National Disability Coordination Officer Programme List of resources developed or enhanced by NDCOs Name of resource Brief description of resource Target audience Location where resource is applicable Contact details for supplies and further information Disability Education and Employment News (contact NDCO for a copy) A roughly fortnightly national newsletter for the Disability Education and Employment sectors. Postsecondary National NDCO – Region 1, covering Sydney region Vera Laptev phone: (02) 9036-3610 NDCO Region 1 website Information on: • Generic Resources • ADHC Post-School Programs • Apprenticeships • TAFE • University • Employment Toolkit • University Career Toolkit • Staff Toolkit • Mental Health • Adapted Technology • Discussion Lists Information on: • Generic Resources • Disability Services • Apprenticeships • TAFE • University • Employment Services • University • Mental Health Services • Adapted Technology Manual for Academics This manual was adapted from Region 6 to assist university staff in their interactions with students with a disability. Topics include inclusive teaching, practical issues, disclosure, attitudes, policy, case studies, where to get assistance, resources. Resource is a collaborative project between university staff and the NDCO anybody NSW NDCO – Region 1, covering Sydney region Vera Laptev phone: (02) 9036-3610 anybody Region 2 specific NDCO - Region 2, covering New England and North West Region NSW. Lloyd Gris ph. (02) 6773 2130 Mob. 0437315338 Higher Education However, principles and practices discussed relate to all teaching in the post-secondary sector Region 2 specific but adaptable to other states NDCO - Region 2, covering New England and North West Region NSW. Lloyd Gris ph. (02) 6773 2130 Mob. 0437315338 NDCO Region 2 website Working Together: Disability Awareness for University Staff (contact NDCO for a copy) Name of resource Brief description of resource Target audience Location where resource is applicable Contact details for supplies and further information NDCO New England/North West Facebook page Social Networking Web Resource Created to provide an interactive and dynamic interface with the NDCO Programme, and includes event and discussion pages, and links to a range of resources All Sectors Region 2 specific NDCO - Region 2, covering New England and North West Region NSW. Lloyd Gris ph. (02) 6773 2130 Mob. 0437315338 Creating Diversity in Your Workplace (contact NDCO for a copy) A3 Poster Poster developed to highlight disability and mental health services and assistance available for employers and employees. Employers, Employees and DES Providers National NDCO - Region 2, covering New England and North West Region NSW. Lloyd Gris ph. (02) 6773 2130 Mob. 0437315338 Disability Awareness: Obvious and Hidden Disabilities (contact NDCO for a copy) Power Point Presentation A presentation developed in conjunction between NDCO and TAFE New England on how certain disabilities may impact on a person’s ability to study or learn Power Point Presentation A presentation developed in conjunction between NDCO and University of New England Special Needs Unit on: • “What is a Disability” • The Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) • The Disability Standards in Education (DSE) • The UNE Special Needs Office • Specific Disabilities Handout A 12 page handout developed in conjunction between NDCO and TAFE New England on how to interact with people with differing disabilities, strategies for effective communication, “tips to break down invisible barriers” and “watching what you say” All sectors National Higher Education However, principles and practices discussed relate to all teaching in the post-secondary sector Region 2 specific but adaptable to other states NDCO - Region 2, covering New England and North West Region NSW. Lloyd Gris ph. (02) 6773 2130 Mob. 0437315338 NDCO - Region 2, covering New England and North West Region NSW. Lloyd Gris ph. (02) 6773 2130 Mob. 0437315338 All sectors National Working Together (contact NDCO for a copy) Positive Interactions with people with a disability (contact NDCO for a copy) Lloyd Gris Region 2 – New England and North West Region NSW. ph. (02) 6773 2130 Mob. 0437315338 Name of resource Engaging Indigenous people with Disabilities (contact NDCO for a copy) Brief description of resource Target audience Location where resource is applicable Contact details for supplies and further information Power Point Presentation A presentation originally developed by NDCO program (2008), currently updated to reflect current statistics and information, on how to engage with Indigenous people, the issues they face and practical solutions. This is a one page promotional flyer for the free assistive technology programs available All sectors National Lloyd Gris Region 2 – New England and North West Region NSW. ph. (02) 6773 2130 Mob. 0437315338 Students, Education providers National School Vs Uni Vs Tafe - What's the Difference (contact NDCO for a copy) An information sheet looking at the differences between School, University and TAFE - Adapted document Students, Employers, Service Providers National Jargon explained - list of common acronyms (contact NDCO for a copy) This information sheet provides a list of common acronyms used in education and disability services and their definitions. Students, Employers, Service Providers National NDCOs – Regions 4 and 5 covering South Western and Western Sydney Nicole Ison (02) 4620 3246 Gillian Hilt (02) 4620 3175 Bernard Sobiesiak (02) 9678 7376 NDCOs – Regions 4 and 5 covering South Western and Western Sydney Nicole Ison (02) 4620 3246 Gillian Hilt (02) 4620 3175 Bernard Sobiesiak (02) 9678 7376 NDCOs – Regions 4 and 5 covering South Western and Western Sydney Nicole Ison (02) 4620 3246 Gillian Hilt (02) 4620 3175 Bernard Sobiesiak (02) 9678 7376 EduApps - one page promotional flyer Target audience Location where resource is applicable Name of resource Brief description of resource NSW NDCOs - How can we help (contact NDCO for a copy) Information sheet/flyer on the NDCO program in NSW including contact information Students, Employers, Service Providers (all stakeholders) NSW Sydney NDCOs - How can we help Information sheet/flyer on the NDCO program in NSW including contact information Students, Employers, Service Providers (all stakeholders) NSW Get Ready for Uni website promotional postcard (contact NDCO for a copy) A postcard resource giving information about the NDCO Get Ready for Uni website Students, Graduates NSW Staying the Course A reference guide for educators on retaining students with disabilities in post-secondary education Educators, Service providers NSW Contact details for supplies and further information NDCOs – Regions 4 and 5 covering South Western and Western Sydney Nicole Ison (02) 4620 3246 Gillian Hilt (02) 4620 3175 Bernard Sobiesiak (02) 9678 7376 NDCOs – Regions 4 and 5 covering South Western and Western Sydney Nicole Ison (02) 4620 3246 Gillian Hilt (02) 4620 3175 Bernard Sobiesiak (02) 9678 7376 NDCOs – Regions 4 and 5 covering South Western and Western Sydney Nicole Ison (02) 4620 3246 Gillian Hilt (02) 4620 3175 Bernard Sobiesiak (02) 9678 7376 NDCOs – Regions 4 and 5 covering South Western and Western Sydney Nicole Ison (02) 4620 3246 Gillian Hilt (02) 4620 3175 Bernard Sobiesiak (02) 9678 7376 Name of resource Employers Toolkit on Disability Disclosure Diagram - Employers Disclosure Summary Brochure for Employers and Managers (contact NDCO for a copy) Brief description of resource Target audience Location where resource is applicable Contact details for supplies and further information A series of 8 information sheets on Disability Disclosure including: • What is Disability • Things to do when an applicant or employee discloses a disability or medical condition • Things to do when an applicant discloses a disability of medical condition during or before a job interview • Things to do when an applicant or employee discloses a disability or medical condition during a disciplinary process • What are inherent requirement at work? • What are workplace adjustments? Quick Facts about DDA and OH and S for employers • Sharing Disability in Workplaces Diagram of Employer responsibilities and strategies when an applicant or employee discloses a disability Employers NSW NDCOs – Regions 4 and 5 covering South Western and Western Sydney Nicole Ison (02) 4620 3246 Gillian Hilt (02) 4620 3175 Bernard Sobiesiak (02) 9678 7376 Employers NSW A tri-fold marketing brochure on the services provided by WSNDCO for Employers and Managers Employers and Managers NSW NDCOs – Regions 4 and 5 covering South Western and Western Sydney Nicole Ison (02) 4620 3246 Gillian Hilt (02) 4620 3175 Bernard Sobiesiak (02) 9678 7376 NDCOs – Regions 4 and 5 covering South Western and Western Sydney Nicole Ison (02) 4620 3246 Gillian Hilt (02) 4620 3175 Bernard Sobiesiak (02) 9678 7376 Target audience Location where resource is applicable Name of resource Brief description of resource Communicating effectively with people with disabilities Information sheet on communicating effectively with people with disabilities Employers, Service Providers, Educators NSW Looking for work handout (contact NDCO for a copy) Information on different services/agencies to assist people with disability find and maintain employment People with disability looking for work NSW Disability Employment Services (DES) Providers handout Information about DES (who they are/what they do) and how to get connected with a local DES People with disability looking for work NSW Contact details for supplies and further information NDCOs – Regions 4 and 5 covering South Western and Western Sydney Nicole Ison (02) 4620 3246 Gillian Hilt (02) 4620 3175 Bernard Sobiesiak (02) 9678 7376 NDCOs – Regions 4 and 5 covering South Western and Western Sydney Nicole Ison (02) 4620 3246 Gillian Hilt (02) 4620 3175 Bernard Sobiesiak (02) 9678 7376 NDCOs – Regions 4 and 5 covering South Western and Western Sydney Nicole Ison (02) 4620 3246 Gillian Hilt (02) 4620 3175 Bernard Sobiesiak (02) 9678 7376 Name of resource Get Ready for Uni Resources (contact NDCO for a copy) TAFE step by step Information for Prospective University students with disability Brief description of resource Target audience Location where resource is applicable Contact details for supplies and further information This information kit is a 'kick start' for high school students with disability thinking about going to uni. The 14 handouts are based on the FAQ section on the 'Get Ready' website and include information on: • Accommodation Options • Career Direction • Community Support • Disability Liaison Officers (DLOs) • Educational Access Scheme (EAS0 • Entry Pathways • Income Support • Know your disability • Practical things • Scholarships • Transport • Campus and Uni Features • Get Ready URL's • Getting skilled up for Uni Information for transition to TAFE NSW for Students with Disabilities. Students NSW NDCOs – Regions 4 and 5 covering South Western and Western Sydney Nicole Ison (02) 4620 3246 Gillian Hilt (02) 4620 3175 Bernard Sobiesiak (02) 9678 7376 Students NSW Information sheet with a checklist for students interested in tertiary education. Students NSW NDCOs – Regions 4 and 5 covering South Western and Western Sydney Nicole Ison (02) 4620 3246 Gillian Hilt (02) 4620 3175 Bernard Sobiesiak (02) 9678 7376 NDCOs – Regions 4 and 5 covering South Western and Western Sydney Nicole Ison (02) 4620 3246 Gillian Hilt (02) 4620 3175 Bernard Sobiesiak (02) 9678 7376 Name of resource Brief description of resource Target audience Location where resource is applicable Transition support This information sheet for students looks at where you can get more information on disability provisions in the transition from school to Uni, TAFE, RTOs or in the workplace. Students NSW Western and South Western Sydney NDCO's - How can we help Information sheet/flyer on the NDCO program in Western Sydney, NSW and services provided including contact information Students, Employers, Service Providers (all stakeholders) NSW Get Ready for Study and Work: Five Major Tips Pocket-Wallet resource (contact NDCO for a copy) A pocket-wallet sized resource with five major tips to help young people get ready for further study or training after school - a ready reference "cheat sheet"! Young people with a disability or chronic medical condition; resource also useful for staff supporting this group and for Uni/TAFE Disability staff to provide to prospective students NSW Get Ready Guidebook for Parents A workbook to enable Parents to become engaged and support the transition of their child from school Parents Carers Advocates National Contact details for supplies and further information NDCOs – Regions 4 and 5 covering South Western and Western Sydney Nicole Ison (02) 4620 3246 Gillian Hilt (02) 4620 3175 Bernard Sobiesiak (02) 9678 7376 NDCOs – Regions 4 and 5 covering South Western and Western Sydney Nicole Ison (02) 4620 3246 Gillian Hilt (02) 4620 3175 Bernard Sobiesiak (02) 9678 7376 NDCOs – Regions 4 and 5 covering South Western and Western Sydney Nicole Ison (02) 4620 3246 Gillian Hilt (02) 4620 3175 Bernard Sobiesiak (02) 9678 7376 NDCOs – Regions 4 and 5 covering South Western and Western Sydney Nicole Ison (02) 4620 3246 Gillian Hilt (02) 4620 3175 Bernard Sobiesiak (02) 9678 7376 Location where resource is applicable Name of resource Brief description of resource Target audience Support in tertiary education and work for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with a health condition or disability Links and information for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students who are need support for a disability or chronic health condition in employment or tertiary education Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with a health condition or disability NSW Career Toolbox A collection of useful links for career pathways and support services Job seekers School Students National Resources for RTO’s Web-based resources to assist Registered Training Organisations to support students with disability, including learning disabilities, chronic medical conditions and mental illness. RTOs National Missed Business guide A guide to encourage employers to consider the benefits of employing staff with disability Employers National Contact details for supplies and further information NDCOs – Regions 4 and 5 covering South Western and Western Sydney Nicole Ison (02) 4620 3246 Gillian Hilt (02) 4620 3175 Bernard Sobiesiak (02) 9678 7376 NDCOs – Regions 4 and 5 covering South Western and Western Sydney Nicole Ison (02) 4620 3246 Gillian Hilt (02) 4620 3175 Bernard Sobiesiak (02) 9678 7376 NDCOs – Regions 4 and 5 covering South Western and Western Sydney Nicole Ison (02) 4620 3246 Gillian Hilt (02) 4620 3175 Bernard Sobiesiak (02) 9678 7376 NDCOs – Regions 4 and 5 covering South Western and Western Sydney Nicole Ison (02) 4620 3246 Gillian Hilt (02) 4620 3175 Bernard Sobiesiak (02) 9678 7376 Name of resource Brief description of resource Target audience Location where resource is applicable Contact details for supplies and further information Disability Resources in Community Languages A guide to links and information for people with a disability in community languages ESL NSW Scoop it – South Western Sydney and Western Sydney Online newsletter and curation of articles and information relevant to the programme objectives All stakeholders National NDCO Hunter-Central Coast Facebook page Social Networking Web Resource Created to provide an interactive and dynamic interface with the NDCO Programme All Sectors Region 6 specific Hunter-Central Coast-Taree Moving-On Guide Transition Directory Comprehensive transition guide with information, links and resources for students and people with disability moving from school to adult life. Contains all post-school services/contacts. 200-pages updated annually. Handout Information on services and support when preparing for the NDIS All Sectors Region 6 specific NDCO - Region 6, covering Hunter-Central Coast Kay Dean (02) 4921 8844 All Sectors Region 6 Hunter NDIS NSW trial site specific NDCO - Region 6, covering Hunter-Central Coast Kay Dean (02) 4921 8844 Getting Prepared for the NDIS NDCOs – Regions 4 and 5 covering South Western and Western Sydney Nicole Ison (02) 4620 3246 Gillian Hilt (02) 4620 3175 Bernard Sobiesiak (02) 9678 7376 NDCOs – Regions 4 and 5 covering South Western and Western Sydney Nicole Ison (02) 4620 3246 Gillian Hilt (02) 4620 3175 Bernard Sobiesiak (02) 9678 7376 NDCO - Region 6, covering Hunter-Central Coast Kay Dean (02) 4921 8844 Name of resource NDIS: Observations from a trial site Hunter-Central Coast-North Coast Disability Employment Advisory Group Brochure (contact NDCO for a copy) Brief description of resource PowerPoint Presentation - PDF Provides a snapshot of the impact of the NDIS in the NSW trial site. Links to factsheets, videos, and details on what the NDIS is. Online and electronic Brochure Promotes the regional employment strategy for people with disability to employers Target audience Location where resource is applicable Contact details for supplies and further information All sectors Observations relate to Region 6 - scheme is same nationally NDCO - Region 6, covering Hunter-Central Coast Kay Dean (02) 4921 8844 Employers Region 6 specific NDCO - Region 6, covering Hunter-Central Coast Kay Dean (02) 4921 8844 Get Students Ready for Life After School (contact NDCO for a copy) Transition Poster Adapted from NDCO UWS version Information for school staff about post school supports School staff Region 6 specific NDCO - Region 6, covering Hunter-Central Coast Kay Dean (02) 4921 8844 Employ Outside the Box - A Resource for Employers Web Resource Provides links to resources, networks and supports when employing people with disability Employers Region 6 specific – most linked resources national NDCO - Region 6, covering Hunter-Central Coast Kay Dean (02) 4921 8844 Job Seeker Handouts – Hunter Central Coast Handout Information and contacts for regional employment services All Sectors Region 6 and 7 specific NDCO - Region 6, covering Hunter-Central Coast Kay Dean (02) 4921 8844 The Pathways Hunter-Central Coast North Coast Handout Flow chart of pathways for students and people with disability All Sectors Region 6 and 7 specific NDCO Region 7, covering North Coast Cynthia Fitzpatrick 0428 394125 NDCO - Region 6, covering Hunter-Central Coast Kay Dean (02) 4921 8844 NDCO Region 7, covering North Coast Cynthia Fitzpatrick 0428 394125 Name of resource Stay in the Loop! All Things NDCO… Accessing the Future: Flash Drive Resource (and AccessApps Kit) Brief description of resource Handout How to connect to your NDCO and regional networks, including additional social media platforms Online newsletter Includes topical information, resources, news, events, and government/provider updates relevant to programme objectives USB USB developed to compliment inclusive technology conferences/workshops convened by NDCO Regions 6 and 7. Contains a range of technology and resources. Accompanying kit contains additional resources Target audience All Sectors All stakeholders All Sectors Location where resource is applicable Regions 6 and 7 specific Focus on Hunter-Central Coast-North Coast USB was distributed to NDCOs nationally. AccessApps Kit Region 6 and 7 specific Contact details for supplies and further information NDCO - Region 6, covering Hunter-Central Coast Kay Dean (02) 4921 8844 NDCO Region 7, covering North Coast Cynthia Fitzpatrick 0428 394125 NDCO - Region 6, covering Hunter-Central Coast Kay Dean (02) 4921 8844 NDCO Region 7, covering North Coast Cynthia Fitzpatrick 0428 394125 NDCO - Region 6, covering Hunter-Central Coast Kay Dean (02) 4921 8844 NDCO Region 7, covering North Coast Cynthia Fitzpatrick 0428 394125 Name of resource Staff Toolkit (contact NDCO for a copy) Transition Factsheets (contact NDCO for a copy) Student Stories - success at uni! Brief description of resource Target audience Web Resource A comprehensive Toolkit for staff working with people with a disability. Covers topics such as: • Staff Training • Staff E-Lists • Central points for regional information • I have questions or need resources • I'm assisting students or people with a disability plan their next step • Disability Awareness • Inclusive Teaching • Assistive Technology • Accessibility Guides • What is a Disability • Summary of What's Available in our Region All Sectors Factsheets 1 - Planning Life After School - Where Do I Start? 2 - The Pathways 3 - Uni Entry Pathways in Brief 4 - Educational Access Scheme special consideration uni entry 5 - How to Find an Apprenticeship/Traineeship 6 - Summary CP & TTW services 7 - Steps to Finding Employment 8 - Step-By-Step: Accessing Employment Services All Sectors Web Resource Read students' experiences and advice on transition to university Students and people with disability Location where resource is applicable Regions 6 and 7 specific Contact details for supplies and further information NDCO - Region 6, covering Hunter-Central Coast Kay Dean (02) 4921 8844 NDCO Region 7, covering North Coast Cynthia Fitzpatrick 0428 394125 NSW NDCO - Region 6, covering Hunter-Central Coast Kay Dean (02) 4921 8844 NDCO Region 7, covering North Coast Cynthia Fitzpatrick 0428 394125 NSW NDCO - Region 6, covering Hunter-Central Coast Kay Dean (02) 4921 8844 NDCO Region 7, covering North Coast Cynthia Fitzpatrick 0428 394125 Name of resource What's the Difference: School-vs-VETvs-University Being Prepared: Resources to Assist Students with Disability or Ongoing Medical Condition (contact NDCO for a copy) NDCO Hunter-Central Coast-North Coast Working Together: Disability Awareness for University Staff NDCO North Coast Facebook page Brief description of resource Target audience Booklet Comprehensive comparative resource looking at each of the sectors. Modified by NDCO SR6 from US source, and updated by ADCET Students and people with disability, school staff, employment services Kit for Post-Secondary Educators Developed to assist tertiary educators to develop confidence around supporting students with disability. Forms part of an NDCO workshop - includes topics such as utilising NDCO resources, teaching strategies, legislation, disability awareness, networks. Tertiary Website Developed to meet programme objectives and provide information, resources and links to students and people with disability, staff, services and employers All Sectors Manual for Academics Developed to assist university staff in their interactions with students with disability. Topics include inclusive teaching, practical issues, disclosure, attitudes, policy, case studies, where to get assistance, resources. Collaborative project between University of Newcastle-NDCO Programme Region 6. Higher Education however, principles and practices relate to all training sectors Social Networking Web Resource Created to provide an interactive and dynamic interface with the NDCO Programme All Sectors Location where resource is applicable This version Regions 6 and 7 specific NSW Contact details for supplies and further information NDCO - Region 6, covering Hunter-Central Coast Kay Dean (02) 4921 8844 NDCO Region 7, covering North Coast Cynthia Fitzpatrick 0428 394125 NDCO - Region 6, covering Hunter-Central Coast Kay Dean (02) 4921 8844 NDCO Region 7, covering North Coast Cynthia Fitzpatrick 0428 394125 Focussed on Regions 6 and 7 Regions 6-7 specific but adaptable - has already been shared with universities in NSW & Victoria NDCO - Region 6, covering Hunter-Central Coast Kay Dean (02) 4921 8844 NDCO Region 7, covering North Coast Cynthia Fitzpatrick 0428 394125 NDCO - Region 6, covering Hunter-Central Coast Kay Dean (02) 4921 8844 NDCO Region 7, covering North Coast Cynthia Fitzpatrick 0428 394125 Region 7 specific NDCO Region 7, covering North Coast Cynthia Fitzpatrick 0428 394125 Location where resource is applicable Brief description of resource Pathways and Connections: A Transition Guide Port Macquarie-KempseyWauchope Taree-Forster Tweed Heads – Lismore – Ballina Coffs Harbour (contact NDCO for a copy) Aboriginal postcard (contact NDCO for a copy) Booklet Comprehensive overview of services, contacts and resources for the transition process. All Sectors Versions for different areas of North Coast NDCO Region 7, covering North Coast Cynthia Fitzpatrick 0428 394125 1 in 3 Indigenous students has a disability 1 in 3 Indigenous students has a disability NSW NDCO Region 8, covering South East NSW Elicia Ford (02) 4256 7600 Disability Comes in Many Shapes and Forms - Flyer and Postcard (contact NDCO for a copy) Part of an education plan to help inform about the breadth of disability and to direct people towards the website for more detailed information. All sectors NSW NDCO - Region 9, covering Western New South Wales Kris Lear Kris Lear (02) 6361 5352 Aboriginal poster, mouse mat and postcard (contact NDCO for a copy) To raise awareness within secondary schools of disabilities amongst Indigenous students; and to promote the resources and support available to assist these students to remain and succeed in education. emPOWER – EMPLOYment Giving students with a disability the upper hand on gaining employment (contact NDCO for copy of DVD) Tertiary NSW NDCO - Region 9, covering Western New South Wales Kris Lear Kris Lear (02) 6361 5352 Students VIC NDCO – Region 11, covering Inner and Northern Melbourne Tania Perez (03) 9686 2354 Moving On Transition Ezine (contact NDCO for a copy) Electronic Ezine with articles and information relevant to school age students with a disability and transition. VIC NDCO - Region 12, covering Melbourne Gary Kerridge TTY: (03) 5327 9337 Assistive Technology in the Workplace Information about technology that can be used in the workplace by people with disability. Schools, post-secondary providers, NDCO network. (3 per year produced. Several editions available in hard copy.) Employers VIC NDCO - Region 12, covering Melbourne Gary Kerridge TTY: (03) 5327 9337 emPOWER – EMPLOYment Giving students with a disability the upper hand on gaining employment (contact NDCO for a copy of dvd) Target audience Contact details for supplies and further information Name of resource Location where resource is applicable Contact details for supplies and further information Name of resource Brief description of resource Target audience Skype and Alternate Interpreting Guide A guide for using Online Technology to provide sign language interpreting to remote areas. Technical and practical information. Schools, TAFE, University, RTO, signing Deaf, service providers other NDCOs VIC NDCO - Region 12, covering Melbourne Gary Kerridge TTY: (03) 5327 9337 Effective Transition Planning for Secondary Students with Disability (contact NDCO for a copy) A 2-page article outlining factors that needs to be considered when planning for the transition of secondary students with disability. Available online VIC NDCO - Region 13, covering Eastern Melbourne Effie Kapsalos (03) 9686 235 Broaden Your Horizons website Broaden Your Horizons is a centralised website that houses resources relating to young people with disability. This resource is committed to providing comprehensive information about available post school options and support services in Victoria. Available online Final report that was designed to investigate how student well-being and support staff in school and flexible learning providers including the TAFE sector respond to the issue of youth mental health both in a proactive, or preventative way, and in a reactive, or responsive way, when issues arise. It also set out to identify gaps in professional learning for key education and support professionals working with young people and their families to identify how best to strengthen the capacity of education and support professionals to support young people with mental health conditions. Teachers in secondary schools (Integration, Careers and MIPs Coordinators), young people with disability, families/carers, youth workers, etc. Teachers in secondary schools (Integration, Careers and MIPs Coordinators), young people with disability, families/carers, youth workers, etc. VIC NDCO - Region 13, covering Eastern Melbourne Effie Kapsalos (03) 9686 235 Educators in secondary school and flexible learning providers VIC NDCO - Region 13, covering Eastern Melbourne Effie Kapsalos (03) 9686 235 The knowledge and practices of education and support staff concerning mental health conditions among senior secondary students (contact NDCO for a copy) Name of resource Location where resource is applicable Contact details for supplies and further information Brief description of resource Target audience Creating Confidence: Transitions for students with a disability (contact NDCO for a copy) A workshop guide and PowerPoint presentation which provides a positive context in which professionals can be confident about the inclusive delivery of generalist transitional services to people with a disability. National NDCO - Region 14, covering Southern Melbourne Sally Bailey (03) 9784 0400 Creating Confidence: People with Disability in the workplace (contact NDCO for a copy) A workshop guide and PowerPoint presentation which provides a positive context to include people with disability in the workplace. Generalist transition staff e.g. careers advisers, employment consultants, group training organisations, workplace learning coordinators, senior school coordinators and youth workers Generalist transition staff e.g. careers advisers, employment consultants, group training organisations, workplace learning coordinators, senior school coordinators and youth workers, human resources and case manager National NDCO - Region 14, covering Southern Melbourne Sally Bailey (03) 9784 0400 Students entering higher education National NDCO - Region 14, covering Southern Melbourne Sally Bailey (03) 9784 0400 TAFE and University Support Part One - What does Disability mean? Part Two - Disability and Australian Society Part Three – Disability and law Part four – Disability and workforce inclusion A pamphlet explaining educational reasonable adjustments and support at TAFE and University DDA Education Standards website and booklet Website with Auslan and Plain English (written and audio) description of DDA Education Standards including how to make a complaint. There is also a booklet that can be downloaded from the website. Consumers, Post secondary education providers, schools, Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) VIC NDCO - Region 14, covering Southern Melbourne Sally Bailey (03) 9784 0400 Mental Health Management Workshop handbook (contact NDCO for a copy) Workshop handbook designed to support the facilitation of cross sectoral workshops to improve services to clients with mental illness Disability Employment Service Managers, TAFE and University Supports and Mental health and community services VIC NDCO - Region 14, covering Southern Melbourne Sally Bailey (03) 9784 0400 Name of resource Brief description of resource Location where resource is applicable Target audience Contact details for supplies and further information Parents As Career Transition Support for Parents of a child with an intellectual disability (contact NDCO for a copy) Workbook with 3 sections covering career planning, education training and employment Facilitators and parents VIC NDCO - Region 14, covering Southern Melbourne Sally Bailey (03) 9784 0400 Electronic copy of the NDCO Transitions CDs (contact NDCO for a copy) Electronic format of the Adapt, Build & Inspire (Acquired Brain Injury), Aspirations (Asperger's Syndrome), Grasp the Nettle (Learning Disabilities), Objectives (Mental Health), Viewpoint (Vision Impairment) CD's that shares the experiences of individuals within each group who have successfully engaged in tertiary study. People with a disability considering the transition to Higher/Further education. VIC NDCO - Region 14, covering Southern Melbourne Sally Bailey (03) 9784 0400 Victorian NDCO website Website of useful information about further education training and employment and information to assist people with a disability Students, families, educators and careers advisers, Disability Employment Services (DES) VIC NDCO - Region 14, covering Southern Melbourne Sally Bailey (03) 9784 0400 Preparing for TAFE: A guide for Students with a Disability in Victoria (contact NDCO for a copy) This handbook is a comprehensive guide for students who are considering TAFE as a training option. This guide will also provide extensive information for Careers Teachers and Parents. This handbook is a comprehensive guide for students who are considering University. This guide will also provide extensive information for Careers Teachers and Parents. Transitioning students with a disability in Victoria VIC NDCO - Region 14, covering Southern Melbourne Sally Bailey (03) 9784 0400 Transitioning students with a disability in Victoria VIC NDCO - Region 14, covering Southern Melbourne Sally Bailey (03) 9784 0400 Provides a stepping stone for transition from school to community life. The guide includes services available across Victoria and Nationally focussing on the needs of students leaving secondary school and includes how to obtain a Tax file Number, Medicare/Health Care Card, how to enrol to vote and many more! Young people with disability, parents, teachers, support networks VIC NDCO – Region 16, Covering Western Regional Victoria Pamela Anderson Mobile: 0418 108 555 Preparing for University: A guide for Students with a Disability in Victoria (contact NDCO for a copy) Transition Guides for Students with Disability (contact NDCO for a copy) Name of resource Brief description of resource Location where resource is applicable Target audience Contact details for supplies and further information CHC10108 Certificate I in Work Preparation-Induction for Disability Support Workers (contact NDCO for a copy) The Certificate 1 Work PreparationInduction training developed through the NDCO program to provide professional development for Disability Support Workers and improve participation for students with a disability across the tertiary education sector Tertiary Education Sector VIC NDCO - Region 17, covering Wodonga/Gippsland and Outer South East Melbourne Mark Cottee (02) 6055 6309 or 0439 207671 Who to contact for support at University and TAFE in QLD (contact NDCO for a copy) Booklet A contact list of Disability Advisors in TAFE and Universities in Queensland. Also contains contact details of NDCOs based in Queensland All Sectors South East QLD NDCO - Region 18, covering South East Queensland including Brisbane Theresa Madson (07) 3817 3271 NDCO Website Directory of Disability Services (contact NDCO for a copy) Are You A Disability Confident Registered Training Organisation (RTO) (contact NDCO for a copy) Database The Website Directory is arranged by topic, alphabetically. It lists current disability, education, training and employment related websites on an Excel spreadsheet. (Available on website) All Sectors Flyer this flyer contains information for teachers, Trainers, course coordinators and Program Managers who work with people with disabilities and chronic medical conditions RTO Staff South East QLD South East QLD NDCO - Region 19, covering South East Queensland including Gold Coast Alisha Larkin (07) 5585 4392 NDCO - Region 18, covering South East Queensland including Brisbane Theresa Madson (07) 3817 3271 NDCO - Region 19, covering South East Queensland including Gold Coast Alisha Larkin (07) 5585 4392 NDCO - Region 18, covering South East Queensland including Brisbane Theresa Madson (07) 3817 3271 NDCO - Region 19, covering South East Queensland including Gold Coast Alisha Larkin (07) 5585 4392 Name of resource Making the Transition to Further Study (contact NDCO for a copy) Making the Transition to an Apprenticeship or Traineeship (contact NDCO for a copy) Leaps and Bounds (contact NDCO for a copy) Brief description of resource Booklet This booklet has been designed to assist people with a disability who are making the transition to postsecondary study. This may be part of a traineeship or apprenticeship, a University or TAFE, a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) or study at a private educational institution. You may be interested in study to broaden your job prospects, for personal fulfilment, to meet new people and improve confidence, to train in an area of interest or for a variety of other reasons. This guide combines a step-by-step workbook with general information about preparation for your transition into study. (Electronic version available on website) Booklet This booklet has been designed to aid people with a disability who are making the transition to an apprenticeship or traineeship. It contains information on the five steps to obtaining an apprenticeship or traineeship and assistance for apprentices or trainees with a disability. (Electronic version available on website) Booklet: A self-help planning guide to Postsecondary Education and Training for prospective students with disabilities and chronic medical conditions. (Electronic version available on website) Target audience School Sector Location where resource is applicable South East QLD Contact details for supplies and further information NDCO - Region 18, covering South East Queensland including Brisbane Theresa Madson (07) 3817 3271 NDCO - Region 19, covering South East Queensland including Gold Coast Alisha Larkin (07) 5585 4392 School Sector School Sector South East QLD South East QLD NDCO - Region 18, covering South East Queensland including Brisbane Theresa Madson (07) 3817 3271 NDCO - Region 19, covering South East Queensland including Gold Coast Alisha Larkin (07) 5585 4392 NDCO - Region 18, covering South East Queensland including Brisbane Theresa Madson (07) 3817 3271 NDCO - Region 19, covering South East Queensland including Gold Coast Alisha Larkin (07) 5585 4392 Name of resource Get Students Ready For Life After School (contact NDCO for a copy) Public and Community Transport Guide – South East Qld (contact NDCO for a copy) Brief description of resource Flyer This flyer contains information for school staff who work with students with disabilities and chronic medical conditions Booklet Guide to transport options including concessions Target audience School Staff All Sectors Location where resource is applicable South East QLD South East QLD Contact details for supplies and further information NDCO - Region 18, covering South East Queensland including Brisbane Theresa Madson (07) 3817 3271 NDCO - Region 19, covering South East Queensland including Gold Coast Alisha Larkin (07) 5585 4392 NDCO - Region 18, covering South East Queensland including Brisbane Theresa Madson (07) 3817 3271 NDCO - Region 19, covering South East Queensland including Gold Coast Alisha Larkin (07) 5585 4392 NDCO - Region 18, covering South East Queensland including Brisbane Theresa Madson (07) 3817 3271 Student Friendly Employers and other stuff (contact NDCO for a copy) Booklet Links to employers, support services, and how to improve your chances of gaining an apprenticeship or traineeship School Sector South East QLD Qualification Levels Provides an overview of education levels covering school, vocational and degree levels Schools, parents, community QLD NDCO - Region 20, Southern Qld Debbie Rooskov (07) 5458 3063 Difference Between School, VET, Tertiary – Qld edition Overview of the differences in each educational setting - Qld edition. Original document from Tasmania NDCO Schools, parents, community QLD NDCO - Region 20, Southern Qld Debbie Rooskov (07) 5458 3063 Name of resource Career Video Fact Sheets Disability Fact Sheets The Disability Awareness Training Facilitators Guide (contact NDCO for a copy) Disability Awareness Training – The Workplace PowerPoint (contact NDCO for a copy) Factsheet – How to Accommodate People with Disability in the Workplace (contact NDCO for a copy) Brief description of resource Answers the top questions in short videos of 15-20 seconds that students ask stakeholders, or questions they want students to ask them, at career expos or during presentations in the higher education, vocational training, employment and apprenticeship area Interactive fact sheets highlighting various disability/impairments and strategies for positive communication and engagement building on information in Make it happen series The Disability Awareness Training PowerPoint & Facilitators Guide has been produced as a step by step presentation that can be delivered by any Disability Employment Service or an NDCO when required. It is aimed at reducing misconceptions & stigma in the workplace and promoting an inclusive environment for people with disabilities at work. This training is designed to increase the knowledge and awareness among employers and employees about working with people with disability. The associated NDCO Factsheet has been produced to be distributed after the presentation to recap on the information discussed in the presentation. It can be used as a stand-alone factsheet. Target audience Location where resource is applicable Contact details for supplies and further information Schools, Parents; community QLD NDCO - Region 20, Southern Qld Debbie Rooskov (07) 5458 3063 Employers, Education & Training QLD NDCO - Region 20, Southern Qld Debbie Rooskov (07) 5458 3063 DES National NDCO – Region 21, Covering Eastern and Central Queensland Julie Irwin (07) 4932 8000 Name of resource Employer Toolkit (contact NDCO for a copy of cd) Brief description of resource Target audience Location where resource is applicable Contact details for supplies and further information An interactive toolkit with information on Employment Services, Government Programs and assistance, subsidies, recruitment and training tips and a range of other features. Created in response to requests from Employers and Employment Services to have information available in one, easily accessible, place. Interactive workbook of assistive technology information. Employers and Employment Services QLD Gary Travers NDCO - Region 22, covering Northern Queensland (07) 47272608 Employers and Employment Services, Education QLD Gary Travers NDCO - Region 22, covering Northern Queensland (07) 47272608 Quick factsheets to guide jobseekers through creating resumes, application letters and selection criteria, as well as searching for a job, using social networking sites and interview skills. QLD version of pathways to consider when leaving school. Includes employment & education and training, as well as the Post School Services Program from Disability Services. Listing of all the disability and Indigenous support officers at QLD Unis and TAFEs, as well as regional employment agency contact details. Job seekers QLD Gary Travers NDCO - Region 22, covering Northern Queensland (07) 47272608 People with a disability, Families, Teachers QLD Gary Travers NDCO - Region 22, covering Northern Queensland (07) 47272608 PWD, Families, Teachers, Employment Services, Employers QLD Gary Travers NDCO - Region 22, covering Northern Queensland (07) 47272608 Transition Toolkit CD-Rom (contact NDCO for a copy of cd) Interactive Cd-Rom with a large range of resources to support transition including career development, pathways to education and employment. School support staff such as teachers, transition officers, Guidance Officers QLD Gary Travers NDCO - Region 22, covering Northern Queensland (07) 47272608 Steps For The Future (contact NDCO for a copy of cd) Interactive Cd-Rom Students, schools, training providers, youth organisations QLD Gary Travers NDCO - Region 22, covering Northern Queensland (07) 47272608 Assistive Technology Workbook Jobseeker kit Transition pathways for school leavers with a disability Disability and Indigenous Contacts – QLD Name of resource Implications and Strategies for an Inclusive Classroom Brief description of resource Location where resource is applicable Target audience Contact details for supplies and further information A quick set of implications and strategies for teachers of students with disabilities ranging from Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) to depression to aspergers and more. Includes further links to other resources to assist teachers in the classroom. Informative brochure for families and those with mental health challenges to direct them to help lines, websites and local support groups and services. Includes sections for young people and for teachers and employers/managers to provide additional support in education or employment. Teachers - Schools, TAFEs and Universities QLD Gary Travers NDCO - Region 22, covering Northern Queensland (07) 47272608 All State versions Gary Travers NDCO - Region 22, covering Northern Queensland (07) 47272608 A Guide for Students with a Disability or Chronic Medical Condition at TAFE SA A5 Booklet Prospective and active students at TAFE SA. Teachers and student advisers SA NDCO - Region 23, covering Metropolitan Adelaide Jennifer Cousins Ph: 08-8207 8652 A Guide for Students with a Disability or Chronic Medical Condition at University in SA A5 Booklet Prospective and active students at University. Teachers and student advisers SA NDCO - Region 23, covering Metropolitan Adelaide Jennifer Cousins Ph: 08-8207 8652 The Creativity of Success. Disability in the Classroom and the Workplace. A Guide for Private Training Organisations. A4 Booklet (Adapted for SA from original QLD Resource) Staff in Private RTOs SA NDCO - Region 23, covering Metropolitan Adelaide Jennifer Cousins Ph: 08-8207 8652 Building Confidence in Enrolling Learners with Diability A4 ePublication Staff in Private RTOs National NDCO - Region 23, covering Metropolitan Adelaide Jennifer Cousins Ph: 08-8207 8652 In sBrief. Your ready reference for studying at TAFE, university or with a private training organisation in SA. A5 Booklet with contents of 1 page flyer series, plus information about finances, contacts etc Students, teachers, parents SA NDCO - Region 23, covering Metropolitan Adelaide Jennifer Cousins Ph: 08-8207 8652 Finding Help Name of resource Brief description of resource Location where resource is applicable Target audience Contact details for supplies and further information TAFE SA Guide for Staff on Disability Discrimination and Supporting Students with a Disability or Chronic Medical Condition A4 Booklet Teachers/Lecturers at TAFE SA. Also in use in several RTOs and by a number of teachers in schools SA NDCO - Region 23, covering Metropolitan Adelaide Jennifer Cousins Ph: 08-8207 8652 Transition Planning A4 Booklet developed to provide a guide for Transition Planning. It provides a template and tips for using the template. Teachers & Parents SA NDCO - Region 23, covering Metropolitan Adelaide Jennifer Cousins Ph: 08-8207 8652 Employability Skills A4 Booklet about assessing an individual’s employability skills Students, individuals and service providers working with people to prepare for work National NDCO - Region 24, covering South Eastern South Australia Laynie Dunne-Heynis Ph: 08 8302 5444 NDCO - Region 23, covering Metropolitan Adelaide Jennifer Cousins Ph: 08-8207 8652 NDCO - Region 23, covering Metropolitan Adelaide Jennifer Cousins Ph: 08-8207 8652 Disclosure Planning A4 Booklet about disclosure and preparing a Disclosure Plan High School students, parents, and teachers planning transitions. National Connect the Dots: Services that support inclusion and transitions to study and work for people with a disability Booklet containing brief descriptions, contact details and weblinks for agencies/organisations that can support people with disabilities at school or in the community with inclusion in education, training and employment. 12 page booklet that walks the user through 15 tools that can be used. Designed to be worked in electronically to try each of the tips as suggested and then close the document without saving it. People with disabilities, their carers and service agencies SA NDCO - Region 23, covering Metropolitan Adelaide Jennifer Cousins Ph: 08-8207 8652 Students, teachers, tutors, learning support staff. Some parents have also used SA - applicable anywhere NDCO - Region 23, covering Metropolitan Adelaide Jennifer Cousins Ph: 08-8207 8652 4 page document outlining how to activate all the accessibility features of iPhone & iPad devices Individuals, teachers, tutors, learning support staff, parents, employers and service agencies. National NDCO - Region 23, covering Metropolitan Adelaide Jennifer Cousins Ph: 08-8207 8652 15 Features in MS Word 2010… that will help students with learning disabilities and support students to become independent learners (contact NDCO for a copy) Accessibility Features of iPhones & iPads (contact NDCO for a copy) Name of resource NDCO SA Fact Sheets (contact NDCO for a copy) Brief description of resource Target audience A series of facts sheets providing key information and links to resources: Useful NDCO Resources Disability & Transition Websites Finding an ACE Provider Finding a S4All Provider Finding a Training Course Find a DES Service Provider Selecting the Disability Employment Service that’s right for you (Student/Graduate) SA DES Provider Profile List Training Students with Disability DDA & Education Standards Reasonable Adjustments Disclosure Resources Life after Uni Websites Employing People with Disability Disability & Indigenous Education, Training & Employment Resources Individuals, teachers, tutors, learning support staff, parents, employers and service agencies. Location where resource is applicable SA Contact details for supplies and further information NDCO - Region 23, covering Metropolitan Adelaide Jennifer Cousins Ph: 08-8207 8652 Name of resource NDCO SA Powerpoint Presentations (contact NDCO for a copy) Career Link… Finding pathways from school to work (contact NDCO for a copy) Planning for Success. A Planned Approach for Success Through Higher Education and Training Guides to Employing People with Disability Albany Region Capes (Busselton) Region Manjimup Region Location where resource is applicable Contact details for supplies and further information Brief description of resource Target audience A series of easy to adapt PPTs for presentations: NDCO Transition Planning Post School Options Investing in Students with Disability Planning & Your Career Career Advice & Employability Informed Choices Disability vs Accessibility DDA & Education Standards Inherent Requirements ( Training & Education / Employment) Reasonable Adjustments (Education) Disclosure Convention on the Rights of People with Disability Booklet of advice, tips, brief service descriptions that support career planning and transitions from school to employment and post-school education and training for students with disabilities A4 Booklet/Workbook Individuals, teachers, tutors, learning support staff, parents, employers and service agencies. SA NDCO - Region 23, covering Metropolitan Adelaide Jennifer Cousins Ph: 08-8207 8652 Students, teachers & parents/caregivers SA NDCO - Region 23, covering Metropolitan Adelaide Jennifer Cousins Ph: 08-8207 8652 High School students and parents planning transitions. SA NDCO - Region 24, covering South Eastern South Australia Laynie Dunne-Heynis Ph: 08 8302 5444 Progressively throughout region 26 ‘Guides to Employing People with Disability’ booklets are being prepared by each transition group to cater for the individual location requirements. Employers, Disability Employment Services (DES), TAFE, Schools, Parents, Students WA NDCO - Region 26, covering Southern Western Australia Dale Arthur (08) 9286 6600 or 0417 170 510 Name of resource Brief description of resource Location where resource is applicable Target audience Contact details for supplies and further information NDCOWA WEBSITE The website provides information and links to relevant stakeholders within the various regions of Western Australia. The website also updates upcoming training and events, as well as a links to resources that can be used by various stakeholders. School/TAFE/ University students Job Seekers Disability workers local communities Family and Friends WA NDCO - Region 26, covering Southern Western Australia Dale Arthur (08) 9286 6600 or 0417 170 510 Transition for school leavers with disability. Aspirational and inspirational video The video showcases experiences of young people with disability moving from school to employment. Students, Parents, General public, Disability Service Providers WA NDCO - Region 26, covering Southern Western Australia Dale Arthur (08) 9286 6600 or 0417 170 510 Careertips Bookmark (contact NDCO for a bookmark) The bookmark is a promotional tool to encourage people to look at the careertips website. It is primarily used in kits provided to Disability Employment Agencies, TAFE, School and the general public at events. The bookmark contains the website link and the purpose behind it. The website provides information to various stakeholders including: - School leavers with a disability - TAFE students with a disability - Uni students with a disability - Career Advisors - Lecturers - Employment agencies - Mentors and advocates - Employers Each link provides thorough information in assisting with the transition from school to work or further education and training The newsletters are distributed to all contacts that the NDCOWA team hold. The newsletter contains stories about projects being undertaken and celebrating the success of completed projects. Disability Employment Agencies, TAFE, Schools, General public WA NDCO - Region 27, covering Metropolitan Perth Western Australia Alex Murphy (08) 9286 6600 or 0448 882 775 Students Lecturers Employment agencies Mentors Advocates Employers Career Advisors WA NDCO - Region 27, covering Metropolitan Perth Western Australia Alex Murphy (08) 9286 6600 or 0448 882 775 Relevant stakeholders within the disability employment field WA NDCO - Region 27, covering Metropolitan Perth Western Australia Alex Murphy (08) 9286 6600 or 0448 882 775 Careertips website Link: NDCOWA newsletter Name of resource Location where resource is applicable Contact details for supplies and further information Brief description of resource Target audience This bookmark is used as a promotional tool, to introduce stakeholders to the program and to provide them with a link to our website. This is useful as it provides people with a hard copy of our details and program outlines. The websites below provide links for schools and parents and students to follow in order to provide students with a 'seamless transition plan'. It also provides information on alternatives to employment and checklists of 'things to do' to achieve post school goals. Relevant stakeholders within the disability employment field in Western Australia WA NDCO - Region 27, covering Metropolitan Perth Western Australia Alex Murphy (08) 9286 6600 or 0448 882 775 Schools, Parents and students will all benefit from accessing these websites. WA NDCO - Region 27, covering Metropolitan Perth Western Australia Alex Murphy (08) 9286 6600 or 0448 882 775 SWEAT DVD This DVD outlines the Supported Work Experience into Apprenticeships and Traineeships (SWEAT) program. It follows three students involved in the program and provides a running commentary on the success they have found through the involvement in the program. The DVD is aimed at educators, employers, school students and teachers WA NDCO - Region 27, covering Metropolitan Perth Western Australia Alex Murphy (08) 9286 6600 or 0448 882 775 NDCO USB STICK The USB stick is used as prizes at the NDCO stall at various events. The USB stick contains a link to our website and a range of Edu-Apps (e.g. Talking word program, magnifying glass and text contrasting). This is used as an introductory activity to attract people to our stall at career days and other public events. It consists of pictures of various celebrities with a disability, which provides us with a great opportunity to relate to people coming through and explain the effects of the various disabilities. School/TAFE/ University students, Job Seekers, Disability workers, local communities, Family and Friends WA NDCO - Region 28, covering Northern Western Australia Mark Bateman (08) 9286 6600 or 0429 998 245 People attending career days and other events that NDCO are presenting at WA NDCO - Region 28, covering Northern Western Australia Mark Bateman (08) 9286 6600 or 0429 998 245 NDCO Bookmark Department of Education (DET), Disability Services Commission (DSC) transition website Disability Services Commission Disability awareness' celebrity teaser Name of resource Employing people with disability DVD (contact NDCO for a copy) Stories from Tasmanian Willing and Able Mentoring (WAM) participants 2010 (contact NDCO for a copy) Making it Happen Work Experience for All Tasmanian NDCO website Mountain Climbing: A resource to assist tertiary graduates with lived experience of mental illness transition to employment Brief description of resource Showcases 8 success stories from 8 different industries in employing people with disability Showcases the experience of some mentors and mentees in their experience of the WAM program in 2010 Employment sector and employers Prospective mentor and mentees. Employer groups. A resource that provides secondary and vocational teachers with guidelines, information and worksheets to assist them in providing successful work placements for their students. Available on-line. Schools, TasTAFE Website that provides information and advice for people with disability in Tasmania making the transition into post-secondary education, training and subsequent employment. Provides local contacts, worksheets and links to other websites and resources students with disability, people with disability considering returning to study, parents and carers, education, training and employment staff, disability service providers tertiary graduates Available On-line. Provides strategies, tips, case studies and useful weblinks Location where resource is applicable Target audience TAS, relevant for all states Contact details for supplies and further information NDCO - Region 29, covering Southern Tasmania Colleen Hooper (03) 6225 8217 TAS NDCO - Region 30, covering Northern Tasmania Darlene McLennan (03) 6324 3758 NDCO - Region 29, covering Southern Tasmania Colleen Hooper (03) 6225 8217 TAS, but relevant for ALL States NDCO - Region 30, covering Northern Tasmania Darlene McLennan (03) 6324 3758 NDCO - Region 29, covering Southern Tasmania Colleen Hooper (03) 6225 8217 TAS NDCO - Region 30, covering Northern Tasmania Darlene McLennan (03) 6324 3758 (03) 6324 3758 NDCO - Region 29, covering Southern Tasmania Colleen Hooper (03) 6225 8217 NDCO - Region 30, covering Northern Tasmania Darlene McLennan (03) 6324 3758 TAS but relevant for ALL States NDCO - Region 29, covering Southern Tasmania Colleen Hooper (03) 6225 8217 NDCO - Region 30, covering Northern Tasmania Darlene McLennan (03) 6324 3758 Name of resource Beyond the School Gate Brief description of resource Location where resource is applicable Target audience A resource that looks at the transition from school to adult life for young people with disability and their families. Case studies show a whole range of opportunities and challenges. Available on line. Years 11 & 12 Students transitioning from High School TAS Students with disability worksheets A range of worksheets for student with disability Students TAS The Road Ahead Assistive Technology in the Workplace for People with a Disability A Northern Territory self-help planning guide to post-secondary education, employment and training for people with disability and chronic medical conditions. People with a disability or chronic medical condition; secondary school students; teachers; Career Advisors; Apprentices NT Contact details for supplies and further information NDCO - Region 29, covering Southern Tasmania Colleen Hooper (03) 6225 8217 NDCO - Region 30, covering Northern Tasmania Darlene McLennan (03) 6324 3758 NDCO - Region 30, covering Northern Tasmania Darlene McLennan (03) 6324 3758 NDCO – Region 31, covering Northern Territory Judith Austin (08) 8946 6288