Current Events Article Summary Form

Period: _______Name: _____________________________________ Date: __/__/__
Current Event Article Summary Form
Topic of Article: ________________________________________
Article Headline: ______________________________ Date Published: ___/___/___
Article Source: _______________________________
I. In Your Words - Key Concepts Be sure to explain the article in an interesting way using
your own wording and attention grabbing statements. (Keep in mind you will be reading off of this
form when you present to the class.)
II. In Their Words - Key Concepts Choose two quotes from the article that are most useful to
the reader and give a short explanation of why they are important quotes.
“____________________________________________________________________________ ”
“____________________________________________________________________________ ”
III. Personal Response (do on the back of this paper)
Why is this article important? What did you learn from reading this article? How do you feel about this
issue? Why should the American public and/or people involved care? This is your Conclusion!
(Minimum of 4 -5 sentences - use the following prompts to help you begin:
 “I am glad that I read this article because....”
 “Teens who read this article learned…”
 “The interesting thing about this article is…”
(Please do this part on the back)