Visual Analysis

Jessica Judd
English 1010
10 September, 2013
“He hasn’t washed that shirt in week, but she doesn’t need to know that…”
For this assignment, I chose to analyze a
magazine advertisement that I found online (Figure
1.) This advertisement is for Febreze, a brand of
household odor eliminator, and was created by the
manufacturer, Procter and Gamble. This particular
ad depicts the stereotypical “troublemaker,” a harsh
looking young man (covered in tattoos, unnaturally
colored, unkempt hair, etc.) hugging a seemingly
sweet elderly woman that the reader would assume
Figure 1: Febreze advertisement.
(CTRL + CLICK to access full size image)
is his grandmother. The photo is accompanied by the caption, “He hasn’t washed that
shirt in weeks, but she doesn’t need to know that…” The creators of this ad were
targeting multiple issues, audiences, and used many different rhetorical strategies to
capture the reader’s attention and sell their odor-eliminating product.
Firstly, by creating the “troublemaker” character, they were relating to a lot of
different people. Tattoos, piercings, etc. have become a huge part of today’s society
and it’s something everyone in the younger generations have become familiar with.
Although it has become a frequent occurrence, things such as tattoos are also
something that not everyone accepts and condones, which is one issue the writer is
taking on and using to their advantage. This creates the relation to both the younger
generation that is so accustomed to seeing it, as well as the older generation that may
not be so thrilled about the new fad.
The beginning of the caption, “He hasn’t washed that shirt in weeks,” also implies
something about this young man’s lifestyle. Whether it be that he’s sloppy and doesn’t
do laundry, or that he only owns one shirt, or that he spends his time doing things he
considers more important than laundry, an implication of some sort is unarguably
present. This is yet another thing that relates to the older generation, or the people who
may make these assumptions, as well as the younger generation, the ones who may be
able to relate to having smelly shirts. In creating these two characters, the writer has
made it very apparent that their audience was deeply considered before creating the ad,
and has given the readers something that everyone can relate to. One being the issue
of tattoos and another being logos, the point of the ad, to introduce the audience to their
product that will eliminate any potentially unwanted smells, especially those that would
offend your grandmother.
The pathos and ethos come into play with the given scenario, the young man
hugging his grandma. As previously stated, not everyone may condone this man’s
lifestyle, but this image is creating the dialogue that his grandmother still loves him
anyway, regardless of his tattoos, or the way his shirt smells. By introducing this idea,
the reader becomes introduced with the writer and the way they view people such as
this “troublemaker.” Creating this dialogue leads to the reader to look inward and
consider their view on this ethical issue, and to truly think about how they might judge
people unknowingly. The ethical appeal points out that everybody, regardless of style,
race, beliefs, etc. is still somebody’s grandson or granddaughter.
Pathos is probably the biggest strategy used in this advertisement. Even though
there are many issues that are subtly introduced, the first thing the reader considers is
the adorable photo. Seeing the tender side of someone who, to the eye, is rugged and
harsh is always heartwarming. The creators of this ad were using that tug on the
heartstrings to invoke sympathy, and therefore make the reader like their product
because of “what it stands for” or to bring a smile to their face when they think of the
advertisement. The positive correlation is a huge part of marketing.
Overall, I think this is a fantastic advertisement. The reason I picked it for the
assignment was because it immediately got my attention and made me smile. The
rhetorical strategies of logos, pathos, and ethos that the creators used, along with the
underlying issues, make the ad really interesting and enjoyable. The imagery of the
advertisement is persuading the reader to use their product by giving an example of a
use that everyone could benefit from, making dirty shirts smell clean, as well as playing
on the endearing photo and giving the reader that warm fuzzy feeling memory of
hugging their grandma.