World Studies

World Geography - Syllabus
Fall Semester 2014
(Your syllabus should be page one in your notebook.)
Instructor: Mr. Napier
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Course Description:
The high school World Geography course provides students with a comprehensive, intensive study of the distribution and
interaction of physical and human features on the earth. During the semester, we will be studying the 5 Themes of Geography:
 Location
 Place
 Human/Environment Interaction
 Movement
 Region
Course Expectations:
Students will explore issues of World Geography. In order to do that, you will work bell-to-bell. You will use the textbook, take
notes, participate in class discussions, complete assignments, work with partners, and maintain appropriate behavior. In return, we
will do our best to help you master the material and prepare for each assessment, including the comprehensive final exam. Work is
expected to be complete by the due date, and you should cooperate with individual and group activities on a daily basis. Student
behavior which disrupts classroom instruction will not be tolerated and is subject to disciplinary action.
World Geography: Building a Global Perspective by Prentice Hall (2009); bring your text to class each day.
Unit Topics & GPS:
The course is divided into units which correlate to the Georgia Performance Standards (GPS) for World Geography. Here is a
tentative timeline for our course:
Unit One: Intro to Geography and states
Unit Two: United States and Canada
Unit Three: Latin America
Unit Four: Europe
Unit Five: Central Europe and Northern Eurasia
Grade Profile:
 Homework and Daily Activities
 Student Responsibility
 Unit Assessments (Summatives, Tests, Map Tests)
 Performance Tasks
 Quizzes (Academic Vocabulary, Content)
 Final Exam
Unit Six: Central and Southwest Asia
Unit Seven: Africa
Unit Eight: Australia
Unit Nine: Review
Class Materials:
The following materials will be required on a daily basis:
 Textbook
 1”-2” Ring Binder w/4 Dividers: Warm Ups;
Notes; Academic Vocabulary; and Maps/Charts
Colored Pencils & Markers
A variety of purposeful homework will be assigned on a regular basis. It is important that you do not fall behind in an effort to
keep up with discussions, ask questions, and be prepared to successfully take quizzes, tests, and other forms of assessment.
Class Rules:
Generally, students are expected to be . . .
 Prompt (to class on time before the bell and seated with your notebook ready to work,)
 Present (attendance is paramount to your success in this class)
 Prepared (textbook, binder, paper, writing utensil, etc. are brought to class daily)
 Polite (respectful of yourself, your teachers, and your classmates)
*Please be familiar with the Student Handbook regarding school-wide rules
Other Tips for Your Success in Our Class:
1. Work is to be turned in on time. Late work is deducted 10 points per day. We have one “Amnesty Day” per six weeks.
2. Only one student will be allowed outside of class at one time - whether male or female. When outside of the classroom
you must carry a pass from one of us.
3. Students will be assigned seats; your seat will change several times during the semester.
4. A notebook is to be kept and organized throughout the semester. It will be taken up randomly and checked.
5. Tardiness to class will result in detention. We will follow Mercy’s school-wide tardy policy.
Scholastic Dishonesty:
Acts prohibited by Mercy High School for which a zero and/or discipline may be administered include: cheating, plagiarizing, and
unauthorized collaboration with other students in preparing outside work.
Make-up Work:
All work is to be turned in on the assigned due date. A valid excuse will allow students to make up any work missed. Please
email us or see us before/after class with any questions regarding making up work due to an absence. Check with us to schedule
make-up tests and quizzes before or after school. It is your responsibility to keep up with any missed work.
Extra Help:
We are available for extra help after school. The Mercy library is open every morning for students. Free tutoring is available
during lunch.
Note to Parents and Guardians:
Please keep up with your student’s assignments for this class. Homework should be part of your student’s regular routine and
should be taken seriously. Should there be questions or problems, we may be reached most easily via email. The signature below
will verify that the syllabus has been reviewed by both the student and parent/guardian.
Thank You,
Mr. Napier.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------Student Name: __________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Name: _____________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Email & Phone Number: __________________________________________________________________
Relationship to Student: _____________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature: _________________________________________
Anything you would like us to know about your student: