EM 605 Operations Research PURPOSE: This memorandum provides each student the administrative details and guidance necessary to successfully complete EM 605. TEXT: “Introduction to Operations Research” 9th edition Frederick S. Hillier & Gerald J. Lieberman ISBN: 0073376299 Copyright year: 2010 Publisher: McGraw-Hill SOFTWARE: QM for Windows & Excel add-in: Solver COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course will provide an understanding of history and latest development of Operations Research (OR) tools and models. The students will be exposed to the process of system approach to design and development of OR models. The students will also be exposed to the formulation of requirements to data collection and software for optimization and simulation of business processes. The course will focus on the use of tools and the development of models from both presented homework and case studies. COURSE OBJECTIVES: This course will give students with the following capabilities: • Practice an operation research (O.R.) approach to management problems • Apply modern software packages to conduct analysis of real world data • Apply analytical techniques and sensitivity analysis to problems and data sets • Summarize and present the analysis results in a clear and coherent manner GRADING: The student is required to do homework every week of the course, and complete a minimum of 3 case studies during the semester. If the student elects to complete additional case studies, the highest 3 grades achieved will be used for the case study average potion of the final grade. If the additional case studies exceed certain minimum grades, additional points will be added to the case study average (as extra credit). - Average of all homework assignments is 50% of final grade. - Average of required case studies + extra credit for additional case studies is 50% of final grade. COURSE MAP: Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 #01: Introduction to OR Modeling & Optimization, Decision Variables, Objective Function, Constraints #02a: Solving Linear Programming Problems – Simplex Method #02b: Duality Theory, Sensitivity Analysis, other LP Algorithms #03: Integer, Binary, Mixed Integer , Non-linear Programming #04: Dynamic Programming #05: Transportation, Transshipment, Assignment, Network Flow #06: Meta-heuristics #07: Game Theory #08: Decision Analysis #09: Markov Chains #10: Queuing Theory #11: Inventory Theory, Markov Decision Processes #12: Simulation Final Homework/Case Study Due