UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA RADIATION SAFETY SHORT COURSE Radioisotope Laboratory Techniques Day 2 Environmental Health & Safety Radiation Control & Radiological Services Our Goals •To provide you with the information to work smarter and safer! •To fulfill the requirements of the University of Florida’s Radioactive Materials license. Lab Safety Checklist • Complete Radiation Safety Inspection • Quarterly • Swipe survey • Lists any deficiencies Lab Safety Checklist 1. Caution Signs a. b. c. d. e. f. Doors Hoods Hardware Work Areas Refrigerators / Freezers Waste Areas Lab Safety Checklist 1. Caution Signs a. b. c. d. e. f. Doors Hoods Hardware Work Areas Refrigerators / Freezers Waste Areas Lab Safety Checklist 1. Caution Signs a. b. c. d. e. f. Doors Hoods Hardware Work Areas Refrigerators / Freezers Waste Areas Lab Safety Checklist 1. Caution Signs a. b. c. d. e. f. Doors Hoods Hardware Work Areas Refrigerators / Freezers Waste Areas Lab Safety Checklist 2. Required Postings a. b. c. d. Emergency Spill Procedures Notice to Employees Emergency Notification Laboratory Safety Rules Lab Safety Checklist 2. Required Postings a. b. c. d. Emergency Spill Procedures Notice to Employees Emergency Notification Laboratory Safety Rules Lab Safety Checklist 2. Required Postings a. b. c. d. Emergency Spill Procedures Notice to Employees Emergency Notification Laboratory Safety Rules Lab Safety Checklist 2. Required Postings a. b. c. d. Emergency Spill Procedures Notice to Employees Emergency Notification Laboratory Safety Rules Lab Safety Checklist 3. Survey Instruments a. b. c. d. Battery Check Calibrated within the last 9 months? Proper meter for isotopes in use? Is LSC information the same as last inspection? Lab Safety Checklist 4. Waste Areas a. b. c. d. Properly Shielded? Properly Segregated? Stored properly? Are appropriate catchtrays under liquids? Lab Safety Checklist 5. Protective Clothing a. Lab coat? b. Appropriate gloves? c. Eye protection? UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS USER STATEMENT OF TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE (To be completed by ALL personnel who will be working with radioactive materials at the University of Florida) Lab Safety Checklist 6. Lab Surveys and Documentation a. RC-1 Forms current? b. Radioisotope forms maintained (track RAM from cradle to grave)? c. Radioisotope transfer forms maintained? d. Adequate survey frequency and documentation? e. Spills involving personnel or > 100 mCi? f. Follow-up surveys, documentation, and decon of contaminated areas > 100mCi? g. Waste disposal receipts? NAME: DEPARTMENT: PHONE: CLASSIFICATION (Faculty, Technician, Student, etc.): RADIOACTIVE MATAERIAL TO BE USED: PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: RADIATION SAFETY TRAINING SUBJECT WHERE TRAINED DATES AND DURATION OF TRAINING PRECEPTOR/ ON THE JOB Yes No FORMAL COURSE Yes No A. Principles and practices of radiation protection B. Radioactivity Measurement, standardization, monitoring techniques, and instruments Yes No Yes No C. Mathematics and calculations basic to use and measurement of radioactivity Yes No Yes No D. Biological effects of radiation exposure Yes No Yes No materials Yes No Yes No Operating and Emergency procedures Yes No Yes No E. Transportation of radioactive F. RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL HANDLING EXPERIENCE RADIONUCLIDE USED MAXIMUM AMOUNT WHERE EXPERIENCE WAS GAINED DATES AND DURATION OF EXPERIENCE TYPE OF USE Have radiation exposure records been maintained for you at another institution? Yes I have read and will abide by the University regulations as set forth in the RADIATION CONTROL GUIDE. Signature: __________________________________________________ Date: If additional space is needed, use the back of this sheet. Keep a copy and return original to: RADIATION CONTROL DEPARTMENT - 212 Nuclear Sciences Center - Box 118340 No RADIONUCLIDE UTILIZATION FORM PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Dr. No RADIONUCLIDE: P-32 Lab Safety Checklist CHEMICAL/PHYISICAL FORM: liq/aqueous INITIAL ACTIVITY RECEIVED (Ci or mCi): 5 mCi DATE RECEIVED: Transferred from PI: Transfer Approval Date: 06/04/08 (USE A SEPARATE FORM FOR EACH SHIPMENT OF EACH RADIONUCLIDE RECEIVED) 6. Lab Surveys and Documentation a. RC-1 Forms current? b. Radioisotope forms maintained (track RAM from cradle to grave)? c. Radioisotope transfer forms maintained? d. Adequate survey frequency and documentation? e. Spills involving personnel or > 100 mCi? f. Follow-up surveys, documentation, and decon of contaminated areas > 100mCi? g. Waste disposal receipts? ROOM NO: DEN-252 Activity Remaining Ci-mCi 4.3 mCi Use Final Disposal 06/04/18 Activity Removed Ci-mCi 0.7 mCi Gel shift Liquid waste Users Initials JT 06/11/08 2.0 mCi 2.3 mCi RNase protection Solid waste DD 06/11/08 0.5 mCi 1.8 mCi Northern Blot Anal. Liquid waste DD 06/12/08 1.8 mCi 0 Disposed remain. activity Solid waste JT Date NOTE: When this particular shipment of radioactive material has been completely utilized, decayed or disposed, maintain this form in laboratory files for review by State and University Radiation Control inspectors. Lab Safety Checklist 6. Lab Surveys and Documentation a. RC-1 Forms current? b. Radioisotope forms maintained (track RAM from cradle to grave)? c. Radioisotope transfer forms maintained? d. Adequate survey frequency and documentation? e. Spills involving personnel or > 100 mCi? f. Follow-up surveys, documentation, and decon of contaminated areas > 100mCi? g. Waste disposal receipts? AFTER EACH USE! Lab Safety Checklist 6. Lab Surveys and Documentation a. RC-1 Forms current? b. Radioisotope forms maintained (track RAM from cradle to grave)? c. Radioisotope transfer forms maintained? d. Adequate survey frequency and documentation? e. Spills involving personnel or > 100 mCi? f. Follow-up surveys, documentation, and decon of contaminated areas > 100mCi? g. Waste disposal receipts? University limits for removable contamination: Beta/Gamma 100 dpm / 100 cm² Alpha 50 dpm / 100 cm² RADIATION/CONTAMINATION SURVEY PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Dr. Who When to document a survey? A survey must be documented within seven days of isotope use (Best to schedule one day a week) OR If the lab has isotope storage only (no use) or waste still on hand…a documented survey once a month SURVEYOR: Jack ROOM NO: 13 RADIONUCLIDES USED: P-32 SURVEY NO: 10 SURVEY TYPE: WEEKLY DATE: 05/10/08 RADIATION READINGS: Yes X Caution Signs Posted Waste Facilities Posted & Neat Inventory up to Date X Work Areas Clean X Survey Meter Calibrated X No N/A Survey Meter Model & Serial # Ludlum L-3 SN 5288974 Work Area Waste Facilities Storage Areas X Survey Meter Operation Verified with Dedicated Check Source X 0.004 0.003 0.004 mR/hr mR/hr mR/hr CONTAMINATION SURVEY RESULTS Counting Instrument Model & Serial # Beckman LS-8000 SN 8577571152 DETAILED LABORATORY LAYOUT Detection Efficiency 75% for Iosotope P-32 1 11 # 5 12 8 9 10 7 3 2 6 4 Swipe Identification Net cpm Net dpm* Post Decon dpm 1 Bench 74 99 2 Floor 250 333 54 3 Sink 20 26 4 Door 50 67 5 Floor 5822 7762 88 6 Phone 40 53 7 Cabinet 10 13 8 Fuge 44 59 9 Hot plate 13 17 10 Liq waste jug 55 73 11 Desk 10 13 12 Floor 60 80 *Areas of greater than 100 dpm/swipe must be resurveyed and documented. DPM = Gross CPM minus background divided by the efficiency of the counting instrument for the particular radioisotope. Lab Safety Checklist 6. Lab Surveys and Documentation a. RC-1 Forms current? b. Radioisotope forms maintained (track RAM from cradle to grave)? c. Radioisotope transfer forms maintained? d. Adequate survey frequency and documentation? e. Spills involving personnel or > 100 mCi? f. Follow-up surveys, documentation, and decon of contaminated areas > 100mCi? g. Waste disposal receipts? Minor Spill < 100 µCi of activity < 5 mR/hr at one foot In the Event of a Minor Spill Notify everyone in the area Prevent the spread of contamination Call for help if needed Decontaminate • Only trained staff may handle spill • Monitor potentially contaminated staff first (before leaving the area) • Lab coat and gloves (shoe covers if necessary) • Start from the outside and work your way in • Use absorbent paper and detergent as needed Survey • Below 100 dpm / 100 cm² Major Spills • Personal contamination or injury • >100 µCi of activity • >5 mR/hour at one foot In the Event of a Major Spill Remove individuals from danger Call 911 if serious injury Limit the spread of contamination & shield if possible Call Radiation Control Close, lock and post the room Decontaminate under the direction of Radiation Control Personal Decontamination: Remove contaminated clothing Use sticky tape Flush with water Soap and warm water Mild abrasives, soft brush and water Detergents Mild organic acid (citric) Wear gloves Lab Safety Checklist 6. Lab Surveys and Documentation a. RC-1 Forms current? b. Radioisotope forms maintained (track RAM from cradle to grave)? c. Radioisotope transfer forms maintained? d. Adequate survey frequency and documentation? e. Spills involving personnel or > 100 mCi? f. Follow-up surveys, documentation, and decon of contaminated areas > 100mCi? g. Waste disposal receipts? Lab Safety Checklist 6. Lab Surveys and Documentation a. RC-1 Forms current? b. Radioisotope forms maintained (track RAM from cradle to grave)? c. Radioisotope transfer forms maintained? d. Adequate survey frequency and documentation? e. Spills involving personnel or > 100 mCi? f. Follow-up surveys, documentation, and decon of contaminated areas > 100mCi? g. Waste disposal receipts? Lab Safety Checklist 7. General Lab Safety a. Fume hood calibrated every 12 months? b. Absorbent paper used in designated work areas (plastic side down)? c. Food or drinks in work area? d. Proper shielding for isotopes? e. Adequate security? f. Survey of hands and feet after every use? Top Priority….. SECURITY! Must be locked at all times when no one is present Includes radioactive waste Challenge everyone that you do not know! Lab Safety Checklist 8. Personnel Monitoring a. Whole body badge? b. Extremity badge (P-32 in quantities > 1mCi)? c. Exposure reports readily available? d. Thyroid counts required (I-125 > 1mCi in any 1 month) e. Urine bioassay required for quantities of H-3 > 25 mCi in any 1 month) Action Steps Deficiencies Corrected ASAP Memos Sent to PI, Department Chair, Asst. RCO, RCO 10 days to resolve problems and reply Three memos in 12 months Radiation Control Committee takes direct action with PI and Department Chair ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Questions? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?