Backwash June 2015

No. 16 June 2015
From The CEO
2015 Irrigation Australia regional conference, Penrith
IAL held its 2015 regional conference at the end of May at Penrith NSW.
Feedback from delegates was that the conference program was one of the best they had seen, and that
the speakers were of an excellent quality. The venue was absolutely amazing, and one of the most
polished that the delegates had seen. Many of the presentations and discussions will make future
Journal articles and really added to the thinking of the industry. A fun highlight was the trivia competition
through the duration of the dinner, with the electronic questions and scoring giving immediate feedback
on team positioning and creating a lot of light-hearted banter between teams.
The event was well supported by our exhibitors who reported solid interest in their products and services
from delegates and exhibition visitors. Delegate numbers were down on previous years and this was
disappointing, given the high quality program and speakers, but those delegates who did make it to the
conference were treated to an excellent event and were well pleased with the results.
The Smart Watermark forum was held within the IAL conference and this proved to be a popular part of
the conference.
A big thanks goes to the organising committee led by David McKechnie, the conference program created
by Ian Atkinson and others, our conference organisers ICE, the Penrith Panthers convention centre and
IAL’s friendly staff.
2016 IAL National conference; May 24 to May 26, Melbourne Convention Centre
With our 2015 regional conference complete, thoughts now turn to IAL’s flagship national conference, to
be held in May 2016 at the Melbourne convention centre. We’ve already seen an amazing response from
industry exhibitors with over a third of the exhibition space already sold out, and a high level of interest
from potential sponsors and delegates.
The Melbourne organising committee is now in place and will be working with a Professional Conference
Organiser to deliver a world class conference and exhibition. If you’d like to get involved in the
conference planning, or are interested In being a sponsor, exhibitor, or presenter, please let Duane know.
Membership renewal notices
Membership renewal notices will be going out in June. The IAL Board has agreed to keep member rate
increases as low as possible, instead widening the price differential between member and non-member
rates for IAL products and services. We are hoping to have an electronic payment portal in place by the
time the renewal notices go out, but this function is presently being completed and the timing will be
Irrigation Australia Limited (IAL) speaks out on the recent Queensland Government legislative
changes to Water Meter installation.
The Queensland Government last Tuesday night passed legislation that makes it the only state in the
country where only licensed plumbers can install non-urban water meters. IAL has responded in the
strongest possible terms to this change. IAL has written to the relevant Queensland Minister and shadow
Minister objecting to the change, and has distributed a media release (attached) to a range of media
outlets. An IAL representative has been asked to meet with Queensland Departmental representatives to
discuss our concerns and we hope to bring further news soon.
Media Release for the resolution of the Queensland Meter validator issue.
Where should IAL hold its regional conference in 2017?
We have our national conference in Melbourne in 2016 and planning for that conference is well under
way. We are now looking for suitable locations for our 2017 regional conference and seeking
suggestions from our members. The location should have a suitable venue and accommodation options,
and be able to draw on the expertise of a local group of members and stakeholders who will form a
volunteer organising committee. IAL will source and engage a professional conference organiser to
support the committee and ensure the conference runs smoothly. It would be an added benefit if the
location attracted exhibitors and sponsors to offset the costs of holding the conference.
If you have any suggestions for a suitable 2017 regional conference location, please speak to Duane
Findley on 1300 949 891
Water Monitoring Report 2013–14
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has released its annual Water
Monitoring Report which details the ACCC’s findings in relation to its monitoring functions under the
Water Act 2007 (Cth). A digital copy of the Report and accompanying technical document can be found
on the ACCC website (
Under Part 4 of the Water Act 2007 the ACCC is required to monitor and report on regulated water
charges, transformation arrangements and compliance with the water charge rules and water market
The Report provides information for the 2013-14 financial year and was developed using information
provided by irrigation infrastructure operators, bulk water suppliers and relevant Basin State government
departments and water authorities.
Review of the water charge rules
On 17 December 2014 the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for the Environment requested the
ACCC to review the water charge rules and provide advice on possible amendments by December 2015.
The ACCC released an issues paper on 4 May seeking submissions from interested parties on a range of
matters associated with the water charge rules. Submissions should be provided to the ACCC by Friday
26 June 2015.
Further information on the water charge rules review, including the issues paper, can be found on the
ACCC’s website (
Maintain Your Irrigation
Irrigators are invited to learn about drip irrigation system maintenance and operation at upcoming
workshops supported by the South Australian Murray-Darling Basin Natural Resources Management
(SAMDB NRM) Board and Netafim.
Water Conserved by Irrigators Assists Migratory Birds
Endangered and threatened migratory bird species travelling from the northern hemisphere to South
Australian Murray-Darling Basin wetlands will find water thanks to initiatives such as the Australian
Government’s On-Farm Irrigation Efficiency Program which returns water to the environment.
New Members
IAL would like to welcome new individual member, David Norman from WA. Dave will also be sitting his
CID exams.
Social Media Stats
The way we all access and use information is changing. IAL is moving with these changes and we see
our social media channels as an increasingly important way to communicate and inform our members
and the broader irrigation community. Over the past 12 months, we’ve put a lot of effort into our social
media and we are really pleased with the results so far.
Our social media numbers are growing strongly. From a low base, IAL now has:
Almost 2000 followers on Twitter, just over 800 followers on Linked in, and close to 400 likes on
Facebook!! Be part of the social media revolution! Join us, like us, connect with us and keep up to date
with current industry news, IAL courses and events, and many other interesting articles. If you need help
getting started in the social media space, call us and we will guide you through the early steps.
IAL Professional Development
Irrigation Pumps Course
Wednesday 1st and Thursday 2nd July – 2015 – Carseldine Palms Motel , Carseldine Brisbane
Download the Registration formTuesday 25th and Wednesday 26th August 2015 – Italian Club of Werribee, Werribee VIC – Download
the Registration form
Tuesday 8th and Wednesday 9th September 2015 – Comfort Haven Inn, Glenelg North SA – Download
the registration form
The course covers national competency AHCIRG410A – Select and Manage Pumping Systems for
Irrigation. Topics include: irrigation and pumping system requirements, hydraulics of irrigation systems
including friction calculations, understanding pump curves and pump selection. For information and to
register go to the IAL website or contact Jodie Porter, phone 1300 949 891 (free call), email.
We have some reviews of our Irrigation Pumps course from students in Brisbane and Sydney. Click on
the link to view: Irrigation Pumps Workshop review Brisbane
Irrigation Pumps Workshop review Sydney
Irrigation Pumps Workshop group photo Sydney
Irrigation Essentials School, 10 – 15 August 2015 Gold Coast, Queensland. Download the registration
Evapotranspiration Masterclass, Thursday 26 and Friday 27 November, 2015, Sydney. Download the
registration form
Meter Validation and Installation Course, 20-21 July (Shepparton), 10-11 August (Tamworth), 23-24
September (Wodonga), 13-14 October (Warwick), 24-25 November (Yanco). Click on dates for links to
more information and to download the registration form.
Courses for 2015
The courses below are being scheduled for 2015.
Irrigation Efficiency Course
This course trains people who are involved in operating or managing irrigation systems to evaluate their
systems for efficiency, adjust irrigation schedules if necessary, conduct basic troubleshooting on systems
and know when to get expert help. The course provides training for three units of competency from the
Certificate III in Irrigation: AHCIRG306A – Troubleshoot irrigation systems, AHCIRG303A – Measure
irrigation delivery system performance, and AHCIRG305A – Operate pressurised irrigation systems.
Dates being developed for 2015. Download an application form from the IAL website. For general
inquiries, phone 1300 949 891 (free call) or send an email to IAL.
Irrigation Hydraulics Workshop
This 2½-day course is designed for people wanting to determine hydraulic parameters for irrigation
systems. Topics include plant- crop water requirements, static and dynamic pressure, hydraulics of
irrigation systems and pump selection and sizing. For information and to register your interest in attending
a course contact Tracy Martin, phone 08 9474 9089, email or go to the IAL website.
Irrigation Performance Evaluation Course
This 2-day course is designed for people involved in operating or managing landscape irrigation systems
to evaluate them for efficiency, adjust irrigation schedules if necessary, conduct basic maintenance on
equipment and know when to get expert help. For information and to register your interest in attending a
course contact Jodie Porter, phone 1300 949 891 (free call), email or go to the IAL website.
Evapotranspiration Masterclass
This two-day masterclass gives participants a better understanding of the concepts, theories and latest
research on evapotranspiration (ET) and insights into the most up-to-date methods for estimating crop
water requirements. The course includes instructions on how to access and use freely available Landsat
images to estimate how much water a crop is using and to assist with irrigation scheduling. For
information and to register your interest in attending contact Jodie Porter, phone 1300 949 891 (free
call), email or go to the IAL website.
Applied Energy Efficiency
This 2-day course helps participants understand the various energy efficiency opportunities available, as
well as prepare them to build the business case to drive initiatives and deliver benefits to businesses, e.g.
power bill savings. It is based on one of the 12 accredited units which make up the Certificate IV in
Carbon Management – CTICM303A – Evaluate Carbon Reduction and Renewable Energy Options. For
information and to register go to the IAL website or contact Jodie Porter, phone 1300 949 891 (free
call), or email.
To see all the courses that IAL have planned for 2015– please visit the IAL website.
Other Courses and Events
Soil Science Australia (insert pdf)
DRAFT PROGRAM- & Call for abstracts 23rd and 24th July 2015 (Thursday – Friday) 9am-5pm
NSW Branch, Regional Meeting Venue: Moree Services Club, Albert St, Moree
WORKSHOP- Current Issues in Soil Science Organising Contact: NSW Branch President
Dr Jane Aiken, E: M: 0407 990 613
Advanced Pumping and Hydraulics - “Online” (insert word document)
The APH course “empowers” participants to create energy efficient pumping and pipeline systems. Suited
to irrigation designers, managers, operators and contractors, especially those planning irrigation system
upgrades. Click here for module details
Diploma of Irrigation Management
Enrol now! River Murray Training is offering online training for the Diploma of Irrigation Management. For
information contact River Murray Training.
Advanced Pumping and Hydraulics
Suited to irrigation engineers, designers, managers, operators and contractors, especially those planning
irrigation system upgrades. To register go to the RMT website.
Groundwater Training
The Sustainable Resources Industry Training has a comprehensive schedule of groundwater training
activities for 2015. For information go the SRIT website.
PROwater Irrigation Series
NSW Department of Primary Industries runs a series of short courses on irrigation topics. For information
go to the DPI website and scroll down to the PROwater courses.
Short courses of 1-3 days are offered and include hydrology and hydraulics basic, groundwater
essentials, adapting to climate change, water essentials, and surface-groundwater interactions. Go to
the website for a full list of courses.
Irrigation Australia Journal- make a contribution
The Spring edition of the journal is in planning now. Editorial features are Moving water: in the system
and on farm and Irrigation and energy. If you are interested in contributing an article on either of these
features, or a technical article, contact Anne Currey email ( Deadline
for copy is 20 July. Advertisers can take advantage of our Irrigation design and installation advertising
feature or annual Pipelines feature to advertise your product or service. Contact Brian Rault email
( for more information
Job Spot
Exploring new challenges in the irrigation industry or a change of workplace? Or are you an employer
looking to hire a staff member? You can take advantage of the business and job opportunities page on
the IAL website to list your position or business for sale, check out people looking for work or see what
jobs are available. Employers can list positions vacant, free of charge. Just download the form from the
IAL website, fill it in and email it to IAL. We do the rest.
Industry Tenders
Check out our social media pages for latest industry tenders.
Share Your News
Share your latest news about new products major awards or community initiatives with the IAL social
media community. Send a link to Jodie email at the IAL office and she will make sure it is uploaded to the
IAL social media pages.
New free Member Service
Good irrigation managers know that evapotranspiration data is key to planning and for reporting on recent
water use. iWater is an irrigator friendly source of daily ET data available for any location in Australia. The
data is delivered each morning by email and for IAL members is free! Signup on this link now.
IAL’s Members Spotlight
IAL Supporting Partner