Ch 13 Study Guide Animal Behavior

Ch 13 Study Guide: Animal Behavior
Concepts to Know
An animal’s reaction to a stimulus is a(n) response.
In insight learning, an animal uses what it already knows to figure out a new problem.
Pavlov’s dog is an example of an animal that has been subjected to conditioning.
An area occupied and defended by an animal or group of animals is a territory.
In order to ensure that mating and reproduction occur, some animals perform courtship behavior.
When some birds fly south in the winter, they are showing migration behavior.
Ants are animals that live in a special group called a(n) society, where all the individual work in a highly
organized way.
Chemical means of communication include pheromones.
Pheromones are not used for poisoning prey.
Imprinting occurs in some birds and mammals when they recognize and follow the first moving object
they see.
Animals may compete for food by showing aggression which is a threatening behavior.
Ants use a type of chemical to communicate called pheromones.
Learning is a change in behavior based on practice or experience.
Hibernation is a state of greatly reduced body activity in the winter.
Behavior patterns that follow a daily cycle are called circadian rhythms.
Some birds hibernate in the winter, when they fly to warmer areas to find food (f; migrate).
When you learned to ride a bike, you became better the more you practiced. This is an example of trailand-error learning (true).
Animals sometimes travel in groups because they are less likely to be attacked by predators (true).
Most birds build their nests by instinct (true).
Instincts are behaviors that are inborn and performed correctly the first time (true).