Africa Project Name: ____________________________ Block: _______________ In this project, students will choose a topic in Africa to research. A list of topics/ideas will be provided. Students can choose other ideas that are not on the list. However, they must get permission from Mrs. Lee first. Students will have some class time for the research portion but this enrichment project will be done mostly outside of class. Requirements: 1. Once you have your topic picked out, have your parents sign the paper and return it to the team. 10 points. 2. Start to do research on your topic. You will have computer time at school. 3. Keep a diary of the time and days that you work on your project at home. You will turn this in for 20 points. You will need to work on this project for about 6-10 hours over 5 to 6 different days. 4. Once the project is done, we will have a culture fair for students to display their work. 5. See rubric for grading and more requirements. Sample of diary: Days Times Nov. 12 6-7 pm (1 hour) Nov. 14 4-7 pm (3 hours) Nov. 16 Nov. 17 5-6 pm (1 hour) 5-7 pm (2 hours) Nov. 19 4-5 pm (1 hour) Totals: 5 days 8 hours What was done Went to buy tri-fold poster Cut out large letters for title Draw African countries and colored them Pasted photos around map Went to Grandpa’s to get items For show and tell Wrote final version of the diary And put final touches on the poster Cost (if any) $3.50 none none none Tri-fold poster of African Countries $3.50 none none 1 Topics/ideas for Africa Projects Large maps of the continent: physical, political or informational Flags of the African nations Models of Africa’s physical features: Sahara Desert, Mt. Kilimanjaro, Victoria Falls, the rainforests, the Great Rift Valley, etc. Show and Tell displays of African items with explanation cards Music Make African masks, drums, dress, food, etc. African games Make displays for the followings: Colonies Slavery HIV/AIDS Water Crisis (H2Africa) The Apartheid Blood Diamonds Human Trafficking North African Country Revolts Genocide (Rwanda/Darfur) Poverty/Starvation Poaching Malnutrition Civil War Toxic waste disposal Health care Corrupt government Erosion deforestation Desertification Sanitation Education—literacy rate for each African country Economy—GDP per capita for each African country Pollution African holidays Famous people Origin of man Nelson Mandela Websites to use: 1. AASD website: a. Under Social Studies, click on CultureGrams b. Under Encyclopedias, click on Britannica (Middle School) or Elementary School 2. 3. 4. 5. African masks Apartheid Aids/HIV 6. Slavery in Africa 2 Africa Project Rubric Name: ______________________ Block: ______________ CATEGORY 20 15 10 5 Attractiveness The project is exceptionally attractive in terms of design, layout, and neatness. The project is attractive in terms of design, layout and neatness. The project is acceptably attractive though it may be a bit messy. The project is distractingly messy or very poorly designed. It is not attractive. Knowledge Gained The finished product clearly shows student’s effort and understanding of the topic The finished product shows student’s effort and understanding of the topic The finished product shows some effort and understanding of the topic The finished product shows little effort and understanding of the topic Graphics Originality Several of the graphics used on the project reflect a exceptional degree of student creativity in their creation and/or display. One or two of the graphics used on the project reflect student creativity in their creation and/or display. The graphics are made by the student, but are based on the designs or ideas of others. No graphics made by the student are included. Title Title can be read from 6 ft. away and is quite creative. Title can be read from 6 ft. away and describes content well. Title can be read from 4 ft. away and describes the content well. The title is too small and/or does not describe the content of the poster well. Information is mostly Some information Research & Main Information was relevant to the topic relevant to the topic seems irrelevant or Point Outline Information wasn’t relevant to the topic. and easy to understand and easy to understand reader doesn’t understand connection to the topic. Total points: __________/10 3 Schedule Monday, December 10 Africa project kick off in the auditorium at Resource—block 3 and 4 shorten (40 min) Introduction, speakers from Africa and show samples of project Tuesday, December 11 Students explore project ideas with mobile lab in Geography. Need 2 to 3 ideas. Students meet with advisors during Resource to narrow down topic choices. Steer kids in the right direction. Students have until Friday, December 14 to decide their topics and get signature from advisor. Students bring the project requirements/handouts home for parents to read and sign. Friday, December 14 Barlow Planetarium trip (half day) When students are at Wilson, they will have 1 hour for project research and 1 hour for video. (2 hours for research if needed) Monday, December 17 Students bring to school the “Parent Notification” paper that has the parent signature. 10 points for getting the paper signed and returned. Tuesday, December 18 and 19 Students will work on research in Geography or Science if necessary. December 20 to January 7 Students work on project at home and during Resource January 8, 9 and 10 Block 3 and 4 will be shortened to give students time to work during Resource (50 min). Friday, January 11 Project Fair Project set up in individual rooms with rotation schedule. AM—movie with set up at 11 and form questions. PM—rotations (6 or 7 rooms). 4 Schedule Monday, December 10 Africa project kick off in the auditorium at Resource—block 3 and 4 shorten (40 min) Introduction, speakers from Africa and show samples of project Tuesday, December 11 Students explore project ideas with mobile lab in Geography. Need 2 to 3 ideas. Students meet with advisors during Resource to narrow down topic choices. Steer kids in the right direction. Students have until Friday, December 14 to decide their topics and get signature from advisor. Students bring the project requirements/handouts home for parents to read and sign. Friday, December 14 Barlow Planetarium trip (half day) When students are at Wilson, they will have 1 hour for project research and 1 hour for video. (2 hours for research if needed) Monday, December 17 Students bring to school the “Parent Notification” paper that has the parent signature. 10 points for getting the paper signed and returned. Tuesday, December 18 and 19 Students will work on research in Geography or Science if necessary. December 20 to January 7 Students work on project at home and during Resource January 8, 9 and 10 Block 3 and 4 will be shortened to give students time to work during Resource (50 min). Friday, January 11 Project Fair Project set up in individual rooms with rotation schedule. AM—movie with set up at 11 and form questions. PM—rotations (6 or 7 rooms). Africa Project Parent Notification Parents/guardians, Synergy’s team project for second quarter is on Africa. The students will be working individual on this enrichment project mostly outside of class. Family members are encouraged to assist. Please read project requirements, rubrics and topic choices and sign and date below. Return this sheet to the team teachers for 10 points. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Name of student: __________________________ Topic/idea for Africa project _______________________________________________ Due date____________________________ Student signature: _____________________________________ Advisor signature: ______________________________________ Parent or Guardian Signature: _________________________________ Date:________________________________________________ 5