Test of Significance 10[1].02.09

Test of Significance
Presenter: Shib Sekhar Datta
Moderator: M S Bharambe
Framework of presentation
Introduction to test of significance
Normal curve
Because a two-sided test is symmetrical, you can also use a
confidence interval to test a two-sided hypothesis.
In a two-sided test,
C = 1 – α.
C confidence level
α significance level
α /2
α /2
Tests of Significance
 Is it due to chance, or something else?
 This kind of questions can be answered using
tests of significance.
 Since many journal articles use such tests, it is a
good idea to understand what they mean.
Why should we test significance?
• We test SAMPLE to draw conclusions about POPULATION
• If two SAMPLES (group means) are different, can we be
certain that POPULATIONS (from which the samples were
drawn) are also different?
• Is the difference obtained TRUE or SPURIOUS?
• Will another set of samples be also different?
• What are the chances that the difference obtained is
• The above questions can be answered by STAT TEST.
Issues in significance tests
• Testing many hypotheses
• One-tailed or two-tailed?
• A statistically significant result may not be
• Sample size
• If chance model is wrong, test result can be
• A significant test does not identify the cause
Four Key Points: Repeated Samples
1. Plotting the means of repeated samples will produce a
normal distribution: it will be more peaked than when
raw data are plotted (as shown in Figure 9.1)
Four Key Points (cont’d)
2. The larger the sample sizes, the more peaked the
distribution and the closer the means of the samples to the
population mean (shown in Figure 9.2)
Four Key Points (cont’d)
3. The greater the variability in the population, the
greater the variations in the samples
4. When sample sizes are above 100, even if a
variable in the population is not normally
distributed, the means will be normally
distributed when repeated samples are plotted
E.g., weight of population of males and females will be
bimodal, but if we did repeated samples, the weights
would be normally distributed
One- and Two-Tailed Tests
• If the direction of a relationship is predicted, the
appropriate test will be one-tailed
– If the direction of the relationship is not predicted, use a
two-tailed test
• Example:
– One tailed: Females are less approving of violence than
are males
– Two-tailed: There is a gender difference in the
acceptance of violence
[Note: No prediction about which gender is more
Statistical test
Hypothesis testing for one sample problem consists of three parts:
Null hypothesis (Ho): The unknown average is equal to sample
mean   
II) Alternative hypothesis (Ha): The unknown average is not equal
This is the hypothesis that the researcher would like to validate and it
is chosen before collecting the data!
There are three possible alternative hypotheses – choose only one!
  0
 one-sided test
  0
 two-sided test
  0
 one-sided test
Five Percent Probability Rejection Area:
One- and Two-Tailed Tests
Significance doesn’t rule out 100% Chance
• When a result is statistically significant, there is a
5% chance of obtaining something as extreme as, or
more extreme than your observation, under the null
• Even if nothing is happening (the null hypothesis is
true), you will get 5 significant results in 100 tests,
just by chance.
One-tailed vs Two-tailed
• Checking if the sample average is too big or too small
before making an alternative hypothesis is a form of
data snooping.
• A coin is tossed 100 times, and there are 61 heads. The
null hypothesis says the coin is fair, so EV = 50, SE = 5,
and z = (61 – 50) / 5 = 2.2.
• If the alternative hypothesis says the coin is biased
towards the heads, then the P-value is roughly the area
under the normal curve to the right of 2.2: 1.4%.
• If the alternative hypothesis is that the coin is biased,
but this bias can be either way, then the P-value should
be the area to the left of 2.2 and right of 2.2: 0.7%.
• A one-tailed test is OK if it was known before the
experiment that the coin is either fair or biased
towards the heads.
• If a reported test is two-tailed, and you think it should
be one-tailed, just double the P-value.
• Suppose an investigator use z-test with twotailed test and alpha at 0.05 (5%) and gets
z = 1.85, so P ≈ 6%. Most journals won’t publish
this result, since it is not “statistically significant”.
• The investigator could do a better experiment,
but this is hard. A simple way out is to do a onetailed test.
Was the result important?
• To compare WISC vocabulary scores for big-city and rural
children, investigators took a simple random sample of
2,500 big-city kids, and an independent simple random
sample of 2,500 rural kids. Big-city: average = 26, SD = 10.
Rural: average = 25, SD = 10.
• Two-sample z-test.
z = 1 / 0.3 ≈ 3.3, P = 5 / 10,000.
• The difference is highly significant, and the investigators use
this to support a proposal to pour money into rural schools.
• The z-test only tells us that the difference of 1
point is very hard to explain away with chance
variation. How important is this difference?
P-value and sample size
• The P-value of a test depends on the sample size.
• With a large sample, even a small difference can be
“statistically significant”, i.e., hard to explain by the
luck of the draw. This doesn’t necessarily make it
• Conversely, an important difference may not be
statistically significant if the sample is too small.
The Role of the Chance Model
A test of significance asks the question, “Is the
difference due to chance?”
But the test cannot be done until the word
“chance” has been given a precise meaning.
Does the difference prove the point?
• In an experiment of throwing a die: a die is rolled, and the
subject tries to make it show 6 spots.
• In 720 trials, 6 spots turned up 143 times. If the die is fair,
and the subject has no bias, expect 120 sixes, with
SD(Hypothetical) 10.
• z = (143 – 120) / 10 = 2.3, P ≈ 1%.
• A test of significance tells you that there is a
difference, but can’t tell you the cause of the
• A test of significance does not check the design
of the study.
How to test statistical significance?
State Null hypothesis
Set alpha (level of significance)
Identify the variables to be analyzed
Identify the groups to be compared
Choose a test
Calculate the test statistic
If necessary calculate degrees of freedom
Find out the P value
Compare with alpha
Decision on hypothesis fail to reject or reject
Calculate the CI of the difference
Calculate Power if required
How to interpret P?
• If P < alpha (0.05), the difference is statistically significant
• If P > alpha, the difference between groups is not statistically
significant / the difference could not be detected.
• If P> alpha, calculate the power
If power < 80% - The difference could not be detected; repeat
the study with deficit number of study subjects.
If power ≥ 80 % - The difference between groups is not
statistically significant.
Statistical Significance
• The null hypothesis: Dependent and independent variables
are statistically unrelated
• If a relationship between an independent variable and a
dependent variable is statistically non-significant
– Null hypothesis is true
– Research hypothesis is rejected
• If a relationship between an independent variable and a
dependent variable is statistically significant
– Null hypothesis is false
– Research hypothesis is supported
Tests of Significance
– In a test of significance, we set up two hypotheses.
• The null hypothesis or H0.
• The alternative hypothesis or Ha.
– The null hypothesis (H0)is the statement being tested.
• Usually we want to show evidence that the null hypothesis is not
• It is often called the “currently held belief” or “statement of no
effect” or “statement of no difference.”
– The alternative hypothesis (Ha) is the statement of what we want
to show is true instead of H0.
• The alternative hypothesis can be one-sided or two-sided,
depending on the statement of the question of interest.
– Hypotheses are always about parameters of populations, never about
statistics from samples.
• It is often helpful to think of null and alternative hypotheses as
opposite statements about the parameter of interest.
Tests of Significance
Test Statistics
– A test statistic measures the compatibility
between the null hypothesis and the data.
• An extreme test statistic (far from 0) indicates the data
are not compatible with the null hypothesis.
• A common test statistic (close to 0) indicates the data
are compatible with the null hypothesis.
Tests of Significance
Significance Level (a)
– The significance level (a) is the point at which we say
the p-value is small enough to reject H0.
– If the P-value is as small as a or smaller, we reject H0,
and we say that the data are statistically significant at
level a.
– Significance levels are related to confidence levels
through the rule C = 1 – α
– Common significance levels (a’s) are
• 0.10 corresponding to confidence level 90%
• 0.05 corresponding to confidence level 95%
• 0.01 corresponding to confidence level 99%
Tests of Significance
• Steps for Testing a Population Mean (with s known)
1. State the null hypothesis:
H0 :   0
2. State the alternative hypothesis:
Ha :   0
(could also be H a :   0 or H a :   0 )
3. State the level of significance
• Assume a = 0.05 unless otherwise stated
4. Calculate the test statistic
x  0
• Steps for Testing a Population Mean (with s known)
5. Find the P-value:
• For a one or two-sided test:
T test
Consult t distribution table and get standard value for specific
degree of freedom
Z test
N need to consult table as it is independent of degrees of
– At 5% level of significance Z=1.96
– At 1% level of significance Z =2.58
• Steps for Testing a Population Mean (with s known)
6. Reject or fail to reject H0 based on comparison of test statistic
• If the P-value is less than or equal to a, reject H0.
• It the P-value is greater than a, fail to reject H0.
7. State your conclusion
• Your conclusion should reflect your original statement of the
• Furthermore, your conclusion should be stated in terms of the
alternative hypotheses
• For example, if Ha: μ ≠ μ0 as stated previously
– If H0 is rejected, “There is significant statistical evidence that the
population mean is different than m0.”
– If H0 is not rejected, “There is not significant statistical evidence that
the population mean is different than m0.”
Example : Arsenic
– “A factory that discharges waste water into the sewage
system is required to monitor the arsenic levels in its
waste water and report the results to the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) at regular intervals. Sixty
beakers of waste water from the discharge are obtained
at randomly chosen times during a certain month. The
measurement of arsenic is in nanograms per liter for
each beaker of water obtained.”
(From Graybill, Iyer and Burdick, Applied Statistics,
– Suppose the EPA wants to test if the average arsenic level
exceeds 30 nanograms per liter at the 0.05 level of
Making a test of significance
Follow these steps:
1. Set up the null hypothesis H0– the hypothesis you want to test.
2. Set up the alternative hypothesis Ha– what we accept if H0 is
3. Compute the value t* of the test statistic.
4. Compute the observed significance level P. This is the probability,
calculated assuming that H0 is true, of getting a test statistic as
extreme or more extreme than the observed one in the direction of
the alternative hypothesis.
5. State a conclusion. You could choose a significance level .
If the P-value is less than or equal to , you conclude that the null
hypothesis can be rejected at level , otherwise you conclude that
the data do not provide enough evidence to reject H0.
Examples of Significance Tests
• Arsenic Example
– Information given:
Sample size: n = 60.
x  30.83
Assume it is known that s = 34.
• Arsenic Example
1. State the null hypothesis:
2. State the alternative hypothesis:
H 0 :   30
3. State the level of significance
H a :   30
a = 0.05 for one tailed test
from “exceeds”
Z Test Statistic
observed  expected
Tests using the z-statistic are called z-tests.
Observed Significance Level
• z is the number of SEs an observed value is away from its
expected value, based on the null hypothesis.
• The observed z-statistic is –3. The chance of getting a
sample average 3 SEs or more below its expected value is
about 1 in 1,000.
This is an observed significance level, denoted by P, and
referred to as a P-value.
• Arsenic Example
4. Calculate the test statistic.
x  0
30.83  30 0.83
 0.19
5. Z value is < 1.96
(At 5% level of significance)
So decision
Evidence are failed to reject the null hypothesis
Hence, alternate hypothesis is true
Arsenic Example
7. State the conclusion.
There is not significant statistical evidence that the average
arsenic level exceeds 30 nanograms per liter at the 0.05
level of significance.
Types of Error
• Type I Error: When we reject H0 (accept Ha) when in
fact H0 is true.
• Type II Error: When we accept H0 (fail to reject H0)
when in fact Ha is true.
Truth about the
Decision based
on the sample
Ho is true
Ha is true
Reject Ho
Type I
Accept Ho
Type II
Power and Error
• Significance and Type I Error
– The significance level α of any fixed level test is the
probability of a Type I Error: That is, α is the
probability that the test will reject the null
hypothesis, H0, when H0 is in fact true.
• Power and Type II Error
– The power of a fixed level test against a particular
alternative is 1 minus the probability of a Type II
Error for that alternative (1 - β).
• Power: The probability that a fixed level α significance test
will reject H0 when a particular alternative value of the
parameter is true is called the power of the test to detect
that alternative.
• In other words, power is the probability that the test will
reject H0 when the alternative is true (when the null really
should be rejected.)
• Ways To Increase Power:
– Increase α
– Increase the sample size – this is what you will typically
want to do
– Decrease σ
Significance Level
• The observed significance level is the chance of getting a
test statistic as extreme as, or more extreme than, the
observed one.
• It is computed on the basis that the null hypothesis is right.
• The smaller it is, the stronger the evidence against the null.
The common practice of testing hypotheses
The common practice of testing hypotheses mixes the
reasoning of significance tests and decision rules as
State H0 and Ha
Think of the problem as a decision problem, so that the
probabilities of Type I and Type II errors are relevant.
Because of Step 1, Type I errors are more serious. So
choose an α (significance level) and consider only tests
with probability of Type I error no greater than α.
Among these tests, select one that makes the
probability of a Type II error as small as possible (that
is, power as large as possible.) If this probability is too
large, you will have to take a larger sample to reduce
the chance of an error.
The t-test
• The z-test is good when the sample size (number
of draws) is large enough.
• For small samples, the t-test should be used,
provided the histogram of the contents is not too
different from the normal curve.
The t Distribution:
t-Test Groups and Pairs
Used often for experimental data
t-test used when:
Sample size is small (e.g.: < 30)
Dependent variable measured at ratio level
Random assignment to treatment/control groups
Treatment has two levels only
Sample statistic normally distributed
The t-test represents the ratio between the difference
in means between two groups and the standard error
of the difference. Thus:
difference between the means
standard error of the difference
Two t-Tests:
Between- and Within-Subject Design
• Between-subjects:
Used in an experimental design, with an experimental
and a control group, where the groups have been
independently established
• Within-subjects:
In these designs the same person is subjected to
different treatments and a comparison is made
between the two treatments.
• A weight is known to weigh 70 g.
Five measurements were made: 78, 83, 68, 72, 88.
The fluctuation is due to chance variation
assuming that the calibrated instrument was used
for measurement.
• Do the measurements fluctuate around 70, or do
they indicate some bias in the measurement
Summary for the t-test
(a) The data are likely drawn from a normally
distributed population.
(b) The SD of the population is unknown.
(c) The number of observations is small.
(d) The histogram of the contents does not look too
different from the normal curve.
Two Sample Tests
To compare two samples averages, the test
statistic has the form
observed - expected
except that now these terms apply to difference
of sample averages.
Need to find the SE for difference.
Summary for the t-test
The t-statistic has the same form as the z-statistic:
observed  expected
except that the SE is computed on the basis of
SD of the data.
The degree of freedom is (sample size – 1).
The Chi Square Test
Used for frequencies in discrete categories.
(a) To check if the observed frequencies are like
hypothesized frequencies.
(b) To check if two variables are independent in
the population.
Expected frequency for a cell
= (row total X column total)/N
The χ2 statistic is:
(obs freq - exp freq)
  sum of
exp freq
where the sum is taken over all the cell.
Is the die loaded?
A gambler is accused of using a loaded die, but
he pleads innocent. The results of the last 60
throws are summarised below:
observed frequency
• In our example, the χ2-statistic is
(4  10) 2 (6  10) 2 (17  10) 2 (16  10) 2 (8  10) 2 (9  10) 2
 14.2
Large χ2 values
observed frequency is far from expected frequency:
evidence against the null hypothesis.
Small χ2 values
they are close to each other: evidence for the null
• What’s the P-value,
i.e., under the null hypothesis, what’s the
chance of getting a χ2-statistic that is as large
as, or larger than the observed statistic?
• Find out df, Chi square value and find out p
• A test of significance answers a specific question:
How easy is it to explain the difference between the
data and what is expected on the null hypothesis, on
the basis of chance variation alone?
• It does not measure the size of a difference or its
• It will not identify the cause of the difference.
Choosing a stat test……
1. Data type 2. Distribution of data 3. Analysis type (goal)
4. No. of groups 5. Design
How we know a variable is normally distributed
• Histogram
• Mean, Mode and Median if are almost
• Kelmogorov Smirnov test
• Armitadge, Edition
• Bishweswar Rao, Edition 4, Year 2007.
Thank You