Honors Chemistry Week-At-A-Glance “The trouble with measurement is its seeming simplicity.” Anonymous WEEK 2 Goal: Habits of Mind (Summative Assessment 1/24/12) https://sites.google.com/site/harrisonhighchemistrytarvin/ Monday, 1/16/12 MLK, Jr. Holiday . Tuesday, 1/17/12 Wednesday, 1/18/12 Thursday, 1/19/12 Friday, 1/20/12 Essential Question: How can units be converted more simply? Essential Question: How can units be converted more simply? Essential Question: How can units be converted more simply? Essential Question: How can units be converted more simply? Standard: SCSh4: Students will use tools and instruments for observing, measuring, and manipulating scientific equipment and materials; SCSh5: Students will demonstrate the computation and estimation skills necessary for analyzing data and developing reasonable scientific explanations. SCSh2: Use standard safety practices. Objectives: Use tools and estimation skills for accurate measurement Solve problems using dimensional analysis Standard: SCSh4: Students will use tools and instruments for observing, measuring, and manipulating scientific equipment and materials; SCSh5: Students will demonstrate the computation and estimation skills necessary for analyzing data and developing reasonable scientific explanations. SCSh2: Use standard safety practices. Objectives: Use tools and estimation skills for accurate measurement Solve problems using dimensional analysis Standard: SCSh4: Students will use tools and instruments for observing, measuring, and manipulating scientific equipment and materials; SCSh5: Students will demonstrate the computation and estimation skills necessary for analyzing data and developing reasonable scientific explanations. SCSh2: Use standard safety practices. Objectives: Use tools and estimation skills for accurate measurement Solve problems using dimensional analysis Review Density calculations Standard: SCSh4: Students will use tools and instruments for observing, measuring, and manipulating scientific equipment and materials; SCSh5: Students will demonstrate the computation and estimation skills necessary for analyzing data and developing reasonable scientific explanations. SCSh2: Use standard safety practices. Objectives: Use tools and estimation skills for accurate measurement Solve problems using dimensional analysis Review sig fig rules DUE: Density of a Cube Lab and Think Dots Activity Visual/Auditory Activity: Metric Conversions Video and notes (Chemistry 104) Partner Problem-Solving: Metric Conversions Worksheets 1-4 Self-Assessment: Check your worksheet WORK and ANSWERS with the key Homework: Review the video linked on the blog. Complete any problems remaining from your classwork (linked on blog). Prepare for tomorrow’s Element Symbols Quiz Formative Assessment: Element Symbols Quiz Visual/Auditory Activity: Dimensional Analysis PowerPoint slides with interactive problem-solving Partner Problem-Solving: Dimensional Analysis Think Dots Activity Homework: Review the PowerPoint linked on the blog. Complete any problems remaining from classwork, or solve additional problems. Begin solving dimensional analysis practice in your unit practice packet. Self-Assessment: Check the Dimensional Analysis Think Dots and the practice packet keys posted Collaborative ProblemSolving: Work together to answer one another’s questions on dimensional analysis. Then, solve the four dimensional analysis lab stations. Independent Review of Density: Read carefully the helpful hints, and solve the density practice problems. Note: The answers can be found at the end of the document. Homework: Review dimensional analysis for tomorrow’s quiz. Begin cumulative review of your notes for Tuesday’s test. Formative Assessment: Dimensional Analysis Quiz Visual-Auditory Activity: Significant Figures Review Video (Physics 104 & 105) STOP at Hooke’s Law Experiment (16:00 min) Partner Problem-Solving Review: Answer the questions on the 3 sig fig worksheets provided Self-Assessment: Check your worksheet WORK and ANSWERS with the key Homework: Review the video linked on the blog. Complete any problems remaining from your classwork (linked on blog). Complete ALL problems in your practice packet. TEST ON TUESDAY!!!