Financial Analysis

Financial Analysis
Ag Management
Chapter 3
Financial Statements Necessary to
Determine Financial Condition
• Net worth Statement
• Income Statement
• Cash Flow
Net Worth Statement
• A “snapshot” of a financial situation that lists
assets, liabilities, and net worth
3 Parts of Net Worth Statement
• Net Worth
• Assets
• Liabilities
• Items that have a market value
• 2 Categories
▫ Current
▫ Non-Current
Current Assets
• Cash or other assets which can be converted to
cash through normal operations of business
during the year
• Examples
Checking and/or Savings Accounts
Inventory held for sale
Other near-cash items such as securities, stocks
and bonds and the cash value of life insurance
Non Current Assets
• All assets controlled by the farm or ranch
business having a useful life greater than 1 year
• 2 categories
▫ Intermediate
▫ Fixed
Intermediate Assets (Non Current)
• Resources or production items with a useful life
of 1-10 years
• Include most assets used to support production
or in the production process
• Examples
▫ Equipment
▫ Machinery
▫ Breeding Livestock
Long Term Assets (Non Current)
• Permanent items
• Examples
▫ Land
▫ Improvements on buildings
• All the debt obligations of the business
• Two types
▫ Current
▫ Non Current
Current Liabilities
• Debts due within the operating year, normally a
12 month period
• Examples
Notes & accounts payable
Interest plus principle payments due on
intermediate or long-term debt within the next 12
Non Current Liabilities
• Debts due past (or after) one year
• Two categories
▫ Intermediate
▫ Long Term
Intermediate Liability
• Non real estate debt that corresponds to
intermediate assets
• Loan terms are normally for a period of 12
months or more but less than 10 years
• Examples
▫ Loans for
Improvements to Real Estate
Equipment Purchases
Breeding livestock and dairy stock
Capital requirements for major adjustments in farm
Long Term Liabilities
• Mortgages and land contracts on real estate
minus principle due within 12 months
Net Worth
• The amount of money you can put in your
pocket before taxes if you were to sell all your
assets and pay off all your liabilities
• Net Worth = Assets-Liabilities
• See p. 3-5
3 Kinds of Financial Analysis
• Comparative
• Projected
• Ratio
Comparative Analysis
• Measuring and analyzing the trends found in net
worth statements over a period of months &
• Important to compare the same dates each year
• Looks at Assets, Liabilities & Net Worth
Projected Analysis
• Used to estimate future changes in equity
Making a Projected Analysis
• Making balance sheets for the future for
expected farm situations and analyzing them to
see problem trends
• Usually made when cash flow statements are
Ratio Analysis
• Used to measure the financial condition of one
farm against other farms
Ratio Analysis Maybe Difficult
• Ratio’s showing strengths and weaknesses may
not be clearly defined
• What is good for one business may not be good
for another
3 Financial Indicators that can be
Calculated from the Net Worth
• Liquidity
• Solvency
• Equity
• The ability of a business to generate enough cash
to pay bills without disrupting business
3 Formulas to Measure Liquidity
• Current
• Working
• Debt Structure
How Current Ratio Measure’s Liquidity
• Current Ratio=Current Assets/Current
How Working Capital Measures
• Total Current Farm Assets – Total Current Farm
What Debt Structure Reveals About
Farm Liabilities
• Measured by dividing current liabilities by total
▫ Current Liabilities/ Total Liabilities
• The higher this percentage the more assets
would be needed to service debt.
• Measures the ability of all assets if sold at
market value to cover all debts
Calculations to Measure Solvency
• Debt-to-Asset Ratio
• Debt-to-Equity Ratio
• Equity-to-Asset Ratio
Debt-to-Asset Ratio
• Measures the amount of risk in regard to debt
against the farm or ranch
• Calculated by
▫ Total Farm Liabilities/Total Farm Assets
• Lenders prefer to provide loans which are equal
to or less than 50 percent of assets.
Debt-to-Equity Ratio
• Shows the relationship between owned and
borrowed capital
• Measured by
▫ Total Liabilities/Net Worth
• Lenders prefer a debt-to-equity ratio of less than
1 because this shows that the owner’s net worth
or contribution is more than the borrowed funds
Equity-to-Asset Ratio
• Measures the relationship of the farm’s net
worth and total farm assets
• Measured by
▫ Total Farm Net Worth/Total Farm Assets
• Allows you to see if total assets exceed total
Income Statements are Used
• Give the figure of either income or figure loss
• Money received from the sale of crops, livestock,
and livestock products during the year.
• Receipts should also include government
payments and miscellaneous sources of farm
• Money paid out to operate the business
Calculation for Net Cash Income
• Net Cash Income =Cash Income – Cash Expense
• Net Cash Income is what remains after
subtracting Operating and Fixed Expenses
Non Cash Adjustments Must Be Made
by Comparing and Ending Values for…
Expenses payable
Prepaid expense
Adjustments in inventories
Change in interest payable
Net Farm Income
• Net cash income and the adjustments added
Financial Efficiency Ratios
• Ratio’s that compute what percent of total
revenue is attributed to the relevant category
Four Financial Efficiency Ratios
• Operating-Expense Ratio=
▫ Total Expenses-Depreciation and Interest/Total
• Depreciation-Expense Ratio=
▫ Total Depreciation Expense/ Total Income
• Interest-Expense Ratio=
▫ Total Interest Expense/Total Income
• Net Farm Income From Operations Ratio=
▫ Net Farm Income From Operations/Total Income
• See p.3-12 fig. 21 for examples
Operating Expense Ratio
• Percent of income that consist of operating
expenses. (excluding interest and depreciation
Depreciation Expense Ratio
• Total depreciation expense divided by total
revenue. Indicates the percentage of total
income allocated to depreciation.
Interest-Expense Ratio
• Total interest expense (cash interest paid plus
change in interest payable) divided by total
income. Ratio show the percentage of income
devoted to interest.
Net Farm Income From Operations
• Net farm income from operations divided by
total income . Show the percentage or ratio of
total income that actually ends up as net farm
income from operations.
• Good check is to ensure that all four ratios total
to 100%.
Net Worth Statements Look At
• The financial picture at a point in time.
Income Statements Indicate the
Performance of
• The farm business within a period
▫ The period can be defined as any period but it is
typically between one net worth statement and the
next (usually 1 year)
Asset-Turnover Ratio
• Useful measure to show how effectively farm
assets are being used
• Calculated by
▫ Gross Revenue/Average Total Farm Assets
 Gross Revenue is gross receipts from farming plus
(or minus) total non-cash adjustments
 Average total farm assets is in year one plus year two
divided by two.
Value Favorable for Asset-Turnover
• The higher the asset turnover ratio, the quicker
the turnover of assets and generally the greater
the likelihood of profits
Not Shown on Income Statements
• 1 category of labor not shown on income
statements– A
charge for unpaid
operator and family labor
Operator and Family Labor Allowance
• Determined from a 2,080 hour work year
Return to Equity Capital and
• Return to Equity Capital and
Management=Net Farm Income –
Operator and Family Labor Allowance
Profitability Ratios
• Rate of Return on Borrowed Capital (COD)=
▫ Return on Farm Assets-Return to Equity Capital and
Management/Average Total Farm Assets-Average Net
• Rate of Return on Farm Assets (ROA)=
▫ Net Farm Income + Total Interest Expense –Operator and
Family Labor Allowance
• Rate of Return on Farm Equity (ROE)=
▫ Return to Equity Capital and Management/Average Farm
Net Worth
• Operating Profit Margin Ratio (OPMR)=
▫ Net Farm Income + Total Interest Expense – Withdrawals
for Operator and Family Labor/ Total Income
• See p.3-14 to 3-16 for examples
Rate of Return on Assets Show
Profitability by
• Adjusting net farm income as if no interest has
been paid, thus treating the total farm assets like
equity capital
Rate of Returns on Equity Ratio Is
• The rate of return on equity in the farm
• The ratio show’s the farm’s return on net worth
How the Rate of Return on Borrowed
Capital is Used
• Evaluating whether returns are great enough to
pay the cost of borrowing funds
• Comparing return on borrowed capital with the
return on equity capital
Operating Profit Margin Shows
Profitability By
• Defines profit as a percentage of total revenue
• Formula
▫ Net Farm Income + Total Interest Expense –
Withdrawals for operator and family labor/ Total
3 Components of Ending Net Worth
• Ending Assets
▫ Beginning Assets + Non-Cash Reinvestment +
Changes in Inventory – Depreciation = Ending
• Ending Liabilities
▫ Beginning Liabilities + New Debt Added – Debt
Repaid = Ending Liabilities
• Ending Owner Equity
▫ Beginning Owner Equity + Net Farm Income –
Family Living and Income Taxes= Ending Owner
3 Reasons Valuing Fixed Assets is
• Fixed assets can’t easily be changed to capital
like current and other noncurrent assets
• Fixed assets are usually part of the business for
many years; often they are part of the entire life
of the business
• Values on financial statements must be
estimated in order to get credit and to plan for
future enterprises
• It is best to be conservative when valuing fixed
assets, therefore it is best to use BOOK VALUE
• Financial statements are like a health report
• There are 2 financial statements to consider
▫ Net Worth
▫ Income
• Net worth statement and income statement provide financial
measures of strengths and weaknesses of the farm business.
They help pinpoint problems.
• The Net worth statement provides information about what
assets are owned and what liabilities are owed. It is a picture
of the farm business at a point in time, usually annually.
• The income statement show the financial performance of the
farm business from one net worth statement to another.
• The two financial statements together are powerful tools for
farm and ranch business management.
• Chapter 3 Assignment Sheets 1 and 2 p. 39-42
▫ DUE--- Tuesday Sept 21
• Chapter 3 Review Questions
▫ DUE--- Thursday Sept 23
• Chapter 3 Quiz– Thursday Sept 23