Kevin Eviner
Mrs. Melita
Social Norms
The bell has just rung and there is the everyday sea of running students eager to escape from the long lessons and the stress of school. But something is not how your parents have told you. You’ve heard about the mingling in the hallways and seeing teachers for extra help but instead you get an ear-full of swearing and yelling. You look in a classroom to see a student rolling their eyes at a teacher trying to help them and while you’re walking you hear one of your peers yell into their phone “Mom! Pick me up now!” with the asking-to-get-hit 1
tone that that is not so rare today. Sadly the social norm of children being rude and disrespectful is common in todays’ society due to easier access to the Internet and television shows for kids becoming more mature.
A major way that kids can learn inappropriate things easier is the Internet. There are many websites such as Reddit, YouTube, and Facebook where people can post things with swearing or racism freely with some restrictions. That also means that anyone who can go on the
Internet can see these posts that can be more mature for some eyes and ears. This is where things go wrong, kids can find these posts or videos with adult humor therefore using adult language as in swearing. That teaches kids these inappropriate words at an earlier age. This greatly impacts society because it is a meaner place with kids added on to the already big number of people swearing in public. Also the worst part is because kids are naive and dumb sometimes don’t even know what the word means or when it is appropriate to say them so we just start randomly
1 Hyphenated Modifier
throwing swear words into sentences. When kids throw these words around the little respect that others had for kids are evaporated, which creates a somewhat, stereotype for kids that they are rude and vulgar. Soon it is going to come to the point that some kids swear so often that they will have a mouth of a sailor.
Overall, this teaches kids churlish and offensive words so they end up throwing them around.
In many television shows today that are meant for the entertainment of kids there are content that don’t refer to their age. There are more teenage problems in them like getting a date instead of respecting parents. One example is an old show that used to air on nickelodeon for a while called Drake and Josh. In the show the character Drake went out with girls all the time, got bad grades, and occasionally snuck out of the house, but they made it seemed like it was okay to the audience. This sends a message to kids that “F”s are okay to receive and being bad will be fun and fine to do because Drake did it. This leads to more rambunctious and disrespectful kids, more arguments with parents. This definitely impacts society because it makes kids think it is okay to be mean and disrespectful to parents, teachers, peers, and others.
Pop culture today is leading to more vulgar kids because there are more inappropriate things presented to kids and easier access to it. The Internet grants easy access to things like swearing at an early age. And without the knowledge of when to use these words they end up being throw in randomly in sentences. Television has also become more mature and covers more inappropriate subjects for kids. Today’s new generations are learning more inappropriate things faster and it is going to lead to more swearing and anger in public.
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