Greater Manchester AHP Research Network Research mentoring for AHPs: funding opportunity 2015 Details and application form The Greater Manchester AHP Research Network is offering three opportunities for small research awards during 2015. The awards are aimed at any AHP currently working in NHS healthcare within the Greater Manchester area (see below for a list of eligible professions and Trust areas). Awards are aimed at supporting the Network’s aims which are: To support and facilitate allied health professions research within the Greater Manchester Region To provide a forum for networking amongst researchers in Greater Manchester and the other networks To promote interdisciplinary research through networking and events To contribute to the professions speaking as one voice from the Greater Manchester area To provide support for evidence of practitioners’ value and impact for enhancing healthcare For 2015, three awards of £500 each are offered to eligible individuals for mentoring in research methods and research proposal development. Funding will pay for a mentor who will support the applicant. The funding does not cover research costs or the applicant’s own time. These small-scale projects may fall under any of the following categories: a) Mentoring for project development: the candidate will submit an outline of a research project idea and identify her/his needs for mentoring and supervision to develop a project proposal. This project proposal will be submitted for external funding (e.g. from professional bodies, charities, NIHR or other relevant funding institutions. The candidate/applicant may already have an appropriate mentor in mind or can ask the Network to identify a mentor or 1 b) Research mentoring for preparation of application to the NIHR Clinical Academic Training Scheme (, including supervision, advice and support for small scale pilot or proof of concept work in healthcare research, related to the candidate’s workplace. The funding should be used to allow the candidate to prepare a high-quality application for the NIHR scheme (Doctorate or MClinRes) and to prepare a research report for dissemination. The candidate may already have an appropriate mentor in mind or can ask the Network to identify a mentor. or c) Mentoring for completing a small scale research project: the candidate will submit a brief outline of the research and indicate what the needs for mentoring and supervision are to bring that project to a conclusion. The candidate may already have an appropriate mentor in mind or can ask the Network to identify a mentor. Proposals which encourage interdisciplinary research are particularly welcome. Applications that have an interdisciplinary element or that will lead (in time) to a significant publication are particularly welcome. The Network may make one award under each theme or 2/3 awards in one theme, dependent on the quality of applications. Projects should be completed by the end of 2015. HOW TO APPLY Download a copy of the application form from The application process will open at the launch of the GM AHPRN on 11 th May 2015. You can download a form from the website or post a paper copy. Application forms must be received by 15th June 2015. Application forms should be sent to: Postal address: Dr Catherine Adams, Communication and Deafness Section, Ellen Wilkinson Building, University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL. FAQs Do I have to be working in the NHS to apply for a mentorship? You must be able to demonstrate that you either a) are employed by a Greater Manchester NHS Trust or b) are a qualified and registered professional providing contracted healthcare service for one of the Greater Manchester NHS Trusts. For NIHR funding you must be an NHS employee with at least one year full time employment (see NIHR website for eligibility rules). 2 Who can be a mentor and how will I find one? Mentors will be experienced clinical researchers who are recognised specialists in their field of research and who have a record of publication in appropriate peer-reviewed journals. They may be based in an NHS Trust or in a University. You may already know or have contact with a person whom you think could be a good mentor for you. If you don’t know who you want to have as a mentor, you can still apply and ask the Network to use its contacts to identify appropriate choices for you. Mentors will have to be approved by the Network in order to allocate funding, so we do ask for a short CV from a mentor who is proposed by the candidate. If applying for themes a or b you must have identified a potential supervisor or made contact with the research network to assist with identification of a supervisor. I don’t know if my idea is well enough developed yet, what should I do? The GMAHPRN is happy to consider a very wide range of ideas for projects and understands that some ideas may be at a very early stage. One of the themes above indicates that part of the mentoring process will be to develop outline ideas together with the candidate in order that they are able to be implemented quickly or are developed into a full research proposal. If you want to develop an idea now, please talk with your local colleagues and supervisors, your local R&D department or a contact at an appropriate University department. What type and topics of sort of research are appropriate? In general, funding is only sufficient to cover small scale project or proof of concept work. A range of methods is acceptable, including pilot work and case-based designs but not systematic reviews or clinical trials. The project content can be about any relevant aspect of healthcare, healthcare education within the remit of AHPs. Interdisciplinary projects are especially welcome as well as projects investigating the use of social media or technology in healthcare. What does the funding cover? The mentoring funding is awarded directly to the mentor (and his/her institution) to enable time to be spent with the candidate in developing research skills, carrying out appropriate research protocols and developing proposal/projects. The amount of mentor time available will need to negotiated with the mentor and his/her insitiution. Funding will not provide for any additional costs such as travel, conference funding or research equipment. In future years there may be an opportunity to apply for such funding but it is not available in 2015. How will decisions be made? Applications will be screened by a working party of the GMAHPRN steering committee and then ranked by the full committee. Decisions will be communicated to the successful applicants as soon as possible. 3 How do I apply? You can apply for the research mentor awards using the application form on our website: Please read the application form for the information that must be included. Applications which exceed word limits or arrive after the deadline will not be accepted. We are not able to provide feedback to unsuccessful applicants. Will I need permission to take up the award? Yes; you will need a supporting letter from your line manager to indicate overall support for the application and that you will have sufficient time allotted to enable you to attend mentoring sessions. Any arrangements for research time (e.g. preparing survey materials, case study participant testing) will also need to be agreed within your post or done in your own time. What will I need to deliver at the end of the award? You should complete all the mentoring sessions and provide a short report back to the RN at the end of the study, indicating progress toward the research learning objective and attach any outputs (talks, articles, e-material, newsletters) that have been delivered or indicate a plan of dissemination. 4 Greater Manchester AHP Research Network Research Mentoring Application Form 2015 Personal Details Title First name Surname Name of Employer What is your profession Job Title What is your current agenda for change band? Address for correspondence Postcode Contact email Contact phone number Professional registration. Please provide details of your professional registration including your registration number and date of registration renewal. Qualifications List qualifications obtained after leaving school 5 The proposal What is the aim/purpose of your project? (max 100 words) How do you intend to carry it out? List the practical arrangements, time required and any resources that you think will be needed (max 100 words) What kind of mentorship support do you require to meet the aims of your project? (max 50 words) What relevant skills and experience would you bring to the project? (max 50 words) What are the expected outcomes/deliverables? (max 50 words) 6 If you have a mentor already in mind, please provide the details listed here: Mentor’s contact information Title First name Surname Host Institution/Trust Address for correspondence Contact email Contact phone number The chosen mentor should outline his/her experience of supervising research students (max 100 words) Please describe broadly the research support you will provide for your mentee and the experience she/he will obtain (max 100 words) Declaration from mentor I confirm that I have met with of work for the mentorship Signature and that we have agreed the above programme Date Declaration from applicant I confirm that the information given on this form is true, complete and accurate and no information requested or other material information has been omitted Signature Date 7