MODULE SPECIFICATION TEMPLATE MODULE DETAILS Module title Module code Level Developing Strategic & Change Capabilities PSM MNM99 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Credit rating Pre-requisites for registration on this module eventually it is anticipated that these will be specified in terms of learning outcomes; in the interim they should be specified in terms of other module codes, or equivalent Type of module Period of time over which it is delivered and mode of delivery Brief description of module content and/ or aims Overview (max 80 words) X Level 7 40 100 credits from MBA PSM Block mode delivered over 12 days of teaching in smaller blocks This module is designed to prepare managers to deal effectively with new and challenging situations of strategic relevance to their organisations whilst drawing on theories and models for strategic analysis and organisational change applicable to the wider public services. To critically analyse, evaluate and improve organisational practices. To initiate and lead new developments, be capable of comprehending and integrating cross functional and sectoral issues whilst drawing on sound judgement, personal responsibility and initiative in complex and unpredictable public service environments. Tove Sorensen-Bentham, Richard Morland, Steve Reeve and Julie Flower 1 or 2 Mithras House Module team/ author/ coordinator(s) Semester 1 or 2 Site/ campus where delivered Field(s) for which module is appropriate and status in that field Field Status (mandatory/ compulsory/ optional) Course(s) for which module is appropriate and status on that course Course Status (mandatory/ compulsory/ optional) MBA Public Service Management Mandatory MODULE AIMS, ASSESSMENT AND SUPPORT Aims Learning outcomes/ objectives This module aims to: - Develop a systematic understanding of how public service organisations might use strategic management disciplines to position themselves to the most appropriate public advantage in an increasingly competitive and dynamic environment. Such understanding should include knowledge of established and emerging theories and models. - Develop the capability to devise, evaluate and report on options for strategic direction and change in public service organisations by critically comparing with best external practice and current theoretical positions. Such capability should combine innovation and creativity within a systematic approach. - Develop an understanding of how the boundaries of knowledge are advanced through research. - Develop the qualities needed for employment in circumstances requiring sound judgement, personal responsibility and initiative in complex and unpredictable professional public service environments including the capability and underpinning knowledge to take on novel, uncharted situations with steadiness of purpose and clear leadership. - Develop the ability to collect and critically evaluate information which may be incomplete or ambiguous across a range of areas relevant to public services, analyse that information and synthesise it into an appropriate form to evaluate decision alternatives. At the end of this module students will be able to: - Critically evaluate established theories and current research within the field of strategic and change management applied within a dynamic public service management context. - Critically examine and evaluate the external and internal factors that influence strategy positioning and the needs for change in specific public services, using incomplete or ambiguous data and taking account of concerns such as sustainability, governance and accountability. - Initiate, plan and carry out a substantial individual project of strategic importance to one or more public service organisations. The design and interpretation of the project should draw on a sound knowledge of strategic and change management disciplines. - Continue personal and professional development, having acquired independent learning skills. At this stage professional autonomy and self-direction and support of the development of others will be expected as the norm. Content Developing Strategic Capabilities in Public Services Definition of corporate strategy and its role in the development of an undertaking. The corporate environment. Competing perspectives on the role and operation of organisations within the public service sphere. Corporate mission purpose and aspirations. Organic growth and business fragmentation. Optimal size. The concept of synergy and its application to corporate strategy. Integration of organisations to achieve synergy or to release value. Corporate strategy in the political and economic context and technological evolution. Strategy and structure, culture and control linked to organizational design. The resource based organisation System approach Developing Organisational Change Capabilities Change management, planned and emergent. Organisational indicators of need for change and readiness for change. Soft systems methodology. The significance of the following to the understanding and managing of change: Organisational structures Organisational culture and change Leadership and change Organisational learning Resistance to change The content will be delivered through presentations, discussions, visiting lectures and a range of learning exercises inc. individual project presentations for formative feedback, drawing on materials and experiences offered to and by the participants. Particular use will be made of participants’ personal experience in the workplace. Formative sessions with feedback from tutors and fellow students will be provided at regular interval to ensure successful progression of study. Supporting reading and learning material will be provided during the module together with appropriate reading references relating to the various theoretical concepts. Activity Hours Contact hours including guided 120 learning, research, group work, and reading Self-study and assessment 280 Total hours 400 hours Learning support Including indicative reading, computer Studies will be supported by: The University’s ‘studentcentral’ intranet Library facilities including online library Module readers Assignment guidance notes 1 days business research workshop providing tailored support for the individual packages, field trips etc students 2 x 1 day formative feedback sessions with critical friends and tutors Lecture notes and links to journal articles posted on student central following each workshop On-going tutorial support on an individual request basis. Global Management Forum – guest speaker programme –providing a strategic leadership perspective Indicative reading list (Please note that this is an indicative reading list, which is current at the time of writing. Tutors cannot guarantee that books will remain in print over the year of the course and they cannot anticipate when new editions will be published). Module tutors will provide guidance on selected reading but in addition participants will be encouraged to explore articles in scholarly journals they find relevant to the course topics and issues. Organisational Change & Dynamics Argyris, C. On Organisational Learning. Blackwell Publishing Balogun, J. and V.Hope Hailey. Exploring Strategic Change. Prentice Hall Burnes, B. Managing Change - a Strategic Approach to Organisational Dynamics. Prentice Hall Carnall, C Managing Change in Organizations. Prentice Hall Checkland and Poulter. Learning for Action: a short definitive account of soft systems methodology. John Wiley & Sons Darwin, J et a.l Developing Strategies for Change. Prentice Hall Hamlin, B et al. Organizational Change and Development. Prentice Hall Kotter, J. P. Leading Change. Harvard Business School Press Kotter, J. and Jones, G. Organizational Theory, Design, and Change. Prentice Hall Senior, B. Organisational Change. Prentice Hall Thornhill, A. et al. Managing Change. Prentice Hall. Selected articles from Journals such as Academy of Management Journal European Business Review European Journal of Innovation Management Harvard Business Review The International Journal of Public Sector Management Journal of Business Strategy Journal of Change Management Journal of Organizational Behavior. Journal of Organisational Change Long Range Planning Strategic Management Review Web sites - Public Sector Benchmarking Service - ODPM Local Government Performance site - The Cabinet Office’s work to transform public services - Electronic Library for Social Care: best practice, guidance, standards etc. - Sharing good practice from Beacon Councils - IDEA Knowledge - NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement - Local Government Association - Local Government Information Unit – NHS Modernisation Agency – National College for School Leadership - National Knowledge Service for Health and Social Care - Office of Public Service Reform hodology.pdf Strategic Management in Public Services Selected articles from Journals such as Academy of Management Journal International Journal of Public Sector Management Journal of Business Strategy Journal of General Management Journal of Organizational Change Management Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory Journal of Strategy and Leadership Journal of Strategy and Management Long Range Planning Public Money & Management Journal Web sites Assessme nt tasks Including weighting of individual tasks The summative assessment will be in two parts supported by formative assessment. Part 1. Project (weighting: 100% of the total mark) Individual work-based project Word length: 10,000- 12,000 words Part 2. Reflective Statement (compulsory but not weighted) Participants will write a reflection of their learning from the module and from doing the module assignments. This will identify the significance of the module to the individual's personal and professional development; its significance to their current and future roles/careers and if appropriate, its significance to their application of the learning to their organisation. Reflection word length: 1,000 – 1,500 words EXAMINATION INFORMATION Area examination board MBA Programme External examiners Name As agreed by SCEEN Date appointed QUALITY ASSURANCE Date of first approval Only complete where this is not the first version Date of last revision 2001 2006 Only complete where this is not the first version Date of approval for this version Version number Modules replaced Specify codes of modules for which this is a replacement 2012 3