COOPERATIVE INVESTMENTS: DRIVING A COMMUNITY TO BE OPPORTUNITY FOCUSED November 7, 2012 at the Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park David Wright Chris Butler Don Mills Scott McFarland Dean Wilson Jeff Jorgensen Vickie Schmitzer THE BOARD’S INSTRUCTIONS TO OUR CPA FOR CLOSING THE YEAR Declared 2012 Patronage Dividends: $ $ 700,000 Standard Patronage Dividend 800,000 Bonus Patronage Dividend $1,500,000 Year #3 for a Bonus Patronage Dividend: is this becoming an annual tradition? Projected Stock Dividend: 4.45% Projected Increase in Stock Equity: 19%+ Projected Stock Price: $180,000 per owner share 3 These are all projections and should be finalized by December based on our CPA’s work...then look for a check! ...NOW ON TO 2013! In August, the BOD approved the 2013 Business Plan and Budget This marked the end of our 2013 Planning Session, and now we’re on to executing the plan – our new year started 10/1/2012 Today’s event is the first in our planning season for 2014 There are many more events planned for 2013, as part of our 2014 planning season – from our Board meetings to focus groups to all of our credit union education – it will be a full year The next major event is our Leadership Conference (June 18-20, 2013 – mark your calendars!) 4 We truly appreciate your participation, and respect your dedication in leading this cooperative Morning (9:00-12:20) 9:15 Introduction Cooperative Investments: Driving a Community to be Opportunity Focused (Randy Karnes) 9:30 CU*Answers Innovator Investment & Grant Program: Your 2012 Finalists Presentations from our 4 finalists 10 minute break after each for group discussion and networking Afternoon (1:15-3:00) 1:15 II&G Program Wrap-up Update from one of our finalists from last year 1:30 Q&A with Jack Antonini Insights on studying opportunities, fostering projects, and pushing investment in opportunity 2:30 Wrap-Up 12:20 Lunch 5 Submit your questions by 1:00!! Now introducing today’s facilitator...Randy K FILL OUT THE FORM AND GIVE TO DAWN BEFORE LUNCH DRIVING A COMMUNITY TO BE OPPORTUNITY FOCUSED 8 OUR FINALISTS = SEMI-FINALIST David Jezewski Community Star CU Annie Lepper Superior Choice CUU Kevin Finneran Detroit Metropolitan CU Kristy Pelle Spokane Media FCU Jenny Bickel Frankenmuth CU 9 Chris Butler Community CU Charles Papenfus Inland Valley FCU (2 ideas submitted) Renee Maeder Best Advantage CU (2 ideas submitted) Lisa Tohey Grand Rapids Family CU IN PRESENTATION ORDER (RANDOMLY PLACED) Time Idea Presented by 9:30 Mobile Branch Charles Papenfus Inland Valley FCU 10:05 Break / Group Discussion / Networking 10:25 11:00 11:10 11:35 11:45 Field of Dreams Jenny Bickel Frankenmuth CU Break / Group Discussion / Networking Flix in the Sticks Renee Maeder Best Advantage CU Break / Group Discussion / Networking The Great Debt Pay Down Annie Lepper Superior Choice CU 10 HERE’S HOW THE MORNING WILL GO... 11 Presentation and Q&A 35 minutes Group Discussions 10 minutes Each finalist will have a total of 35 minutes to present his or her idea Includes time to field questions from the group (we’ll pass around the microphone) Between each finalist presentation, we’ll take a 10 minute break for refreshments Discuss the idea amongst your table or with any other group! Determining the Winner(s) Ballot data collected today will be presented to the CU*Answers Board of Directors for consideration The Board will make its final decision and announce the awards no later than January 31, 2013 MARK YOUR BALLOT WHILE YOU LISTEN Is this a good business for the network to invest its money? If it’s not really a business per se, is it still a good idea? Something that is worthy of our financial support? Is this a repeatable business that could potentially be implemented in your community, by other credit unions or network partners? Thinking as a venture capitalist, would you invest your own money in this idea? 12 REMEMBER TO SUBMIT YOUR QUESTIONS FOR JACK ANTONINI BEFORE YOU EAT! TURN THEM IN TO ANY CU*ANSWERS STAFF PERSON BEFORE YOU LEAVE TODAY LET’S HEAR FROM ONE OF OUR WINNERS... 15