Resources and Tools for Physics Research Elizabeth Lee San Bao | 20 January 2016 Session Outline Overview of Library Services and Resources Ethics in Research and Plagiarism Core Research Databases in Physics Tools for Managing Your Research Overview of Library Services and Resources NUS Libraries For knowledge ~ for inspiration ~ for life Central Library Science Library Chinese Library Medical Library Hon Sui Sen Memorial Library Music Library C J Koh Law Library | | Chat service (Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm) Your Access to NUS Libraries Your matric card is your library card. Library Opening Hours Library Login ID and PIN Your matriculation number (e.g. A0066650N) is your library login ID. By default, your library PIN is your student SMARTCARD PIN issued by the NUS Computer Centre. Use this login ID and PIN to: Check your library account online Renew items online Reserve items/Place a hold Borrow items at self-check out stations Request items from closed stacks Related FAQs Loan Services For Graduate Students LoanTip: entitlement: Quick More services: Study carrels (4 hours per Max 30 books and 1 RBR You can return Main Shelves books at any NUS Library. loan) Loan period: Document Delivery Service ButMain all RBR books must be returned at the Loans Desk of shelves books: 28 days (DDS) * the home library. RBR: 2 hours/overnight Intra-library loan * Return through book chutes only if library is closed. 3 online renewals for main Inter-library loan * shelves books * e-form submission is required NUS Libraries Resources FindMore@NUSL / LINC : Discovery Search Engine / Library Catalogue E-Resources / E-Books / E-Journals RBR / Exam Papers ScholarBank : Institutional Repository, where past theses can be found. Theses and Dissertations NUS Theses and Dissertations Before Sep 2003 (Print): Call No. QC3 After Sep 2003 (E-Theses): ScholarBank Non-NUS Theses and Dissertations Theses Databases: ProQuest dissertations & theses| Springer Theses | Other NUS-subscribed databases University Repositories Recommend to purchase thesis * For more information, you can visit our LibGuide on how to find theses. Searching Citations with FindMore@NUSL FindMore@NUSL searches for books, e-books, journal articles, newspaper articles, dissertations & more. For more information, you can visit the FindMore LibGuide. Sussman, G. J., & Wisdom, J. (2015). Structure and interpretation of classical mechanics (2nd ed.). Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press. Demo on FindMore Searching Citations with FindMore@NUSL Login to view more results from databases Sort results by relevance or date Search Filters Content type & item availability Inserts item into temporary folder Citing and email options Searching Citations with FindMore@NUSL LINC record of the book Where to find it? • SC Books • SC Bound Journals • Etc. Call numbers for Physics titles usually start with QC Status of book: • Available • Due XX-XX-XX • Etc. Searching Citations with LINC Similarly to FindMore, LINC also searches for books, e-books, journals, etc. But it does not search for journal articles. You would need to search for the journal title in LINC to find the article. In FindMore, you can search the journal article title directly. Santos, R., Portugal, R., & Boettcher, S. (2015). Moments of coinless quantum walks on lattices. Quantum Information Processing, 14(9), 3179-3191. doi:10.1007/s11128-015-1042-9 Demo on LINC Searching Citations with LINC Journal article Notfound foundininLINC LINC Journal found in FindMore Activity: Searching Citations with NUS Libraries | FindMore@NUSL vs LINC Let’s try some searching exercises with NUS Libraries! 1. Go to 2. Key in TIX4IHYV for room name 3. Enter your name initials Ethics in Research and Plagiarism Ethics in Science Research Source: Nature, 6 September 2007 Source: VietnamNet Bridge, 30 May 2012 Source: DW, 6 June 2014 Plagiarism “In NUS, it is defined as the practice of taking someone else’s work or ideas and passing them off as one’s own.” Source: Plagiarism | Breeze presentation by Centre for English Language Communication “Plagiarism is a deliberate activity – the conscious copying from the work of others without acknowledgement.” Source: Avoiding Plagiarism | Breeze presentation by Dr Yang Ying, Centre for English Language Communication Plagiarism For more information: NUS Plagiarism Prevention website: offers selfchecked plagiarism prevention softwares, Turnitin and iThenticate. NUS emodule on academic culture and plagiarism free resource sponsored by makers of Turnitin, WriteCheck, and iThenticate Why Cite Your Sources? Academic Integrity – to avoid plagiarism and show the amount of research done Acknowledgement – give due credit to research done by others (intellectual debt) Authority – ensure credibility of your work and lend support to arguments by referring to authoritative sources WHEN IN DOUBT, CITE! Citing Your Sources Properly Different citation styles are available, e.g. APA, AIP, MLA. Please check with your tutor/supervisor which style to use in your paper. Different ways of citing are used for different types of sources, e.g. books, edited books, journal articles, etc. There are 2 places to cite the sources you have used during your research: a) Within a sentence (In-text citation) b) At the end of document (Bibliography/References) Source: Plagiarism | Breeze presentation by Centre for English Language Communication * For more information, please visit our LibGuide on Citation Styles. Citing Your Sources Properly Numerical system of citing Author-date system of citing Core Research Databases in Physics Why read Scientific Papers? Current • Read the most up to date materials Replicable • You can redo the experiments yourself Contains raw data Shows logic in research • Save time by using their data • You can evaluate the conclusions drawn Core Research Databases in Physics NUS-subscribed Databases: a) INSPEC – Covers physics, electronics, computing and engineering from 1969. b) Institute of Physics (IOP) Science - Over 60 IOP journals with archive dating back more than 130 years c) Physical Review Online Archive (PROLA) - From the American Physical Society, this database’s coverage is from 1893 to present d) Web of Science – Multidisciplinary, 1900 onwards. e) Scopus – Multidisciplinary, 1996 onwards. Open Access: * More databases listed in Physics LibGuide. Database Highlight: Web of Science (WOS) WOS’s Core Collection: More than 12,000 multidisciplinary research journals and over 150,000 conference proceedings. More than 250 disciplines covered from 1900 onwards. Includes Cited Reference Searching to track prior and current research development. Integrates citing and referencing seamlessly with EndNote. Updated weekly. Source: Thomson Reuters, Web of Science Core Collection Database Demonstration: Web of Science (WOS) Sample research topic: Study of induced radioactivity of materials in and around proton radiotherapy beams Identify the keywords in topic Induced radioactivity Proton radiotherapy beams Find the synonyms of keywords Look for different variations of keywords proton beams / proton radiation Radioactivity, radioactive radioactiv* Beams, beam beam* Use phrase searching “Proton radiotherapy beam*” Use Boolean operators “Proton radiotherapy beam*” OR “proton beam*” OR “proton radiation” Database Demonstration: Web of Science (WOS) Sample research topic: Study of induced radioactivity of materials in and around proton radiotherapy beams Suggested search statement: induced radioactiv* AND "proton radiotherapy beam*" OR "proton beam*" OR "proton radiation" * For more search tips in WOS, please visit here. Demo on WOS Database Demonstration: Web of Science (WOS) Results sorting Create Search Alerts Save citations Find Full-Text Article Search Filters Database Demonstration: Web of Science (WOS) My Tools & Search History Find Full-Text Article Citation-related statistics Some tips on managing research results Refine by subject/discipline areas as defined by the databases – more specific to your research focus. Identify and read review articles so you can trace the historical development of a certain research area. Use number of times cited to identify and read highimpact papers. Use citations to trace the progress of a certain research area. Building current awareness of Physics research development You can subscribe to the following alerts to keep updated on new Physics research development: Databases’ alerting service, e.g. saved search alert Citation alerts Publishers and journals’ alerting services and newsletters RSS feeds from related Physics websites and news organisations LINC alerting service, e.g. saved search alert Evaluating Physics research information Currency Purpose Relevancy CRAAP Evaluation Criteria Authority Accuracy Evaluating Physics research information Evaluating Information for Academic Quality Group Activity: Evaluating Physics research information Let’s try some information evaluation exercises! 1. Go to 2. Key in TIX4IHYV for room name 3. Enter your group name initials Tools for Managing Your Research JabRef for LaTeX users JabRef is a free and open source bibliography reference manager software. Latest version is 3.0, Java-based so it is platform/OS-independent. Uses BibTeX files (.bib) as native file format. Provides filters to import other file format: .ris, Medline, JSTOR, etc Graphical interface for editing BibTeX entries. JabRef for LaTeX users EndNote EndNote is another bibliographic software for storing, organising and formatting your references from many sources. Cite While You Write – EndNote automatically inserts references in Word document. Customise the format and style of citation automatically. Current version is X7.4. * For more information, please visit our LibGuide on Endnote. Demo of EndNote EndNote Creating a EndNote Library: Direct Exporting from databases, Importing from PDF file, Manual Input Cite While You Write – Inserting references into Word Library Proxy Bookmarklet A browser plug-in that automatically inserts “” into the URL of an article link in your browser. Quick way to see if NUS Libraries subscribes to the journal and you have access to the article. * For more information, please visit the LibGuide. Demo of Library Proxy Bookmarklet Library Tips in Google Scholar Apply Library Proxy Bookmarklet in Google Scholar to quickly see if you have access to journal articles. Change “Library Links” in Settings to “National University of Singapore” – ensures that “Find It! @NUS Libraries” appears. Change “Bibliography manager” in search results settings to ensure “Import into EndNote” appears. Library Tips in Google Scholar Start your Physics Research with NUS Libraries today! Information Sources for Academic Research List of References Library Portal: FindMore: LINC Catalogue: myLINC to check library account: Library FAQ: NUS Libraries Guide: Physics LibGuide: FindMore LibGuide: How do I find theses?: E-books LibGuide: Citation styles LibGuide: EndNote LibGuide: Library Proxy Bookmarklet LibGuide: ScholarBank: List of References NUS plagiarism prevention website, Plagiarism, Breeze presentation by Centre for English Language Communication: Avoiding Plagiarism, Breeze presentation by Dr Yang Ying, Centre for English Language Communication: NUS emodule on academic culture and plagiarism: Web of Science Training: Internet Physicist Tutorial: Tutorials - Scientific Paper: JabRef: More Useful References Postgraduate Student Resources (Compiled by NUS CDTL): EndNote training (Thomson Reuters): Early Career Researchers (Elsevier): Institute of Physics, Career Resources for Undergraduates and Graduates: Institute of Physics, Career Resources for Early Career Researcher: American Institute of Physics, Career Resources: American Physics Society, Career Guidance: Thank you for attending today! Please fill in the feedback form: Elizabeth Lee Science Library Information Desk | Tel: 6516 2454