

Wealth Bonus Increase: +1.


Outcast is not so much an occupation as a forced way of life. Persecuted and exiled for being different, outcasts are lone pariahs or shunned members of a culture whose customs or characteristics society finds deviant or abhorrent. Outcasts lurk on the fringes of civilization. Some strive for acceptance, while others are trapped by their own feelings of resentment, self-loathing, or hopelessness. These may also be Klingons who showed cowardice in battle, or Romulans who tried and failed to gain entry into a Great House.

Prerequisite: Age 15+.

Skills: Choose one of the following skills as a permanent class skill. If a skill you select is already a class skill, you gain a +1 competence bonus on checks using that skill. Disguise, Hide, Knowledge

(streetwise), Search, Survival, and Treat Injury.

Bonus Feat: Toughness.

Wealth Bonus Increase: +1.


The first permanent colonists on a newly-surveyed planet, pioneers set the foundations of new societies on far-flung continents, planets, or moons. To survive in their new surroundings, they learn to live off the land and defend themselves against indigenous predatory life forms and hostile forces of nature.

Prerequisite: Age 15+.

Skills: Choose two of the following skills as permanent class skills. If a skill you select is already a class skill, you gain a +1 competence bonus on checks using that skill. Computer Use, Craft (electronic, mechanical, or structural), Knowledge (earth and life sciences or physical sciences), Navigate, Repair,

Survival and Treat Injury.

Bonus Feat: Select one of the following: Builder, Guide, or Planetary Adaptation.

Wealth Bonus Increase: +1.


Psychics make their living from the use of their psionic powers. Acting as translators, starship navigators, interrogators and communicators (psychic communications are the ultimate form of secure transmission). Some psychics use their powers for darker purposes as well, such as corporate espionage and assassination. Prerequisite: Age 15+, any one Psionic feat (Precognition, Telekinesis or Telepathy)

Skills: Select two of the following skills as a permanent class skill. If a skill you select is already a class skill you gain a +1 competence bonus on checks using that skill. Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con),

Diplomacy (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (behavioral sciences) (Int), Navigate (Int), Psychic

Studies, Sense Motive (Wis) and Treat Injury (Wis).

Reputation Bonus Increase: +1

Wealth Bonus Increase: +3


Scavengers turn society’s wreckage and discarded trash into useful tools or items for trade, and if they’re lucky, their endeavors might even yield one or two objects of special value. They effortlessly navigate and strip clean the most treacherous places; their playgrounds are abandoned space stations, gutted buildings, and smoking battlefields.

Prerequisite: Age 15+.

Skills: Choose three of the following skills as permanent class skills. If a skill you select is already a class skill, you gain a +1 competence bonus on checks using that skill. Decipher Script, Disable Device,

Knowledge (technology), Perception, Repair, Search, Stealth, and Survival.

Wealth Bonus Increase: +2.

Spacecraft Builder

Construction workers who have been conditioned to work in space, these characters build the spacestations and starships on which advanced Civilizations depend to move beyond their home planets.

This experience makes the space builder feel more at home in a space suit, spinning in the Deep space, than standing on his home planet.

Prerequisite: Age 18+.

Skills: Two of the following skills, selected when this occupation is chosen, are permanent class skills.

If a selected skill is already a class skill, the character gains a +1 competence bonus on checks using that skill. Computer Use (Int), Craft (electronic, mechanical or structural) (Int),

Knowledge (physical sciences, space sciences or technology) (Int), Repair (Int).

Bonus Feat: Zero-G Training.

Wealth Bonus Increase: +2.

Staff Officer

Straight out of Staff College, Staff Officers lead because they paid the entrance fees. They spend 4 years rather than 6 in the field. They are not popular with grunts.

Prerequisite: Age 28+.

Skills: Choose two of the following skills as permanent class skills. If a skill you select is already a class skill, you receive a +1 competence bonus on checks using that skill: Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather

Information, Knowledge (any), and Sense Motive.

Bonus Feat: Select one of the following: Educated, Light Armor Proficiency, Personal Firearms


Reputation Bonus Increase: +1.

Starfleet Officer

A Starfleet Officer is someone that has underwent and completed full training at Starfleet Academy.

Prerequisite: Must be at least 18 years old.

Skills: Choose two of following skills as bonus class skills. If they already exist as class skills, then the character gains a +1 competence bonus in them. Computer Use, Knowledge (Civics, History, Earth and

Life Science, Mathematics, Military Science, Physical Science, Space Science, Tactics, Technology),

Navigate, Pilot, and Repair.

Bonus Feats: Starfleet Personnel may choose one of the following: Personal Weapons Proficiency and

Armor Proficiency (Light).

Wealth Bonus Increase: +2.


A student can be in high school, college, or graduate school. He or she could be in a seminary, a military school, or a private institution. A college-age student should also pick a major field of study.

Prerequisite: Age 15+.

Skills: Choose three of the following skills as permanent class skills. If a skill the character selects is already a class skill, he or she receives a +1 competence bonus on checks using that skill. Computer

Use, Knowledge (arcane lore, art, behavioral sciences, business, civics, current events, earth and life sciences, history, physical sciences, popular culture, space science, technology, or theology and philosophy), Perform (act, dance, keyboards, percussion instruments, sing, stand-up, stringed instruments, or wind instruments), Research.

Bonus Feat: Select either Educated or Spark of Genius

Wealth Bonus Increase: +1.


Scientists and engineers of all types fit within the scope of this starting occupation.

Prerequisite: Age 23+.

Skills: Choose three of the following skills as permanent class skills. If a skill the character selects is already a class skill, he or she receives a +1 competence bonus on checks using that skill. Computer

Use, Craft (chemical, electronic, mechanical, or structural), Knowledge (business, earth and life sciences, physical sciences, or technology), Repair, Research.

Wealth Bonus Increase: +3.


Skilled drivers and pilots, transporters move people, information, and precious cargo safely from one location to another. They treat their vehicles as extensions of their bodies and are most comfortable behind the wheels of skycars, ground vehicles, or the thruster controls of cargo shuttles.

Prerequisite: Age 18+.

Skills: Choose two of the following skills as permanent class skills. If a skill you select is already a class skill, you gain a +1 competence bonus on checks using that skill. Craft (mechanical), Drive,

Knowledge (current events, popular culture, or streetwise), Navigate, Perception, Pilot, Repair.

Bonus Feat: Select either Spacer or Vehicle Expert.

Wealth Bonus Increase: +1.

White Collar

Office workers and desk jockeys, lawyers, accountants, insurance agents, bank personnel, financial advisors, tax preparers, clerks, sales personnel, real estate agents, and a variety of mid-level manager's fall within the scope of this starting occupation.

Prerequisite: Age 23+.

Skills: Choose two of the following skills as permanent class skills. If a skill the character selects is already a class skill, he or she receives a +1 competence bonus on checks using that skill. Computer

Use, Diplomacy, Knowledge (art, business, civics, earth and life sciences, history, physical sciences, or technology), Research.

Wealth Bonus Increase: +3.


Every character has a Wealth bonus that reflects his or her overall buying power (a composite of income, credit rating, and savings). A character’s Wealth bonus serves as the basis of the character’s

Wealth check, which is used to purchase equipment and services for the character.

Wealth Bonus

To determine a character’s starting Wealth bonus, roll 2d4 and add the wealth bonus for the character’s starting occupation, plus (if appropriate) the bonus from the Windfall feat.

Over the course of play, the hero’s Wealth bonus will decrease as the hero purchases expensive items and increase as the hero gains levels. A character’s Wealth bonus can never fall below +0, and there is no limit to how high the Wealth bonus can climb. Since Wealth is an abstract concept, it’s sometimes difficult to determine how financially well off a character is. To get a general sense of how financially solvent a character is at any given time, check the table below.

Wealth Bonus


+1 to +4

+5 to +10

+11 to +15

+16 to +20

+21 to +30

+31 or higher

Purchasing Equipment

Financial Condition

Impoverished or in debt


Middle class




Very rich

Wealth checks are used to determine what characters can afford and what gear they might reasonably have access to. Every character has a Wealth bonus that reflects his or her buying power. Every object and service has a purchase DC. To purchase an object, make a Wealth check against the purchase DC.

The Wealth Check

A Wealth check is a 1d20 roll plus a character’s current Wealth bonus. The Wealth bonus is fluid. It increases as a character gains Wealth and decreases as the character makes purchases.

 If the character succeeds on the Wealth check, the character gains the object. If the character fails, he or she can’t afford the object at the time.

 If the character’s current Wealth bonus is equal to or greater than the DC, the character automatically succeeds.

 If the character successfully purchases an object or service with a purchase DC that’s higher than his or her current Wealth bonus, the character’s Wealth bonus decreases

Wealth and the Starting Hero

A newly created 1st-level character’s Wealth bonus is +0 plus:

• Wealth provided by the character’s starting occupation.

• Bonus from the Windfall feat, if taken.

• 2d4 die roll.

• +1 for having 1 to 4 ranks in the Profession skill.

• + 1 point of wealth per each level of character.

Losing Wealth

Any time a character purchases an object or service with a purchase DC higher than his or her current

Wealth bonus, or one with a purchase DC of 15 or higher, the character’s Wealth bonus goes down. How much the Wealth bonus is reduced depends on how expensive the object is.

Object or Service Purchase DC

15 or higher

1–10 points higher than current Wealth bonus

11–15 points higher than current Wealth bonus

16 or more points higher than current

Wealth Bonus Decrease

1 point

1 point

1d6 points

2d6 points

Along with this loss, any time a character buys an object or service with a purchase DC of 15 or higher, the character reduces his or her current Wealth bonus by an additional 1 point. A character’s Wealth bonus only goes down if he or she successfully buys an object or service. If the character attempts to buy something and the check fails, his or her

Wealth bonus is unaffected


Regaining Wealth

A character’s Wealth bonus recovers as the character advances. Every time a character gains a new level, make a Profession check. (If the character has no ranks in the skill, this check is a Wisdom check.) The DC is equal to the character’s current Wealth bonus. If the character succeeds, his or her current Wealth bonus increases by +1. For every 5 points by which the character exceeds the DC, he or she gains an additional +1 to his or her Wealth bonus.


A character may have up to three allegiances, listed in order from most important to least important.

These allegiances are indications of what the character values in life, and may encompass people, organizations, or ideals. A character may have no allegiances (being either a free spirit or a lone wolf) or may change allegiances as he or she goes through life. Also, just because the character fits into a certain category of people doesn’t mean the character has to have that category as an allegiance.

If the character acts in a way that is detrimental to his or her allegiance, the GM may choose to strip the character of that allegiance (and all its benefits) and assign an allegiance more suitable to those actions.

Pledging Allegiance

A hero’s allegiance can take the form of loyalty to a person, to an organization, to a belief system, to a nation, or to an ethical or moral philosophy. In general, a character can discard an allegiance at any time, but may only gain a new allegiance after attaining a new level. Having an allegiance implies having sufficient intelligence and wisdom to make a moral or ethical choice. As a result, a character must have Intelligence and Wisdom scores of 3 or higher in order to select allegiances.

Allegiances include, but are not limited to, the following examples.

Person or Group: This includes a leader or superior, a family, a group of linked individuals (such as a band of adventurers or a cell of secret agents), or a discrete unit within a larger organization (such as members of the character’s squad or platoon, or individuals whose safety the character is responsible for).

Organization: This may be a company or corporation, a gathering of like-minded individuals, a fraternal brotherhood, a secret society, a branch of the armed forces, a local, state, or national government, a university, an employer, or an otherwise established authority.

Homeworld: This may or may not be the nation that the hero currently resides in. It may be where the individual was born, or where the hero resides after emigrating to a new home.

Belief System: This is usually a particular faith or religion, but can also be a specific philosophy or school of thought. Belief systems could also include political beliefs or philosophical outlooks.

Ethical Philosophy: This describes how one feels about order, as represented by law and chaos. An individual with a lawful outlook tends to tell the truth, keep his or her word, respect authority, and honor tradition, and he or she expects others to do likewise. An individual with a chaotic outlook

tends to follow his or her instincts and whims, favor new ideas and experiences, and behave in a subjective and open manner in dealings with others.

Moral Philosophy: This describes one’s attitude toward others, as represented by good and evil. An individual with a good allegiance tends to protect innocent life. This belief implies altruism, respect for life, and a concern for the dignity of other creatures. An evil allegiance shows a willingness to hurt, oppress, and kill others, and to debase or destroy innocent life.

Allegiances and Influence

An allegiance can create an empathic bond with others of the same allegiance. With the GM’s permission, the character gains a +2 circumstance bonus on Charisma-based skill checks when dealing with someone of the same allegiance—as long as the character has had some interaction with the other character to discover the connections and bring the bonus into play.


The Strong Hero

Primary Ability: Strength

Related Abilities: Dexterity, Constitution

Cross-Class Abilities: Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma

Hit Die: d10+Con. Modifier per Level

Action Points: Strong Heroes gain a number of action points equal to 5 + ½ their character level, rounded down, at 1st level and every time they attain a new level in this class.

Class Skills: The Strong Hero’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are: Climb (Str), Craft

(Mechanical, Structural) (Int), Demolitions (Int), Drive (Dex), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha),

Jump (Str), Knowledge (Current Events, Popular Culture, Streetwise, Tactics) (Int), Linguistics (Wis),

Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), and Swim (Str).

Also, the starting occupation selected can provide additional class skills to choose from.

Skill Points at 1st Level: (2 + Intelligence modifier) x 4.

Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 2 + Intelligence modifier.

Class Features

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The strong hero begins play with the Simple Melee Weapons

Proficiency as well as the Personal Firearm Proficiency and Heavy Ranged Weapons Proficiency. The

Strong Hero is also proficient in Light, Medium and Heavy Body Armors.

Bonus Feats: At every odd numbered level, the Strong Hero gains a bonus feat. This feat must be selected from the following list, and the Strong Hero must meet any prerequisites. Archaic Weapons

Proficiency, Athletic, Blind-Fight, Brawl, Cleave, Combat Martial Arts, Combat Reflexes, Great Cleave,

Heavy Body Armor Proficiency, Improved Brawl, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Combat Martial Arts,

Improved Critical, Improved Grapple, Improved Knockout Punch, Improved Sunder, Knockout Punch,

Medium Body Armor Proficiency, Power Attack, Street-Fighting, Stunning Fist, Weapon Focus,

Weapon Specialization.

Talents: In lieu of a bonus feat, the Strong Hero may select a special ability from the list below. The

Strong Hero must meet all prerequisites for the special ability and no single ability may be taken more than once unless otherwise noted.

Level BA B

1st +1

2nd +2

Fort Ref Will Special







Bonus Feat


Reputation Defense





3rd +3

4th +4

5th +5

6th +6/+1

7th +7/+2

8th +8/+3

9th +9/+4

10th +10/+5

11th +11/+6/+1

12th +12/+7/+2

13th +13/+8/+3

14th +14/+9/+4

15th +15/+10/+5

+3 +1 +1 Bonus Feat


+4 +1 +1 Bonus Feat

+5 +2 +2 Talent

+5 +2 +2 Bonus Feat

+6 +2 +2 Talent

+6 +3 +3 Bonus Feat

+7 +3 +3 Talent

+7 +3 +3 Bonus Feat

















Bonus Feat


Bonus Feat

16th +16/+11/+6/+1 +10 +5 +5 Talent





























17th +17/+12/+7/+2 +10 +5 +5 Bonus Feat

18th +18/+13/+8/+3 +11 +6 +6 Talent

19th +19/+14/+9/+4 +11 +6 +6 Bonus Feat

20th +20/+15/+10/+5 +12 +6 +6 Talent

Push It

Prerequisites: Strength 13









Benefit: When attempting any feat of strength (such as lifting something heavy or breaking an object quickly as opposed to damage), the character may spend a full-round action completing the task and add a +4 bonus to the required Strength check.

Improved Push It

Prerequisites: Push It, Strength 13

Benefit: When attempting any feat of strength (such as lifting something heavy or breaking an object quickly as opposed to damage), the character may spend a full-round action completing the task and add a +8 bonus to the required Strength check. This bonus supersedes (does not stack with) the bonus from Push It.

Break Through

Prerequisites: Strength 15

Benefit: When attacking an object with an unarmed strike or a melee weapon, the character may ignore 4 points of the object’s hardness.

Improved Break Through

Prerequisites: Strength 17, Break Through

Benefit: When attacking an object with an unarmed strike or a melee weapon, the character may ignore 8 total points of the object’s hardness. This bonus supersedes the bonus from Break Through.

Crushing Blow

Prerequisite: Simple Melee Weapon Proficiency or Archaic Weapon Proficiency or Brawl, Strength 17,

Benefit: The character receives a +1 bonus to all damage rolls with melee weapons or unarmed strikes.

This bonus stacks with the bonus to damage granted by Weapon Specialization.

Improved Crushing Blow

Prerequisite: Simple Melee Weapon Proficiency or Archaic Weapon Proficiency or Brawl, Strength 21,

Benefit: The character receives a +2 bonus to all damage rolls with melee weapons or unarmed strikes. This bonus supersedes (does not stack with) the bonus to damage from crushing blow. This bonus stacks with the bonus to damage granted by Weapon Specialization.


Once per day, the Strong hero with this talent can add his Strength modifier as a morale bonus to any one saving throw.

Mighty Fortitude:

Prerequisite: Might.

With this talent, the Strong hero adds his Strength modifier as a morale bonus to all of his Fortitude saving throws. This effect is not cumulative with the bonus gained from the Might talent unless the hero also has the Incredible Might talent.

Mighty Reflexes:

Prerequisite: Might.

Strong heroes with this talent add their Strength modifier as a morale bonus to all Reflex saving throws. This effect is not cumulative with the bonus gained from the Might talent unless the hero also has the Incredible Might talent.

Mighty Will:

Prerequisite: Might.

With this talent, the Strong hero adds his Strength modifier as a morale bonus to all of his Will saving throws. This effect is not cumulative with the bonus gained from the Might talent unless the hero also has the Incredible Might talent.

Incredible Might:

Prerequisites: Might, Mighty Fortitude, Mighty Reflexes, And Mighty Will.

With this talent, the Strong hero can add the benefits from his Might talent to the bonus gained from any of his other talents in this tree, effectively adding double his Strength modifier to his saving throw. He may do this only one time per day.


Prerequisite: Strength 17

Benefit: As a standard action the character may elect to make a single knockdown attack with a melee weapon or unarmed strike. If the attack is successful then the target must make a Fortitude saving throw (DC = 10 + ½ Strong Hero’s class level + Strength modifier) or be knocked prone.

Improved Knockdown

Prerequisite: Strength 23

Benefit: As knockdown, except the DC for the saving throw increases by 2 (so 12 + ½ Strong Hero class level + Strength modifier) and if the subject fails the saving throw he is also thrown back 10 feet and knocked prone. If the target cannot travel the full 10 feet because of a solid object, the target hits the object causing both he and the object to take 1d6 points of damage (hardness applies to the object). The target then falls prone in the square adjacent to the solid object.


Prerequisite: Strength 13, Brawl

Benefit: The character gains a +2 bonus on all grapple checks. This bonus stacks with the bonus granted by Improved Grappler

Improved Grappler

Prerequisite: Strength 15, Brawl, Improved Grapple, Grappler

Benefit: The character gains a +4 bonus on all grapple checks. This bonus supersedes (does not stack with) the bonus from grappler. This bonus stacks with the bonus granted by Improved Grapple.

The Fast Hero

Primary Ability: Dexterity

Related Abilities: Strength, Constitution

Cross-Class Abilities: Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma

Hit Die: d8+Con. Modifier per level.

Action Points: Fast Heroes gain a number of action points equal to 5 + ½ their character level, rounded down, at 1st level and every time they attain a new level in this class.

Class Skills: The Fast Hero’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are: Acrobatics (Dex), Craft

(Mechanical) (Int), Drive (Dex), Escape Artist (Dex), Knowledge (Current Events, Popular Culture,

Streetwise) (Int), Perception (Wis), Pilot (Dex), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Stealth (Dex) and Sleight of Hand (Dex).

Also, the starting occupation the character selects can provide additional class skills to choose from.

Skill Points at 1st Level: (6 + Intelligence modifier) x 4.

Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 6+Int. Modifier

Class Features

Weapon and Armor Proficiency

The Fast Hero is proficient in all Simple Melee Weapons and Personal Firearms Proficiency. The Fast

Hero is also proficient with Light Body Armor.

Bonus Feats: At every odd numbered level, the Fast Hero gains a bonus feat. This feat must be selected from the following list, and the Fast Hero must meet any prerequisites. Acrobatic, Agile

Riposte, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Combat Throw, Defensive Martial Arts, Dodge, Elusive

Target, Far Shot, Focused, Improved Disarm, Improved Trip, Improved Precise Shot, Lightning

Reflexes, Mobility, Medium Ranged Weapons Proficiency, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Stealthy,

Spring Attack, Weapon Finesse.

Talents: In lieu of a bonus feat, the Fast Hero may select a special ability from the list below. The Fast

Hero must meet all prerequisites for the special ability and no single ability may be taken more than once unless otherwise noted.


Prerequisites: Dodge, Dexterity 13

Benefit: If the Fast Hero is exposed to any effect that normally allows a character to attempt a Reflex saving throw for half damage, the Fast Hero suffers no damage if she makes a successful saving throw.

Evasion can only be used when wearing light armor or no armor.

Improved Evasion

Prerequisites: Dodge, Dexterity 17, Evasion

Benefit: As evasion, except the Fast Hero only takes half damage even on a failed the save.

Uncanny Dodge 1

Prerequisites: Dexterity 13, Fast Hero level 4

Benefit: The Fast hero retains her Dexterity bonus to AC regardless of being caught flat-footed or struck by a hidden (or invisible) attacker. The hero still loses her Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized.

Uncanny Dodge 2

Prerequisites: Dexterity 19, Fast Hero level 8, Uncanny

Dodge 1

Benefit: The Fast Hero can no longer be flanked; the hero can react to opponents on opposite sides of her as easily as she can react to a single attacker.

Level BAB

1st +0

2nd +1

3rd +2

Fort Ref Will











Bonus Feat


Bonus Feat

Reputation Defense







4th +3

5th +3

6th +4

7th +5

8th +6/+1

9th +6/+1

10th +7/+2

11th +8/+3

12th +9/+4

13th +9/+4

+1 +4 +1

+1 +4 +1

+2 +5 +2

+2 +5 +2

+2 +6 +2

+3 +6 +3

+3 +7 +3

+3 +7 +3

+4 +8 +4

+4 +8 +4

14th +10/+5 +4 +9 +4

15th +11/+6/+1 +5 +9 +5

16th +12/+7/+2 +5 +10 +5

17th +12/+7/+2 +5 +10 +5

18th +13/+8/+3 +6 +11 +6

19th +14/+9/+4 +6 +11 +6

20th +15/+10/+5 +6 +12 +6

Defensive Roll

Prerequisites: Dexterity 21


Bonus Feat


Bonus Feat


Bonus Feat


Bonus Feat


Bonus Feat


Bonus Feat


Bonus Feat


Bonus Feat




































Benefit: The Fast Hero can roll with a potentially lethal attack to take less damage from it. When the

Fast Hero would be reduced to 0 hit points or less by damage in combat (from a ranged or melee attack), the Fast Hero can attempt to roll with the damage.

The Fast Hero does this by making a Reflex save, DC = damage dealt. If the roll succeeds the Fast Hero takes only half damage. The Fast Hero cannot use this ability if immobilized. This ability may be used

3x/ day, though the character may spend action points as normal to use it additional times.


Prerequisites: Dexterity 21

Benefit: Once per round the hero can make an attack of opportunity against an opponent who has just been struck for damage in melee by another character. This attack counts as the Fast Hero’s attack of opportunity for that round. Even a Fast Hero with the Combat Reflexes feat can’t use this ability more than once per round.

Fleet of Foot

Prerequisites: Dexterity 13

Benefit: The character’s base land speed increases by 5 feet.

Improved Fleet of Foot

Prerequisites: Dexterity 15, Fleet of Foot

Benefit: The Fast Hero’s base land speed increases by 15 feet. This bonus supersedes (does not stack with) the bonus from Fleet of Foot.


Prerequisites: 5 ranks in Acrobatics, Dexterity 13

Benefit: The character receives a +5 competence bonus to all Acrobatics checks.

Improved Acrobatics

Prerequisites: 8 ranks in Arcobatics, Dexterity 15, Fast Hero level 6, Acrobatic

Benefit: The character receives a +10 competence bonus to all Acrobatic. This bonus supersedes (does not stack with) the bonus granted by acrobatics.


A Fast hero with this talent gains a +3 bonus to all Escape Artist checks, including those made to escape a grapple.

Fancy Footwork:

The Fast hero gains a +1 Dodge bonus to his Defense against all attacks directed at him, provided he is not flat footed or otherwise denied his Dexterity bonus to Defense.

Creeping Reflexes:

Prerequisite: Slippery.

The Fast hero has remarkably keen reactions, enabling him to excel at certain skills. The hero with this talent adds his base Reflex saving throw bonus to all Stealth checks.

Improved Fancy Footwork: The Fast hero gains a +2 dodge bonus against all attacks directed at him, provided he is not flat footed or otherwise denied his Dexterity bonus to Defense.

The Tough Hero

Primary Ability: Constitution

Related Abilities: Dexterity, Strength

Cross-Class Abilities: Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma

Hit Die: d12+Con. Modifier per level.

Action Points: Tough Heroes gain a number of action points equal to 5 + ½ their character level, rounded down, at 1st level and every time they attain a new level in this class.

Class Skills

The Tough Hero’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are: Climb (Str),Craft (Mechanical,

Structural) (Int), Drive (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Current Events, Popular Culture,

Streetwise) (Int), Perception (Wis), Pilot (Dex),Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), and Survival (Wis).

Also, the starting occupation the character selects can provide additional class skills to choose from.

Skill Points at 1st Level: (2 + Intelligence modifier) x 4.

Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 2 + Intelligence modifier.

Class Features

Weapon and Armor Proficiency

The Tough Hero is proficient in all Simple Melee Weapons and Personal Firearms Proficiency. The

Tough Hero is also proficient with Light, Medium and Heavy Body Armor.

Bonus Feats: At every odd numbered level, the Tough Hero gains a bonus feat. This feat must be selected from the following list, and the Tough Hero must meet any prerequisites. Athletic, Brawl,

Cleave, Confident, Diehard, Endurance, Great Cleave, Great Fortitude, Improved Brawl, Improved Bull

Rush, Improved Knockout Punch, Improved Sunder, Knockout Punch, Power Attack, Self-Sufficient,

Street-Fighting, Stunning Blow, Toughness.

Talents: In lieu of a bonus feat, the Tough Hero may select a special ability from the list below. The

Tough Hero must meet all prerequisites for the special ability and no single ability may be taken more than once unless otherwise noted.

Thick Hide

Prerequisites: Constitution 13

Benefit: The Tough Hero receives a +1 natural armor bonus. If the Tough Hero has natural armor already for any reason, this bonus becomes a +1 natural armor enhancement bonus. This means it will stack with natural armor bonuses, but not other natural armor enhancement bonuses.

Level BAB

1st +0

2nd +1

3rd +2

4th +3

5th +3

6th +4

Fort Ref Will




















Bonus Feat


Bonus Feat


Bonus Feat


Reputation Defense













7th +5

8th +6/+1

9th +6/+1

10th +7/+2

11th +8/+3

12th +9/+4

13th +9/+4

14th +10/+5

+5 +2 +2

+6 +2 +2

+6 +3 +3

+7 +3 +3

+7 +3 +3

+8 +4 +4

+8 +4 +4

+9 +4 +4

15th +11/+6/+1 +9 +5

16th +12/+7/+2 +10 +5



Bonus Feat


Bonus Feat


Bonus Feat


Bonus Feat

Talent Feat

Bonus Feat






















17th +12/+7/+2 +10 +5 +5

18th +13/+8/+3 +11 +6 +6

19th +14/+9/+4 +11 +6 +6

20th +15+10/+5 +12 +6 +6

Improved Thick Hide

Prerequisites: Constitution 15, Tough Hero level 4, Thick Hide

Benefit: As Thick Hide, except the bonus granted is +3. This bonus supersedes the bonus from Thick


Bonus Feat


Bonus Feat

Bonus feat









Inured to Energy

Prerequisites: Constitution 15, past exposure to type of energy chosen.

Benefit: Choose a type of energy from the following list: cold, electricity, fire, focused light, radiation,

solid darkness or sonic. The Tough Hero gains Energy Resistance 5 to that type of energy.

Improved Inured to Energy

Prerequisites: Constitution 19, past exposure to type of energy chosen, Inured to Energy in type of energy chosen.

Benefit: As Inured to Energy except the character’s resistance becomes 10. This bonus supersedes the bonus from Inured to Energy.

Special: The Tough Hero may take this ability multiple times, each time he selects this ability his resistance to the type of energy previously chosen increases by 5.

Toughen Up

Prerequisites: Constitution 21

Benefit: The Tough Hero gains 1 extra hit point per hit die. At each additional level the Tough Hero gains after taking this ability he gains 1 extra hit point.

Quick Healer

Prerequisites: Constitution 17

Benefit: The Tough Hero recovers hit points quicker than normal. The Tough Hero gains 2 hit points back per level per day instead of 1. If the character is under long-term treatment, he recovers 4 hit points per character level.

Tough Beyond Reason

Prerequisites: Constitution 21, Endurance, Diehard

Benefit: The Tough Hero may continue to act normally when reduced to up to –20 hit points. The

Tough Hero does not die as normal when reaching –10, nor does he fall unconscious. The Tough Hero may continue to act normally when between –10 and –20 for a number of rounds equal to his

Constitution modifier. After this time has passed, if the Tough Hero is still between –10 and –20, he dies immediately. If the Tough Hero is brought below –20 while using this ability he dies as normal.

Improved Tough Beyond Reason

Prerequisites: Constitution 23, Endurance, Diehard, Tough Beyond Reason

Benefit: As Tough Beyond Reason except the character may act normally and continue to fight up to –

30. If the Tough Hero is reduced below –30 while using this ability he dies as normal.

Damage Reduction

Prerequisites: Constitution 13

Benefit: The Tough Hero gains damage reduction 1/- against all melee and ranged weapons. This damage reduction does not apply to energy attacks. This damage reduction does not stack with any other type of damage reduction.

Improved Damage Reduction

Prerequisites: Constitution 17, Damage Reduction (Tough Hero class ability)

Benefit: As Damage Reduction except the amount of damage reduced becomes 3/-.

The Smart Hero

Primary Ability: Intelligence

Related Abilities: Wisdom, Charisma

Cross-Class Abilities: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution

Hit Die Action Points: Smart Heroes gain a number of action points equal to 5 + ½ their character level, rounded down, at 1st level and every time they attain a new level in this class.

Bonus Feats: At every odd level, the Smart Hero gains a bonus feat. This feat must be selected from:

Action Points: Smart Heroes gain a number of action points equal to 5 + ½ their character level, rounded down, at 1st level and every time they attain a new level in this class.

Class Skills: The Smart Hero’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are: Computer Use (Int),


(any) (Int), Demolitions (Int), Disable Device (Int), Drive (Dex), Forgery (Int), Investigate (Int),

Knowledge (any) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Navigate (Int), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), Repair

(Int), Research (Int) and Treat Injury (Wis).

Also, the starting occupation the hero selects can provide additional class skills to choose from.

Skill Points at 1st Level: (8 + Intelligence modifier) x4.

Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 8 + Intelligence modifier.

Class Features

Weapon and Armor Proficiency

The Smart Hero is proficient in all Simple Melee Weapons and Personal Firearms Proficiency. The

Smart Hero also receives Light Armor Proficiency.

Bonus Feats: At every odd level, the Smart Hero gains a bonus feat. This feat must be selected from the following list, and the Smart Hero must meet any prerequisites. Builder, Cautious, Combat


Creative, Educated, Gearhead, Improved Disarm, Improved Feint, Improved Trip, Iron Will, Medium

Armor Proficiency, Meticulous, Renown, Skill Focus, Studious, Vehicle Expert.

Level BAB

1st +0

2nd +1

3rd +1

4th +2

5th +2

Fort Ref Will Special
















Bonus Feat


Bonus Feat


Bonus Feat

Reputation Defense











6th +3

7th +3

8th +4

9th +4

10th +5

11th +5

12th +6/+1

13th +6/+1

14th +7/+2

15th +7/+2

+2 +2 +5 Talent

+2 +2 +5 Bonus Feat

+2 +2 +6 Talent

+3 +3 +6 Bonus Feat

+3 +3 +7 Talent

+3 +3 +7 Bonus Feat

+4 +4 +8 Talent

+4 +4 +8 Bonus Feat

+4 +4 +9 Talent

+5 +5 +9 Bonus Feat





















16th +8/+3

17th +8/+3

18th +8/+3

19th +9/+4

+5 +5 +10 Talent

+5 +5 +10 Bonus Feat

+6 +6 +11 Talent

+6 +6 +11 Bonus Feat

+6 +6 +12 Talent 20th +10/+5

Talents: In lieu of a bonus feat, the Smart Hero may select a special ability from the list below. The

Smart Hero must meet all prerequisites for the special ability and no single ability may be taken more than once unless otherwise noted.











Fast Learner:

When the character takes this feat and every time he gains a level as a Smart hero thereafter, he gains

2 additional skill points to divide up among his various skills as he sees fit.

Improved Learning:

Prerequisite: Fast Learner

Characters with this talent are always one step ahead of their peers when it comes to education. The maximum ranks they can have in any Smart hero class skill is 4 + total character level rather than 3 + total character level, as is normal for characters without this talent.

Broad Knowledge:

Prerequisite: Fast Learner

Heroes with this talent are familiar with a wide range of topics, making them capable of greater proficiency in unfamiliar areas. This talent allows their maximum ranks in all cross class skills to increase to a number that is equal to 75% of their class level +3, rounded down.

Cross Training:

Prerequisites: Fast Learner, Broad Knowledge

The Smart hero may pick any three cross class skills, such as Hide, or Sense Motive. These skills thereafter become class skills for the Smart hero. This talent can be taken multiple times. Each time it applies to three new skills.


Prerequisites: Intelligence 17, 5 ranks in any one selected skill.

Benefit: The Smart Hero selects a single Intelligence based skill. The Smart Hero receives a bonus to that skill equal to the Smart Hero’s class level.


Prerequisite: Intelligence 15, Ability to speak at least three languages

Benefit: With this talent, the Smart Hero becomes a master linguist. Whenever the hero encounters a new language, either spoken or written, that she does not know the Smart Hero can make an

Intelligence check to determine if she can understand it. The check is made with a bonus equal to the character’s Smart Hero class level. For a written language, the bonus applies to a Linguistics check instead. The DC for the check depends on the situation: DC 15 if the language is in the same group as a language the hero has as a skill; DC 20 if the language is unrelated to any other languages the hero knows; and DC 25 if the language is ancient or unique. With this special ability, a Smart Hero can glean enough meaning from a conversation or document to ascertain the basic message, but this ability in no way simulates actually being able to converse or fluently read and write in a given language. A single check covers roughly one minute of a spoken language or one page of a written language.

Exploit Weakness

Prerequisite: Intelligence 15

Benefit: After 1 round of combat, the Smart Hero can designate one opponent and try to find ways to gain an advantage by using brains over brawn. The Smart Hero uses a standard action and makes an

Intelligence check (DC 15) with a bonus equal to her Smart Hero level. If the check succeeds, for the rest of the combat the Smart Hero uses her Intelligence bonus instead of either Strength or Dexterity bonus on attack rolls as the hero finds ways to outthink her opponent and notices weaknesses in her opponent’s fighting style.

Improved Exploit Weakness

Prerequisite: Intelligence 19, Exploit Weakness

Benefit: As Exploit Weakness, except it is only a move equivalent action to analyze the opponent and the Smart Hero may also add half her Intelligence bonus to damage in addition to any Strength damage. If this ability is used with a ranged weapon, the Smart Hero must be within 30 feet of the target she is attacking to receive this bonus damage.


Prerequisite: Intelligence 17.

Benefit: Prior to an encounter the Smart Hero can develop a plan of action to handle the situation.

Using this talent requires preparation; a Smart Hero can’t use this talent when surprised or otherwise unprepared for a particular situation. Creating a plan requires 1 minute. After creating the plan, the

Smart Hero makes an Intelligence check (DC 10) with a bonus equal to her Smart Hero level. The result of the check provides the Smart Hero and allies with a circumstance bonus.

A Smart Hero can’t take 10 or 20 when making this check.

Check Result

9 or lower







+0 (check failed)





Additional +1

This bonus can be applied to all skill checks and attack rolls made by the Smart Hero and her allies, but the bonus only lasts for the first 3 rounds after making the plan. After that time, reduce the bonus by 1 point (to a minimum of +0) for every additional round the situation continues, as the vagaries of circumstance begin to unravel even the best-laid plans.

Improved Plan

Prerequisite: Intelligence 19, Plan

Benefit: As the Plan special ability except that all bonus last for 3 minutes instead of 3 rounds.


Prerequisite: Intelligence 15, Sleight of Hand 2 ranks

Benefit: The Smart Hero has the ability to temporarily confuse a target through the use of ploy and deception. The target must have an Intelligence score of 3 or higher to be susceptible to a trick, must be within 30 feet of the hero and must be able to hear and understand the hero. To play a trick on a target, the hero must use a full round action and make an Intelligence check (DC 15), adding her

Smart Hero level as a bonus. If the Intelligence check succeeds, the target can try to think quickly and ignore the trick. The target resists the trick by making a Will saving throw (DC 10 + ½ Smart Hero’s class level + Intelligence bonus). If the saving throw fails, the target becomes dazed (unable to act, but can defend normally) for 1 round.

A trick can only be played on a particular target once per encounter. After the first trick in an encounter, whether the attempt succeeds or not, that target becomes wary and immune to such ploys.

This is a mind-affecting ability.

Improved Trick

Prerequisites: Intelligence 17, Sleight of Hand 5 ranks, Trick

Benefits: As Trick except that the saving throw DC increases by 2 and if the target fails their saving throw they are dazed for 1d4 rounds.

Esoteric Knowledge

Prerequisites: Intelligence 15, any Knowledge skill 5 ranks

Benefit: When faced with an esoteric question or subject the character may make a special level check

(D20 + Smart Hero class level + Intelligence modifier). The higher the result, the more the character knows about the subject, down to very fine details.





Common or small amount of knowledge

Uncommon and average amount of knowledge, known only be those who studied in a field.




Rare and large amounts of knowledge on a subject, known only by experts.

Extremely Rare and complete knowledge on a subject, known only by a few top experts.

Unknown breakthrough or new knowledge on subject, known by no one.

Understand Technology

Prerequisites: Intelligence 17.

Benefits: When a Smart Hero with this ability encounters a new and/or unknown piece of technology she may spend one minute analyzing the technology and then make an Intelligence check DC = 20. If the check is successful then the Smart Hero understands the capabilities and workings of the technology and how to use it. If this item is a weapon she does not gain proficiency in the weapon, but may attack with it.

The Dedicated Hero

Primary Ability: Wisdom

Related Abilities: Intelligence, Charisma

Cross-Class Abilities: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution

Hit Die: d8+Con. Modifier per level

Action Points: Dedicated Heroes gain a number of action points equal to 5 + ½ their character level, rounded down, at 1st level and every time they attain a new level in this class.

Class Skills: The Dedicated Hero’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are: Craft


Visual Art, Writing) (Int), Drive (Dex), Gamble (Wis), Investigate (Int), Knowledge (any) (Int),

Linguistics (Any), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Survival (Wis) and Treat

Injury (Wis).

Also, the starting occupation the hero selects can provide additional class skills to choose from.

Skill Points at 1st Level: (4 + Intelligence modifier) x 4.

Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4 + Intelligence modifier.

Class Features

Weapon and Armor Proficiency

The Dedicated Hero is proficient with all Simple Melee Weapons as well as Personal Firearms

Proficiency. The Dedicated Hero has Light Armor Proficiency.

Bonus Feats: At every odd numbered level, the Dedicated Hero gains a bonus feat. This feat must be from this list, and the Dedicated Hero must meet any prerequisites. Alertness, Archaic Weapons

Proficiency, Attentive, Blind-Fight, Confident, Dead Aim, Deceptive, Educated, Far Shot, Focused,

Heroic Surge, Iron Will, Medical Expert, Medium Armor Proficiency, Meticulous, Surgery, Track,

Weapon Focus.

Talents: In lieu of a bonus feat, the Dedicated Hero may select a special ability from the list below.

The Dedicated Hero must meet all prerequisites for the special ability and no single ability may be taken more than once unless otherwise noted.


Prerequisite: Wisdom 13.

Benefit: The Dedicated Hero has a knack for being sensitive to the feelings and thoughts of others without having those feelings and thoughts communicated in any objectively explicit manner. This innate talent provides a bonus on checks involving interaction skills (Bluff, Diplomacy, Handle Animal,

Intimidate, Perform and Sense Motive), provided the hero spends at least 1 minute observing his target prior to making the skill check. The bonus is equal to ½ the Dedicated Hero’s class level.

Improved Empathy

Prerequisite: Wisdom 17, Empathy

Benefit: As Empathy except that the character must only observe the target for 1 full round to receive bonuses.

Level BAB

1st +0

2nd +1

3rd +1

4th +2

5th +2

6th +3

7th +3

Fort Ref Will Special






















Bonus Feat


Bonus Feat


Bonus Feat


Bonus Feat

















8th +4

9th +4

10th +5

11th +5

12th +6/+1

13th +6/+1

14th +7/+2

15th +7/+2

16th +8/+3

17th +8/+3

+2 +2 +6 Talent

+3 +3 +6 Bonus Feat

+3 +3 +7 Talent

+3 +3 +7 Bonus Feat

+4 +4 +8 Talent

+4 +4 +8 Bonus Feat

+4 +4 +9 Talent

+5 +5 +9 Bonus Feat

+5 +5 +10 Talent

+5 +5 +10 Bonus Feat





















18th +8/+3

19th +9/+4

20th +10/+5







+11 Talent

+11 Bonus Feat

+12 Talent








Prerequisite: Wisdom 13.

Benefit: The Dedicated Hero has a knack for being sensitive to the feelings and thoughts of others without having those feelings and thoughts communicated in any objectively explicit manner. This innate talent provides a bonus on checks involving interaction skills (Bluff, Diplomacy, Handle Animal,


Perform and Sense Motive), provided the hero spends at least 1 minute observing his target prior to making the skill check. The bonus is equal to ½ the Dedicated Hero’s class level.

Improved Empathy

Prerequisite: Wisdom 17, Empathy

Benefit: As Empathy except that the character must only observe the target for 1 full round to receive bonuses.

Hard Focus

Prerequisite: Wisdom 13

Benefit: The Dedicated Hero may use his Wisdom bonus in place of his Constitution bonus when making a Concentration check.

Improved Hard Focus

Prerequisites: Wisdom 15, Hard Focus

Benefit: The Dedicated hero may add his Dedicated Hero level to all Concentration checks.

Cool Under Pressure

Prerequisite: Wisdom 19.

Benefit: The Dedicated Hero selects a number of skills equal to 3 + the hero’s Wisdom modifier.

When making a check with one of these skills, the Dedicated Hero can take 10 even when distracted or under duress. Special: The Dedicated Hero may select this ability multiple times. Each time this ability is chosen the Dedicated Hero may select another 3 + Wisdom modifier number of skills to apply this ability to.


Prerequisite: Wisdom 13

Benefit: The Dedicated Hero is intuitively aware of his surroundings. The hero adds his base Will saving throw bonus to Perception checks to avoid surprise.

Improved Aware

Prerequisites: Wisdom 17;

Benefit: The Dedicated Hero can no longer be surprised.

Improved Aid Another

Prerequisite: Wisdom 15

Benefit: The Dedicated Hero’s bonus on attempts to aid another increases by +1 on a successful aid another check. This talent can be selected multiple times, each time increasing the bonus by +1.


Prerequisites: Wisdom 13.

Benefit: The Dedicated Hero has a great deal of faith. It might be faith in self, in a higher power or in both.

This unswerving belief allows the Dedicated Hero to add ½ her Wisdom modifier to the die roll whenever the hero spends 1 action point to improve the result of an attack roll, skill check, saving throw or ability check.

Improved Faith

Prerequisites: Wisdom 17, Faith

Benefit: As Faith except the Dedicated Hero adds his Wisdom modifier when using action points as outlined above.

The Charismatic Hero

Primary Ability: Charisma

Related Abilities: Intelligence, Wisdom

Cross-Class Abilities: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution

Hit Die: d8+Con. Modifier per Level

Action Points: Charismatic Heroes gain a number of action points equal to 5 + one-half their character level, rounded down, at 1st level and every time they attain a new level in this class.

Class Skills: The Charismatic Hero’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are: Bluff (Cha),

Craft (Visual Art, Writing) (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Drive (Dex), Gather Information

(Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Art, Behavioral Sciences, Business, Civics,

Current Events, Popular Culture, Streetwise, Theology and Philosophy) (Int), Perform (Act, Dance

Keyboards, Percussion Instruments, Sing, Stand-up, Stringed Instruments, Wind Instruments) (Cha),

Perception (Wis), and Profession (Wis).

Also, the starting occupation the hero selects can provide additional class skills to choose from.

Skill Points at 1st Level: (6 + Intelligence modifier) x 4.

Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 6 + Intelligence modifier.

Level BAB

1st +0

2nd +1

3rd +1

4th +2

5th +2

6th +3

7th +3

8th +4

9th +4

10th +5

11th +5

12th +6/+1

13th +6/+1

Fort Ref Will













+1 +4 +4

+2 +5 +5

+2 +5 +5

+2 +6 +6

+3 +6 +6

+3 +7 +7

+3 +7 +7

+4 +8 +8

+4 +8 +8

14th +7/+2

15th +7/+2

16th +8/+3

17th +8/+3

18th +8/+3

19th +9/+4

20th +10/+5










Class Features

Weapon and Armor Proficiency



+10 +10

+10 +10

+11 +11

+11 +11

+12 +12


Bonus Feat +2



Reputation Defense


Bonus Feat +3


Bonus Feat +3

Talent +4

Bonus Feat +4

Talent +4

Bonus Feat +5

Talent +5

Bonus Feat +5

Talent +6

Bonus Feat +6

Talent +6

Bonus Feat +7

Talent +7

Bonus Feat +7

Talent +8

Bonus Feat +8

Talent +8





















The Charismatic Hero begins play with Simple Melee Weapons Proficiency and Personal Firearms

Proficiency. The Charismatic Hero also has Light Armor Proficiency.

Bonus Feats: At every odd level, the Charismatic Hero gains a bonus feat. This feat must be selected from the following list, and the Charismatic Hero must meet any prerequisites. Agile Riposte, Animal

Affinity, Attentive, Confident, Creative, Deceptive, Dodge, Frightful Presence, Iron Will, Lightning

Reflexes, Low Profile, Mobility, Point Blank Shot, Renown, Spring Attack, Trustworthy.

Talents: In lieu of a bonus feat, the Charismatic Hero may select a special ability from the list below.

The Charismatic Hero must meet all prerequisites for the special ability and no single ability may be taken more than once unless otherwise noted.


Prerequisite: Charisma 15.

Benefit: The Charismatic Hero gets a competence bonus on a single Charisma-based skill check made to influence others. The bonus is equal to the character’s Charismatic Hero level. A Charismatic Hero can only charm GM characters with attitudes of indifferent or better. The Charm bonus can’t be used against characters that are unfriendly or hostile.

Special: The character may select this ability multiple times, each time it applies to a new skill.

Improved Charm

Prerequisite: Charisma 19, Charm

Benefit: As Charm, except that the Charismatic Hero can use this ability against any target, regardless of their initial attitude.

Special: The character may select this ability multiple times, each time it applies to a new skill.


Prerequisites: Charisma 13.

Benefit: The Charismatic Hero has the ability to dazzle a target through sheer force of personality, a winning smile and fast-talking. The target must have an Intelligence score of 3 or higher to be susceptible to a dazzle attempt, must be within 30 feet of the hero and must be able to see, hear and understand the hero.

To dazzle a target, the hero must use a standard action and make a Charisma check (DC 15), adding her Charismatic Hero level as a bonus. If the Charisma check succeeds, the target can try to resist. The target resists the dazzle attempt by making a Will saving throw (DC 10 + ½ Charismatic Hero’s class level + Charisma bonus). If the save fails, the target receives a –1 penalty on attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks and saving throws for a number of rounds equal to the character’s Charismatic

Hero level. This talent can be selected multiple times, each time worsening the dazzled penalty by –1.

This is a mind-affecting ability.


Prerequisites: Charisma 17,

Benefit: The Charismatic Hero has the ability to temporarily rattle a target through the use of insults and goading. The target must have an Intelligence score of 3 or higher to be susceptible to a taunt, must be within 30 feet of the hero and must be able to hear and understand the hero.

To taunt a target, the hero must use a standard action and make a Charisma check (DC 15), adding her

Charismatic Hero level as a bonus. If the Charisma check succeeds, the target can try to resist. The target resists the taunt by making a Will saving throw (DC 10 + ½ Charismatic Hero class level +

Charisma bonus). If the save fails, the target becomes dazed (unable to act, but can defend normally) for 1 round. A taunt can be played on an opponent any number of times. This is a Mind-Affecting ability.

Improved Taunt

Prerequisites: Charisma 21

Benefits: As Taunt except that the DC to resist the taunt increases by 2 and, if the target fails its saving throw, it is dazed for 1d4 rounds.


Prerequisite: Charisma 19

Benefit: The Charismatic Hero can inspire her allies, bolstering them and improving their chances of success. An ally must listen to and observe the Charismatic Hero for a full round for the inspiration to take hold, and the hero must make a Charisma check (DC 10). The effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to the hero’s Charisma modifier. An inspired ally gains a +2 morale bonus on saving throws, attack rolls and damage rolls. A Charismatic Hero can’t inspire herself. The hero can inspire a number of allies equal to one-half her Charismatic level, rounded down (to a minimum of one ally).

Improved Inspiration

Prerequisites: Charisma 19, Charismatic Hero level

Benefit: As Inspiration except that the bonuses granted are +4 instead of +2.

Fast Talker

Prerequisites: Charisma 13, Diplomacy 5 ranks

Benefit: The Charismatic Hero may make a Diplomacy check as a full-round action without penalty.


Prerequisites: Charisma 15, Bluff 5 Ranks

Benefit: The Charismatic Hero may use a full-round action to distract a target. The Charismatic Hero makes a Bluff check opposed by the target’s Sense Motive. If the subject fails this check, the target is denied his Dexterity bonus for the next attack directed against him, no matter who makes the attack.

Improved Distraction

Prerequisites: Charisma 19, Bluff 8 ranks, Distraction

Benefit: As Distraction, except that if the target fails the saving throw, the target is denied its

Dexterity bonus until the Charismatic Hero's next initiative.

Intimidating Presence: With this talent the Charismatic hero applies his Charismatic level as a bonus on any Intimidate, Gamble, or Gather Information checks when attempting to bully or cow others into a state of unease and submission.


Prerequisite: Intimidating Presence.

Charismatic heroes can spend an Action Point to attempt to shake their opponents. A single use of this ability can affect a number of creatures equal to the Charismatic hero’s class level. Those targeted by the Charismatic hero must make a Will save (DC 10 + Charismatic hero’s class level + Charismatic hero’s Cha bonus) or become shaken. A shaken creature suffers a –2 morale penalty on all attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks.


Prerequisites: Intimidating Presence, Shake

Charismatic heroes can spend an Action Point to attempt to terrify their opponents. A single use of this ability can affect a number of creatures equal to the Charismatic hero’s class level. Those targeted by the Charismatic hero must make a Will save (DC 10 + Charismatic hero’s class level + Charismatic hero’s Cha bonus) or become terrified. A terrified creature suffers a –3 morale penalty on all attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks.

Game Face:

Prerequisites: Intimidating Presence, Shake.

Charismatic heroes can take on an appearance and manner of extreme gravity. Opponents who see this fearsome glare must make a Will save or suffer an additional 2 points of subdual damage every time the Charismatic hero inflicts Hit Point damage upon them. The Charismatic hero must spend a move action to “get his game face on.” After that time the effect continues for 3 rounds plus 1 round per level of Charismatic hero. The hero may use this talent a number of times per day equal to his level in Charismatic hero, but never more than one time per encounter.


Action points provide you with the means to affect game play in significant ways. You always have a limited amount of action points, and, while you replenish this supply with every new level your character attains, you must use them wisely. You can spend 1 action point to do one of these things:

Activate Class Ability: Use a class talent or class feature for which the expenditure of 1 action point is required.

Boost Defense: A character can spend 1 action point as a free action when fighting defensively. This gives him double the normal benefits for fighting defensively for the entire round (+4 dodge bonus to

Defense; +6 if he has 5 or more ranks in Acrobatics).

Emulate Feat: At the beginning of a character’s turn, he may spend 1 action point as a free action to gain the benefit of a feat he doesn’t have. He must meet the prerequisites of the feat. He gains the benefit until the beginning of his next turn.

Extra Attack: During any round in which a character takes a full attack action, he may spend 1 action point to make an extra attack at his highest base attack bonus. Action points may be used in this way with both melee and ranged attacks.

Stable: Any time a character is dying, he can spend 1 action point to become stable at his current hit point total.

Improve a Roll: Alter a single d20 roll used to make an attack, a skill check, an ability check, a level check, or a saving throw.

Additional Notes

When you spend 1 action point to improve a d20 roll, you add an extra die to your d20 roll to help you meet or exceed the target number. You can declare the use of 1 action point to alter a d20 roll after the roll is made — but only before the GM reveals the result of that roll (whether the attack or check or saving throw succeeded or failed). You can’t use an action point on a skill check or ability check when you are taking 10 or taking 20. When you spend 1 action point to use a class talent, you gain the benefit of the talent but you don’t roll a die. In this case, the action point is not a bonus to a d20 roll.

You can only spend 1 action point in a round. If you spend a point to use a talent, you can’t spend another one in the same round to improve a die roll, and vice versa.

Depending on your character level, you may be able to roll more than 1d6 when you spend 1 action point. (See the chart below.) If you do so, apply the highest result and disregard the other rolls. As a

15th-level character, for instance, you get to roll 2d10 and take the best die result of the two. So, if you rolled 1 and 9, you would apply the 9 to your d20 roll.



1st – 4th

5th – 8th

9th – 13th

Action Point

Dice Rolled




2d10 14th – 18th

19th – 20th 3d10

The use of action points opens up a whole range of possible feats. However, it’s easier on characters simply to improve existing feats than to take advantage of action points — that way, characters needn’t spend their precious feat slots simply to gain the ability to use their action points. Below are a few examples of how action points can be used with existing feats. Unless otherwise stated, each effect requires a free action to activate and lasts 1 round.

Blind-Fight: You can spend 1 action point to negate your miss chance for a single attack.

Combat Expertise: You can spend 1 action point to double the bonus to Defense granted by the feat.

For example, if you take a penalty of -3 on your attack roll, you gain a +6 dodge bonus to AC.

Dodge: You can spend 1 action point to increase the dodge bonus granted by the feat to +2. The effect lasts for the entire encounter.

Improved Critical: You can spend 1 action point to double your critical threat range. Since two doublings equals a tripling, this benefit increases your threat range from 19-20 to 18-20, from 17-20 to 15-20, or from 15-20 to 12-20, including the effect of your Improved Critical feat. This benefit stacks with the benefit from Improved Critical, but not with other effects that increase threat range.

Improved Initiative: You can spend 1 action point to double the bonus on initiative checks granted by the feat, from +4 to +8.

Power Attack: You can spend 1 action point to double the bonus on damage rolls granted by the feat.

For example, if you take a penalty of -3 on your attack roll, you add +6 to your damage roll

Advanced Classes


The Pilot is an expert in flying a particular shuttlecraft or fighter. A Pilot knows the precise limits of his craft and will fly the ship to those limits (and some would say beyond). The fastest path into this advanced class is from the Fast hero basic class, though other paths are possible.


To qualify to become a Pilot, a character must fulfill the following criteria.

Skills: Pilot 6 ranks.

Feat: Starship Operation.

Base Reflex Save: +2.

Class Information

The following information pertains to the Pilot advanced class.

Hit Die

The Pilot gains 1d8 hit points per level. The character’s Constitution modifier applies.

Action Points

The Pilot gains a number of action points equal to 6 + one-half his character level, rounded down, every time he attains a new level in this class.

Class Skills

The Pilot’s class skills are as follows. Bluff (Cha), Computer Use (Int), Craft (electronic, mechanical)

(Int), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (military science, popular culture, streetwise, tactics, technology)

(Int), Linguistics (Int), Navigate (Int), Pilot (Dex), Profession (Wis), Repair (Int).

Skill Points at Each Level: 5 + Int modifier.

Class Features

The following class features pertain to the Pilot advanced class.

Favored Craft

A pilot often has a special vehicle he knows very well. This may be a fighter or a shuttlecraft. It applies to a specific ship, not to all ships of a given make or model. Should this ship be destroyed or abandoned, the pilot must spend a week of time and 1 action point to gain a new favored ship. When flying the favored ship, the pilot may add +1 to all Pilot skill checks. This increases to +2 at 2nd level,

+3 at 4th level, +4 at 6th level, +5 at 8th level and +6 at 10th level.

Defender of the Universe

Starting at 2nd level, a Pilot applies his Reputation bonus to the die result whenever he spends 1 action point to modify an attack roll, skill check, ability check, or saving throw made aboard a fighter.

Special Abilities

At 3rd, 6th, and 9th level, the Pilot may select any one of the following special abilities.

Barely Scratched the Paint: When flying a fighter, the Pilot may spend 1 action point to negate a successful hit. This must be done before damage is determined.

Carry-Out Orders: The Pilot may choose any order from the ship combat rules which requires the

Pilot skill. He gains a +2 when executing that order.

Fighter Support: A Pilot with this ability can use an atmospheric vehicle to aid his allies on the ground, without risking hitting them in the process. He may fire a ship’s weapons into melee combat at no penalty.

Ground Pounder: The Pilot may choose any soldier feat as a bonus feat.

Stunt Flying: The Pilot may choose one maneuver from the vehicle combat rules. He gains a +2 bonus when executing that maneuver. This can be taken twice per maneuver.

Tactical Genius: In starship combat, the Pilot may issue one additional tactical order (including responses) per turn.

Tricky Flying: When flying a fighter, the Pilot gains a +2 bonus to the vehicle’s Defense.

Weak Spot: In starship combat, the Pilot may spend 1 action point to negate a target’s armor bonus for a single attack. Regardless of how well the attack hits, only one space is destroyed. The Game master should roll randomly to determine which space is destroyed.

Weapon Focus: The Pilot gains +1 bonus to hit with all fighter-mounted weapons.

Wing and a Prayer: A Pilot may spend 1 action point to temporarily give a destroyed craft (reduced to zero or fewer hit points) he is flying 1 hit point. He may take no actions but move actions, and must try to land the craft or get it to a safe haven. In starship combat, the “destroyed” ship is assumed to have one control space and one engine space, and nothing else.

Wing Commander: The Pilot is skilled at coordinating fighters in group combat. All order checks made by fighters in his wing gain a +1 bonus. This may be selected up to three times (for a total of a

+3 bonus).

Shake, Rattle, and Roll

At 4th level, a Pilot has been taught how rock an enemy fighter with weapons fire. The Pilot must declare that he is using this ability before making the attack roll (thus, a failed attack roll ruins the attempt). A fighter damaged by the Pilot’s attack is shaken for 1 round; all passengers and crewmembers (pilots and gunners included) aboard the shaken ship take a -2 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks for 1 round. A Pilot may use this ability once per day at 4th level, twice per day at 7th level, and three times per day at 10th level.

To the Max!

At 5th level and beyond, a Pilot can coax more thrust out of a ship’s engines, increasing its tactical speed by +500 feet. The Pilot must be piloting the ship in order to increase its tactical speed. In Star

Fleet Battles, this would allow one free movement point.

Keep It Together

At 8th level, a Pilot can continue to operate a fighter even after it has been reduced to negative hit points and has begun breaking apart. The ship may take one move action or one attack action each round. However, the ship cannot be repaired and continues to lose 1 hit point per round, exploding once it reaches its destruction threshold. The Pilot and all other personnel aboard the ship are considered shaken, taking a -2 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks.

The Aerospace Pilot

Class BAB

1st +3

2nd +3

3rd +4

4th +4

5th +5

Fort Ref Will Special


+0 +3 +1 Defender of the universe +1

+1 +3 +1 Special ability









Favored craft

Shake, rattle, and roll

To the max!












6th +5

7th +6/+1

8th +6/+1

9th +7/+2

10th +7/+2

+2 +5 +2 Special ability

+2 +5 +3 Bonus Feat

+2 +6 +3 Keep it together

+3 +6 +3 Special ability

+3 +7 +4 Bonus Feat












The fastest path into this advanced class is from the Charismatic hero basic class, though other paths are conceivable.


To qualify to become an Ambassador, a character must fulfill the following criteria.

Skills: Diplomacy 6 ranks, Knowledge (civics) 6 ranks, Knowledge (theology and philosophy) 6 ranks.

Charismatic Hero Talents: Charm, favor.

Allegiance: An Ambassador must pledge her primary allegiance to a faction, nation, world, or empire and remain a dutiful servant of this body; if the Ambassador breaks this allegiance, she loses all the benefits of the Diplomatic Immunity and Open Arms class features (see Class Features, below).


The following information pertains to the Ambassador advanced class.

Hit Die

The Ambassador gains 1d6 hit points per level. The character’s Constitution modifier applies.

Action Points

The Ambassador gains a number of action points equal to 6 + one-half her character level, rounded down, every time she attains a new level in this class.

Class Skills

The Ambassador’s class skills are as follows. Bluff (Cha), Computer Use (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Gather

Information (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (behavioral sciences, civics, current events, history, law, specific culture, theology and philosophy) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Perception (Wis) Profession

(Wis), Research (Int), Sense Motive(Wis).

Skill Points at Each Level: 5 + Int modifier


The following class features pertain to the Ambassador advanced class.

Diplomatic Immunity

Starting at 1st level, if the Ambassador is arrested for a crime, she can make a Diplomacy check to invoke her diplomatic credentials and not suffer the usual legal penalty or punishment. The severity of the crime determines the DC of the Diplomacy check, and how authorities react if the Ambassador succeeds. See Table: Diplomatic Immunity for Diplomacy check DCs based on the severity of the crime.

If one of the Ambassador’s consuls (see the select consul class feature, below) is arrested for a crime and unable to secure her own release, the Ambassador may intercede on the consul’s behalf. One may aid the other’s Diplomacy check. An Ambassador who routinely invokes the privilege of diplomatic immunity—either on her own behalf or to protect her selected consuls—is likely to be recalled or terminated by those she has sworn to represent.

Open Arms

Beginning at 2nd level, the Ambassador is skilled at initiating peaceful negotiations. She may add a competence bonus equal to one-half her Ambassador class level on all Diplomacy checks.

Bonus Feats

At 3rd, 6th, and 9th level, the Ambassador gets a bonus feat. The bonus feat must be selected from the following list, and the Ambassador must meet all the prerequisites of the feat to select it. Attentive,

Defensive Martial Arts, Dodge, Educated, Improved Initiative, Low Profile, Oathbound, Renown,


Information Access

Starting at 4th level, the Ambassador can make Gather Information checks without spending money or making

Wealth checks, provided she is dealing with individuals or organizations that are helpful, friendly, indifferent, or unfriendly toward her or those she represents. Dealing with individuals or organizations that are hostile requires the Ambassador to make Wealth checks as usual when using the Gather Information skill.


Skilled diplomats are well paid for their loyalty and dedication, and they are accustomed to travelling in style.

At 5th level, and again at 8th level, the Ambassador gains a one-time Wealth bonus increase of +4.

Restricted Access

At 7th level, the Ambassador gains clearance to access restricted files or classified information from any source that recognizes her faction, organization, nation, world, or stellar empire. She gains a +5 bonus on Computer Use checks made to defeat computer security and a +5 bonus on Research checks.

Select Consuls

At 10th level, the Ambassador may appoint a number of individuals equal to her Reputation bonus as

“consuls” or “attachés.” These appointed individuals gain all the benefits of the diplomatic immunity, information access, and restricted access class features (described above). The Ambassador may revoke these privileges at any time and appoint replacement consuls as she sees fit. It takes 1d4 hours for an Ambassador to invoke or revoke a consul’s or attaché’s privileges

The Ambassador

Level BAB

1st +0

Fort Ref Will Special

+0 +0 +2 Diplomatic immunity

Defense Reputation

+1 +1

2nd +1

3rd +2

4th +3

5th +3

6th +4

7th +5

8th +6/+1

9th +6 /+1

10th +7/+2

+0 +0 +3 Open arms

+1 +1 +3 Bonus feat

+1 +1 +4 Information access

+1 +1 +4 Stipend

+2 +2 +5 Bonus feat

+2 +2 +5 Restricted access

+2 +2 +6 Stipend

+3 +3 +6 Bonus feat

+3 +3 +7 Select consuls




















A person trained to protect others, either hired by the person he is protecting or assign to protect someone by some governing power. Some bodyguards are like mercenaries and or in it for the money, while other do it out a sense of duty.


To qualify to become a Bodyguard, a character must fulfill the following criteria.

Base Attack Bonus: +2.

Skills: Concentrate 6 ranks, Intimidate 6 ranks.

Feat: Personal Firearms Proficiency.


The following information pertains to the Bodyguard advanced class.

Hit Die: 1d12

Action Points: 6 + one-half character level, rounded down, every time the Bodyguard attains a new level in this class.

Class Skills

The Bodyguard’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are: Bluff (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Drive

(Dex), Forgery (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (behavioral sciences, civics, current events, streetwise) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), Sense

Motive (Wis), and Treat Injury (Wis)

Skill Points at Each Level: 3 + Int modifier.


The following features pertain to the Bodyguard advanced class.

Harm’s Way

Once per round, if the Bodyguard is adjacent to an ally who is targeted by a direct melee or ranged attack (but not an area effect), the Bodyguard can subject him or herself to the attack in the ally’s stead. If the attack hits the Bodyguard, he or her takes damage normally. If it misses, it also misses the ally. The Bodyguard must declare his or her intention to place him or herself in harm’s way before the attack roll is made. The Bodyguard selects his or her ally either prior to combat or immediately after the Bodyguard makes his or her initiative check. The Bodyguard can’t change his or her ally for the duration of the combat.

Combat Sense

This ability allows a Bodyguard of 2nd level or higher to designate a single opponent during his or her action and receive a +1 competence bonus on attacks against that opponent. The Bodyguard can select a new opponent on any action. At 8th level, the competence bonus increases to +2.

Bonus Feats

At 3rd, 6th, and 9th level, the Bodyguard gets a bonus feat. The bonus feat must be selected from the following list, and the Bodyguard must meet all the prerequisites of the feat to select it. Advanced

Firearms Proficiency, Armor Proficiency (light), Armor Proficiency (medium), Attentive, Combat

Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Double Tap, Improved Brawl, Improved Feint, Improved Knockout Punch,

Knockout Punch, Precise Shot, Quick Draw, Quick Reload, Streetfighting, Vehicle Expert.

Sudden Action

Once per day, a Bodyguard of 4th level or higher can focus his or her effort to burst into sudden action when the situation calls for it. The Bodyguard can change his or her place in the initiative order, moving higher in the count by a number less than or equal to his or her class level, as the Bodyguard sees fit. The Bodyguard can declare the use of this ability at the start of any round, before anyone else takes an action.

Improved Charge

A Bodyguard of 5th level or higher can make a charge without having to move in a straight line. All other charge rules apply, but the Bodyguard can alter his or her direction when making a charge to avoid obstacles.

Defensive Strike

At 7th level, if an opponent makes a melee attack against the Bodyguard and misses while the

Bodyguard is using the total defense option, the Bodyguard can attack that opponent on his or her next turn (as an attack action) with a +4 bonus on his or her attack roll. The Bodyguard gains no bonus against an opponent who doesn’t attack the Bodyguard or against an opponent who makes a successful attack.

Blanket Protection At 10th level, a Bodyguard can use his expertise to provide protection for up to six allies (not including himself) within sight and voice range of his position. The Bodyguard spends 1 action point and takes a full round action to issue orders and directions. Doing this provides the

Bodyguard’s allies with a +1 insight bonus to Defense for 3 rounds.

The Bodyguard

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special Defense Reputation





















+1 +2 +1 Harm’s way +1

+2 +3 +1 Combat sense +1 +1







Bonus feat

Sudden action



+3 +4 +2 Improved charge +3

+3 +5 +2 Bonus feat +3

+4 +5 +3 Defensive strike +4

+4 +6 +3 Combat sense +2 +4

+4 +6 +3 Bonus feat +5

+5 +7 +4 Blanket protection +5












Frequently referred to as a naval line officer, the Bridge Command Specialist can perform a variety of tasks onboard a starship. If engineers are the legs of a starship, then the Bridge Command Specialist must be the arms. Bridge Command Specialists are assigned to various roles depending on their particular area of expertise, but can readily operate all bridge stations if an emergency arises. The fastest path into this advanced class is from the Dedicated hero basic class, though other paths are possible.


To qualify to become a Bridge Command Specialist, a character must fulfill the following criteria.

Base Attack Bonus: +2.

Skill: Pilot 4 ranks, Knowledge (any) 4 ranks.

Class Information

The following information pertains to the Bridge Command Specialist advanced class.

Hit Die

The Bridge Command Specialist gains 1d8 hit points per level. The character’s Constitution modifier applies.

Action Points

The Bridge Command Specialist gains a number of action points equal to 6 + one-half his character level, rounded down, every time he attains a new level in this class.

Class Skills

The Bridge Command Specialist’s class skills are as follows. Bluff (Cha), Computer Use (Int), Craft

(electronic, mechanical), Diplomacy (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (mathematics, military science, physical sciences, popular culture, space science, tactics, technology) (Int), Linguistics (Int),

Perception (Dex), Pilot (Dex), Profession (Int), and Repair.

Skill Points at Each Level: 5 + Int modifier.

Class Features

The following class features pertain to the Bridge Command Specialist advanced class.

Bonus Feats

At 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 10th level, the Bridge Command Specialist gets a bonus feat. The bonus feat must be selected from the following list, and the Bridge Command Specialist must meet all the prerequisites of the feat to select it: Acceleration Tolerance, Armor Proficiency (light), Combat

Reflexes, Covert Communication, Data Access, Gunner’s Eye, Hailing Frequencies Open, Leadership,

Linguist, Nerves of Steel, Starship Gunnery, Starship Operation, Zero-G Training.


At 2nd level, the Bridge Command Specialist gains the abilities as presented in the Gearhead feat.

Skill Focus

At 4th level, the Bridge Command Specialist automatically gains Skill focus in one skill that relates to his position on the Bridge (this works just like the Skill focus feat and its bonus stacks with that feat).

Field Logistics

Starting at 6th level, the Bridge Command Specialist is so experienced with the paperwork needed to run the ship that he is allowed to secure more supplies for away missions than would normally be allowed. Upon returning to the ship, the character may swap supplies up to +2 his Wealth level without taking penalties to his Wealth check.

Improved Reaction

At 8th level, the Bridge Command Specialist gains the effects of the feat Improved Initiative. If the

Bridge Operations Specialist already has this feat, the effects stack.

Commanding Presence

At 9th level, the Bridge Command Specialist can raise his Charisma score by +2.

The Bridge Command Specialist

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special Defense Reputation

1st +0 +1 +1 +0 Bonus feat +1 +0

2nd +1 +2 +2 +0 Gearhead +1 +0

3rd +2 +2 +2 +1 Bonus feat +2 +0

4th +3 +3 +3 +1 Skill focus +2 +0

5th +3 +3 +3 +1 Bonus feat +3 +1

6th +4 +3 +3 +2 Field logistics +3 +1

7th +5 +4 +4 +2 Bonus feat +4 +1

8th +6 +4 +4 +2 Improved reaction +4 +1

9th +6 +4 +4 +3 Commanding presence +5 +2

10th +7 +5 +5 +3 Bonus feat +5 +2

Bridge Operations Specialist

The Bridge Operations Specialist (often called Ops) on a starship specializes in maximizing the power of the ship’s engines during battle and the maintenance and repair of the ship. During battle he can divert power away from less vital ship functions to ensure the ship lives to see another day. He also directs the ship’s damage control efforts to keep the hull intact. On smaller ships the Bridge

Operations Specialist also serves as the ship’s engineer but on larger vessels these characters work hand in hand with the engineering staff to ensure the ship always runs at peak performance.


To qualify to become an Bridge Operations Specialist a character must meet the following criteria (the quickest path into this class is through the Smart hero basic class).

Skills: Craft (electronics) 6 ranks, Craft (mechanical) 6 ranks, Craft (structural) 6 ranks, Repair 6 ranks


The following information pertains to the operations expert advanced class.

Hit Die: 1d6+Con. Modifier per level.

Action Points: 6+ one-half character level, rounded down, every time the character gains a new level in this class.

Class Skills: The Bridge Operations Specialist class skills (and the ability for each skill) are: Computer

Use (Int), Craft (electronic, mechanical, structural) (Int), Disable Device (Int), Knowledge (military science, physical sciences, space science, technology) (Int), Perception (Wis), Pilot (Dex), Repair (Int) and Treat Injury.

Skill points at each level: 7 + Int. modifier


The following information pertains to the Bridge Operations Specialist advanced class.

Emergency Power

By funneling power from nonessential systems an operations expert may transfer power to the following areas as needed in combat: weapons, sensors or engines. The effects of transferring emergency power to each of these systems are detailed below. Use of this ability is always an attack action on the part of the operations expert. However another character can use the system in the same round if he has an action of the appropriate type available. For example an operations officer could divert emergency power to weapons in the same round that a weapons officer fires the weapon.

Weapons: Ships that use energy weapons can divert extra power to increase the damage potential of those weapons. With an attack action, the operations expert can add a number of extra dice to one ship’s weapon for its next attack.

Sensors: Diverting power to sensors can either grant the ship a bonus to all ranged attack rolls equal the operations expert’s emergency power bonus or twice the emergency power bonus as a bonus on all sensor-related Computer Use skill checks for the next round.

Engines: Diverting power to engines grants a ship either a movement bonus equal to 500 feet times the operations expert’s emergency power bonus or a bonus to all Pilot checks equal to twice the operations expert’s emergency power bonus.

Damage Control Coordination: By making damage control operations more efficient an operations expert can improve Repair skill checks and damage control rolls by the amount listed on the class table.

Reinforce Structural Integrity: The Bridge Operations Specialist becomes so skilled at damage control that at 7th level he can instantly negate a critical hit suffered by his ship in starship combat.

This ability requires the operations expert to spend an action point.

Bonus Feats: At 3rd, 6th, and 9th levels the operations expert may select a feat from the following list: Armor Proficiency (light), Armor Proficiency (medium), Builder, Educated, Gearhead, Personal

Firearms Proficiency, Mastercrafter, Zero-G Training. The operations expert must meet all the prerequisites for that feat.

THE Bridge Operations Specialist

Leve l











Emergency Power +1

2nd +1 +2 +2 +0 Damage Control Coordination +1
















Bonus Feat

Emergency Power +2

Damage Control Coordination +2





















Bonus Feat

Reinforce Structural Integrity

Emergency Power +3

Bonus Feat

10th +7 +5 +5 +3 Damage Control Coordination +2

Defense Reputation






















The Engineering Specialist is highly skilled in all manner of technology. These specialists are able to keep starships, ground vehicles, and equipment running, even under the direst of circumstances.

Many Engineering Specialists aspire to be the engineering officer on board a starship and that is where they are usually found. Engineering Specialists on board a starship find their critical duties are generally related to attending to the repair of the vessel to which they are assigned.

The fastest path into this advanced class is from the Smart hero basic class, though other paths are possible.


To qualify to become an Engineering Specialist, a character must fulfill the following criteria:

Skills: Computer Use 6 ranks, Craft (electronic) 6 ranks, Craft (mechanical) 6 ranks, Knowledge

(technology) 6 ranks, Repair 6 ranks.

Class Information

The following information pertains to the Engineering Specialist advanced class.

Hit Die

The Engineering Specialist gains 1d6 hit points per level. The character’s Constitution modifier applies.

Action Points

The Engineering Specialist gains a number of action points equal to 6 + one-half his character level, rounded down, every time he attains a new level in this class.

Class Skills

The Engineering Specialist’s class skills are as follows. Benchthumping (Int), Computer Use (Int), Craft

(electronic, mechanical, structural) (Int), Disable Device (Int), Drive (Dex), Knowledge (mathematic, physical sciences, space sciences, technology) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Navigate (Int) , Perception

(Wis),Pilot (Dex) , Profession (Wis), and Repair (Int).

Skill Points at Each Level: 7 + Int modifier.

Class Features

The following class features pertain to the Engineering Specialist advanced class.


At 1st level, the Engineering Specialist gains the bonus feat Builder.

Quick Craft

At 2nd level, the Engineering Specialist learns how to craft ordinary scratch-built electronic, mechanical, and structural objects more quickly than normal. When using the Craft (electronic), Craft

(mechanical), or Craft (structural) skill to build an ordinary scratch-built item, the Engineering

Specialist reduces the building time by one-quarter. At 5th level, the Engineering Specialist reduces the building time of ordinary objects and mastercraft objects by half.

Superior Repair

At 3rd level, the Engineering Specialist learns improved ways of repairing robots, vehicles, and starships.

An Engineering Specialist with a mechanical tool kit and an appropriate facility (a workshop, garage, or hangar) can repair damage to a robot, vehicle, starship, or cybernetic attachment. (Without a mechanical tool kit, the Engineering Specialist takes a -4 penalty on the Repair check.) With 1 hour of work, the Engineering Specialist can restore a number of hit points based on his Repair check result, as shown on the table below. If any damage remains, the Engineering Specialist may continue to make repairs for as many hours as needed to fully repair the damaged robot, vehicle, or starship.



Less than 20




Result Repaired


2d6 + Engineering Specialist class level

3d6 + Engineering Specialist class level

4d6 + Engineering Specialist class level 40+

Bonus Feats

At 3rd, 6th, and 9th level, the Engineering Specialist gets a bonus feat. The bonus feat must be selected from the following list, and the Engineering Specialist must meet all the prerequisites of the feat to select it: Cautious, Gearhead, Mastercrafter, Salvage, Starship Operation (shuttlecraft/fighter), Surface

Vehicle Operation, Vehicle Expert, Zero-G Training.


At 4th level and beyond, the Engineering Specialist can sabotage an electrical or mechanical object so that it operates poorly. The Engineering Specialist must succeed on a Disable Device check (DC 20) to accomplish the down- grade, and sabotaging a mastercraft object is slightly harder (DC 20 + the mastercraft object’s bonus feature). Noticing the Engineering Specialist’s handiwork without first testing the sabotaged device requires a successful Search check (DC = the Engineering Specialist’s

Disable Device check result). Fixing the sabotaged item requires a successful Repair.

Sabotage Device: As a full-round action, the Engineering Specialist can reconfigure a device with electrical or mechanical components so that anyone who uses it suffers a penalty equal to the Engineering

Specialist’s class level on skill checks made to use the device.

Sabotage Weapon: As a full-round action, the Engineering Specialist can sabotage a weapon so that it misfires or breaks the next time it is used. A sabotaged weapon cannot be used effectively until repaired. This use of sabotage also applies to vehicle and starship weapons.


At 5th level, the Engineering Specialist adds one-half his class level to any Knowledge (technology) check made to identify an unfamiliar piece of technology or alien artifact.

Miracle Worker

At 7th level, the Engineering Specialist can repair destroyed systems on a spaceship more than once.

This ability allows him to execute orders that depend upon the Repair skill two times for the same move action.

Skilled Salvager

An Engineering Specialist of 8th level or higher has a special knack for scavenging useful components from destroyed vehicles, starships, and robots. When using the Salvage feat, the Engineering

Specialist gains a competence bonus on his Search checks equal to one-half his Engineering Specialist class level.


A 10th level Engineering Specialist can perform complicated tasks without provoking attacks of opportunity from adjacent foes. During any round in which the Engineering Specialist uses the

Computer Use, Craft (any), Demolitions, Disable Device, or Repair skill, he can first make a

Concentration check (DC 15) to use the desired skill without provoking attacks of opportunity.

Making the Concentration check doesn’t cost the Engineering Specialist an action. He may take 10 on the Concentration check, but cannot take 20.

The Engineering Specialist

Level BAB

1st +0

2nd +1

3rd +2

4th +3

Fort Ref Will Special

+1 +1 +0 Builder

+2 +2 +1 Quick craft

+2 +2 +1 Superior repair, Bonus feat

+2 +2 +1 Sabotage

Defense Reputation









5th +3

6th +4

7th +5

8th +6/+1

9th +6/+1

10th +7/+2

+3 +3 +2 Technophile

+3 +3 +2 Bonus feat

+4 +4 +2 Miracle worker

+4 +4 +2 Skilled salvager

+4 +4 +3 Bonus feat

+5 +5 +3 Unflustered














The fastest path into this advanced class is from the Dedicated hero basic class, though other paths are possible.


To qualify to become an Explorer, a character must fulfill the following criteria.

Skills: Knowledge (earth and life sciences) 6 ranks, Knowledge (history, physical sciences, or theology and philosophy) 4 ranks, Search 4 ranks, Survival 6 ranks.

Dedicated Hero Talent: Aware.


The following information pertains to the Explorer advanced class.

Hit Die

The Explorer gains 1d8 hit points per level. The character’s Constitution modifier applies.

Action Points

The Explorer gains a number of action points equal to 6 + one-half her character level, rounded down, every time she attains a new level in this class.

Class Skills

The Explorer’s class skills are as follows. Acrobatics (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Disable Device

(Int), Drive (Dex), Gather Information (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Investigate (Int), Knowledge (art, earth and life sciences, history, physical sciences, space sciences, theology and philosophy) (Int),

Linguistics (Int), Navigate (Int), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), Pilot (Dex),Research (Int) , Ride

(Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str),Treat Injury (Wis).

Skill Points at Each Level: 7 + Int modifier.


The following class features pertain to the Explorer advanced class.

Explorer Lore

An Explorer picks up stray and obscure facts during her adventures. She may make a special Explorer lore check with a bonus equal to her Explorer class level + her Intelligence modifier to see whether or not she knows some relevant knowledge about notable people, legendary items, or noteworthy places. If the Explorer has 5 or more ranks in Knowledge (history), she gains a +2 bonus on this check.

She may take 10 but cannot take 20 on this check.

An Explorer lore check does not reveal the powers of a psionic item but may give some hint as to its general function; an Explorer may not take 10 or take 20 on this check.


At 1st level, the Explorer gains the bonus feats Guide and Track.


Beginning at 2nd level, an Explorer gains a morale bonus equal to one-half her Explorer class level

(rounded down) on saving throws to resist fear effects and Intimidate checks.

Skilled Searcher

When actively searching for secret doors or traps, an Explorer of 2nd level or higher gains a bonus on her Search checks equal to one-half her Explorer class level (rounded down).

Bonus Feats

At 3rd, 6th, and 9th level, the Explorer gets a bonus feat. The bonus feat must be selected from the following list, and the Explorer must meet all the prerequisites of the feat to select it. Action Boost,

Advanced Two-Weapon Fighting, Aircraft Operation (spacecraft), Archaic Weapons Proficiency,

Attentive, Brawl, Dodge, Educated, Endurance, Exotic Firearms Proficiency, Exotic Melee Weapon

Proficiency, Heroic Surge, Improved Feint, Improved Knockout Punch, Improved Two-Weapon

Fighting, Jack of All Trades, Knockout Punch, Mobility, Nimble, Renown, Spacer, Streetfighting,

Studious, Track, Two-Weapon Fighting, Vehicle Expert.

Trap Sense

At 4th level, an Explorer gains an intuitive sense that alerts her to danger from traps, giving her a +1 bonus on

Reflex saves made to avoid traps and a +1 dodge bonus to Defense against attacks made by traps.

These bonuses rise to +2 at 7th level and +3 at 10th level.

Extra Step

An Explorer of 5th level or higher can spend an action point to take an extra 5-foot step during her turn, as a free action. This extra 5-foot step does not provoke attacks of opportunity. At 10th level, the

Explorer can take the extra 5-foot step without spending an action point.

Explorer’s Evasion

If an Explorer of 8th level or higher is exposed to any effect that normally allows a character to attempt a Reflex saving throw for half damage, the Explorer suffers no damage if she makes a successful saving throw.

If the

Explorer already has evasion, she gains improved evasion instead. Improved evasion works similar to evasion, except the Explorer suffers only half damage on a failed saving throw.

Explorer Lore DC

10 population.




The Explorer

Type of Knowledge

Common, known by at least a substantial minority of the local

Uncommon but available, known by only a few people in the area.

Obscure, known by few, hard to come by.

Extremely obscure, known by very few, possibly forgotten.

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special Defense Reputation

1st +0 +1 +1 +1 Explorer lore, survivalist +1 +0

2nd +1 +2 +2 +2 Resolve, skilled searcher +1 +0

3rd +2 +2 +2 +2 Bonus feat +2 +1

4th +3 +2 +2 +2 Trap sense (+1) +2 +1

5th +3 +3 +3 +3 Extra step +3 +1

6th +4 +3 +3 +3 Bonus feat +3 +2

7th +5 +4 +4 +4 Trap sense (+2) +4 +2

8th +6 +4 +4 +4 Explorer’s evasion +4 +2

9th +6 +4 +4 +4 Bonus feat +5 +3

10th +7 +5 +5 +5 Extra step, trap sense (+3) +5 +3

Federation Marshal

This character is an honest, hard-working officer of the law. He isn’t necessarily a stickler for rules and regulations, but he knows what right and wrong are all about. The Federation Marshal doesn’t hesitate to stand up to his fellow police officers if he thinks that they are crossing the line. This character may be an internal affairs agent, a straight-laced hard-boiled investigator, or an ex-cop who was discharged for the wrong reasons. Select this advanced prestige class if you want your character to excel at chasing down bad guys and tracking down clues. The fastest path to this advanced class is from the Fast hero basic class, though other paths are possible.


To qualify to become a Federation Marshal, a character must fulfill the following criteria.

Base Attack Bonus: +2

Skills: Drive 4 ranks, Knowledge (Law) 4 Ranks, Knowledge (streetwise) 4 ranks.

Feats: Personal Firearms Proficiency, Combat Expertise, Improved Disarm.

Class Information

The following information pertains to the Federation Marshal advanced class.

Hit Die

The Federation Marshal gains 1d10 hit points per level. The character’s Constitution modifier applies.

Class Skills

The Federation Marshal’s class skills are, and the related ability for each skill,: are as follows.

Acrobatics (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Computer Use (Int), Disable Device (Int), Drive (Dex), Escape Artist

(Dex), Gather Information (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Investigate (Int), Knowledge (behavioral sciences, business, history, current events, law, popular culture, specific culture, streetwise) (Int), Linguistics

(Int), Perception (Wis), Pilot (Dex), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Stealth (Dex), Survival

(Wis), and Treat Injury (Wis)

Skill Points at Each Level: 5 + Int modifier per level

Class Features

The following features pertain to the Federation Marshal advanced prestige class.

Run Down

At 1st level, the Federation Marshal learns to master the art of the chase. By spending 1 action point during any chase scene, the Federation Marshal can gain a temporary increase to his base speed. The character’s base speed increases by 10 feet for a number of rounds equal to his character level.

Vehicle Chase

The Federation Marshal is an expert driver and pilot with plenty of experience chasing down suspects. At 2nd level, the Federation Marshal gains a +4 bonus to all Drive and Pilot checks made while attempting to catch up to another vehicle or force it to stop.

Bonus Feat

At 3rd, 6th and 9th level, the Federation Marshal gains a bonus feat. This feat must be selected from the following list and the Federation Marshal must meet any prerequisites. Advanced Firearms

Proficiency, Armor Proficiency (light), Attentive, Autofire Proficiency, Brawl, Burst Fire, Critical Focus,

Connections, Deadly Aim, Double Tap, Far Shot, Meticulous, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Quick

Draw, Quick Reload, Shot on the Run, Skip Shot, Strafe.


At 4th level, the Federation Marshal gains an extraordinary knack for rendering someone helpless.

The character gains a bonus equal to his class level on any roll used to grapple, trip, or disarm an opponent.

Real Police Work

At 5th level the Federation Marshal has become a master of his trade and the truth rarely gets past him. This character receives a bonus equal to his class level whenever he spends 1 action point to increase the result of a check made with one of the following skills; Computer Use, Gather

Information, Investigate, Knowledge (streetwise), Perception, Profession, and Sense Motive.

Years on the Street

The Federation Marshal is an experienced veteran with enough time on the job to know that you can never be too careful. The character’s hard-earned experience serves him well when it comes to avoiding attacks. At 7th level, the Federation Marshal is allowed to add his Wisdom modifier to his

Defense score (if positive). The Federation Marshal does not lose this bonus even in situations where he is caught flat-footed (he still loses this bonus if he is immobilized).


At 8th level, the Federation Marshal learns take someone down with a single surprise blow. The character deals 1d6 points of additional damage whenever he attacks a flat-footed opponent with an attack that deals non-lethal damage. The target of this attack must also make a successful Fortitude saving throw (DC 20) or be stunned for one round.

Relentless Pursuit

At 10th level the Federation Marshal is unstoppable when he has his sights on his quarry. Nothing can deter the determined pursuit of this character. The character gains a +8 bonus on any skill checks or ability checks made while actively pursuing a target. The Federation Marshal must spend 1 action







5 point announce he is to activating this ability and the target of the pursuit must be within sight. This bonus remains as long as the Federation Marshal is actively chasing the quarry and ends the moment the target disappears from sight or places himself completely out of reach.

Federation Marshal

Level BAB











+6 /+1

+6 /+1

+7 /+2

Fort Ref Will Special

+0 +1 +1 Run Down

+0 +2 +2 Vehicle Chase

+1 +2 +2 Bonus Feat

+1 +2 +2 Incapacitate

+1 +3 +3 Real Police Work

+2 +3 +3 Bonus Feat

+2 +4 +4 Years on the Street

+2 +4 +4 Buffalo

+3 +4 +4 Bonus Feat

+3 +5 +5 Relentless Pursuit
























An Infiltrator is not a thief. He does not hide in the crowd, picking pockets and robbing the less fortunate in back alleys. He is trained in stealth and is one of the few classes that can integrate into societies without raising any eyebrows. Some creep into other cultures, make friends, and when the order is given, kill them. Others simply observe, record, and return the data for tacticians or scientists.

From some bastions, networks of observers never involve or take action in other cultures. Some may believe the extermination of rival outside leaders is vital to their bastion's security. The Infiltrator is the most important class of a team of technicians as he enters areas others.


To qualify to become an Infiltrator, a character must fulfill the following criteria.

Base Attack Bonus: +2.

Skills: Hide 6 ranks, Move Silently 6 ranks.


The following information pertains to the Infiltrator advanced class.

Hit Die: 1d8+Con. Modifier per level

Action Points: 6 + one-half character level, rounded down, every time the infiltrator attains a new level in this class.

Class Skills

The Infiltrator’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are: Acrobatics (Dex), Climb (Str),

Disable Device (Int), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Investigate (Int),

Knowledge (art, business, current events, popular culture, streetwise, technology) (Int), Perception

(Dex), Profession (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Stealth (Wis), and Swim (Str)

Skill Points at Each Level: 7 + Int modifier.


The following features pertain to the Infiltrator advanced class.


An Infiltrator knows how to size up an area and get the lay of the land in a single sweep of his or her eyes. This sweep provides a +4 circumstance bonus on Spot checks and covers an area out to 30 feet away from the Infiltrator. The Infiltrator can use this bonus at the start of an encounter. Anything not concealed can be spotted in a sweep with a successful check (DC 10). The DC for concealed or less obvious threats is equal to their Hide check result.

Improvised Implements

At 2nd level, an Infiltrator no longer takes a –4 penalty when wielding an improvised weapon. Also, the Infiltrator is able to make do without proper equipment in certain circumstances: the Infiltrator no longer takes a –4 penalty when using the Climb and Disable Device skills without the proper tools.

Bonus Feats

At 3rd, 6th, and 9th level, the Infiltrator gets a bonus feat. The bonus feat must be selected from the following list, and the Infiltrator must meet all the prerequisites of the feat to select it. Acrobatic,

Alertness, Armor Proficiency (light), Athletic, Attentive, Brawl, Cautious, Defensive Martial Arts,

Dodge, Elusive Target, Meticulous, Mobility, Nimble, Renown, Run and Stealthy.

Improved Evasion

If an Infiltrator of 4th level or higher is exposed to any effect that normally allows a character to attempt a Reflex saving throw for half damage, the Infiltrator suffers no damage if he or she makes a successful saving throw and only half damage on a failed save. Improved evasion can only be used when wearing light armor or no armor.

For an Infiltrator who does not have evasion (see the Fast hero class description), improved evasion counts as evasion for the purpose of meeting the prerequisites on the Fast hero’s defensive talent tree.

Skill Mastery

At 5th level, an Infiltrator selects a number of skills from his or her class list equal to 3 + his or her

Intelligence modifier. When making a check using one of these skills, the Infiltrator may take 10 even if stress and distractions would normally prevent him or her from doing so.

Improvised Weapon Damage

At 7th level, an Infiltrator’s attacks with improvised weapons deal more damage. The Infiltrator treats an improvised weapon as one size category larger than it is for the purpose of determining the damage it deals.

Improved Sweep

At 8th level, an Infiltrator’s ability to get the lay of the land improves. Now the Infiltrator not only spots potential perils with a successful check, he or she can determine the relative strength of these dangers. A successful check relates the danger’s strength compared to the Infiltrator: stronger (higher level or Hit Dice), on par (same level or HD), or weaker (lower level or HD).

Without a Trace

At 10th level, when an Infiltrator uses any of the following skills: Balance, Climb, Disable Device,

Escape Artist,

Stealth, and Sleight of Hand, those using Investigate, or Perception to detect the Infiltrator’s activity take a –4 penalty.

The Infiltrator

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special Defense Reputation

1st +0 +0 +2 +0 Sweep

2nd +1 +0 +3 +0 Improvised implements

3rd +1

4th +2







Bonus feat

Improved evasion

5th +2 +1 +4 +1 Skill mastery

6th +3 +2 +5 +2 Bonus feat

7th +3 +2 +5 +2 Improvised weapon damage















8th +4 +2 +6 +2 Improved sweep

9th +4 +3 +6 +3 Bonus feat

10th +5 +3 +7 +3 Without a trace








The Medical Specialist is bound by the Hippocratic Oath (or the equivalent for his species) as well as duty to ship, base, organization, etc. He tends to the health of any victims of disease or injury that he comes across. The fastest path into this advanced class is from the Dedicated hero basic class, though other paths are possible.


To qualify to become a Medical Specialist, a character must fulfill the following criteria.

Base Attack Bonus: +2.

Skills: Treat Injury 6 ranks, Spot 6 ranks.

Feat: Surgery.

Class Information

The following information pertains to the Medical Specialist advanced class.

Hit Die

The Medical Specialist gains 1d8 hit points per level. The character’s Constitution modifier applies.

Action Points

The Medical Specialist gains a number of action points equal to 6 + one-half his character level, rounded down, every time he attains a new level in this class.

Class Skills

The Medical Specialist’s class skills are as follows. Computer Use (Int), Concentration (Con), Craft


(Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Drive (Dex), Knowledge (behavioral sciences, current events, earth and life sciences, medical sciences, popular culture, specific culture, technology) (Int),Linguistics (Int),

Perception(Int), Pilot (Dex), Profession (Wis), Research (Int), Sense Motive (Wis) and Treat Injury


Skill Points at Each Level: 6 + Int modifier.

Class Features

The following class features pertain to the Medical Specialist advanced class.

Survey the Damage

With skills in healing and examination, a Medical Specialist can easily survey the damage in an area and immediately determine who is in the greatest need. Beginning at 1st level, a Medical Specialist may make a Treat Injury check (DC 20) as a move-equivalent action to determine the condition of creatures near death within 20 feet. With a successful check, a Medical Specialist may automatically determine whether a creature is dead, dying, disabled, fragile (alive and wounded, with 3 or fewer hit points remaining), or wounded (alive with 4 or more hit points). With each use of this ability, a

Medical Specialist may determine the status of a number of creatures equal to his Wisdom modifier (if any). If without any tools (such as a tricorder), this roll is automatically reduced by 4.

Bonus Feats

At 2nd, 6th, and 9th level, the Medical Specialist gets a bonus feat. The bonus feat must be selected from the following list, and the Medical Specialist must meet all the prerequisites of the feat to select it: Armor Proficiency (any), Cautious, Defensive Martial Arts, Dodge, Educated, Improved Initiative,

Medical Expert,

Personal Firearms Proficiency, Surface Vehicle Operation, Toughness.

Expert Healer

At 3rd level and higher, the Medical Specialist’s ability to restore hit points with a medical kit or surgery kit and a successful use of the Treat Injury skill improves. In addition to the normal hit point recovery rate (1d4 for a medical kit, 1d6 per patient’s character level for Surgery), the Medical

Specialist restores 1 hit point for every level he has in this advanced class.

Healer’s Eyes

The Medical Specialist must remain alert and aware of every nuance of his patient. The Medical

Specialist can make a Sense Motive check against an opposed Bluff check of the patient. If the Medical

Specialist makes this check, he now can gain at a glance the same information he would be able to gain via the use of a medical tricorder. This gives the Medical Specialist the ability to determine the hit points of the patient to the nearest 10%. The use of this ability is a free action.

Medical Mastery

When making a Treat Injury skill check, a Medical Specialist of 5th level or higher may take 10 even if stress and distractions would normally prevent him from doing so.

Minor Medical Miracle

At 7th level or higher, a Medical Specialist can save a character reduced to -10 hit points or lower. If the Medical Specialist is able to administer aid within 3 rounds of the character’s death, he can make a

Treat Injury check. The

DC for this check is 30, and the Medical Specialist can’t take 10 or take 20. If the check succeeds, the dead character can make a Fortitude save (DC 15) to stabilize and be restored to 0 hit points. If the

Medical Specialist fails the skill check or the patient fails the save, the dead character can’t be saved.

Mass Stimulant

At 8th level and higher, the Medical Specialist can deliver drugs in a mist form, genetically tailored to specific individuals. This allows him to grant the effects of a single dose to all allies within 10 feet of him. They must be able to breathe the drugs (thus, not wearing space suits).

Medical Miracle

At 10th level, a Medical Specialist can revive a character reduced to -10 hit points or lower. If the

Medical Specialist is able to administer aid within 3 minutes of the character’s death, he can make a

Treat Injury check. The DC for this check is 40, and the Medical Specialist can’t take 10 or take 20. If the check succeeds, the dead character can make a Fortitude save (DC 20) to stabilize and be restored to 1d6 hit points. If the Medical Specialist fails the skill check or the patient fails the Fortitude save, the dead character can’t be restored.






BAB Fort Ref Will Special













Bonus feat

Expert healer

Survey the damage

Defense Reputation














+2 +4 +1 +2 Healer’s eyes

+2 +4 +1 +3 Medical mastery

+3 +5 +2 +3 Bonus feat +3

+3 +5 +2 +4 Minor medical miracle +4









Mass stimulant

Bonus feat

+5 +7 +3 +5 Medical miracle














As ships moved into the far reaches of the Galaxy there were bound to be those that wanted wealth and didn’t necessarily care if their methods of earning wealth were a little on the “shady side” of the law. The origins of the original Orion Pirates are clouded in history, but now known as “Orion” Pirates may actually be from any species. Their predations upon the ships in the Alpha Octant are legendary.

Not all Orion Pirates are members of this class. Some choose the Criminal occupation, but are in reality engineers or pilots or even merchants. The fastest path into this advanced class is from the

Fast hero basic class, though other paths are possible.


To qualify to become an Orion Pirate, a character must fulfill the following criteria.

Base Attack Bonus: +2.

Feat: Starship Operation, Zero-G Training.

Class Information

The following information pertains to the Orion Pirate advanced class.

Hit Die

The Orion Pirate gains 1d8 hit points per level. The character’s Constitution modifier applies.

Action Points

The Orion Pirate gains a number of action points equal to 6 + one-half his character level, rounded down, every time he attains a new level in this class.

Class Skills

The Orion Pirate’s class skills are as follows. Acrobatics (Dex), Demolitions (Int), Drive (Dex),

Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (current events, history, military science, popular culture, streetwise)

(Int), Linguistics (Int), Navigate (Int), Perception (Wis).Pilot (Dex), Profession (Wis), Survival (Wis) and Swim (Str).

Skill Points at Each Level: 5 + Int modifier.

Class Features

The following class features pertain to the Orion Pirate advanced class.

Charismatic Leadership

When becoming an Orion Pirate, it’s good to have charisma. The character gains a +2 to his Charisma score at first level.

Expert Pilot

At 2nd level, an Orion Pirate gains a +2 competence bonus on all Navigate skill checks.

Bonus Feats

At 3rd, 5th, and 9th level, the Orion Pirate gets a bonus feat. The bonus feat must be selected from the following list, and the Orion Pirate must meet all the prerequisites of the feat to select it: Advanced

Firearms Proficiency, Alertness, Armor Proficiency (light), Armor Proficiency (medium), Brawl,

Combat Martial Arts, Frightful Presence, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Personal Firearms Proficiency,

Point Blank Shot, Power Attack, Renown, Salvage, Spacer, Sunder, Toughness, Trustworthy, and

Weapon Focus.


Beginning at 4th level, the Orion Pirate’s remarkable stamina and determination grant him a +2 resistance bonus on Fortitude saves to remain conscious due to damage.

Taking Charge

At 6th level, an Orion Pirate is given (or is able to take) his own leadership position. The character now gains the Leadership feat for free, and adds +1 to his leadership score for each Orion Pirate level the character possesses (level always adds to Leadership, so in effect the character adds his Orion

Pirate levels twice).

Skill Focus

At 7th level, the Orion Pirate automatically gains Skill focus in one skill that relates to his position with the Pirate crew (this works just like the Skill focus feat and its bonus stacks with that feat).

Orion Pirate Captain

At 8th level, the character has risen to the level where he is able to command other Orion Pirates. The character gains a loyal lieutenant who is a 5th level Orion Pirate and will help the character keep his growing organization in line.

Aura of Fear

At 10th level, the character’s legend has grown to the point where he is one of the most feared Orion

Pirates in known space and his enemies don't wish to fight him. All opponents within 50 feet of the

Orion Pirate must make a Will saving throw. If the subject succeeds on a Will save, it is shaken for 1 round. Opponents with 6 or more hit dice are immune to this effect. The DC for the saving throw is 3 + the Orion Pirate’s level.


Level BAB Fort Ref Will

1st +0 +1 +2 +0

Special Defense

Charismatic leadership

Reputation Defense

+1 +1

2nd +1 +2 +3 +0

3rd +2 +2 +3 +1

4th +3 +2 +4 +1

5th +3 +3 +4 +1

6th +4 +3 +5 +2

7th +5 +4 +5 +2

8th +6 +4 +6 +2

9th +6 +4 +6 +3

10th +7 +5 +7 +3

Expert pilot

Bonus feat


Bonus feat

Taking charge

Skill Focus

Orion Pirate Captain

Bonus feat

Aura of fear




















Rogues tend to live on the borders of legality. They include adventurers with a better eye for profit than for the strict letter of import-export laws, soldiers of fortune, pirates (including Orion Pirates), con-artists, and shady business men. The fastest path into this advanced class is from the Fast Hero basic class, though other paths are possible.


To qualify to become a Rogue, a character must fulfill the following criteria.

Base Attack Bonus: +2.

Skills: Hide 6 ranks, Move Silently 6 ranks.

Class Information

The following information pertains to the Rogue advanced class.

Hit Die

The Rogue gains 1d8 hit points per level. The character’s Constitution modifier applies.

Action Points

The Rogue gains a number of action points equal to 6 +one-half his character level, rounded down, every time he attains a new level in this class.

Class Skills

The Rogue’s class skills are as follows.

Acrobatics (Dex), Climb (Str), Craft (Mechanical or Electrical) (Int), Disable Device (Int), Disguise

(Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Investigate (Int), Knowledge (art, business, current events, popular culture, streetwise) (Int), Linguistics (Wis), Perception (Wis), Perform (Acting), Profession (Wis),

Sleight of Hand (Dex), Stealth (Dex) and Subterfuge (Dex)

Skill Points at Each Level: 7 + Int modifier.

Class Features

The following features pertain to the Rogue advanced class.


Rogues (and only Rogues) can use the Search skill to locate traps when the task has a Difficulty Class higher than 20. Finding a normal trap has a DC of at least 20, higher if it is well hidden. Rogues from high-tech civilizations can locate electronic traps. Finding an electronic trap has a DC of 25 + the level of the character that set the electronic trap. Rogues (and only Rogues) can use the Disable Device skill to disarm electronic traps. An electronic trap generally has a DC of 25 + the level of the character that set the electronic trap. A rogue who beats a trap's DC by 10 or more with a Disable Device check can generally study a trap, figure out how it works, and bypass it (along with his party) without disarming it.


At 2nd level and higher, a Rogue can avoid unusual attacks with great agility. If he makes a successful

Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, he instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if the rogue is wearing light armor or no armor. A helpless

Rogue does not gain the benefit of Evasion.

Trap Sense

At 3rd level, a Rogue gains an intuitive sense that alerts him to danger from traps, giving him a +1 bonus on Reflex saves made to avoid traps and a +1 dodge bonus to Defense against attacks made by traps. These bonuses rise to +2 when the Rogue reaches 6th level and to +3 when he reaches 9th level.

Trap Sense bonuses gained from multiple classes stack.

Uncanny Dodge

Starting at 4th level, a Rogue can react to danger before his senses would normally allow him to do so.

He retains his Dexterity bonus to Defense (if any) even if he is caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. However, he still loses his Dexterity bonus to Defense if immobilized. If a Rogue already has Uncanny Dodge from a different class, he automatically gains Improved Uncanny Dodge

(see below) instead.

Skill Mastery

At 5th level, a Rogue selects a number of skills from his class list equal to 3 + his Intelligence modifier.

When making a check using one of these skills, the Rogue may take 10 even if stress and distractions would normally prevent him from doing so.

Improved Evasion

At 7th level, a Rogue can avoid most damage on unusual attacks. Improved Evasion works like

Evasion, except while the Rogue still takes no damage on a successful save, henceforth he takes only half damage on a failed save. A helpless Rogue does not gain the benefit of Improved Evasion.

Improved Uncanny Dodge

A Rogue of 8th level or higher can no longer be flanked. This defense denies another Rogue the ability to sneak attack the character by flanking him, unless the attacker has at least four more Rogue levels than the target does. If a character already has Uncanny Dodge (see above) from a second class, the character automatically gains Improved Uncanny Dodge instead, and the levels from the classes that grant Uncanny Dodge stack to determine the minimum Rogue level required to flank the character.

Utterly Convincing

At 9th level, the Rogue is a master at convincing people. Whenever the Rogue spends 1 action point to improve some Charisma-based skill checks (see below), he adds an additional 1d6 to the result. The skills that Utterly Convincing applies to are: Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, Gather Information,

Intimidate, and Perform.


Class BAB Fort Ref Will Special Defense Reputation

1st +0

2nd +1









3rd +1 +1 +3 +1 Trap sense

4th +2 +1 +4 +1 Uncanny dodge

5th +2 +1 +4 +1 Skill mastery

6th +3 +2 +5 +2 Bonus feat

7th +3 +2 +5 +2 Improved evasion

8th +4 +2 +6 +2 Improved uncanny dodge

9th +4

10th +5







Utterly convincing

Bonus feat






















The Science Specialist oversees scientific research, surveying, and analysis. He is typically an expert in one or more specific fields, but broadly familiar in all branches of science. The mission of the particular ship, vessel, or base determines the area of expertise of the Science Specialist assigned to it.

The fastest path into this advanced class is from the Smart hero basic class, though other paths are possible.


To qualify to become a Science Specialist, a character must fulfill the following criteria.

Skills: 6 ranks in either Craft (chemical) or Craft (electronic), plus 6 ranks in Knowledge (earth and life sciences), Knowledge (physical sciences), or Knowledge (technology), plus 6 ranks in Research.

Class Information

The following information pertains to the Science Specialist advanced class.

Hit Die

The Science Specialist gains 1d8 hit points per level. The character’s Constitution modifier applies.

Action Points

The Science Specialist gains a number of action points equal to 6 + one-half his character level, rounded down, every time he attains a new level in this class.

Class Skills

The Science Specialist’s class skills are as follows. Computer Use (Int), Craft (chemical, electronic, mechanical, pharmaceutical), Decipher Script (Int), Demolitions (Int), Disable Device (Int), Drive

(Dex), Investigate (Int), Knowledge (behavioral sciences, earth and life sciences, physical sciences, space sciences, specific culture, technology) (Int), Linguistics (Int),Navigate (Int), Perception (Wis),

Pilot (Dex), Profession (Wis), Research (Int) and Treat Injury

Skill Points at Each Level: 8 + Int modifier.

Class Features

The following class features pertain to the Science Specialist advanced class.

Feat Sacrifice

Each time that a Science Specialist is able to learn a feat, he may sacrifice that feat to gain a number of skill points equal to those gained upon advancing a level (8 + Int modifier).

Skill Mastery

At 1st level, a Science Specialist selects a number of skills from his class list equal to 3 + his

Intelligence modifier. When making a check using one of these skills, the Science Specialist may take

10 even if stress and distractions would normally prevent him from doing so. He becomes so accomplished in the use of these skills that he can use them reliably even under adverse conditions.

Scientific Improvisation

At 2nd level, a Science Specialist gains the ability to improvise solutions using common objects and scientific know-how. This ability lets the Science Specialist create objects in a dramatic situation quickly and cheaply, but the items have a limited duration. By spending 1 action point and combining common objects with a Craft check that corresponds to the function desired, the Science Specialist can build a tool or device to deal with any situation. The DC for the Craft check is equal to 5 + the purchase DC of the object that most closely matches the desired function. Only objects that can normally be used more than once can be improvised. Electronic devices, special tools, weapons, mechanical devices, and more can be built with scientific improvisation. It takes a full-round action to make an object by using scientific improvisation. The object, when put into use, lasts for a number of rounds equal to the

Science Specialist’s class level, or until the end of the current encounter, before it breaks down. It cannot be repaired.

Primary Area of Study

At 3rd level, the Science Specialist selects either the Treat Injury skill or one Knowledge skill to be his primary area of study. This is where the Science Specialist focuses his research and study, and he will become extremely proficient within it. He will gain a competence bonus equal to half his class level

(rounding down) to any check using this skill.


At 4th level, the Science Specialist’s Intelligence score raises by +1, and it raises an additional +1 at

8th level.


The Science Specialist can choose two cross-class skills and make them class skills. When multiclassing, these new skills are always considered class skills unless the new class considers them to be cross-class skills.

Bonus Feats

At 6th and 9th level, the Science Specialist gets a bonus feat. The bonus feat must be selected from the following list, and the Science Specialist must meet all the prerequisites of the feat to select it:

Archaic Weapons Proficiency, Attentive, Cautious, Educated, Gearhead, Renown, Studious.

Use Alien Artifact

Upon reaching 7th level, the Science Specialist has gained enough background knowledge that he can study strange and wonderful alien artifacts, perhaps millions of years old, and make them fully functional once more even if he does not know their true purpose. To activate an alien artifact, the

Science Specialist must spend at least one hour studying the device and then make an Intelligence check, using half his class level as a bonus, rounding down. The DC for this check is set by the

Gamemaster and is dependent upon the complexity of the artifact, but most will have a DC in excess of


Ten Second Solution

The team can usually count on the Science Specialist for last-minute solutions that work. At 10th level, once per session, the Science Specialist may make one Intelligence-based skill check with which he is considered to automatically take 20. Finally, the target skill check is accomplished in half the standard amount of time (rounded down, minimum 1 full action). The Science Specialist must declare that he is using this ability before making a roll for the chosen activity. This ability can be used without provoking an attack of opportunity.


Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special

1st +0 +1 +1 +1 Feat sacrifice, Skill mastery

2nd +1 +2 +2 +1 Scientific improvisation

3rd +1 +2 +2 +2 Primary area of study

4th +2

5th +2

6th +3

7th +3

8th +4

9th +4





















Bonus feat

Use alien artifact


Bonus feat

Defense Reputation



















10th +5 +5 +5 +4 Ten second solution


+3 +3

The Security Specialist may be a member of a police force, a bodyguard, or other security-type personnel. In the Starfleet usually it is the Marines handle security duties on military starships, but a gamemaster may choose to use Security Specialists instead of (or in addition to) Marines. The fastest path into this advanced class is from the Fast hero basic class, though other paths are possible.


To qualify to become a Security Specialist, a character must fulfill the following criteria.

Base Attack Bonus: +2.

Skills: Hide 6 ranks, Move Silently 6 ranks.

Class Information The following information pertains to the Security Specialist advanced class.

Hit Die

The Security Specialist gains 1d8 hit points per level. The character’s Constitution modifier applies.

Action Point

The Security Specialist gains a number of action points equal to 6 + one-half his character level, rounded down, every time he attains a new level in this class.

Class Skills

The Security Specialist’s class skills are as follows: Acrobatics (Dex), Climb (Str), Computer Use (Int),

Craft (any) (Int), Demolitions (Int), Drive (Dex), Gather Information (Int), Investigate (Int),

Knowledge (behavioral sciences, law, specific culture) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Perception (Wis).

Profession (Wis),

Surveillance (Wis), Swim (Str), and Treat Injury (Wis).

Skill Points at Each Level: 5 + Int modifiers.

Class Features

The following class features pertain to the Security Specialist advanced class.


At 1st level, a Security Specialist is able to size up an area with a single sweep of his eyes. He can get the lay of the land and often detects things that are not perceptible to those around him. Sweep provides a +4 circumstance bonus on Perception checks and covers an area 30 feet in front of and to each side of the Security Specialist (but not behind him). The Security Specialist can use this bonus whenever he enters a new area to look for obvious enemies, alarms and surveillance devices, traps, escape routes, and any expensive objects that can easily be concealed and carried away if he so chooses. Anything not concealed can be spotted in a sweep with a successful check (DC 10). The DC for a concealed or less obvious threat is equal to its Stealth check result.

Electronic Tinkering

The Security Specialist has been well trained in most forms of electronics. At 2nd level, he gains a +2 synergy bonus to all skill rolls dealing with electronics and electronic devices.

Bonus Feat

At 3rd and 9th levels, the Security Specialist gets a bonus feat. The bonus feat must be selected from the following list, and the Security Specialist must meet all the prerequisites of the feat to select it:

Acrobatic, Alertness, Armor Proficiency (light), Athletic, Attentive, Brawl, Cautious, Defensive Martial

Arts, Dodge, Elusive Target, Meticulous, Mobility, Nimble, Renown, Run, Stealthy.

Skill Mastery

At 4th level, a Security Specialist selects a number of skills from his class list equal to 3 + his

Intelligence modifier. When making a check using one of these skills, the Security Specialist may take

10 even if stress and distractions would normally prevent him from doing so. He becomes so accomplished in the use of these skills that he can use them reliably even under adverse conditions.

Improvised Implements

The Security Specialist becomes an expert at using improvised weapons and tools. Sometimes a mission calls for the Security Specialist to enter a situation without a weapon. In such cases, he can turn ordinary objects into lethal weapons. A chair, a vase, a heavy book, a broken bottle, a full can of beer — these and other ordinary objects can become weapons in the Security Specialist’s hands. At

5th level, a Security Specialist no longer takes a -4 penalty when wielding an improvised weapon.

Additionally, the Security Specialist no longer takes a -4 penalty when using the Climb and Disable

Device skills without the proper tools as he is able to make do without the exact equipment.

Improved Evasion

If a Security Specialist of 6th level or higher is exposed to any effect that normally allows a character to attempt a Reflex saving throw for half damage (such as getting caught in a grenade blast), the

Security Specialist suffers no damage if he makes a successful saving throw and takes only half damage on a failed save. Improved Evasion can only be used when wearing light or no armor. For a

Security Specialist, who does not have Evasion (see the Fast hero basic class description), Improved

Evasion counts as Evasion for the purpose of meeting the prerequisites on the Fast hero’s Defensive

Talent Tree.

Improvised Weapon Damage

At 7th level, a Security Specialist’s attacks with improvised weapons deal more damage. He treats an improvised weapon as one size category larger than it is for the purpose of determining the damage it deals.

Improved Sweep

At 8th level, a Security Specialist’s ability to get the lay of the land improves. Now he not only spots potential perils with a successful check, but he can also determine the relative strength of these dangers. A successful check relates the danger’s strength compared to the Security Specialist: stronger (higher level or HD), on par (same level or HD), or weaker (lower level or HD).


At 10th level, the Security Specialist has excelled at his job so well that he can now hide traces of his presence. A successful Spot check must be made to detect the Security Specialist’s presence in any given area. At 10th level, a Security Specialist has become so good at what he does that he leaves almost no trace behind when he uses any of the following skills: Acrobatics, Climb, Disable Device,

Escape Artist, Sleight of Hand and Stealth. Those using Investigate, Listen, Search, or Spot to detect the

Security Specialist’s activity take a -4 penalty.


Level BAB

1st +2

2nd +3

3rd +3

4th +4

5th +4

6th +5

7th +5

Fort Ref







Will Special




Sweep damage

+2 +1 +1 Electronic tinkering

+2 +2 +2 Bonus feat

Improved evasion

Improvised weapon

Defense Reputation




+3 +2 +2 Skill Mastery +1

+3 +3 +2 Improvised implements +2










8th +6/+1

9th +6/+1

10th +7/+2

+5 +4 +3 Improved sweep

+5 +5 +4 Bonus feat

+6 +5 +4 Traceless








The Starfleet Intelligence Agency’s focus is on spies, covert operations, and intelligence gathering outside of the Federation. Civilians are usually recruited or hired as Starfleet Intelligence Agents and are used to gather intelligence as needed. The fastest path into this advanced class is from the

Dedicated hero basic class, though other paths are possible.


To qualify to become a Starfleet Intelligence Agent, a character must fulfill the following criteria.

Base Attack Bonus: +2.

Skills: Gather Information 6 ranks, Hide 6 ranks, Subterfuge 6 Ranks, Surveillance 6 ranks.

Class Information

The following information pertains to the Starfleet Intelligence Agent advanced class.

Hit Die

The Starfleet Intelligence Agent gains 1d8 hit points per level. The character’s Constitution modifier applies.

Action Points

The Starfleet Intelligence Agent gains a number of action points equal to 6 + one-half his character level, rounded down, every time he attains a new level in this class.

Class Skills

The Starfleet Intelligence Agent’s class skills are as follows. Computer Use (Int), Craft (any) (Int),

Demolitions (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Knowledge (any) (Int), Linguistics

(Int), Perception (Wis), (Dex), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Subterfuge

(Dex) and Surveillance (Wis).

Skill Points at Each Level: 5 + Int modifier.

Class Features

The following class features pertain to the Starfleet Intelligence Agent advanced class.


Whenever the Starfleet Intelligence Agent spends 1 action point to add to an Intelligence-based skill check, two dice are added instead of one (e.g., a 1st-level Intelligence Agent's bonus of 1d6 becomes

2d6). The extra one is limited to 1d8. Thus, if a 14th-level Starfleet Intelligence Agent were to spend 1 action point, he would roll 2d10 and 1d8 and take the highest roll of the three.

Flawless Search

When rolling a Perception check to find clues or other important information, the Starfleet

Intelligence Agent may never completely fail. If he fails the roll, the player may spend a number of action points necessary to succeed on the roll. The Starfleet Intelligence Agent normally finds at least one clue or a vague piece of information — if either exists to be found.


When spending 1 action point on an Investigate check, the Starfleet Intelligence Agent can roll 2d6 and take the higher result.

Special Ability

At 3rd, 6th, and 9th level, the Starfleet Intelligence Agent may select any one of the following special abilities.

Comb the Streets: Once per game session, the Starfleet Intelligence Agent may locate someone within the local area using either a physical description or a current ID. This takes one day for each level of the target. This ability may be gained multiple times, allowing an extra use of the ability per game session for each time it has been purchased.

Intercept Communication: Once per game session, the Starfleet Intelligence Agent may intercept any communication originating from a specific person or location, and clandestinely listen in without making a Surveillance skill check.

Intelligence Analysis: The Starfleet Intelligence Agent may quickly sift through large amounts of data in order to find information relevant to a particular topic. This takes approximately 10 minutes for each IRD chip. Search and Spot checks must still be made to notice important information while using this ability, unless it is obvious, in which case the GM may rule that it is found automatically once the time is taken to sift through the material.

Electronics Familiarity: The Starfleet Intelligence Agent is familiar with all types of electronic devices, even control consoles found deep within enemy lairs.

Feat: The Starfleet Intelligence Agent gains a bonus feat. He must still meet all of the feat's prerequisites, including ability score and base attack bonus minimums.

Skill Mastery: The Starfleet Intelligence Agent selects a number of skills equal to 3 + his Intelligence modifier. He may always take 10 when using these skills, even if stress and distraction would normally interfere.

Back Door

Upon reaching 4th level, the Starfleet Intelligence Agent may select one computer system on which he has previously hacked the root account. He has managed to install a back door in this computer system, allowing him unlimited access to it without requiring further Computer Use checks. For every

4 levels after 4th, the Starfleet Intelligence Agent gains one additional back door. He may save his back doors, leaving them unassigned, as long as he wants. Additionally, the Starfleet Intelligence

Agent may move any of his back door slots to a different system at any time, as long as he has hacked the new system's root account. However, once he has removed a back door from a system, the

Starfleet Intelligence Agent must hack that system's root account again before he can reinstall a back door in it.

Master Cracker

Starting at 5th level, once per game session, the Starfleet Intelligence Agent may automatically figure out one password or similar piece of information. This ability requires at least a full action to use, and the GM may require the team to perform a task, such as breaking into a certain building, in order to acquire the information. At 10th level, the Starfleet Intelligence Agent may use this ability twice per game session.

Galactic Local

Starting at 8th level, once per game session, the Starfleet Intelligence Agent may find out what planet anyone is in, anywhere in the galaxy. This requires either a physical description or current ID of the target, and takes a day for every level of the target. Once the world is determined (or if the world is already known), if the city is desired, then it takes an additional two days for every level of the target.


Level BAB

1st +0

2nd +1

3rd +1

4th +2

5th +3

6th +3

7th +4

8th +5

Fort Ref Will Special

+0 +0 +1 Astute, Flawless search +1























Special ability

Back door

Master cracker

Special ability

Bonus feat

Galactic local

Defense Reputation
















9th +5

10th +6/+2

+3 +3 +5 Special ability

+4 +4 +5 Master cracker






The Starfleet Marine (also known as a Ground Combat Specialist since some could be in the Klingon

Army, Federation National Guard, or nonmilitary organizations) is a trained warrior. Marines often become adventurers after spending some time as part of a professional military organization. A

Marine may have served in a prestigious unit or may have joined to escape a more mundane life.

Starfleet Marines also serve as peacekeepers, to help put an end to any threat to Federation Security.

The fastest path into this advanced class is from the Strong hero basic class, though other paths are possible.


To qualify to become a Marine, a character must fulfill the following criteria.

Base Attack Bonus: +3.

Skill: Knowledge (military science) 3 ranks.

Feat: Personal Firearms Proficiency.

Class Information

The following information pertains to the Starfleet Marine advanced class.

Hit Die

The Marine gains 1d10 hit points per level. The character’s Constitution modifier applies.

Action Points

The Marine gains a number of action points equal to 6 + one-half his character level, rounded down, every time he attains a new level in this class.

Class Skills

The Starfleet Marine’s class skills are as follows. Demolitions (Int), Drive (Dex), Intimidate (Cha),

Jump (Str), Knowledge (current events, history, military science, popular culture) (Int), Listen (Wis),

Navigate (Int), Profession (Wis), Read/Write Language (none), Speak Language (none), Spot (Wis),

Survival (Wis), Swim (Str).

Skill Points at Each Level: 5 + Int modifier.

Class Features

The following class features pertain to the Starfleet Marine advanced class.

Weapon Focus

At 1st level, a Starfleet Marine gains the Weapon Focus class feature, providing the benefit of the feat with the same name.

The Marine chooses a specific weapon. The Marine can choose unarmed strike or grapple as the weapon. The Marine must be proficient with the chosen weapon. The Marine adds +1 to all attack rolls made using the selected weapon.

Weapon Specialization

At 2nd level, a Starfleet Marine gains weapon specialization with a specific melee or ranged weapon that he also has applied the Weapon Focus feat or class feature to. The Marine gets a +2 bonus on damage rolls with the chosen weapon.

Bonus Feats

At 3rd, 6th, and 9th level, the Starfleet Marine gets a bonus feat. The bonus feat must be selected from the following list, and the Marine must meet all the prerequisites of the feat to select it: Advanced

Firearms Proficiency, Archaic Weapons Proficiency, Armor Proficiency (light), Armor Proficiency

(medium), Armor Proficiency (heavy), Brawl, Burst Fire, Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Exotic Firearms

Proficiency, Exotic Melee Weapon Proficiency, Far Shot, Great Cleave, Improved Brawl, Improved

Knockout Punch, Knockout Punch, Power Attack.

Swift Response

At 4th level, the Starfleet Marine’s lightning fast reactions enable him to get the drop on his enemies time and again. The Starfleet Marine gains a +4 bonus on initiative checks.

Boarding Specialist

At 7nd level, the Marine becomes an expert at boarding an enemy vessel, moving swiftly and silently through the corridors to seize his objective. When on an enemy vessel, the Marine gains a +1 morale bonus to Perception and Stealth checks. This bonus increases at 10 level.

Special Ability

At 5th, 8th, and 10th level, the Starfleet Marine receives one of the following abilities of his choice:

Agile Twist: This ability requires the Marine to have a base attack bonus of +5 or greater. By spending 1 action point, the Marine can nullify a critical hit made against him — this strike is instead considered a normal hit.

Armor Up: The Marine can don armor in half the normal time.

Battle through the Pain: The Marine can negate all non-lethal damage he has taken by spending 1 action point. This ability can only be selected if the Marine has a Constitution of 15 or more.

Combat-Hardened: The Marine has seen a lot of scary things in his day. Any time he fails a

Will save against a fear effect, he may spend 1 action point to make a second save.

Defensive Posture: The Marine gains +2 to Defense against free attacks made against him in melee combat.

Personal Weapon: The Marine has a specific weapon which he always uses and which has become a virtual extension of his body. When using this weapon, he gains a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls, and a +2 bonus on the check made to determine if a critical threat becomes a critical hit. If the weapon is lost or damaged, the Marine will require a full month of practice with a new weapon of the same type to regain the use of this ability.

Pinpoint Aim: The Marine gains a +1 bonus on all ranged attacks against targets one or more size categories smaller than he is.

Starfleet Marine

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special

1st +3 +1 +1 +0 Weapon focus

2nd +3 +2 +2 +0 Weapon specialization

3rd +4 +2 +2 +1 Bonus feat

4th +4 +2 +2 +1 Swift response

5th +5 +3 +3 +1 Special ability

6th +5 +3 +3 +2 Bonus feat















7th +6/+1 +4

8th +6/+1 +4





Boarding Specialist

Special ability



9th +7/+2 +4 +4 +3 Bonus feat +5

10th +7/+2 +5 +5 +3 Special ability, Boarding Specialist +5

Tactical Specialist





A marksman who likes the biggest guns he can find, the starship gunner has gravitated to the guns so big they need a starship to carry them. He likes the variety of point and click that ends with an explosion. Tactical Specialist are found serving starships in many capacities. Some like their combat up close and personal and serve in two-man fighters, while scores of these experts can be found in the large capital ships of the fleets of space.


To qualify to become a Tactical Specialist a character must meet the following criteria (the quickest path into this class is through the Strong hero basic class).

Base Attack Bonus: +3

Skills: Knowledge (tactics) 3 ranks

Feats: Starship Gunnery, Teamwork (Weapons Crew)


The following information pertains to the Tactical Specialist advanced class.

Hit Die: 1d8

Action Points: 6+ one-half character level, rounded down, every time the character gains a new level in this class.

Class Skills: The Tactical Specialist class skills (and the ability for each skill) are: Computer Use (Int),

Demolitions (Int), Disable Device (Int), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (current events, history, tactics)

(Int), Pilot (Dex), Repair (Int) and Spot (Wis)

Skill points at each level: 5+Int. modifier.


The following features pertain to the Tactical Specialist advanced class.

Weapon Focus: The Tactical Specialist gains the Weapon Focus feat for all starship weapons at 1st level.

Weapon Specialization: At 2nd level the Tactical gains a +2 bonus to damage with all starship weapons.

Far Shot: At 4th level the starship gunner gains the Far Shot feat for all starship weapons.

Disabling Shot: As he gains experience the Tactical Specialist learns how to damage vital ship’s systems to reduce the ability of an enemy ship to harm his own or even to escape. The Tactical

Specialist must declare that he is attempting a disabling shot and which ship’s system he is targeting before he makes his attack roll. Only one attack per round can be a Disabling Shot no matter how many attacks the Tactical Specialist is entitled to.

He must then roll an attack roll 5 higher than what he would need to hit the target with a normal attack. Then the attack must penetrate the ship’s defenses and inflict at least one point of damage. If he succeeds the results are shown below. Any system damaged by a disabling shot remains damaged until it is repaired, requiring at least one full day and a Repair skill check

(DC 15+ the Tactical Specialist level of the character who disabled the system). It is possible for a system to be disabled more than once and all effects are cumulative. No matter how badly damaged a system is by multiple disabling strikes, repairing the system still only takes one day, but use the highest Repair DC of all starship gunners who may have damaged the system (the reason even a completely disabled system is so easy to repair is that the damage is supposed to be superficial- the idea of a disabling strike is to capture or disable a ship WITHOUT destroying it).

Weapons: Targeting weapons reduces the damage dice potential of any weapon by –1 die for each 5 points the Tactical Specialist rolled higher than he needed to execute the disabling shot. So if the Tactical

Specialist needed a modified 15 to hit with a disabling shot a 15-20 would reduce the weapon’s damage by

–1 die, 21-25 would reduce it by –2 dice and so forth.

Sensors: If sensors are targeted, the Tactical Specialist must declare if he is targeting weapon sensors or navigational sensors. Weapon sensors give the ship a –1 penalty to all attack rolls for each 5 points by which the attack roll exceeded the minimum needed to damage the target. Targeting navigational sensors gives a –2 penalty to all Computer Use skill checks made for active sensor scans for each 5 points by which the attack roll exceeded the minimum needed to damage the target.

Engines: Targeting the engines can either target the main engines or the maneuvering thrusters of an opposing ship. Targeting the main engines reduces the starship’s movement by –500 feet per round for each five points by which the attack roll exceeded the minimum needed to damage the target. Targeting maneuvering thrusters gives the ship a –2 penalty on all Pilot skill checks for each 5 points by which the attack roll exceeded the minimum needed to damage the target.

Improved Disabling Shot: At 7th level the Tactical Specialist becomes even more adept at disabling opposing ships. This ability functions as Disabling Shot except he only needs to score a regular hit for the attack to be a Disabling Shot. The starship gunner can still only make one disabling shot per round.

Improved Weapon Focus: At 8th level the Tactical Specialist gains an additional +1 to hit with all starship weapons. This bonus stacks with that granted by Weapon Focus.

Improved Weapon Specialization: At 9th level the Tactical Specialist gains an additional +2 damage bonus with all starship weapons. This bonus stacks with that granted by Weapon Specialization.

Bonus Feats: At 3rd, 6th and 9th levels the Tactical Specialist gains a bonus feat from the following list: Advanced Firearms Proficiency, Armor Proficiency (light), Armor Proficiency (medium), Burst

Fire, Dead Aim, Double Tap, Personal Firearms Proficiency, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot and Quick

Draw. The character must meet the prerequisites for any feat.


Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special Defense Reputation





















Weapon Focus

Weapon Specialization

Bonus Feat

Far Shot

























+1 Disabling Shot

+2 Bonus Feat

+2 Improved Disabling Shot

+2 Improved Weapon Focus









9th +6 +4 +6 +3 Bonus Feat +5 +2

10th +7 +5 +7 +3 Improved Weapon Specialization



To qualify to become a Negotiator, a character must fulfill the following criteria.

Skills: Bluff 6 ranks, Diplomacy 6 ranks.

Feat: Alertness.

Class Information

The following information pertains to the Negotiator advanced class.

+5 +2

Hit Die: 1d8+Con. Modifier.

Action Points: 6 + one-half character level, rounded down, every time the Negotiator attains a new level in this class.

Class Skills

The Negotiator’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are: Bluff (Cha), Computer Use (Int),

Diplomacy (Cha), Drive (Dex), Gamble (Wis), Gather Information (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Investigate

(Int), Knowledge (behavioral sciences, business, civics, current events, popular culture, streetwise) (Int), Perception

(Wis)Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis)

Skill Points at Each Level: 5 + Int modifier.

Class Features

All of the following are features of the Negotiator advanced class.

Conceal Motive

A Negotiator gets to add a bonus equal to his or her Negotiator level whenever he or she opposes a

Sense Motive check.

React First

Starting at 2nd level, a Negotiator gains the ability to react first when trying to make a deal or mediate a settlement. The Negotiator must make contact and speak to the participants prior to the start of combat. If he or she does this, he or she gains a free readied action that allows the Negotiator to make either a move or attack action if either side in the negotiation (other than the Negotiator) decides to start hostilities. The Negotiator gets to act before any initiative checks are made, in effect giving him or her the benefit of surprise.

Bonus Feats

At 3rd, 6th, and 9th level, the Negotiator gets a bonus feat. The bonus feat must be selected from the following list, and the Negotiator must meet all the prerequisites of the feat to select it. Advanced

Firearms Proficiency, Armor Proficiency (light), Armor Proficiency (medium), Attentive, Confident,

Dead Aim, Deceptive, Educated, Far Shot, Iron Will, Personal Firearms Proficiency, Trustworthy.

Talk Down

A Negotiator of 4th level or higher can talk his or her way out of trouble. Either prior to the start of hostilities or during combat, the Negotiator can talk down a single opponent within 15 feet of his or her position or otherwise able to hear the Negotiator’s voice. The target must be able to understand the Negotiator. That opponent immediately stops fighting and reverts to an indifferent attitude regarding the Negotiator and the situation in general. Any hostile action by the Negotiator or by one of the Negotiator’s allies directed at the opponent allows the opponent to act as he or she sees fit. To initiate this talent, the Negotiator must spend a full-round action talking to his or her opponent. The opponent makes a Will saving throw. The DC is equal to 10 +Negotiator’s class level + Negotiator’s

Charisma bonus. If the save fails, the opponent stops fighting. If the save succeeds, the opponent continues as normal.

At 7th level, a Negotiator can talk down a number of opponents equal to his or her Charisma bonus within 15 feet of his or her position or within 15 feet of a television, radio, or telephone broadcasting the Negotiator’s message.

At 10th level, the range extends to 30 feet and covers all opponents who can hear and understand the

Negotiator’s voice.

No Sweat

Starting at 5th level, whenever a Negotiator spends 1 action point to improve the result of a die roll, he or she rolls an additional 1d6. The Negotiator can then select the highest die roll to add to his or her d20 roll.

Sow Distrust

A Negotiator of 8th level or higher can turn one character against another. The Negotiator must spend a full-round action and know the name of the character he or she is attempting to persuade as well as the name of the character toward which the target’s distrust will be directed. The target must be able to hear and understand the

Negotiator. The target makes a Will save. The DC is equal to 10 + Negotiator’s class level +

Negotiator’s Charisma bonus. If the target fails the save, his or her attitude toward the other designated character worsens by one step: helpful turns to friendly, friendly to indifferent, indifferent to unfriendly, unfriendly to hostile (see the Diplomacy skill).

The target makes a Will save whenever the Negotiator uses this talent against him or her. As long as the target continues to fail the Will save, the Negotiator can continue taking full-round actions to worsen the target’s attitude toward a designated character. When the target’s attitude drops to hostile, he or she attacks the designated character.

A successful Will save doesn’t restore previous attitude shifts, but it does render the target immune for 24 hours to further attempts by the Negotiator to sow distrust. The Negotiator can’t use this talent on his or her allies.

The Negotiator

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special

1st +0 +1 +0 +2 Conceal motive

2nd +1 +2 +0 +3 React first

3rd +2 +2 +1 +3 Bonus feat

4th +3 +2 +1 +4 Talk down one opponent

5th +3

6th +4







No sweat

Bonus feat

7th +5 +4 +2 +5 Talk down several opponents

8th +6 +4 +2 +6 Sow distrust

9th +6 +4 +3 +6 Bonus feat

10th +7 +5 +3 +7 Talk down all opponents

Defense Reputation






















The civilian character class can be used to model humans on colony worlds, on Earth itself, and in the many walks of life that exist in the United Federation of Planets. Even older citizens and ex-military characters can use levels in the civilian class as it simply represents mundane skills and social influence beyond that which is taught in boot camp or at the barrel of a gun. The civilian class is used

to create normal people in this game; when Starfleet have to deal with reporters, minor government officials or corporate executives during the course of their missions, each one will likely be a civilian.

Game Rule Information

Civilians have the following game statistics.


Civilians come from all kinds of backgrounds and have a widely varied set of physical and mental gifts. Some are smart, others strong and still others are charismatic. They also have their own weaknesses. Any given civilian might be weak, slovenly or constantly in poor health. While all civilians vary, they typically have one or two impressive ability scores and just as many poor ones.

While a civilian may be the model for an ‘average person’, very few are average across the board.

Hit Points

Civilians start the game with 1d4 hit + their Constitution Modifier per Level.

Class Skills

The civilian’s class skills, and the key ability for each skill, are unique in that each one has a different list. Civilians can choose any eight skills. These choices, once made, cannot be changed.

Skill Points at Each New Level: 9 + Int modifier per level

Class Features

The following are class features of the civilian.

Background: In addition to the two feats all characters get at 1st level, a civilian gains the bonus class skills and feat(s) if any from whichever profession he chooses at 1st level. These can achieve. If the civilian desires, this second choice can are permanent bonus skills and feats; the former can be increased with skill points gained at 1st level as normal. All civilians also begin play with a profession that modifies their starting potential and makes them unique.

The combination of chosen class skills, feats and profession greatly define a civilian; careful consideration should be given to these decisions before they are made as none of them can be changed afterwards.

Academic: Academics include librarians, archaeologists, scholars, professors, teachers and other educated professionals. In the Federation these tend to be the children of privileged civilians who were allowed to pursue such vaulted and cerebral professions in a world where academic studies are not a high priority for civilians of any kind. Skills: Choose three of the following skills as permanent class skills. If a skill the character selects is already a class skill, he receives a +1 bonus on checks using that skill. Computer Use, Investigate, Knowledge (art, behavioral sciences, business, civics, current events, earth and life sciences, history, mathematics, physical sciences, popular culture, space sciences, technology, and theology and philosophy), Linguistics, and Research. Bonus Feat: Educated.

Blue Collar: Blue collar occupations include factory work, food service jobs, construction and service industry jobs, transport drivers, by-the-hour laborers and other jobs that are usually not considered to be desk jobs. Skills: Choose three of the following skills as permanent class skills. If a skill the character selects is already a class skill, he receives a +1 bonus on checks using that skill. Acrobatics, Craft (any), Drive, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Knowledge (any),

Linguistics, and Ride. Bonus Feat: Skill Focus (any class skill).


Doctor: A doctor can be a physician (general practitioner or specialist), a surgeon, a reconstruction expert (dealing with cybernetic replacements), a geneticist, a psychiatrist or from some other biological specialty field.

Prerequisite: Intelligence 13+.

Skills: Choose two of the following skills as permanent class skills. If a skill the character selects is already a class skill, he receives a +1 bonus on checks using that skill. Computer Use, Craft (any),

Knowledge (behavioral sciences, earth and life sciences, medical sciences, technology), Perception, or

Treat Injury.

Special: When doctors retire (which can occur by choice at 60 as opposed to 70), they are granted a citizen’s franchise as a reward for their contribution to the safety and health of the Federation.

Rural: Farm workers and others who make a living in rural communities fall under this category.

There are still a few farms on Earth and corporate agricultural domes are found on every single colony of the Federation.

Skills: Choose two of the following skills as permanent class skills. If a skill the character selects is already a class skill, he receives a +1 bonus on checks using that skill. Climb, Drive, Handle Animal,

Ride, and Survival.

Bonus Feat: Select either Brawl or Toughness.

Technician/Scientist: Scientists and engineers of all types are within the scope of this starting occupation. Most technicians are employed by corporations, but there are a few who work for themselves or for groups that evade the acquisition networks of big business. Scientists are also eagerly sought after by Starfleet as well as other interest and while joining is always voluntary, recruiters are instructed not to discourage recruits with technical skills and scientific aptitudes.

Skills: Choose three of the following skills as permanent class skills. If a skill the character selects is already a class skill, he receives a +1 bonus on checks using that skill. Computer Use, Knowledge

(any, each chosen separately), Linguistics, and Research.

Bonus Feat: Educated or Studious.

Expertise: The civilian chooses one of his class skills as the focus for this feature; this decision cannot be changed once made. Any failed check using the chosen skill may be rerolled once per day, as it represents the single skill he has been educated and trained to perform as well as he possibly can. He also wins all ties that result from contested rolls using the skill in which the civilian has

Expertise, regardless of total skill ranks or other conditions.

At 7th level, a civilian has become so versatile that he can extend the Expertise class feature to cover one other skill he possesses. This second skill must have at least five ranks in it as only practiced skills can be exercised as well as a civilian can achieve. If the civilian desires, this second choice can be the original skill. Doing this allows a reroll for that skill twice per day.

Ubiquitous: Civilians are good at keeping their heads down and not drawing attention to themselves, even those with more ambition than their peers. Whenever a sentient attacker (Intelligence score 3 or higher) chooses a target at random from a group that the civilian is in, it will only choose the civilian if he is the closest target and is carrying a weapon. Otherwise, he will be passed over in











10th preference of someone else. This ability only functions when the civilian is with others. When he is alone, he gains no special protection from this feature.

Motivated: Civilians rising in levels have a certain spark of life that keeps them going when all else fails. Each time this feature is gained, it adds one to the civilian’s hit point total and grants a +1 bonus to all saving throws in a single category chosen from Fortitude, Reflex or Will (these stack from multiple instances of Motivated).

Bonus Feat: The life lessons learned from rising to this level of accomplishment in the Federation pay off with mastery of a special skill or training that is not normally available to civilians. The civilian can choose any feat from the Feats if he meets its requirements. If the feat is a weapon proficiency, the civilian becomes licensed to carry and use such a weapon. Games Masters and players should work together to create an in-game explanation of how the civilian character has gained this bonus feat, especially if it is martial in nature.

Government Notice: The civilian’s growing prominence within his social circle comes to the attention of elements of the local government. While this is not necessarily the notice of a high official in the Federation, the civilian’s name has at the very least made it onto a list of ‘people to watch’ for possible recruitment into government projects and agencies. While there may be some negative repercussions of this level of attention, it does come with a few perks as well. Any time a civilian with

Government Notice has to deal with law enforcement or other Federation services, he gains a +1 bonus to all Charisma-based checks.

Reputation: Once a civilian gains 10th level in this class, the people in his city or colony of residence treat him as a minor celebrity or at least offer a certain amount of respect for his achievements. Even if the civilian has done nothing to truly deserve such a high reputation, others perceive him as if he had act accordingly. Only groups actively hostile to the civilian for some personal reason will ever attack him openly; others just let him go his own way as long as he does not act aggressively towards them. This class feature’s social protection can be extended to one other person for every point of

Reputation bonus the civilian possesses. Reputation is useless in situations where those opposed to the civilian either have no way to know of his Reputation or are not the kind to care even if they did.


BAB Fort Ref Will Special Defense

+0 +0 +1 +1 Background, Expertise +1











+1 +1 +2 +2 Bonus Feat

+1 +1 +3 +3 Government Notice

+2 +2 +3 +3 Motivated

+2 +2 +4 +4 Expertise

+2 +2 +4 +4 Bonus Feat

+3 +3 +4 +4 Motivated









+3 +3 +5 +5 Reputation +4













The Merchant is usually a trader rather than a shopkeeper. He may be a highly paid corporate faction or a member of the crew of a beat-up old merchant starship. Merchants are adept at thinking on their feet, seeking out new business opportunities, and at talking or shooting their way out of situations their business sense has got them into. The fastest path into this advanced class is from the

Charismatic hero basic class, though other paths are possible.


To qualify to become a Merchant, a character must fulfill the following criteria.

Skills: Gather Information 6 ranks, Knowledge (business) 6 ranks.

Class Information

The following information pertains to the Merchant advanced class.

Hit Die

The Merchant gains 1d6 hit points per level. The character’s Constitution modifier applies.

Action Points

The Merchant gains a number of action points equal to 6 + one-half character level, rounded down, every time he attains a new level in this class.

Class Skills

The Merchant’s class skills are as follows. Appraise (Int), Computer Use (Int), Craft (any) (Int),

Diplomacy (Cha),

Intimidation (Cha), Knowledge (any) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Navigate (Int), Pilot (Dex), Perception

(Wis), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis) and Survival (Wis).

Skill Points at Each Level: 6 + Int modifier.

Class Features

The following class features pertain to the Merchant advanced class.

Calculating Eye

At 1st level, the Merchant gains this feature. Merchants make their living through the art of the deal; knowing the potential value of various items and cargo is a large part of the process. Some merchants manage to develop a very calculating eye towards this task, and may add +2 to their Knowledge skill checks when attempting to appraise the value of common objects and equipment ranging from poor to masterful quality. This does not apply to rare items such as works of art, artifacts, antiques, etc.

Merchants with this feature may also take 10 when using their Diplomacy skill to negotiate the price of a speculative trade good or cargo.


At 2nd level and higher, Merchants are good at appraising objects and knowing their current market value, be they commodities, rare objects d'art, or illegal substances. Once per game session, the

Merchant can re-roll one Knowledge (any) skill check being used to appraise an item and use the better of the two test results.


At 3rd, 7th, and 10th level, a Merchant gains a contact as a result of cultivating associates and informants. Each time the Merchant gains a contact, the GM should develop a supporting character to

represent the contact. The player can suggest the type of contact his character wants to gain, but the contact must be an ordinary character, not a heroic character. A contact will not accompany a

Merchant on missions or risk his life. A contact can, however, provide information or render a service

(make a specific skill check on the Merchant’s behalf).

At 3rd level, the Merchant gains a low-level contact, at 8th level a mid-level contact, and at 10th level a high-level contact. The Merchant can’t call on the same contact more than once in a week, and when he does call on a contact, compensation may be required for the assistance the contact renders. In general, a professional associate won’t be compensated monetarily, instead considering the

Merchant owes him a favor. Contacts with underworld or street connections usually demand monetary compensation for the services they render, and experts in the use of skills normally want to be paid for the services they provide. For underworld or street contacts, this expense is represented by a Wealth check against a purchase DC of 10 for the low-level contact, 15 for the midlevel contact, or 20 for the high-level contact. For skilled experts, the purchase DC is 10 + the ranks the expert has in the appropriate skill.


At 4th level and higher, Merchants cater to many different cultures and species and know how to pander to their customers' base desires or natures. As a result, the merchant knows how to make logical sales pitches to Vulcans, and how to convince a Romulan that the merchant would be more valuable if left alive. When making Diplomacy skill check, the merchant ignores all penalties. Any

Knowledge (specific culture) benefits would also apply.

Pack Rat

At 5th level, the Merchant is considered to have considerable material resources either at hand or easily and cheaply acquired. When making a Wealth check to determine if a particular item is “at hand”, add the Merchant’s class level as a circumstance bonus.

Narrow Escape At 6th level, some Merchants (particularly those of somewhat less than sterling reputations) develop a knack for sensing trouble and avoiding it before it spots them, whether it’s pirates, local customs frigates, or a navy destroyer. When an encounter with these types of ships occurs, the merchant may attempt to avoid the encounter before it happens. The Merchant rolls 1d20 and adds +1 for every 5 Merchant class levels he has attained (+1 for levels 1-5, +2 for levels 6-10) against a DC of 17. If successful, the encounter does not occur.

Market Analyst

At 7th level, this feature of the Merchant class bestows knowledge of base market values for trade goods, and the ability to predict general sales trends for a specific world. To use this ability, the

Merchant must make a successful Knowledge skill check (using the appropriate Knowledge skill) to appraise the item.


At 8th level and higher, the Merchant excels in negotiating prices and making business deals.

Merchants automatically gain a +2 bonus to all skill checks for Knowledge (business) or Diplomacy.


At 9th level, by relying on his name and reputation, a Merchant can obtain loans to finance his business activities or take goods and/or services from other merchants on credit. To obtain credit, the Merchant must make a successful Profession test (DC 5 + 1 per Wealth level the merchant wishes to borrow). The Merchant generally has one month to repay 50% of the borrowed sum, and must repay the rest at 10% per month. Failing to repay the full amount plus 10% interest means that the lender automatically gets to make a recognition test (with a +5 DC bonus) to identify the Merchant as a bad credit risk. If so identified, the Merchant's Knowledge (business) check DC doubles for future attempts to use credit with that lender and his associates.

Merchant Knowledge

Over the normal course of business, Merchants pick up a lot of seemingly useless information that could come in handy some day. Once per game session, the Merchant can automatically recall a specific fact (not dependant on a professional skill) that pertains to the current mission. The GM must determine what sort of information to give and how to relay it. For example, while attempting to sneak into Federation space, a Merchant might know which starship patrols the area (and who commands the ship), or, planning to smuggle weapons to rebels, a merchant might know of the local legate's drinking problem.


Merchants are able to obtain all kinds of goods on short notice. The Merchant can make a Knowledge

(business) skill check to locate a source of goods ranging from common wares (DC 5) to exotic goods

(DC10), and even illegal contraband (DC 15) and have it delivered at a moment's notice. When making a Knowledge (business) check, the Merchant adds half his Knowledge (streetwise) skill

(rounding down) to the result. The degree of success determines the arrival time: marginal success

(1 to 3 days), complete success (12 to 24 hours), extraordinary success (4 to 8 hours).








BAB Fort Ref Will Special

+0 +2 +0 +1 Calculating eye

Defense Reputation


+1 +3 +0 +2 Astute +1

+1 +3 +1 +2 Contact, low-level +2










Pack rat













+3 +5 +2 +3 Narrow escape

+3 +5 +2 +4 Market analyst,

+4 +6 +2 +4

Contact, mid-level


+4 +6 +3 +4 Credit





+5 +7 +3 +5 Contact, high-level +5







These are special classes with very high entry levels. Normally a player character cannot start out with these classes (gamemasters may make exceptions), but will aspire to them after a long and successful career.


Some people are destined to rise in the ranks and become department heads. These characters go to school to learn how to administer their specific department. They are usually destined to become top command personnel aboard a starship, starbase, or other assigned duty station.


To qualify to become a Department Head, a character must fulfill the following criteria.

Class Level: 6 character levels, 3 of which must be in the advanced class of which he chooses to become the department head) (i.e., a Science Department Head would need to have 3 levels of the

Science Specialist advanced class).

Feats: Leadership, Starship Gunnery, Starship Operation.

Skills: Diplomacy 6 ranks, Knowledge (military science) 3 ranks.

Class Information

The following information pertains to the Department Head prestige class.

Hit Die

The Department Head gains 1d8 hit points per level. The character’s Constitution modifier applies.

Action Points

The Department Head gains a number of action points equal to 7 + one-half his character level, rounded down, every time he attains a new level in this class.

Class Skills

The Department Head’s class skills are as follows. Bluff (Cha), Computer Use (Int), Diplomacy (Cha),

Gather Information (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (behavioral sciences, civics, history, military science, physical sciences, space science, tactics, theology and philosophy) (Int), Linguistics (Int),

Research (Int), and Sense Motive (Wis)

Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Class Features

The following class features pertain to the Department Head prestige class.

Tactical Expertise

Starting at 1st level, as a full-round action, a Department Head can use his tactical knowledge to coordinate allies.

Allies to be affected must be within sight and hearing distance of the Department Head and must be able to understand him. The Department Head must make a Knowledge (military science) check with a DC equal to 15 + the number of allies affected. He cannot take 10 or take 20 on the check. If the check succeeds, all affected allies gain a competence bonus on skill checks, attack rolls, or a dodge bonus to Defense equal to the Department Head’s Reputation bonus. The Department Head chooses which of the three benefits to impart and must impart the same benefit to all affected allies. The benefits last for 1 round. If the check fails, the Department Head’s allies gain no benefit, but the action is still spent. A Department Head cannot apply the benefits of this ability to himself.


Beginning at 2nd level, through his supervision and guidance, a Department Head can improve an ally’s chances of succeeding at a skill check. Instead of making a skill check to aid another, the

Department Head makes a Diplomacy check (DC 10). He cannot take 10 or take 20 on the check.

Success grants a competence bonus on the ally's skill check equal to the Department Head’s Charisma bonus or Reputation bonus, whichever is greater. The ally must be within sight and hearing distance of the Department Head and must be able to understand him. A Department Head cannot use this ability on himself.

Tactical Mastery At 3rd level, the Department Head requires less time to direct his allies. This ability is similar to Tactical Expertise gained at 1st level, but requires an attack action instead of a full-round action.

Commanding Presence

At 4th level and beyond, a Department Head can use an attack action and his commanding presence to enable an ally or weaken a single foe’s resolve. Enabling an ally requires an attack action and a successful Diplomacy check. (DC 20). If the check succeeds, the Department Head can negate any one of the following harmful conditions affecting a single ally: cowering, dazed, fatigued, nauseated, panicked, shaken, or stunned. The ally to be affected must be within sight and hearing distance of the Department Head and must be able to understand him. The Department

Head cannot use this ability on himself. Weakening a foe’s resolve requires an attack action and a successful Intimidate check (DC = target’s level check). If the check succeeds, the target is shaken for a number of rounds equal to 1d6 + one-half the Department Head’s class level + the Department

Head’s Charisma modifier. The target must be within sight and hearing distance of the Department

Head and must be able to understand him. A target that resists the Department Head’s attempt to weaken its resolve has a 24-hour immunity to the Department Head’s use of this ability.

Action Trust

At 5th level, the Department Head’s mere presence inspires, safeguards, and motivates his allies. As a free action, a Department Head may spend 1 action point to modify an ally’s attack roll, skill check, ability check, level check, or saving throw result by +2d6 (applying a bonus of +2 to +12). The ally to be affected must be within sight and hearing distance of the Department Head to gain the benefits of the Department Head’s spent action point. A Department Head may use this ability once per round, and not on himself (he gains the normal benefits for spending an action point on himself). Any character may transfer some or all of his action points to the Department Head as a free action. The

Department Head must consent to the transfer, and these action points become the Department

Head’s to spend as he sees fit.


Level BAB


Fort Ref Will









+0 +0 +1

+1 +1 +2

+1 +1 +3

+2 +2 +4

5th +3 +2 +2 +5

Special Defense

Tactical expertise


Tactical mastery




Commanding presence +2

Action trust +2






Starfleet Marine Commando

Starfleet Marine Commandos are the elite of the elite; near mystical warriors trained to defuse an explosive scenario – such as a hostage situation or terrorist attack – with swift and decisive action.

Commandos are trained to keep casualties to a minimum, mastering a variety of non-lethal techniques to assist in subduing a foe rather than killing them, in the shortest amount of time possible. There are less than a few hundred of commandos in active service at one time in Starfleet

Marine Corps, but any one of those warriors is worth a hundred ordinary soldiers in battle.


To qualify to become a Starfleet Marine Commando, a character must fulfill all the following criteria:

Base Attack Bonus: +15

Skills: Stealth 15 ranks

Feats: Lightning Reflexes, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Skip Shot, Stealthy


The following information pertains to the Starfleet Marine Commando advanced class:


The Commando gains 1d10 hit points per level. The character’s Constitution modifier applies.


The Commando’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Acrobatics (Dex), Climb (Str),

Computer Use (Int), Demolitions (Int), Disguise (Cha), Drive (Dex), Escape Artist (Dex), Gather

Information (Cha), Intimidation (Cha), Knowledge (behavioral sciences, military science, tactics, technology) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Perception (Wis), Pilot (Dex), Profession (Wis), Stealth (Dex),

Survival (Wis) and Swim (Str).

Skill points at each level: 6 + Int modifier


All of the following are class features for the Starfleet Marine Commando advanced class:

Subdue Foe

The Commando is committed to life over death, even though he may be forced to resort to violence on occasions. When inflicting damage with a melee weapon, the Commando may choose whether he inflicts lethal or subdual damage. He may vary this from attack to attack with no penalty.

At 3rd level, the Commando this ability applies even with a ranged weapon, so long as the weapon is no larger than a rifle, and at 5th level, the ability extends to grenades and heavy weapons.


The Commando is trained to be able to strike a foe that may be behind fortifications or who may resorted to using a hostage for cover. A Commando may ignore a target’s bonuses for anything less than total cover, without incurring any penalty.

Armed and Ready

The Commando is always alert to danger and threats, and acts with superhuman speed. So long as the Commando has a weapon drawn, he gains a +4 circumstance bonus to Initiative checks.

Ever Ready

At 4th level, the bonus gained from Armed and Ready applies even when the Commando is unarmed.

Appropriate Force

At 5th level, the Commando is skilled at judging the damage he can inflict to a foe, ensuring that he uses the exact amount of force necessary to render a foe unconscious or as close to death as he desires. When the Commando inflicts damage to a foe that would reduce him to 0 or less hit points, the Commando may elect to do less damage and may choose how many hit points the target is left with between 0 and -9. The Commando may not do more damage with this ability than he inflicted, only less.

The Starfleet Marine Commando




+1 +0 +1 +1 Subdue Foe


3rd +3 +1 +3 +3 Marksman



+2 +0 +2 +2 Armed & Ready +1








+4 +1 +4 +4 Ever Ready +2

+5 +2 +5 +5 Appropriate Force +3

Starship Captain



The Starship Captain is a generalist, trained in all aspects of ship operations. While not as good as any one facet of running a Starship as a Pilot or Engineer or Scientist, the Captain’s ability to move from role to role, filling in as needed, makes him a valuable addition to any crew. As the Captain progresses in levels, he rises in rank, and gains greater command responsibilities. Many members of this core class aspire to be Starship Commanders.


To qualify to become a Starship Captain, a character must fulfill the following criteria.

Profession: Corporate employee.

Skills: Diplomacy 6 ranks, Sense Motive 6 ranks.

Feats: Leadership.

Class Information

The following information pertains to the Starship Captain advanced class.

Hit Die: 1d6+Con. Modifier per level/

Action Points: 6 + one-half character level, rounded down, every time the Starship Captain attains a new level in this class.

Class Skills

The Starship Captain’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are: Computer Use (Int),

Knowledge (behavioral science, business, civics, law, military science, physical sciences, space science, tactics, technology) (Int), Navigation (Int), Pilot (Dex), Repair (Int), and Research (Int).

Skill Points at Each Level: 6 + Int modifier.

Class Features

The following features pertain to the Starship Captain advanced class.

Bonus Feats

The Starship Captain gains a bonus feat from the following list: Attentive, Confident, Deceptive,

Educated, Iron Will, Trustworthy, Vehicle Expert.

Voice of Command

A Starship Captain develops such a force of personal magnetism that he or she can convince a single member on his ship to regard him or her as a trusted friend. (If the target is currently being threatened or attacked by the Starship

Captain or his or her allies, this ability won’t work.) The target (who must be on the Captain's ship) makes a Will saving throw to avoid being persuaded by the Starship Captain’s words and actions. The

DC is 10 + Starship Captain’s class level + Starship Captain’s Charisma bonus. This ability doesn’t enable the Starship Captain to control the target, but the target perceives the Starship Captain’s words and actions in the most favorable way. The Starship Captain can try to give the target orders, but he or she must win an opposed Charisma check to convince the target to perform any actions the target wouldn’t normally undertake. The target never obeys suicidal or obviously harmful orders, and any act by the Starship Captain or his or her allies that threatens the target breaks the mood and clears the target’s head. Otherwise, a target remains won over for 1 minute per Starship Captain level. After the duration expires, the GM determines the reaction and attitude of the target based on what the Starship Captain compelled the target to do.

Way of Command

The Starship Captain exudes an aura of confidence while under fire that steadies those under his command and makes them more receptive to his orders. It doesn’t matter if the character is in command of a starship, a battle group, or a wing, all allies within the ship or group of ships gain a +1 bonus to any attack roll, ability check skill check, or saving throw

Inspire Crew

A Starship Captain’s force of personal magnetism increases to the point that he or she can arouse a single emotion of his or her choice—despair, hope, or rage—in his crew. To use this ability, the

Starship Captain must spend 1 action point. The person affected must be a member of the Starship

Captain's crew and on the Captain's ship. The emotion he or she arouses affects one target (a GM character) within 15 feet of the Starship Captain (or within 15 feet of a transmission that broadcasts the Starship Captain’s performance). The performance requires a full-round action, and its effects on the target last for 1d4+1 rounds. The target makes a Will saving throw. The DC is 10 + Starship

Captain’s class level + Starship Captain’s Charisma bonus. If the target succeeds at the saving throw, he or she is immune to the compulsion of this command. If the target fails, he or she reacts to the emotion as described below.

Despair: The target takes a –2 morale penalty on saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls.

Hope: The target gains a +2 morale bonus on saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls.

Rage: The target gains a +2 morale bonus to Strength and Constitution, a +1 morale bonus on

Will saves, and a –1 penalty to Defense. In a dramatic situation, the target is compelled to fight, regardless of the danger.

The Starship Captain

Level BAB

1st +0

2nd +1

3rd +2

4th +3

5th +3

6th +4

7th +5

8th +6 /+1

Fort Ref Will Special

+1 +1 +0 Bonus feat

+2 +2 +1 Bonus feat

Defense Reputation


+2 +2 +0 Voice of command 1/day +1


+2 +2 +1 Voice of command 2/day +1

+3 +3 +1 Way of Command +2

+3 +3 +2 Voice of command 3/day +2

+4 +4 +2 Bonus feat +2

+4 +4 +2 Voice of command 4/day +3









9th +6/+1

10th +7/+2

+4 +4 +3 Inspire Crew

+5 +5 +3 Bonus Feat






It is an accepted fact in mainstream science that the most important research is done in the laboratory. There a thesis is followed and the results are checked and rechecked, and the researchers’ worries about securing and keeping government or corporate grants abound, all in the hope that, one day, a major discovery will be made and the scientist’s name will go down in history to be remembered for all time.

There are, however, some scientists who reject the traditional location of their craft. Traveling across the stars, these researchers are eager to see and learn things that cannot be found in a laboratory.

Some are hooked upon tales of ancient and technologically advanced civilizations, whose discovery and study could yield a century’s worth of data in just one expedition while others simply flee from an unknown bump in the road to seek the “greener pastures” on the other side of the galaxy.

Gathering the resources for an exploratory team, the Field Researcher visits long forgotten worlds, excavating ruins, wreckage, and underground chambers millennia old. The object is to be the first in this age to gaze upon secrets that would otherwise remain hidden.

While often profitable, the work of a Field Researcher is not without its risks. He must contend with hostile alien forces, ancient traps, foreign agents, and the greed of corporations who will do all they can to claim what he has found.


To qualify to become a Field Researcher, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.

Skills: Computer Use 6 ranks, Knowledge (specific culture) 9 ranks (may be 9 ranks distributed among various cultures), Search 4 ranks, Survival 4 ranks.

Required Feats: Alertness, Nerves of Steel.

Recommended Feats: Leadership.

Special: Must possess the Science Specialist Primary Area of Study class feature.

Class Information

The following information pertains to the Field Researcher prestige class.

Hit Die

The Field Researcher gains 1d8 hit points per level. The character’s Constitution modifier applies.

Action Points

The Field Researcher gains a number of action points equal to 7 + one-half his character level, rounded down, every time he attains a new level in this class.

Class Skills

The Field Researcher’s class skills are as follows. Acrobatics (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft

(any) (Int), Computer Use (Int), Escape Artist (Dex), Gather Information (Cha), Knowledge (any)

(Int), Linguistics (Wis), Perception (Wis), Research (Int) and Survival (Wis).

Skill points at each level: 4 + Int modifier.

Class Features

The following class features pertain to the Field Researcher prestige class.

Dodge Trap

The ancient ruins the Field Researcher discovers are often rigged with traps that have lain for centuries waiting to be triggered. A person engaging in this dangerous pursuit soon develops the sixth-sense ability to second-guess these devices or he will soon become a victim to them. At 1st level, the Field Researcher may add his Intelligence modifier to any saving throw required to avoid a trap.

Instinctive Survival

Cut off from civilization, survival in the wilderness becomes second nature to the Field Researcher and he will subconsciously take action to safeguard against the worst the elements can throw at him on whatever planet he finds himself. At 2nd level, the Field Researcher gains a +2 circumstance bonus to any and all Fortitude saving throws made to resist the effects of the elements or of any natural disasters.

Expert Researcher

While traveling between the stars, the Field Researcher picks up a lot of information, rumors, and stories that can be utilized in his research. At 3rd level, the Field Researcher may make a Knowledge check at any time, using his Intelligence modifier and half his class level (rounding down) as a bonus, to see if the he knows something about any specified species or uninhabited location — nothing else may be discovered by the use of Expert Researcher, the check may never be retried for the same subject, and he may never take 10 or 20 while attempting this. The Gamemaster sets the DC of this check using the following table as a guide.






Type of Knowledge

Common knowledge

Uncommon knowledge

Obscure knowledge

Extremely obscure

Sense Danger

At 4th level, the Field Researcher’s considerable experience in encountering and dealing with ancient traps allows him to use the Search skill to find them without triggering their effects at a DC set by the

Gamemaster. When attempting to disarm them, he gains a +2 competence bonus to his Technical checks. In addition, the Gamemaster should make a Spot check on behalf of the Field Researcher whenever he moves within 10 feet of a trap. If he succeeds in the Spot check at a DC equal to the

Search check required to actively find the trap, he will notice it without triggering it.

Superior Knowledge

Not only is the Field Researcher in possession of a great deal of knowledge on his specialist subjects, he also gains a general understanding on a wide range of subjects. At 5th level, the Field Researcher may gain two ranks in a Knowledge skill he does not already possess.


Fort Ref Will Special Defense Level BAB












Dodge trap

Instinctive survival











+2 +4 +3

+2 +5 +4

+3 +6 +5

The Corporate Representative

Expert researcher

Sense danger

Superior knowledge







Nobody likes a Corporate Representative, not even the Corporations. But they are an extremely useful necessity. Although the Marines loathe them, Corporations find them valuable in monitoring

Corporate interests.

Corporate Representatives tend to be secretive, which does not further endear them to anybody. One thing all Corporate Representatives share is a driving ambition to get rich and, by doing so, make their Corporation rich. And that's simply too good of an opportunity for any Corporation to pass up.


To qualify to become a Corporate Representative, a character must fulfill the following criteria.

Profession: Corporate employee.

Skills: Diplomacy 6 ranks, Profession 6 ranks.

Feat: Alertness.

Class Information

The following information pertains to the Corporate Representative advanced class.

Hit Die: 1d6+Con. Modifier per Level.

Action Points: 6 + one-half character level, rounded down, every time the Corporate Representative attains a new level in this class.

Class Skills: The Corporate Representative’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:


(Int), Bluff (Cha), Drive (Dex), Forgery (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Intimidate (Cha),

Knowledge (behavioral sciences, business, civics, current events, law, streetwise) (Int), Linguistics

(Int), Perception (Wis), Pilot (Dex), Profession (Wis) and Sense Motive (Wis).

Skill Points at Each Level: 7 + Int modifier.

Class Features

The following features pertain to the Corporate Representative advanced class.

Conceal Motive

A Corporate Representative gets to add a bonus equal to his or her Corporate Representative level whenever he or she opposes a Sense Motive check.

React First

The Corporate Representative gains the ability to react first when trying to make a deal or mediate a settlement. The Corporate Representative must make contact and speak to the participants prior to the start of combat. If he or she does this, he or she gains a free readied action that allows the

Corporate Representative to make either a move or attack action if either side in the negotiation

(other than the Corporate Representative) decides to start hostilities. The Corporate Representative gets to act before any initiative checks are made, in effect giving him or her the benefit of surprise.

Bonus Feats

The Corporate Representative gets a bonus feat. The bonus feat must be selected from the following list, and the Corporate Representative must meet all the prerequisites of the feat to select it.

Advanced Firearms Proficiency, Armor Proficiency (light), Armor Proficiency (medium), Attentive,

Confident, Dead Aim, Deceptive, Educated, Far Shot, Iron Will, Personal Firearms Proficiency and


Talk Down

The Corporate can talk his or her way out of trouble. Either prior to the start of hostilities or during combat, the Corporate Representative can talk down a single opponent within 15 feet of his or her position or otherwise able to hear the Corporate Representative’s voice. The target must be able to understand the Corporate Representative. That opponent immediately stops fighting and reverts to an indifferent attitude regarding the Corporate Representative and the situation in general. Any hostile action by the Corporate Representative or by one of the Corporate Representative’s allies directed at the opponent allows the opponent to act as he or she sees fit.

To initiate this talent, the Corporate Representative must spend a full-round action talking to his or her opponent. The opponent makes a Will saving throw. The DC is equal to 10 + Corporate

Representative’s class level + Corporate Representative’s Charisma bonus. If the save fails, the opponent stops fighting. If the save succeeds, the opponent continues as normal.

At 7th level, a Corporate Representative can talk down a number of opponents equal to his or her

Charisma bonus within 15 feet of his or her position or within 15 feet of any the Corporate

Representative’s message.

At 10th level, the range extends to 30 feet and covers all opponents who can hear and understand the

Corporate Representative’s voice.

No Sweat

Whenever a Corporate Representative spends 1 action point to improve the result of a die roll, he or she rolls an additional 1d6. The Corporate Representative can then select the highest die roll to add to his or her d20 roll.

Sow Distrust

The Corporate Representative can turn one character against another. The Corporate Representative must spend a full-round action and know the name of the character he or she is attempting to persuade as well as the name of the character toward whomever the target’s distrust will be directed.

The target must be able to hear and understand the Corporate Representative. The target makes a

Will save. The DC is equal to 10 + Corporate Representative’s class level + Corporate Representative’s

Charisma bonus. If the target fails the save, his or her attitude toward the other designated character worsens by one step: helpful turns to friendly, friendly to indifferent, indifferent to unfriendly, unfriendly to hostile (see the Diplomacy skill).

The target makes a Will save whenever the Corporate Representative uses this talent against him or her. As long as the target continues to fail the Will save, the Corporate Representative can continue taking full-round actions to worsen the target’s attitude toward a designated character. When the target’s attitude drops to hostile, he or she attacks the designated character. A successful Will save doesn’t restore previous attitude shifts, but it does render the target immune for 24 hours to further attempts by the Corporate Representative to sow distrust.

The Corporate Representative CAN use this talent on his or her allies.

The Corporate Representative

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special

1st +0 +1 +0 +2 Conceal motive

2nd +0 +2 +0 +3 React first

3rd +0 +2 +1 +3 Bonus feat

4th +1 +2 +1 +4 Talk down one opponent

5th +1 +3 +1 +4 No sweat

6th +1 +3 +2 +5 Bonus feat















7th +2 +4 +2 +5 Talk down several opponents

8th +2 +4 +2 +6 Sow distrust

9th +2 +4 +3 +6 Bonus feat

10th +3 +5 +3 +7 Talk down all opponents

Starfleet Intelligence Covert Operative









This class covers both sabotage and the undercover art of spying to gather information about an enemy.

Prerequisite: Charisma 12.

Class Information

Hit Die: 1d6.

Action Points: Espionage heroes gain a number of action points equal to 5 + one-half their character level, rounded down, at 1st level and every time they attain a new level in this class.

Class Skills: The class skills for the Starfleet Intelligence Covert Operative are:

Acrobatics (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Computer Use (Int), Craft (Any) (Int), Demolitions (Int),

Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Gather Information (Int), Investigate (Int), Knowledge

(espionage, history, physical science, popular culture, specific culture, streetwise, technology) (Int),

Linguistics (Int), Perception (Wis), Navigate (Int), Research (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand

(Dex), Stealth (Dex) and Swim (Str).

Skill Points at 1st Level: 8 + Int modifier

Bonus Feats: Martial Weapon Proficiency (Knife), Weapon Proficiency (personal firearms).

Class Features

Face in the Crowd

Prerequisite: None.

The character is trained in the art of disguise and forgery in order to infiltrate enemy instillations.

The character gains the following skills as class skills: Disguise, Forgery. The character also gains a +2 bonus on any skill checks with these skills.

Conceal Motive

Prerequisite: None.

The Agent gets to add a bonus equal to his or her Covert Operative level whenever he or she opposes a Sense Motive check.


Prerequisite: None.

A Covert Operations Agent knows how to size up an area and get the lay of the land in a single sweep of his or her eyes. This sweep provides a +4 circumstance bonus on Perception checks and covers an area out to 30 feet away from the character. The Covert Operations Agent can use this bonus at the start of an encounter. Anything not concealed can be spotted in a sweep with a successful check (DC

10). The DC for concealed or less obvious threats is equal to their Stealth check result. At 8th level, a

Covert Operations Agent’s ability to get the lay of the land improves. Now the Covert Operations

Agent not only spots potential perils with a successful check, he or she can determine the relative strength of these dangers. A successful check relates the danger’s strength compared to the

Infiltrator: stronger (higher level or Hit Dice), on par (same level or HD), or weaker (lower level or


Discern Lie

Prerequisite: Sweep.

An Agent develops the ability to gauge whether another character is telling the truth by reading facial expressions and interpreting body language. The Covert Operative must be able to see and hear (but not necessarily understand) the individual under scrutiny. With a successful Sense Motive check opposed by the subject’s Bluff check result or against DC 10 (whichever is greater), the Covert

Operative can tell whether the subject is deliberately and knowingly speaking a lie. This ability doesn’t reveal the truth, uncover unintentional inaccuracies, or necessarily reveal omissions in information.

Sixth Sense

Prerequisite: Discern Lie.

The Covert Operative becomes so attuned at solving mysteries that he or she finds a way to put two and two together and rarely misses a clue. Whenever the Covert Operative spends 1 action point to improve the result of a skill check made using certain skills (see below), the Investigator gets to add an additional 1d6 to the result. The skills that sixth sense applies to are Gather Information,

Investigate, Perception and Research.

Without a Trace

Prerequisite: Sixth Sense.

When an Agent uses any of the following skills: Balance, Climb, Disable Device, Escape Artist,

Perception and Sleight of Hand, those using Investigate or Perception to detect the Agents activity take a –4 penalty.

Destructive Tradecraft

Prerequisite: None.

The character has been trained in the use of explosive charges to demolish railways or other important equipment, plus how to disable various items of equipment. The character gains the following skills as class skills: Demolitions,

Disable Device. The character also gains a +2 bonus on any skill checks with these skills.


Prerequisite: Destructive Tradecraft.

The character can sabotage an electrical or mechanical object so that it operates poorly. The character must succeed on a Disable Device check (DC 20) to accomplish the downgrade, and sabotaging a mastercraft object is slightly harder (DC 20 + the mastercraft object’s bonus feature).

Noticing the Saboteur’s handiwork without first testing the sabotaged device requires a successful

Search check (DC = the Saboteur’s Disable Device check result). Fixing the sabotaged item requires a successful Repair.

Sabotage Device: As a full-round action, the Saboteur can reconfigure a device with electrical or mechanical components so that anyone who uses it suffers a penalty equal to the Engineer’s class level on skill checks made to use the device.

Sabotage Weapon: As a full-round action, the Saboteur can sabotage a weapon so that it misfires or breaks the next time it is used. A sabotaged weapon cannot be used effectively until repaired. This use of sabotage also applies to vehicle, aircraft, and ship weapons.

Bonus Feats: As the character advances in levels he will gain bonus feats. These feats must be selected from the following list (the character must meet any prerequisites for the Feat): Deceptive,

Dodge, Double Tap, Greater Rapid Shot, Mobility, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Stealthy.

Starfleet Intelligence Covert Operative










BAB Fort Ref Will

+0 +1 +1 +0































+4 +4 +4 +3

+5 +5 +5 +3




Bonus Feat +1

Talent +2

Bonus Feat +2




Bonus Feat +1


Talent +2

Bonus Feat +3


Bonus Feat +3












Career Officer

One of the most prestigious positions available, the Career Officer is not the commander of a single starship, but commands a complete Task Force, if not a Fleet. However, the prestige class of Career is reserved for those few men and women who are born to lead. These individuals naturally rise to the top regardless of their assigned stations, and it is only a matter of time before they are commanding their own ships. It’s important to note that a character can be promoted to the Flag Rank of

Commodore or higher.

The Career Officer prestige class represents those who are born to the position, work hard to gain the knowledge and abilities to command a group of starships, and excel at leading others in expeditions or into combat..

A character with the rank of Commodore or higher is not always in command of a ship. In addition, a character in the Career Officer prestige class may hold a rank Commodore, all the way up to Fleet



To qualify to become at least a fleet Captain, a character must fulfill the following criteria:

Base Attack Bonus: +4

Feats: Iron Will, Leadership, Skill Focus (Knowledge [military science]), Starship Gunnery, Starship


Skills: Computer Use 6 ranks, Craft (electronic) 6 ranks, Craft (mechanical) 6 ranks, Knowledge

(military science) 6 ranks, Knowledge (technology) 6 ranks, Pilot 4 ranks, Repair 6 ranks, Sense

Motive 5 ranks, Survival 4 ranks.

Class Information

The following information pertains to the Captain prestige class.

Hit Die

The Career Officer gains 1d6 hit points per level. The character’s Constitution modifier applies.

Action Points

The Career Officer gains a number of action points equal to 7 + one-half his character level, rounded down, every time he attains a new level in this class.

Class Skills

The Career Officer class skills are as follows. Acrobatics (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Computer Use (Int), Craft

(mechanical, electrical, structural) Diplomacy (Cha), Drive (Dex), Gather Information (Cha),

Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (military science, tactics, streetwise) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Perception

(Wis), Pilot (Dex), Profession (Wis), Research (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Survival (Wis) and Treat

Injury (Wis).

Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier per Level.

Class Features

The following class features pertain to the Career Officer prestige class.

Cunning Plans

At 1st level, a Career Officer hones his ability to form airtight battle plans. If the Career Officer spends

2 uninterrupted rounds explaining his plan to his allies, he may make a Knowledge (military science) skill check. The result divided by 10 may be applied as a bonus to attack and damage rolls, as well as

defense (a total roll of 20 would yield a +2 modifier). The Career Officer and all his allies then receive this bonus for the duration of the next combat.

Rallying Call

At 2nd level, the Career Officer may shout encouragement to any faltering allies within earshot

(communications devices may be used) as a standard action. All allies hearing the call may make an immediate Will save (DC 15 minus the Career Officer’s Charisma modifier) to recover from any cowering, frightened, panicked or shaken effects. This ability may be used once per day.

Special Abilities

On attaining 3rd level, and at every level thereafter, a Career Officer gains a special ability of his choice from among the following options:

Aura of Fear: The Career Officer’s legend has grown such that enemies don't wish to fight him. All opponents within

50 feet of the Career Officer must make a Will saving throw. If the subject succeeds on a Will save, it is shaken for 1 round. Opponents with 6 or more hit dice are immune to this effect. The DC for the saving throw is 3 + the Career Officer's level.

Inspire Greatness: Career Officers of this level are legends. Those who fight with them feel privileged and honored to serve under such a Career Officer and would gladly die for the character.

During battle, all allies within range of the Career Officer receives a + 2 Inspiration bonus to all die rolls. Effective range is five feet times the Charisma modifier of the Career Officer.

Legendary Leadership: The Career Officer receives a bonus to his Leadership score equal to twice his Captain level.

Legendary Speech: The Career Officer has become a true leader of men, regardless of his prior background. Before entering battle, the Career Officer may make an inspiring speech to the men he leads. This takes one minute and affects all allies who can hear his words. At the end of this time, the

Career Officer makes a Charisma check (DC 15). If successful, all allies will gain a +1 morale bonus to all saving throws, attack and damage rolls for the next 1d3 hours. In addition, they will not surrender during this time. At the Gamemaster’s discretion, Legendary Speech may be used to gain other bonuses, such as swaying potential allies to join the Career Officer’s side in a forthcoming battle or war. Legendary Speech may be used once per month.

Master Planner: The Career Officer has truly mastered combat tactics. At a moment's notice he may formulate a seamless plan. He may take 10 on Knowledge (military science) check. Note that taking

10 on this skill only takes one round.

Strategy of Legend: The Career Officer is legendary in his ability to formulate tactics and strategies.

He may take 20 on Knowledge (military science) checks. Note that taking 20 on this skill only takes one round. Furthermore, the Career Officer now only requires one round when using his Cunning

Plans ability.

Way of Command: The Career Officer exudes an aura of confidence while under fire that steadies those under his command and makes them more receptive to his orders. It doesn’t matter if the

character is in command of a starship, a battle group, or a wing, all allies within the ship or group of ships gain a +1 bonus to any attack roll, ability check skill check, or saving throw


Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special Defense Reputation







+1 +1 +1 +2

+2 +1 +1 +3

+2 +1 +1 +3

+3 +2 +2 +4

+4 +2 +2 +4

Cunning plans

Rallying call

Special ability

Special ability

Special ability











The Escort (as the few males who choose this profession prefer to be called) is a highly paid and time-honored profession. No real slavery is actually involved.


To qualify to become an Escort, a character must fulfill the following criteria.

Skills: Diplomacy 3 ranks, Perform (dance) 3 ranks, Perform (any) 3 additional ranks (this can be comprised of

3 more ranks in dance, if desired), Sense Motive 3 ranks

Ability Scores: Dex 13, Cha 15

Feats: Sex Appeal

Class Information

The following information pertains to the Escort prestige class.

Hit Die

The Escort gains 1d6 hit points per level. The character’s Constitution modifier applies.

Action Points

The Escort gains a number of action points equal to 7 + one-half her character level, rounded down, every time she attains a new level in this class.

Class Skills

The Escort class skills are as follows.

Bluff (Cha), Computer Use (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Disable Device (Int), Escape Artist


Forgery (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Knowledge (behavioral sciences, specific culture) (Int),


(Int), Perception (Wis), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), and Sleight of Hand


Skill Points at each level: 5 + Int modifier.

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the Escort prestige class.

Mesmerizing Gaze

At 1st level, the Escort most powerful weapons are her eyes. The Orion Slave Girl simply chooses a target within range, and that opponent must attempt a saving throw. An opponent can shut his eyes,

turn his back on the Escort, or wear a blindfold. In these cases, the opponent does not need to make a saving throw. An opponent can avert his eyes from the Escort's face, choosing instead to look at the

Escort's body, watch her shadow, or track her by using a reflective surface.

Each round, an opponent who has chosen to defend in this manner has a 50% chance of not having to make a saving throw. It is possible for an opponent to save against an Escort's gaze twice during the same round, once before her own action and once during the Escort’s action. The Escort with a successful gaze attack gains concealment relative to the opponent. The DC of the ability is 10 + half the character level + Cha modifier.


An Escort is a master of conversation, both in speech and in reading the clues her audience and patrons unwittingly reveal about themselves. As such, at 2nd level she gains +2 to Bluff, Diplomacy, and Sense Motive.

Persuasive Art

At 3rd level, by making a successful Perform (dance) skill, the Escort can charm a humanoid creature, making the humanoid regard her as its trusted friend and ally (treat the target's attitude as friendly).

If the creature is currently being threatened or attacked by you or your allies, however, it receives a

+5 bonus on its saving throw.

Cross the Line

Beginning at 4th level, the Escort can substitute her Charisma bonus for the relevant ability of a given skill while in conversation when she is trying to seduce a client or potential client.

Counter Culture

At 5th level, the Escort can totally immerse herself into one culture that is not her own. She gains all the relevant abilities as if she were a native of that culture. She knows what to say, how to say it, and where it’s said. Any other culture (other than her own) has a -4 penalty to all success roles dealing with cultural icons and ceremonies.




BAB Fort Ref Will Special

+1 +0 +0 +2 Mesmerizing Gaze









+1 +0 +0 +3 Conversationalist

+2 +1 +1 +3 Persuasive Art

+2 +1 +1 +4 Cross the line

+3 +2 +2 +4 Counter Culture









Starfleet Rank Structure


Most of a starship’s or starbase’s staff consists of enlisted personnel. These people carry out the day-to-day operations and maintenance that allows Starfleet to function. Enlisted personnel man the photon torpedo launchers during a red alert, treat minor scrapes and burns in sickbay, keep the ship’s shuttlecraft in peak working condition, and keep the transporter stations manned at all hours

of the day. These, and many others like them, are the tasks enlisted personnel find themselves responsible for everyday.

The people among the enlisted ranks are not Starfleet officers. A Starfleet officer undergoes years of training and then receives a commission from the President of the Federation, while an enlisted crewman does not. Starfleet officers have a heavy duty and responsibility to bear, upholding the tenets of Starfleet and the Federation. Enlisted personnel have the same duty, but to a lesser degree.

Commissioned officers command the enlisted personnel, while the enlisted ranks perform the vast majority of tasks that keep Starfleet operational. Many of these jobs are unsuited to officers: A crewman first class repairing the replicators in a crew lounge frees up an officer to conduct research on an irregular Cepheid variable, monitor critical systems on the bridge, or perform experiments in the lab.

The biggest difference between enlisted and commissioned officers is their degree of specialization. Commissioned officers attend four years at Starfleet Academy. Enlisted personnel attend a one-year abbreviated enlisted training program and specialist school at Starfleet Academy, where they learn the basic skills needed to function in Starfleet, as well as instruction focusing on a specific area of training. Thus, enlisted personnel do not learn as broad a curriculum as their commissioned brethren do.

No matter how high in rank an enlisted noncommissioned officer raises, a fully commissioned officer always outranks him. A mere Ensign outranks a Master Chief Petty Officer, even though the master chief may be a twenty-year veteran of Starfleet. In such an instance, however, the ensign would be wise to heed the advice of the highly skilled and experienced master chief. Inversely, noncommissioned officers may hold command over a commissioned officer in only the most unusual of circumstances, and, in instances where separated from the chain of command, the commissioned officer assumes authority, regardless of relative experience.

Despite these differences, many Federation citizens elect to join Starfleet as enlisted crewmen.

First, Starfleet requires its future officers to pass a rigorous entrance exam (even Wesley Crusher had to try twice), and the Academy has a limited number of spaces in each entering class. The enlisted ranks have no such limitations. Those hopeful applicants who fail to meet the Academy’s requirements can still join Starfleet in the enlisted ranks.

Second, crewmen do not have an officer’s long-term commitment to Starfleet; many officers choose a career in Starfleet. An enlisted crewman serves a four-year tour of duty and at the end of the tour has the option to leave or stay for another tour. Enlisted personnel receive specialized job training to perform their duties, learning valuable skills for a future life in the civilian sector. Finally, many people would prefer not to attend a four-year program before they embark on their adventure in space. The prospect of travel, discovering strange new worlds, or just seeing the galaxy is one of the many reasons why species all over the Federation join the enlisted ranks of Starfleet.

Ultimately, serving in Starfleet, in any capacity, is an honorable burden, and one of the greatest opportunities a person can undertake. The chance to serve aboard a vessel such as the Enterprise, even as an enlisted crewman, is a dream for many who are willing to work hard to achieve it. Life may be at times unglamorous, but in the end many find the commitment worth it. Ranks in Starfleet follow a specific order, and are of four types: Flag Officer, Officer, Warrant Officer, and Enlisted .

Flag Officer Ranks

Fleet Admiral

Fleet Admiral is the highest rank in Starfleet. Fleet Admirals have many years of distinguished service and an impeccable record. There are only 6 Fleet Admirals: the Judge Advocate

General, the Chief in Command (in which all other Fleet Admirals are subordinate to), the

Commander Starfleet, the Commandant of the Marine Corps, the Director of the Corps of Engineers and the Fleet Commander. The Chief of Command is the only officer that can deploy personnel into possible combat situations, without needing any immediate civilian oversight.


Admiral is the highest normal rank in Starfleet. Admirals have impeccable service records and decades of service. Flag Officers of Admiral Rank are in command of all main divisions

Starfleet with the exceptions listed above for Fleet Admirals. There are also 8 sector Admirals who are responsible for operations in their specific area, such as the Romulan Neutral Zone or Home


Vice Admiral

Vice Admirals are Flag Officers who have a specific mandate, such as a subsection of a Division, or an area of space. Vice Admirals also service as the overall commander of task forces.

Most Armadas and Task Forces are assigned to Vice Admirals.

Rear Admiral

Rear Admirals are Flag Officers responsible for a limited and specific area for a limited time. Rear Admirals are usually promoted to Vice Admiral within two years. Rear Admirals may command major Starbases, Shipyards, Starfleet Bases on major worlds, or similar duties.


Commodore is a naval rank, the equivalent of which is used by the service organizations of many civilizations. As a traditional grade, commodore is the most junior flag officer rank of a naval organization, under an admiral rank (usually under rear admiral) but senior to a captain. Commodores command groups of ships, as opposed to captains commanding single ships or units. A Commodore can also be put in charge of Covert Operations, and act outside the normal chain of command, giving Starfleet Command possible denial. In comparison to other ranking systems, this rank is equivalent to the Starfleet Marine Corps brigadier general.

Fleet Captain

Fleet Captain is a Starfleet title given to a senior captain with a different set of responsibilities than a starship captain. This could be thought of as a higher rank than captain, although it does not possess a permanent position in the rank hierarchy (a captain could also be directly promoted to the next highest rank, without spending time at a fleet captain posting). In rare cases, Fleet Captain can become a permanent position as a reward for exceptional service above and beyond normal situations. In these cases usually the Officer awarded this Rank was either injured and could not continue their service or he died fulfilling his duties.

Officer Ranks


Captains are the most senior of line officers. Captains most often command

Starships or Starbases of medium to large size. Captains may also command planetary outposts or serve as division heads for the Starfleet Bases on major worlds. A Commanding Officer is the highest-

ranking officer on any


vessel or installation, and is responsible for all personnel under their command.


Commanders are senior line officers. Commanders usually serve as the Executive

Officer, Operations Officer, or Security Chief onboard a starship. Commanders may command small starships of fewer than 100 crewmen, but this is rare. Commanders may also command small

Starbases or minor outposts. Taking the Bridge Officer's Test is the only way for a science or medical officer to be promoted to Commander, pending completion of the other requirements. The Executive

Officer is a title given to the second-in-command of any


vessel or installation.

Lieutenant Commander

Lieutenant Commanders are senior line officers. Lieutenant Commanders usually serve as department heads aboard starship or on large Starbases. Lieutenant Commanders may be the executive officers on starships with a crew of less than 250, but usually Commanders fill that role.


Lieutenants are the most common Commissioned Officers. Lieutenants can perform almost any Officer duty on a starship, save for being the Commanding or Executive Officer.

In some cases Lieutenants can even be department heads, especially on smaller starships.

Lieutenant Junior Grade

Lieutenants Junior Grade are junior Commissioned Officers. Lieutenants Junior

Grade may be the Medical Officer or Science Officer on a mid to large space station, or man a Bridge

Station. Officers typically spend around 2 years as a Lieutenant Junior Grade.


Ensigns are the most junior of Commissioned Officers. Ensigns often serve as

Flight Controller aboard starships, or Operations Officer on small Starships. Ensigns can also serve in relief or assistant capacities to most other positions aboard ship. It is rare, but not unheard of, for a

Cadet at Starfleet Academy to be granted a temporary Commission of Ensign. This is only done in cases of truly outstanding grades. Officers typically spend around 3 years as an Ensign.

Cadet 1st Class

Cadets 1st Class are cadets in their final year at Starfleet Academy. They have a leadership role in the Cadet Corps. Cadet's 1st Class usually has at least 1 training cruise behind them and have earned at least 90 academic credits. A Cadet 1st Class may lead a Cadet Flight Squadron or special Cadet Operations Squad.

Cadet 2nd Class

Cadets 2nd Class are cadets in their third year. In their third year at the Academy, cadets undergo advanced training in their field as well as detailed instruction on the current state of the Galaxy. Cadets 2nd Class may elect to take a training cruise in place of a class in Starfleet

Operations. These cruises last between 4 and 16 weeks and give Cadets real space experience.

Cadet 3rd Class

Cadets 3rd Class are cadets in their second year. In their second year at the

Academy, cadets participate in field duty. A Cadet may be posted in a training role to a Starship or

Starbase, or may be lucky enough to earn membership in a Cadet Squadron or Cadet Operations


Cadet 4th Class

Cadets 4th Class are the lowest level of Cadet. They are 1st year students with no seniority or special privileges. Cadet's 4th Class undergoes what are certainly the worst conditions in

Starfleet. Cadet's 4th Class has to endure cramped Barracks, very intensive physical conditioning, and difficult classes. The ordeal almost always produces a hardworking, dedicated cadet.

Enlisted Ranks

Enlisted personnel have a rank structure similar to that of officers, where higher-ranked enlisted personnel command the lower-ranked personnel beneath them. Promotion through the ranks is not difficult; in many cases all that are required is to serve in Starfleet for a minimum number of years to achieve the next rank.

Warrant Officer Grades

Even though Warrant Officers are considered commissioned officers, they are completely drawn from the ranks of enlisted personnel. The Warrant Officer (WO1), and the ranks that follow it, are a special form of commissioned officers bridging the gap between enlisted personnel and officers. Only

Chief, Senior Chief, or Master Chief Petty Officers can apply to the Warrant Officer ranks. Admission to the Warrant Officer Candidate School for warrant officers has certain restrictions and requirements, but not as stringent as those for regular officers. A warrant officer has rank over all enlisted personnel, and frequently takes charge of large divisions or departments of these crewmen.

Regular commissioned officers, such as an ensign, hold rank over a warrant officer, due to the wealth of knowledge and the overall length of service, a wise officer will take advice from anyone of Warrant

Officer Rank. CWO4 is roughly equal to a Commander in technical knowledge, but not in Command


There are three grades (not classes) of Chief Warrant Officer (CWO) ranging from two to four.

Traditionally, very little difference exists between a CWO2 and a higher-ranking CWO, aside from more responsibility and a longer career path. Like Chief Petty Officers from the enlisted ranks, it is not uncommon to refer to a chief warrant officer simply as "Chief." Chief warrant officers can command departments, but never a vessel or facility except in the direst of emergencies, when no other commissioned officers are available.

(CWO 4th Grade)

(CWO 3rd Grade)

(CWO 2nd Grade)

(Warrant Officer)

Master Chief Petty Officer of Starfleet

The Master Chief Petty Officer of Starfleet (MCPOS) is the senior enlisted person in all of Starfleet, appointed by the Chief of Starfleet Operations (CSO) to serve as a spokesperson to address the issues of enlisted personnel to the highest positions in Starfleet. Exact duties vary, depending on the CSO, though the duties generally include traveling throughout the fleet, observing training and talking to enlisted personnel.

Command Master Chief Petty Officer

After attaining the rank of Master Chief Petty Officer, service members may choose to further their career by becoming a Command Master Chief Petty Officer (CMC). A CMC is considered to be the senior-most enlisted service member within a command, and is the special assistant to the Commanding Officer in all matters pertaining to the health, welfare, job satisfaction, morale, utilization, advancement and training of the command's enlisted personnel. CMCs can be

Command level (within a single unit, such as a ship, starbase, or planet-side station), Fleet level

(squadrons consisting of multiple operational units, headed by a flag officer or commodore), or Force level (consisting of a separate community within Starfleet, such as Starfleet Corps of Engineers,

Starfleet Intelligence, etc.).

Master Chief Petty Officer

Nearly the highest ranking in the enlisted branch, the Master Chief has served with distinction for many years. A handful of master chiefs serve within Starfleet, all acknowledged leaders in their fields and commanding the respect of those beneath them. Such NCOs oversee important departments and can enjoy treatment almost like that of a distinguished officer.

Senior Chief Petty Officer (Senior Chief Specialist)

Much like the Chief Petty Officer, the Senior Chief oversees departments of large numbers of enlisted personnel. Senior chief petty officers are few in number, have served in Starfleet for a long time, and are experts in their field. A senior chief could be viewed as the enlisted equivalent of a commander.

Chief Petty Officer

The Chief Petty Officers (CPO) oversees large groups of petty officers and departments underneath him. These NCOs typically have many years of service (usually over 15) and a wealth of experience in their field. When one becomes "chief" he garners a measure of respect for his accomplishments and proficiency. CPOs are sought out for their knowledge and experience. A

Chief Petty Officer can command a major engineering or services department on a Starship or

Starbase. Examples include the Transporter Chief of a Starship or the Chief of Operations of a


Petty Officer (1C, 2C, 3C)

(1st Class, Technician 1 st Class)

(2nd Class, Specialist 2 nd Class)

(3rd Class, Yeoman 3 rd Class*)

There are three ranks of Petty Officer: third, second and first Class. A petty officer should not be confused with a commissioned officer in Starfleet, such as a Lieutenant or a Warrant Officer. The term petty officer still refers to an enlisted person. They are promoted from crewmen to 3rd Class, then 2nd, and then 1st.

Petty officers are referred to as non-commissioned officers, or NCOs, because they frequently oversee several enlisted crewmen in their departments, and are trained to do so. Most petty officers report to a Chief Petty Officer or sometimes a commissioned officer. A petty officer undergoes more rigorous training, or has risen from the enlisted ranks to his current position.

General Examples of Petty Officer Responsibilities:

Boatswain's Mates train and supervise personnel in all activities relating to deck operations, and frequently serve as Petty Officers-in-charge of small craft. Most Command Master Chiefs and Chiefs of the Boat were once Boatswain’s Mates, though there are exceptions to this rule

Chief of the Boat is the senior-most enlisted person on any Starfleet vessel, while the Command

Master Chief holds the same position on any installation. Typically a Master Chief Petty Officer, this person is responsible for all enlisted personnel assigned to their post, and is a liaison between the ratings and the officers.

Culinary Specialists are enlisted personnel tasked with the preparation of food and the maintenance of food supplies. They can also serve as personal chefs to very senior


officers of senior



Engineer's Mates maintain propulsion machinery, including assigned auxiliary equipment propulsion control systems, electrical and electronic circuitry up to the printed circuit module, and alarm and warning circuitry. They also maintain refrigeration, air-conditioning, distilling-plant engines and compressors and other environmental control systems.

 A Gunner's Mate is an enlisted rating

indicating a rate in the


department who is tasked with the operation and maintenance of




as well as the

Close-in Weapons System

(CIWS) and all associated equipment.

Hospital Corpsmen are medical professionals who provide health care to Starfleet personnel and their families. They serve as pharmacy technicians, medical technicians, nurse's aides, battlefield medics, and more. All work falls into several categories: first aid and minor surgery, patient transportation, patient care, prescriptions and laboratory work, food service inspections, and clerical duties.

Legal Clerks are trained legal aides who assist professionals in the field of law. They work in the

Starfleet Judge Advocate General's Corps, performing administrative and clerical tasks necessary to process claims and conduct court and administrative hearings. They maintain records, documents and legal reference libraries. They perform many duties related to courts-martial and non-judicial hearings.

Mass Communications Specialists are public affairs and visual information experts. They present the Starfleet story through a variety of media. Mass Communications Specialists write and produce print and broadcast journalism, news, and feature stories for military and civilian news sources. They record still and video photography of Starfleet operations, exercises, and other events.

Masters-at-Arms uphold law and order aboard ships, and Starfleet facilities. The basic duty of an MA is to enforce rules and regulations, maintain good order and discipline, and protect life and property.

Some other duties include conducting criminal investigations, personal protective services, and taking part in correctional and rehabilitative programs.

Personnel Clerks are responsible for assisting Personnel officers with administrative duties and provide enlisted personnel with information about Starfleet jobs, opportunities for general education and training, and promotion requirements. They assist enlisted members' families with reassignments in hardship situations. Personnel Clerks keep records up to date, prepare reports, type letters and maintain files.

Quartermaster's Mates are Starfleet's supply clerks. They see that needed supplies are available including everything from clothing and machine parts to forms and food. They have duties as warehousemen, purchasing agents, stock clerks and supervisors, inventory clerks, buyers, parts clerks, and bookkeepers, and they assist logistics officers and quartermasters.

Ship's Servicemen manage barber shops, tailor shops, ships' uniform stores, laundries, dry cleaning plants and cobbler shops.

Storekeepers act as store managers and sales clerks. They report serve in the


division of the



Yeomen perform secretarial and clerical work. They deal with visitors, calls and incoming communiqués. They organize files and order and distribute supplies. They write notices, directives, forms and reports.

Crewman 1st Class

Similar to a Crewmen 2nd Class, these crewmen are given slightly more responsibility and are more knowledgeable in their fields. Crewmen do not oversee any other enlisted personnel and report to petty officers above them. They are enlisted personnel who usually have between 2 and 4 years of experience. Crewmen 1st Class generally serve as Medical Technicians or Engineering Technicians. Promotion to Petty Officer 3rd Class upon re-enlistment is common, but not always guaranteed.

Crewman 2nd Class

These crewmen can also be referred to as "Specialist". The crewman is overseen by petty officers and has limited duties, usually seeing to a specific system or area of function.

Crewmen 2nd Class are enlisted personnel with typically less than 2 years of service. Promotion to

Crewman 1st Class after 18 months of service is routine.

Crewman Apprentice

The lowest rank of the enlisted personnel is Crewman Apprentice. Upon graduating Starfleet Enlisted Training Academy, all enlisted personnel hold this rank.

Crewman Recruit

Recruits are only found within Starfleet Academy while personnel undergo training. Upon completion of the year-long training program, they receive an automatic promotion to the rank of Crewman Apprentice , and in some cases can quickly distinguish themselves and attain the rank of Crewman Second Class straight out of the Academy.

Skill List












Computer Use







Visual Art























Disable Device



Escape Artist



Gather Information

Handle Animal




Alien Lore



Behavioral Sciences

Business Science

Current events





Earth and Life Sciences Int







Medical Sciences

Military Sciences

Physical Sciences

Planetary Sciences

Popular Culture

Psionic Studies

Space Sciences

Specific Culture






























Oratory Cha

Percussion Instruments Cha

Singing Cha



























































Stand-up Comedy

Stringed Instruments

Weapons Kata

Wind Instruments







Sense Motive

Sleight of Hand






Treat Injury






































Benchthumping (Int)

Trained Only

Sometimes equipment or machinery becomes fouled up to the point that no amount of tinkering or repair will fix it. At this point, as a last ditch effort, a good, solid hit is all that can get the machinery working again.

Check: On a successful check with this skill, the machine will operate for a number of Turns equal to the DC of the check.

Try Again?: On a failed check, the equipment is inoperable until it can be repaired.

Bluff (Cha)

In addition to all the standard uses, you can use the Bluff skill to feint in starship combat.

Check: With a successful Bluff check, you mislead another starship so that it can’t dodge your attack effectively. This check is opposed by the target pilot’s Sense Motive check. If you succeed, the next attack your starship makes against the target ignores its pilot’s Dexterity bonus to Defense (if it has one), thus lowering the target’s Defense score. You cannot use this tactic against a starship that’s flying on autopilot. Using Bluff as a feint in starship combat is an attack action.

Special: If you have the Starship Feint feat, you gain a +2 bonus on Bluff checks when using the skill to feint in starship combat.

Computer Use (Int)

In addition to all the standard uses, this skill can be used to operate shipboard sensors as well as to send, jam, scramble, and unscramble transmissions sent through space or across dimensions.

Check: The following applications of the Computer Use skill can be used untrained.

Conduct Active Sensor Scan: Using a starship’s sensors to analyze another ship or object in sensory range requires a Computer Use check (DC 15). An active sensor scan conducted over a vast distance

(for example, across a star system) or subjected to some form of disturbance (such as interference from a solar flare) applies a -5 or higher penalty on the check.

Send Transmission: Routine communications (hailing a nearby ship, using the subspace radio, and so on) are accomplished with a Computer Use check (DC 10). Communications sent over incredibly long distances (such as between star systems) are subject to distortion; correcting that distortion to ensure a message reaches its intended destination requires a successful Computer Use check (DC 20).

The following applications of the Computer Use skill cannot be used untrained.

Jam Transmission: This skill can be used to prevent a ship or facility from receiving an incoming transmission. An opposed Computer Use check between the individual receiving the message and the individual attempting to jam the message determines whether or not the message gets through. If an unmanned computer receives the transmission, jamming the transmission requires a Computer Use check (DC 15).

Scramble/Unscramble Transmission: Computer Use can be used to scramble a transmission. This is done with an opposed Computer Use check between the individual sending the message and anyone attempting to intercept or unscramble it.

Time: Scrambling or unscrambling a transmission is a full-round action. Conducting an active sensor scan or sending/ jamming a transmission is a move action.

Disable Device (Int)

Trained Only

In addition to all the standard uses, you can use this skill to disable a robot.

Check: Disabling a robot is a full-round action and requires a successful Disable Device check (DC

30). The robot must be pinned before the check can be made.

Special: A disabled robot can be re-enabled with a successful Repair check.

Knowledge (law) (Int)

Trained Only

You can use the Knowledge (law) skill to correctly identify the laws in the area you are currently in.

An area you are familiar with will have a smaller number for DC than an area you may just be visiting.

If there is any question if the character knows the laws of a given area he should make a roll and consult the DC on the chart below.


Home area

Neighboring area

Studied in a book

Familiarity only by watching other citizens

Knowledge (military science) (Int)

Trained Only






This skill replaces the Knowledge (tactics) skill and adds to it in other ways. This skill covers the ability to set forth strategies for military operations, plan tactics, lay ambushes, and rally troops. It also covers military history, military justice and law, and the culture of the military.

Ambush: A skill check is used to prepare or recognize an ambush. To recognize an ambush you must roll against a DC 20; if you make the check you recognize areas that would make effective ambush points.

Hunch: By making a successful skill check against a DC 25 you have a strong intuitive feeling on the enemy’s battle plans. For example, if you are shadowing a Romulan vessel, you have a good idea of the next move its captain will make.

Find Weakness: By making a successful skill check at DC 30, you can find a weakness in your opponent’s battle strategy.

Knowledge (specific culture) (Int)

Trained Only

This skill covers the culture, history, and customs of a particular species. Each time it is taken, the species must be specified.

Knowledge (technology) (Int)

Trained Only

In addition to all the standard uses, you can make a Knowledge (technology) check in order to correctly identify starships and robots, as well as identify unfamiliar technological devices.

Check: The DCs for identifying technological items vary depending on the type of information required:

Identifying a starship by its type and subtype, or identifying a robot by its frame: DC 10.

Determining the function or purpose of a particular mechanical system: DC 15.

Recalling the standard, factory-model design specs of a particular type or class of starship or robot: DC 20.

When confronted with an unfamiliar piece of technology or alien artifact, you can make a Knowledge

(technology) check to correctly surmise the primary (if not singular) purpose of the device. A successful check result does not enable you to activate the item, nor does it make you proficient with the item. The DC of the Knowledge (technology) check depends on the item being identified and the difference in progress level, as shown below:

Unfamiliar Item

Basic tool or instrument

Robotic or vehicular component

Cybernetic attachment

Alien weapon or nanotechnology

Alien artifact

Navigate (Int)

Each step in progress level (up or down)








Check: The rules for plotting a course over a great distance work as described in the Navigate skill description in the d20 Modern Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook, with the following modifications

and additions. Aboard a starship, you need a functional Class II sensor array (or better) to plot a course through space. You don’t need to make a Navigate check when traveling along a preestablished space route.

Time: Plotting a course is a full-round action.

Pilot (Dex)

Trained Only

In addition to all the standard uses, you can use the Pilot skill to fly any kind of spacecraft.

Check: Unless you have the Starship Operation feat, you take a -4 penalty on Pilot checks made to pilot a starship. The pilot of a starship can make a Pilot check to escape after being held or immobilized by another starship’s tractor beam.

Special: For primitive (PL 5) spacecraft such as the space shuttle, the Aircraft Operation (spacecraft) feat is sufficient to negate the -4 penalty on Pilot checks; however, this feat cannot negate the penalty as it applies to PL 6 or higher spacecraft.

Repair (Int)

Trained Only

In addition to all the standard uses, you can use this skill to repair vehicles, starships, and constructs

(including robots). You can also use the Repair skill to safely remove the “brain” of a destroyed robot.

Check: Repairing damage to a vehicle or starship takes one hour of work, a mechanical tool kit, and a proper facility such as a workshop, hangar bay, or Spacedock. (Without a tool kit, you take a -4 penalty on your Repair check.) At the end of the hour, make a Repair check (DC 20). Success repairs

2d6 points of damage. If damage remains, you may continue to make repairs for as many hours as it takes to restore the vehicle or starship to full hit points. The same rules apply to robots, other constructs, and cybernetic attachments, except that each successful application of the Repair skill restores 1d10 points of damage (instead of 2d6), and the Repair check is more difficult to achieve

(DC 30). This skill may also be used to transplant the “brain” of a destroyed robot into a similar but intact robot frame.

Special: A vehicle, starship, robot, or other construct that is reduced to 0 hit points cannot be repaired. It can be salvaged for parts, however (see the Salvage feat description in Chapter 5).

Sleight of Hand (Dex)

Your training allows you to pick pockets, draw hidden weapons, and take a variety of actions without being noticed.

Check: A DC 10 Sleight of Hand check lets you palm a coin-sized, unattended object. Performing a minor feat of legerdemain, such as making a coin disappear, also has a

DC of 10 unless an observer is determined to note where the item went. When you use this skill under close observation, your skill check is opposed by the observer’s Perception check. The observer’s success doesn’t prevent you from performing the action, just from doing it unnoticed.

You can hide a small object (including a light weapon or an easily concealed ranged weapon, such as a dart, sling, or hand crossbow) on your body. Your Sleight of

Hand check is opposed by the Perception check of anyone observing you or of anyone frisking you. In the latter case, the searcher gains a +4 bonus on the Perception check, since it’s generally easier to find such an object than to hide it. A dagger is easier to hide than most light weapons, and grants you

a +2 bonus on your Sleight of Hand check to conceal it. An extraordinarily small object, such as a coin, shuriken, or ring, grants you a +4 bonus on your Sleight of Hand check to conceal it, and heavy or baggy clothing (such as a cloak) grants you a +2 bonus on the check.

Drawing a hidden weapon is a standard action and doesn’t provoke an attack of opportunity. If you try to take something from a creature, you must make a DC 20 Sleight of Hand check. The opponent makes a Perception check to detect the attempt, opposed by the Sleight of Hand check result you achieved when you tried to grab the item. An opponent who succeeds on this check notices the attempt, regardless of whether you got the item. You cannot use this skill to take an object from another creature during combat if the creature is aware of your presence. You can also use Sleight of

Hand to entertain an audience as though you were using the Perform skill. In such a case, your “act” encompasses elements of legerdemain, juggling, and the like.

Sleight of Hand DC



Palm a coin-sized object, make a coin disappear

20 Lift a small object from a person

Action: Any Sleight of Hand check is normally a standard action. However, you may perform a Sleight of Hand check as a move action by taking a –20 penalty on the check.

Try Again: Yes, but after an initial failure, a second Sleight of Hand attempt against the same target

(or while you are being watched by the same observer who noticed your previous attempt) increases the DC for the task by 10.

Untrained: An untrained Sleight of Hand check is simply a Dexterity check. Without actual training, you can’t succeed on any Sleight of Hand check with a DC higher than 10, except for hiding an object on your body.

Special: If you have the Deft Hands feat, you get a bonus on Sleight of Hand checks

Subterfuge (Dex)

The Subterfuge skill covers sleight of hand, pickpocketing, lockpicking and other sorts of potentially illegal activity.

Check: The check DC for Subterfuge depends on what is being done.

Subterfuge can be used to pick locks, jam doors and perform other acts of petty vandalism or cunning sabotage. The DC for this varies depending on the task at hand. Note that Subterfuge cannot be used to repair devices, only to disable them. Furthermore, it is easier to for a trained technician to disable a device that it is for a character to use Subterfuge to perform the same task (the technician knows what he is doing; the character using Subterfuge is just pulling wires and frying circuits).

Sleight of

Surveillance (Wis)

Trained Only

Surveillance is used to analyze and enhance intelligence photographs and video. You can also use it to notice important events during a long stakeout or spot signs of someone watching you.

Check: The time taken and DC vary depending on what you want to accomplish.

Task Time

Analyze photograph or video frame 1 hour

Enhance photograph or video frame 5 min

Notice important event during stakeout Free action

Notice signs of surveillance Full action

Hide or find a bug 5 min







Analyze Photograph or Video: You can carefully examine an image to get a clear picture of an individual shown in it, read any visible text, or otherwise extract information from it. The

Gamemaster sets the DC based on the quality of the recording equipment and the conditions when the image was taken. Any appropriate concealment bonuses that would apply when the image was taken (such as light fog or darkness) are also added to the DC.


Black and white security camera

Infrared camera

Color security camera





Professional film footage or photo 25

Enhance Photograph or Video: You must have a computer to enhance an image. Add your skill level in Computer Use to the check. If successful, reduce the image's DC purposes of analysis by 2.

Stakeouts and Surveillance: When something happens while you're on a stakeout, your

Gamemaster checks secretly to see if you notice the event immediately. You can also actively watch your surroundings try to spot signs that you are under surveillance. The Gamemaster makes a secret opposed Surveillance check against the Surveillance check of anyone spying on you. If the total of your check beats your opponent’s result, you see the opponent.

Hide/Find Bugs: You can find listening devices by using an opposed Surveillance check against the person who hid the bug in the first place. If using a bug detector, you receive +5 to this check.

Try Again?: When noticing events during a stakeout, no. When analyzing an image, yes, but only after enhancing the image again. You cannot retry enhancement; if you fail once, the image is as clear as you can make it. When looking for bugs, yes. When hiding, yes, as long as the bug hasn't been found yet.

Treat Injury (Wis)

In addition to the standard uses, this skill can be used to treat members of other species, provided that they are not constructs.

Check: For all uses of this skill except surgery, the skill check’s DCs are unchanged. Performing surgery on creatures of a type different from your own carries a -8 penalty. The Surgery feat reduces the penalty to -4, while the Xenomedic feat negates the penalty entirely.

Special: The Treat Injury skill cannot be used on nonliving or inorganic creatures, such as constructs


Psionic Skills

Detect Minds (Wis)

Trained Only

Detect Minds is like "brain radar." It lets you detect the presence of any mind within about 100 feet, although it does not permit you to scan thoughts and emotions.

Prerequisites: Intelligence 9, Wisdom 9, Psionic Talent feat.

Check: Detect Minds is an active psionic ability. It requires a full round action to use. With a successful skill check against DC 15, you can sense the presence of all minds within a radius of 100 feet, centered on you. The detection ignores all barriers, though some exotic force fields and psionic effects may block it. You know the direction towards and distance from each mind within your area of effect. You can tell the difference between animal and sapient minds. As long as you concentrate on maintaining the detection field, you can perceive all minds entering and leaving your area of effect.

You may track their movements. Each round you maintain the detection field, you may attempt to identify a single mind (one per round). This requires a skill check against DC 20. If you identify the mind, you can determine its relative mental power (e.g., "This individual seems to have a much more powerful mind than you do.") and can recognize it, as you would a face. You may also sense whether or not that mind is psionic. (Minds with whom you are familiar, such as a pet or friend, require no skill check to identify — unless they are using Hide Mind to obscure their presence.) If you cease concentrating, you must expend another full round action and perform a successful skill check to reactivate the power. Once you have detected and identified a mind, you can attempt to contact or control it via Empathy, Influence Mind, or Telepathy.

Only these skills and psionic feats based on these skills may be used while you concentrate on detecting minds. A -2 penalty is applied to all skill checks with these powers if you use them while concentrating on detection.

(Detecting a mind counts as having Line of Sight for the aforementioned powers.)

Try Again?: If you fail to activate this power, you cannot use it again for another minute (10 rounds).

Special: If an individual with Hide Mind is within your detection radius, you must perform an opposed skill check to sense them. (This check is separate from the skill check to activate Detect

Minds.) If you succeed, you can sense the presence of that person for one minute. A minute later, you have to roll again. If you attempt to identify a mind that is protected by Hide Mind, you roll a Detect

Minds skill check opposed by the target's Hide Mind. If you roll higher than DC 15 and your opponent's result, you identify the mind. If not, you cannot attempt to identify that mind again for one hour. Your Gamemaster should perform this roll in secret and inform you of the person's presence if the roll succeeds.

Combat Intuition (Wisdom, Trained only.) Writer Modified

The character has a rudimentary form of Telepathy that specifically geared to give him an edge in combat. The character must give up his first melee round (even if he has the first initiative) or prior to combat, he must mediate putting himself a Zen state of mind. For the next 15 minute, he will function as if his mind and body are one; his weapons become an extension of his body. The character will be more fluid in combat, receiving a +4 to his Dexterity and +4 to his BAB temporarily.

Prerequisite: Intelligence 9+, Wisdom 9+ and Psionic Talent.

Bonuses: +4 to Dexterity, +4 to BAB, +3 to Initiative, +1 to Parry, +4 to all Reflex saves and +2 to


The character can only enter into this state only once an hour. It requires at least 30 minutes of rest and all combat bonuses are halved for that 30 minutes.

Empathy (Wis)

Trained Only

Empathy is the ability to sense and project emotions. You can use Empathy to determine the general emotional state of a person or animal, giving you bonuses to interact with the being. You may also use Empathy to instill an emotion in a creature, causing it to feel afraid or happy.

Prerequisites: Intelligence 9, Wisdom 9, Psionic Talent feat.

Check: Empathy is an active psionic ability. It requires a full round action to use. You can perform two tasks with Empathy: Empathic Scan and Instill Emotion. The range of either ability is line of sight.

Empathic Scan: Empathic Scan allows you to detect the emotional state of a single creature, gaining insight into the target’s mood and attitude. To perform an Empathic Scan, you must expend a full

round action and make a skill check against DC 15. It is an active use of psionics. If the roll succeeds, you receive a general description of the target’s emotional state. For example, if you met someone who thinks that you remind them of a mean-spirited ex-lover, you might receive the following impression: “The woman is in high spirits, but whenever she looks at you, you sense that she feels deep anger and regret.” A successful Empathic Scan grants you a +4 insight bonus to Bluff,

Diplomacy, Handle Animal, Influence Mind, Intimidate, Perform, Sense Motive, and Telepathy skill checks against that creature. This bonus lasts for 2d6 + your Wisdom modifier in rounds. You may scan only one creature at a time. If your target has Psychic Defense, you must succeed in an opposed skill check (your Empathy vs. their Psychic Defense) roll higher than DC 15 to read the target’s emotions. If you fail in your skill check to read a target’s emotions, you cannot use Empathic Scan against that target for ten minutes.

Instill Emotion: Instill Emotion lets you project emotion at an opponent and cause them to feel it.

For example, you could cause someone to feel afraid or hopeless, giving you an advantage in combat.

To use this ability, you must expend a full round action and perform an Empathy skill check. If the check succeeds, your target makes a Will saving throw. If the target fails the save, he is affected by the emotion as long as you concentrate. Once you cease concentrating, the effects linger for 1d4 + your

Wisdom modifier in rounds. The DC of your skill check depends on the degree of difficulty associated with emotion you choose to project. Emotions are rated as Easy, Average, or Hard; several emotions are listed in the following table.


Emotion Difficulty

 Amiability: The target's attitude is improved by two steps (e.g., from Indifferent to Helpful). Medium

 Discord: The target's attitude is worsened by two steps (e.g., from Friendly to Indifferent). Easy

 Fright: The target is frightened, fleeing as well as it can. If unable to flee, the target may fight, but is shaken. Medium

 Good Will: The target's attitude is improved by one step (e.g., from Indifferent to Friendly). Easy

 Hopelessness: The target loses all hope and submits to simple demands from opponents, such as to surrender or get out. If no foes are present to make demands, there is a 25% chance that a hopeless creature is unable to take any action except hold its ground. If the creature remains free to act, there is a 25% chance that it retreats at normal speed. Hard

 Love: The target is charmed. Medium

 Nausea: The target is unable to attack, cast spells, concentrate, or do anything else requiring attention. The target can only take a move-equivalent action per turn. Hard

 Panic: The target is panicked and suffers a -2 morale penalty on all saving throws and must flee. If cornered, the target cowers. Hard

 Rage: The target enters a blind rage and immediately attacks the nearest creature. Medium

 Trepidation: Target is shaken, suffering a -2 morale penalty on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, and saving throws. Easy

 Weariness: The target feels fatigued. Medium

The result of your skill check determines the DC of the target’s Will saving throw. The table below shows the DCs for each type of emotion and dice result.

Easy Medium Hard


(DC 15)


(DC 20)


(DC 25)

Will Save






















If you fail in your skill check, you may retry next round. If your target’s Will saving throw is successful, you may not use Instill Emotion against them again until 24 hours have passed.

Healing Touch (Wisdom, Trained only.) Writer Modified

The character can heal 3d6 hit points of physical damage, by touching the injured person.

He can instantly heal cuts, burns, minor gun shots and other physical wounds. The character can alleviate the symptoms of a disease, but cannot fully cure it. This ability can only be used living beings or creatures, but never on himself.

Prerequisite: Intelligence 9+, Wisdom 9+ and Psionic Talent.

By touching another being, character can heal 3d6 hit points of damage with a single touch. The character can heal more as many as two people per melee as long as they are within 5 feet of each other. After the first initial time, the character can use this ability on the same person as many times as needed, but it will cost the character two of their own hit points each time.

Retry: The character is free to do this as many times as he wants and as long as his health holds up.

There is one a DC of 10, when healing an unwilling patient.

Hide Mind (Wis)

Trained Only

Hide Mind is the mental equivalent of Stealth. It is the ability to obscure your thoughts and avoid mental detection.

Prerequisites: Intelligence 9, Wisdom 9, Psionic Talent feat.

Check: Hide Mind is a passive psionic ability that operates constantly and unconsciously. It is used to oppose any Detect Minds skill checks made against you. On the round you perform a skill check for an active psionic power (such as using Telepathy or Telekinesis), all Hide Mind skill checks suffer a -

10 penalty. If you are under the influence of an active psionic effect, your Hide Mind skill checks suffer a -5 penalty. (These penalties are not cumulative.)

Try Again?: If you fail a Hide Mind check, you may try again a minute late r.

Implant False Memory (Wisdom, Trained only.) Writer Modified

The character can work pass his target’s mental defenses and implant a false memory over the actual events or people involved. The memories can last hours, days, weeks or even several months. (In some cases, it might last several years. It depends on how strong the target’s Will Saves are.) The victim fails to even remember what he did days before. The subject must be restrained throughout the whole implantation and the telepath can remove all memory even of the subject being captured and restrained.

Prerequisite: Intelligence 9+, Wisdom +9, and Psionic Talent.

Check: The character has to make a roll at a DC of 15 to get passed the target’s mental barriers and it takes about 30 minutes to implant a simple memory, an hour for complex memories, and three hours for long term memories. If the character can keep the target for eight hours or more, the memory could last for over a year. It takes a DC of 20 to make the memory last for up to a year.

Retry: Depends on if you has your target, awake or unconscious. A target that is awake will resist more and it increase the DC to 30.

Inflict Pain (Wisdom, Trained only.) Writer Modified

The character can telepathically reach out and make psychic contact with the pain centers of a target’s mind and inflict 6d6 points of temporary damage, causing the target to fall over or even pass out, if he does not make a Will Save of DC 20.

Prerequisite: Intelligence 9+, Wisdom 10+, Psionic Talent and Non-Lawful Alignment.

The target can either feel sharp needles sticking every inch of his body or his body burning all over and charring his flesh. The pain can last 4 rounds or up to five minutes at the most. After five minutes, if the character pushes it, the target will start going insane. It will take months of therapy for the target to recover from the incident.

Retry: The character can try and do this over and over again, but he takes 1d6 points of temporary each time he does it after the initial three times and has to perform this skill at a -10, until he becomes an eighth level or higher Telepath.

Influence Mind (Wis)

Trained Only

Influence Mind permits you to telepathically suggest a course of action to one thinking creature. The target feels compelled to follow this course of action and may perform the task you suggest. Influence

Mind is a difficult, but potent ability.

Prerequisites: Intelligence 9, Wisdom 9, Psionic Talent feat, Empathy 6 ranks, Telepathy 6 ranks.

Check: Influence Minds is an active psionic ability with line-of-sight range. It requires a full round action to use. You may affect only a single being per normal use of this skill. To influence a mind, you must expend a full round action, choose the course of action you wish to suggest, and perform an

Influence Mind skill check. If you roll less than 15, the skill check fails, and you may not attempt

Telepathy or Influence Mind against that target for ten minutes. If you roll 15 to 19, the target receives a telepathic message with your suggestion, but has no compulsion to obey. If you roll 20 or higher, the suggestion is sent to the target, and the target feels compelled to obey. Your target must make a Will saving throw to resist obeying the suggestion. The DC of the saving throw is based on the result of your skill check, per the table below.

Skill Check Result Will Save DC









+22 40

The course of activity you suggest to your target must be no more than a sentence or two in length and complexity. The creature must be able to accomplish the activity suggested within a relatively short period of time, no more than an hour. The suggestion must be worded in such a manner as to make the activity sound reasonable to the target. Asking a creature to perform an obviously harmful act, such as shooting itself, automatically permits it to resist influence. Suggesting that a vial of poison is a tasty beverage to be consumed immediately is another matter. Extremely reasonable suggestions may increase the DC of the target’s saving throw by +1 to +3, depending on circumstance and the

Gamemaster’s discretion. Language is a barrier to the use of this ability. If the target cannot understand your language, you cannot suggest a course of action. The Non-Verbal Telepathy feat overrides this limitation.

Try Again?: If you fail your activation skill check, you may not attempt Telepathy or Influence Mind against that target for ten minutes.

Metabolic Control (Wis)

Trained Only Metabolic Control is a potent psionic ability by which your will overrides your body. It is an act of mind over matter. Through Metabolic Control, you can resist the effects of fatigue, starvation, thirst, and exposure. You control your body’s automatic responses to adverse conditions.

For example, you can alter your body temperature and adapt to survivable extremes of heat and cold.

You can control your heartbeat and respiration, permitting you to survive with less breathable air. By controlling your perspiration and digestion, you can survive for longer periods of time without food and water. With this skill, you could conceivably sit naked in a snowstorm for several days without food and suffer no ill effects.

Prerequisites: Intelligence 9, Wisdom 9, Psionic Talent feat.

Check: Metabolic Control is considered a passive psionic ability. It operates constantly and unconsciously.

Metabolic Control helps in the following situations: starvation, thirst, fatigue and exhaustion from a forced march or heavy labor, sleep deprivation, asphyxiation, oxygen deprivation, holding your breath, and very hot or cold conditions (but not heat- or cold-based attacks). If you fail a Constitution check or Fortitude saving throw against the harmful effects of these situations, you then perform a

Metabolic Control skill check against the situation’s DC. If the skill check succeeds, you gain the same benefits as making the resistance roll. In other words, you get two rolls to resist the situation: one using the normal Fortitude save or Constitution check and a second one using Metabolic Control.

Both rolls must fail in order for you to suffer the harmful effects of the situation.

Mind Meld (Wis)

Trained Only

(Note: This psionic skill may normally be purchased only by Vulcans; other species may

purchase it with the Gamemaster’s permission.)

Mind Meld is a form of Telepathy that allows the user to exchange or gather information with another subject’s mind. The telepath should be in physical contact with the subject, with his hand touching the subject's face (as it contains the nerve centers closest to the brain). If the face cannot be touched, the skill check is made with the character taking a -4 penalty to his skill, -10 if physical contact cannot be made at all. In the case of an unfamiliar species in which the location of the face is not immediately discernible, a telepath in contact with the body of the subject can either accept the -

4 penalty to his skill roll or roll versus his Knowledge skill, as appropriate, to locate the proper nerve centers. In addition, if the subject is unwilling, it may be necessary to restrain him in some fashion.

Prerequisites: Intelligence 9, Wisdom 9, Psionic Talent feat.

Check: Mind Meld is a range of touch only, but GMs can allow it to be used within 15 feet at a -10 to the skill in extreme cases. Also, while using the Mind Meld skill, neither you nor your target may move. It is best to apply some restraints to an unwilling target. [The target can yell, beg, and plead to avoid the mind meld. The target can thrash about and swat at you with his hands (probably provoking a Concentration check), but the process is spoiled if the target walks or runs away.] You must maintain physical contact with the target of your probe, during the entire time you probe him.

To scan someone’s thoughts, you must expend a full round action and perform a Mind Meld skill check against DC 15. If successful, you peer into the target’s mind, accessing his stream of consciousness, as long as you concentrate upon it. If your target has Psychic

Defense, you must make a Mind Meld skill check opposed by their Psychic Defense and roll higher than DC 20 to initiate and maintain the contact.

Unlike Telepathy this is obtrusive and can be used to learn a person’s deepest and darkest secrets. If the subject is unwilling, then the character needs to add +5 to his DC check to find out this information. If the character gains a critical success, then all the subject’s memories are exposed, but a separate Mind Meld skill check at DC 15 is required to locate the specific memory if it is over oneyear old. The following chart has a series of suggested modifiers when dealing with a subject being mind melded. The condition of the subject is also a factor; the Gamemaster should apply modifiers as applicable; more than one modifier may apply to any given situation. Factors related to damaging the subject usually generate negative modifiers, while factors that are not the result of physical damage usually generate positive modifiers.

Target is … Skill modifier…


Nerve Pinch


Surprised surprise

At 0 hit points

At -1 to -9 hit points

Insane/ Under Influence

+6 to skill check

+4 to skill check

+3 to skill check

+1 to +3 skill check depending on the level of the

-4 to skill check

-8 to skill check

-4 to skill check

Pleasure (Wisdom, Trained only) Writer Modified

The character can stimulate the pleasure centers of the brain, releasing endorphins, causing the victim to become helpless from the overwhelming feeling of pleasure or act a pain blocker from someone that has a severe injury, allowing them to be treated without any drugs.

Prerequisite: Intelligence 10+, Wisdom 10+, Psionic Talent and a working knowledge of medicine or biology.

The target will feel extreme relaxed as an extreme amount of endorphins floods the body, possibly lowering a person’s ability to make rational decisions or fight off sexual advanced. The character can maintain the level of the endorphins or increase their levels to the point where a person can lose their consciousness. When dealing with someone that is injured, the character can ease the amount of pain the person is in and maybe be able to put them into a mild endorphin-induced coma. The coma is temporary and can only last four hours maximum. The victim has only the one chance to make a

Fortitude Save with a DC of 25.

Retry: The character can try again only twice, more than that presents a health risk. Too many times of doing this to a person could be mildly addictive or it could push a person over their pleasure threshold and cause them to have a heart attack.

Psychic Defense (Wis)

Trained Only

Psychic Defense protects you from unwanted Empathic and Telepathic scanning and influence, as well as psychic attacks.

Prerequisites: Intelligence 9, Wisdom 9, Psionic Talent feat.

Check: Psychic Defense is a passive psionic ability that operates constantly and unconsciously.

Psychic Defense opposes Empathy, Telepathy, and Influence Mind. In the case of scanning by

Empathy and Telepathy, your opponent must succeed in an opposed skill check or it is not possible to read your mind. In the case of a psionic effect that permits a Will saving throw (such as Influence

Mind, Telepathic Stun, and Empathy’s Instill Emotions), you get two saves: one using your Will, the other using your Psychic Defense. You must fail both rolls in order to be affected.

Try Again?: No, though you make a separate Psychic Defense check for each effect.

Psychic Diagnosis and Purification (Wisdom, Trained only) Writer Modified.

The character can sense physical pain in a person. He can sense poisons and toxins, external or internal injury, disease or possession with 100% accuracy. With such pinpoint accuracy the character can suggest a course of treatments or conduct surgery, maybe even psychic surgery. The character can also remove all toxins, poisons and drugs from a person, leaving them 100% clear of all symptoms, but he cannot reverse any physical damage that was done.

Prerequisite: Intelligence 10+, Wisdom 10+, Psionic Talent, Knowledge: Medical Science (3 Ranks) and or Psychic Surgery.

Retry: The character can do this over and over again; there is only a DC of 10 for unwilling patients.

If the patient is a drug user, the Purification is no permanent treatment. Only by completely Detoxing can a person get rid of their addiction.

Psychic Surgery (Wisdom, Trained only) Writer Modified.

The character can reach inside a patient and repair all internal injuries, repair broken bones, and remove all foreign objects (including bullets, arrowheads, implanted devices and cancerous tissues).

The surgery takes 2d6 minutes of preparation before surgery, during this time the patient can be prepped. The surgery causes only minimal pain and when it is done, there is no scaring.

Prerequisite: Intelligence 11+, Wisdom 11+, Psionic Talent and Knowledge: Medical Science (5


The character can heal up to 1d6x10 hit points of physical damage to a person. The character can temporary repair limbs and arteries, or stop internal bleeding, to help stabilize a patient until a complete surgery can be done.

Retry: The character has to overcome a DC of 10 for an unwilling patient. Some unsavory psychics have used Psychic Surgery to do cosmetic surgery either on criminals and political refugees fleeing from the Federation or by Starfleet Intelligence Agents.

Self Healing (Wis)

Trained Only

With this psionic skill, you can exert your will over your flesh and force your tissues to heal rapidly.

Prerequisites: Intelligence 9, Wisdom 9, Psionic Talent feat.

Check: Self Healing is a multi-faceted ability. It allows you to perform four tasks: Augment Normal

Healing, Control Bleeding, Quick Recovery, and Relieve Fatigue.

Augment Normal Healing: Because you can mentally control your body’s automatic healing processes, you tend to heal faster and better than normal people do. If you are wounded, at the end of each day you perform a Self Healing skill check against DC 15. If you succeed, you recover 1 hit point, in addition to any other healing that may have taken place.

Control Bleeding: With a full round action and successful skill check against DC 15, you can cause a single wound to clot and stop bleeding. The clotting is about as effective as having the wound bandaged, so vigorous action may reopen it and start the bleeding again. If you fail in your skill check, you may try again next round. This is an active use of your psionics.

Quick Recovery: With ten minutes of total concentration and a skill check against DC 20, you can force your body to rapidly heal itself. This regenerates lost hit points equal to 1d6 + your Wisdom modifier. If you succeed in the skill check and heal yourself, you must perform a Fortitude saving throw against DC 15 or suffer fatigue. Your body burns up a lot of energy in the regenerative process.

You may not use Quick Recovery more than once per hour. A failed skill check counts as use. Quick

Recovery is an active use of psionic power. It requires a full round action to activate.

Relieve Fatigue: With ten minutes of total concentration and a skill check against DC 20, you can rally your body’s energy and undo the effects of fatigue, almost as if you had rested for eight hours.

You may only attempt Relieve Fatigue once per day. Fail or succeed in your skill check, you may not try again for 24 hours. Relieve Fatigue is an active psionic effect. It requires a full round action to activate.

Spirit Communion (Wisdom, Trained only.) Writer Modified

The character can feel the presence of spirits, ghost of loved one and possessing spirits seeking to do evil. He can also sense Astral Beings and imprisoned souls and life essences trapped in machinery due to a violent attack or betrayal. Some of these spirits can act as avenging beings, trying to get back all that they had.

Prerequisite: Intelligence 10+, Wisdom 10+, Psionic Talent and Empathy.

The character can ask the spirits questions out load, although the spirit can understand it both on an empathic level and a telepathic level. Only those psychics that have this ability can hear the spirit and the answer will be in the exact words and emotions that the spirit used. Some may say this is a hoax and others take the new information with a grain of salt. After all, some spirits have been known to only tell half-truths or straight out lies. While other spirits have always been honest and forthright with all their answers, they only deceive when they have to for the safety of the psychic or the spirit’s loved ones.

Retry: The character needs to make Will Save of DC 15 to communicate with all spirits and a Will

Save of DC to avoid being possessed by the spirits he is communing with.

Telekinesis (Wis)

Trained Only

Telekinesis permits you to levitate objects, including yourself, with the power of your mind.

Prerequisites: Intelligence 9, Wisdom 9, Psionic Talent feat.

Check: The use of Telekinesis is a full round action. It has a maximum range of 100 feet. Telekinesis is an active psionic power. There are three steps in its use. Grab Object: To levitate an object, you must first “grab” it using your Telekinesis skill. This requires a ranged touch attack against the object you wish to move. Your base attack bonus, plus your Intelligence modifier is used for this roll. The attack roll suffers a -2 penalty for every 50 feet separating you and the object.

Lift Object: Compare the object’s mass using the following table to find the DC for lifting it.

Make a Telekinesis skill check against this DC. If you fail this skill check, you cannot lift the object. You may retry in a later round, but must begin the levitation process from Grab Object.

If you succeed, you move to the third step.

Move Object: You may move the object horizontally, vertically, or both, a limited distance based on its mass category. The total movement of the object cannot exceed this distance. The maximum distance you can move the object (in feet) is listed in the Move column of the table below.

Mass Mass Category (in pounds)

Light (Telekinesis rank + Wisdom modifier) x 1

Medium (Telekinesis rank + Wisdom modifier) x 5

Heavy (Telekinesis rank + Wisdom modifier) x 10

Very Heavy (Telekinesis rank + Wisdom modifier) x 15

DC Move or less 15 or less 20 or less 25 or less 30


20 ft.

15 ft.

10 ft.

5 ft.

Extreme (Telekinesis rank + Wisdom modifier) x 20 or less 40 1 ft.

Maintaining Control: After the initial round of grabbing, lifting, and moving an object with

Telekinesis, you can continue to levitate the object if you concentrate and make another

Telekinesis skill check. If this check succeeds, you can move the object or hold it stationary. If the check fails, the object drops or stops moving. (In other words, each round you must make a skill check to maintain your telekinetic hold on an object.) You must concentrate to use the

Telekinesis skill. If you cease concentrating for any reason, the object drops or stops moving.

You can attempt to pick up the object again with a ranged touch attack and starting with the

Lift Object step.

 Degree of Control: An object can be manipulated as if with one hand. For example, a lever or rope can be pulled, a key can be turned, an object rotated, and a button pushed, as long as you can exert enough force on it to move it.

 Fine manipulation of an object, such as tying a knot or operating a keyboard, is not possible.

 Opposing Telekinesis: If two characters are attempting to telekinetically manipulate the same object, an opposed

 Telekinesis skill check is necessary. The winner gains control of the item for the round. If the target object is physically held by a resisting individual, perform a Telekinesis check against the target's full Strength score + 1d20. The higher result controls the item for the round.

 Miscellaneous: Levitated objects move too slowly to damage anything they strike. You can attempt to levitate yourself.

Try Again?: If you fail your skill check, you may not attempt to use Telekinesis for one minute (10 rounds).

Telepathic Stun (Wis)

Trained Only

You can overwhelm an opponent's mind with a focused thrust of pure thought.

Prerequisites: Intelligence 9, Wisdom 9, Psionic Talent feat, Telepathy 4 ranks.

Check: Telepathic Stun is an active use of psionics. It requires a full round action to use. Its range is line of sight: as long as you can see a target, you can blast its mind. To perform a Telepathic Stun, make a Telepathy skill check. If you roll less than 15, the attempt fails. If you roll more than 15, the attempt succeeds and your target may be stunned for one round, unless it makes a successful Will saving throw. Consult the table below to determine the DC of your target's Will saving throw.

Skill Check Result






Telepathy (Wis)

Will Save DC






Trained Only

Telepathy is the psionic skill of reading minds and projecting your thoughts into another person’s mind.

Prerequisites: Intelligence 9, Wisdom 9, Psionic Talent feat.

Check: With Telepathy, you can do two tasks: Thought Projection and Thought Scan. Telepathy is an active psionic ability. It requires a full round action to use. Its range is line of sight, perhaps even farther.

Thought Projection: You can project your current emotional state and a single, brief message to one thinking being. The message should be nothing more than a single sentence. For example, you could project your emotional distress and a message that says, “I’m imprisoned in a nearby cave.” With a full round action and successful Telepathy skill check against DC 15, you can project a thought to one thinking individual within your line of sight. You may also project your thoughts to a target not within your line of sight. To do so, you must be reasonably familiar with the person (better than a casual acquaintance) or you have performed at least one recent Empathic Scan or Thought Scan on the person. As long as the target is within the same universe, you can send a thought to the person with a Telepathy skill check against DC 20. Thought Projection communicates in language. If the target does not understand your language, then he receives only some emotional impressions.

Because Thought Projection does rely on language, you can broadcast “encrypted” thought.

Combining this ability with Godelized Communication can allow you to transmit incredibly detailed information in a single burst. Thought Projection does not permit two-way mental communication.

Thought Scan: With this facet of Telepathy, you can read a person’s mind and perceive his surface or active thoughts. To scan someone’s thoughts, you must expend a full round action and perform a

Telepathy skill check against DC 20. If successful, you peer into the target’s mind, accessing his stream of consciousness, as long as you concentrate upon it. Each round you maintain the scan, you must make another Telepathy skill check against DC 20. If you fail the check, contact is broken and may not be resumed for ten minutes. If your target has Psychic Defense, you must make a Telepathy skill check opposed by his Psychic Defense and roll higher than DC 20 to initiate and maintain a

Thought Scan. Language is a barrier to Thought Scan. When you read a person’s mind, you perceive

his thoughts in words, not pictures. If you do not know the target’s language, then you cannot understand his thoughts. You do receive some limited emotional sensations, but little else. Thought

Scan is useful for detecting lies. You cannot use this ability to scan someone’s memories or penetrate into his subconscious mind. If you fail a skill check, you cannot perform a Thought Scan against that target for ten minutes.


Acceleration Tolerance


Action Boost

Aircraft Operation


Alien Weapon Proficiency

Animal Affinity

Archaic Weapons Proficiency

Armed to the Teeth

Armor Proficiency (Environmental Suit)

Armor Proficiency (light)

Armor Proficiency (medium)

Armor Proficiency (heavy)





Improved Brawl

Knockout Punch

Improved Knockout Punch


Improved Feint



Combat Expertise

Improved Disarm

Improved Trip

Whirlwind Attack

Combat Martial Arts

Improved Combat Martial Arts

Advanced Combat Martial Arts

Combat Reflexes

Command Voice


Covert Communication


Data Access


Defensive Martial Arts

Combat Throw

Improved Combat Throw

Elusive Target

Unbalance Opponent


Agile Riposte


Spring Attack

Drive-By Attack



Exotic Melee Weapon Proficiency

Far Shot

Dead Aim

First Contact Protocol


Frightful Presence


Great Fortitude



Gunner’s Eye

Hacker Computer

Hailing Frequencies Open

Heroic Surge



Improved Damage Threshold

Improved Initiative

Improved Natural Healing

Improved Repair


Iron Will

Jack of All Trades


Legal Protection


Licensed and Authorized

Lightning Reflexes


Low Profile

Mastercrafter Craft

Medical Expert






Nerve Pinch

Nerves of Steel


Nimble — +2 on Escape Artist and Sleight of Hand checks




Personal Firearms Proficiency

Advanced Firearms Proficiency

Burst Fire

Exotic Firearms Proficiency


Suppressive Fire

Photographic Memory

Planetary Adaptation

Point Blank Shot

Double Tap

Precise Shot

Dead Shot

Skip Shot

Political Influence

Power Attack


Great Cleave

Improved Bull Rush


Psionic Talent

Quick Draw

Quick Reload

Rapid Aim

Remote Operation



Fleet of Foot


Sex Appeal

Simple Weapons Proficiency

Sixth Sense

Skill Focus


Spark of Genius

Starship Gunnery

Starship Operation

Starship Feint

Space Jockey



Supernatural Strike

Surface Vehicle Operation


Field Surgeon




Two-Weapon Fighting

Improved Two-Weapon Fighting

Advanced Two-Weapon Fighting

Ultra Immune System

Urban Tracking

Vehicle Expert

Force Stop

Vehicle Dodge

Weapon Finesse

Weapon Focus


Zero-G Training

Feat Descriptions

Acceleration Tolerance

This is the ability to withstand the sudden high-G forces of extreme acceleration for short periods of time. It is most useful for fighter pilots, especially those pilots that fly jets or other high-speed vehicles.

Prerequisite: Constitution 13.

Benefit: The character gets a +4 to Fortitude saving rolls to avoid the effects of acceleration.


You are skilled at leaping, jumping, and flying.

Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all Acrobatics and Fly skill checks. If you have 10 or more ranks in one of these skills, the bonus increases to +4 for that skill.

Acrobatic Steps

You can easily move over and through obstacles.

Prerequisites: Dex 15, Nimble Moves.

Benefit: Whenever you move, you may move through up to 15 feet of difficult terrain each round as if it were normal terrain. The effects of this feat stack with those provided by Nimble Moves(allowing you to move normally through a total of 20 feet of difficult terrain each round).

Action Boost

You have the ability to alter your luck drastically in dire circumstances.

Benefit: When you spend 1 action point, you roll d8s instead of d6s for the action result.

Aircraft Operation

This feat now applies to the following classes of aircraft: heavy aircraft, helicopters, jet fighters, or primitive spacecraft. The character is proficient at operating that class of aircraft. The heavy aircraft class includes jumbo passenger airplanes, large cargo planes, heavy bombers, and any other aircraft with three or more engines. Helicopters include transport and combat helicopters of all types. Jet fighters include military fighter and ground attack jets. Primitive spacecraft are vehicles such as the old Terran space shuttle and the old Terran lunar lander.


You often notice things that others might miss.

Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on Perception and Sense Motive skill checks. If you have 10 or more ranks in one of these skills, the bonus increases to +4 for that skill.

Alien Weapon Proficiency

You have been trained in the use of weapons belonging to species outside of your culture.

Benefit: You take no penalty on attack rolls when using any kind of alien weapon.

Special: A creature without this feat takes a -4 non-proficient penalty when making attacks with an alien weapon.

Animal Affinity

You are skilled at working with animals and mounts.

Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all Handle Animal and Ride skill checks. If you have 10 or more ranks in one of these skills, the bonus increases to +4 for that skill.

Armed to the Teeth

You can fight two-handed with ranged and melee weapons

Prerequisite: Two-Weapon Fighting.

Benefit: When you fight with two weapons, you can use a ranged weapon in one hand and a melee weapon in the other hand.

Normal: To gain the benefit of the Two-Weapon fighting feat, your weapons must both be ranged or melee weapons.

Armor Proficiency, Environmental Suit

You are highly skilled at wearing and working in an Environmental Suit.

Prerequisites: Light and Medium Armor Proficiency

Benefit: See Armor Proficiency, Light.

Normal: See Armor Proficiency, Light.

Armor Proficiency, Heavy (Combat)

You are skilled at wearing heavy armor.

Prerequisites: Light Armor Proficiency, Medium Armor Proficiency.

Benefit: See Armor Proficiency, Light.

Normal: See Armor Proficiency, Light.

Armor Proficiency, Light (Combat)

You are skilled at wearing light armor.

Benefit: When you wear a type of armor with which you are proficient, the armor check penalty for that armor applies only to Dexterity- and Strength-based skill checks.

Normal: A character who is wearing armor with which he is not proficient applies its armor check penalty to attack rolls and to all skill checks that involve moving.


Armor Proficiency, Medium (Combat)

You are skilled at wearing medium armor.

Prerequisite: Light Armor Proficiency.

Benefit: See Armor Proficiency, Light.

Normal: See Armor Proficiency, Light.


You possess inherent physical prowess.

Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on Climb and Swim skill checks. If you have 10 or more ranks in one of these skills, the bonus increases to +4 for that skill.

Blind-Fight (Combat)

You are skilled at attacking opponents that you cannot clearly perceive.

Benefit: In melee, every time you miss because of concealment (see Combat), you can reroll your miss chance percentile roll one time to see if you actually hit. An invisible attacker gets no advantages related to hitting you in melee. That is, you don't lose your Dexterity bonus to Armor Class, and the attacker doesn't get the usual +2 bonus for being invisible. The invisible attacker's bonuses do still apply for ranged attacks, however. You do not need to make Acrobatics skill checks to move at full speed while blinded.

Normal: Regular attack roll modifiers for invisible attackers trying to hit you apply, and you lose your Dexterity bonus to AC. The speed reduction for darkness and poor visibility also applies.

Catch Off-Guard (Combat)

Foes are surprised by your skilled use of unorthodox and improvised weapons.

Benefit: You do not suffer any penalties for using an improvised melee weapon. Unarmed opponents are flat-footed against any attacks you make with an improvised melee weapon.

Normal: You take a –4 penalty on attack rolls made with an improvised weapon.

Cleave (Combat)

You can strike two adjacent foes with a single swing.

Prerequisites: Str 13, Power Attack, base attack bonus +1.

Benefit: As a standard action, you can make a single attack at your full base attack bonus against a foe within reach. If you hit, you deal damage normally and can make an additional attack (using your full base attack bonus) against a foe that is adjacent to the first and also within reach. You can only

make one additional attack per round with this feat. When you use this feat, you take a –2 penalty to your Armor Class until your next turn.

Combat Expertise (Combat)

You can increase your defense at the expense of your accuracy.

Prerequisite: Int 13.

Benefit: You can choose to take a –1 penalty on melee attack rolls and combat maneuver checks to gain a +1 dodge bonus to your Armor Class. When your base attack bonus reaches +4, and every +4 thereafter, the penalty increases by –1 and the dodge bonus increases by +1. You can only choose to use this feat when you declare that you are making an attack or a full-attack action with a melee weapon. The effects of this feat last until your next turn.

Combat Reflexes (Combat)

You can make additional attacks of opportunity.

Benefit: You may make a number of additional attacks of opportunity per round equal to your Dexterity bonus. With this feat, you may also make attacks of opportunity while flat-footed.

Normal: A character without this feat can make only one attack of opportunity per round and can't make attacks of opportunity while flat-footed.

Special: The Combat Reflexes feat does not allow a rogue to use her opportunist ability more than once per round.

Command Voice

Benefit: This feat allows a character to add +2 to any Charisma check concerning Leadership or

Intimidate. Under normal conditions a shout made by the character can be heard up to 120 feet.

Covert Communication

You may make contact with friendly forces as long as the enemy is not actively jamming your signal.

Prerequisite: Character level 2.

Benefit: You are able to make a call for assistance while under enemy fire. This includes making calls for extraction, aid, and fire support, although the GM can decide if the request is granted or not.

Critical Focus (Combat)

You are trained in the art of causing pain.

Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +9.

Benefit: You receive a +4 circumstance bonus on attack rolls made to confirm critical hits.

Critical Mastery (Combat)

Your critical hits cause two additional effects.

Prerequisites: Critical Focus, any two critical feats, 14th-level fighter.

Benefit: When you score a critical hit, you can apply the effects of two critical feats in addition to the damage dealt.

Normal: You can only apply the effects of one critical feat to a given critical hit in addition to the damage dealt.

Data Access

You are trained to access and comprehend huge amounts of data very rapidly. You have an almost inhuman ability to locate and analyze the information you search for.

Prerequisites: Wisdom 13, Computer Use 1 rank, Skill Focus (computer use).

Benefit: When using the Computer Use skill, the time required for any action is halved.

Dazzling Display (Combat)

Your skill with your favored weapon can frighten enemies.

Prerequisite: Weapon Focus, proficiency with the selected weapon.

Benefit: While wielding the weapon in which you have Weapon Focus, you can perform a bewildering show of prowess as a full-round action. Make an Intimidate check to demoralize all foes within 30 feet who can see your display.

Dead Shot

You are a skilled marksman and have learned to hit targets hiding behind cover.

Prerequisites: Dexterity 13, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, base attack bonus +4.

Benefit: When firing a ranged weapon at a target taking advantage of cover, the target is considered to be at one cover category less.

Special: This feat does not stack with other feats or abilities that lend modifiers to hit targets behind cover

Deadly Aim (Combat)

You can make exceptionally deadly ranged attacks by pinpointing a foe's weak spot, at the expense of making the attack less likely to succeed.

Prerequisites: Dex 13, base attack bonus +1.

Benefit: You can choose to take a –1 penalty on all ranged attack rolls to gain a +2 bonus on all ranged damage rolls. When your base attack bonus reaches +4, and every +4 thereafter, the penalty increases by –1 and the bonus to damage increases by +2. You must choose to use this feat before making an attack roll and its effects last until your next turn. The bonus damage does not apply to touch attacks or effects that do not deal hit point damage.

Deadly Stroke (Combat)

With a well-placed strike, you can bring a swift and painful end to most foes.

Prerequisites: Dazzling Display, Greater Weapon Focus, Shatter Defenses, Weapon Focus, proficiency with the selected weapon, base attack bonus +11.

Benefit: As a standard action, make a single attack with the weapon for which you have Greater

Weapon Focus against a stunned or flat-footed opponent. If you hit, you deal double the normal damage and the target takes 1 point of Constitution bleed (see Conditions). The additional damage and bleed is not multiplied on a critical hit.


You are skilled at deceiving others, both with the spoken word and with physical disguises.

Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all Bluff and Disguise skill checks. If you have 10 or more ranks in one of these skills, the bonus increases to +4 for that skill.

Defensive Combat Training (Combat)

You excel at defending yourself from all manner of combat maneuvers.

Benefit: You treat your total Hit Dice as your base attack bonus when calculating your Combat

Maneuver Defense (see Combat).

Deflect Arrows (Combat)

You can knock arrows and other projectiles off course, preventing them from hitting you.

Prerequisites: Dex 13, Improved Unarmed Strike.

Benefit: You must have at least one hand free (holding nothing) to use this feat. Once per round when you would normally be hit with an attack from a ranged weapon, you may deflect it so that you take no damage from it. You must be aware of the attack and not flat-footed. Attempting to deflect a ranged attack doesn't count as an action. Unusually massive ranged weapons (such as boulders or ballista bolts) and ranged attacks generated by natural attacks or spell effects can't be deflected.

Deft Hands

You have exceptional manual dexterity.

Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on Disable Device and Sleight of Hand skill checks. If you have 10 or more ranks in one of these skills, the bonus increases to +4 for that skill.


You are especially hard to kill. Not only do your wounds automatically stabilize when grievously injured, but you can remain conscious and continue to act even at death's door.

Prerequisite: Endurance.

Benefit: When your hit point total is below 0, but you are not dead, you automatically stabilize. You do not need to make a Constitution check each round to avoid losing additional hit points. You may choose to act as if you were disabled, rather than dying. You must make this decision as soon as you are reduced to negative hit points (even if it isn't your turn). If you do not choose to act as if you were disabled, you immediately fall unconscious.

When using this feat, you are staggered. You can take a move action without further injuring yourself, but if you perform any standard action (or any other action deemed as strenuous, including some swift actions, such as casting a quickened spell) you take 1 point of damage after completing the act. If your negative hit points are equal to or greater than your Constitution score, you immediately die.

Normal: A character without this feat that is reduced to negative hit points is unconscious and dying.

Dodge (Combat)

Your training and reflexes allow you to react swiftly to avoid an opponents' attacks.

Prerequisite: Dex 13.

Benefit: You gain a +1 dodge bonus to your AC. A condition that makes you lose your Dex bonus to AC also makes you lose the benefits of this feat.

Double Slice (Combat)

Your off-hand weapon while dual-wielding strikes with greater power.

Prerequisite: Dex 15, Two-Weapon Fighting.

Benefit: Add your Strength bonus to damage rolls made with your off-hand weapon.

Normal: You normally add only half of your Strength modifier to damage rolls made with a weapon wielded in your off-hand.


Harsh conditions or long exertions do not easily tire you.

Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus on the following checks and saves: Swim checks made to resist nonlethal damage from exhaustion; Constitution checks made to continue running; Constitution checks made to avoid nonlethal damage from a forced march; Constitution checks made to hold your breath; Constitution checks made to avoid nonlethal damage from starvation or thirst;

Fortitude saves made to avoid nonlethal damage from hot or cold environments; and Fortitude saves made to resist damage from suffocation. You may sleep in light or medium armor without becoming fatigued.

Normal: A character without this feat that sleeps in medium or heavier armor is fatigued the next day.

Exhausting Critical (Combat, Critical)

Your critical hits cause opponents to become exhausted.

Prerequisites: Critical Focus, Tiring Critical, base attack bonus +15.

Benefit: When you score a critical hit on a foe, your target immediately becomes exhausted. This feat has no effect on exhausted creatures.

Special: You can only apply the effects of one critical feat to a given critical hit unless you possess the

Critical Mastery feat.

Exotic Firearms Proficiency

Choose a weapon type from the following list: cannons, heavy machine guns, grenade launchers, heavy phasers, heavy disruptors, and rocket launchers. You understand how to use all weapons within that type in combat.

Prerequisites: Personal Firearms Proficiency, Advanced Firearms Proficiency.

Benefit: You make attack rolls with the weapon normally.

Normal: A character who uses a weapon without being proficient with it takes a -4 penalty on attack rolls.

Special: You can gain this feat as many as six times. Each time you take the feat, you select a different weapon group.

Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Combat)

Choose one type of exotic weapon, such as the spiked chain or whip. You understand how to use that type of exotic weapon in combat, and can utilize any special tricks or qualities that exotic weapon might allow.

Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1.

Benefit: You make attack rolls with the weapon normally.

Normal: A character who uses a weapon with which he is not proficient takes a –4 penalty on attack rolls.

Special: You can gain Exotic Weapon Proficiency multiple times. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new type of exotic weapon.

Far Shot (Combat)

You are more accurate at longer ranges.

Prerequisites: Point-Blank Shot.

Benefit: You only suffer a –1 penalty per full range increment between you and your target when using a ranged weapon.

Normal: You suffer a –2 penalty per full range increment between you and your target.

Field Surgeon

Your awareness of anatomy allows you to perform simple surgery to treat wounds.

Prerequisites: Surgery, Treat Injury 5 ranks.

Benefit: You can perform simple field surgery, allowing creatures to recover more quickly from their wounds. Field surgery expends one use from a healer’s kit. To perform field surgery, you must make a Treat Injury check and spend time treating an injured creature; success means that on the creature’s next rest period it heals 1d4 points of damage (this is in addition to the normal amount healed from resting and with being under long-term care from a person with the Treat Injury skill).

The amount of time you take treating the injury determines the DC of the check according to the following table.

Treatment Time

1 minute

5 minutes




10 minutes 15

You decide how long you will perform the field surgery before making the check. You cannot take 20 on this check. If you fail the check by 4 or less, nothing happens. If you fail this check by 5 or more, the patient loses 1 hit point. If this puts the patient below 0 hit points, he starts dying. You can use field surgery on a creature multiple times, but the additional healing from field surgery in one day cannot exceed the patient’s Constitution score (additional surgeries have no effect).

Example: A patient with Constitution 10 cannot recover more than 10 additional hit points from field surgery per day.

Try Again?: You may try again as long as the patient is alive.

First Contact Protocol

You have been trained in and authorized for First Contact Protocol, allowing you to encounter and meet alien species so far unknown to Star Fleet.

Prerequisite: Must be a Star Fleet officer having attained at least the rank of Commander, or otherwise authorized for First Contact Protocol.

Benefit: You may communicate with any sentient being, even if you cannot speak its language. You may only use two-word sentences, with no word having more than one syllable. This is, of course, a very basic form of communication. However, you can usually utilize it to make meaningful, if brief, contact with previously unknown alien species. First Contact Protocol may be used over a communications link, but it requires video contact as well as audio. In addition, you gain a +4 competence bonus to all Sense Motive and Diplomacy checks made while using this feat.

Special: An officer in Star Fleet cannot rise above the rank of Captain without having first gained this feat.


You are faster than most.

Benefit: While you are wearing light or no armor, your base speed increases by 5 feet. You lose the benefits of this feat if you carry a medium or heavy load.

Special: You can take this feat multiple times. The effects stack.

Gorgon's Fist (Combat)

With one well-placed blow, you leave your target reeling.

Prerequisites: Improved Unarmed Strike, Scorpion Style, base attack bonus +6.

Benefit: As a standard action, make a single unarmed melee attack against a foe whose speed is reduced (such as from Scorpion Style). If the attack hits, you deal damage normally and the target is staggered until the end of your next turn unless it makes a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Wis modifier). This feat has no effect on targets that are staggered.

Great Cleave (Combat)

You can strike many adjacent foes with a single blow.

Prerequisites: Str 13, Cleave, Power Attack, base attack bonus +4.

Benefit: As a standard action, you can make a single attack at your full base attack bonus against a foe within reach. If you hit, you deal damage normally and can make an additional attack (using your full base attack bonus) against a foe that is adjacent to the previous foe and also within reach. If you hit, you can continue to make attacks against foes adjacent to the previous foe, so long as they are within your reach. You cannot attack an individual foe more than once during this attack action.

When you use this feat, you take a –2 penalty to your Armor Class until your next turn.

Great Fortitude

You are resistant to poisons, diseases, and other maladies.

Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all Fortitude saving throws.

Greater Bull Rush (Combat)

Your bull rush attacks throw enemies off balance.

Prerequisites: Improved Bull Rush, Power Attack, base attack bonus +6, Str 13.

Benefit: You receive a +2 bonus on checks made to bull rush a foe. This bonus stacks with the bonus granted by Improved Bull Rush. Whenever you bull rush an opponent, his movement provokes attacks of opportunity from all of your allies (but not you).

Normal: Creatures moved by bull rush do not provoke attacks of opportunity.

Greater Disarm (Combat)

You can knock weapons far from an enemy's grasp.

Prerequisites: Combat Expertise, Improved Disarm, base attack bonus +6, Int 13.

Benefit: You receive a +2 bonus on checks made to disarm a foe. This bonus stacks with the bonus granted by Improved Disarm. Whenever you successfully disarm an opponent, the weapon lands 15 feet away from its previous wielder, in a random direction.

Normal: Disarmed weapons and gear land at the feet of the disarmed creature.

Greater Feint (Combat)

You are skilled at making foes overreact to your attacks.

Prerequisites: Combat Expertise, Improved Feint, base attack bonus +6, Int 13.

Benefit: Whenever you use feint to cause an opponent to lose his Dexterity bonus, he loses that bonus until the beginning of your next turn, in addition to losing his Dexterity bonus against your next attack.

Normal: A creature you feint loses its Dexterity bonus against your next attack.

Greater Grapple (Combat)

Maintaining a grapple is second nature to you.

Prerequisites: Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +6, Dex 13.

Benefit: You receive a +2 bonus on checks made to grapple a foe. This bonus stacks with the bonus granted by Improved Grapple. Once you have grappled a creature, maintaining the grapple is a move action. This feat allows you to make two grapple checks each round (to move, harm, or pin your opponent), but you are not required to make two checks. You only need to succeed at one of these checks to maintain the grapple.

Normal: Maintaining a grapple is a standard action.

Greater Overrun (Combat)

Enemies must dive to avoid your dangerous move.

Prerequisites: Improved Overrun, Power Attack, base attack bonus +6, Str 13.

Benefit: You receive a +2 bonus on checks made to overrun a foe. This bonus stacks with the bonus granted by Improved Overrun. Whenever you overrun opponents, they provoke attacks of opportunity if they are knocked prone by your overrun.

Normal: Creatures knocked prone by your overrun do not provoke an attack of opportunity.

Greater Penetrating Strike (Combat)

Your attacks penetrate the defenses of most foes.

Prerequisites: Penetrating Strike, Weapon Focus, 16th-level fighter.

Benefit: Your attacks with weapons selected with Weapon Focus ignore up to 10 points of damage reduction. This amount is reduced to 5 points for damage reduction without a type (such as DR


Greater Sunder (Combat)

Your devastating strikes cleave through weapons and armor and into their wielders, damaging both item and wielder alike in a single terrific strike.

Prerequisites: Improved Sunder, Power Attack, base attack bonus +6, Str 13.

Benefit: You receive a +2 bonus on checks made to sunder an item. This bonus stacks with the bonus granted by Improved Sunder. Whenever you sunder to destroy a weapon, shield, or suit of armor, any excess damage is applied to the item's wielder. No damage is transferred if you decide to leave the item with 1 hit point.

Greater Trip (Combat)

You can make free attacks on foes that you knock down.

Prerequisites: Combat Expertise, Improved Trip, base attack bonus +6, Int 13.

Benefit: You receive a +2 bonus on checks made to trip a foe. This bonus stacks with the bonus granted by Improved Trip. Whenever you successfully trip an opponent, that opponent provokes attacks of opportunity.

Normal: Creatures do not provoke attacks of opportunity from being tripped.

Greater Two-Weapon Fighting (Combat)

You are incredibly skilled at fighting with two weapons at the same time.

Prerequisites: Dex 19, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Two-Weapon Fighting, base attack bonus


Benefit: You get a third attack with your off-hand weapon, albeit at a –10 penalty.

Greater Vital Strike (Combat)

You can make a single attack that deals incredible damage.

Prerequisites: Improved Vital Strike, Vital Strike, base attack bonus +16.

Benefit: When you use the attack action, you can make one attack at your highest base attack bonus that deals additional damage. Roll the weapon's damage dice for the attack four times and add the results together before adding bonuses from Strength, weapon abilities (such as flaming), precision based damage, and other damage bonuses. These extra weapon damage dice are not multiplied on a critical hit, but are added to the total.

Greater Weapon Focus (Combat)

Choose one type of weapon (including unarmed strike or grapple) for which you have already selected Weapon Focus. You are a master at your chosen weapon.

Prerequisites: Proficiency with selected weapon, Weapon Focus with selected weapon, base attack bonus +1, 8th-level fighter.

Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls you make using the selected weapon. This bonus stacks with other bonuses on attack rolls, including those from Weapon Focus.

Special: You can gain Greater Weapon Focus multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new type of weapon.

Greater Weapon Specialization (Combat)

Choose one type of weapon (including unarmed strike or grapple) for which you possess the Weapon

Specialization feat. Your attacks with the chosen weapon are more devastating than normal.

Prerequisites: Proficiency with selected weapon, Greater Weapon Focus with selected weapon, Weapon Focus with selected weapon, Weapon Specialization with selected weapon, 12thlevel fighter.

Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on all damage rolls you make using the selected weapon. This bonus to damage stacks with other damage roll bonuses, including any you gain from Weapon Specialization.

Special: You can gain Greater Weapon Specialization multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new type of weapon.


You get along well with people and truly understand how to get inside their mindset.

Prerequisite: Charisma 15.

Benefit: You gain a +2 on all Charisma-based skills. In the event you have to use a Charisma-based skill that is trained only and that you do not have as a skill, you may attempt it as untrained.

Gunner’s Eye

You are skilled at acquiring targets in vehicle combat.

Benefit: You get a +4 bonus to acquire targets in vehicle combat.


You are skilled at breaking codes and cracking computer systems.

Prerequisite: Computer Use 1 rank.

Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all Knowledge (physical sciences) and Computer Use checks

Hailing Frequencies Open

You have the ability to operate any communication device with a minimum of training.

Benefit: When boosting the signal of any communications array with which you are familiar, add +2 to your Craft (electronic) skill check. You may gain familiarity with an alien communications array by making a successful Knowledge (technology) skill check.

Normal: The use of any standard communication device requires a Craft (electronic) skill check.


You have developed a hobby outside your normal career path.

Benefit: You may select any cross-class skill. From this point on, it will be regarded as a class skill, no matter what character class you choose.

Special: You may select this feat a number of times, up to your Intelligence modifier with a minimum of once. Each time this feat is selected, a new cross-class skill is chosen.


You are able to impress your values on your followers.

Prerequisite: Cha 15+, character level 7, Leadership.

Effect: For every eight ranks you have in Diplomacy, your followers gain an allegiance in common with you. If you have the Antithesis or Enemy feats, all of your followers gain that feat as a free feat. If you have the Faith’s Protection feat, all of your followers gain that feat for free as well.

Special: Any perceived wavering on the part of an ideologue throws his followers into confusion and may cause some followers to leave the ideologue’s service. Any time a character with this feat changes allegiances (whether voluntarily or because one of his allegiances was revoked by the GM), his Leadership score is penalized by two for each allegiance changed, and his followers lose the benefits of this feat for one month.

Improved Bull Rush (Combat)

You are skilled at pushing your foes around.

Prerequisite: Str 13, Power Attack, base attack bonus +1.

Benefit: You do not provoke an attack of opportunity when performing a bull rush combat maneuver. In addition, you receive a +2 bonus on checks made to bull rush a foe. You also receive a

+2 bonus to your Combat Maneuver Defense whenever an opponent tries to bull rush you.

Normal: You provoke an attack of opportunity when performing a bull rush combat maneuver.

Improved Critical (Combat)

Attacks made with your chosen weapon are quite deadly.

Prerequisite: Proficient with weapon, base attack bonus +8.

Benefit: When using the weapon you selected, your threat range is doubled.

Special: You can gain Improved Critical multiple times. The effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new type of weapon. This effect doesn't stack with any other effect that expands the threat range of a weapon.

Improved Disarm (Combat)

You are skilled at knocking weapons from a foe's grasp.

Prerequisite: Int 13, Combat Expertise.

Benefit: You do not provoke an attack of opportunity when performing a disarm combat maneuver.

In addition, you receive a +2 bonus on checks made to disarm a foe. You also receive a +2 bonus to your Combat Maneuver Defense whenever an opponent tries to disarm you.

Normal: You provoke an attack of opportunity when performing a disarm combat maneuver.

Improved Feint (Combat)

You are skilled at fooling your opponents in combat.

Prerequisites: Int 13, Combat Expertise.

Benefit: You can make a Bluff check to feint in combat as a move action.

Normal: Feinting in combat is a standard action.

Improved Grapple (Combat)

You are skilled at grappling opponents.

Prerequisite: Dex 13, Improved Unarmed Strike.

Benefit: You do not provoke an attack of opportunity when performing a grapple combat maneuver.

In addition, you receive a +2 bonus on checks made to grapple a foe. You also receive a +2 bonus to your Combat Maneuver Defense whenever an opponent tries to grapple you.

Normal: You provoke an attack of opportunity when performing a grapple combat maneuver.

Improved Great Fortitude

You can draw upon an inner reserve to resist diseases, poisons, and other grievous harm.

Prerequisites: Great Fortitude.

Benefit: Once per day, you may reroll a Fortitude save. You must decide to use this ability before the results are revealed. You must take the second roll, even if it is worse.

Improved Initiative (Combat)

Your quick reflexes allow you to react rapidly to danger.

Benefit: You get a +4 bonus on initiative checks.

Improved Iron Will

Your clarity of thought allows you to resist mental attacks.

Prerequisites: Iron Will.

Benefit: Once per day, you may reroll a Will save. You must decide to use this ability before the results are revealed. You must take the second roll, even if it is worse.

Improved Lightning Reflexes

You have a knack for avoiding danger all around you.

Prerequisites: Lightning Reflexes.

Benefit: Once per day, you may reroll a Reflex save. You must decide to use this ability before the results are revealed. You must take the second roll, even if it is worse.

Improved Natural Healing

You recover from wounds and injury faster than normal.

Prerequisite: Base Fortitude save bonus +5.

Benefit: You recover 2 hit points per character level per rest period (8 hours of sleep). If you undergo complete bed rest (doing nothing for the entire day), you recover 4 hit points per character

level per day. Ability damage returns at 2 points for resting 8 hours, or 4 points per day with complete bed rest.

Normal: Normal natural healing is 1 hit point per character level for 8 hours rest, or 2 hit points per character level per day for complete bed rest. Ability damage returns at 1 point for 8 hours rest, or 2 points per day with complete bed rest.

Improved Repair

Prerequisite: Intelligence 15.

Benefit: The character has a knack for fixing things. Therefore, he gets to add a bonus equal to his

Intelligence bonus to any Repair check.

Improved Overrun (Combat)

You are skilled at running down your foes.

Prerequisite: Str 13, Power Attack, base attack bonus +1.

Benefit: You do not provoke an attack of opportunity when performing an overrun combat maneuver. In addition, you receive a +2 bonus on checks made to overrun a foe. You also receive a +2 bonus to your Combat Maneuver Defense whenever an opponent tries to overrun you. Targets of your overrun attempt may not chose to avoid you.

Normal: You provoke an attack of opportunity when performing an overrun combat maneuver.

Improved Precise Shot (Combat)

Your ranged attacks ignore anything but total concealment and cover.

Prerequisites: Dex 19, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, base attack bonus +11.

Benefit: Your ranged attacks ignore the AC bonus granted to targets by anything less than total cover, and the miss chance granted to targets by anything less than total concealment. Total cover and total concealment provide their normal benefits against your ranged attacks.

Normal: See the normal rules on the effects of cover and concealment in Combat.

Improved Sunder (Combat)

You are skilled at damaging your foes' weapons and armor.

Prerequisite: Str 13, Power Attack, base attack bonus +1.

Benefit: You do not provoke an attack of opportunity when performing a sunder combat maneuver.

In addition, you receive a +2 bonus on checks made to sunder an item. You also receive a +2 bonus to your Combat Maneuver Defense whenever an opponent tries to sunder your gear.

Normal: You provoke an attack of opportunity when performing a sunder combat maneuver.

Improved Trip (Combat)

You are skilled at sending your opponents to the ground.

Prerequisite: Int 13, Combat Expertise.

Benefit: You do not provoke an attack of opportunity when performing a trip combat maneuver. In addition, you receive a +2 bonus on checks made to trip a foe. You also receive a +2 bonus to your

Combat Maneuver Defense whenever an opponent tries to trip you.

Normal: You provoke an attack of opportunity when performing a trip combat maneuver.

Improved Two-Weapon Fighting (Combat)

You are skilled at fighting with two weapons.

Prerequisites: Dex 17, Two-Weapon Fighting, base attack bonus +6.

Benefit: In addition to the standard single extra attack you get with an off-hand weapon, you get a second attack with it, albeit at a –5 penalty.

Normal: Without this feat, you can only get a single extra attack with an off-hand weapon.

Improved Unarmed Strike (Combat)

You are skilled at fighting while unarmed.

Benefit: You are considered to be armed even when unarmed—you do not provoke attacks of opportunity when you attack foes while unarmed. Your unarmed strikes can deal lethal or nonlethal damage, at your choice.

Normal: Without this feat, you are considered unarmed when attacking with an unarmed strike, and you can deal only nonlethal damage with such an attack.

Improved Vital Strike (Combat)

You can make a single attack that deals a large amount of damage.

Prerequisites: Vital Strike, base attack bonus +11.

Benefit: When you use the attack action, you can make one attack at your highest base attack bonus that deals additional damage. Roll the weapon's damage dice for the attack three times and add the results together before adding bonuses from Strength, weapon abilities (such as flaming), precision based damage, and other damage bonuses. These extra weapon damage dice are not multiplied on a critical hit, but are added to the total.

Improvised Weapon Mastery (Combat)

You can turn nearly any object into a deadly weapon, from a razor-sharp chair leg to a sack of flour.

Prerequisites: Catch Off-Guard or Throw Anything, base attack bonus +8.

Benefit: You do not suffer any penalties for using an improvised weapon. Increase the amount of damage dealt by the improvised weapon by one step (for example, 1d4 becomes 1d6) to a maximum of 1d8 (2d6 if the improvised weapon is two-handed). The improvised weapon has a critical threat range of 19–20, with a critical multiplier of ×2.


You have a knack for getting the desired result and swaying opinions.

Benefit: You get a +2 circumstance bonus on all Reputation checks.

Intimidating Prowess (Combat)

Your physical might is intimidating to others.

Benefit: Add your Strength modifier to Intimidate skill checks in addition to your Charisma modifier.

Iron Will

You are more resistant to mental effects.

Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all Will saving throws.

Jack of All Trades

You’ve picked up a smattering of even the most obscure skills.

Prerequisite: Character level 8.

Benefit: You can use any skill untrained, even those that normally require training and those that are exclusive to classes you don’t have. You cannot, however, gain ranks in a skill unless you are allowed to select it.


Prerequisite: Character level 6.

Benefits: This feat enables the character to attract loyal companions and devoted followers, subordinates who assist him. See the following table for the sort of cohort and number of followers the character can recruit.

Leadership Modifiers: Several factors can affect a character’s Leadership score, causing it to vary from the base score (character level + Charisma modifier). A character’s reputation (from the point of view of the cohort or follower he is trying to attract) raises or lowers his Leadership score:

Leader’s Reputation Modifier

Great renown +2

Fairness and generosity

Special power







Cruelty -2

Other modifiers may apply when the character tries to attract a cohort:

The Leader . . . Modifier

Recruits a cohort with a different allegiance -1

Caused the death of a cohort -2*

* Cumulative per cohort killed.

Followers have different priorities from cohorts. When the character tries to attract a new follower, use any of the following modifiers that apply.

The Leader . . . Modifier

Has a starship, stronghold, +2 base of operations, guild house, etc.

Moves around a lot -1

Caused the death of other followers -1

Leadership Cohort – Number of Followers by Level –

Score Level 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th

1 or lower —

2 1st

3 2nd — — — — — —

4 3rd — — — — — —

5 3rd — — — — — —

— — — — — —

— — — — — —

6 4th — — — — — —

7 5th — — — — — —

8 5th — — — — — —

9 6th — — — — — —

10 7th 5 — — — — —

11 7th 6 — — — — —

12 8th 8 — — — — —

13 9th 10 1 — — — —

14 10th 15 1 — — — —

15 10th 20 2 1 — — —

16 11th 25 2 1 — — —

17 12th 30 3 1 1 — —

18 12th 35 3 1 1 — —

19 13th 40 4 2 1 1 —

20 14th 50 5 3 2 1 —

21 15th 60 6 3 2 1 1

22 15th 75 7 4 2 2 1

23 16th 90 9 5 3 2 1

24 17th 110 11 6 3 2 1

25 or higher 17th 135 13 7 4 2 2

Leadership Score: A character’s base Leadership score equals his level plus any Charisma modifier.

In order to take into account negative Charisma modifiers, this table allows for very low Leadership scores, but the character must still be 6th level or higher in order to gain the Leadership feat. Outside factors can affect a character’s Leadership score, as detailed above.

Cohort Level: The character can attract a cohort of up to this level. Regardless of a character’s

Leadership score, he can only recruit a cohort who is two or more levels lower than himself. The cohort should be equipped with gear appropriate for its level. A character can try to attract a cohort of a particular species, class, and allegiance. The cohort’s allegiance may not be opposed to the leader’s allegiance, and the leader takes a Leadership penalty if he recruits a cohort with an allegiance different from his own.

Cohorts earn experience points as follows:

 The cohort does not count as a party member when determining the party’s experience points.

 Divide the cohort’s level by the level of the player character with whom he is associated (the character with the Leadership feat who attracted the cohort).

 Multiply this result by the total experience points awarded to the player character and add that number of experience points to the cohort’s total. If a cohort gains enough experience points to bring him to a level one lower than the associated player character’s character level, the cohort does not gain the new level; his new experience point total is one less than the amount needed attain the next level.

Number of Followers by Level: The character can lead up to the indicated number of characters of each level. Followers are similar to cohorts, except they’re generally low-level gamemaster characters. Because they’re generally five or more levels behind the character they follow, they’re rarely effective in combat.

Followers don’t earn experience and thus don’t gain levels. However, when a character with

Leadership attains a new level, the player consults the previous table to determine if she has acquired more followers, some of which may be higher level than the existing followers. (You don’t consult the table to see if your cohort gains levels, however, because cohorts earn experience on their own.

Legal Protection

Somehow, your security file has a little red line across it that makes local security forces think twice before they haul you in on minor crimes.

Benefit: The character gains a free affiliation with the local security forces and his circumstantial

Reputation bonus when dealing with them increase by +4.


You keep your calm under pressure.

Benefit: Whenever faced with a situation where you would normally be unable to take 10, you may now do so.

Licensed and Authorized

You have the right connections or know a very good forgery artist; you have the licenses needed to buy a certain level of restricted goods without a bump in price.

Benefit: The character can attain goods requiring a license without an increase in the Purchase DC.

This feat can be taken four times, with the second feat allowing the acquisition of Restricted goods, the third feat bringing Military items into reach, and the fourth granting access to illegal goods without a modification to Wealth check DCs for purchasing them.

Lightning Reflexes

You have faster reflexes than normal.

Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all Reflex saving throws.

Lightning Stance (Combat)

The speed at which you move makes it nearly impossible for opponents to strike you.

Prerequisites: Dex 17, Dodge, Wind Stance, base attack bonus +11.

Benefit: If you take two actions to move or a withdraw action in a turn, you gain 50% concealment for 1 round.


You have a natural ability with languages; you look at or hear foreign words and can work out the common denominator between them. This makes you an invaluable commodity as an interpreter, if nothing else.

Prerequisites: You must be able to Read/Write and Speak four or more languages.

Benefit: When you spend a skill point to learn to speak or read/write a language you may choose either to be able to speak and read/write the language or to speak two languages or to read/write two languages.

Lunge (Combat)

You can strike foes that would normally be out of reach.

Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +6.

Benefit: You can increase the reach of your melee attacks by 5 feet until the end of your turn by taking a –2 penalty to your AC until your next turn. You must decide to use this ability before any attacks are made.


You are adept at creating mastercraft electronic and mechanical devices (including tools, vehicles, weapons, robot manipulators, and armor).

Prerequisites: Craft (electronic) 8 ranks, Craft (mechanical) 8 ranks.

Benefit: When successfully completed, a mastercraft electronic or mechanical object provides an equipment bonus on skill checks made to use the object (in the case of mastercraft vehicles, this includes Drive or Pilot checks). A mastercraft weapon provides a bonus on attack or damage rolls

(your choice). A mastercraft suit of armor improves the armor’s equipment bonus to Defense. In each case, the bonus can be +1, +2, or +3, and no single object can have more than one mastercraft feature.

(For instance, you cannot build a mastercraft weapon that gains a bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls.)

On average, it takes twice as long to build a mastercraft object as it does to build an ordinary object of the same type. The cost to build a mastercraft object is equal to the purchase DC for the object (or its components) + the bonus provided by the mastercraft feature (+1, +2, or +3).

In addition to the Wealth check, you must also pay a cost in experience points equal to 250 x the bonus provided by the mastercraft feature. The experience points must be paid before making the

Craft check. If the expenditure of these experience points would drop you below the minimum needed for your current level, then the experience points can’t be paid and you can’t make the mastercraft object until you have sufficient experience points to remain at your current level after the expenditure is made.

Apply the following modifiers to the Craft check DC for mastercraft items:





Feature DC








You can add the mastercraft feature to an existing ordinary object or a lower-grade mastercraft object by making a Wealth check and then making the Craft check as though you were constructing the object from scratch.


You can enter a trance-like state that cleanses the mind and rests the body.

Benefit: Entering a meditative trance requires 2d6 minutes of mind-clearing exercises. At the end of this time, you make a Concentration skill check. If you succeed, you enter the trance. If you fail, you can try again after another 2d6 minutes. You can maintain the trance for a number of hours equal to your Wisdom score, plus any ranks you have in Concentration. The DC of the skill check depends on your surroundings. If your surroundings are conducive to meditation, such as a temple or in a quiet forest, the DC is 10. In an area with many distractions, such as an inn, the DC is 15. If you are in physical discomfort, like being trapped in a cramped cage, it is DC 20. One hour of uninterrupted meditative trance is as restful as two hours of sleep. Also, while you are meditating, you do not feel the effects of hunger, thirst, or physical discomfort, though you still suffer damage from them. While you are meditating, you have some awareness of your surroundings and may make Perception checks at a -4 penalty. If you engage in any sort of activity, even walking or conversation, your meditative trance ends.


As long as something can be sold, there will be merchants.

Prerequisite: Profession 4 ranks.

Benefit: The following skills are considered class skills for you regardless of class: Bluff, Knowledge

(any), Linguistics and Sense Motive.

Martial Weapon Proficiency (Combat)

Choose a type of martial weapon. You understand how to use that type of martial weapon in combat.

Benefit: You make attack rolls with the selected weapon normally (without the non-proficient penalty).

Normal: When using a weapon with which you are not proficient, you take a –4 penalty on attack rolls.

Master Craftsman

Your superior crafting skills allow you to create simple magic items.

Prerequisites: 5 ranks in any Craft or Profession skill.

Benefit: Choose one Craft or Profession skill in which you possess at least 5 ranks. You receive a +2 bonus on your chosen Craft or Profession skill.

Medusa's Wrath (Combat)

You can take advantage of your opponent's confusion, delivering multiple blows.

Prerequisites: Improved Unarmed Strike, Gorgon's Fist, Scorpion Style, base attack bonus +11.

Benefit: Whenever you use the full-attack action and make at least one unarmed strike, you can make two additional unarmed strikes at your highest base attack bonus. These bonus attacks must be made against a dazed, flat-footed, paralyzed, staggered, stunned, or unconscious foe.

Mobility (Combat)

You can easily move through a dangerous melee.

Prerequisites: Dex 13, Dodge.

Benefit: You get a +4 dodge bonus to Armor Class against attacks of opportunity caused when you move out of or within a threatened area. A condition that makes you lose your Dexterity bonus to

Armor Class (if any) also makes you lose dodge bonuses. Dodge bonuses stack with each other, unlike most types of bonuses.

Mounted Archery (Combat)

You are skilled at making ranged attacks while mounted.

Prerequisites: Ride 1 rank, Mounted Combat.

Benefit: The penalty you take when using a ranged weapon while mounted is halved: –2 instead of –

4 if your mount is taking a double move, and –4 instead of –8 if your mount is running.

Mounted Combat (Combat)

You are adept at guiding your mount through combat.

Prerequisite: Ride 1 rank.

Benefit: Once per round when your mount is hit in combat, you may attempt a Ride check (as an immediate action) to negate the hit. The hit is negated if your Ride check result is greater than the opponent's attack roll.


You are able to negotiate well and can use those skills in other situations.

Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all Diplomacy checks and Sense Motive checks.

Nerve Pinch

You can incapacitate foes with a vice-like pinch.

Prerequisites: Combat Martial Arts, base attack bonus


Benefit: You can make an unarmed attack against a living creature. If the attack succeeds, the target takes no damage but must succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 10 + one-half your character level + your

Strength modifier) or be paralyzed for 1d4+1 rounds. If the target’s attack of opportunity hits you and deals damage, the nerve pinch automatically fails.

Special: This ability does not work on creatures without nervous systems or discernible anatomies, such as oozes and plants.

Nerves of Steel

Utterly unshakeable in the midst of great danger, you can remain calm at all times, focusing your energy and effort into battling your enemies.

Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus to all Concentration checks you are forced to make.

Nimble Moves

You can move across a single obstacle with ease.

Prerequisites: Dex 13.

Benefit: Whenever you move, you may move through 5 feet of difficult terrain each round as if it were normal terrain. This feat allows you to take a 5-foot step into difficult terrain.


You have both training and experience to command others.

Prerequisite: Knowledge (tactics) 5 ranks, Teamwork (any military group), Rank E-5 or higher

Effect: You gain a +2 bonus to all Knowledge (tactics) skill checks. In addition if you possess the

Tactician-Squad feat your Charisma modifier is increased by +2 as well for the purposes of that feat.

Special: Upon attaining rank E-5 you may gain this feat for free as long as you meet the prerequisites.


You swear undying allegiance to a person, group, organization, nation, planet, stellar empire, ethical philosophy, moral philosophy, or belief system. By doing so, you can better influence others who share your allegiance and more effectively oppose those who don’t.

Prerequisite: At least one declared allegiance.

Benefit: Choose one of your allegiances. The allegiance you select becomes your primary allegiance and cannot be broken, except by you. The strength of your allegiance enables you to better assist other beings who have the same allegiance; if your combat aid another attempt succeeds, your ally gains a +3 circumstance bonus (instead of +2) on his skill check result or attack roll. Your dedication also grants you a +1 bonus on attack rolls made against creatures that do not have this allegiance.

Special: You cannot apply the benefits of this feat to multiple allegiances. If you break your oathbound allegiance, you forever lose the benefits of this feat but may take the feat again and then apply the benefits to a new allegiance.


You have graduated from an elite officer-training program allowing you to begin your military career as an officer.

Prerequisite: Int 13+, Cha 13+, Teamwork (any military group)

Effect: Knowledge (tactics) is added to your permanent class skill list. You gain a +2 bonus on all

Knowledge (tactics) skill checks. In addition if you possess any Tactician feat your Charisma modifier is increased by +2 as well for the purposes of that feat.

Special: This feat raises your rank to O-1 automatically. If you are promoted to O-1 in the line of duty you may gain this as a free feat as long as you meet the prerequisites


You are accepting of other cultures and beliefs.

Benefit: When engaging a culture that is not your own you are no longer at a -4 penalty with things related to other cultures.

Penetrating Strike (Combat)

Your attacks are capable of penetrating the defenses of some creatures.

Prerequisites: Weapon Focus, base attack bonus +1, 12th-level fighter, proficiency with weapon.

Benefit: Your attacks with weapons selected with Weapon Focus ignore up to 5 points of damage reduction. This feat does not apply to damage reduction without a type (such as DR 10/—).


You are skilled at swaying attitudes and intimidating others into your way of thinking.

Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on Diplomacy and Intimidate skill checks. If you have 10 or more ranks in one of these skills, the bonus increases to +4 for that skill.

Pinpoint Targeting (Combat)

You can target the weak points in your opponent's armor.

Prerequisites: Dex 19, Improved Precise Shot, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, base attack bonus


Benefit: As a standard action, make a single ranged attack. The target does not gain any armor, natural armor, or shield bonuses to its Armor Class. You do not gain the benefit of this feat if you move this round.

Photographic Memory

Prerequisite: Intelligence 16.

Benefit: You can recall perfectly everything you’ve seen, read, or experienced. If you forget some detail your character should remember, you can ask the Gamemaster to remind you. You get a +2 bonus to any skill rolls for which rote memorization is useful (at the GM’s judgment). Knowledge skills and Research should both always gain this bonus.

Planetary Adaptation

Your physiology has been altered by life on a planet with a harsh climate or adverse environmental conditions.

Benefit: You gain one of the benefits listed below, depending on your planet of origin.

 Barren World: You gain +4 on Survival checks and +4 on Constitution checks against starvation and thirst.

 Cold World: You gain +4 on Fortitude saves against extreme cold.

 Dark World: You gain Darkvision out to a range of 60 feet. Darkvision is black and white only, but otherwise works as normal sight.

 High-G World: You gain +2 to your Strength. Reduce your base height by 6 inches.

 Hot World: You gain +4 on Fortitude saves against extreme heat base

 Low-G World: You gain +2 to your Dexterity. Increase your base height by 6 inches

 Water World: You gain +4 on Swim checks and can hold your breath for a number of rounds equal to twice your Constitution score.

Special: You may only take this feat at 1st level. You may select this feat more than once, if you get multiple feats at 1st level; the worlds may not be opposites (i.e., you cannot be from both a high-G world and a low-G world or a cold world and a hot world). Each time you choose this feat, you gain a different benefit.

Point-Blank Shot (Combat)

You are especially accurate when making ranged attacks against close targets.

Benefit: You get a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at ranges of up to 30 feet.

Political Influence

For better or worse, the political machine has indexed you as an influential member of your community.

Benefit: You gain a free affiliation with politicians. Your circumstantial Reputation bonus when dealing with them increases by +4.

Power Attack (Combat)

You can make exceptionally deadly melee attacks by sacrificing accuracy for strength.

Prerequisites: Str 13, base attack bonus +1.

Benefit: You can choose to take a –1 penalty on all melee attack rolls and combat maneuver checks to gain a +2 bonus on all melee damage rolls. This bonus to damage is increased by half (+50%) if you are making an attack with a two-handed weapon, a one handed weapon using two hands, or a primary natural weapon that adds 1-1/2 times your Strength modifier on damage rolls. This bonus to damage is halved (–50%) if you are making an attack with an off-hand weapon or secondary natural weapon. When your base attack bonus reaches +4, and every 4 points thereafter, the penalty increases by –1 and the bonus to damage increases by +2. You must choose to use this feat before making an attack roll, and its effects last until your next turn. The bonus damage does not apply to touch attacks or effects that do not deal hit point damage.

Precise Shot (Combat)

You are adept at firing ranged attacks into melee.

Prerequisite: Point-Blank Shot.

Benefit: You can shoot or throw ranged weapons at an opponent engaged in melee without taking the standard –4 penalty on your attack roll.

Psionic Aptitude

You are skilled at Psionics and using Psionics items.

Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all Psychic Studies checks. If you have 10 or more ranks in one of these skills, the bonus increases to +4 for that skill.

Psionic Talent

You possess a higher “quantum level” of consciousness, allowing you to affect reality with the power of your mind.

Prerequisites: Intelligence 9, Wisdom 9.

Benefit: Assuming you meet the proper prerequisites, you may develop any psionic skill as a crossclass skill. You may also purchase psionic feats or skills. All psionic skills count as cross-class skills for all species except Vulcans.

Normal: Characters without Psionic Talent may not purchase psionic skills or psionics-related feats.

Quick Draw (Combat)

You can draw weapons faster than most.

Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1.

Benefit: You can draw a weapon as a free action instead of as a move action. You can draw a hidden weapon (see the Sleight of Hand skill) as a move action. A character who has selected this feat may throw weapons at his full normal rate of attacks (much like a character with a bow).

Normal: Without this feat, you may draw a weapon as a move action, or (if your base attack bonus is

+1 or higher) as a free action as part of movement. Without this feat, you can draw a hidden weapon as a standard action.

Rapid Aim

After having trained long and hard on shooting ranges, you are able to aim extremely rapidly, greatly enhancing your accuracy.

Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +10.

Benefit: You can aim with a ranged weapon as a move equivalent action.

Rapid Reload (Combat)

Choose a type of crossbow (hand, light, or heavy). You can reload such weapons quickly.

Prerequisite: Weapon Proficiency (crossbow type chosen).

Benefit: The time required for you to reload your chosen type of crossbow is reduced to a free action

(for a hand or light crossbow) or a move action (for a heavy crossbow). Reloading a crossbow still provokes an attack of opportunity.

If you have selected this feat for hand crossbow or light crossbow, you may fire that weapon as many times in a full-attack action as you could attack if you were using a bow.

Normal: A character without this feat needs a move action to reload a hand or light crossbow, or a full-round action to reload a heavy crossbow.

Special: You can gain Rapid Reload multiple times. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new type of crossbow.

Rapid Shot (Combat)

You can make an additional ranged attack.

Prerequisites: Dex 13, Point-Blank Shot.

Benefit: When making a full-attack action with a ranged weapon, you can fire one additional time this round. All of your attack rolls take a –2 penalty when using Rapid Shot.

Remote Operation

You know how to operate a robot remotely.

Prerequisites: Engineering Specialist 1.

Benefit: If you have a remote operation rig and access to a robot with the remote operation upgrade, you can control the robot’s actions through a wireless communications link. The robot will do any task you command to the best of its ability. If you make an attack using the robot, you may either use your attack bonus with a - 4 penalty or you may simply issue the commands and use the robot’s attack bonus.

Ride-By Attack (Combat)

While mounted and charging, you can move, strike at a foe, and then continue moving.

Prerequisites: Ride 1 rank, Mounted Combat.

Benefit: When you are mounted and use the charge action, you may move and attack as if with a standard charge and then move again (continuing the straight line of the charge). Your total movement for the round can't exceed double your mounted speed. You and your mount do not provoke an attack of opportunity from the opponent that you attack.


You are swift of foot.

Benefit: When running, you move five times your normal speed (if wearing medium, light, or no armor and carrying no more than a medium load) or four times your speed (if wearing heavy armor or carrying a heavy load). If you make a jump after a running start (see the Acrobatics skill description), you gain a +4 bonus on your Acrobatics check. While running, you retain your Dexterity bonus to your Armor Class.

Normal: You move four times your speed while running (if wearing medium, light, or no armor and carrying no more than a medium load) or three times your speed (if wearing heavy armor or carrying a heavy load), and you lose your Dexterity bonus to AC.


You can salvage electrical and mechanical parts from destroyed vehicles, starships, and robots.

Benefit: Salvaging a destroyed vehicle, starship, or robot takes time, as noted in the following table.




Huge or smaller






30 min.

1 hr.

3 hr.






DC Wealth








1 hr.

3 hr.

6 hr.







At the end of this time, make a Perception check. If the check succeeds, you may increase your Wealth score by the amount indicated on the table, either by selling the salvaged parts for scrap or using them to offset the cost of future building projects.

Special: A particular vehicle or starship can be successfully salvaged only once. Any further attempts to salvage the wreckage fail automatically.

Scorpion Style (Combat)

You can perform an unarmed strike that greatly hampers your target's movement.

Prerequisite: Improved Unarmed Strike.

Benefit: To use this feat, you must make a single unarmed attack as a standard action. If this unarmed attack hits, you deal damage normally, and the target's base land speed is reduced to 5 feet for a number of rounds equal to your Wisdom modifier unless it makes a Fortitude saving throw (DC

10 + 1/2 your character level + your Wis modifier).


You know how to get along in the wild and how to effectively treat wounds.

Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all Heal checks and Survival checks. If you have 10 or more ranks in one of these skills, the bonus increases to +4 for that skill.

Sex Appeal

For some reason, members of the opposite sex find you almost irresistible, and members of your sex are more than a bit jealous of your natural gifts. Your charm and looks are especially effective when you use them in a friendly or amorous fashion.

Prerequisite: Charisma 15.

Benefit: You receive double your Charisma modifier to all Charisma-based skills and ability checks when dealing with members of the opposite sex. However, when dealing with members of your sex, you suffer a -2 penalty to all Charisma-based skills and ability checks because of their irrational jealousy


Shatter Defenses (Combat)

Your skill with your chosen weapon leaves opponents unable to defend themselves if you strike them when their defenses are already compromised.

Prerequisites: Weapon Focus, Dazzling Display, base attack bonus +6, proficiency with weapon.

Benefit: Any shaken, frightened, or panicked opponent hit by you this round is flat-footed to your attacks until the end of your next turn. This includes any additional attacks you make this round.

Shot on the Run (Combat)

You can move, fire a ranged weapon, and move again before your foes can react.

Prerequisites: Dex 13, Dodge, Mobility, Point-Blank Shot, base attack bonus +4.

Benefit: As a full-round action, you can move up to your speed and make a single ranged attack at any point during your movement.

Normal: You cannot move before and after an attack with a ranged weapon.

Sickening Critical (Combat, Critical)

Your critical hits cause opponents to become sickened.

Prerequisites: Critical Focus, base attack bonus +11.

Benefit: Whenever you score a critical hit, your opponent becomes sickened for 1 minute. The effects of this feat do not stack. Additional hits instead add to the effect's duration.

Special: You can only apply the effects of one critical feat to a given critical hit unless you possess

Critical Mastery.

Simple Weapon Proficiency (Combat)

You are trained in the use of basic weapons.

Benefit: You make attack rolls with simple weapons without penalty.

Normal: When using a weapon with which you are not proficient, you take a –4 penalty on attack rolls.

Special: All characters except for druids, monks, and wizards are automatically proficient with all simple weapons. They need not select this feat.

Sixth Sense

You have developed a sixth sense. You are warned that someone is taking aim at you when the hairs rise on the back of your neck and you feel distinctly uncomfortable.

Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +9.

Benefit: You know when someone is taking aim at you, even if you cannot see your opponent. Note that this feat only lets you know when someone is aiming at you and no information as to your opponent’s location or what weapon they are using may be gained.

Skill Focus

Choose a skill. You are particularly adept at that skill.

Benefit: You get a +3 bonus on all checks involving the chosen skill. If you have 10 or more ranks in that skill, this bonus increases to +6.

Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new skill.

Snatch Arrows (Combat)

Instead of knocking an arrow or ranged attack aside, you can catch it in mid-flight.

Prerequisites: Dex 15, Deflect Arrows, Improved Unarmed Strike.

Benefit: When using the Deflect Arrows feat you may choose to catch the weapon instead of just deflecting it. Thrown weapons can immediately be thrown back as an attack against the original attacker (even though it isn't your turn) or kept for later use.

You must have at least one hand free (holding nothing) to use this feat.


You have a special affinity for spacecraft and space travel.

Benefit: You gain +2 on Computer Use checks made to use onboard spacecraft computer systems, +2 on Navigate checks when plotting a course through space, and +2 on all Pilot checks made to fly a spacecraft.

Space Jockey

You are more at home behind the controls of a starship than anywhere else, and you don’t mind getting your hands dirty to keep your craft in tip-top shape.

Prerequisites: Pilot 4 ranks, Starship Operation.

Benefit: You get +2 on all Pilot and Repair checks involved in the operation of a starship.

Spark of Genius

The character has an intuitive understanding of one academic field. He is able to solve difficult problems related to that field without the use of scratch paper (or the electronic equivalent) or referring to his notes.

Prerequisite: Intelligence 13.

Benefit: Pick a Knowledge skill. You gain a +4 competence bonus when making rolls with that skill.

Spirited Charge (Combat)

Your mounted charge attacks deal a tremendous amount of damage.

Prerequisites: Ride 1 rank, Mounted Combat, Ride-By Attack.

Benefit: When mounted and using the charge action, you deal double damage with a melee weapon

(or triple damage with a lance).

Spring Attack (Combat)

You can deftly move up to a foe, strike, and withdraw before he can react.

Prerequisites: Dex 13, Dodge, Mobility, base attack bonus +4.

Benefit: As a full-round action, you can move up to your speed and make a single melee attack without provoking any attacks of opportunity from the target of your attack. You can move both before and after the attack, but you must move at least 10 feet before the attack and the total distance that you move cannot be greater than your speed. You cannot use this ability to attack a foe that is adjacent to you at the start of your turn.

Normal: You cannot move before and after an attack.

Staggering Critical (Combat, Critical)

Your critical hits cause opponents to slow down.

Prerequisites: Critical Focus, base attack bonus +13.

Benefit: Whenever you score a critical hit, your opponent becomes staggered for 1d4+1 rounds. A successful Fortitude save reduces the duration to 1 round. The DC of this Fortitude save is equal to 10

+ your base attack bonus. The effects of this feat do not stack. Additional hits instead add to the duration.

Special: You can only apply the effects of one critical feat to a given critical hit unless you possess

Critical Mastery.

Stand Still (Combat)

You can stop foes that try to move past you.

Prerequisites: Combat Reflexes.

Benefit: When a foe provokes an attack of opportunity due to moving through your adjacent squares, you can make a combat maneuver check as your attack of opportunity. If successful, the enemy cannot move for the rest of his turn. An enemy can still take the rest of his action, but cannot move.

This feat also applies to any creature that attempts to move from a square that is adjacent to you if such movement provokes an attack of opportunity.

Starship Feint

You are skilled at misleading your enemy during starship combat.

Prerequisites: Pilot 9 ranks, Starship Operation (of the appropriate type).

Benefit: When piloting a ship with which you are proficient (see the Starship Operation feat), you can make a Bluff check in starship combat as a move action. In addition, you receive a +2 bonus on

Bluff checks made to feint in starship combat.

Normal: Feinting in starship combat requires an attack action.

Starship Gunnery

You have been trained to use starship weapon systems.

Benefit: You take no penalty on attack rolls when firing a starship weapon.

Normal: Without this feat, you take a -4 non-proficient penalty on attack rolls when firing a starship weapon.

Starship Operation

Select one of the following types of starships: starship, gunboat, or shuttlecraft/fighter. You are proficient at operating starships of that type.

Prerequisite: Pilot 4 ranks.

Benefit: When operating a starship of the selected type, you take no penalty on Pilot checks made when operating the starship, and you also apply your full character level to the ship’s Defense.

Normal: Without this feat, you take a -4 non-proficient penalty on Pilot checks made to operate a starship, and you apply only one-half your class level (rounded down) to the ship’s Defense.

Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a different type of starship (starship, gunboat, or shuttlecraft/fighter).


You are good at avoiding unwanted attention and slipping out of bonds.

Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all Escape Artist and Stealth skill checks. If you have 10 or more ranks in one of these skills, the bonus increases to +4 for that skill.

Step Up (Combat)

You can close the distance when a foe tries to move away.

Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1.

Benefit: Whenever an adjacent foe attempts to take a 5-foot step away from you, you may also make a 5-foot step as an immediate action so long as you end up adjacent to the foe that triggered this ability. If you take this step, you cannot take a 5-foot step during your next turn. If you take an action to move during your next turn, subtract 5 feet from your total movement.

Strike Back (Combat)

You can strike at foes that attack you using their superior reach, by targeting their limbs or weapons as they come at you.

Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +11.

Benefit: You can have ready an action to make a melee attack against any foe that attacks you in melee, even if the foe is outside of your reach.

Stunning Critical (Combat, Critical)

Your critical hits cause opponents to become stunned.

Prerequisites: Critical Focus, Staggering Critical, base attack bonus +17.

Benefit: Whenever you score a critical hit, your opponent becomes stunned for 1d4 rounds. A successful Fortitude save reduces this to staggered for 1d4 rounds. The DC of this Fortitude save is equal to 10 + your base attack bonus. The effects of this feat do not stack. Additional hits instead add to the duration.

Special: You can only apply the effects of one critical feat to a given critical hit unless you possess

Critical Mastery.

Stunning Fist (Combat)

You know just where to strike to temporarily stun a foe.

Prerequisites: Dex 13, Wis 13, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +8.

Benefit: You must declare that you are using this feat before you make your attack roll (thus, a failed attack roll ruins the attempt). Stunning Fist forces a foe damaged by your unarmed attack to make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Wis modifier), in addition to dealing damage normally. A defender who fails this saving throw is stunned for 1 round (until just before your next turn). A stunned character drops everything held, can't take actions, loses any Dexterity bonus to AC, and takes a –2 penalty to AC. You may attempt a stunning attack once per day for every four levels you have attained (but see Special), and no more than once per round.

Constructs, oozes, plants, undead, incorporeal creatures, and creatures immune to critical hits cannot be stunned.

Suppressive Fire

You can lay down a barrage of gunfire, giving you the chance to hit your opponent even when it’s not your turn.

Prerequisites: Wisdom 13, Personal Firearms Proficiency.

Benefit: When the last thing you do during your turn is attack a target that is at least 30 feet away and you use a semiautomatic or automatic firearm to do so, you threaten the target’s square until your next action. (If using autofire, you threaten the targeted 10-by-10-foot area). You may make ranged attacks of opportunity into that square. If you attack more than one target (or more than one

10-by-10- foot area, if using autofire) during your turn, you only threaten the square (or 10-by-10foot area) that you last attacked.

Surface Vehicle Operation

Select a class of surface vehicle (heavy wheeled, powerboat, sailboat, ship, hovercraft, or tracked).

The character is proficient at operating that class of vehicle. The heavy wheeled class includes all kinds of semi-trucks and tractor-trailers, as well as wheeled construction vehicles (such as earth movers) and wheeled armored vehicles (such as some armored personnel carriers). Powerboats are engine-powered water vessels designed for operation by a single person and usually no more than

100 feet in length. Sailboats are wind-powered water vessels. Ships are large, multi-crewed water vessels. Tracked vehicles include bulldozers and tanks and other military vehicles.

Prerequisite: Drive 4 ranks.

Benefit: The character takes no penalty on Drive checks or attack rolls made when operating a surface vehicle of the selected class.

Normal: Characters without this feat take a -4 penalty on Drive checks made to operate a surface vehicle that falls under any of these classes, and to attacks made with vehicle weapons. There is no penalty when you operate a general-purpose surface vehicle.

Special: A character can gain this feat as many as five times. Each time the character takes the feat, he selects a different class of surface vehicle.


You are trained to perform surgical procedures to heal wounds.

Prerequisite: Treat Injury 4 ranks.

Benefit: The character can use the Treat Injury skill to perform surgery without penalty. See the

Treat Injury skill description.

Normal: Characters without this feat take a -4 penalty on Treat Injury checks made to perform surgery.


You have trained with a specific group and gain bonuses when working with members of that group.

Prerequisite: Allegiance (Specific Team)

Effect: Whenever you are working with someone with the Teamwork feat for the same group (this could be as small as one other person and as large a group as a branch of the armed forces), he gains

+2 to attack and skill checks

Throw Anything (Combat)

You are used to throwing things you have on hand.

Benefit: You do not suffer any penalties for using an improvised ranged weapon. You receive a +1 circumstance bonus on attack rolls made with thrown splash weapons.

Normal: You take a –4 penalty on attack rolls made with an improvised weapon.

Tiring Critical (Combat, Critical)

Your critical hits cause opponents to become fatigued.

Prerequisites: Critical Focus, base attack bonus +13.

Benefit: Whenever you score a critical hit, your opponent becomes fatigued. This feat has no additional effect on a fatigued or exhausted creature.

Special: You can only apply the effects of one critical feat to a given critical hit unless you possess

Critical Mastery.


You have enhanced physical stamina.

Benefit: You gain +3 hit points. For every Hit Die you possess beyond 3, you gain an additional +1 hit point. If you have more than 3 Hit Dice, you gain +1 hit points whenever you gain a Hit Die (such as when you gain a level).

Trample (Combat)

While mounted, you can ride down opponents and trample them under your mount.

Prerequisites: Ride 1 rank, Mounted Combat.

Benefit: When you attempt to overrun an opponent while mounted, your target may not choose to avoid you. Your mount may make one hoof attack against any target you knock down, gaining the standard +4 bonus on attack rolls against prone targets.

Two-Weapon Defense (Combat)

You are skilled at defending yourself while dual-wielding.

Prerequisites: Dex 15, Two-Weapon Fighting.

Benefit: When wielding a double weapon or two weapons (not including natural weapons or unarmed strikes), you gain a +1 shield bonus to your AC. When you are fighting defensively or using the total defense action, this shield bonus increases to +2.

Two-Weapon Fighting (Combat)

You can fight with a weapon wielded in each of your hands. You can make one extra attack each round with the secondary weapon.

Prerequisite: Dex 15.

Benefit: Your penalties on attack rolls for fighting with two weapons are reduced. The penalty for your primary hand lessens by 2 and the one for your off hand lessens by 6. See Two-Weapon Fighting in Combat.

Normal: If you wield a second weapon in your off hand, you can get one extra attack per round with that weapon. When fighting in this way you suffer a –6 penalty with your regular attack or attacks with your primary hand and a –10 penalty to the attack with your off hand. If your off-hand weapon is light, the penalties are reduced by 2 each. An unarmed strike is always considered light.

Two-Weapon Rend (Combat)

Striking with both of your weapons simultaneously, you can use them to deliver devastating wounds.

Prerequisites: Dex 17, Double Slice, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Two-Weapon Fighting, base attack bonus +11.

Benefit: If you hit an opponent with both your primary hand and your off-hand weapon, you deal an additional 1d10 points of damage plus 1-1/2 times your Strength modifier. You can only deal this additional damage once each round.

Ultra Immune System

You are less susceptible to the ravages of poison, disease, and radiation poisoning.

Prerequisite: Constitution 13.

Benefit: You gain +2 on Fortitude saving throws to resist poisons, diseases, and radiation sickness.

Furthermore, any permanent ability drain inflicted upon you is treated as temporary ability damage instead.

Unseat (Combat)

You are skilled at unseating your mounted opponents.

Prerequisites: Str 13, Ride 1 rank, Mounted Combat, Power Attack, Improved Bull Rush, base attack bonus +1.

Benefits: When charging an opponent while mounted and wielding a lance, resolve the attack as normal. If it hits, you may immediately make a free bull rush attempt in addition to the normal damage. If successful, the target is knocked off his horse and lands prone in a space adjacent to his mount that is directly away from you.

Urban Tracking

You can track down the location of missing persons or wanted individuals.

Benefit: To find the trail of an individual or to follow it for one hour requires a Gather Information check. You must make another Gather Information check every hour of the search, as well as each time the trail becomes difficult to follow, such as when it moves to a different area of town. The DC of the check, and the number of checks required to track down your quarry, depends on the community population and the conditions:


Fewer than 2,000














Checks Required







DC Modifier

Every three creatures in the group being sought

Every 24 hours the quarry has been missing or sought

Tracked quarry “lies low”




Try Again?: If you fail a Gather Information check, you can retry after one hour of questioning. The

Gamemaster rolls the number of checks required secretly, so the player doesn’t know exactly how much time the task requires.

Normal: A character without this feat can use Gather Information to find out information about a particular individual, but each check takes 1d4+1 hours and doesn’t allow effective trailing.

Special: You can cut the time per Gather Information check in half (to 30 minutes per check rather than one hour per check), but you suffer a -5 penalty on the check.

Vital Strike (Combat)

You make a single attack that deals significantly more damage than normal.

Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +6.

Benefit: When you use the attack action, you can make one attack at your highest base attack bonus that deals additional damage. Roll the weapon's damage dice for the attack twice and add the results together before adding bonuses from Strength, weapon abilities (such as flaming), precision based damage, and other damage bonuses. These extra weapon damage dice are not multiplied on a critical hit, but are added to the total.

Weapon Finesse (Combat)

You are trained in using your agility in melee combat, as opposed to brute strength.

Benefit: With a light weapon, rapier, whip, or spiked chain made for a creature of your size category, you may use your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier on attack rolls. If you carry a shield, its armor check penalty applies to your attack rolls.

Special: Natural weapons are considered light weapons.

Weapon Focus (Combat)

Choose one type of weapon. You can also choose unarmed strike or grapple your weapon for the purposes of this feat.

Prerequisites: Proficiency with selected weapon, base attack bonus +1.

Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on all attack rolls you make using the selected weapon.

Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new type of weapon.

Weapon Specialization (Combat)

You are skilled at dealing damage with one weapon. Choose one type of weapon (including unarmed strike or grapple) for which you have already selected the Weapon Focus feat. You deal extra damage when using this weapon.

Prerequisites: Proficiency with selected weapon, Weapon Focus with selected weapon, fighter level


Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on all damage rolls you make using the selected weapon.

Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new type of weapon.

Whirlwind Attack (Combat)

You can strike out at every foe within reach.

Prerequisites: Dex 13, Int 13, Combat Expertise, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, base attack bonus


Benefit: When you use the full-attack action, you can give up your regular attacks and instead make one melee attack at your highest base attack bonus against each opponent within reach. You must make a separate attack roll against each opponent.

When you use the Whirlwind Attack feat, you also forfeit any bonus or extra attacks granted by other feats, spells, or abilities.

Wind Stance (Combat)

Your erratic movements make it difficult for enemies to pinpoint your location.

Prerequisites: Dex 15, Dodge, base attack bonus +6.

Benefit: If you move more than 5 feet this turn, you gain 20% concealment for 1 round against ranged attacks.


You know how to provide safe medical treatment to alien life forms.

Prerequisites: Knowledge (earth and life sciences) 6 ranks, Treat Injury 6 ranks, Surgery.

Benefit: You can, without penalty, use the Treat Injury skill to perform surgery on a living creature within a Zorski group regardless of its sub-group.

Normal: Characters without this feat take a -8 penalty on Treat Injury checks (-4 if they have the

Surgery feat) when performing surgery on creatures of different types.

Special: This feat cannot be used to heal or repair nonliving or inorganic creatures such as robots. A character can select this feat multiple times, and each time it covers a different Zorski group.

Zero-G Training

You can function normally in low gravity or zero gravity.

Prerequisites: Dexterity 13, Tumble 4 ranks.

Benefit: You take no penalty on attack rolls in low-gravity or zero-gravity environments.

Normal: Without this feat, you take a -4 penalty on attack rolls while operating in zero-gravity environments, or a -2 penalty on attack rolls while operating in low-gravity environments.

Psionic Feats

Addle Mind

You can confuse another person’s mind via telepathy.

Prerequisites: Intelligence 9, Wisdom 9, Psionic Talent, Empathy 6 ranks, Influence Mind 6 ranks,

Telepathy 6 ranks.

Benefit: Addle Mind is an active psionic ability. It requires a full round action to use and has a range of 100 feet. To activate this ability, you must perform an Influence Mind skill check against DC 20. If the skill check succeeds, you telepathically broadcast a series of conflicting commands at a single target. Your target must perform a Will saving throw or be confused. The confusion lasts as long as you concentrate upon that target. The DC of your target’s Will saving throw depends on your

Influence Mind skill check result (see the following table).

Will Save DC Skill Check Result

20-24 10

25-29 13

30-34 16

35-39 19

40+ 22

If you roll 15 to 19 on the Influence Mind skill check, the target receives a telepathic message of contradictory commands, but has no compulsion to obey. If you roll 14 or less on the Influence Mind skill check, you have failed to initiate the power. You may not use Telepathy or Influence Mind (or feats based on either of those skills) on that target for ten minutes.

Blank Mind

You have mastered the ability to obscure your thoughts. It is very difficult for anyone to actively scan your mind and emotions, even if you are standing in front of him.

Prerequisites: Intelligence 9, Wisdom 9, Psionic Talent, Hide Mind 8 ranks.

Benefit: Whenever anyone attempts to scan your emotions or thoughts with Empathy or Telepathy, the person must first perform a skill check opposed by your Hide Mind skill. If the person fails this opposed check, he cannot sense the presence of your mind. It is as if nothing is there. During the round you perform a skill check for an active psionic ability, you suffer a -10 penalty on your Hide

Mind skill checks that oppose scanning. If you are under the influence of any active psionic effects, you suffer a -5 penalty on your Hide Mind skill checks. (These penalties are not cumulative.) This is a passive psionic ability that operates constantly and unconsciously. The benefits from Blank Mind are in addition to those of Psychic Defense.

Cloud Awareness

As long as you concentrate, you can emanate a powerful, telepathic suggestion that causes all living beings to ignore your presence. Using this ability, you could walk through a crowded room, and no one would notice you.

Prerequisites: Intelligence 9, Wisdom 9, Psionic Talent, Detect Minds 6 ranks, Empathy 6 ranks,

Hide Mind 6 ranks, Influence Mind 4 ranks, Telepathy 6 ranks.

Benefit: This is an active psionic ability. To initiate the telepathic emanation, you must expend a full round action and perform an Influence Mind skill check against DC 20. If successful, you begin radiating a subtle, but powerful, telepathic field that affects anyone who perceives you directly.

(The field has no effect on inanimate objects or recordings of you. However, if someone were watching you through a live television transmission or the like, the field would affect him.) The field lasts as long as you concentrate upon it. Any time someone would notice your presence, that person must perform a Will saving throw opposed by 10 + one-third of your Influence Mind skill + your

Wisdom modifier. If he wins the skill check, he notices your presence until you pass beyond his line of sight or the range of the ability he uses to sense you. Sight, hearing, smell, and Detect Minds are but some of the means a person can use to detect your presence. If you make physical contact with a person, he gains +10 on his Will save to sense your presence. If you attack someone, he automatically perceives you. You can use Hide and Move Silently to great benefit while clouding awareness of your presence. Opponents must first beat your Hide or Move Silently skill normally to have an inkling of your presence. After that, they succeed with a Will save to avoid ignoring you. If a person attempting to detect you has Psychic Defense, he gets a Psychic Defense against Influence Mind check in addition to his normal Will saving throw. If you fail your Telepathy skill check to activate Cloud Awareness, you may not attempt it again for one minute (10 rounds).

Compartmentalize Mind

You can create “partitions” inside your mind, allowing you to function as if you have two or more brains.

Prerequisites: Intelligence 13, Wisdom 9, Psionic Talent, Concentration 12 ranks.

Benefit: Creating a compartment in your mind requires one minute of total concentration. (You can use no other psionic powers or take any actions during that time.) At the end of this period, you make a Concentration skill check against DC 20. If successful, you have created a compartment that functions like a second, fully functional mind. The compartment lasts for 2d6 + your Wisdom modifier minutes. You may attempt to create more than one compartment. Each one is a separate, lengthy action. The compartments must be created one at a time, and each additional compartment you create imposes a cumulative +5 to your skill check DC. (When you created a second compartment, the DC is 25. The third compartment is DC 30, and so on.) If you fail any of your skill checks, you may not use Compartmentalize Mind for four hours. Each compartment in your mind can function as an independent entity, as if you have become two people sharing one body. Both parts communicate fully with one another. Both parts can use psionic powers, even different psionic powers, at the same time. One part can use psionic powers while the other part operates the body normally, permitting you to engage in physical and psionic combat simultaneously. One part could use a psionic power requiring total concentration while the other part functions normally, or both parts could concentrate on completely different things. (For example, you could use one part of your mind telekinetically levitate an object and concentrate on maintaining that control while the other part of your mind composes a sonata.) If you are affected by something that causes dazed or stunned conditions or by anything that influences your cognitive processes, each compartment of your mind gets a separate saving throw against the effect. As long as one of your partitions is unaffected, it maintains control of your body and may shut down the affected partitions, preventing the effect from harming you (other than losing a compartment). Note: Compartments may not create other

compartments. It is a process involving the entire mind. All actions from all your minds must shut down when you attempt to create a new compartment.

Deep Scan

You can perform a quick, subtle telepathic scan of an individual’s subconscious mind and memory, retrieving a single piece of information.

Prerequisites: Intelligence 13, Wisdom 13, Charisma 13, Psionic Talent, Empathy 13 ranks,

Influence Mind 8 ranks, Telepathy 13 ranks, Mind Link, Subtle Influence.

Benefit: Deep Scan is an active psionic ability. It requires a full round action to use and has a 50 foot range.

To perform a Deep Scan, you must state a single question that you wish to “ask” the subject. This is the “target” piece of information you wish to retrieve by means of your scan. You then make a

Telepathy skill check against DC 25. If successful, you initiate the scan and your subject makes a Will saving throw. The DC of the save depends on your skill check result, per the following table.

Skill Check Result






Will Save DC






If your target fails the saving throw, you acquire the answer to your question and the target does not know that his mind has been invaded. If your target has Psychic Defense, he automatically knows that someone has attempted to breach his defenses, even on a failed saving throw. If the information you seek does not exist in your target’s mind, you gain nothing.

Empathic Rapport

You can establish an empathic rapport between yourself and another thinking creature.

Prerequisites: Intelligence 9, Wisdom 9, Psionic Talent, Empathy 4 ranks.

Benefit: Establishing rapport takes ten minutes of total concentration from both yourself and your target. It is an active use of psionics and has a range of touch only. Only willing participants may be drawn into rapport; otherwise, the attempt automatically fails. At the end of ten minutes, you make an Empathy skill check against DC 20. If successful, the rapport is established. It has unlimited range and lasts for 2d4 + your Wisdom modifier in hours. While in rapport, you and your target can sense each other’s emotional state. You can also sense the general direction towards one another (e.g., “to my left”), as well as perceive the general distance separating you (e.g., “near, "or “very far”). A permanent rapport may be established between you and another. This requires a full day’s concentration, a successful Empathy skill check against DC 25, and the expenditure of 500 experience points by yourself and the target. (The experience points are spent only if the link is successfully created.)

Encrypted Thought

Just as cryptographers can encode a message and make it unintelligible to those without the proper key, you haven coded all of your thought processes, making it nearly impossible for anyone to understand the contents of your mind with any sort of telepathic scan.

Prerequisites: Intelligence 15, Wisdom 15, Psionic Talent, Concentration 12 ranks.

Benefit: When someone attempts to read your mind via Telepathy, he perceives a garbled mess unless he can roll his Intelligence score or less on 1d100. Each round he attempts to scan your mind, he must make this roll. Therefore, one round he might be able to understand you; the next, he loses comprehension. Non-Verbal Telepathy provides no aid to comprehending your mind. While someone is scanning you, he may only receive emotional impressions, but not distinct thoughts, images, or words. Unfortunately, this effect is double-edged. If you attempt to communicate with someone via

Telepathy or Influence Mind, your thoughts are incomprehensible. You can willingly shut down the encryption, as a free action. However, reactivating it is a full round action.

Godelized Communication

Godelized Communication is a system of encoding any message of any kind as an extremely large number, a product of prime bases and exponents. Using a Godelized communication, you can communicate or remember a message in an incredibly compact manner. A single number, in scientific notation, could store more information than an entire set of encyclopedias. Godelized communication also has the advantage of reducing extremely long and complicated verbal to messages that can be delivered in a single utterance. You could conceivably memorize the contents of a dictionary or encyclopedia by memorizing a single number. This ability is named after the mathematical theories of Kurt Gödel, a German mathematician of the twentieth century.

Prerequisites: Intelligence 16, Wisdom 9, Psionic Talent, Knowledge (physical sciences) 10 ranks,

Concentration 10 ranks, Total Recall.

Benefit: To encode or decode a Godelized message, you must enter an alternate state of awareness in which your mind performs complicated, hyper-fast mathematical and linguistic calculations. To enter this state, you must expend a full round action and perform a Concentration check against DC 20. If the check is successful, you convert the message to or from a number. If the check is failed you can try again, but the DC increases by a cumulative +2. Some Godelized messages may be in other languages or special codes. Depending on all the factors involved in the message, you may need several different skills to interpret it properly. Once the number has been converted, it takes the normal amount of time to process the information contained in it. For instance, if the number contained an entire encyclopedia, it would still take as long as the normal encyclopedia to be read.

Healing Trance

You can cause your body to rapidly repair damage.

Prerequisites: Intelligence 9, Wisdom 9, Meditation, Psionic Talent, Self Healing 6 ranks.

Benefit: A Healing Trance hyper-accelerates your body’s regenerative processes. It requires total concentration. You must remain still and free from distraction. You cannot speak, move, fight, or use other psionics in this trance. Your awareness of your surroundings is impaired, so you suffer a -6 penalty to Spot and Listen checks while in the trance. To enter the trance, you must spend ten minutes preparing your mind and body and then make a Self-Healing skill check against DC 20. If successful, your body begins to heal at an incredibly fast rate. As long as you remain in the trance, you heal 1 hit point per minute. Lost fingers, toes, and small body parts may be regrown with eight hours of Healing Trance and an expenditure of 100 experience points. Lost limbs and non-vital organs (like the intestinal tract or spleen) require twenty-four hours and

150 experience points. Restoring a major or complex organ, like a lung, eye, or part of the brain, takes seventy-two hours and 200 experience points. The trance burns up a lot of your body’s energy. At the end of it, you must perform a Fortitude save against DC 20. If you fail, you are fatigued. If you

regenerate a lost body part, you are automatically exhausted after the Healing Trance ends. If you fail your Self Healing skill check, you cannot use Healing Trance for one hour. Healing Trance is an active psionic ability.

Mind Link

You can establish a two-way telepathic link between yourself and another person. This link allows you to communicate freely.

Prerequisites: Intelligence 9, Wisdom 9, Psionic Talent, Telepathy 4 ranks.

Benefit: Establishing a Mind Link is full round action. You can create the link with one target per attempt. The target must be willing to participate in the link; otherwise, the attempt automatically fails. A Telepathy skill check against DC 20 is necessary to create the link, if the target is within your line of sight. You may also erect a link with a target not within your line of sight. To do so, you must be reasonably familiar with the person (better than a casual acquaintance) or have performed at least one recent empathic or thought scan on the person. As long as the target is within the same universe, you can establish the Mind Link with a Telepathy skill check against DC 25. Once the

Mind Link is established, it lasts 2d6 rounds or until you cease concentrating upon its operation

(whichever comes last). While in the link, you and your target may perform two-way mental communication. The other party may perceive only thoughts that you desire to send, and vice versa.

Mind Link communicates in language. If the target does not understand your language, then he receives only some emotional impressions. You may Mind Link several people simultaneously, adding one person to the link per use of the Telepathy skill. Members of the “mass link” may communicate freely with one another. You act as a “switchboard” for all communications, so you know the content of all messages sent.

Non-Verbal Telepathy

Language is no longer a barrier to you in telepathic communication. You can perceive your target’s thoughts as images and sensations, as well as broadcasting your thoughts in the same manner.

Prerequisites: Intelligence 9, Wisdom 15, Psionic Talent, Empathy 8 ranks, Telepathy 8 ranks.

Benefit: In addition to perceiving or sending word-based thoughts, you can communicate telepathically in images and sensations. This broadens your capacity for communication and eliminates the telepathic language barrier.

Subtle Influence

You can send a telepathic suggestion to a target and make the target believe that the suggestion is his own idea. If the target obeys the suggestion, he won’t later think that what it did was unreasonable or out of the ordinary. He believes he initiated the behavior of his own free will.

Prerequisites: Intelligence 9, Wisdom 9, Charisma 13, Psionic Talent, Empathy 8 ranks, Influence

Mind 8 ranks, Telepathy 11 ranks.

Benefit: Whenever you use Influence Mind on a target, you can attempt to exert Subtle Influence.

This imposes a -5 penalty on your skill check, but the target will not believe his mind has experienced outside influence. Even if the target succeeds in a saving throw against a Subtle Influence ability, he does not detect anything amiss


Total Recall

Through use of your psionic abilities, you can temporarily enhance your memory and can recall an event with total clarity.

Prerequisites: Intelligence 13, Wisdom 9, Psionic Talent, Concentration 6 ranks.

Benefit: With Total Recall, you can make yourself remember just about anything you’ve experienced.

The recollection is perfect, almost as good as experiencing the event a second time. To recall something, you must spend a minute in deep concentration. Then, you perform a Concentration skill check. (The DC of the skill check depends on how long ago the memory occurred and its significance

(see the following table). If you succeed in the skill check, you remember the event with total clarity.

However, the memory is still from your perspective, with all the limitations that implies. If you fail in the skill check, you cannot attempt to enhance the memory of that event for 24 hours.

These enhanced memories fade back to normal in 1d4 hours. After that time, you will need to perform another Concentration skill check to retrieve them again with total clarity.

DC of Total Recall

Memory is no older than one month

Memory is no older than one year

Memory is older than one year but less than10 years

Circumstance DC




Memory is over ten years old

Significant or traumatic memory (e.g., getting married, having a limb chopped off)

Casual or insignificant memory (e.g., the color of the shirt of the man whose hand you shook two years ago)

Unconsciously acquired details (e.g., the face of every person you passed in a day)

Transcend Sleep





You have taught yourself how to survive comfortably without sleep for extended periods of time.

Prerequisites: Intelligence 9, Wisdom 9, Psionic Talent, Concentration 10 ranks, Metabolic Control

10 ranks.

Benefit: For a number of days equal to your Wisdom score, you can go without sleep and experience no ill effects. After that time, you suffer from sleep deprivation normally

Personal Weapons

Simple Weapons

Weapon Damage Critical

Cleaver 1d6





Metal baton 1d6

Pistol whip 1d4

Rifle butt 1d6

Tonfa 1D4











Bludgeoning 10 ft.

Piercing 10 ft.

Bludgeoning —

Bludgeoning —

Bludgeoning —

Bludgeoning —










2 lb.

3 lb.

1 lb.

2 lb.



2 lb.


Heavy kitchen knives can be snatched up for use as weapons in homes and restaurants. These weapons are essentially similar to the twin butterfly swords used in some kung fu styles.


Almost anything can be used as a club. This entry represents the wooden nightsticks sometimes carried by police forces.


This category of weapon includes hunting knives, butterfly or “balisong” knives, switchblades, and bayonets (when not attached to rifles). A character can select the Weapon Finesse feat to apply his or her Dexterity modifier instead of Strength modifier to attack rolls with a knife.

Metal Baton

This weapon can be collapsed to reduce its size and increase it's conceal ability. A collapsed baton is

Small and can’t be used as a weapon. Extending or collapsing the baton is a free action.

Pistol Whip

Using a pistol as a melee weapon can deal greater damage than attacking unarmed. No weight is given for this weapon, since it varies depending on the pistol used.

Rifle Butt

The butt of a rifle can be used as an impromptu club.


This is the melee weapon carried by most police forces, used to subdue and restrain criminals. A character can deal nonlethal damage with a tonfa without taking the usual –4 penalty. Modern tonfas are collapsible and the very tip of the baton is capable of delivering a burst of stunning energy that is nearly equivalent to a type-1 phaser on setting one. It is delivered by contacting a suspect with the tip of the baton and depressing the trigger. The trigger may be depressed before contacting the suspect or after, but the tip must be in physical contact with the suspect before the charge will be delivered. A safety sensor prevents an air discharge of the energy burst.

Archaic Weapons

Weapon Damage Critical Damage



Long sword






Bayonet(fixed)1 1d4/1d6 20










10 ft.


Slashing --







1 lb.

4 lb.


2 lb.

4 lb.





Straight razor 1d4










Slashing --

Piercing --





3 lb.

9 lb.

0.5 lb.

3 lb. Sword cane

Bayonet (Fixed)

The statistics given describe a bayonet fixed at the end of a longarm with an appropriate mount. With the bayonet fixed, the longarm becomes a double weapon—club like at one end and spear like at the other. A character can fight with it as if fighting with two weapons, but if the character does so, he or she incurs all the normal attack penalties associated with fighting with two weapons, as if using a one-handed weapon and a light weapon.


This light axe is a chopping tool that deals slashing damage when employed as a weapon.

Long sword

This classic, straight blade is the weapon of knighthood and valor.


This long-bladed tool looks much like a short, lightweight sword.


The rapier is a lightweight sword with a thin blade. A character can select the Weapon Finesse feat to apply his or her Dexterity modifier instead of Strength modifier to attack rolls with a rapier


This primitive device is a reach weapon. A character can strike opponents 10 feet away with it, but can’t use it against an adjacent foe.

Straight Razor

Favored by old-school organized crime “mechanics,” this item can still be found in some barbershops and shaving kits.

Sword Cane

This is a lightweight, concealed sword that hides its blade in the shaft of a walking stick or umbrella.

Because of this special construction, a sword cane is always considered to be concealed; it is noticed only with a Spot check (DC 18). (The walking stick or umbrella is not concealed, only the blade within.)

Archaic Ranged Weapons

Compound Bow

Bow hunting remains a popular sport in North America. A character’s Strength modifier applies to damage rolls made when using this weapon.


A crossbow requires two hands to use. Pulling a lever draws the bow. Loading a crossbow is a move action that provokes attacks of opportunity.


This light, flexible spear built for throwing can be used in melee, but since it’s not designed for it, characters using it in this manner are always considered non-proficient and take a –4 penalty on their melee attack rolls.


A shuriken is a thrown, star-shaped projectile with four to eight razor-sharp points. A character may draw a shuriken as a free action.


Whips deal a small amount of lethal damage. Although a character doesn’t “fire” the weapon, treat a whip as a ranged weapon with a maximum range of 15 feet and no range penalties. Because a whip can wrap around an enemy’s leg or other limb, a character can make a trip attack with it by succeeding at a ranged touch attack. The character does not provoke an attack of opportunity when using a whip in this way. If the character is tripped during his or her own trip attempt, the character can drop the whip to avoid being tripped.

When using a whip, a character gets a +2 bonus on your opposed attack roll when attempting to disarm an opponent (including the roll to keep from being disarmed if the character fails to disarm the opponent).

Exotic Melee Weapons

Although it seems incredible that clubs, swords and daggers could survive in this age of shields and energy weapons, many cultures continue to use these types of weapons in the 24th century. For the most part this is a matter of tradition rather than practicality - bladed weapons are employed alongside their modern counterparts and used only in close quarter fighting. Probably the most famous exponents are the Klingons; for this race of warriors there is no more honorable form of combat than the use of a blade, and virtually every member of the society is expected to become at least proficient with them.


Damage: 1d4, Critical: 20x2, type: slashing, range: 12', weight: 3lb

The Ahn-woon is a traditional Vulcan melee weapon consisting of a strip of leather with metal balls at the ends used as a whip or to entangle an enemy's feet. Once the enemy is down it may also be used as a strangulation device. It is used by combatants in the Kal-if-fee, the traditional mating challenge during the Pon farr.

The Ahn-woon does a small amount of lethal damage. Although a character doesn’t “fire” the weapon, treat an Ahn-woon as a ranged weapon with a maximum range of 12 feet and no range penalties.

Because an An-woon can wrap around an enemy’s leg or other limb, a character can make a trip attack with it by succeeding at a ranged touch attack. The character does not provoke an attack of opportunity when using an ahn-woon in this way. If the character is tripped during his or her own trip attempt, the character can drop the whip to avoid being tripped.

When using an ahn-woon, a character gets a +2 bonus on your opposed attack roll when attempting to disarm an opponent (including the roll to keep from being disarmed if the character fails to disarm the opponent).


Damage:1d10/1d10, Critical: 20x2, Type: slashing, Weight 5kg

The Bat'leth, or "sword of honor", is a traditional Klingon blade weapon. Resembling a crescentshaped, two-ended scimitar, the Bat'leth is wielded using three handholds along the outside edge of the blade. It is widely considered the most popular weapon among Klingon warriors.

D’k tahg

Damage: 1d6+2, Critical: 18-20x2, type: Slashing/Piercing, Weight 1.5kg,

The D'k tahg (or Daqtagh) is the traditional Klingon warrior's knife. It consists of a single, straightedged primary blade and two curved secondary blades, which may be either fixed or hinged. It is commonly used in hand-to-hand combat, and has great ceremonial value in Klingon culture. The

handle sometimes bears an emblem representing the members of its owner's house. Stealing a warrior's D'k tahg is considered a grave insult to his honor.


Damage:1d4, critical: 19-20x2, range increment: 20', type: slashing, weight: 1lb

The kligat is a Capellan melee weapon. It is a three-sided bladed weapon used by tribal warriors on planet Capella IV. It is highly effective at ranges of up to 100 meters.


Damage: 1d6/1d8, Critical: 20x2, Type: slashing/bludgeoning Weight:10lb

The lirpa is a traditional Vulcan melee weapon, consisting of a metal staff with a fan-shaped blade on one end and a club on the other. It is used by combatants in the Kal-if-fee, the traditional mating challenge during the Pon farr.


Damage: 1d8, Critical: 20x2, Type: Slashing, Weight 2kg,

A Mek'leth is a Klingon sword-like blade weapon, approximately half as long as a Bat'leth. Worf occasionally favored the smaller (and easily concealable) Mek'leth instead of the larger, bulkier



Damage: 1d4, Critical: 19-20x2, Type: slashing/piercing, Weight: 1lb

The ushaan-tor was an Andorian ice miner's tool that is also used as a weapon in Ushan duels.

Andorians play with them as children.

Personal Firearms

Advanced Gyrojet Pistol

Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a “sleight of hand” roll)

Required Proficiency: Personal Firearms Weapons

Handed: Requires 1 hand to use

Range Increment: 50 feet

“To Hit” Bonus: Most loads have no bonus. Heatseeking rounds fly out to a point 30 feet distant from the gun, and then attack the nearest warm target, hitting it automatically unless the target makes a

Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 27.

Magazine: 3 heat-seeking rounds, 3 Exploding rounds, 3 Mercy Gas Bullets, 3 Fear Gas Rounds and

3 Armor-piercing Rounds

Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has attacks

Damage: Varies by type of round.

Heat-seeking rounds do 2d6+2 Piercing (19-20 x3), Exploding rounds do 3d6 to anything in a 5 foot radius (a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 18 halves the damage),

Mercy Gas Bullets require every living target that isn't wearing a full body protection suit in a 10 foot radius to make a Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 20 or fall unconscious for 2d10 minutes.

Fear Gas Rounds force everyone in a 10 foot radius to make a Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 20 or flee in a blind panic for 2d10 rounds ( a gas mask or independent oxygen supply completely shields the target from this effect).

Armor-Piercing Rounds do 2d6 damage (19-20 x3), ignore up to 10 points of Hardness and do an additional 4d6 to targets that have 7 or more points of damage resistance.

Weight: 3 pounds

Special: Can fire any of the special Gyrojet Loads listed below.

Accessories: Standard Gyrojet Shells (weigh 1/20 pound each, cost 10 Units for a box of 50), any other

Gyrojet Shells you care to load it with (see individual descriptions below for weight, cost and characteristics), Holster (costs 20 Units, weighs 1/2 pound)

Description: Once the technology to create small missiles grows sufficiently advanced, Gyrojet guns become veritable arsenals, with all sorts of specialized warheads for different tasks. This one is an advanced police weapon, ideal for keeping justice in the Federation mega-cities of the future. It uses a rotary magazine and can load whichever type of round is required into the chamber, in whichever order you need them. The stats given here assume that it is carrying 3 heat-seekers, 3 Exploding rounds, 3 Mercy Gas Bullets, 3 Fear Gas Rounds and 3 Armor-Piercing Rounds. You can of course load it with whichever rounds you prefer, in whatever combination.

Advanced Gyrojet Assault Rifle

Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a Sleight of Hand roll)

Required Proficiency: Personal Firearms Weapons

Handed: Requires 2 hands to use

Range Increment: 100 feet

“To Hit” Bonus: Most loads have no bonus. Heatseeking rounds fly out to a point 30 feet distant from the gun, and then attack the nearest warm target, hitting it automatically unless the target makes a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 27.

Magazine: Holds 30 Rounds in total. Usually loaded with 5 heat-seeking rounds, 15 Exploding rounds, 5 Incendiary rounds and 5 Armor-piercing Rounds

Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has attacks

Damage: Varies by type of round.

Heat-seeker rounds do 2d6+2 (19-20 x3), Exploding rounds do 3d6 to anything in a 5 foot radius.

Incendiary Rounds do 2d6 per round to the target for 3 rounds and ignore up to 10 points of


Armor-piercing Rounds do 2d6 damage (19-20 x3), ignore up to 10 points of

Hardness and do an additional 4d6 to targets that have 7 or more points of damage resistance

Weight: 4 pounds

Special: Can fire any of the special Gyrojet Loads listed above.

Accessories: Standard Gyrojet Shells (weigh 1/20 pound each, costs 10 Units for a box of 50), Scope

(1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces Range Increment by one).

Description: An advanced military Gyrojet rifle, equipped with a wide variety of specialized loads. It stores its ammunition on a rotary chain, which can put whichever rocket you need in the chamber whenever you need it. You don't need to use up one type of load in order to get down to the next one.

It isn't as light or as simple as previous models of Gyrojet rifle, but it still compares favorably to slug thrower and gauss weapons on both points. It is nearly as quiet as a gauss gun but has better penetration. It has the stopping power of a slug thrower rifle but doesn't need to be reloaded as often. As with previous models, it isn't an autofire weapon and instead relies on exploding rounds to make area attacks.

While the stats listed here assume the rifle is loaded with a standard mixture of the most common types of round, you are of course free to load it with whatever combination you would prefer.

Gyrojet Sniper Rifle

Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a Sleight of Hand roll)

Required Proficiency: Personal Firearms Weapons

Handed: Requires 2 hands to use

Range Increment: 110 feet

“To Hit” Bonus: +1

Magazine: 10

Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has attacks

Damage: 5d6 Piercing (19-20 x3)

Weight: 7 pounds

Special: Can fire any of the special Gyrojet Loads listed above.

Accessories: Standard Gyrojet Shells (weigh 1/20 pound each, cost 10 Units for a box of 50), Scope

(1/2 lb, costs 300 units, reduces Range Increment by one)

Description: A Gyrojet weapon made specifically for snipers. It fires a specialized long-distance rocket, 10mm in diameter. The rocket has a shaped-charge explosive head which can penetrate armored targets. You can arm it or choose not to as a free action. Be warned, if the charge is armed, it will make a lot of noise when it goes off. This rifle has a lot of advantages. It is far lighter than any conventional sniper rifle made for disabling vehicles and can be fired without a tripod. It makes less noise than a laser or a slug throwing rifle (unless of course you arm the warhead) and doesn't produce a muzzle-flash. It's more durable than a gauss gun, and much easier to repair. Reloading takes a standard action.

Gyrojet Load, Standard

Required Proficiency: Personal Firearms Proficiency

To Hit” Bonus: +1 vs. armor only

Damage: 2d6+2 Piercing (18-20 x3)

Weight: 1/20 pound

Description: A standard, basic Gyrojet round. It is basically a small solid-fueled rocket, about the size of a .50 caliber round. It does not explode on impact, but will still punch enormous holes through the target.

Gyrojet Load, Anti-Robotic Warhead

Required Proficiency: Personal Firearms Proficiency

To Hit” Bonus: --

Damage: 2d6 Electrical (18-20 x3) Does an extra 6d8

Electrical damage to robots and other sentient machines.

Weight: 1/20 pound

Description: A Gyrojet round with an EMP warhead designed specifically to disrupt robotic neural networks. It will still do damage to a human target (it does no one any good to have a small missile shot into their body) but nothing like the catastrophic effect it has on robots and other sentient computers.

Gyrojet Load, Armor-Piercing

Cost: 20 Units (for a box of 50)

Required Proficiency: Personal Firearms Proficiency

To Hit” Bonus: +2 vs. armor only

Damage: 2d6 Piercing (17-20 x3), ignores 10 points of Hardness or damage resistance. Does an additional 4d6 damage to targets that have 7 or more points of damage resistance.

Weight: 1/20 pound

Description: A Gyrojet round packed with spent uranium. It has enormous penetration, but it is almost pointless to waste it on human infantry, unless of course they are heavily armored. Most of the round's force will just go straight through them.

Gyrojet Load, Exploding Round

Required Proficiency: Personal Firearms Proficiency

To Hit” Bonus: --

Damage: 3d6 Bludgeoning to anything in a 5 foot radius. Any target caught inside the area of attack can make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20 to take half damage.

Weight: 1/20 pound

Description: A micro-missile filled with a high-explosive compound. It can be set to detonate on impact or just when it passes through a particular square.

Gyrojet Load, Fragmentation Bomb

Required Proficiency: Personal Firearms Proficiency

To Hit” Bonus: --

Damage: 5d6 Piercing (19-20 x3) to the target, 4d6 Piercing to anything else in a 15 foot radius.

Anyone (except the target) caught inside the area of attack can make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC

20 to take half damage.

Weight: 1/20 pound

Description: An anti-personnel rocket, packed with as much shrapnel as will fit in its tiny warhead.

It is somewhat less effective than a fragmentation grenade, but still really bad to be around when it goes off.

Gyrojet Load, Heat-Seeker

Required Proficiency: Personal Firearms Proficiency

To Hit” Bonus: Special, see description

Damage: 2d6+2 Piercing (19-20 x3)

Weight: 1/20 pound

Special: Automatically hits the target unless they make a Reflexes Save vs. DC 27, but see description.

Description: When fired, the round flies out to a distance of thirty feet, and then automatically hit the living target, due to the advanced micro-tracker that locks on the individual targets unique heat signature. Instead it targets the nearest living thing to the point (fifty feet distant) where its internal guidance system takes over. If there is no living, warm-blooded animal within thirty feet, the missile will instead hit the nearest non-living heat source or self destruct. Heat-seekers are extremely useful in certain situations and lead to tragic farce in others.

Gyrojet Load, High-Explosive, Anti- Vehicle

Required Proficiency: Personal Firearms Proficiency

To Hit” Bonus: --

Damage: 2d6 Piercing (18-20 x3). Ignores 10 points of Hardness or damage resistance. Does an additional 4d6 damage to targets that have 7 or more points of damage resistance.

Weight: 1/20 pound

Description: A Gyrojet round with a shaped-charge explosive in its nose. Not really intended as an anti-personnel round, it's meant to be used against vehicles. Actually less effective against human targets than many less powerful rounds, as most of the damage tends to go straight through a human body and out the other side.

Gyrojet Load, Incendiary

Cost: 20 Units (for a box of 50)

Tentative Purchase DC: 4

Required Proficiency: Personal Firearms Proficiency

To Hit” Bonus: --

Damage: 1d6+1 Piercing (19-20 x3) plus 2d6 Heat damage. Target will continue to take 2d6 Heat damage per round for 3 rounds

Weight: 1/20 pound

Special: Ignores 10 points of Hardness or damage resistance.

Description: A Gyrojet round packed with a lightweight plastic thermite compound, it ignites on impact and only does heat damage to the target itself--from the inside.

Gyrojet Load, Mercy Gas

Required Proficiency: Personal Firearms Proficiency

To Hit” Bonus: --

Damage: Special, see description

Weight: 1/20 pound

Special: Every living target in a 10 foot radius must make a Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 20 or fall unconscious for 2d10 minutes. A gas mask grants only a +2 bonus to the target's saving throw, but a vacuum suit or other such sealed full-body protection suit will completely negate the effect. Has no effect on Robots and at the DM's discretion certain aliens may be affected differently (or not at all) by the drug.

Description: If the shell is shot into a living target’s body rather than being used as an area effect weapon, it will do damage like a standard Gyrojet load (2d6+2 Piercing). There is a 50% chance that the gas load won’t detonate properly, and if it does, there is a 65% chance that it won’t affect anyone but the target

Gauss Pistol

Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a “sleight of hand” roll)

Required Proficiency: Personal Firearms Proficiency

Handed: Requires 1 hand to use

Range Increment: 40 feet

“To Hit” Bonus: --

Magazine: 60

Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has attacks.

Damage: 4d6 Piercing (17-20 x3).

Weight: 3 pounds

Special: This weapon is capable of a special version of Autofire. It can target a 10-foot-by-10-foot area.

The targeted area has an effective Defense of 10. If the attack succeeds, every target within the affected area must make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20 or take damage. This uses up five rounds of ammunition.

Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units), Packet of Needles (pre-assembled into disposable magazine, holds enough for 60 bursts, weighs 1/2 lb, costs 55 Units), Scope (1/2 lb, costs

150 units, reduces Range Increment by one), Holster (weighs 1/2 pound, costs 10 Units)

Description: A generic template for an early gauss pistol. It fires a stream of ultra-sharp needles at super-high speed, makes no noise and leaves no chemical or energy signature for a sensor to detect.

Its rate of fire is so high that there isn't any sense measuring it in conventional terms. Because it only fires bursts (just touching the trigger will fire off two or three needles) we are counting its magazine in terms of how many bursts it can fire, rather than how many individual needles it holds. It would take an unreasonable amount of time to load each needle individually, so you buy them in preassembled clips.

Tremendously effective at ripping up flesh, a gauss-pistol is at a disadvantage against armored opponents. A target’s Hardness and/or Damage Resistance is doubled for the purpose of calculating damage. So a target with 3 points of Hardness has 6 DR vs. Gauss Pistols, a target with 4 points of

Hardness has 8 DR, and so forth.

There aren't really a lot of variant models of gauss pistol. They're all the same caliber and they all have pretty much the same rate of fire. Only the brand name just varies.

Gauss Rifle, Military Version

Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of hand” roll)

Required Proficiency: Personal Firearms Proficiency

Handed: Requires 2 hands to use

Range Increment: 140 feet

“To Hit” Bonus: --

Magazine: 120

Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has attacks.

Damage: 6d6 Piercing (17-20 x3)

Special: This weapon is capable of a special version of Autofire. It can target a 10-foot-by-10-foot area. The targeted area has an effective Defense of 10. If the attack succeeds, every target within the affected area must make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20 or take damage. This uses up five rounds of ammunition.

Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units), Packet of Needles (pre-assembled into disposable magazine, holds enough for 120 bursts, weighs 1/2 lb, costs 55 Units), Scope (1/2 lb, costs

150 units, reduces Range Increment by one)

Description: A generic military gauss rifle. It uses a magnetic accelerator to launch a stream of thin steel needles at a very high rate of fire, but is nearly silent. Because it only fires bursts (just touching the trigger will fire off two or three needles) the magazine is counted in terms of how many short bursts it can fire, rather than how many individual needles it holds. It would take an unreasonable amount of time to load each needle separately, so you buy them in preassembled clips. They only take a Standard Action to reload.

Gauss rifles are usually seen as sniper weapons but some armies use them as infantry rifles.

Tremendously effective at damaging soft fleshy targets, a gauss-rifle is ineffective against armored opponents-the needles are brittle and tend to shatter when they strike an unyielding surface.

Whenever this weapon is used against a target with Hardness or Damage Resistance, double the protective power of the DR. So, if the target is wearing armor that gives them 3 DR, subtract 6 from the damage. If the target has Hardness 5, deduct 10 points of damage and so forth. As with gauss pistols, there is little to vary about the design. Most military gauss rifles are pretty much the same.

There isn't even a special sniper version.

Advanced Gauss Pistol

Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a “sleight of hand” roll)

Required Proficiency: Personal Firearms Proficiency

Handed: Requires 1 hand to use

Range Increment: 60 feet

“To Hit” Bonus: --

Magazine: 55

Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has attacks

Damage: 4d6 Piercing (17-20 x3)

Weight: 2 pounds

Special: This weapon is capable of a special version of Autofire. It can target a 10-foot-by-10-foot area.

The targeted area has an effective Defense of 10. If the attack succeeds, every target within the affected area must make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20 or take damage. This uses up five rounds of ammunition.

Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units), Packet of Needles (pre-assembled into disposable magazine, holds enough for 55 bursts, weighs 1/2 lb, costs 55 Units), Scope (1/2 lb, costs

150 units, reduces Range Increment by one), Holster (weighs 1/2 pound, costs 10 Units)

Description: Further advances in magnetic accelerator technology and metallurgy make possible a whole new generation of gauss-guns, with all the advantages and none of the limitations of previous models. This is a generic template for an advanced gauss-pistol. It is smaller and lighter than its ancestors, and suffers no penalties when used against armored targets. These needles are a lot harder and travel a lot faster, so they have considerably better penetration. Because of its high rate of fire (it's impossible to fire less than two or three needles at a time) we measure the number of shots it has left in terms of how many bursts it can fire, rather than the actual number of needles in the magazine. Like previous models, its ammunition comes pre-loaded into disposable clips. It takes a standard action to reload.

Advanced Gauss Rifle, Infantry Version

Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of hand” roll)

Required Proficiency: Personal Firearms Proficiency

Handed: Requires 2 hands to use

Range Increment: 130 feet

“To Hit” Bonus: --

Magazine: 120 (40 poison-tipped needles, 40 exploding needles, 40 armor-piercing needles). Has three separate magazines, each made to hold one clip of 40 rounds.

Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has attacks














Damage: The weapon has three separate modes. It can do 3d6 Piercing (17-20 x3) plus 3d8 poison

(a Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 15 negates the poison), or it can do 6d6 Piercing (17-20 x3), or it can do 5d6 Piercing (17-20 x3) that ignores up to 7 points of Hardness.

Weight: 10 pounds

Special: This weapon is capable of a special version of Autofire. It can target a 10-foot-by-10-foot area. The targeted area has an effective Defense of 10. If the attack succeeds, every target within the affected area must make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20 or take damage. This uses up five rounds of ammunition.

Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units.

Packet of Poison Needles: (pre-assembled into disposable magazine, holds enough for 40 bursts, weighs 1/2 lb, costs 80 Units).

Packet of Exploding Needles (pre-assembled into disposable magazine, holds enough for 40 bursts, weighs 1/2 lb, costs 65 Units).

Packet of Armor-Piercing Needles (preassembled into disposable magazine, holds enough for 40 bursts, weighs 1/2 lb, costs 55 Units), Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces Range Increment by one)

Description: This is not a sniper's weapon, per se. It is meant for ordinary front-line troops. It has a triple magazine and can fire a stream of poison-tipped needles or a burst of exploding needles or some super dense armor-piercing needles. You can switch back and forth between the various loads as a free action, but cannot mix the different types of ammunition in a single burst. It takes a standard action to reload each magazine. Its ammunition comes pre-loaded in disposable clips. As with all gauss-rifles, the number of shots in the magazine really refers to the number of short bursts it can fire. Even if it isn't using its "autofire" option and is only attacking a single target, it is still going to fire off at least three or four needles. The exploding ammunition makes a good deal more noise than an ordinary gauss-rifle.

Phasers & Disrupters

All Personal Phasers have a damage level rating. A phaser can be set to any of these levels before firing. For each shot at that setting, the value of the setting is reduced from the storage cell/clip.

Disruptors function the same way in game terms. If a single shot (level 4+) reduces a character’s HP past the point of death, the target is vaporized.


Level Damage

Stun: DC15 1d4

Stun: DC20 1d4+1

Stun: DC 25 1d6

1d6 + 1 (2-7)

1d6 + 1d4 (2-10)

2d6 (2-12)

2d6 + 1 (3-13)

2d6 + 1d4 (3-16)

3d6 (3-18)

3d6 + 1d4 (4-22)

4d6 + 1 (5-25)

4d6 + 1d4 (5-28)

4d6 + 2d4 (6-32)





5d6 + 1d4 (6-34)

6d6 + 1 (7-37)

6d6 + 1d4 (7-40)

Max. Damage x3

Modifying Weapons

It is often possible to modify phasers/disruptors to give out much higher and more lethal energy beams. However, for each extra damage level of the weapon it uses twice the energy from the power clip/pack, and each time it is fired there is a 5% chance (per extra damage level) that the unit will overload and explode, as below.

Setting a Weapon to Overload

Setting the energy weapon to overload (depending upon the weapon) will cause twice the maximum damage of the weapon in a blast radius of 20'

Phase Pistol (Enterprise)

Damage Levels 1,2 & 4. Crit 20x2. Range: 65 ft., Weight 1 lb. 10.5 oz, Clip 24 units.

The type-1 phaser is the smallest, most basic weapon carried by Starfleet and other Federation personnel. Type-1 phasers are typically carried when it would be inappropriate to carry a larger weapon, such as on diplomatic missions, or "undercover" work.

Type I Hand Phaser (TOS)

Damage Levels 1-6. Crit 20x2. Range: 82 ft., Weight: 1.1 lbs, Clip 10 units.

Type I Hand Phaser (TNG+)

Damage Levels 1-8. Crit 20x2. Range 82 ft., Weight: 1.1 lbs, Clip 16 units. This Phaser can be programmed to fire automatically at set intervals.

A type-2 phaser is a typical hand-held, directed-energy weapon used by Starfleet and United

Federation of Planets personnel during the 23rd and 24th centuries. More powerful and generally larger in size than the type-1, type-2 phasers were kept aboard Starfleet and Federation starships, starbases, space stations and at planetary facilities.

Type II Hand Phaser (TOS)

Damage levels 1-14, Crit 20x2, Range: 164 ft., Weight: 25 oz, Clip 26 units.

Type II Hand Phaser (TNG+)

Damage levels 1-16, Crit 20x2, Range: 164 ft., Weight: 25 oz, Clip 32 units.

Type III Phaser Rifle (TOS+)

Damage Levels 1-16, Crit 20x2, Range: 1806 ft., Weight: 6.6 lbs, Type E, Clip 64 units.

Type III Compression Phaser Rifle (TNG+)

Damage Levels 1-16, Crit 19-20x2, Range: 1886 ft., Weight: 9 lbs, Clip 70 units.

Heavy (exotic) Firearms

Type IV Phaser Rifle

Damage Levels 1-16, Crit 18-20x2, Range: 263 ft., Weight: 13.25 lbs, Clip 128 units.

Type IV Phaser Rifles are normally found mounted on ground vehicles and small shuttlecraft.

Marines are known to favor their use as ‘lock and load’ weaponry fitted to gyro-stabilized shoulder harnesses with micro fusion reactors. They are not normally found as part of a ship or station’s weapons locker.

Phaser - Type VIII Phaser Cannon

Damage 2d10x5, Crit 20x2, Range: 656 ft., Weight: 55 lbs, Clip x10,

The Type VIII Phaser Cannon is a larger fighter/shuttlecraft scale weapon that can be configured for use as a heavy anti-personnel weapon. It has a set damage index, and can fire 10 times.

M-2240 Mortar

Damage 3d6x3, blast radius 15 meters( 9 squares ), Crit 20x2 Range: 2.28 miles, weight 25kg, rounds

(1box = 8rnds).

The M-2240 Mortar system is a self contained short-barreled 60 mm mortar with powered elevation and servo traverse. It is also equipped with a encrypted Comm unit, inertial positioning sensor, and a computerized fire control system. This unit is the size of a large backpack and has a unloaded mass of

55 ft. To deploy the user sets the unit on the ground and folds out three stabilizing legs. The mortar is fed from a 4 round magazine, or individual rounds can be loaded manually. One key feature is the fact that once setup, the mortar’s fire control computer can be accessed by troops with the proper codes via the mortar system's integrated communications unit. Once the proper codes are used, the unit can be targeted and fired remotely. This ability makes the unit valuable in ambush/counter ambush operations, decoy tactics, and providing fire support for units engaged in unconventional warfare operations where normal support is impractical. The rounds are propelled by a micro-graviton accelerator similar to that used in the grenade launchers.

Compound Grenade Launcher damage: as grenade(see below) crit:19-20x2 range: 492 feet, weight:

5 lbs, rounds:6

The Compound Grenade Launcher is a heavy weapon used by the Federation Starfleet military and the Hazard Team. The CGL fires grenades capable of injuring and incapacitating any targets caught within its area of effect.

Photon Grenades

Damage levels: 3,5,7,9 and11, Crit: 20x2 range: ( as thrown,40m average, or grenade launcher ) blast radius 3-10m (2-6 squares) weight: 14oz

Photon grenades are one of the most devastating personnel weapons developed by the Federation.

Their use is strictly controlled and is usually limited to wartime. They are effectively a controlled version of phasers set on overload. Photon grenades emit large bursts of rapid nadion particles which are found in phaser beams. These grenades may be set to explode upon impact, at some altitude above the ground, or at some preset time, up to 9.99 hours, after impact. Both the power level and blast radius of these grenades may also be carefully controlled. They have five different power settings from a simple stun burst to high-explosive, and may be set to affect everything within a radius of between 3 and 10 meters from impact.

Alien Weapons

Disruptor pistols are energy weapons similar to Starfleet's phaser side arm. The Disruptor normally only has two settings; stun and kill. The Klingons and Romulans use this type of weapon.

Klingon Disruptor pistol ( TOS )

Damage levels: 2/8 crit:20x2 range: 164 ft., weight, clip:28 units

Klingon Disruptor Pistol ( TNG +)

Damage Levels 3/10 Crit:20x2, Range: 164 ft., Weight: 1.4 lbs, Clip 30 units

Romulan Disruptor Pistol ( TOS )

Damage levels: 2/8, Crit: 20x2, range: 164 ft., weight: 1.4 lbs, clip: 28 units

Romulan Disruptor Pistol ( TNG + )

Damage Levels 3/14, Crit:20x2, Range: 164 ft., Weight 1.4 lbs, Clip 32 units

A disruptor rifle is a rifle modification of a disruptor. These weapons are used by Klingons and

Romulans. They give off more energy than the disruptor pistol. The Klingon version of this weapon has induction coils that can burn out.

Klingon Disruptor Rifle

Damage Levels 14-16, Crit: 20x2, Range 1804 ft., Weight: 8.5 lbs, Clip 65 units

Romulan Disruptor Rifle

Damage Levels: 3-16, critical: 19-20x2, Range: 1886 ft., weight: 8.5 lbs, clip: 70 units


Damage levels: 1, Critical: 20x2, Type: piercing, Weight: 2 lb, Clip: 10 units

The painstik is a Klingon ceremonial device, used to inflict pain. It is used in the Age of Ascension ceremony, where, in the final part, a young Klingon must walk between two lines of Klingons, suffering the painstiks, and reaching the other end, before he can call himself a warrior.



Communicators were handheld communication devices used by many species for person-to-person communications. In many cases, these devices also served to allow transporter locks for beaming, thus acting as homing transponders. Communicators usually transmit on subspace frequencies.

23rd century Starfleet communicators were used by Starfleet landing parties and away teams; occasionally, communicators were used in situations where normal intraship communications were inaccessible (or inadvisable), during the 22nd and 23rd centuries. Employing a flip-top design, a member of Starfleet spoke directly into the device to give commands and speak with other personnel.

These communicators had an unaided range of approximately 250 miles; double that if used to communicate from a starship to planetside.


A hypospray (colloquially, hypo) is a medical device used to inject liquids into the body. The system uses a noninvasive transport mechanism of compressed air to transfer the injectant from the device into the body without the use of a needle, ensuring that the skin is not punctured during use, thus reducing the risk of infection. Various drugs can be used, inserted into the hypo in vials attached to the end of the instrument. The 23rd century Federation hypospray resembled the intravenous needles of previous centuries. The typical injection site used is the side of the neck, but the hypospray can inject even through clothing. Unlike hypodermic needles, the hypospray can be used on multiple patients without worries of spreading blood-borne illnesses.


The Personal Access Display Device is one of the most widely used methods of accessing and manipulating information. Although the capabilities of the PADD are limited compared to the larger desktop units, their small size offers a convenience that larger unit's lack. Indeed, the effectiveness of the principle is shown by the fact that while they have been produced in a massive variety of sizes and shapes, virtually every major species has produced a design which shares the same basic features. PADDs are almost always handheld devices with a large surface area relative to their thickness. They include both memory and processing capacity, usually with some form of remote linkage to larger more capable systems. Almost all have a display screen which takes up 50% or more of the surface. This is usually touch sensitive, but is supplemented by a small number of physical controls.


The transporter is a subspace device capable of almost instantaneously moving an object from one location to another. Transporters are able to dematerialize, transmit and reassemble an object. The act of transporting is often referred to as "beaming


The Federation Starfleet continued their exploration of space, dependence on transporters grew significantly. Transporters could simplify away missions considerably by eliminating the need for a shuttlecraft. In case of emergencies, medical or otherwise, the time saved could mean the difference between life and death. Transporters became the most reliable form of short-range transport by the

24th century. Innovations in transporter technology around this time included safer site-to-site transport, which allowed for transport between two locations without first returning to a transporter room.

As with other Starfleet technology, the transporter has its own set of safety features, protocols and procedures. In an emergency, many of these safety systems could be modified or circumvented.

One safety feature protected the transport subject to a certain degree from external influences once the dematerialization process had begun. This protection extended to both high energy discharges

(such as energy weapons fire) and physical incursions (such as projectile weapons fire).

Such protection was not infallible, however, particularly in the earlier models of transporter.

"Foreign matter" could get caught up in the transport process and become embedded or integrated into the subject


Transporters typically have a range of 1000 miles when beaming up people from a planet and double that if beaming from ship to ship or ship to starbase.


The Starfleet Tricorder is a multi-purpose tool designed to be carried by personnel either whilst aboard ship or on away missions. The basic functions of a tricorder involve collecting data via a

variety of sensors, analyzing and processing the data via a compact onboard computer system, and presenting it to the user via a visual display and/or auditory cue.

The sensor capabilities of a tricorder are awesome. From scanning a planetary core from the surface at one extreme down to checking a room for listening devices at the other, tricorders can do an amazing variety of things. They can record visual information, detect neutrino emissions, determine the structural stability of caves, scan electronic systems to determine their functions, download or upload information to computer systems, bypassing normal access methods to read and alter memory or storage directly from the tricorder, analyze and if necessary disrupt powerful electromagnetic field effects, scan for life forms and if necessary emit false lifeforms based on an analysis of DNA traces, they can determine how people have moved in an enclosed location by analyzing molecular displacement traces even many hours afterwards, or even detect the thermal traces left by a person sitting down hours before and estimate the species from this data! Medical tricorders can scan a person at a distance and collect detailed physiological data, including all of their vital signs .

Use of a tricorder gives the character a +3 bonus on all Perception and knowledge checks within the range of the device, which is normally about 250 miles with a General Scan, and 125 miles with more detailed scans.
