1 Concerns for Vulnerable Adult/Child’s Wellbeing This form should be completed by workers and/or volunteers of Comas wishing to share their concerns about a vulnerable adult, pregnant mother, a baby, child or young person. The concern is shared with your line manager. If you have any concerns that a vulnerable adult, baby, child or young person may be or is at risk of significant harm or has been harmed or abused then you must ensure that the Designated Member of Staff is aware of your concerns and immediate action is taken. Contact details for Designated Member of Staff, Social Care Direct (social work) and Public Protection (police) can be found at the end of this form. Please note: A vulnerable adult is an adult who may be at risk, they might include people over 16 who: find it difficult to keep themselves or their property (their home, the things they own) safe; might be harmed by other people; might be more vulnerable because of a disability, illness or mental disorder (this could mean people with mental health problems, people with dementia, people with learning disabilities). It doesn’t mean that all people with learning disabilities, mental health problems or illnesses or disabled people are always ‘at risk’. Identifying details Record details of vulnerable adult, pregnant mother, baby, child or young person being referred. If it is a pregnant mother, state name as ‘unborn baby’ and mother’s name, e.g. unborn baby of Mary McDonald First Name(s) Male Last Names Female Unknown Address AKA1/pre ious names Date of birth or EDD2 Contact tel. no. Mobile no. Other no.> Postcode Details about child’s or vulnerable adult’s family Parent’s or carers’ first language Child’s or vulnerable adult’s mother Child and Vulnerable Adult Form v2 CMG 13.10.15 Child’s or vulnerable adult’s father 2 Is the child or young person disabled? No Yes If ‘yes’ give details Details of any special requirements (for child a d/or their parent) eg signing, interpretation or access needs About the vulnerable adult’s immediate family (who they live with or their parent, sibling) – if appropriate First Name(s) Male Last Names Female Unknown Address AKA1/previous names Date of birth Contact tel. no. Mobile no. Other no.> Postcode What action have you taken? (What have you done to help? Offer support? Who have you told?) If you are the Designated Member of Staff or Line Manager how have you responded? Please record your response and the response of others your shared your concerns with – please date actions taken. Child and Vulnerable Adult Form v2 CMG 13.10.15 3 Details of parents/carers Name Contact tel. no. Relationship to vulnerable adult, unborn baby, infant, child or young person Address Parental responsibility? Yes No Postcode: Relationship to vulnerable adult, unborn baby, infant, child or young person Name Contac tel. no. Address Parental Responsibility? Yes No Postcode: Child and Vulnerable Adult Form v2 CMG 13.10.15 4 Details of person(s) sharing the concern Name Contact tel. no. Address Role Organisation Postcode: Name of lead professional (where applicable) Lead professional’s contact number Lead professional’s email address Other services Universal Services working with this vulnerable adult, pregnant mother, baby, child or young person GP Details Tel. Early years/education Details Tel. Service Details Tel. Service Details Tel. Child and Vulnerable Adult Form v2 CMG 13.10.15 5 Vulnerable adult, Child or young person’s comment on the referral and current circumstances Parent or carer’s comment on the referral and current circumstances Information Sharing Has the parent/carer consented to you sharing your concerns with the Named Person, CPN, GP another agency and/or making a referral to social care direct Yes No Has the young person (over 12) consented to you sharing information about them Yes Has the vulnerable adult consented to you sharing information about them Yes No No Please read the following: Parental consent to share information must be sought before a referral to a Named Person, agency or Social Care Direct, unless not to do so would place a child or young person at increased risk of significant harm, or place an adult at risk of serious harm. Consent from the vulnerable adult must be given before a referral to social care direct or contacting their GP or CPN (or other relevant agency), unless not to do so would place the vulnerable adult at increased risk of significant harm, or place you or someone else at risk of significant harm. Designated Member of Staff/Line Manager signature Signed Name Date Where to send this form Please give this form to your line manager/Designated Member of Staff. If you have any concerns that a vulnerable adult, baby, child or young person may be or is at risk of significant harm or has been harmed or abused then you must ensure that the Designated Member of Staff is aware of your concerns and immediate action is taken. Child and Vulnerable Adult Form v2 CMG 13.10.15 6 Child and Vulnerable Adults Protection Contacts COMAS Designated Member of Staff – Ruth Campbell (Chief Executive Officer) – 07980 844350 ruth@comas.org.uk. Catriona Grant (Women in Recovery Manager) – 07717 204426 catriona@comas.org.uk Line Managers – Caitlin Rodgers (Cafe Manager – Serenity Café) - caitlin@comas.org.uk Catriona Grant (Women in Recovery Manager – Woman Zone) – 07717 204426 catriona@comas.org.uk Louise Cowie (Senior Project Manager – 20 More) – Louise@comas.org.uk – 07742 580400 Zosia Ross (Senior Project Worker – Best Days) – zosia@comas.org.uk – 0784 188539 Social Care Direct: Social Care Direct – 0131 200 2324 socialcaredirect@edinburgh.gov.uk Emergency Social Work Service: 0800 731 6969 Police: Public Protection Team – 101, ask to speak to Public Protection Team at Fettes, Edinburgh Child and Vulnerable Adult Form v2 CMG 13.10.15