Conflict -

 Definition:
A process that begins when one party perceives
that another party has negatively affected,or is about to
negatively affect,something that the first party cares
ConfliCt is the Result of…
 Poor Communication
 Lack of Openness and Trust between people
 Misbehaviour between the Individuals
 Failure of Managers to be Responsive to the need and
aspiration of their employees.
 Action and Reaction between Individuals
Different Views of Conflict
 The Traditional View of Conflict
 The Human Relations View of Conflict
 The Interactionist View of Conflict
Traditional View
The belief that all conflicts are
harmful and must be avoided.
Human Relations View
 Definition:
The belief that Conflict is a
Natural and Inevitable outcome in any group.
Interactionist View
 Definition:
The belief that Conflict is not only a Positive force
in a group but that it is also an absolute necessity for a group
to Perform Effectively.
Functional &dysfunctional
 Definition:
Conflict that supports the goal of the group
and improves its performance.
 Definition:
Conflict that hinders group performance.
Interactionist Conflict
 Task Conflict
 Relationship Conflict
 Process Conflict
Conflict process
 Stage-I:Potential Opposition or Incompatibility
 Stage-II:Cognition and Personalization
 Stage-III:Intentions
 Stage-IV:Behavior
 Stage-V:Outcomes
Stage-i inCludes…
 Communication
 Structure
 Personal Variables
Stage-ii inCludes…
 Perceived Conflict:
Awareness by one or more parties of
the existence of conditions that create opportunities for
conflict to arise
 Felt Conflict:
Emotional involment in a conflict that
creates anxiety,tenseness,frustration or hostilty
importance of
Stage-III Intention
 Definition:
decision to act in a given way.
Dimensions of Intention
 Cooperativeness:
‘’The degree to which one party
attempts to satisfy the other party’s concerns’’
 Assertiveness:
‘’The degree to which one party attempts
to satisfy the his or her own concerns’’
Five conflict-handling Intention
 Competing (assertive & uncooperative)
 Collaborating (assertive & cooperative)
 Avoiding (unassertive & uncooperative)
 Accommodating (unassertive & cooperative)
 Compromising (midrange on both assertive & cooperative)
Stage-IV Includes
Action & Reaction
Conflict Management:
‘’ The use of
resolution and stimulation techniques to
achieve the desire level of Conflict’’
 Functional Outcomes
 Dysfunctional Outcomes
 Creating Functional Outcomes
 A process in which two or more parties exchange goods
and services and attempt to agree on the exchange rate
for them
 The terms Negotiation & Bargaining use
Importance of Negotiation
 To avoid Conflict
 To find out an alternative
To improve Relation among the Employees
Two Approaches to
 Distributive Bargaining:
Negotiation that seeks to
divide up a fixed amount of resources; win/lose situation.
Example: A person at cars’ Showroom Negotiates
with dealer.
the teRm fixed Pie…
 The belief that there is only a set of amount of goods and
services to be divided up between the parties.
 Target point:
That defines what an individual would
like to achieve…
 Resistance Point:
which marks the lowest outcome
that is acceptable
Integrative Bargaining
 Negotiation that seeks one or more settlements that can
create a win/win solution.
 Which satisfies the concerns or interests of both the
 Example:
Negotiation between sales representative for
a Women’s sportswear manufacturer and firm’s credit
Negotiation Process
 Preparation & Planning:
Gather information & make Strategy.
 Defining Ground Rules:
After making Strategy then parties define the
Ground Rules.
 Clarification & Justification
 Bargaining & Problem Solving
 Closure & Implementation
 Individual Difference in
 Personality Traits in negotiation:
According to Assessments of the
Personality-Negotiation relationship,personalty traits
have no significant direct effect on Bargaining process or
Negotiation outcomes.
 Moods/Emotions in Negotiation:
Do moods and emotions influence
 Gender Differences in Negotiations:
Men & Women
Third Party Negotiation
 A Mediator:
A neutral Third Party who facilitates a
negotiation solution by using reasoning,persuation,and
suggestion for alternatives.
 Arbitrator:
A Third Party to a negotiation who has the
authority to dictate an agreement.
 Conciliator:
A trusted third party who provides an
informal communication link between the negotiator and
the opponent.
 Consultant:
An impartial third party,skilled in conflict
management,who attempts to facilitate creating problem
solving through communication and analysis.
 Conflict & Culture
 Cultural Difference in Negotiations