Tackling Dynamics in Grid Integration of Wind Energy: Modeling, Multi-scale Scheduling and Pricing Junshan Zhang School of ECEE, Arizona State University http://informationnet.asu.edu 1 State-of the-Art of Power Grid “If Alexander Graham Bell were somehow transported to the 21st century, he would not begin to recognize the components of modern telephony – cell phones, texting, cell towers, PDAs, etc; while Thomas Edison, one of the grid’s key early architects, would be totally familiar with the grid.'' [ “Final report on smart grid," Dept of Energy Report, Dec. 2008] 2 Smart Grid in the Making The many meanings of “smart”: – Generation: renewable energy integration … – Transmission: enhanced situational awareness … – Distribution: demand response, micro-grid, … – End-user: smart metering, smart appliances… Multi-scale Power System Dynamics and Operation Functions 4 Multi-scale Nature of Wind Energy 5 Growing Wind Generation Capacity WIND GENERATION CAPACITY IN THE BPA BALANCING AUTHORITY AREA MW Sequential Increases in Capacity, Based on Date When Actual Generation First Exceeded 50% of Nameplate 3750 3522 MW 2/11/11 3500 12/1/10 11/29/10 11/15/10 8/11/10 6/6/10 3250 10/24/10 10/8/10 3000 8/11/10 6/30/10 1/15/10 2750 1/1/10 12/16/09 11/30/09 2500 9/21/09 8/6/09 5/1/09 1/27/09 1/1/09 12/7/08 6/6/08 11/17/07 2000 3/22/09 2/12/09 11/26/07 2250 1750 1500 5/10/08 4/29/08 1250 10/15/07 1000 10/5/07 750 10/4/06 8/10/06 500 11/25/05 6/28/05 12/31/2011 7/2/2011 12/31/2010 7/2/2010 12/31/2009 7/1/2009 12/31/2008 7/1/2008 1/1/2008 7/2/2007 12/31/2006 7/2/2006 12/31/2005 7/2/2005 12/31/2004 7/1/2004 1/1/2004 0 7/2/2003 1/1/2003 7/2/2002 6/18/02 1/16/02 12/31/2001 7/2/2001 12/31/2000 7/2/2000 1/1/2000 7/2/1999 1/1/1999 7/2/1998 1/1/1998 250 12/18/01 10/25/98 6 Part I • Multi-scale Scheduling and Pricing in Smart Grids with Wind Generation Integration [INFOCOM’11] 7 Wind Generation Integration • Challenge: Integrating wind generation into bulk power grid is challenging for generation planning and reliability guarantees Wind generation is non-dispatchable and volatile Reliability: balance between supply and demand all the time • Traditional approach: ISOs and utilities rely on operating reserves Operating reserve: additional generation capacity (spinning or nonspinning); more expensive than base generation Reserve amount (and hence the cost) monotonically increases with the penetration level of wind energy 8 Motivation • Supply-side management: multiple timescale scheduling for generation planning to address supply uncertainty of wind generation • Demand side management: a supply-following load solution to reduce the cost of operating reserves – Demand response of opportunistic energy users – Real-time pricing based on energy availability Technical difficulty: Coupling between sequential decisions on scheduling and pricing across multiple timescales 9 Two-settlement Electricity Market T1 Day d-1 T2 t Day d T2 T2 Day-ahead Market for Day d Energy Procurement T2 T2 T2 t Real-time Market for Day d – Day-ahead market (forward market) • Unit commitment: base-load generators (hydro, thermal, nuclear, etc.) have start time and ramp rate limits • Schedules generations based on day-ahead forecasting of load – Real-time market (spot market) • Close the gap between supply and demand in spot-market • If necessary, utilizes fast-start generators (e.g., gas turbine) 10 Opportunistic Energy Users • A “smart” class of energy users: Opportunistic energy users are emerging as a result of end-user technologies (programcontrolled smart appliances, smart metering, and real-time retail pricing) [Newman 08]: 10% daily energy consumption in United States is from the household appliances such as water heater, AC, washer & dryers, and dish washers • Opportunistic energy users behave different from traditional energy users: – Respond to price signal on a much finer timescale (minutes) – Opportunistic access to the energy system – Load profiles are bursty, and can be either inelastic or elastic 11 Basic Setting • Two categories of energy resources: 1) controllable conventional energy generation (base-load and fast-start), and 2) volatile wind generation • Two classes of energy users: conventional and opportunistic • Two-stage schedule at different timescales ( T1 and T2 periods for dayahead and real-time, resp.) 12 Basic Setting (2) • Day-ahead scheduling • • • Statistical information on wind generation and demand from traditional energy users Energy procurement from base-load generation Day-ahead prices are announced to traditional energy users • Real-time scheduling • • • Realizations of wind generation and demand from traditional energy users Real-time retail prices are announced to opportunistic energy users Fast-start generation is used, as needed, to close gap between demand and supply 13 Energy Supply Model • Conventional energy generation – base-load generation and peaking generation, have generation cost c1 and c2 per unit (c2 > c1 ), resp. – cost of base-load generation includes the start-up cost ( cP < cP c1) • Non-stationary wind generation [Bouffard08] the wind generation amount in (k,m)th slot is given by: – Statistical information of wind generation is commonly provided by commercial entities, and available one day ahead, to the day-ahead scheduler 14 Energy Demand Model • Demand of traditional energy users [Fleten 05]: Dt E Dt t with E Dt t u t – Price elasticity: u dE Dt t E Dt du • Demand of opportunistic energy users Assumption: opportunistic energy users respond to real-time pricing; – Arrive according to a Poisson process with rate0 – Accept or reject the announced real-time price v by comparing with a price acceptance level Vi , which is random, i.i.d. across users – Incur a energy consumption of E0 15 Problem Formulation • Objective: maximize the overall expected profit M P : max Rmu m 1 R E l Rkl ,m kl ,m , k ,m k 1 where K u m Policy dictates the energy procurement s, day-ahead price u for each T1 slot, and real-time price v for each T2 slot – Rkl ,m kl ,m , : expected net profit in the (k,m)th slot – kl ,m: the system state in the (k,m)th slot 16 Non-persistent Response Model • Non-persistent response: an opportunistic energy user leaves the system if the current real-time price is unacceptable • Coupling between the multiple timescale schedules – Energy procurement S and retail price in day-ahead schedule have significant impact on the real-time price – Real-time price , in turn, affects the optimization of the day-ahead schedule ( S , u ) – Joint optimization of the day-ahead and real-time schedules is needed • A two-stage approach – First solve the real-time scheduling problem conditioned on the dayahead decisions ( S , u ) – Then consider the day-ahead scheduling problem by making use of the real-time scheduling policy 17 Two-stage View • Real-time Scheduling the expected net profit in a T2-slot: with • Day-ahead Scheduling 18 Approximate Solution • Condition A: – Wind generation is not sufficient to meet total demand – The variance of wind generation is much larger than that of the demand from opportunistic energy users • Proposition I. Suppose condition A holds. – Case I: opportunistic energy users are elastic ( ): • If energy surplus is relatively high ( • If energy surplus is relatively low ( ) ) • Otherwise where , and is the expected demand from opportunistic energy users at price 19 Approximate Solution (2) • Proposition I (contd.) – Case II, opportunistic energy users are inelastic ( • Proposition II. The optimal decision of ): is given by 20 Persistent Response Model • Persistent response: opportunistic energy users wait in the system until the real-time price is acceptable (respond by load-shifting) – Opportunistic demand has memory – Opportunistic energy users are persistent across both timescales • A Multi-timescale Markov decision process (MMDP) formulation – Day-ahead decisions affect real-time decision process – Real-time decisions affect the day-ahead decisions – Unique characteristics: • non-overlapping horizons between day-ahead and real-time schedules • day-ahead decisions are made solely based on distributional understanding of the lower-level process 21 Transform to a MDP Problem • A stationary real-time pricing policy in a T1 slot: • Proposition III. With appropriately defined immediate reward and action space, the two-level scheduling problem can be written as a classic MDP at the slower time-scale, as below: with 22 Numerical Results • Profit margin monotonically increases with the penetration level of wind energy • Profit margin is higher when real-time pricing is employed with elastic opportunistic energy users • The amount and the elasticity of opportunistic energy users also impact the profit margin 23 Part II • Finite State Markov Chain Model for Wind Generation Forecast: A Data-driven Spatiotemporal Approach [ISGT’12] 25 Wind Farm Spatial Dynamics • A vast majority of forecasting models focus on wind speed forecast and directly map it to wind power using turbine power curves • Wind farms exhibit special spatial dynamics often ignored – Wind farms can be made of heterogeneous turbines, from different manufacturer classes with different power curves – Power outputs from turbines can be unequal (and random) even if they are identical and co-located Distribution Forecasts • Sophisticated stochastic design paradigms, e.g., demand response, multi-scale pricing, are on a rise • Critical to have a distribution forecast of wind power in contrast to a simple ‘point-forecast,’ for efficient integration • Continuous state space distribution forecasts may suffer from computational complexity due to dimensionality • Our approach: – Finite state space Markov chain based forecast models strike a balance between complexity and accuracy; – Based on data from a real wind farm in western USA Spatio-Temporal Analysis • Use tools in graph theory and time-series analysis to characterize probability distribution of farm aggregate power output – The procedure takes into account spatial dynamics of the power output from individual turbines across the farm, often overlooked in literature • Using regression analysis tools, characterize temporal dynamics of the aggregate power output of the farm, taking into account diurnal non-stationarity and wind seasonality. • Building on these spatial and temporal characterizations, develop a finite state Markov chain model for forecasting the aggregate wind power, in a rigorous optimization framework Minimum Spanning Tree for Wind Turbines 29 An Outline of Spatial Analysis • Using graph tools, identify ‘parent-child’ turbine pairs across the farm, develop linear model for ‘parent-child’ turbine power, and analyze the aggregate power • Based on spatial analysis, characterize steady state distribution of the aggregate power output from the farm, by quantifying the power output as a function of wind speed of a ‘root turbine’ Further Comments on Spatial Analysis • Classic central limit theorem (CLT) cannot be applied to characterize the distribution of aggregate wind farm output. – Due to the correlation structure between the power output from individual turbines; – Due to strong correlation, even ‘CLT under weak dependence’ cannot be applied, despite the fact that the correlation between turbine power outputs weakens with distance between them (‘mixing distance’). – Marginal distribution is not Gaussian or even stable laws; it is non31 stationary in general. An Outline of Temporal Analysis • Level crossing (LC) rate of a random process: for a given level, the average number of times, per unit time, that the random process crosses that level • Using tools from auto-regression analysis, characterized the LC rate of the aggregate power output from the farm • The LC rate is crucial in the design of the Markov chain forecast model Characteristics of Markov Forecast Model • Use the results from spatio-temporal analysis to design a Markov chain forecast model for aggregate power output, with following implementation friendly characteristics: – 1) The Markov chain is defined on a discrete time and is of order one – 2) State transitions occur mostly between adjacent states Design approach: • Property 1: via a careful choice of the discrete time axis resolution • Property 2: via a careful choice of Markov state space; a simple uniform quantization of the power output would be insufficient Markov State Space Design • For any state in the state space, define the average segment length (Tavg) as the average length of contiguous time the power output process stays in that state • Characterize Tavg as a function of the steady state distribution and level crossing rates derived in spatiotemporal analysis • Carefully choose the state space such that, for each state in the state space, – Tavg is close to an integer multiple of the discrete time axis slot length – This reduces in-slot state transitions and increases likelihood of adjacent-states-only transitions across slots Markov State Space Design – An Example • • • For the data at hand, more dense states around the extremes and sporadic around the mid ranges Fig. 1 compares Tavg for uniform and optimized state space designs Fig. 2 demonstrates high incidence of adjacent-state-only transitions for the non-uniform state space compared to that of uniform state space Utilization of Wind Forecast Model: Reserve, Demand Response and Tradeoffs • Reserve: standby generation to address contingencies; higher cost. • Demand response: flexible loads that ‘follow’ available supply; – paradigm shift from ‘load-following supply’ to ‘supplyfollowing load’ – Consumer flexibility may be constrained • The finite state Markov chain model for wind forecast can facilitate demand response and reserve planning Two Timescale Scheduling Model • Wind energy assumed to evolve across the T2 slots according to the finite state Markov chain forecast model Demand Response Model • Deferrable load contract – Loads arrive in each mini-slot (real-time scheduling slot) – Each arriving load can be deferred for a few mini-slots – Number of loads that can be deferred is constrained – If a load cannot be deferred or served, it must be dropped with penalty proportional to the amount of dropped load • Number of deferrals allowed is a resource that must be judiciously utilized, with the help of wind forecast, to minimize average penalty Scheduling as MDP • Objective: to minimize average total penalty, for given reserve and base-load generation schedules • Define • - optimal average total penalty from slot t till horizon • - immediate penalty in slot t • Bellman Equation (assuming deferrable slot equal to 1) MDP formulation (continued) • - current state • - wind realized in slot t • - Load arriving in slot t (perfectly forecast) • - Load deferred from previous slot • - Remaining number of loads that can be deferred until horizon • - Indicator functions for various energy surplus/deficit events Case Study – No Deferrable Load Contract • Consider a sample path of wind energy production, constant load • Without deferrable load contracts, load dropped during energy deficits (penalties) and energy spilled during surpluses (wastage) Case Study – With Deferrable Load Contract, No Wind Forecast • Assume only one deferral opportunity allowed by the contract • Without wind forecast, this opportunity is used greedily in the very first slot Case Study – With Deferrable Load Contract, Markov Wind Forecast • With Markov wind forecast, the deferral opportunity is (stochastically) judiciously used in the third slot, saving the larger load in slot 3 and utilizing the excess energy in slot 4 Reserve vs. Average Penalty • The higher the reserve, the lower the average penalty (dropped load) • For fixed average penalty, lesser reserve required with more flexible contract • Effective integration of deferrable contract made possible by Markov wind forecast model Engineering Implication • With integrated wind energy, if only reserve is used, higher reserve levels are required to guarantee reliability • ‘supply following’ demand response, along with good wind forecast models, can be envisioned as the load-side dual of reserves in countering wind energy volatility • Deferrable contracts, together with Markov wind forecast model, is shown to effectively counter wind volatility and lower reserve level requirements Robust CPS Inter-networking Architecture 46 CPS - Two Interacting Networks cross-networks support physical system (e.g. power grid) cyber network (e.g. Internet) Networked systems: modern world consists of an intricate web of Interconnected infrastructure systems. Interdependence: Operation of one network depends heavily on the functioning of the other network Vulnerability to cascading failures: node failures in one network may trigger a cascade of failures in both networks, and overall damage on cyber-physical systems can be catastrophic since the affected area is much greater than that affected in a single network alone. 47 Robust Inter-networking Architecture: Interconnecting Edge Allocation Q) How to improve robustness against cascading failures, under constraint of average inter-edges per node • • Allocation without intra-degree information • Random vs. Uniform allocation • Unidirectional edges vs. bi-directional edges Allocation with intra-degree information • Preferential allocation • Ranking based allocation • Approach: compute ultimate fractions of functioning giant components, and critical threshold pc; the lower pc the more robust [TPDS'11] 48 Conclusions • Modeling, scheduling and pricing for grid integration of wind energy. • Other issues smart grid we have looked into: robust CPS architecture, data processing (decision tree for contingency analysis; fault diagnosis based on Markov random field model of PMU data). • Our research on wireless networks: cognitive radio, wireless scheduling with hard deadlines, network optimization, information theory … • Many emerging research problems need “marriage” of expertise: (renewable energy, power system, social networks) + (communication, control, computing) … 49 • Backup slides 50 Conclusion for Part II • The often overlooked spatial dynamics between turbine power outputs is studied using graph theoretical tools, and the steady state distribution of the farm aggregate power output is analytically characterized • The temporal dynamics of the aggregate power is studied using auto-regression analysis tools and analytical level crossing rates are derived • Based on the spatial and temporal characterizations, a realistic Markov chain model to forecast aggregate power output is developed. Uniform Allocation of B-directional Edges (Cont’d) Stage 3: Network A’s further fragmentation due to B-node failures inter-edge can be disconnected w.p. 1-PB(p’B2) The remaining fraction of A1: 1-(1-PB(p’B2))k For A, the joint effect of Stage 1&3 on A equals the node failures in A with fraction Key step: further node failures in A1 at Stage 3 has the same 1-p’A3=1- p+p(1-PB(p’B2))k effect as taking out equivalent fraction of nodes in A functioning giant component A3 pA3=p’A3PA(p’A3) 54 Uniform Allocation of Bi-directional Edges (Cont’d) functioning giant component size in the dynamics of cascading failures Stage 1 network A network B pA1=pPA(p) pB2=p’B2PB(p’B2) Stage 3 pA3=p’A3PA(p’A3) Stage 2 Stage 4 pB4=p’B2PA(p’B2) …. …. The recursive process reaches an equilibrium point By calculating the equilibrium point, we can get the ultimate giant component size and critical threshold 55