Mrs. McCobb IB Biology Year 2 Room C-1 IB Biology Course Requirements Year 2 Mrs. McCobb (626) 965-3437 ext. 3581 After 3:00 pm Call or Text (626) 667-4135 *Leave name/Number/Period # 1. EXPECTATIONS IB Biology is a college course. You will be held to high expectations and mature responsibilities just like a college freshman taking Biology. 2. ATTENDANCE Attendance is crucial since we will be covering a large amount of material and doing many labs throughout the year. If you miss a lab day, you are removed from your lab group and must conduct the lab on your own. Generally there are no make-ups for missed tests. If you know you are going to be absent on the day of the test, you must make arrangements to take the test early. If you are unexpectedly absent, I must hear from you by 8 am through email, or no make-up test will be allowed. 3. MATERIALS Spiral Notebook (at least 70 pages). You MUST bring this to class EVERYDAY Textbook: Biology Concepts and Connections (5th Ed.) by Campbell, Reece, Taylor and Simon with CD-ROM. This is only a supplemental book, and should be left at home as a resource. Student Resource and Activity Manual: IB Biology Student Workbook by Biozone. This should be on campus in my classroom at all times (unless you are taking it home for homework). 4. LABS We will complete approximately 8-10 labs during the year. Lab reports must be completed according to the standard format. Late labs will be docked points. EVEN IF YOU ARE ABSENT, YOU NEED TO TURN IN YOUR LABS ON TIME. Although most labs will be done in lab groups, you are to record your own data and all of your write-up should be your work and your work alone. If you are absent, you are removed from your lab group and must conduct the lab on your own. Plan on never being absent during labs. Some labs cannot be made up but you will still be responsible for a write-up. Labs will be returned to you for review and I will keep them on file. 5. HOMEWORK Textbook Reading: Your textbook should stay at home at all times for reference. It should not be in your locker. Homework Assignments: Assignments will be checked and graded. Keep all assignments and quizzes in the appropriate section of your notebook. Late assignments will be docked for points each day they are late. If you know you will be absent, you must turn in your assignments early. Writing Assignments: Essays are an integral part of the IB exams. Essays are assigned throughout the term in preparation for exams. 6. EXAMS Exam questions will be based on class notes from the PowerPoints, the Campbell text, the Biozone Manual and the labs. The exams will also include released questions from past IB and /or AP Biology tests. 7.GRADING Grades will be calculated on a percentage basis. Each student will earn a grade based on the quality of work they complete and test/quiz scores. Following is an approximate grade distribution:IB Biology Grading Scale A+ B+ C+ D+ F 97-100 87-89 77-79 67-69 0-59 A B C D 93-96 83-86 73-76 63-66 A- 90-92 B- 80-82 C- 70-72 D- 60-62 Test and Quizzes = 35% Labs and Lab Reports = 30% Homework and Classwork = 35% 2. EXTRA HELP I am available for extra help by appointment. I will be in my room the last 15 minutes of lunch on a daily basis. Let me know if you plan to stop by and come prepared with questions, problems or to make up labs or tests. I do not have a 6th period and on most days will not be at school after 6th period. Makeup tests may be taken during another period of the day if necessary. IB Biology Year 2 Tentative Schedule 2015/2016 This year we will be studying the topics listed below in depth: Ecology and Evolution (Topic 4 and Option C; Topic 5) o Species, communities and ecosystems o Energy flow o Carbon cycling o Climate change o Impacts of humans on Ecosystems o Conservation of biodiversity o Population ecology o Evidence for evolution o Natural selection o Gene pools and speciation o Cladistics ---------------------------Thanksgiving Break-------------------------------------------------------Review for Final Exam Dec 14-18: Mock IB Final exam: This will cover everything you learned in year 1, AS WELL AS, material you have learned so far this year ----------------------------Winter Break--------------------------------------------------------------o Classification of biodiversity Cell Respiration and Photosynthesis (Topic 2 and 8) o Cell Respiration o Photosynthesis Plant Science (Topic 9) o Plant structure and growth o Transport in angiospermophytes o Reproduction in angiospermophytes Human Health and Physiology (Topics 6 and 11) o Reproduction -------------------------------Spring Break------------------------------------------------------------April/ May: Prepare for final IB Biology exam May IB Testing Nogales High School International Baccalaureate Honor Code “The true measure of a man’s character is gauged by the yardstick of what he would do knowing no one would ever find out.” - Sir Thomas McCauley The Rowland Unified School District highlights integrity as its first core value. Students enrolled in the IB program at Nogales High School are expected to maintain the highest standard of academic integrity. While completion for grades is fierce and the course of study offered through IB is rigorous and demanding, intellectual dishonestly cannot be excused. Academic honesty, integrity and upstanding behavior are essential to the existence and growth of any academic community. Each member of the learning community must maintain the highest standards of honesty and conduct so that the reputations of Nogales High School and the IB program are not compromised. Students who are not totally honest in their academic work detract from the program in the following ways: They may receive the same or better grade for less work than students who master the material through honest methods. They causes the class rankings of students to be flawed. They distort the teacher’s perception of curriculum effectiveness and class progress. They force the teacher to take actions not normally required in an honest climate. This reduces the amount of time spent of productive teaching and course preparation. They diminish the credibility of the entire program. The following activities are in violation of the NHS honor code: 1. The giving or receiving of any unauthorized aid or assistance on any form of academic work 2. Plagiarism that includes the copying, or representation, of another’s work as one’s own without appropriate attribution to the source 3. Claiming as your own, work that is “published” via the Internet Because IB has a zero tolerance policy for cheating, the following rules supersede the school rules on cheating. • • • • • Student receives 0 on assignment(s) Conference with student/teacher/parents The student WILL NOT be allowed to take the IB exam Student may be removed from the course NO refund of any money paid for the exam “Students will exercise academic honesty in all aspects of their work. They will acknowledge the work of others, including material taken from other sources. They will not claim as their own the work of others. They will not give their work to others to pass off as their own. They will observe the integrity of the examination room.” The following is from the Handbook of Regulations for IB Note: IB uses the term malpractice for what we have defined as cheating. E: Malpractice Article 29: Definition of malpractice The IB organization defines malpractice as behavior that results in, or may result in, the candidate or any orther candidate gaining an unfair advantage in one or more assessment components. Malpractice includes the following. a. Plagiarism: this is defined as the representation of the ideas or work of another person as the candidate’s own b. Collusion: this is defined as supporting malpractice by another candidate, as in allowing one’s work to be copied or submitted for assessment by another c. Duplication of work: this is defined as the presentation of the same work for different assessment components and/or IB diploma requirements d. Any other behavior that gains an unfair advantage for a candidate or that affects the results of another candidate (for example, taking unauthorized material into an examination room, misconduct during an examination, falsifying a CAS record, disclosure of information to and receipt of information from candidates about the content of an examination paper within 24 hours after a written examination) International Baccalaureate Organization IB Students/ Parents/ Guardians, If you have ANY questions or concerns, please call me @ 626-965-3437 ext 3641 or email me at If I am not available to take your call, leave a message and I will get back to you as soon as possible. I am looking forward to having your son or daughter in my class. By signing this you and your student agree that you have read the class syllabus and agree to the terms above. Please write your name, address, and phone number on the lines below in case contact is needed, and sign. Thank you. Student’s name (Please Print): ____________________________ Student’s email address:________________________________ Class period: _______ Parent/Guardian name (Please Print): ______________________ Parent/ Guardian email address: _____________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________ Best phone number to reach you (parent/guardian) at: _____________________________________ Parent/Guardian signature: ______________________________ Student’s signature: ____________________________ date: ________________ date: ________________