PP Site: L E V L F Q / G TEV SIte: E N Y L F Q / G pGEX2T-NDE1 sequence P (the Pro is required for PP) P (the Pro is NOT required for TEV) TEV (Broken BglII)R S P E N L Y F Q G H M(Nde1) BamH1 AT CCT CCA AAA TCG GAT CTG GTT CCG CGT GGA TCT CCG GAA AAC CTG TAT TTC CAG GGC CAT ATG TCG ACT AGT GGA TCC TCG AGA ATT CAT CGT GAC TGA CTG ACG ATC | | | ||| || CTT GAA GTC CTC TTT CAG GGA CCC CAT ATG (to keep Nde1) L E V L F Q G P PrescissionProtease --from pMalC2e Here is the region around the Prescission site from pMalC2e : AACCTCGGGGATGACGATGACAAGGTACCG CTT GAA GTC CTC TTT CAG GGA CCC GGGGGC Codons for the PP site are in bold. This might be useful to find the upstream portion of your vector to make oligos for mutagenesis. The downstream will be your gene of course unless its the blank vector.