Extended Gaussian Images

Extended Gaussian Images
Berthold K. P. Horn
 Discrete Case: Convex Polyhedra
 Continuous Case: Smoothly Curved Objects
 Discrete Approximation: Needle Maps
 Tessellation of the Gaussian sphere:
Orientation Histograms
 Solids of Revolution
 Discrete Case: Convex Polyhedra
 Continuous Case: Smoothly Curved Objects
 Discrete Approximation: Needle Maps
 Tessellation of the Gaussian sphere:
Orientation Histograms
 Solids of Revolution
Gaussian Image
 What is a Gaussian Image?
Gaussian Image
 What is a Gaussian Image?
 A mapping of surface
normals of an object onto
the unit sphere (Gaussian
Tail lies at the center of the
Gaussian sphere
Head lies on the surface of
the Gaussian sphere.
Extended Gaussian Image
 Extended to include area of each face.
Place point mass on the sphere surface equal to
area of face at the head of each normal.
Alternate representation: Scale the normal
proportional to area.
 Face position information is lost.
Which faces are connected?
As long as the polyhedron is convex, its
extended Gaussian image is unique.
Algorithms exist that extract a polyhedron from an
extended Gaussian Image.
 Unaffected by translation
 Rotation of the object causes an equal
rotation of the extended Gaussian image.
 Center of mass lies at the origin of the
Center of mass property proof
 Imagine viewing a convex polyhedron from a great
 v is a vector from the object in the direction of the
 s i is the unit normal at each face.
 Oi is the surface area of each face.
 
 A face is visible if si  v  0
 The apparent size due to foreshortening of a face is
 
si  v Oi
Center of mass property proof
 The apparent area of the visible surface is
A(v ) 
 
 si  v Oi
 
{i|si v 0}
 When viewed from the opposite direction:
A(v ) 
 
 si  v Oi
 
{i|si v 0}
Center of mass property proof
 Since the above two equations are equal, we have
   
 
si  v Oi    siOi   v  0
{all i}
{all i}
 Since this is true for all v
 siOi  0
{all i }
 That is, the center of mass of the extended Gaussian
image is at the origin.
Reconstructing a Tetrahedron
 Goal: Find the offset
from the center of
mass for each face.
(a, b, c, d)
 Given: The
 
normals a b c d
and face areas A B C
Reconstructing a Tetrahedron
 Tetrahedron property: the distance from the
center of mass to a face is ¼ the distance
from that face to its opposite vertex.
 Start by finding a formula for distance from
face of area D to opposite vertex d. The
desired distance, d, with be ¼ that.
 Repeat for each vertex after doing a cyclical
permutation of the variables.
Reconstructing a Tetrahedron
 Assume D is at the origin, we have:
BC 
C A 
A B
,b  
,c  
C A
 ( A  C )  ( B  A)
( A  C )  ( B  A)
A B  B  C  C  A
A B  B  C  C  A
Reconstructing a Tetrahedron
 Find distance from originto D face by dot product
of A, B, or C vector and d :
[ ABC ]
4d  d  A  d  B  d  C 
A B  B  C  C  A
 Area of the Face:
D  ( A  C )  ( B  A)  A  B  B  C  C  A
Reconstructing a Tetrahedron
 Consider the four distinct triple products of
the normals:
 
[ab c ]  
[ ABC ]2
A B B  C C  A
[ab d ]  
[ ABC ]2
B  C C  A A B  B  C  C  A
Reconstructing a Tetrahedron
 Multiply these formulae:
      
[ab d ][ ac d ][c ad ]  
[ ABC ]6
( A  B) 2 ( B  C ) 2 (C  A) 2 A  B  B  C  C  A
      
[ab d ][ ac d ][c ad ]
[ ABC ]2
 ( 4d ) 2 ( 2 D )
  2
[ab c ]
A B  B  C  C  A
      
(2 D)[ ab d ][ ac d ][c ad ]
4d 
 
 [ab c ]
Reconstructing a Tetrahedron
 Compute cyclic permutations of each face
and use the previous equation to find the 4
distances of each face from the center of
 With the normals and distances from the
center of mass, create 4 planes.
The intersection of the planes creates the
 Discrete Case: Convex Polyhedra
 Continuous Case: Smoothly Curved Objects
 Discrete Approximation: Needle Maps
 Tessellation of the Gaussian sphere:
Orientation Histograms
 Solids of Revolution
Gaussian Image
 Create the same mapping between object
normal and Gaussian sphere.
Consider a small patch O on the object.
Each point in patch maps to a point on Gaussian
 Creates a patch on the sphere S
Gaussian Curvature
 Gaussian Curvature:
K < 1 curves in (like a crater)
K = 1 plane
K > 1 curves out (like a sphere)
 Integrate K over the object:
 Integrate 1/K over the sphere:
 Use 1/K in definition of extended Gaussian
Extended Gaussian Image
 Associate 1/K of a point on the surface with
corresponded point on Gaussian sphere.
Let u, v be parameters to identify points on the
Let ξ, η be parameters to identify points on the
 Extended Gaussian Image:
 Center of mass at origin.
Similar proof to discrete case
 Total mass of extended Gaussian Image
equals surface area of object.
 Unaffected by translation
 Rotation of the object causes an equal
rotation of the extended Gaussian image.
 Discrete Case: Convex Polyhedra
 Continuous Case: Smoothly Curved Objects
 Discrete Approximation: Needle Maps
 Tessellation of the Gaussian sphere:
Orientation Histograms
 Solids of Revolution
Discrete Approximation
 Break the surface into small patches.
 Create a surface normal for each patch.
 Consider the polyhedron formed by the
intersection of the planes tangent to each of
these normals.
Approximation of the original surface.
Discrete Approximation
 How to break into small patches?
Parameterize the model: u, v
Find the normal:
 ru
and rv are found by differentiating the parametric
form of the equation for the surface.
The area of a patch:
No need to compute K
Needle Map
 Discrete Case: Convex Polyhedra
 Continuous Case: Smoothly Curved Objects
 Discrete Approximation: Needle Maps
 Tessellation of the Gaussian sphere:
Orientation Histograms
 Solids of Revolution
 Need a way to represent in a computer
Tessellate the Gaussian sphere
Create a histogram of orientations
Tessellation Properties
 All cells should have the same area.
 All cells should have the same shape.
 The cells should have regular shapes that are
 The division should be fine enough to provide good
angular resolution.
 For some rotation, the cells should be brought into
coincidence with themselves.
Simple Case
 Latitude and
Easy to Compute
which cell a normal
belongs to
No uniform shape or
Alignments only
through rotations about
its axis.
Regular Polyhedra based
 Project a regular
polyhedron onto the
unit sphere.
 Cells have the same
shape and area.
 Sampling is too coarse.
Icosahedron is only 20
regular cells.
Semi-Regular Polyhedra
 Regular polygons for
faces, but not the same
 Higher polygon count
 Area difference
between the differing
polygons could be
Finer Subdivision
 Each polygon can be sub-divided into
 How fine do we need?
Lower bound for angular spread with n cells:
Example from paper: n=240, θ=11.5
Geodesic Domes
 Divide Triangular cells into four smaller triangles.
All faces not same area or shape.
Allows for arbitrary fineness.
Start with pentakis dodecahedron or truncated
Each triangle edge is divided into f sections to create f2
Desire that f is a power of 2.
Geodesic Domes
Geodesic Domes
 Create Histogram by assigning each normal to a
cell on the tessellated Gaussian sphere.
 Which cell does a normal belong to?
Find dot product between given vector and normals from
the original regular polyhedron the dome is based on.
Determine which triangle within the face
Normal belongs to the face giving the greatest result.
Use the second greatest normal from above.
Proceed as above hierarchically.
Binary search through the triangles
In practice a lookup table is used
Orientation Histogram
 Compute the number of normals in each cell.
Count them
Create the histogram
 Store in computer as simple array.
 Display graphically with a normal for each
cell or as a grayscale image where the
brightness of each cell is determined by the
 Discrete Case: Convex Polyhedra
 Continuous Case: Smoothly Curved Objects
 Discrete Approximation: Needle Maps
 Tessellation of the Gaussian sphere:
Orientation Histograms
 Solids of Revolution
Solids of Revolution
 Rotate a curve about an axis
to create a surface.
 Compute the EGI
r is the distance from axis to
s is distance along arc.
θ is the angle around the axis.
ξ, η are the longitude and
latitude on the sphere.
ξ corresponds to θ
Gaussian Curvature
 Consider a small patch on the solid and the
corresponding patch on the sphere, their
areas are:
 The Gaussian curvature is the limit of the
ratio of the areas as they approach zero:
Gaussian Curvature
 The curvature of the generating curve is the
rate of change of direction with arc length.
 Plug that in to the previous equation:
Gaussian Curvature
 From the figure:
 Differentiate with
respect to s:
 Substitute:
Gaussian Curvature
 Sometimes we want to express r as a function
of z.
 From the figure:
 Differentiate with respect to s:
 From the figure:
Gaussian Curvature
 Substituting:
 More Substituting:
 How does it do as a shape descriptor?
Concise to store
Quick to compute
Efficient to match
Invariant to transformations
Invariant to deformations
Insensitive to noise
Insensitive to topology
Robust to degeneracies
 How does it do as a shape descriptor?
J Concise to store
J Quick to compute
J Efficient to match
L Discriminating
L Invariant to transformations
L Invariant to deformations
L Insensitive to noise
J Insensitive to topology
L Robust to degeneracies