Vocabulary Words Lists The Giver Word List A : November 26-30 Word List B: December 3-7 palpable wheedle disposition transgression apprehensive aptitude chastisement petulantly infraction interdependence indulgently exuberant exasperated retroactive acquisition crescendo benign meticulously requisitioned deftly BONUS ROOT: ART= skill Word List C : December 10-14 conveyance admonition sinuous electrode writhing assuage distended ominous obsolete lethargy BONUS ROOT: DECI = one tenth BONUS ROOT: AUTO= self, same, one Due Dates: Word List A: Cards: 11/28 Activity: 11/29 Quiz: 11/30 Word List B: Cards: 12/5 Activity: 12/6 Quiz: 12/7 Word List C: Cards: 12/12 Activity: 12/13 Quiz: 12/14 BONUS WORDS: Pick TWO words on your own that have the bonus root for the week. *On the quiz you must know two words from that root, their definition and be able to use them in a sentence for bonus credit.