QUESTIONNAIRE “ATTITUDES AND PERCEPTION OF SPEECH SCIENCE AND AUDIOLOGY STUDENTS TOWARD CLINICAL PRACTICE” JABATAN AUDIOLOGI DAN SAINS PERTUTURAN FAKULTI SAINS KESIHATAN UNIVERSITI KEBANGSAAN MALAYSIA 53200 KUALA LUMPUR [SULIT] 1 RESEARCH CONSENT FORM Purpose and Procedure: The purpose of this research is to study the differences in attitude and perception of the Speech Science and Audiology students toward the clinical practice for pre-clinical and postclinical students. If you agree to take part in this research, you need to fill in the questionnaire given. Volunteerism: Your participation in this study is voluntary, and you have the right to withdraw from the study at any time. Risk: Your participation in this study did not involve any physical risk. Cost: There is no cost to be incurred in participating in this study. Confidentiality: All information is confidential. Your identity will be kept confidential. If you have any questions, you may contact: Siau Chin 016-5225079 Raymond 016-6981592 Permission: Signing this document means that this research study, including the information above has been explained to you verbally and you voluntarily agree to participate in this research. ____ (Name of Respondent) (Date) (Signature of Respondents) 2 PART A: DETAILS OF RESPONDEN 1. Name :_________________________________ 2. Age :__________ 2. Year of Study 3. Course :__________ : Audiology Speech Science 4. Gender: (Please tick / ) Male Female 5. Race (Please tick /) Malay Chinese India Others (Please state):______________ 3 PART B: ATTITUDE TOWARD CLINICAL PRACTICE For each of the statements below, please indicate the extent of your agreement or disagreement by placing a tick in the appropriate box. The response scale is as follows: 1. Strongly Agree 2. Agree 3. Undecided or Neutral 4. Disagree 5. Strongly Disagree NO. STATEMENTS 1. I always cooperate with team members during clinical 1 2 3 4 5 practice. 2. I am able to come early before the clinic session starts. 3. When I am facing difficulties during clinical practice, I will always approach supervisor or clinician or search for solution. 4. I can talk to patient, supervisor or clinician confidently. 5. I can work well under stress during the clinical session. 6. I can manage the clinical session independently. 7. I am able to conduct the clinical session according to my plan. 8. If the clinical session does not go smoothly, I can 4 come out with alternative plan quickly. 9. I am comfortable in dealing with variety of patients (different age group, socioeconomic status and gender.) 10. I am always ready in dealing with different kinds of unexpected or unpredictable issues in clinical practice. 5 PART C: PERCEPTION TOWARD CLINICAL PRACTICE For each of the statements below, please indicate the extent of your agreement or disagreement by placing a tick in the appropriate box. The response scale is as follows: 1. Strongly Agree 2. Agree 3. Undecided or Neutral 4. Disagree 5. Strongly Disagree NO STATEMENTS 1. The clinic provides learning opportunity to students during observation, hands on and clinical practice. 2. Clinical practice was successful in meeting most learning goals. 3. Wide range of learning opportunities available during the clinical practice. 4. Clinical practice allows more independence with increased skills. 5. Clinical practice allows students to develop personal growth and professional identity as an audiologist and speech pathologist. 6. Students are provided with adequate guidance and support from supervisors and clinician. 7. Students help each other in clinical practice. 8. Students can easily find help from other resources such as supervisor or clinician when needed. 9. Instructors encourage students to help each other during clinical session. 1 2 3 4 5 6 10. Students feel supported when learning new skills in clinical practice. 11. Clinical setting provides an effective learning environment to the students. 12. The clinical setting is appropriate for the patients in term of the management provided. 13. There is adequate number and variety of patients available at clinic. 14. There is needed equipment, supplies and resources are available in the clinic. 15. Students feel comfortable with the clinical setting. ~ THANK YOU ~ 7