A Parametric FEA System for Fixturing of Thin

A Parametric FEA System for
Fixturing of Thin-walled Cylindrical
Presented By: Michael Cope
October 29, 2008
Authors: Yan Wang; Jianfan Xie, Zhijian Wang; Nabil Gindy
Accepted: 20 November 2007 by the Journal of Materials
Processing Technology
• “Propose a parametric FEA system that can
automatically mesh components, assign material
properties and boundary conditions, and create
FEA files ready for calculation with limited human
interference (Page 338)”
Why Does this Matter?
• Current cylinders can be modeled parametrically, but the
FEA still needs to be inputted by hand (Pg. 340)
• Reducing Manufacturing costs while increasing component
quality. (Pg. 338)
•Reduce the # of Spoiled Parts
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How Does this Relate to ME 482?
For Turning
Total cost per part:
Cc = Co Th + Co Tm + Co Tt /np + Ct /np
Substituting for Tm and np:
Cc = Co Th + Co p DL/fv + (CoTt + Ct )pDLv(1/n -1)/( f C(1/n) )
Minimizing cost per part (dCc/dv = 0) gives cutting speed and tool life to
minimize machining costs per part:
vmin = C{n Co/[(1 – n)(Ct + CoTt)]}n
Tmin = (1 – n) (Ct + CoTt)/(n Co)
What is Co?
Operator Cost!
Don’t forget Spoiled Products!
a the oblique angle of conic thin-walled cyinder
ap the oblique angle of the pth section of anglevarying
thin-walled cylinder
b The angle around the z axis of the reference
between two nodes N(i, j, k) and N(i, j, k+1)
BC(i, j, k) Boundary condition, which is the function of
variables i, j and k
CS the coordinate system on the centre of the top
surface of the thin-walled cylinder
DL element size in the length direction of the component
DR element size in the radius direction of the component
DT element size in the thickness direction of component
E Young’s modulus
E1(i, j, k) element vector of element C3D8 and is a
of i, j and k
E2(i, j, k) element vector of element C3D20 and is a
of i, j and k
F machining force specified by user
FCi the force boundary condition on component
during the ith step
FIX1 constraint on the bottom end surface of the
FIX2 constraint on the top end surface of the component
ID(i, j, k) the identity number of a node and is a function
of i, j and k
IDe the identity number of element
IDnm the identity number of the mth node of a element
L the total length of the straight or conic thinwalled
Lp the length of the pth section of the anglevarying
thin-walled cylinder
LET the number of finite element across the cylinder
NL the number of nodes in the length direction of
the component
NR the number of nodes in the radius direction of
the component
NT the number of nodes in the thickness direction
of the component
N(i, j, k) node vector and is a function of variables i, j and
R/R0 Internal radius of the top surface of the thinwalled
R(i, j, k) The distance from the node N(i, j, k) to the z
of the reference coordinate system cylinder
Parameters Continued
S The number of section of the angle-varying
thin-walled cylinder
T Thickness of the thin-walled cylinder
TLi The tolerance constrains on the component
during the ith step
Tol Tolerance in the thickness direction on the
thin-walled cylinder
X(i, j, k) The X value regarding the CS of node N(i, j, k)
XS boundary condition on X direction for XY symmetry
Y(i, j, k) The Y value regarding the CS of node N(i, j, k)
YS1 boundary condition on Y direction for X symmetry
YS2 Boundary condition on Y direction for of XY
Z(i, j, k) The Z value regarding the CS of node N(i, j, k)
ˇ The angle of the component in the radius
direction representing the symmetry boundary
Poisson ratio
Design Principles
3 Cylinder Types
1. Standard Thin
Walled Cylinder
2. Conical Thin
Walled Cylinder
3. Varying Angle
Thin Walled
Assumptions: Elastic Deformation, Point Force, Rigid Fixture/Support (Pg. 340
Design Principles cont…
Experimental Equipment
• ABAQUS FEA software
used to analyze systems
• Use of custom user
interface to facilitate
Design Principle Application
• After the user inputs
all the parameters,
the system crunches
the math.
• A fully usable file is
then imported into
Correlation of Results and the
• No testing to validate model!
• “Much of the work to build a simulation is repeatable.”
(Pg 346)
• Even a comparison with “Hand” calculations would have been
Practical Use
• Eliminate hours of work spent in FEA software
• Greater communication between design and manufacture
• Autonomy for the manufacturing engineer
• Reduce the cost of developing thin-walled cylinders
Technical Advancement
Improved Manufacturing of parts
• Reduced vibration and deformation
• Opens the door for fully parametric FEA analysis software
Industries Impacted
• Aerospace
• Automotive
• Power