Presents The Global to Local Action Plan Sustainable Development AGENDA 21 DOWNLOAD - 1992 CONFERENCE ON ENVIRONMENT & DEVELOPMENT Earth Summit Adopted by 178 nations including the United States. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Preamble 21. Management of solid waste International Cooperation 22. Management radioactive waste Combating Poverty 23. Strengthening major groups Changing Consumption Patterns 24. Global action for women Demographics & Sustainably CONTROL OF: 25. Children & youth in sus dev Protecting Human Health 26. Indigenous people Land Use Human Settlements 27. NGO partners Housing Integrating environment 28. Local authorities in support & development decisions of Agenda 21 Transportation 9. Protecting the atmosphere 29. Strengthening trade unions Food Production 10. Planning & management of land 30. The role of business industry Consumption Patterns 11. Combating deforestation 31. Scientific technology 12. Desertification & drought 32. The role of farmers Water 13. Sustainable mountain development 33. Financial resource mechanisms Energy 14. Sustainable agriculture 34. Transfer technology Education 15. Conservation biodiversity 35. Science for sustainable development 16. Management of biotechnology Role of Business36.&Promoting Industryeducation & training 17. Protection of oceans 37. International cooperation Health Care 18. Management of the use of water 38. International Institutions 19. Management of toxic Chemicals 39. International mechanisms 20. Management of hazardous wastes 40. Information for decision-making 1976 U.N. Conference on Human Settlements Habitat I From the Preamble: “Land...cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. Private land ownership is also the principle instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth, and therefore, contributes to social injustice..." Recommendations from Habitat I: A-1. Redistribute population in accord with resources D-1. Government must control the use of land to achieve equitable distribution of resources D-2. Control Land Use through zoning and land-use planning D-3. Excessive profits from land use must be recaptured by government D-4. Public ownership of land should be used to exercise urban and rural land reform D-5. Owner rights should be separated from development rights which should be held by public authority. The Three Es Equity (Social): Using the Law to Restructure Human Nature to transform our system of equal justice to one of social justice. Economy: Redistribution of Wealth - Public/Private Partnerships Draft Covenant on Environment & Development Article 8: “...equity will be achieved through the transfer of resources to developing countries.” The economic policy restructures the economy molding it not on private enterprise but on public/private partnerships. Environment: Nature Above Man Every societal decision would first be questioned as to how it might effect the environment. Image provided by Environmental Perspectives AGENDA 21 COMES TO AMERICA White House Press Release June 14, 1993 Announcing President's Council on Sustainable Development AGENDA 21 COMES TO AMERICA President Bill Clinton's Executive Order # 12852 Created the President's Council On Sustainable Development (PCSD) June 29, 1993 150 policy recommendations taken from Agenda 21 “Participating in a U.N. advocated planning process would very likely bring out many ... who would actively work to defeat any elected official ... Undertaking Local Agenda 21. So we will call our process something else, such as “comprehensive planning”, “growth management,” or “smart growth”.” J. Gary Lawrence Advisor to the President’s Council on Sustainable Development CONVENTION OF BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY Obama's Executive Order #13575 White House Rural Council June 9, 2011 AGENDA 21 COMES TO VIRGINIA AGENDA 21 COMES TO VIRGINIA § 15.2-4200 Regional Cooperation Act of 1995 - Power to regulate, create debt and apply directly to the federal government for grants. HB3202 Urban Development Areas (2007)- Mandates high-density urban development using “new urbanism” design principles § 10.1-1700 - Open-space Easement Act Chapter 10.1 - Virginia Conservation Easement Act to provide incentives for the conservation of land into perpetuity. § 10.1-563. Regulation of land-disturbing activities § 15.2-2316.2. Purchase and transfer of development rights. § 15.2-5102 Water, sewer & refuse authorities, etc.; specified as political subdivisions of State § 15.2-5114 – given powers of eminent domain. 2003 International Conference on Education for a Sustainable Future “The Decade of Education for Sustainable Development” (DESD) 2005 – 2014 – UNESCO named leader “The Decade of ESD is a far-reaching and complex undertaking… that potentially touches on every aspect of life. The basic vision… is a world where everyone…learns the values, behavior, and lifestyles required for a sustainable future and for positive societal transformation.” Partners for Sustainable Development in Virginia ICLEI - International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives ICMA – International County/City Management Association American Planning Association – member of the PCSD Virginia Municipal League - association of city, town, and county governments VaCo - Virginia Association of Counties VSBA - Virginia School Board Association VAIS – Virginia Association of Independent Schools AKA International Council for Environmental Initiatives Assisting Local Governments with boilerplate solutions for Sustainable Development. ICLEI Member Requirements: Identify liaisons: elected officials, media, and staff Pass a resolution within 6 months to prioritize "Climate Change Mitigation" and how they'll go forward with Climate Change Mitigation policies. Set 5 milestones to reduce carbon footprint. PLANNERS NETWORK MEMBERSHIP PLANNERS NETWORK IMPLEMENTATION – Global to Local Millions in grants awarded to the American Planning Association for the Growing Smart Legislative Guidebook The EPA issued millions in grants to local governments and organizations for “visioning” projects. HUD issued millions in grants for “sustainable communities” programs The Dept. of Energy issued millions in grants to local governments under the Energy Efficiency & Conservation Block Grant Program. (Cap & Trade) Department of Education & NGOs issued millions in grants for education in sustainable development and social justice. Local Visioning Projects EPA Grant NGO Organization Local Government Initiator Visioning Council (Bankers, Politicians, NGO leaders, Businessmen, Planners, and Bureaucrats) “Visioning Council” • Present PCSD recommendations as local goals for the community • Through the consensus process, eliminate any objections that might arise • Develop specific recommendations to achieve goals “Comprehensive Plan of Action” LOCAL AGENDA 21 COMP PLAN FOR LAND USE: Zoning for high-density (clustering, mixed-use housing, affordable housing, workforce housing, businesses, public transportation Down-zoning in rural areas to require 25 or more acres to build one home. Incentives for land conservation & historical preservation Land disturbance ordinances (tilling/plowing is prohibited) Landscape and food production regulations Tree removal ordinance Higher percentage of land left natural and undisturbed Decreased setbacks in high-density areas and increased set backs in rural areas. Open space, greenways LOCAL AGENDA 21 COMP PLAN FOR TRANSPORTATION: Traffic circles Bicycle paths & walking trails High speed rail Narrowing of roads Elimination of cul-de-sacs Steering of all future growth to public transportation hubs No parking zones Road closings LOCAL AGENDA 21 COMP PLAN FOR ENERGY: Smart meters Energy Star appliances, heating & air conditioning Wind & solar energy Energy audits of homes and businesses Energy efficiency strategies (reduce consumption, rationing) Green building codes to meet LEED standards (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Retrofitting of existing buildings to meet new standards LOCAL AGENDA 21 COMP PLAN FOR WATER: Greater expansion and protection of wetlands 100 – 300 ft. buffers to streams & ponds Expansion of watershed Water conservation strategies (reduce consumption, rationing) Green building codes to meet LEED standards Meters on private wells Strict ordinances on septic tanks – often prohibits them Increased setbacks in rural & coastal areas Wetlands mitigation LOCAL AGENDA 21 COMP PLAN FOR THE ROLE OF BUSINESS & INDUSTRY Public/Private Partnerships (subsidies, tax breaks, insider privilege) Green Marketplace - Carbon Credits, water credits, riparian habitat credits, conservation banking credits, wetlands mitigation LEED approved building materials Energy Star Appliances and Heating/Air Conditioning Forestry – strict limits on forestry – preservation of forests Agriculture – restricts what and how much you can grow. Aquaculture – restrictions or elimination of commercial fishing TWO QUESTIONS: What decisions are left that we don't need government permission for on our land? How does this differ from Socialism? Socialism is defined as: A political and economic theory that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by government CONSEQUENCES – Growth management (Smart Growth) Redistribution of wealth, tax liability, and resources Leaves taxpayers on the hook for grants, subsidies, tax breaks, and other incentives. Creates monopolies & kills jobs through Public/Private Partnerships & LEED standards. Makes home ownership less affordable increasing the cost of homes to up to 4 times what is considered affordable by standard qualifying lending practices. Higher rate of foreclosures Increase in unoccupied housing stock Extinguishes the right of rural landowners to ever develop their land Discourages economic growth(Government manipulated market, picking the winners & losers in business) THE EXCUSE… Global Warming/Climate Change RIO DECLARATION #15: “Precautionary Principle.” “In order to protect the environment, the precautionary approach shall be widely applied by States according to their capabilities. Where there are threats of serious or irreversible damage, lack of full scientific certainty shall not be used as a reason for postponing cost-effective measures to prevent environmental degradation.” (Global Warming) How do they do it? What if you wanted to eliminate candy manufacturers from the world? How would you do it? Which would be easier… Banning candy or promoting healthy teeth? And if we were going to promote healthy teeth, shouldn’t we also promote general health and avoidance of diabetes? How would you do it? Get a NGO like the American Dentistry Association on your side Create a health sustainability coordinator that belongs to an international organization that promotes the benefits of a candy-free society Pass legislation that requires schools and households to use healthy diet templates Require schools to teach the evils of candy How would you do it? Explain how the consumption of Candy consumes an excessive portion of the world’s sugar cane supplies. Publish selective articles “proving” that candy is harmful to your health Endorse organizations that promote healthy eating. Offer smart sugar-free growing awards Pass resolutions that argue, “in the absence of positive proof”, we should err on the side of caution and avoid candy. How do they do it? Get non-candy companies to sell alternatives Offer grants to companies that manufacture healthy desserts. Offer grants to schools, communities, and businesses that provide healthy desserts in lieu of candy Promote technology that would monitor sugar consumption How would you do it? Require a transfer of funds from rich countries to poor countries in order to help wean them off of sugar-based foods. Have government create dietary commissions staffed with anti-sugar political appointees. Require all schools and businesses to adopt a sugar-free diet planning template. Require all members of the dietary commission be trained in proper diets How would Michael Moore or Al Gore do it? Produce a movie about corruption at Hershey’s Chocolate, “Candy and Me” Produce a movie denigrating the system that enables us to have chocolate in every household, “Capitalism and CandyHow greed is killing America” Produce a movie on the evils of cavities, “An Inconvenient Tooth” And finally Create a false moral equivalency… if you do not support the banning of candy, you must be cold, callous, selfish, and in favor of harming children. Declare the debate is over. Sugar must go! Blame the poor health of children worldwide on capitalism; the wasteful exporting of sugar; and wasteful sugar consumption habits of wealthy nations. GLOBAL TO LOCAL PLAN Comprehensive Plan of Action Sustainable Development Control over every aspect of human life. You have a right to own property OR YOU BECOME PROPERTY! DOWNLOAD -