Radiation effects on optoelectronic components and systems Karl Gill CERN, CMS Experiment Outline 1: Introduction 1.1: Technologies 1.2: LHC radiation environments 1.3: Review of radiation damage mechanisms 2: Radiation damage effects 2.1: Components 2.2: System implications K. Gill Optoelectronics Photonics - The technology of generating and harnessing light and other forms of radiant energy whose quantum unit is the photon” – definition from Photonics Magazine Applications: Communication Imaging Sensing Information K. Gill display LHC Opto-applications Widespread use of optoelectronics and (fibre-)optics at LHC readout and control optical links monitoring and calibration alignment K. Gill Technologies Many device technologies and materials - lasers, LEDs, (modulators),…. Receivers - Photodiodes, CCDs, [APD], .… Passive components - fibres, lenses,…. [Switches - optocouplers] Transmitters K. Gill Materials include: Si, GaAs, InGaAs, InGaAsP, InP, SiO2 Active materials Emitters Detectors Ref [1] K. Gill COTS issues COTS in many LHC systems Benefit from industrial developments cheaper, However no K. Gill “reliable” devices COTS not made for LHC environment guarantees of long-life at LHC validation testing of COTS is mandatory Radiation damage overview Radiation Environment Interaction of radiation with material Ionization Displacement SEU Defect creation Component Effects Effects at system level K. Gill Annealing Environments Optoelectronics already employed in variety of harsh radiation environments e.g. civil nuclear and space applications Total 1E+8 dose (Gy) 1E+6 Space (p,e) Nuclear (g, also n) 1E+4 1E+2 1E+0 1E-2 1E-2 Ref [2] K. Gill 1E+0 1E+2 1E+4 1E+6 Dose rate (Gy/hr) LHC Radiation environments: experiments K. Gill e.g CMS neutrons (courtesy M. Huhtinen) LHC Radiation environments: experiments K. Gill e.g CMS photons (courtesy M. Huhtinen) Radiation damage mechanisms Displacement Ionization Transient also annealing K. Gill Displacement damage e.g. displacement cascade of 30keV Si recoil most NIEL in last 5kEV final Ref [3] K. Gill cluster of defects ~100Å size high defect density in crystal lattice defects in band-gap can cause several effects depends upon: position in band gap type of defect donor/acceptor single or multiple levels K. Gill Ref [4] generation-recombination at defects Emission and capture transitions via defect state in band-gap Ec ET Ev 1 v th N T (for defect at mid-gap) Carrier lifetime: generally, most damaging defects near centre of band-gap K. Gill Ref [1] Lifetime degradation Radiation damage introduces more defects NT (F) NT (0) KF (assume linear) K is ‘damage factor’ - depends on particle type, energy F is fluence lifetime therefore decreases with fluence (or dose) 1 1 KF F 0 or K. Gill 0 1 K0 F F (Messenger eqn) Ref [5] Non-ionizing energy loss dependence upon particle type and energy Damage factors (K) related to NIEL Ref [6] K. Gill Ionization damage Ref [4] K. Gill Ionization damage effects K. Gill charge trapped in oxide or at interface Ref [7] Defects in glasses defects (‘colour centres’) created by irradiation bonds K. Gill broken by ionisation/displacement defects absorb/scatter incident photons Ref [8] Transients Single-event upsets (SEU) passage of energetic particlecauses ionization primary from charged particle or heavy ion secondary ionisation from recoiling nucleus Variety of effects: of individual ‘bits’ can kill a component! corruption K. Gill Transient ionization ionizing energy deposition (e.g. for Si, 40MeV p+) large direct ionization peak recoils also contribute Ionization pulses cause SEU Ref [9] K. Gill Summary of issues at LHC Many types of optical and optoelectronic components in LHC systems various radiation environments: TK---->cavern Spectrum of damage effects from total dose, fluence, SEU Next step to look at effects in more detail concentrate sources K. Gill on LHC R&D and other relevant Outline 1: Introduction 1.1: Technologies 1.2: LHC radiation environments 1.3: Review of radiation damage mechanisms 2: Radiation damage effects 2.1: Components 2.2: System implications K. Gill Component sensitivity Device Displacement Total Dose SEU Transmitters LED LD Receivers PD APD CCD Switches Optocouplers Optics Fibres Connectors Lens Danger!! K. Gill Beware Probably OK! Transmitters LEDs Edge-emitting lasers Surface emitting lasers (modulators) K. Gill Increasing rad-hardness Basic LED structure P-n diode Light from spontaneous emission (recombination) Ref [10] K. Gill pigtailed LED Multi-mode fibre pigtail ‘butt-coupled’ for optimum efficiency Ref [10] K. Gill LED characteristic K. Gill LED Light-current and current-voltage before/after irradiation Ref [11] LED damage: 1 damage vs fluence Significant damage at low particle fluences Ref [12] K. Gill LED damage: 2 damage vs fluence - e.g. different LED types Biasing increases resistance enhances annealing K. Gill Ref [12] LED damage: 3 damage vs fluence (ATLAS SCT) Ref [13] K. Gill Transmitters K. Gill LEDs Edge-emitting lasers Surface emitting lasers Increasing rad-hardness Edge-emitting laser stripe geometry cleaved ends form Fabry-Peror optical cavity Ref [14] K. Gill DCPBH-MQW Ref [15] K. Gill e.g. double-channelplanar-buriedheterostructure type Laser characteristics 1310nm DCPBH-MQW before/after pion irradiation Main effects Ithr Eff Rs Vthr Ep330MeV, Fp=2x1014p/cm2 K. Gill Ref [16,17] increase decrease same increase Damage picture undoped InGaAsP MQW structure n-type InP defect levels Ec p-type InP nr sp st Ev non-radiative recombination at defects competes K. Gill with laser recombination Different vendors Ithr and Eff changes vs neutron fluence similar effects in all 1310nm InGaAsP lasers K. Gill Ref [17] Different particles DIthr vs fluence of different particles threshold increase, DIthr (mA) 50 40 30 + 330MeV p + 24GeV p (mean) 0 ~6MeV n 0 0.75MeV n (mean) Ref [16] 20 10 0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 14 4.0 5.0 2 fluence, F (10 /cm ) K. Gill Damage correlated to NIEL? probably…. Annealing (temperature) damage anneals (faster at higher temperature) unannealed fraction of defects 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 293K 313K 333K 353K 0.50 0.40 0.30 1 K. Gill 10 100 annealing time (hours) Note: tracker operating at -10C Ref [18] Annealing (current) damage anneals faster at higher forward bias remaining damage, DIthr(t)/ DIthr(F) 0.90 0.80 0.70 dc bias 0 60mA 80mA 100mA 0.60 Ref [18] 0.50 K. Gill 1 10 annealing time, t (hrs) 100 “recombination enhanced annealing” (?) Reliability irradiated device lifetime > 10 years?? Ageing test at 80C time in oven - 2nd batch (hrs) laser threshold current, Ithr (mA) 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 60 50 40 30 20 10 K. Gill unirrad (batch 1) (10LD) neutron irrad (batch 1) (10 LD) neutron irrad (batch 2) (20 LD) 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 time in oven - 1st batch (hrs) Ref [19] No additional degradation in irradiated lasers acc. Factor ~400 relative to -10C operation lifetime >>10years Other EEL parameters includes: wavelength facet reflectivity beam profile series resistance turn-on time K. Gill NOT affected up to 100kGy or 1015n/cm2 (1MeV) Transmitters K. Gill LEDs Edge-emitting lasers Surface emitting lasers Increasing rad-hardness VCSEL structure surface emitting laser diode Very small active volume K. Gill Ref [15] VCSEL damage effects: 1 3.5 V V 300 L (pre-irrad) 14 2 L (6x10 n/cm ) 3.0 250 2.5 200 2.0 150 1.5 100 1.0 50 0.5 0 0.0 0 2 4 6 current, I (mA) 8 Ref [20] Similar damage effects as in edge-emitters smaller K. Gill voltage, V (V) output light power, L (µW) 350 absolute changes - smaller device volume 6 5 4 3 Ref [20] K. Gill threshold current, Ithr (mA) 0 2.5 5 14 2 neutron fluence, F (10 n/cm ) 6 efficiency loss, E(F)/E(0) threshold current, Ithr (mA) VCSEL : 2 1 0.9 0.8 (~6MeV 0.7 0.6 0 2.5 5 14 2 neutron fluence, F (10 n/cm ) 5 4 3 0 100 200 annealing time, tr (hrs) Damage vs fluence n) Siemens devices 25% annealing at room T after irradiation VCSEL : 3 ATLAS measurements Ref [21] K. Gill Before + after 2.9x1015n/cm2 (~1MeV n) !! VCSEL: 4 lifetime (reliability) of irradiated devices: Ref [22] K. Gill Equivalent to 3700 LHC-years at 20mA ! Transmitter damage summary Displacement damage Non-radiative Defects in band-gap Non-radiative carrier lifetime recombination degradation radiative 1 1 KF F 0 NR R g Competition between radiative and non-radiative transitions K. Gill LED EEL VCSEL Increasing rad-hardness Components review Transmitters (lasers, LED’s, - total dose, fluence) Receivers (Photodiodes, APD, CCD) Passive Components (Fibres, lenses) Other components (Optocouplers) K. Gill Recievers total fluence effects p-i-n photodiode (InGaAs and Si) CCD’s [APD’s K. Gill see notes] SEU effects in receivers Optical detectors K. Gill Many types of material used cover different wavelength spectra look at GaInAs and Si Ref [1] p-i-n photodiode Basic structure Ref [1] K. Gill p-i-n operation Operation principles Ref [1] K. Gill InGaAs p-i-n characteristics K. Gill Increase in Ileak decrease in Iphoto Output current vs incident power InGaAs p-i-n -5V before/after 2x1014p/cm2 Ref [17] p-i-n damage picture generation leakage current K. Gill trapping + recombination signal loss Different vendors - leakage leakage current (InGaAs, 6MeV neutrons) leakage current, Ileak (A) 10 10 10 -6 Epitaxx (Italtel) Lucent Alcatel Epitaxx Nortel Fermionics -7 all devices, -5V 10 -5 -8 0.1 1 14 2 neutron fluence, F (10 n/cm ) 10 Ref [16] similar damage over many (similar) devices K. Gill Different vendors - response Photocurrent (InGaAs, 6MeV neutrons) Significant differences in damage depends mainly if front or back-illuminated Ref [16] K. Gill Front-illum. vs back-illum. electron hole pairs created at InGaAs/InP interface in back-illuminated diodes absorption: g eh 1.0 0.0 holes must travel through InGaAs in back-illum. p-i-n holes travel less distance in frontilluminated p-i-n. n+ i (actually n-) p+ preirradiation after high hadron fluence g i (becomes p-) p+ n+ g hole electron charged acceptor Defects: acceptor type (good hole traps) K. Gill Different particles (leakage) leakage current (InGaAs, different particles, 20C) -4 10 -5 Ileak (A) 10 -6 10 330MeV p 24GeV p ~6MeV n all at -5V -7 10 -8 10 13 10 14 10 -2 fluence (cm ) higher energy p, p more damaging than n K. Gill 15 10 Ref [17] Different particles (response) different particles: IPC / IPC(0) @ 100µW 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 10 330MeV p 24Gev p ~6MeV n all at -5V 13 14 10 -2 fluence (cm ) higher energy p, p more damaging than n K. Gill 10 15 Ref [17] InGaAs p-i-n annealing After pion irradiation (room T, -5V) 1.0 1.00 0.9 0.8 0.1 after 330MeV p leakage photocurrent all at -5V 1 10 Annealing time (hrs ) Leakage anneals a little No annealing of response K. Gill 0.98 0.96 100 relative Iphoto anneal [Iphoto(t)/Iphoto(F)] relative Ileak anneal [Ileak(t)/Ileak(F)] Ref [17] InGaAs p-i-n reliability irradiated device lifetime > 10 years?? Ageing test at 80C normalized photocurrent, Ipc(t)/Ipc(0) time in oven - 2nd group (hrs) 0 1000 2000 3000 1.04 4000 1.02 1.00 0.98 unirrad control (group 1) irrad (group 1) irrad (group 2) 0.96 0 1000 2000 3000 time in oven - 1st group (hrs) K. Gill No additional degradation in irradiated p-i-n’s lifetime >>10years 4000 Ref [19] ATLAS Si p-i-n damage 35% loss of response Ileak ~60nA (20C) rise time still < 2ns Ref [21] K. Gill ATLAS Si p-i-n reliability ATLAS SCT Si p-i-n ageing Ref [23] No degradation, lifetime ~ 2720years ! (90%CL) K. Gill Recievers focus on total fluence effects InGaAs p-i-n photodiode Si p-i-n photodiode CCD’s APD’s K. Gill then look at SEU in control link receivers CCD’s Basic structure and operation Ref [24] K. Gill CCD leakage leakage current increase Ref [25] K. Gill CCD leakage spikes variations in leakage density Ref [25] K. Gill linked to small size of pixels CCD RTS Random telegraph: unstable switching of leakage current Ref [25] K. Gill CCD CTI charge transfer inefficiency Ref [25] K. Gill detector bulk-damage summary generation leakage current K. Gill trapping + recombination signal loss APD’s Basic structure Ref [1] K. Gill APD damage (gain) Effect of irradiation on gain (CMS ECAL) F = 2x1013 (1MeV equivalent) n/cm2 Ref [26] K. Gill APD damage (quant. eff.) Damage to quantum efficiency (CMS ECAL) F = 2x1013 (1MeV equivalent) n/cm2 Ref [26] K. Gill Recievers focus on total fluence effects InGaAs p-i-n photodiode Si p-i-n photodiode CCD’s APD’s K. Gill then look at SEU in control link receivers PD SEU photodiodes sensitive to SEU Ref [27] strong dependence upon particle type and angle K. Gill PD SEU bit-errors photodiodes sensitive to SEU Ref [27] Can change ‘0’ to a ‘1’ if signal above threshold at the time of decision K. Gill PD BER test incident radiation test setup Optical attenuator 1310nm laser transmitter single-mode optical fibre p-i-n receiver Optical powermeter output signal bit-error-rate tester input signal Ref [28] Photodiode and receiver chip irradiated K. Gill PD BER: 1 BER with 59MeV protons in InGaAs p-i-n (D=80mm) 90 angle 1-100mW optical power 10 Bit-error-rate 10 10 10 10 10 10 0 CERN -2 + p (beam off) -4 + p (59MeV, 90°) -6 -8 -10 long ionizing track in active layer of p-i-n direct ionization effect Ref [28] -12 -40 -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 Optical power amplitude at PD (dBm) K. Gill large BER up to high power PD BER: 2 BER with 59MeV protons (cont.) smaller angles 10 Bit-error-rate 10 10 10 10 10 10 + 0 p (beam off) + p (59MeV, 90°) -2 + p (59MeV, 45°+) -4 + p (59MeV, 30°+) + p (59MeV, 10°+) -6 -8 -10 -12 -30 -25 -20 -15 lower BER at lower angles shorter ionizing track in active volume of p-i-n nuclear recoil effect -10 Optical power amplitude at PD (dBm) Ref [28] K. Gill PD BER: 3 energy deposition (e.g. for Si with 40MeV p+) large direct ionization peak recoils contribute individual events with large energy deposition Ref [9] K. Gill PD BER: 4 compare BER for 59MeV p+ and 62MeV n0 10 + p (59MeV, 45°) 2 Bit-error cross section (cm ) + p (59MeV, 90°) -4 + p (59MeV, 30°) 10 -6 + p (59MeV, 10°) 0 n (60MeV, 90°) 10 10 0 n (60MeV, 45°) -8 -10 10 -12 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 Neutrons give nuclear recoils same collision Xsection as for protons BER=Nerrors/F BER(n) = BER(p) confirms nuclear recoil effect for p+ Optical power amplitude at PD (dBm) Ref [28] K. Gill Components review Transmitters (lasers, LED’s, - total dose, fluence) Receivers (Photodiodes, APD, CCD) Passive Components (Fibres, lenses) [Other components (Optocouplers)] K. Gill Defects in glasses defects (‘colour centres’) created by irradiation bonds broken by ionisation/displacement Ref [8] K. Gill defects absorb/scatter incident photons Colour centres courtesy D. Doyle (ESTEC) and A.Gusarov (SCK-CEN) K. Gill e.g. irradiated lenses collimated beam damage (different Ce concentration affects darkening) Fibre types MM short data links good coupling to VCSEL’s, LED’s ATLAS SCT, Larg CMS ECAL Ref [2,10] SM telecoms CMS K. Gill Tracker Effect of dopants/impurities in fibres K. Gill Avoid phosphorus! (Note also strong wavelength dependence) Ref [29] Radiation hardening some fibres become more resistant after high doses Defects passivated by mobile oxygen atoms Ref [30] K. Gill Optical bleaching K. Gill damage dependence on light power in fibre Modern telecom fibres less sensitive Ref [31] Fibre attenuation vs dose Gamma damage (CMS-TK COTS single-mode fibres) K. Gill 1310nm Ref [32] Fibre attenuation vs fluence ‘Neutron’ damage (CMS TK) damage actually most likely due to gamma background Ref [32] K. Gill Fibre annealing damage recovers after irradiation (e.g. gamma) Damage therefore has dose-rate dependence Ref [32] K. Gill Integrated components lenses • Ball-lenses often found in fibrecoupled packages Glass covers • on TO-packages Ref [10] K. Gill Lens darkening lens LD PD fibre Output efficiency decreases if lenses or covers darkened (also loss of response in some packaged photodiodes) Ref [33] K. Gill Summary of damage in glass Main concern is attenuation many factors affect damage in glass: impurities wavelength of light production process dose rate previous irradiation history temperature light power level Should K. Gill test samples under application conditions Components review Transmitters (lasers, LED’s, - total dose, fluence) Receivers (Photodiodes, APD, CCD) Passive Components (Fibres, lenses) Other components (Optocouplers) K. Gill Optocouplers total dose / fluence SEU data from COTS used in space applications Johnston K. Gill et al., NSREC, RADECS structures various types e.g. LED + phototransistor sandwich lateral Ref [34] K. Gill P+ damage LED output degradation Photoresponse decrease Note: low fluence! Ref [34] K. Gill Gain + photoresponse Photoresponse more important than decrease in transistor gain Ref [34] K. Gill Optocoupler SEU another type SEU from protons measured vs angle vs energy Ref [9] K. Gill SEU pulses Lid (+LED) removed detector is most sensitive element 64MeV protons many pulses almost saturate Ref [9] K. Gill X-sect vs angle Strong anglular dependence pronounced at lower energies direct ionization responsible Ref [9] K. Gill SEU X-sect For protons incident from all directions Ref [9] K. Gill Component sensitivity Device Displacement Total Dose SEU Transmitters LED LD Receivers PD APD CCD Switches Optocouplers Optics Fibres Connectors Lens Danger!! K. Gill Beware Probably OK! Component effects summary Device Displacement Total Dose SEU Non-radiative recombination Darkening of integrated components Transients Transmitters LED LD Decrease in minority carrier lifetime Receivers PD APD CCD Surface recombination Generation of electon-hole pairs Darkening of integrated components Transients Charge trapping Flatband voltage shift Switches Optocouplers Non-radiative recombination Decrease in minority carrier lifetime in transmitter Surface recombination Transients Darkening of integrated components Loss of response in receiver Optics Fibres Connectors Lens K. Gill - Radiation induced colour centres Increased absorption - System Issues Depends on system! use CMS Tracker optical link as example system overview COTS validation procedure K. Gill e.g. Optical link technology E.g. CMS Tracker optical links MT Tx MT lasers single-mode fibre + array connectors Transmitter Fibres MT and connectors Receivers plus electronics Rx photodiodes - 1310nm InGaAsP EEL - SM Ge-doped fibre - InGaAs p-i-n Ref [35,36] K. Gill CMS Tracker readout and control links Analogue Readout 50000 links @ 40MS/s Detector Hybrid APVamplifiers Tx Hybrid MUX 2:1 96 pipelines 128:1 MUX 12 FED Rx Hybrid 12 PLL Delay DCU Timing A D C processing buffering DAQ TTCRx TTC Control CCU Digital Control 2000 links @40MHz FEC 6 TTCRx CCU 8 processing buffering CCU CCU Front-End Back-End Ref [37] K. Gill System specs Analogue readout links operational specifications Number of channels Rise / fall time Crosstalk electrical specifications Max. input current Threshold current Forward voltage Reverse voltage optical specifications Wavelength Max output power Slope efficiency Relative non-linearity RIN K. Gill min typ 1 max 12 2 unit specification in/ meas out ns min min 60 typ 100 10 max 15 1.5 2 min typ max 1260 500 1310 1000 .06 1 -130 1360 unit specification in/out meas Last 2 columns filled in for each device type after testing mA mA V V unit nm µW W/A % dB/Hz specification in/out meas Ref [35] LHC Radiation environments: Trackers K. Gill (charged hadrons) (courtesy M. Huhtinen) LHC Radiation environments: Trackers K. Gill (neutrons) (courtesy M. Huhtinen) COTS Recall :COTS not made for LHC environment for applications in radiation environments: NO guarantees of: • rad-hardness • reliability require validation of COTS develop K. Gill test procedures relevant to application E.g. COTS lasers for CMS Tracker 1-way InGaAsP EEL on Si-submount with lid Ref [35] K. Gill Validation procedures e.g. Lasers for analogue links Highlighted: Market survey validation tests (in-system) lab tests ageing g irradiation p irradiation n irradiation annealing (in-system) lab tests K. Gill Radiation test system Test setup for in-situ measurements Irradiation source Control room photodetector signal Mac + Labview optical fibre Datalogger Unit Iout laser under test I generator current Vin MUX + DMM I/O register Vout DAC K. Gill set V Similar for p-i-n and fibre studies Validation (component rad-damage) L-I characteristic before/after irradiation power, P (µW) 1600 pre-irrad A B C D post-irrad A B C D 1200 800 Irradiation: 100kGy 60Co g 1015n/cm2 (0.8MeV) 400 0 0 K. Gill 10 20 30 current, I (mA) 40 50 Increase in laser threshold, decrease in efficiency Lab testing In-system test-bed COMPUTER GPIB GPIB VME AWG Pulse GEN. Tracking GEN. K. Gill I2C ADC SCOPE Spectrum ANAL. measure threshold, gain, noise, linearity, risetime (bandwidth) Ref [38] Validation (in-system) Transfer characteristics gain decrease Increase in d.c. bias-point Table 2: I2C pre-bias settings for laser A-E I2C-bias setting before irradiation I2C-bias setting after irradiation K. Gill A 8 14 B 8 15 Laser C 9 1A D 9 19 E 8 8 (not irrad) Validation (in-system) Noise normalized to peak-signal Decrease in signal/noise gain loss more noise at higher currents K. Gill Validation (in-system) K. Gill Linearity not much change Validation (in-system) rise times Dt 90% 10% Dt =3.0ns before and after irradiation (limited by receiver bandwidth) K. Gill validation summary laser validation for CMS TK analogue optical link validated radiation hardness of components validated system performance with irradiated lasers potentially • • • • K. Gill sensitive system parameters include: dynamic range signal/noise linearity bandwidth/settling time System implications Allow compensation for damage effects threshold increases programmable d.c. offset bias efficiency loss (and variation in optical coupling at connectors) variable gain at transmitter therefore optimize dynamic range K. Gill Summary 1 - recall radiation damage overview Radiation Environment Interaction of radiation with material Ionization Displacement SEU Defect creation Component Effects Effects at system level K. Gill Annealing Summary 2 - recall component effects Device Displacement Total Dose SEU Non-radiative recombination Darkening of integrated components Transients Transmitters LED LD Decrease in minority carrier lifetime Receivers PD APD CCD Surface recombination Generation of electon-hole pairs Darkening of integrated components Transients Charge trapping Flatband voltage shift Switches Optocouplers Non-radiative recombination Decrease in minority carrier lifetime in transmitter Surface recombination Transients Darkening of integrated components Loss of response in receiver Optics Fibres Connectors Lens K. Gill - Radiation induced colour centres Increased absorption - Conclusions - important issues to consider What is the radiation environment? What are the damage effects in components? What are the implications at the system level? What are the relevant validation procedures (attention COTS!) K. Gill References - 1 [1] Semiconductor Technology, S.M. Sze, published by Wiley (1985) [2] RADECS (and NSREC) Technical training courses. [3] Cluster damage: for example (a) J.C. Moreno-Marin et al., Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B48, 404-407 (1990) (b) V.A.J. Van Lint et al., IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., 19, 181 (1972) [4] J.E. Gover and J.R. Srour, Sandia Labs Report SAND85-0776 (1985) [5] G.C. Messenger, IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., 39, No. 3, 468-473 (1992) [6] Non-ionizing energy loss: (a) A. Van Ginnekin Fermilab Note FN-522 (1989) (b) G.P. Summers et al., IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., 34, 1134 (1987) [7] Ionizing Radiation Damage Effects in MOS Devices and Circuits, T. Ma and P. Dressendorfer, published by Wiley Interscience. [8] J. Robertson, Phil. Mag. B, 52, No. 3, 371-377 (1985) [9] A.H. Johnston et al., IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 46, No. 6, 1335-1341 (1999) [10] Optical Communication Systems (2nd Edition), J. Gowar, Published by Prentice Hall, 1993. [11] B.H. Rose and C.E. Barne, J. App. Phys., 53(3), 1772-1780 (1982). [12] A.H. Johnston et al., IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 46, No. 6, 1781-1789 (1999). [13] J. Beringer et al., ATLAS Internal Note INDET-NO-183 (1997) [14] Fundamentals of Optical Fiber Communications, W. Van Etten and J. Van der Plaats, Published by Prentice Hall, 1991. [15] Seminconductor Lasers (2nd Edition), G.P. Agrawal and N.K. Dutta, published by Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1993. [16] K. Gill et al., Proceedings of 4th Workshop on Electronics for LHC Experiments, London, 1998. [17] K. Gill et al., Proceedings of SPIE 3440, 89-99 (1998) [18] K. Gill et al., submitted to Conference on Photonics for Space, SPIE Annual Meeting 2000. K. Gill References - 2 [19] K. Gill et al., Proceedings of 1999 RADECS conference, Fontevraud, 1999. [20] K. Gill et al., Internal Report. [21] D.G. Charlton et al., Nucl. Instr. And Meth. A443, 430-446 (2000) [22] ATLAS SCT VCSEL annealing and ageing tests: http://www.atlas.uni-wuppertal.de/optolink/wuppertal/annealing.html [23] ATLAS SCT photodiode ageing tests: http://www.ep.ph.bham.ac.uk/user/mahout/irradn/sctmeeting/jun99/ [24] V. Radeka, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A226209-218 (1984) [25] G.R. Hopkinson, IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 46, No. 6, 1790-1796 (1999). [26] K. Deiters et al., Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A442 193-197 (2000) [27] P. Marshall et al., IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., 43, No. 2, 645-653 (1996) [28] F. Faccio et al, submitted to RADECS Workshop, 2000 [29] E.J. Friebele et al., App. Opt. 19, No. 17, 2910-2916 (1980) [30] D. Griscom, J. App. Phys., 77 (10) 5008-5013 (1995) [31] B.D. Evans, Proc. SPIE 1174, 20-26 (1989) [32] J. Troska, Proc. SPIE 3440, 112-119 (1998) [33] P. Marshall et al., IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., 39, No. 6, 1982-1989 (1992) [34] A.H. Johnston et al., IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 43, No. 6, 3167-3173 (1996). [35] CMS Tracker Optical Links www site: http://cern.web.cern.ch/CERN/Divisions/ECP/CME/OpticalLinks/ [36] F. Vasey et al, IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., 45, No. 3, 331-337, (1998) [37] CMS Tracker Technical Design Report., CERN LHCC 98-6, (1998) [38] F. Jensen et al, CMS Technical Note, CMS Note 99-074 (1999) K. Gill