Informative Research Product Organizer

Informative Research Product Organizer
Research Topic: Effective Marketing
Focusing Statement:
Marketing is a constantly evolving field requiring a constant focus on the new and a willingness to take a step forward.
Today’s marketing focuses on how to improve how a customer sees a product/idea and how they view the business/company.
Essential Background Information for Introduction:
Marketing is everywhere, and everyone’s seen it. The ads on billboards, the catchy songs on TV, the annoying emails and
online surveys; everywhere. Marketing is most basically the act of gathering the attention of an audience to your product or idea
and then the act of making something fruitful come out of that.
Potential Hook/Grabber (Story, anecdote, quote about your issue):
“The average person is exposed to 1,600 advertising messages per day. People respond (and not necessarily positively) to
only about 12 of them.” (Manuel Castells). Many estimates are even higher than that.
Topic 1:
The Acceleration of Marketing
Many strategies of marketing rise and fall in
popularity, now even more quickly with the increase
in social technology.
The article by the Rhett McLaughlin and Link Neal outlines this point very
well. Start with some of the outdated methods that are still relatively
 “The rate of technological, social and cultural change is increasing,
and nowhere is this more pronounced than in social media”
“If accelerating change creates windows of opportunity in social
media, it helps to spot them as they begin to open and sense when
they're about to slam shut.”
User generated video contests are out
o 2007: “TurboTax gave Vanilla Ice something to do by
letting him judge nearly 400 entries for the Tax Rap
The use of humor in advertising has been on a
steady rise because so many have discovered that
it’s one of the best ways to attract interest. Humor
in itself changes with the times but its use has
always been one of the few constants of marketing.
Very short pre video commercial
o The ads that appear before a video
o Short ones are most effective
Lou Dubois wrote a whole piece on this as well. Don’t forget that you can
include videos of commercials here, especially the Old Spice ones among
other examples.
“As an audience, consumers most enjoy being entertained instead of
pitched, and so appealing to them emotionally can lead to further
engagement with your product in the future. Utilizing social media
can be an inexpensive and extremely effective way to do that.”
Recent commercials
o Old Spice
o E-Trade
Viral Videos
More Old Spice
Topic 2:
The Effects and the Science Behind Marketing
Customers have become increasingly more brand
dependent to a level that is actually quite shocking
The article entitled: “A 'brand' new world: Attachment runs thicker than
money” provides many interesting facts on how marketing has been so
successful to the point where people “need” the brands they buy.
 Annotation 6
How awareness campaigns can reach (and not
reach) their intended audience.
The science behind it all is outlined in the article: Unintended Effects of a
Domestic Violence Campaign.
 Annotation 9
*I’m not sure if I will use this part because it is a
little too complicated and not totally necessary
How marketing has moved into the subconscious.
They are now able to market to us without even
knowing it. Even trying to purposely ignore
marketing can leave a large effect.
Evidence /Quotes:
There are two separate studies which were very well combined by David
Chapin who provided a great article on how our subconscious minds can
be affected by marketing.
 Annotation 5
Topic 3:
Developing Tactics:
Public awareness campaigns while they have been
around for a long time, their increase in popularity
has only spiked recently because of all the new
communication windows that have opened up.
An example of this would be Lance Armstrong’s
yellow bands for cancer awareness.
Social media is the biggest boom in terms of
marketing and technology in general. Allowing
advertisements to go across the world and connect
with people. It is the one constant in a storm of
The acceleration of behavioral targeting along with
social media and the loss of privacy.
One of the few types of marketing that does not look to “make a profit”
How many of these campaigns have been so successful because of their to
utilize all the windows of opportunity that the world presents
See the article by Lacy Meyer
 Lance Armstrong’s yellow band campaign
 The breast cancer pink ribbon
o As well as Facebook’s various breast cancer awareness
 Ease of connectivity
 How so many companies and business have made the push to
connect i.e. “groups”
o Facebook fan pages for things like Nike and others
o Twitter accounts for celebrities and companies/CEOs
that people can follow
 Most websites are now set up so you can relink their posts over
on things such as Facebook or Twitter, which brings more traffic
o All news sites and most other cites now
 Find a picture to demonstrate
Evidence /Quotes:
Behavioral targeting has had its subtle roots but now can become much
more personal thanks to the freedom of information
Behavioral targeting is the attempt to predict what
an individual will want to buy based on the things
they have bought, the places they’ve visited, and the
people they know.
imc² wrote a whole article detailing the basics which should be good for
a presentation like this
“Behavioral targeting is a way to use historical data gathered on
users’ activities to target specific persons or groups (consumers) for
advertisements and messaging. Ads are delivered to consumers
based on the sites they visit or what they do on those sites.”
“For example, in Facebook a user can “become a fan” of various
brands. Once the fan connection is created, a brand can deliver
brand-specific messaging within a user’s established network and
potentially increase brand recognition, affinity, and sales.”
“Once GPS-chip handsets are more readily available, advertisers
will be able to target consumers based on where they are with their
mobile devices and their history of activity with a product.”