Microsoft Word -

2901 Tweed Drive
Finksburg, Maryland
Office: 410.751.2791
Mobile: 410.596.1402
Professional Profile
James P. Clark
I am a Senior Software Engineer and Project Manager with over thirty-three years of experience developing
business applications utilizing Microsoft and Java technologies. My objective is to find a leadership role
constructing software systems using advanced technologies, which allows full use of my mature analytical,
design, and written/verbal communication skills.
Saguaro Software, Inc.
Finksburg, MD
Analyst/Developer/Senior Systems Architect/Requirements Manager/Project Manager/Senior
Information Architect/Tools Technical Architect
Department of Veterans Affairs – VHA Office of Informatics and Analytics, Strategic Investment Management,
Business Information Architecture (1 year, current)
 Performed the role of Senior Information Architect and IBM Rational Software Suite SME, including
liaison to the VA OIT Rational Tools Team.
 Performed UML model Configuration Management activities under Rational Team Concert source control,
producing detailed model release documentation including a change log with differences from the last
release (leveraging Open Health Tools/Model-Driven Health Tools).
 Developed a Java plugin as an extension to Rational Software Architect, providing UML model reports
utilizing the Eclipse-based Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools (BIRT).
 Developed BIRT extract reports used to import key UML information model artifacts into VHA's
TrouxSource enterprise portfolio management repository.
 Tools utilized for the project include IBM Rational Software Architect, IBM Rational Team Concert,
BIRT, TrouxSource, Troux Navigate, and Troux Insight.
Department of Veterans Affairs – VHA Office of Informatics and Analytics, Strategic Investment Management,
Business Architecture (1 year 6 months)
 The mission of the Business Architecture group is to honor veterans by driving VHA healthcare business
transformation and optimization of information system utilization, through identification, classification,
and modeling of business strategies, functions, processes, information and services, to support the needs of
veterans, providers, and sharing partners.
 Fulfilled the role of Project Manager on a task order with the purpose of strengthening VHA’s influence
with peer organizations, such as the Department of Defense (DoD). Served as the lead information
architect in the iEHR Registration, Enrollment, and Eligibility Capability-Integrated Project Team, a
collaborative initiative with the DoD.
 Served the role of Tools Technical Architect and team mentor on the use of Rational Software Architect
and Rational Team Concert. Served as a liaison to the VA OIT Rational Tools Team.
 Tools utilized for the project include IBM Rational Software Architect and IBM Rational Team Concert.
Department of Veterans Affairs – Service Delivery & Engineering (SDE) Program Administration Office (PAO)
(1 year 7 months)
 The SDE PAO coordinates SDE resources for: design and performance assessment, solution ratification
through Systems Engineering Design Review (SEDR), testing of project’s proposed infrastructure,
operations and maintenance planning, operational acceptance and release in partnership with ESE Release
Management, deployment in partnership with Enterprise Operations and Field Operations Implementation
Curriculum Vitae of James P. Clark
 Fulfilled the role of Project Manager on several projects with duties outlined above and including serving
on Integrated Project Teams as a signatory on behalf of SDE. Also maintained a schedule of SDE activities
and milestones of multiple projects, contributing to the master schedule.
 Tools utilized for the project include Microsoft Word, Microsoft Project, and Microsoft SharePoint.
Department of Veterans Affairs – VHA Health Systems Business Architecture, Business Information
Architecture (BIA) (1 year 8 months)
 BIA consists of the analysis and design of the structure and logical organization of information,
concentrating on conceptual entities, their attributes and their interrelationships. It provides the definition
for specific information passing between systems, and linking Business Process modeling and Business
Rule development, thus enabling business workflows across individual systems and across organizational
boundaries. As such, BIA describes how information is utilized and flows across the enterprise, where
information is located and can be retrieved.
 Fulfilled the role of Senior Information Architect, creating UML models for several information domains,
and serving as a mentor to the project team on the use of IBM Rational Software Architect and ClearCase.
 Developed a Java pluglet for importing class attribute data dictionary-type information from artifacts
originating from the VAs Data Architecture Repository (DAR). This tool saved hundreds of hours of UML
modeling effort. This also enabled the domain model’s data dictionary to reside directly within the UML
model file, thus eliminating the need for an external database.
 Developed UML model data dictionary reports utilizing the Eclipse-based Business Intelligence and
Reporting Tools (BIRT), along with an accompanying UML profile.
 Tools utilized for the project include IBM Rational Software Architect, IBM Rational ClearCase, Java,
Eclipse BIRT.
Department of Veterans Affairs – Enterprise Infrastructure Engineering (EIE) Business Needs and Strategic
Alignment group (2 years 11 months)
 EIE provides central systems engineering services and management of a technical framework promoting
one technology vision across the VA. The Business Needs group supports the technical vision by working
across various departments to facilitate information exchange and requirements development for the
realization of effective systems processing.
 Fulfilled the role of Requirements Manager and worked collaboratively with various project teams to
gather systems engineering requirements and to procure resources.
 Tools utilized for the project include Microsoft Word and Microsoft SharePoint.
Department of Veterans Affairs – VHA Office of Health Data and Informatics Social Security Number Reduction
Project (4 months)
 The project was initiated in response to an OMB memorandum directing all federal agencies to eliminate
unnecessary use of SSNs in systems and programs. In support of reporting a plan of action to the OMB,
the project is chartered to develop a VHA SSN usage inventory database and data collection/ survey tool.
 Performed analysis activities and developed a UML model to depict key abstractions within the problem
domain of all SSN usage within the VA.
 Tools utilized for the project include IBM Rational Software Architect and Microsoft SharePoint.
Department of Veterans Affairs – Veteran Health IT- Software Engineering & Integration group (2 years 5
 The VHA Health Information Model (VHIM) is the authoritative enterprise information model for the
VHA; a UML model representing the structure and content of shared information between all services
within the service-oriented architecture (SOA) of HealtheVet VistA.
 Served as Implementation Team Lead for the sub-group responsible for creating XML Schemas and
other implement-able artifacts from the VHIM.
 Developed extensions to the IBM Rational Software Architect environment in the form of Eclipse plugins written in Java; including a UML2 profile, custom constraint validation, and model manipulation.
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 Served as a voting member of the Development Technology Advisory Committee (DTAC), established
to provide technical expertise and guidance for the VHA’s implementation of new technologies
surrounding Oracle and Java.
 Tools utilized for the project include Rational Rose, IBM Rational Software Architect, Rational
ClearCase/ClearQuest, Altova XMLSpy, Eclipse, Genuitec MyEclipse, hyperModel (analysis and
design tool that implements XML modeling concepts), ebXML, freebXML, Java SDK.
Department of Veterans Affairs – VHA HealtheVet VistA Imaging Project (3 years 5 months)
 The VistA Imaging System is an extension to the Veterans Health Information System Technology and
Architecture (VistA) that captures clinical images, scanned documents, electrocardiogram (EKG)
waveforms and other non-textual data files, and associates them with elements of the patient's electronic
medical record. Image and text data are provided in an integrated manner that facilitates the clinician's
task of correlating the data and making patient care decisions in a timely and accurate manner.
 Developed a preliminary project plan (spanning several years) to reengineer the VistA Imaging System.
 Performed requirements analysis, “as-is” analysis, including automated generation of UML models.
Utilized the IBM Rational Unified Process (RUP®).
 Served in the VHA’s Iterative Development Lifecycle (IDL) Implementation Workgroup, in both the
Project Management and Architecture/Development taskforces. The Workgroup is setting the software
development process standards and artifacts for all future software projects at the VHA. The IDL is
based on the IBM Rational Unified Process (RUP®).
 Served in a workgroup to define a comprehensive plan to train VHA developers in Java and Oracle
technologies, and to select a vendor to provide the training and education to the VHA enterprise
developer community.
 Served as a voting member of the Development Technology Advisory Committee (DTAC), established
to provide technical expertise and guidance for the VHA’s implementation of new technologies
surrounding Oracle and Java.
 Developed software in the Java environment utilizing a light-weight architecture without EJBs.
Developed relational data model. Participated in the design and modeling of the next generation
Service-based, general purpose Imaging system.
 Tools utilized for the project include Microsoft Project, Microsoft Word, Microsoft SourceSafe,
Rational XDE, Rational Software Architect, Microsoft Visio 2003, Java SDK, Eclipse, Genuitec
MyEclipse, CVS, Hibernate, Spring Framework, InterSystems Caché, Oracle9i, Quest Software TOAD,
CA ERwin Data Modeler.
WashWorks® Car Wash – Kiosk Project (1 month)
 The in-store kiosk application was designed to gather customer feedback, preferences and allow
customers to enter in a weekly prize drawing for a large Baltimore car wash business. Management
could then use the data gathered to entice customers to return during non-busy times.
 Performed requirements analysis, designed a Microsoft Access database in Visio, and developed a
.NET Windows Forms kiosk application. Also developed a separate management reporting application
in Crystal Reports.
 Tools utilized for the project include Microsoft Visio 2003, Microsoft SourceSafe, Microsoft Visual
Studio .NET 2003, Crystal Reports for Visual Studio .NET.
Tennis League Scheduler (4 months, currently in progress)
 This Java-based client application allows the flexible scheduling of tennis matches in league play.
Multiple clubs, multiple leagues, multiple courts, and an unlimited number of players are supported.
The scheduler provides and even distribution of both doubles partners and opponents, and singles
 This Eclipse Rich Client Platform (RCP) application utilizes a domain model of Java classes, as a basis
for a relational database produced via the Java Persistence API (JPA). Schedules are produced utilizing
the Eclipse-based Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools (BIRT).
 Tools utilized for the project include Genuitec MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench v10.6, EclipseLink
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JPA, Apache Derby, Eclipse BIRT.
RDA Corporation
Consultant/Project Manager
Timonium, MD
eOriginal Inc. – eCore™ Engine Programmer’s Guide (2 months)
 The eCore™ Engine is a framework for supporting the creation of electronic documents and common
document storage/retrieval capabilities.
 Interviewed the software development team to understand and document their complex product.
 The Engine was developed in Java, running in the J2EE environment under BEA WebLogic 5.1 with
Oracle8i. Tools utilized for the project included Rational Rose and Visio 2000.
NASD – Securities Observation, News Analysis, and Regulation (SONAR) (14 months)
 The application provided routine surveillance and follow-up of potential insider trading and fraudulent
activities on the NASDAQ Stock Market (the Market Regulation Department of the National
Association of Securities Dealers [NASD]).
 Performed requirements analysis, designed using object-oriented modeling with UML, and developed
in Visual Basic 6.0/ADO a text-mining application to categorize news events in stories broadcast by all
of the major news wires. Optimized the application for speed with NuMega TrueTime. Modeled the
database with ERwin ERX and authored supporting stored procedures in PL/SQL.
 UML, Visual Basic 6.0, NuMega TrueTime, ClearResearch from ClearForest Corp., XML, ADO,
PLATINUM ERwin ERX, and Oracle8i were utilized on this project.
Hollywood Stock Exchange – Trader Insite (4 months)
 The Market Research Division of the Hollywood Stock Exchange ( embarked on
the development of a B2B Web site providing research and information on the motion picture, music,
and television industries (on a paid subscriber basis) to brokers and investment houses.
 Fulfilled the role of project manager and data analyst. Performed requirements analysis, developed a
functional specification, and designed the data warehouse to support this site. Modeled the database
with Visio 2000 EE and developed supporting queries with TOAD.
 Oracle8i, TOAD, and Visio 2000 Enterprise Edition were leveraged in this engagement.
NASDAQ – Cache Server Evaluation (2 months)
 Authored an evaluation white paper of three memory-caching products for NASDAQ. Several of their
software systems require large amounts of data be resident on multiple NT-based servers to allow for
rapid query/response and retransmission requests of market trading data.
 The results of the evaluation were to provide NASDAQ with sufficient information to decide on one
product to pursue in their ongoing Windows NT-based development efforts.
 An oral and paper presentation was provided to NASDAQ management including the CIO.
United Parcel Service – Annual Shipping Rates Update (3 months)
 Commissioned by UPS to document the complex software change and component build procedures
required by UPS every year to adjust for rate changes across their shipping software product line.
ADP Integrated Medical Solutions – Integrated Product (1 year)
 Guided the design and construction (in the capacity of development manager) of a sophisticated
medical bill review system for automobile and workers' compensation payers.
 The system included a back-end task-scheduling server, complex “Explanation of Review” reports
against the database, an expert system for rule evaluation, and a front end GUI.
 The product was developed in collaboration with major clients including Texas Worker’s
Compensation Commission and Kemper Insurance.
 Visual Basic 6.0, Visual C++ 6.0, Seagate Crystal Reports, Oracle8i, IBM DB/2, and Microsoft Project
were used on this project.
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Curriculum Vitae of James P. Clark
Zurich Insurance Group – COS Internet Architecture Review (2 months)
 Assessed an architectural prototype for an Internet application designed to provide insurance agents
with the ability to provide policy rate quotes to customers across the United States.
 Authored a comprehensive document outlining my assessment, risks, and recommendations for
improvement. The paper was presented to the CIO of Zurich Insurance Group as well as company
Zurich Insurance Group – Large Deductible Billing System (6 months)
 This application replaced a manual process to bill commercial insurance policy holders for very large
deductible amounts.
 Served as project manager for the development of client/server application. Performed requirements
analysis, interviewed subject matter experts, produced a functional specification, and a GUI prototype
using Visual Basic 6.0.
 Developed a reusable middle-tier framework of COM components in Visual Basic 6.0/ADO and the
GUI presentation layer (also with Visual Basic 6.0).
 UML, Visual Basic 6.0, SQL Server 6.5, ADO, and Microsoft Project were employed for this
engagement. IBM MQSeries was used for IBM mainframe access.
Integrated Health Services (IHS) – Timesheet Collection System (8 months)
 The system required collecting over 10,000 timesheets per day from healthcare workers at facilities all
over the country.
 Served as project manager for development of a 3-tiered client/server application utilizing timesheets
for billing the health facilities for services rendered. The FAXed timesheets were fed into a server for
automatic optical character recognition and logging to a database. Designed an object model of the
system using UML.
 UML, Visual Basic 5.0, Cardiff Software TELEforms, Rational Rose 98, Oracle8, and Microsoft Project
were utilized for this project.
MMK Europe, Inc. – United Kingdom Keno Game (7 months)
 MMK Europe, Inc. was contracted to design, develop, and deploy an on-line Keno wagering system in
the United Kingdom.
 Designed and developed an operator administration subsystem for this fast track project which was
deployed in a matter of months. Met the requirements to develop a lottery operator’s GUI that could
connect to any running software component on any LAN server in the system to invoke its functions
and set its properties. Developed the GUI in Visual Basic 6.0.
 Visual C++ 6.0/ATL, Visual Basic 6.0, SQL Server 7.0, and Microsoft’s Distributed Component Object
Model (DCOM) were utilized for this application.
Sallie Mae Servicing Corporation – Loan Consolidation System (18 months)
 The project involved replacing a legacy mainframe Loan Consolidation System with a PC LAN-based
client-server system. This system contains enterprise-wide imaging and workflow components as well
as mainframe connectivity and Web browser-based data input (Intranet).
 Responsible for the overall technical design of the system, serving as system architect for this
multimillion-dollar project.
 Ensured that the architecture met the requirements of the client. Coordinated the development and
consistency of various architectural views of the system. Selected COTS (commercial off the shelf)
products as part of the target configuration.
 Defined source code control and development standards.
 Employed RDA’s Object-Oriented Process (ROOP) on this 3-tier architecture project. Sallie Mae was a
beta site for RDA’s brand new ROOP.
United Parcel Service – Online Lite (18 months)
 This low volume shipper application was a direct response to competing products such as FedEx Ship
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and DHL WinShip. The application prints bar-coded package labels, provides shipping cost, as well as
package tracking.
 Developed a prototype GUI in Visual Basic 4.0 and developed the production GUI using Symantec
C++ 7.2 and MFC.
 Utilized the Microsoft Foundation Class library (MFC) under Symantec C++ 7.2, Visual Basic 4.0,
Microsoft Jet database engine, and Visual SourceSafe for this project.
California Department of Child Welfare – CWS/CMS (18 months)
 CWS/CMS was the world’s largest client-server application, developed for the California Department
of Child Welfare.
 Worked on the user interface portion of the application (in Visual Basic 3.0 with various third-party
components) in addition to designing and implementing the in-memory object-oriented database
(dynamic link library created with Microsoft C++).
 Visual Basic 3.0, Q+E Database/VB, Q+E MultiLink/VB, Q+E Database Editor, FarPoint
Technologies' Visual Architect for Visual Basic, Sheridan Software's VBAssist, MicroHelp's VBTools
and VBXRef, Burton System's TLIB version control software, Intersolv's PVCS version manager, and
mainframe IBM DB2 database access through CICS were used for the application.
Quadram Communications – Intelligent Payphone (6 months)
 Developed a communications server with Microsoft C++ 7.0 that controlled intelligent pay telephones
across an entire country.
 Microsoft C++ 7.0, Microsoft Foundation Class Library (MFC), SQLWindows, and SQLBase were
utilized on the project.
The World Bank – Farmod and Costab (18 months)
 Designed and developed a farm investment analysis package for The World Bank Group using
Microsoft C++ 7.0 and XVT.
 The application’s GUI was portable across a variety of popular window systems including Microsoft
Windows, Macintosh, Presentation Manager, and the X Window System.
 Microsoft C++ 7.0, XVT cross-platform development library, and SQLWindows were used.
Becton, Dickinson and Company – Migration (1 year)
 A large PC-based laboratory information system running under MS-DOS through the use of a DOS
extender, permitting execution in protected mode.
 Authored a report generator subsystem in Microsoft C++ 6.0 that allowed the end-user the capability of
defining and modifying custom report formats.
 Developed software in Microsoft C++ 6.0 responsible for controlling and scheduling workflow on
automated blood culturing instrumentation in a microbiology laboratory.
 Microsoft C++ 6.0 and Raima’s dbQuery hierarchical database were used.
Technical Consultant
General Instrument Corp.
Hunt Valley, MD
 Served as project leader for the design and development of new systems, as well as software and
installation support for existing systems and upgrades.
 Designed, developed and implemented real-time lottery transaction processing systems (with the C
language) for Connecticut, Massachusetts, Ohio, New Jersey, Missouri, and Israel. These systems
capture on-line wagering transactions from a network of up to 2300 terminals located over a wide
geographic area.
 Served as project leader for the development and installation of the Connecticut system as well as the
development of a new level of software for the Ohio system.
 Significant user/customer interface responsibilities.
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Curriculum Vitae of James P. Clark
GTE Research & Development Labs
Phoenix, AZ
 Software design, maintenance, and testing on the GTD-5 EAX (electronic automatic exchange) in the
Call Processing and Administrative Software group. Used the Pascal language for software
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003, 2005, 2008, & 2010, SQL Server, Oracle9i, ClearResearch from
ClearForest Corp, Microsoft FrontPage, Microsoft Expression Web 2, IBM MQSeries, Microsoft Visio,
Rational Rose, Rational XDE, IBM Rational Software Architect v7/8/9, Quest Software TOAD, NuMega
DevPartner Studio, CA ERwin Data Modeler, XVT, Gupta SQL Windows and SQLBase, PowerBuilder,
Pascal, T-SQL, PL/SQL, ODBC/DAO/ADO, Borland JBuilder, Microsoft Project, XML, Java, Visual Basic,
Visual C++, Microsoft Visual SourceSafe, Crystal Reports for Visual Studio .NET, Eclipse, Genuitec
MyEclipse v10.6, NetBeans v6.8, CVS, Hibernate, Spring Framework, InterSystems Caché, Altova XMLSpy
2008 Pro, IBM Rational ClearCase/ClearQuest and Team Concert, Object-oriented modeling using UML,
ebXML, freebXML, Apple Xcode, Eclipse BIRT, EclipseLink JPA, Apache Derby, TrouxSource Platform.
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ
 B.S.E.– Computer Science Engineering
Microsoft Certified Professional
Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (one of the first 100)
Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer
Apple iOS Developer Program membership
Microsoft Developer Network membership (MSDN Premium level)
Microsoft Certifications
Microsoft SQL Server 4.2 Database Implementation
Microsoft SQL Server 4.2 Database Administration for Windows NT
Microsoft on Windows 3.1
Microsoft Windows NT 3.1
Microsoft Windows NT Advanced Server 3.1
Networking with Microsoft Windows for Workgroups 3.11
Microsoft Access 2.0 for Windows--Application Development
Implementing and Supporting Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0
Implementing and Supporting Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 in the Enterprise
Assistant Scoutmaster for the BSA, digital SLR photography, camping, hiking, backpacking, road bicycling,
SCUBA diving (PADI Advanced Open Water certified), tennis (member USTA), motorcycling, and
kayaking. Travel throughout Mexico, the Caribbean Islands, Germany, France, England, Switzerland,
Canada, Israel, Egypt, and the U.S.
Available upon request.
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