Advertising Campaign

Advertising Campaign
Presented BySohila Khorana
An advertising campaign is a series of advertisement
messages that share a single idea and theme which make up
an integrated marketing communication (IMC).
Advertising campaigns appear in different media across a
specific time frame.
“An Advertising Campaign is a series of advertisements
[consumer communications] and the activities that help
produce them, which are designed to achieve interrelated
……..Donald Parente
The critical part of making an advertising
campaign is determining a champion theme as
it sets the tone for the individual advertisements and other
forms of marketing communications that will be used.
The campaign theme is the central message that will be
communicated in the promotional activities. The campaign
themes are usually developed with the intention of being used
for a substantial period but many of them are short lived due
to factors such as being ineffective or market conditions
and/or competition in the marketplace and marketing mix.
Volkswagen, "Think Small", Doyle Dane Bernbach, 1959
Coca-Cola, "The pause that refreshes", D'Arcy Co., 1929
Marlboro, The Marlboro Man, Leo Burnett Co., 1955
Nike, "Just do it", Wieden & Kennedy, 1988
McDonald's, "You deserve a break today", Needham, Harper & Steers,
6. DeBeers, "A diamond is forever", N.W. Ayer & Son, 1948
7. Absolut Vodka, The Absolut Bottle, TBWA, 1981
8. Miller Lite beer, "Tastes great, less filling", McCann-Erickson
Worldwide, 1974
9. Clairol, Does she...or doesn't she?", Foote, Cone & Belding, 1957
10.Avis, "We try harder", Doyle Dane Bernbach, 1963
A Campaign Outline (JWT Structure)
J. Walter Thompson asks:
Where are we?
Why are we there?
Where could we be?
How could we get there?
Are we getting there?
Develop a situation analysis.
Identify Problems.
Identify Opportunities.
Develop message, media, and
marketing communications
strategy and tactics.
Develop a plan to measure
(track) campaign effectiveness.
Why to advertise in terms of a
Buyers are forgetful of erratically appearing ads.
Due to clutter of large number of advertising messages,
they overlook several of them.
Thus, campaign is a sustained advertising effort.
Coordination, balance, timing, continuity &
performance- all favor for an advertising campaign.
How long should be a Campaign?
Campaigns are of varied length- seasonal, yearly, several
advertisers run the same campaign without any changes
for several years.
The factors which affect the duration of campaign are
theType of product offered
The nature of advertiser’s marketing programme
Seasonality of Sales
Media policies
The Competitors advertising
Basis of campaign
Geographical spread of a campaign
Pioneering Campaigns to introduce a new product
Competitive Campaign emphasis competitive superiority
to retain the present market.
Campaigns can be classified in terms of media, e.g; direct
mail campaign, newspaper campaign, T.V. Campaign etc
Campaigns are governed by the following
Identifying the problem
The budget
Target audience
Media selection
The language
The visual and the copy
Timing and duration
Post testing
Effect on sales
Three phases of campaign creation
1.Strategy development phase
 decide the objectives and contents of communication.
 analyzing the research data and positioning the brand
 right strategy and creative campaign is a winning
 “if you want to catch fish, you have to think like fish. If
you want to catch a consumer, you have to think like a
2.Advertising brief to the creative
Client has to brief the agency about how to create the
Success or failure of the advertisement is largely dictated
by the brief.
3.The creative phase
The strategist has to leap from a single uni-directional
idea into an advertising idea that will add value to the
Example of effective
Advertising Campaign in India
ZooZoo’s were conceptualized by the Ad agency O&M for the latest Vodafone Ad campaigns.
ZooZoo characters though they look like animated characters are actually played by real people. The
real people are dressed in white outfits. The sets have been constructed by shadows created by spray
Case Study-
Nike’s “Just Do It” Advertising
After stumbling badly against archrival Reebok in the 1980s,
Nike rose about as high and fast in the ‘90s as any company
can. It took on a new religion of brand consciousness and
broke advertising sound barriers with its indelible Swoosh,
“Just Do It” slogan and deified sports figures. Nike managed
the deftest of marketing tricks: to be both anti-establishment
and mass market, to the tune of $9.2 billion dollars in sales
in 1997.
—Jolie Soloman
“When Nike Goes Cold”
Newsweek, March 30, 1998
Linking the Campaign to Consumer Needs
Through its “Just Do It” campaign, Nike was able to tap
into the fitness craze of the 1980s. Reebok was sweeping the
aerobics race and gaining huge market share in the sneaker
business. Nike responded to that by releasing a tough, takeno-prisoners ad campaign that practically shamed people into
exercising, and more importantly, to exercising in Nikes.
Celebrity endorsements also appealed to the consumers’ sense
of belonging and “hipness”.
Linking the Campaign to Strategy
Nike was in a tough spot in the late 1970’s. It was being
swamped by Reebok’s quick initiative on designing aerobics
shoes and needed to respond dramatically and forcefully. It
could be argued that the “Just Do It” campaign was not only
about sneakers but about Nike’s own renaissance.
No longer content to be the choice running shoe of a few
thousand marathoners and exercise nuts, Nike wanted to
expand its operation to target every American, regardless of
age, gender or physical-fitness level. “Just Do It” succeeded
in that it convinced Americans that wearing Nikes for every
part of your life was smart and hip.
Nike took its own advice and “Just Did It” by directly
attacking Reebok in the sport-shoe market.
Why Was the Campaign Successful?
The timing of this campaign could not have been better.
Americans were buying exercise equipment at a record pace in
the mid 1980s, and body worship was at an all time high.
Nike tapped into consumers’ desire for a healthy lifestyle by
packaging it into a pair of $80 sneakers.
The ads were often humorous, appealing to the cynic in all of
us, while imploring consumers to take charge of their physical
fitness. The ads made starting an exercise regime seem like a
The campaign was easily identifiable (to the point that Nike
eventually did not even bother to display the word “Nike” in
commercials—the swoosh was enough) and stayed true to its